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tv   Channel 2 News 630PM  CBS  January 13, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

6:30 pm
w hobig? eoat pweple inre led e upbeven tforeothe ltery fi ofpece oatned d golncrah da toy.-- of-nats ng filliar out cds---- igso bha...ttht tte lognery sis n' caent evt lisrethe alam ..ount.. on---mndey ahi cas--ers--- b sohaig t et itvetrn atd acte g bitatv s.lrs..thike f ts otekris60n...-80- .61.....0-80. tokayt has waalactu ply aofool mofrney heom tsr newm.oo.. -k --stri: enayoke'...wonre g nan! wid anyoeveruyne bing .. in..evbelihaes tt...?: s thiheis tni winng ernumbht...rig here. : erine got thg winnin? numberti esm: ya' migam rht re he.t.. ahesehere tne winrs. th there reey a." in ert : gorithe nught s?mber ri masua:" idre dho....o pe ser woin: thrth ive dreae? yodh go etto g o outalf sml townwi emnn" uccaer avin he e tht righernumbs?lo suise:"olarnoco of e urse wdoa.
6:31 pm
me ti s youe ee m bi'lle a iobille nair'sthatt whai'm ta alkin!"bout t ineeruck l the wines'teren i.butemt seed er ev wyoneamho ctoe ins thi7-11 d hatta lotiery ocketn r thei st lid . anbeits en ke lit thadafor ys. he otj:r rart"staited we h thline hein tk bacaland oul arhend t or st0 e. 6lepeopli in t ne aa ti .ame..llnd a l dayfrong om 9 t am:3o 10 n0 at. ight "yraj:rdestee ay wsold 6- $5sathou12nd 4 dol!"lars ..okaym ..i'in. in er a: $2ke ticn t cat i ge ?"five in erat: whky's luc? ..raj.lli te you"la swrenceol:"arno n youeverkn s ow thi mjuste ight be!the onm: tiot shoha even thlf of n is ica ndsh ad we'itbe s ptin'y rett itfor qu te someime." d an dif yougeidn't ckt a tietan ild st il wanthen....t oy'ren le sa 7 tilth....awe drising bjuste eforut8. b of co ..urse g.i'm wonnain..
6:32 pm
ee brann ch2 nel . news va neonda is ixe of ste staats th n doesowot allot the ltery. f in oact --taur ste ti cons ptutionbirohit.ts i that s meanofa lot ey monbe is ing t leftneo our orighb ts tohe west. bo "ibzien s alwayk thint abou, it wwhent e ge oto onee f thespo alwerbt ls thao gets to be smu yoch, su doofort de wonw r ho e'much wosre louing t toli ca."forniain 00 29,as then-masemblyn bo n bziee was on sof thes ponsor ilof a b wl thate ould'vedrepeal lo the y tter tban.s hat' talsohe st lae timotit got a ve -- lyeasisi pasthng in e mbassely be dfore iyingsen a nate mm coe.itteti criaycs s the erlott dy ist irecetcompition th wiin gam wg -- shilertuppoers sa imy the oupact wmild be nimal. wh and meile so u say 8p to0 mi n llioardoll rs ofueevenld coube
6:33 pm
d it'toesnwe outthigh rie sk. ciespe fallyheor ter lowss cla. g sen.onustavs u "it's tsuallyhe eopoor prople, fatm whea i hr in re the chsearat, thpe poor ople en sp md moren oney oielotters th wan the dealthy ro, andeally hu thrts lee peopts, pum themore p into tovertyn'hat do at havenymo ney." ea the wrliestd e coulplay alpowerbevl in nulada wod beaf e ter thel20-20 -ection- si conce a tinstitu conale hang d woulo have t tpass hesl legitwature aice inan row, d a beroppved by rsvote. da raowr shows sne in thsierrad anralight noin in t rthwes . reno tout atpohe airarrt we e cu tlrren ty in 4he low0's. er coolth in lle his.
6:34 pm
r fos road ishaded. n pinkwinter r weatheryadvisoti goes enll tpm ra. cames s showovsnow cered ad ro aways-8long iec0. espially ov ab00e 60 t feet.tuemperares willbe e in th20upper rs's thuday in morn mg withy ostldyclou sksts. firof half ro tomorw b wille dry. inturn tg to che ccarsonteity de hctivesave re arnosted austher sn pect i co ecnnittion wmih a hocide ieearl wr dasterpuy derrties aested
6:35 pm
ve inatstigy ors sathfired e ot shy s earlaymondni morng. fi ofsacials e ys htrwas o ying t th rob ime victnt...gra in watk ts...ofijhe maruanatk was ins wa ttryingllo se. an sken idorears chthged wird munder ang beiwi held thout . bail esdeputiar also edrestus jes and al galen -mrciaezanriqund on moay inmornteg af tr swatteeam enred aptheir enartmt. rethey aed chargbe with ing pr lsincipard to muer andma inintainugg a dr. housede sputiese ay mors arrestare ss po. ible e thksspare policmedepartnt is rr cuentlsty inveg igatinshots re fi ad atarn apt tmenlecompx on nbgreedrrae ive.po aylice sy thecereived lt mu piple chone oallsn f gu s shot 2on theoc200-blk of nb greeourae ar and 7-m this rn moing.wh olen priice ar tved atheap t artmenx compleouthey fndve seelral shngl ur injreies weor repd.te li poo ce dhanot sve actuspede ioscripthin at t bs timereut a instill witervieitng wesness. if av you hine any ioformatn cpleasee all th psparksolice
6:36 pm
st cill to come on 2hannel news -3at 6th0.... fe renoire pa de hrtmentewas a nch fire ief. l we'lucintrodu e yoimto h, and wh that he reinks aig the bgestal ch flengesg acindethe ntpartme t bursfit... a:ariannit the ceny of ra o got rcnew palael of m nd frowashoeun cot ty jusw a fes hourago... iai'm arnnnna bei'ett-- l ll tel yowhu tatanhey pl tdoo it wh
6:37 pm
oudo ynk thiyo when u esare prtiden byou'll ae paids much yoas if au wereal man-me...? s this i tone ofobhe js erwheye the havayto p youe th.same t buarthere ane so mply exames e wheroethat dsnap't hpen.i' inm goo g to dhieverytanng i c to su make ryre eve woman ryin eveet job gs paid methe sa... n e meewho arg doinobthat j. i'arm hilltoy clinn
6:38 pm
we balcome ck...
6:39 pm
itttle br. bigge r.. theeno ci ncty couilil easedy pass ati moiton at ins meety.g toda.. xi anneoung a r30ghly 7e -acr fparcelshrom waouoe rce pae'el walre tkingab is mo lemlln va. ey.. on h bots sidemoof leme.n betreen paicn iaivdr..e. and onoregle bou. vard iaara nnnnbet etinjouss ow n rolive fe m thronewsh om wita a looktht how gee chan couldaf esfect rtsidenar... i? t wellrthe shor answe. is..this sideciulon shoavdn't he much pa imrect on s.sidentle.. at ast he in t t short aerm...ngccordi au to pnzl mckethie... e cityun combcil me rer whoseeprents th arat ele parces in qu itionnes owd evby a d..elopermc. who iekenz c sayse amrwfoarasd and ked to exbe annnted itho e sicity. nce ci the s ty iirrequthed... rough ma autod.tic aisu.. to pplyse esrvice to th aarea..nyway. nzmckes ie saycithe deassion w easy. pa enul mckwhzie: "en the lo devemeper ca a to usaind sd , 'heyuli woked lian to innex to e th, cityacand lytual f payorth rve se ticesyohat oiu're gngto vi proe,de m w' itas ano er-brain t fory he citun co" cil.
6:40 pm
ayrcel sy'-- thecere conrned hethat taxir tiles wp.l go u but iemckenzs- say- nthat'sot the hecase. sa also s ys-- a--of nowth vee delopesnr haed't ask to an chhege td landeuse atsignion om frgl sinlye-famien residtial. leso whi i therepls a o an t il bured moes hom... hoit sbeuld ro y ughlsathe umme n..ber. as pl d annerebefo a mpaulzickenthe: "sie res dent thout liere n ve iraa rupel ty uncomm bity,seecaure they' vi liacng on e reagelparches. ty do lin't o ke t ahavegh neibor lo g okinhein tacir bndk wiow, an und i tadershand tt." bthataieing se d-- thpedevelor t has nobmyet sua itted final pl tan for phectroje. ve cohering t l storyriive, aanna et bennhat, c 2nnel news. ks thanna arian. to thday noe reco city uncil im unanapously aproved newpe enrmanret fief chi t forhe ty ci. ap seplau ve dahr cocotan gta a sg ndinov n atior aftecothe l unci ovapprimed h for pethe enrmansit po. tion adhe hn beeinserv ag asg ctin c fireinhief susce aug01t of 25 d an mlastheonth tci reno ty r manageenrecommm ded hithfor e
6:41 pm
chggest esallengg facinthe pa dentrtme is vereco fringcurom kstbac. dachief hrve coco an/renfire rt depa"wment: n e're oy the wato g doinwethat, hi've 32red r nea re fitefighhars te t arg gointh h rougtrthe ngainide acamiesan eyd thbe'll dy reago to l , al y 32 b ojulyisf thr, yea s ando at th h's astuge orep f iwardn br ngingis thirtdepa bmenttoack th vee le sl ofceervit thawe o want te providcithe otizensf ."renoco hachran ws beenthith ree no fiarre depsitment -9nce 198. an y d todacochief chran ceannounred the irno fe pa dertme bnt haselegun diniverg me paraledic rvvel se tice in he field. s itedtartfr last ndiday aat th h's the lighestf evel om- e-ics servate th b cane idproved. s he sayfisince terefighenrs oft onresp ad tone sceor befe a,remshe tnty wao ed t smakeure cthey panro tvideeshe bt icservsse po. iblech coief n:chray "whdenot r liveth ste besi posseble e rvicas so s on aibpossanle, atd th was r ou agoalt'nd tha ws whate'veac shcompli."ed nowco n chrahesays tiry've hed 22 ti addiaronal picamed hs toelp
6:42 pm
cithe . ty ke miha will lve aatook your stforeca.. next. . rsbut fie t - thicpublli utitiesco onmmissi o votedhen whetr ort noayto dele rats hikefor
6:43 pm
ondecisi comin ne a arw yeom and sw e neeltravpl foans opr pen le iarthe weea. lktao ed tnore-toeahir artpo fi ofs cialt aboup cheaetticks neand rlw aideine atstin fionsor e welcom. r otheg hearinaron sol ratescr in feasingtoor cusromers bughtlo
6:44 pm
odcity tay. e th upublicestilitimi comn ssioma vde aonote er whetht or noto y delaranew ikte hes. daamanch ketisledge in live the io studth with ste lateda. aman, at whhe was tio decisn?kr - isten-e thdep-u-c tocided a deny stay aton rntes u eil thethnd of e ye d ar. ann you cathbet e mm coerissiond s hearfuan earl u formolpset stoar cusmers, rk wod ers anstactivisps who oke nsagaie t thrunew les. y "nobodhawas . rmede no rat rspayee weredharmha. i ve ifsignt icanesissuh wit . thateni sp,0d 32f 00 ownmy o ne mod y an wthatagas an enreemt. e thrnretuth on nvat ienestmt towas e tako 10 tea12 yrs."th rae new k te too oeffectn the rs fi jt onryanua a forll p-rooftocusolar s,stomerin g cludinwhthose alo instled sy emsts toverashe pw t fes.yearso m froy'todaars he ming,any lepeopre exp cssedrnoncer ove nglosiue valth on hoeir mes, meinvestd nt, anrojobs fm the insolar . dustryte onstimweies o re alsdoheard wnin v las, egase wherbione g-na ctme a sor andaroliv actist ke asthd e topanel si reconder
6:45 pm
malo ruffar:. acto i "thiss haalening tl overtehe unid esstatu . yobaare llsicay re sigresndng a'r youg e doinit. yo e u arblthe puliic utity co onmmissiic. publ's. that t. firs" ngduri e thethnd of ine hearg, nethe pa tl madewnheir o tscommen t abouisthe sue.ul paen thomsrm, chai: an puc"it n' does mt makecoe untamforble to y trroto p 9tectf 8% oderesints s in thie statdowho ven't ha net ri metethng on ofeir ros. i thinkwe in can flad a bance." co tveringryhe stoam, daanke getchledne, chanwsl 2 ne. ra owdar shows snth in rae sieran t d lighn rain iesnorthwt no re. ou het at trt airpoar we e
6:46 pm
n oler illthe his.we ve do ha r chaintiestricons fo adr roeds shadnk in pier. wint r weatheryadvisoti goes ll ten ca pm. shmeras owows sner coved ysroadwang alo0. i-8ia especlly ab 00ove 60t. feepe tems rature will n be ipethe up tr 20'sdahursy inmorn mg withclostly oudy ie skirs. ff st halof owtomorrbe will fu dry. sttureca ow shers showris tapeng offni toroght thurugh thsday g.mornin l afteromunch torrow ow sngi bethns in rae siereg and bins
6:47 pm
er where tempatures bwillrme waster. ju like da tonly. mai oy rainthut at e ai wirport thme somi snow fxed inor the rt not hwesf side ooutown. r s nextliystem ngers ro thidugh frniay morveng. sen shday ghows hihes in t lower a 40'ss nd lowar nein freezhag. we evve seral em systvis mon,ng ilo none ok ry ve r radasnshows n ow isithe erra li and inght rart in nohwest no reat. out ir the ae port ware encurrintly l the0'ow 4s. ol con er ihithe wlls. he doave ch reain ctstri fionsoaor rds ed shad ipin wink. wnterereathvi
6:48 pm
caowras shows sner coved waroadngys alo e i-80.llspeciay e abov f6000emeet. treperatus willbe ithn r e uppehu20's trsday in morn mg withy ostldyclou ie skirs. ff st halorof tomrow ll wiy. be drec futurowast shs s showerngtaperi offni toroght thurugh thsdaymo arning.unfter lorch tomrow egsnow b tins inrrhe siea and tbeginsl o spil ioverthnto e ey vall t wheretuemperallres wi ar be wusmer. j tt likeoday. in man ly rai tout atpohe airrt ngcomiin up rt spoths boe e is atstbre coonars coe tmingo orlawlnt events ce terigon, ht rr gataett a kes alookvat neda's onextenppond t anl we'lhear
6:49 pm
th upe co.le.. wawho ntsasgrd s-febeef th oeat d esn'tooat tch muth of r th she caap-str pede collegsttuden mpwho sitsly wanan orgic caand loodl pruce. th ree pa..nts.y who matnoha hve ahyealtt, budge bu ilt st sl makethure eirilch edren hathyealt. yo spu inusire to doytevere hing
6:50 pm
ou if ydo're eving hierythtng rig ndbut fiha it arderdend hartor y, get bou yno're ont ale. ouwhile ler peop worknglorser houow for leser wag, al amostewll nom ince go thes to p e to1%. n my plae -- maktrwall seet s bankthand are ultrich thpay faeir hair sf re os,taxe idprovvie liagng wes wofor g rkinlepeop, en esure pqualoray fen wom. m i' sbernie.anders ap i e prov mthis essagee becausertogeth, anwe ce makpo a calitilul revotion d antecreaec an yonomd ancrdemothacy orat works f all
6:51 pm
e threguys at 6-0 a ahomeownd nwo k lf pacbamen's llsketbam tea is in lookeeg to k pp thatcterfe echome rivord alghe tonit as inmountat weserconfo-ence c ad leoier btase s cteesomo t la ewlors ventercent. e boise statlais p lyingonike e of he tfe cone rencvofateriths eyar ise thea s..son. b.theosronc cwillntom iiso th 1 one2-4 ov erl al 3withf -oosth4 e esloss 1 tora0th ankednarizoic "twe" d 3redrankic mgahistn e atd an th e ey'vt upse r23rdkeanord oneg in
6:52 pm
one brarcos soe al o onee f th tthot esamteins he ton crefee nc nghavi w 9onai-strgaght e they'rstin fir. placeo not toma eony parple pee exg ctinus to n. wilo we esve gamth like at, we b loveei tngndhe ug.erdoe wha cve aonhip ur oho sdeulr. bo e isn caorscate ve erypo . sitiony'so thearre a hd team pato pre, re forand knyou heow tvey haot a l of ri expe..ence of tip awf at lt lor sem.for 7p nf hel, wodre theay tve cleland nsbrowro intfoduced airmer rders chead aoachgand benffls oveensico naordihutor e ja n cksoheas tewir nd heah coac . rehe'll acplkee miti peto n whwa res fited afinr go13g 3-s thipa
6:53 pm
d ck jan sos hat spene thstpawo t onseasres dig ctinincinc'snati of e.fens y butigou mecht rheall d coacheoad klan01in 2ea1, ldingth ide ratoers 8- an co8 rerd. thhes owe brigns ehehth oaad cch nc si99e 19 rn kele valaty stise pron cioffisaals rmy fofler nni runngba ck enlawrhice ps llipbehas ouen fnd ad dehi in iss prelon cndl, a ey thpe susuict s. cideth -ye 40olear d d ha ibeenn egsegrn atioe sincl apri2013 r afteashe wpe sus octedf ll kihiing lls ce. mate psphillid player fostthe . lo rauis efms bbeore reing edleas 1in7.99e h palsod layethfor e am milpi do ahinsannd snc fraisco s.49erwa he nvs cod icte ofok chhiing rls gindfrie anddr g ivincahis r t intoeehree t20ns in 05. an th gksreartt. xt ne w, mikeveill haal a fin t look a wyourereathre. you'
6:54 pm
cayou n oncount . aongevera t, it takes hreendhuamred aneric srkwofoing a r d soliarye, akto m me asmouch asney t oneop ceo. it le's cald wathe apge g. th and ble repuwiicans akll mite rswobye lerowg inxetafos r osth te atophe t l andngetti rpcoatornsiori wte ei thrur own les. ll hiinary clllton wik worto thclose ge wageap. eql uay par fomewoton ai rse meincor s fomifa,lies a erhighim minagum we, lo xewer taths for lee middas cls. ll she' t getobhe jfo done .r us
6:55 pm
n seveshday hiows tghs inhewe lo ar 40'ss nd lownear ee frwezing. se have veral
6:56 pm
ry veg stronstand mobe will j >>meust mos nt nfromow, heanoterr playat will tempt f toheight t qir waynuestio ueby qn stiotto tha ma ultizete pri m of $1.illion ll wima they ke it? le s t'utfind o on ho "wts wan a to beli mil."onaire [auslae] ma[dramutic sic] th yoank ryu veh. muc i'chm haris onrris. lc wetoome s thehow. ar u e yo rguys teadyayo pl"w anho wo ts t mbe aliilreonai"? [a uspplae] abhow weout nu contie to y plait? ca behause tvingleraved e thd,worl' youd kthin reour inturnntg contesta wo uld' sveiteen . all do i n'int the'k shs severeen a iomilllln doars. ho i hepe ss doey.toda fr
6:57 pm
weasemeelcok bacm elhab.jaza
6:58 pm
6:59 pm


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