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tv   Channel 2 News 5PM  CBS  January 15, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

5:00 pm
hown t sugh,aro be cs eful ate atmper dureserrop teeseraturur are c irentlyn e th'slow 40ov with t ernighlows ct expebeed to pl a coueee degrs twarmerishan thni moroung. r s nextm ysteetis gloting cser to rncalifondia an soowillpr apevoach nadada. rs ar it quie t atomhe ment. e ic ron theadoads msse a me of sy istemins getterg clos to er warmth than niis morr ng. ou ysnext s gtem is cettingtoloser st t ill wentpavemed arountown gh thoue , so bl carefuasne text sysetm is gloting ctoser focali arnian nd soowill
5:01 pm
ic hee on t m roadsa ade omessf th ine mornutg comme.ta ooke a lhik at t fs messrom ea torlier ouday, yee can s the ndrain aw snozifreethng on e ro caads aused o lotfff dityicul r fooppe pleassioung thr0 gh i-8si ehngle-vraicle cndshes adr crivers iashinge nto on heanotr.rt s c tells us thiheweatr im
5:02 pm
giscott rtbson, ecc projt en : gineern "raihein tng eveni, t then icogot t ld a tnight.hen in thzegs fro i. snown the rn mo ting atarhe eouly hrs and hethen tom sun c aes outt nd jus t asorhe momning cs mute i tt hiiting ." hjeff rale,irtc dr ecto of gieninneereng: "whoa the r d insurfaczeg free cs, thes rack a get lelitt b bitr,igges get tumoisn re ie thertrand c affi ns colytantvi driveng o. r itit ee franzes e d thfitrafc co uentin ps tondout i isot ta a kes otolladn ros." t asnohe sntw cos inueelto mt, tc war h fos road tlikewhhis ere e icmiis forng. dr one wiverede talks to wami com ng frofocali arniand he s say' nit'sooot tow bad n but he 'sin tak eg itbeasy thindhe ee wh il just. n case
5:03 pm
w he snoltwas med ing anmore rdtowasas sulenvilre the's a lelitte morheweatikr, le er thsoe's nome s tw onrohe gund d anf.stufer othn tha ithatt 'twasn b tooeaad r illy.t 'twasnth anytoing ry worut abo. k just dind of arivetl lite er slowe and bsafe."p nhderesponozd to dofens spnhp retoonded s dozenof ntaccidey s todaeyand thn war nh spp red ondeozto dofens ntaccidey s todaeyand th warn at thak you tioe cautrin dung e your cvening tommute. onight edketchlange, chnenel 2 ws. ri in ceame b tt... wonighte have pd an u sate onirhots fed on kbbrineny avn ue i lrenoast ni ght. ce polica were ll ted outo kb brinuey avend arounas5-15 lt ni onght ep a r sort ofirhots fedto inup a groop of peckle. luily o no ine was..njured r afteiginvest pating,olice re g- crais.jonehe wiy deadlonweap. rethe icno polrte depa nmentow
5:04 pm
xtthe ne w chiefbeill af... ter e th ccityouusncil s ipendedts ti naeaonal srch.ia arnnnna besaett wt downith f chien jaso. soto..rnto lea bomore aimut han... pld his ans e for thmedepartarnt... i?ch toief soil is stndl kiin of li timbo unmbl 201.. but s he iirthe heen appartht for e si po. tion.. aand isincting the orrole f. nowinorige ally hhad h said'te wasnes inter tted inhe an permpoent onsitid ... anwas st juli filn ng ithuntil e city ci cound l couleado a sk i aimed hwh... haat cngeds himind. : soto d"after ioingr t foorsix ve sehsn montal, i re tizedi hat fewas ef active,wand it s g,workino and sthdid e mm coy.unitgo so i t t a loofpp suomort fr c theniommuty. i t got a loupof s fportmyrom af st ff, andthrom mee n and me wohen of tpo reno lice rtdepament." to so sheays fi is a ierm belver in ni communvty imeolveannt... d towants as increcee poli en presnece in hoighborods. i whasked bat theiggest lechalrenges abl to puetic safy renso alto... thong wier offic tim dw broaagay... . reed..thatre 4-no's 2athour nesure prentsme
5:05 pm
oa br: dway r"well, ueno isnique,ia ar anna,u s yo, knowa being r 24-houyotown. u have24 ga-hour , mblingr 24-hou entransi-hcy, 24inour drking. weso, e do ses in thi larea aot c ofssrime ad ociatewith typropers, crimea with large si tranpuent po tlation ghat weet icomingnonto re." ke i ashed if tcty expe thosecr timescro ins ease aour po onpulatiws groan... d theysa y id thedo. to sosa also heys... s doe ciantihepate tfo need e r quita w feolmore pofice rsfice. tto seel he fulieintervnew-- tu r in oyoset fur dvre or facthe thstate eeis w. kendit in's airrrg tomot ow a4:30am an... sd onatunday am 6:30 an 0 d 10:3 pm. ricove sng theivtory lane, arinabe cnnett,elhann 2 news. n also ibecrime . at..oea wash un coudty jasge hnc sente6-ed a 1 -o yearm ld fro isparksn co onnnectia with imurdern beseptem01r of 24. os carlya montoen was s ttencedo 30 i yearsonn pris afterea pl gdingy uiltctlast oo ober t bi stabisng hgh neibrbor - ian hamarsll. pr
5:06 pm
o timestf the aabbingnd a medocu gntedmbang meer. he b won'tige el fibleolor pare lfor atstea 1s.2 year shand wantoe coutiy depues are iginvesta ating l fatah crasinsu lln vahiey trns moing. stinveorigaty s saita whe pi p ck-ua ran sstopatign sun bvalleyrdouleva apand arriahoe dunve arod 6:15 is th mnior..ngcr. seosd the ul boanevard opd stinped a h. ditc pu deayties sri the dwaver s ho alspitbuized, r t latepassed away. in atvestig nors dopeot susct - speed e nor thr weathes - waa ifactorcrn the aash...y nd they samathe s n wag wearina beseatlt. lo aroking heound tn. natio.. 12 li miertary p asonnelsire misngte afmar two elrine hrsicopte coedllid t offahhe oasu cot in iihawa. se carch arewscare sg nninthe te wa hrs offs awaii'focoast r siany ofgns t thearwo mine li heercopthis, wolch cd lide ngduriig a nmehttiin traing ss milaion aste lght nit. urhigh so f up tt-15 fee--and ou clondy cs ditionare cacompliheting th searcthat ovbegan t.ernigh
5:07 pm
tscueoueams fn nd aliempty fe , raftisdebrvi, and flsible amesab 2-out lfand-ha o milesffhu oath's nor n shoreleear haiwa . th tae miliinry is atvestiging e thofcause cc the aident. co ngmip u connnha 2elew w's aweild d ekenon ..tap.udincling ana cho ce tsosee rome ponfesial llbu rg idint righ iherewnn to. il detaurs in oof list ng this 2 do. d anthcee rapl to reseace r nato rr haidy res iheupating . weta loke a cokser loo' at whs nn ruin fg tol ilathis se... at 5:30 rsbut fihit... tays sund0 on "6 s"minuteie charlsp rose teakso ensean poun abint his terview th wi m the dexicang rulord el o. chapow.. hpe is ponn resnding to io questbons aowut hde he mant cothact wiap el cho? stthe afory thter eae brk. "y e ou'rhiwatc cngha 2nnel ws newi... rith k rstengteminon, on landle milndr, a me ikgealr's ntpinpoior two f" ecast!
5:08 pm
e welcom. back..ensean pt n sa w downarith chselie rolk to ta ou abe t ths actor'g rollinstone te inwirview cth "el- hapo" a et meating thpe heladd lee to th nt warued d'sg lordre captu. hn jote pota r has w previeof theup ngcomier intthview, atwi sell be n en oaysund's edition 6 ofnu0 mites. : pennre"theth is h is mytabout e tht visi wthatdee ma..." an sen pen"6tells te0 minus'" che arli trosehehat s doenot evbelis e hibeoctoter inrview elwith "" chapo tled tog he dru rd loap's c ltureweast ek. pe "tnn: exhe m gicannmoverent,
5:09 pm
mi hu bliatednoy the hation tt e someonhifound rem befo they eldid. wodl, nobuny fom d hi fo behere td.y di we di . dn'te we'rsmnot r artethan a deheor tic mexntan igeellince. adwe hon a c utactwhpon weich we e re ablacto fatilite anin tivitaon" an guzmed escapf one o'smexico mumaxirim secusoty prit ns las july raby cg wlinugthroa h iholen hi ows shnder an thelea mig -lontu 3nnelet0-feer undndgrou. heis ie beltoved re be sisponble fo anr as m4-y as 3ndthousaat defihs. ofsacials s y hi nasia lortca iels e th onumberplne supier ofro hecain, cod ine ananmarijua to u.the se roo : "dliyou beateve th the xi megocan mevernntse relead this aris pcat bethuse teey wand to yo see edu blamo and tu put yoat ?" risk " penn:osyes" reye: "th ed want to co
5:10 pm
irin thess cros?hairnn" pe: es "y" rorese: "aea you forrful fur yo" life?"npenn: o." pe s nn saycuthe foiss on h inmeet gg withanuzman d his pt recaanure me hs thaticis artle wh - s ich waedsupposin to brg at n tentio wto then ar os drug- ha ils facoed. ngveri s theryto, hnjor, potteha c 2nnelew ns. geand anchla sngilliha will ve a lo yook at ecur foromast, cing upne xt. ma anrlie: r othesebig oll offn wa eell strint has orvests on i'edge. iem marlat hall ew the nrk yo e stockngxchathe wi thela
5:11 pm
we balcome inck... money h. watc s.. theartock mket is tendingeehe wthk wier anoth p,steee tripldedigit cline. iemarll hals reporthefrom t newyo tork sxcck ee.hang wa trll stoeet nook ather at be aing.e t ont poindothe w jo nes in ridustveal a lraget osremo 00than 5s pointre- befocl doosing lown co se g osinbell ve ins storokto tirheue cro fm thl e oietmarker aftce pris sl d umpew belool30-d alars rr bathel. tat'she lleowest vel in ye 12- sars.tephen foguilnyyle/rase t "der:it t mighonsave c asumersuc few bkshe tre anduthere b a lot he of t cse oilniompa les areaden omwith sbte dee . thosstocks wi o ll gr.lowese thopa comnies bwillrce foo ed tpelay opleof
5:12 pm
g llinproil hicesalave y readle hd toedundr ts ofanhousf ds o yo lainffs i thetrndushay. sres nein egirgy cants ahevronnd n exxodeskidr,d loweli fueng the br r oade osellmaff. rlie /nhall "yse:shthe p akeuhein t l oietmark m hase ada for h roug t starheto t y new sear.tock espric d aremoown hare tn 8- rc peinent t jusrsthe fio t tw s. weekgn" si as ofomn econic do slowchwn in haina lsve ao ra thttled e s a ilumpn wothe s rld'ndsecoge bigst on eccoomy leuld o ad tmia dono cteffe ad rounwothe rld. he stepfon guilseyle/nyr: trade t"forvehe anvrage ir,esto youpr sobably'thouldn c yheckour 40 ig1k rowht nau bect'se is go toing y putn ou id a ba."mood twithowhe din losreg mon thaa ou thoisand pncnts sie the be g ginnin nof theeaew yher, t etmarkon is ck tra i fororts wstmo sinth thnce nae fil ncia domeltn wn i. 2009iemarll, hal an ch2 nel ne. ws r foormuch mhee on tck stos sslide,netay tuthd for e "cbsev neening thws" wi selcott pley-up t nexixat s. ar so fsn, the iowpackous abt ce10-pervent aboge avera. as and ne paul holson s- ws us
5:13 pm
t greaapshe,di heantng ie o th li howeday d.eken rs skieat st firnc gla ye --ouou wldne owver knit that ed stormov t.ernighju hest tt latesinin a wter 's thathu been tge forhe re oeno-taha. are iemarcth "i itink re's gtoat. wn miis booe ng, tharlines , e long op perele ae, herel hote s arfi g llinitup. an's fictast. yoevers ne iteexci bd toe inho tat e righnow." no tarthss r hahamore tn 245 ch inf es oo snow s afar -- frrees shingfoite ngr loe -tim rsskiete, afurr fo w dryrsinte a in. rowju t lie "is remindthme of d e olda iyshon tan e, whed we useto lo get snts of ndow aat gre askiings nd it'atso gre that acit's bn.k agai" mb col ine al sthatwinow heth tsu -nshined - an amost, greethe iocondit'tns don m getbeuch tterth thi " johneait's b, utifulfubeautil i day.t t's notetoo of wn thate a get rdbluebir powdeday up re he t. soitake n wheanwe c get it ul pat "no ionlye s thheweatr rf pefoect ttr hithing ope slesbu let brad 1y saysch8 inf es o wd poeler frel hein dure g thlastst
5:14 pm
wethe d ek, ane it camat a t perfecmatime. lrtinheutr ng kiwe, jr. d ekenneis oe of thbu t siesheof tr. yea" li jue e "w ahave o lotopf pele ucoming fp heree rom thbay,fr enom r eo.onveryexe's d citeto t geerout thr e fo3-the day we d ekenthand ore sts m wastju wlikehiolte g sd to ttarthewe d ekenoff." sn arowborad stg ppin sjohnroilvandli are laug n inbo ivth l le inegas vutas bw greup n ireno. th reey at juspetwo toplehat e y.lida en laurad "we hay a 3-dnd weekeom frl, schoo d so weedecid to e driv wup. itboas a 7ut a-hour iv dre." e thbithree weggest fekendsor reski s sortiotraditfanally ll ndarou y new, earsk,m-l- and idpress ent'. daysthbut owe sn me caly ears thi ayearnd rt nohsoptar aenedk weey earl--vi giheng tor resbot a nus ek wer end fogithanksving. stchriwamas s igalso b. mapercie "erople we justth edrill w. itlmas aost mi sodseandn consitiom frothe gi be" nning. rg laowe cr eds aretexpecomd frno llw tida mon by --haut tt's t nog scarin apeopleway. "johny as bust as ibemay in e thinparkt,g lore thele's pnty s ofp pace u thereado spre our
5:15 pm
aslopesavnd hthe ene op spacehe re." op peerle hy e sa otheyexnly pect cothe iondito ns tbeget atters re moto srm ts come. hroughco ngverito the sulry, pan, nelso ne channel two ws. "c 2hannelco news s ntinuewithme ogteorolt isgean slailchngli's nppioiornt 2 f" ecast! te afugr a routh comme thisrn monsing suashine hed allow ertempesaturrm to wath into e 's 40l . stilvewet pa amentd roun t townh,hougbe so ul caref as er tempesaturp teeseraturur are c irentlyn lo the ww 40'serith ovlonight wsex edpect a to bee coupls degreerm wan er thaorthis mouning. r ne xtst sygeem is cltting o oser t rncalifo sia andlloon wipr apevoach nadada. rquar is iet t atenhe momurt. futshecast ows re mon raisnand igow tonht.
5:16 pm
t bug gettinerstrongt jusrebefo ri sunsmase. tyjorie of thsnowwi ll fibe con tned torrhe siea, but c we san seeilome sp il overnto va oclley lnsatiowe as ryll. vesi r milat to wha lwe sawast gh nixpt, eect gh tonipet, tems raturenewill o dor two wegreesarmer. n sevehodays s hwsigeahs nr fi ovfty wer the, eekendwith a sudry nday in morn ag, andmoctive thnday. e or stonm on ms day hamoremo tisturewoo rkbu with t will af a ter corough thmmute is inmornhig suns ane hasllowedte
5:17 pm
. 40'swestill met paveunnt arod hotown to ugh, sarbe c aefuls te urmperatp es dronioverght.te atmperreures ant currely in e th40low h 's witghovernit lowsex tpected co be ae oupleedegrs twarmerishan thng morni. our xt nem systetiis getseng clor to rncalifo sia andlloon wiap chproaa. nevad i radart s quie t atenhe momutt. fasurecs t show rmoreanain owd snig tonht. be g ginninlyas eardn as miight, bu t g gettinerstrongt jusrebefo ri sunsjose. ma oritye f thsnowll wi c befiontoned ie the sutrra, b an we com see sl e spilntover io lvalleynsocatiowe as vell. ry la simi wr towehat as saw lt gh niect, expt
5:18 pm
eg two d wreesr.armese daven hoys sigws heahs nr y fift tovereehe w, kend awith nddry suniay moranng, tid acve aymonde . thonstorm y mondahas more remoisturk to wobu with t willal e so b owarmerhtvernig. s let'incheck e on thwiroads thr oufitrafpoc reharter cisonan deth in ice aloie 96 pnt 5tr ceaffic exnter. spectome c traffi ion i80e n thhespagtti er the i' aim chdeson tan andyohat's ur fi trafc mico ung..p.e
5:19 pm
rt pad nere pwitharetsmt to ca take f re o pyourheets. t des tailngcomiat up 0. 5:3 pl. us..audj dn ...i . town..enin e je srsey! horeaa wht?aaaaaawe ll'll tehe you wn whand - ere
5:20 pm
balcome arck... u e yoinlookg wifor a keld weend? ca beeruse thsoe are ilme wd th gings ooinghen in tth area is en weekd. w fromllild bug ridin tactiono th ale anim.. ark.. nto aight ctclub as that'ysalwald wiin....eren bre o hast ur lis t of2 hings do. -- --zy-craic musn othe nkli----- le t't s starwi tth wheildestth g inheon tt. lisal..shl ?? wecl??? ..ubbersk ..chec this out. -- --ic mus-- -n ---oe thnkli audj dl .wiln be i ..townpe..apinar lg gsthe nir toght! c he'sg ominigstraroht fe m th je srseyrehod ....ane will b nn rue ing ththparty arere stting 0 at 1ghtoniant...ind gog l. tihe...wr!neve -n------ats--- om frd wilc musiilto wtid acon t asrohe pfenassiolll buer rids inare n tow wthisndeeke. tooth beey'll in ridllg buats th h weigucas m 2h as-tanhousd dspoun l atr awlotsevente cenmor torrow tnight.g hat bitashow srts at 7.
5:21 pm
cayou t n geima glofpse l rea awildlsniman ...ierwintth at e an rkimal as thid.weeken while sathe arnctu uy islysualse clod r foerwinty thepedo or n foa co oupleekf we tendsveo gi yo everne c anchatoe t seehem en ngjoyi w ther inteheweat ar.nd is thon is te of whosenkeekeds. 'l theypel be osun fndayrom . 11-3-- c --musihefrom t-- 30's--- u and yocacan h tca psglime of ti old tst hi soricaltyociell. a coonecti isof hl toricaogphotbyraphs r renot esidenapjan helin n is osp dierlay thwie and ll be ro thriugh eya show f side ohareno tt no ot manyivf us loued thrgh but d sureowoes shhe off tct charaer t ofighe b lgeste ittl icityn e thworld. -b --ngowli---- yoand n u caunhave fng bowli a lafew atnes n thenaatiol inbowladg stinium nt dowreown no w thisndeeketh....l at wilraise ne morey for ntsideths widi tisabilihaes to e ve somn fu umthis smer amat ctsp lo. afunth nue anowal b tlingamournisent mo to frrow11rom to 6. wi fth af ew ogsthino 2 dthis ek wed eniner benreha celnn 2 ws ne. de for ontails e theseanvents d
5:22 pm
icand clhek on te onlinn versio ofst this ory. ghtonie t on tof theinhree wrsneof we this ecek's rweord pol rbal po jackcot has wame forrd. th lee coupte from e nnesse amade bl puppic ae earanc t- withheir g dool- to chelect tniir winngs."i lit's a ottlelmverwheing!" oblisa rsainson uys sheerrged h an husb td john fo stoporti onckets t hhe wayome dawednest.y nighst he atopped if na geh'sryrocere sto in mu ornf ad...y nd thehemade t as purh ae ofet lifime. rothe s binsonkiare taheng tne 3arlyil28 m dlionr ollalump bsum,auec tsey hequsay ote:he "ty' gre noteeuarant d rrtomoow."th n ey pla oto payirff the ht daug ser'snttude.. loans. and ilst bl beatack wneork eext wk. i' bm t at's ita o ke te replacr senatoharry id rewa in gtshina on....lot ofwo ark and mlot of. oneyildetas on an the cs didate tint hace rate....afbrr the eak. an and chgela sngillil wilhave a a look ft yourt,orecasg cominupxt
5:23 pm
th arere o e twatdemocr vicnsisiofo lar regualting wetl stre .ysone saok it's taay to ke nsmilliobi from sg bank d an tthenthell haem w dt -- plan br teak up bhe biganks, thclose x e taholooples, an ked mam the payr thei sfair.hare wthenexe can eapand hcalth re llto a, d ane providsauniverlll coucege edn.atiowi y ll the mlikenoe? .
5:24 pm
yo ttu beeler bt.ieve i m i'rnbeanie s dersd anpri apthove esis msage. e th hnevadasoumane y cietisur wginge ashotycounid resents n tor euter thei..pets. thand e ey'rnggivi g you areatce
5:25 pm
s "thihais c 2nnels, newco raveouge y c can oountn" pwe sawoflenty r slick aoadsnd tsnowmohis g rninghthous thingie drthd out utroughoay the d... an but waother cove is ming. m stortowatch nnps chaewel 2 ns at 5:30. wa a emrmer terperatupe helr d ouad roous dry y t toda lbut itooks ke liy thegecould agt wet ain on so e. good iveningdo'm lann . miller i' and tem krisngn remiton,th fanksoior jngni utos ghnit. b weinegit worh sttcm wah vecogera. .. temeisorologlat angeli schilng fois in tr mike..onightla. angewi e ll wmosee n re raiw or sno
5:26 pm
roter a mmugh cothute is
5:28 pm
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