tv Face the State CBS January 16, 2016 4:30am-5:00am PST
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afright e ter thbreak. jj j jj j jjj ar a iannetbennelt: w tcomeceo fa stthe iate,ri'm a bannattenneth yoank r u fog bein uwiths. fwellr orme prenoe olicf chie e stevs pittrisurpmased nype iopler n ouuncommwhity e en hpu usheds p hirereti dmentate alast. prile whil ctheyctondued tia na sonalh earca for new ie chhef, to ren ccityilounc inappoanted er inteaim lfoder r d thatept,artmen l but aot has d changee sincnothen. f w chie n jasos soto iowhere nme with al to tt k abouatthso. jan, ksthanch so muom for c ting onheow shso. ja: n sotoyothank u for mhavinge. t:bennety, okai so ermean we yo rpu sud riseouwhen yhe got t t callthhat aney wu ted yotost anep up td leadarhe deptment?to sou : yo iknowa t was uniquetu sianation id when t gothe
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t fromrehe al a, tel lus aittle bi t abyoout lfurse. : soto, well'vwe iene bere in no nc si78e 19gr. i p ew uarin vious erdiffarent bueas ent th the no remu com. nity kso irenow noet prl.ty welto went sc high hool grhere. d aduateeefrom rd high wschoolk ay bac98in 1en8. wt totr e uckeowmeadmms coy unit ll coanege d i knyou iowt' ms justy mm co love ae renorea. nn be nett:'vow youa e had few ff dijoerent pbs andnsositioth wi rin thetepd, s ll ut abou sothat. veto: i' q had auite aw. fert i sta aed offcis a anviliem eeployng workiro the fk nt des ck ba19 in ci97. deteded afr a fe s w year wthat iikould le towo thrk in n e sworifrealm you ll wite. starf d of pas aatrol ce offid r an sthen itarted g workinifsome dferent gn assis.mentke i wore d horsun mounted n it whe awe had horse temounitd unrk. i wooued in r gr backdiounds . visionoui was r f chieappolygramh ex ainernd i
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ci asson,atio ourio unoun if y will. t:bennet i okay,res it ptty ty ofpical e peoplvewho ha been hewith ttm deparloent a imng te h tothave idat w ae ofie varty j oforobs ? so noto: r, atpoeno licede mepartyont, ulu co yd ifou . wantopthe unportisity aicertthnly soere t' thae s onofth iqe unndue aat greng this ab ouout par dentrtmeth is ouat yca u n yodocan fe difrent si asntgnmed s anyoand owu kn do orit f o tworer thare yed s anth oven m te onmeo sog thin. else eeit kt ps tha c- thathange ke e eps threjob eallyg.xcitinbe t:nnetno so hiw in tjos top b,w hoouhave ynd fou thepe ex triencesoo be? into: thep tovejob i'nd fou b it toe very 's - itch very ngalle iing.t's ve itry excnding. a very re g.wardin etbenneat: i mt n is iis it t abou ywhatxpou eorected have er thene bell chas enge ythatou st jun' dide t sengcomi? so weto: yllnoou k tw ing akininta okingisn the rolerformly i thwas ese prt idenheof tas atsocisoion or i wked lareguwirly orth fchmer ief tt pid s andeour cputys hiefand
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tpicsclo inyoude owu kn inworkndg consitio, di lisciporne f o forerffics ifth f ey ie therisis dinciple to h beanad. ity cr iicalenncidts i alwas tways therepro ret.esen t so where las af ot oe thos atoperl ionalsskilt thad i ha neleard iwhen t wasrehe pntsideth of e so asn.ciatio etbennkat: o ty. nowashere w a le littf bit o wa snagithen co mmes toyoaking u the of , ficialanpermchent tief ofhe rtdepausment just becaome of se s rulehein to renpamunicil codeou abngt havile a colrege dege, eafive ymars of ntnageme ri expe, enceorthat st of g. thinit the cciy counl has ci dethded eaey rntlly wao you t hebe tma per cnent, hiefarhow e k we gind of pettingosast the s?hurdle so soto: of some in the mimum if qualnsicatioxa had es ctly au yo hsaido ad th do witn certaisc g hoolinemrequir wents ihichs wh e at i'vorbeen w okingr n fofo ver seyeral aars.lls we t asinime os a pn itioofma menagesont. re it jallyust
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fi denewh haat t, t ishewhetetr-whorher no wt myasork a theiassoction of p thederesif nt othe so asiociats n wanaa mantgemepe ty pn ositio. or notthbut raer gthan ao innd try c toe hangimthose thpudes e l councitoopted m put ie in a pp su aose onea two yr tdealeto me r thosemeequirents t so thaidthey dhan't ve to ge chanq' the mnes. benaytt: ok as so b iically'st's-ite- a givin as 17 of 20to? soec: corrt. t:bennetbe decem17r 20? to soce: de01mber t:nnet w youbeill the ci offimaal per cnenthief. : sotoy if they if thetochose t dohat. if but de they hacide tt theyul wo td likeepo kee ms on ach bief.ttenneay: ok y nowou inorig dallyt idn' twanthepo onsitiat. whng chasoed? to: u yo tknowuphe s fportthrom e mm coy,unit s thertuppom frothe rtdepa. ment ioncert stahied ts ro ndle as thitiposi ton i ihere e'therlos a ot ofacutre ah. im a bebig erliev in uncommpoity nglicii so tlikeo go i oute n thuncomm wity,ork wi
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uncomm dity,reiffeeont pple wi tthinomhe ctymunid . ani'm fr enom rndo. aer aftng doi it r fo 76 orth monres i edaliz at thas i wec eff ativet nd iwas g,workino and sthdid e mm coy.unitgo so i t t a loofsu frpport heom tni commuty, i go t t a lopoof supm rt fromy my st d aff anhefrom t a menennd womof r theo encepoliar onnett:o kay, southen y just de d cidelihey i hike tb,s jo ll i' m throwt y hahein t ring?so i'to: tll mhrowiny hat the , ringt.correc nn bekaett: o ty, andeyhen thsp suthended one natircal seah,so gr conioatulattons. sok : than u.ank yo et benn rt: allnoight, aiw certn ci ncty coubeil memavrs he sc ded ribeasyou ro a psigresvele aader'mnd iio curbous aut hawhat ts?t meanul shos d we aci etizenst xpeceeto sbi some g an ch tges iniche pole de ntpartme? i soto: k thin ywhatx-ou eshould ctexpese to ome fris me ot a l ng of et.agemenly i truve belie muin comolnity panicing d un commgaity en ggementutoing oin heto tmu com, nityjunot st se myutlf bst my anaff d my pl ems oyeehaand aving tirelaiponshh witcoour itmmuny.i lyrealnk this it'rtimpoinant da toagy's lie po tcingveo ha rthatioelatp nshi ywithour mm coy unit
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etvari dy ofreiffevent eannts d gsthint thahiwe trenk a po imt rtanthfor reis aora, f the no rea, areng thikes life difrent owayscrf renguitiha to ve a e forclia poorce fhace tt is fl reveectiit of om's ctymuni. at th w is,vee hang thikes li cup th wiop a che wrean you ct go ou ha and cve af up o wcoffeeith wi icth polcee offindrs at jusas emk thst que. ionsn'you dot wa alt ys want to jusposee a lice fi ofybcer ma ye whend ou neehim t' or ills a ca s for. erviceit'sni hace to s ve thitythese pes of er convs sation aover o cupf ff cor ee ot just antan eve. nn bekaett: o ty. arenyhere a msprograpo or tliciese hat aronyo isur wsth lio tgechan. i me than anyating thea you rlly e se nthat ueedsinpdatotg? so: twellolechn iogy,lintele gencle lid po icingrts cey ainlw a ne en trt d no honlyatere the no reic polpae dentrtme but ro thutugho c theryount and 'sthatt jusg usinnotech tlogyo nd fime crind tred s anp be uto d.speeyo as owu kn w our horldas
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notechlllogicaeny drivso. and -iit'sret's oually tstgh to ay opon tth of yoat as tu knowhese cedevichs are ranginglyegular d ane we havngto cha te withhem.we to have p keeroin fthnt of at no techl logica osidelif pocing. t sothhat's oat'srene ae a we'r wreally horking tard tory and e improvroto impurve ogr proess ha on t:nnett what does io take t schangengomethie likisthat? m it aofatter ng getti the medepartetnt bchter tegynolo? isit m ar attefeof difyprent tes of ti educasoons 's theree morde uninrstandg? to some: soit of be is tterte gychnoloso, f me ojuit is st ng havinn persot el thahave a io passo n to tntdive iato th pe tyrk of wori and binng us to c thisryentun wheesit com to wh t en is come ecto toghnols y. aknyou e'ow wre cepoliic off wers,nde kili of ke o to dgsthinee and kgsp thin the wesame. ea're croftures it hab. t soanhis chouge yw knothis ns cohatant c nnge isy ot easbut in i th'rk weg e dointya pretgo obod je her. at rpdetbennt: i in th'sk thatrl faiy pr retiesentaf ve oputhe polation
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meav i hpde to uate - so aito: agn?nn beett: n. agait i jusd updateeryestday.ay okn and i sthatiname vedy, bo c worn famerasolor pice - insometh'sg thatn beeedtalk t abouaca lot trossathe nion hevenloere y,callth is at thsomeyoing iu'revon fa? r ofso abto: tesoluyoly. owu kno ren uis ae niqu itownatn ther camasha eeve boun arnd re foinver s thi. areae we'v ysalwa k youwhnow ouen yn whe tayou itlk w oh anerffict thawo thrks ree ste et hheor s ua usexlly s pecte to bilon fm owanyhau becf se othall e ca s mera wthatvee hah wit si cabanos n ck idathe ely. wl danowaitys wl h alcethe ll esphon a andhell touse yw kno onperseval d ticesprhey etty ch muec expatt the . the issuthe al che leng bwithwoody amrn ceras ly real d comes fown to aundingnd ca dedindted fuaning meu ing yo thave, o have'rthey oe kindf a likehon ipthne in hat youave k toupeep tdatingamhese c. erasu yojucan't uyst bd em antheyst laev ford er. anouthen ye hav s tohetore t s data.o it'sal re tly had uo come tp withhat ec spunific fording fy bodwornca whmeras 'ren younge tryi to ge
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ete strehe. so t bre's aalanceth atere th t haseto be m ander th ce's itonosts mey. et benns t: i pthat aitriory inth ete budg b or int udge an pl? ningitsoto: ta's cerinly i a think typrioriw in lafo ent rcemenerin genknal. i ow's ithi sometngth y at thebotalk ateut qui a e'bit, wayre alwoks lor ing fo erdiffanent gr tts andthhings at uwe canmase to rcybe puhase ththese ese racame ws to wheree n caalactuffly athord a em. lot t of oimesf ne ochthe ngallees o is tthget grose iantst de s pendizon sf es othe de mepartannts atd wh a notndwe no're itt qu te atathat t thasc wale, ne're lot ar arge rtdepa smentasuch be mayor la agchic no ororew yank d thingske liso that a it's mlittleore ff dit iculgeto to tt thatype offu ynnett:ateah th s makesense. if er you wpoe to, cssiblyg omin h up witlia timene you owknow hnt distae in thfutureis a this?e re wintalkarg 2 yes, ye 5 0 ars, 1 syears?eloto: wl kn you otow a lth of epat dends l ontiegisla lon. iftiegislaonme cougs throheh to wt're is
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twithintehe stan theyou're in go hg totoave it do i. sof 's itit if an's md datebyle atgislthion heen toure we ld b mea ti oline. n ityoand owu kn heat t snextonessiue i ge'ss winll fd ou u t yo wknow therearhey e on cbodyasamer w butrte cey ainl e arerwe clytain l arengooki to inm theweand do've lne aot orof w hk topoave ilicyn e placse'caut' thaots anbiher g lechal'cnge tause'shereot a l d ofreifferont gthups avat he a oflot fe dif trent oypesf te ins rest iwhenmet cos to iv pranacy ind thikgs late th. sowe do've lne af ot o oworkn cr ngeatiol a p wicy,ngorkih wit he otenr ag tciesghhrouthout e y countrlyactualee, to s what rk wo as bestt nd whad woulrkwo st beur for oni communnty. beett: i yeah i thinke t's onseof thote ing restin wthingshehere tma ojoritylef peopce, poli andco y mmunits,memberre are ptty infa r vor fovoit- fa ir oft but ye ikah lsae you s id it' nc finareially ivstricte. yosoto: tu know vhey'reery ivexpensd e anknyou reow the's cthatgehallenf too ohavingre mos bodie tout oneehe strt reand mose prewince urthin o mm cosounity 's theree a hugba
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atoking d it an wwe areorking s towardngtryifi to gure th oube ynnett: teah ontehat no do u yok thindethe ntpartme is d staffeh as mucneas it eds to o beulr wou d yoo like tsee a if signt icaneaincrse in of ? ficerswesoto: wll iouldli o ke tmosee icre offt ers bui hi also gave toouive rrr cuent ancity mndager ail counc a lotof di cret. fheor tst fire timin ye 6 juars hist tsts lak, weeju bost a wut aageek so weedtart ne a adw acwiemy 6 th 1tiaddional cr re, uitsthnow s is ifithe rst me tive we'ed hirit addl iona li poffce os icer lin ationg me - e sinct abou, 2008. 2009e sinc at the tim 'v weste jun beeinfillfig ofcers ro thatugh iotritttn. aonriti d woulrebe wheff one oicer re retiths and fien we irll the itspot woth anofher aficer.t athis tcademy 1his is6 morebo tdieswehat th have at are begonna ng hittioa the rhed in t trhome sf eets ohireno wch is ereallyg.xcitinou i wikld le to orhave innett:n mea ngoodews ciespe callydeonsiroring pedject ow gr tth foreahis ar r. aseno gr
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cianti npatengeediot a l more of oficersavr or hwhing a ole t new sellof chaenges?so llto: weno as rews gro so doth s e callrvfor sed ice anso do e thofneeds c publi. safetyso iwo peuld ext ct thao as rengrows yo su will pee ourolice rt depa gmentngrowill as we. et benneat: y yh donkou thi arg lauler popn atiooiis gng to mp buy up anaicertpen tys ofcr atime the we seyoor do u th think t'at it ll juse be morofe thsasome? i to: k thinl it'l abprobe ly bonbe censisttht wiwh ouat yw kno wwithwehat see ynow.oukn ouow yld cou m seethore ings u yo yknowouou ceeld s the ernumbybs maike spste ju a lelitt o bitu n yo vknowleehic rg bueslarihi and tkengs li that be e causveyou hape more ople. bu n't i dok t thin syou'llee anydi t fferen itrendsu f yowillwi itthin wimhin crate th we ihave ln thisonittle-oc our lalar ea. be t:nnet v okay,teery ing restinti f me o fchange cor ourtyommunide tefinisoly. reto: su is. t:bennethi i tt nk irihas a lect effest in ju e aboutveryas opectlif our vves soery in interestalg to tt.k abouto so a: yeahelbsoluty. nn bellett: a rigerht p tfectime akto tbre a ceak. thief yhankou m sofouch urr yoe. timin comg upon e facstthe weate l wilbe
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etbennant thfok you r j jjar beianna wnnett: belcomeack to t facetehe staar, i'm ianna et bennk t thanr you fo in stay ug withl s. welwe are w backchith jaief toson so and of now r ficeoatim brasdway hin jotoed us ab talk geout l neracr foime inn rmatio ain ourrea. i gu stess jufi my qurst estion d woul dbe hownooes re u stackp erin tf ms oouthe amcrnt of ime e we havedcomparhe to ottir ciesr ou? sizeti oam br: dwayenwell ro isiq uniaue, ar ynna asw,ou knoin
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h 24gaour , mblingr 24 hou t transi wscene, 2e have4 hourdr , inkinge so weedo sis in thar otea a l c ofssrime ad ociatewithpr copertywirimes lth theargetr poansit onpulatiwe that do miget coo ng intreno. nn beeaett: yinh i thk it'ste ing restine becausowyou knen evh thougasreno hta a cerinpo tipulat'on tharms a peanent re ncside pe, ourioopulatnyn at ave giinn po tt in wime isay tbiggerathan thto with urists mi coo ng inteathe arkn. you ow llhopefu oy mostemf thn' aret ca prusing boblemse ut ayoadwah: yedo some un atfortunt ely buowyou kns thime tiar of yes it'n,greeve we halo a not of shew on tai mountnsso g we're pettingineople from li ca, forniaonoregmi, cotong up i. skth so ngat brit s a loofur togrists. toeat tsuris youow knin givndg fu ts intohe un commthity wiin gamblyig, stang tout atinhe cast os. buthenag u ain yohehave tmi crinal enelematt th t knowsnchat sie we orhave m, e snowe we havmore tstouris, y'so the tre outherean rtd unfoy unatelizvictiming pe . oplet:bennet a okay.rere thean esy issuar that oe kindf un nique -ecot nriessaquly unie ur to obu area wt thatmoe see re h
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? acess or irereno ptty-pr ypetty tical? to soll: wen i meaa it is 24 ur hon, towu so yoe do havsome re mosp trengassid s anthings t like that ofnahat retum fro e maybnocasid s annowhatt ifso 'smebodyoo had tto much ordrink hi sometikng late th. bu tht i onink ve the aourage y heknow womn it co es te crimit's on thpar wi o a lotf the rr sug oundinesstat. nn bes ett: iofa lot nd it ki of nt ced ralizentto dow town orhe do awntownr reas ot does ikind eaof sprind out heto t ig nehohbor wods asotell? so: ff dit erenoftypes s crimein endifferhbt neigs.orhoodi like id sa i, when u bringp es trinpassllg wese thobu sssinem es frotosouth northin o. ren c so welyertain have e thoss typeriof commes frll a y the waalsouth e l thway upno utrth. bre theom are se ec spo ific tn certaitato cerinea arwes and ga use aetin gting ck bate to incelligen ledpo wlicing ae looke t these crim dstren t and shen wetartad ngdressi a thoseikreas le if s wetree a s ving ofehiclebu rirglaores or ie a sers ofro s bberieetor somikhing le
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t:benneti okay eamean yu h yoca can you on kindpof pin int me soe of th irecentwessues 've lihad heke tin shootatg at p r bakei park, haknow tt that okindurf spcored a y mmunitfo efmert to tet andoualk abt e thanissue w d hogsthine can b ed helpat in th i area.s that nd kiwh of mat youean by un commliity pocing? to solu: absogetely. outting t ine thitcommunngy askit whathe e-issusswhat iues th reey at thaeethey sn withith coeir iemmunitwhs and anat c d we io tovempro y theirnoou kw ei thngr liviti condiwions thinth coose itmmun- ies hewhetatr th be ht lignding co, itionsr whethe e that b pmoree oliccepresen, et whthher e at be'therers the's ria myf ad oerdiffinent thgs atthca we e n usddto a aressny n givetrcrime beends. nnett: o what dysyou gufr hear om ntreside ms? iisean a there on commst requeth that t ey tha anthey woft out uy you gs?sa isfety wo:e? sotno you kw i in thofk one -t theighe bgestre tsquesi that ouhear wld be mo sere preornce, mese pr oencen e thetstre rs ofndeno. a we'vedo uine qewte a fs thing ddto aharess tret. we're
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po the eplice dt.artmen we're hiringwh reat ale calrad progm st assihaants tcit are anvilis at thhe are ttare to epke r. orts ll weth what s at doefris it ees sup our owornerfficets to g ffmore oouicers het on tre sto ets. slynot onwe do e havth ece 16 rthruits spat we oke of athatinre comofg out the y academ abut wevelso ha ca dedipeted nersonakl to te rt repo ws ofwehat co call ldca gses to set ourffworn oicers an out sid viwible hathin tt e.notablsl craigalist des gone d, ba or e privatsaparty atles th turn c into arimes. knd inou w yoguys ha sve hadadome fviceplor peoe on ng stayiin safe so that rt of sc ioenaray. so st i wanl to selso g methinigon cra hslist,ow do ma i e ke surn'i domet beco avi ? ctimoa brwedway: plll peoede ne to iz realate thir theat ultimely g meetineca perfngt straeyer. th kndon't t ow wha pthatn'ersos
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het to tni commut ty thayou t needt o firsreand fooomost lk fo out sr your iafety.haf you ve e thy abilitomtake siteone w h enyou wh g youeto me these erstrange s. somheof te mor tcommonhings, on comm w senseo ise, da it in teligh, d arealasome prece whe hayou ve o a lotstf pederian fi trafe c. takelyour conl phe ouwith yke, mae surt'that is y fulld.chargef and ibtin dou hehave t ym meeta ou at police at st tion.hohe wastye counsh s eriff'medepartarnt, spks cepolitm deparllent, a those s areallgenera vy haveideoca opmeras g.eratinso even me of la the horger sarpping eas in ke math sure yatouin're beg thsafe, dat youmao it sndrtly aah yes it'typret w scaryhat's edhappenen recnotly t ly onbu here tht in oreer af as oe thy countrt when itocomes me steting s ranger ywhene ou'ryi trmang to ooke a gald dea on me isrchandnee. benyett: heah tin hternetllas reagey chand the wa uny we finction ot a lwa of ysd anowyou kn i maybealt's nel fid anhegood wtan it sthy son e in
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onansitire into ifal l'se it a mb remecaer in ecse i dtoide ll sehi sometng. ok atay, wh c aboutfeounteritne mos y? thietis somhahing tt ha pps poa ed up mefew tis justpo reomrts frpl peo me toe onpersarally. e e therngtrainis fo alr smnel busir sses oadvice alfor smnel busihasses tt theyca inn get thto so that so at 'r theyoye emplenees aret't gting ytaken?w ou kno phavinge eopl y pantin cou berfeitotill. so: t wells here irtyou cecaainly n yotrain mpur eesloyew on hoto fyidentint a cou berfeitill. er thloe's a tht of- toere's ols. er the e's thhapens tu t yon ca e usk to maro them tutfind o if 'rtheyale reca. you tn hold hem o up tlithe t ghmaand e ke sur se you e e thp stri bin theill. er thffe's dit erenr wates markon ll bians lod a t t of itohas do jwiththust ele fee , thh toucofwh onat mctey afeually keels li. rfcounteneeit mobey has en you oiknow gfong on t r shooassince a long bs i've teen onhe medepart ant andf lot oesit comwn doju to akst mreing su that
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rtcan cegiainly have tpet ty of tr tainingl o smalnebusi ossesr rg lasie buesnessiv can ge thatty trpe of tainingr o thei eeemployres and eaally tm ch the a whatnt couiterfe w bill,hat a al resh bill eeould f al likend iklook ld e an wthenhat a un cot terfeioobill le.ks liknn beeaett: yhih. i teonk somneld toat me thtu we ac sallyee a a goodofmount in that o, renth meree tiams the haount tt theye seerin oths. citieit so 's a higood tkeng to miep in nd i s guesaythat minbe busesses 'twouldnth have ofought : . sotoah yeno you kciw espeorally f a l smalnebusiu ss. yoknow aun cot terfei$120 or ld00 couan me f a lot oor forf ne oe thossi bu snesses ro it'sy eallgood e to hav eyouryemplotoes up sp heed onidow to tentifyhosepe ty cs oferountilfeit bls and at whennot. boknett: ay. vi oby ouslt a hothtopic at's h beenngappenis acrostithe naon icis polune-commlaity retions e and usceof forth. are ere togoing an be ch tges inhe medepartdont or nt you ae icipatth edere ne bing togee chans in pathe de trtmentovo impre ti relathons wiom our ctymuni? i and hoguess isw how y ourou c knowtyommuniic-poltie relaon? so llto: weve we hacr an inedible
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onrelati os withomur ctymuni n here iinreno. t fac sit'so hagood ttrt our mainingodelat the we us aheree t threno ce politm depar sent isouought t d bytmepar aentsthcross e tr coune y. wntreceerly we nt cod acteheby tti balmorepo eplice dt artmenavto hmee so tof pheirolice of rsficean come n d learurwhat otr paining irogram rs. andeally at whis it it is if's a dferentpe typr of m.ograa it's erdiffapent chproads towar co unmmpoity nglicid . anwe we ac teesh thcee offihrrs toughad bult- lasedinearnivg, geme th le prob hms andelp i themy dentifarand leton how hrwork t tough phoses.roblem noton haly tt t bue we havthings unlike ra with terecruir, cup awith a copnts i meanioned d we lyreal o geto ut int our un comm aity tothll of ese . eventse we havica publ atinformfiion of tcer inimbr woadways ho doeasa fanttic b jotiin put lng af ot othisge tobuther. tt it'shose onrelatithships rat youy eall ithave w ch yourtyommunihi i tnk i isivmperatole in ptoicing day thand i weink a do jogreat b he rere at olno pdeice ntpartmean rainten ctiogaand engement owithinmuur com. nitybe onnett:llkay we g we'veotju
4:54 am
quouk, yw kno upolicese of haforce as beenho real c.t topi tdo youhahink te t thertoneeds a bew revie kof youthnow y e wali po uce areorsing fr ce ooudo yin th jk it'stoust a setal ca by b caseasis? : soto-iwell i i thinkt's lyprobabe a case by cas dentpartmepa by de brtmentasis. c itlyertain d comesown totr aaining ynd howinou tra your rsofficeal in dething wiof uses fo wrce.vee hain an lecredib ngtrainiio divisren heth in e no reic polpae dentrtme andwe we-we-in trary eve tbodyhe aysame wse becauwo it srks.o yo iu know'st's its it' aicerta nly pihot tondc arou the -c coun aountryhos it s auld bend we t wane to makersure hure in o gi rendon ave we ha good onrelatiwiships oth ourg utlyinag esencill as weoe, washy count f'sherifces offiks, sparnd pd, ath weat we- p treatwieople thdi gnity an ecd respent whco it umes toseof w force ae havelan escated
4:55 am
r lowed and an ythennoou kw the at situllion wite dictaow how h t highwohat gould et. bennt:ok alay, re y quicks ou guyjustre aleased p smart ahonewhpp. at p doneeople o ed t aknowt?bout iw' hoors it wk?br : oadwaymait's aitzing. , one t ofnghe thig s bein tone ofhe ig neorhb whood catchinoords atorr fopathe de, rtmentt a loof onquestiets we gwh well heat's t im crhae? wt ar cre the n imes iarour weea? mahave arizing clyme anaitsis un dat theenepartm pt thats rovide home ttase sllts. we nowci ctizensplan simony get this d myrpd app ant look ar theine hoighbor sod andt ee whathe im cr res ared.eportes what'gr oueat ab at thiswepp as ll, ouwhen yat look ri the cinmes eathe aran you cn tap othe tt litale avaitr and ll'll te you hewhat t w crimeenas, wh it cu ocanrred, lsd it aido provesfe sas ty tipe for thnscitize. ch the lkief tauted abo o usef fo ndrces ano you k cw someitizen mp co slaintsito if chaizens veco tsmplainer, conc tns, ifhey n' dotht let pae dentrtmew kno suthe iopervisthn and e ex e ecutivcastaff aln't de with os
4:56 am
alplws peoote to ny onlfile la compintswh tsich geia immedoutely rted ro thteugh inffrnal autairs bth aey cankelso maim complents r foodthe goth jobs at thefi ofrecers a. doinga has edwant pe pprson a s where womeoneantsto he see tre most ricent cmes,so yemeone 'sah. itat gre. etbennpdt: myr a okay. wnd nowe ouare tt ofbuime ant thu k yoso fmuchomor coning s thei how r fo ethisdepisofa of hece tst buate r t fo imoremanfortion o or tpasee pist es sodejust ad hekt to omvn.can. thu k yofor
4:58 am
[d teaughmer] sostime thhae wallys lfelta ike t gian.maze ot[mr]he nnjediy 'tdn flieel ke g goinchto sool, ane d shepsldut ngri d theay d anwas t up aghni eme se iedabrrit lealthl e time . gh[dau ter]itel fket li the wre aasei wtghon y mldshouers. ane d thhtweig r wasllea y hard htoupold .ot [mr]he daone dy myghauwater s cr,ying 'sthatn whejennldy to us thshe ghouout abhut grtin elhersf. au[dr]ghteth y en mntparegos t me tmtreaent.
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