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tv   Channel 2 News 630PM  CBS  January 16, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

6:30 pm
rr tomoniow morl ng wilbe dry e withonxceptitc of pa ihy fogn va oclley lnsatioer, wh ie snows st till onrohe g ound. iverallt wi qull be roiet the ugh thfirst watoday ths rainer wh dy witsome snlight liow faleang ne r thlake rl eaisier thng morni andaf n.ternood pickey up onla ac trt e ouheat trt airpo. mp teeseraturwe were vell aboee frevzing, r en neainsixty . renoghour hitl was aeastfi vefty see'n, wtire sthll in e fi sfties.teatelli o showsurxt nem syste pin the, acificit he is t w onea ith d definecomma te lay. sundaro tomorrnw moing wi e ll bthdry witi excepon of fpatchyvaog in oclley lnsatio, er wh ie snowils st tl onhe ou grovnd. l erall it wiletbe quith through rse filft ha of ay sund. ksthanel anga-- on l e locareski ssortwiays-- th e all th tsnows hat'albeen flingth teis wine r, mor apeoplerege batting thck on ese slop. and i here in renot t's no tjusthe lo hocals wii're ske,ng mor butur tos ists awell. an ryay canad u joins as livet ro mt. rse ski resort.yan so
6:31 pm
sk can hoiers w't havenon been e thinmountaec expist thso sean? enwell j. as mtkirose st resor ys sau if yot haven'kibeen sing yo yet mu're oissingauut becseth arese e e thkibest sngco ionditoens tahee has sn in ar yes. d anhothe thpe is e at morsnow, cwillnuonti de tomoraw re ne busiss. -- --shoes-th e ere arsokime s bers,oth ca londls ari tou wsts,ho meassuh wite'tahoiis skng re tapuontihe t wrel ilwaal byse sn t ow askthe soi rerts. no ---se-wmobil- otso nouhing ceald roplly stth tr o ip tmothe inunta. vi gshal- uptarasan e mon-"wdoit y everyncear si14e 20te.whi , snoweacool w, therlsit fee ly real" good. ne maxi- weissoewashle valy- "i ve lohe trc exeatise th i'm
6:32 pm
kive suping e herusbeca'se itmy al locor rest." t bu tthen aherethre o oers,ftenti lomes , calsvewho'n beea li mttleskore caeptiecl in rt enye abars whout heat tth weaaser hbr toought es the rorts. al "locdes are lyfinitere our bad d anerbuttt , bucaa loiil sker ctis ay ualltta liisle wer tisome tmes,wihey e ll btta lilemo icre pecky b tausecahey n,th ey d cane ecid awhenownd h 'rtheyine gotog o. g" miand ieke psarce ity's ha's tt ki f nd otuattihade tbet's en paf rt oprthe m obleskfor iers lathe ewst frs yea. n "eveghthouve we' p hady lentof ii skn ng i'syeart, pas eppercs tion aweres lwayour gg biheest headac." sbut heay'ss itng chaing. th e stlaterm stoves han beehard isto mans , td hes hinkmany rsskie h areulopeft thathe re scentalnowf al isn turin a re moil famdiiar iorectn."t grhat isoup y reall ocomingutof w theoroodwhek, tup grot thama vey han beetiskepfocle e r thpa ewst frs yeaen, whs thingwere erleane in th, areae we'rngseeith guose omys ct e ouviand ging sk aiing a try."gaind an sheay'ss it p thee eoplwho ar mie coacng b tk tokiry sing n,agait thaa are lycataorst f re moin buss,es n "whecathe lorels apy hap, all th scat eesalat t andishat
6:33 pm
r ouofout ke marurt, o drive ma wrket ihichims pry arilfrom of out ay the b t andevhen uren o indestn atioetmark ." semt. ros saye sinc'rtheyise thde snep in isow, th i earlyn er wint, th ecey expt t greaskiing iocondit tns fort he resof the on seasri. cove sng theivtory le at os mt. rn e, ryay canadach l annewstwo ne. me e,anwhil s theh earcllis sti fogoing r r fossa miieing skr at suthe gabor eswl rort. mcarson lay wasenast seg skiin sat theowugar bsol rert th ayursdno afteron. hebut n' wasrtt reposied misng l untieryestrnday moening wh hisfr s iendizreale ed h'tdidnw sho a up. t homere lscuersicater p aked up fsignals rom hionph be, sutllti ul co fdn'thiind ayey sre thee wer ssomenow esslidth in eae art , bueythe 'r vinot gihong up pe. vatwo neidda resavents hd e file wsa laaguit n-ainst gyv ener
6:34 pm
s s vegapasolar nenel owrs bjohnrtamfod h anlestany ho scedne fil c aaiomplasnt lt tu y,esdall aegthing mpe coany pumanid latelaregu itorsnto ovapprhiing pghers.rice ntplai siffsheay tvey insted otenssaf thous ndolof dlars to inar solte sysutms b w nowon'tbe e abl tto payofhem af in abreasonunle amoimt of te be ofcause ha the cnge. la regupptors aneroved s w rate m last fonth mor netg,eterin h whic pis the orocessr f solapa ownel snersngellies excs we pockr ban- to erv engy. en n-v ecergy dd linet commenon wsthe lauit. ok loouing ar tndorhe wld... a fivensmericaer who we im edprisonan in irn are ithe oc pr bess of feing treed. onight isa prwaoner scop was d nfirme or shfotly beware it uns annoced i thats ran hal met alesmeasur d spelleinout l thek andmarnu r cleadeal. giwendy rllettetseporro fm new york. n iraniae statvitelesionan d nouncenethe atws sa urday.sw f ap o afournsmerica beinghe sold pri iner inran inch exorange f i sevens ranianheld rgor chathed in . e uss the u-st
6:35 pm
atternl iona narrestotesicnd a s charger fora14 ure fo a freednsmerica are gtwashint on poserreport jason ia rezamen, for mr u.s.amarine ir noh atollavikhosra - od ro asaritond pasd r saee inabedhoi..wifse woke spome fr iboise,da jho. "in ust ra ra st fighty or m. kidsthand en i ld topa my arents.n nd thei ca islled hts parenis and wd theyl ere alinbawld g anth e ey werg gettin" calls. t studenw matthehitrevitck wasal easo rel psed as aart of pa segrrate a. eementse arcret sy ofohtate jy n kerr abspoke e out thpmdeveloents om frnn vietha. "hoey sbeuld on ei thy r wa thomeeio thmir faliesbe lfore" ong.prthe erisonp swawa nos and unces hourrebefo the it unated n nionsuc wleardoatchg th - tee iniornatatnal omicen aergyy-gencti cer tfiedhat hiranetas m c itstmommi aentss pa f rt onuthe r clea wdealith si rlx worsd powe. "i s ran haakundertnien sigficantst ateps th a many,o nd i dmeanma plny peooue, d, btedwo eruld evto come s. pas" pr enesidamt obgna sin ed aex
6:36 pm
r nucleam.prograth eaat mrans inon can ow sellil oon themapen . rketan irl wil ahavetoccess the bglobalngankite sys tm. andhe uncotrlly wiov rec her aedundrbi n llioardoll fs inn rozetsasse ov erifseas. s it'ovdisceredth raat i sn is mtillinoveag ahd iwithucts n plearamrogre , th de callsalor fan sioct tnsono ceag beain os imped. nd welly gi, ettecbfor wss ne. e thenpresidactial r he isngeati i upthn boti parcaes as esndidat mlaunchgrore ag aessiveksttac. iji'm wengia jiaar in chonlest, ut solih carohena where tde
6:37 pm
th arere o e twatdemocr vicnsisiofo lar regualting wetl stre .ysone saok it's taay to ke nsmilliobi from sg bank d an tthenthell haem w dt -- plan br teak up bhe biganks, thclose x e taholooples, an ked mam the payr thei sfair.hare wthenexe can eapand hcalth re llto a,
6:38 pm
y ll the mlikenoe? . wihell tgiy be pn to lay tbyeshe ruli' if idm present? yo ttu beeler bt.ieve i
6:39 pm
e thp goidpres rentialace is onmore custention tha .w evere ith thontwo frrstrunne an exchirging fhee on tig campan tr ail. as ji weig a jians reportfrom ar chonlest c southa,arolin thede atmocranic cs didateare in getty g reada for t fightoo, heon tat debage ste. ut"who pal donumd tr cp inharge eof therslevatoed!" tz cru ke cracked a jo h aboutlois csest l rivageafter sttting auck inn orelevattu on sa. rday.. t buttthe baetle b cweenanruz d na dompld truri is sebuous. "t en th a today snotherhetory wre gohe forott anbaher nk - nkcitibaor. he f" got! a atenn ev pt inmoorts nuth,ewmp hairsh te...ccrump a cusedruz of in hidang a loci from tibank hifor xas tenas seamte cn.paig.. af crter dmuz ad itteoohe tt k ou
6:40 pm
n ldmas.sach um tr up alsoednleasha half do twzen aeetskittacrung cr z fohi dis canathan bir.. place. an d slfor ngammite quow "neyork esvaluwe". "oull yw knomsit seedo asnald h o a lotouf nervs en tergy -emhe dtiocra ic races te inyinsifoong t. th nde caesidat g arengettidy rea acto ff e of iherearn chonlest casouth narolind on suay t.nigh.. t ininhe fatal debfoe behere tio auwa concuses ar februt.y firs"i il met h5 lary 4agyears o this h.marc" idpresbient lill c cntonnuonties c toigampar n fowihis fe, on frnetrunllr hiclary n.into.. fawho ances xp uned ecte al che leng bfrome erniersands. e thonvermnat seistor gi surngin an iowa ind maintainang e edg ewin nps ham. hire rm foarer mgoyland mvernorartin ma o'illley wl tjoinonhem ce snter. tage.. imwith tone to citnect wh vo .rters.. ounningijut. weiaan ji ng, cbshaews, cn rlestosc. d anicrepublsian prel dentia nd cacaidate firly wiorina ll be en in rrro tomo aow forha town ll in meetheg. tnt evebe will held l
6:41 pm
m.p-oo d wrsl ilenopt -v r-s t-p fornthe evee , we'v aset upfo link onr you -v k-t-n t do ucom, tnderluhe be ne nkwslitts buon. in lookurg to oni commu. ty..a l locaprnon-elofit hd its po r pulaalannuai fundrser in wndownto reny.o toda pl amfeify lid hostenuits anal -flots-aliun bowntng eve for ar chatity n thenaatiowll boing ad sttoium tday.onhe nfi-prot ru amns corps fpl peothe wi lodevetapmenl an lld intealectuisly ditabilies. y lastheear, tedy serv 600 le peopd , anhoare o ping texpand 8 tos 00 thiyear. "i shn wantoe couony alhee, tre's,0 34pl00 peo he thatave sa ditibilisoes, ee the nd ea is really grrut. we n tirecreandonal al sociari en pchments rogramrethat a ly really, realor imp ftantor the y qualitifof lr e fo inaldividus." e thsoday allu inca ded silentau fection g aturinarlocal tists and ssbusineus, plne disyland ti ackets,nd ea ven ttripo a pr e ivatn cabiexin mico.
6:42 pm
h willloave a yook at urre
6:43 pm
y todarawas wtheritindy wh somegh liowt snli falr ng neakethe la ie earl mr this aorningndaf n.ternood pickey up onla ac tre out aat the. irportattemperures
6:44 pm
near insixty o reno.igur hs h wa as atley t fift wseven,tie're sll t intihe fifes. sa e tellitoushows sr nextystem t inifhe pac iic, itons the e th wiin a defed shcomma toape m it.brodels ing thit farther norex than , pected ho wever, e throcold felnt its df willrape r faghenou t southcto impa thesi erraan hod ta le byataye sund. mo toorrrow milning wryl be d wi epth excf tion o hy patcn fog ieyvallat locions, wh snere s ow ionstill the ou grernd. ovall it
6:45 pm
lf hand of sutuay. fu srecasthows i snowern highva eles tionlate nd suntay iayo mondng morni. somera insp ngilliin over o to renearly ay mondll as weay. mond ooaftern bn wille r quietehethan tng morniav. hey sn ugow thoxph is einected the ra siernd on moveay. sey n dash anows r othem storngmovi h throug ea turly anesday end th againrl eadny wey.esdahs higr nea ft fid y anlows
6:46 pm
wfriday dill bery. mico unginp po ss,rtal dlalls wi ve ha h theigighlfrhts odom tay'snf
6:47 pm
aongevera t, it takes hreendhuamred aneric srkwofoing a r d soliarye, akto m me asmouch asney t oneop ceo. it le's cald wathe apge g. th and ble repuwiicans akll mite rswobye lerowg inxetafos r osth te atophe t l andngetti rpcoatornsiori wte ei thrur own les. ll hiinary clllton wik worto thclose ge wageap. eql uay par fomewoton ai rse meincor s fomifa,lies a erhighim minagum we, lo xewer taths for lee middas cls. ll she' t getobhe jfo done .r us
6:48 pm
l the nffsplayofnu contied with sie divionalpl ..ayoffst . firsasgame w thefe desunding wlper bomp chaion w ned englanpa atriotseys thte hosd the tt hoamest tee in the nfl th askansy citfschieey. thav he n wo s11ghtraigat mes. l soheets o ad torfoxbo ss mahuacess etthfor neis o... an pad the tstrio t gotalhe bl fi anrst std wao ed n gtimengettion b the..oardrs. fiivt dre of gathe me.. d anbrtom goady o es trob kogron owskie n thback hdtoucown iopatr. ts..a and k grone.spik.. ..7-0. q 2nderuart.. now. pa tstrioke bac bd upatut whech tth herow rore fadm br ay...s he oputsn ne omothe toney ha keswn inmartas... ge he asts pt mi lddfieth... edat lth to . is.. an3rd ald gobr... onady q theb sn k.ea s..ettr tchesalhe berl ov gothe neallifo... r a to owuchd tn...athe ps riotled -6 14th at lfe ha. pmoreotatri ts ineche sond lf hafr... heom t.. 16.dy bra
6:49 pm
owtouchdecn connf tion othe me ga21... ew-6 nla eng. nd..but e thfschieer nevt qui gh fi..tingte. lard thi ar qu..ter.e same scor tfromhe .. 10ex. alth sming sli ts ito rtalbeso wilo n whs makea inslidabg grth in dze at thes maka it 3 hfflasd owaresto lans th 2mi s nute ps riotup .. 14ie. chunfs r o then ptioand ar chrikandesck wtst geth to e dz bac oto ane uc ton hdow..gameie. choufs wldne o ed te forcpathe tstior to pu o nt tonget ste lanc chae...bu it ase s thiopatructs lk on co seownd d bn...'sradys pasisde teflec kd byd c ant rightoju elienandlem t forirhe fst ..downd . aneathat sls the tspatriooi are gthng to e afc onchampiipshne game kext weend-2 270. reand hea is alooknft the c nadivisiayl plgaoff ngme goi on t righ anow... lt laste ook th on arizina cardldals hoar a nrow 6 7-velead ogrr the y een ba s.packer h. fullhtighligs of is thco game p ming uat 11. he and a re is t look aowtomorrs si diviouonal ryond plafftc ma. hups.. nin thefc theah seilawks w ol taken the ro
6:50 pm
ll fog owinigthat re ht heron . ktvn..ttthe pi ssburghs teeler be and lin rothr sbergeakwill te he on tr denvecobrond s anpeyton in mannhag... tkit one ffckso ou ar:3nd 10pm. st la t nightadhe nevbaa basell h teamthosted nde 32ua annl y bobbbadolan dseball..inner. y thisueears gakst speer was anevada..lum.sp and eown's n ri chngs si..leton. lesings ton waspa two arort stin r silvebland yiue plang bafoot bll andl.asebalwa.. he s ke ta tn ineche sunond rohed of t19 as93 bl ebalt draf sby thean ci franansco gi. ts w he gould to onjoo en6 y a year re can er imathe wjors4 ith di enffertet amwas and res a caer it.273 h ster...oninglet now foworks ar espndis a rao and le te avision. nalyst toprior ni last dghtsneinr he s wa tableeao spthk wi 2 the016 va neebda basl al. team "i th told beem to to nice the hmedia. taha. itoalked them ab feout liar expies anceand be a ing anman ncd balaale. bance s isngomethiav you h he toave inse bas ball aera hitt api atcher.g nythin iyou don t sporesrequirme a trendous oamountlaf baannce pd thatlaysin as life " well.e "h twentouo abbat a seball
6:51 pm
e to lifthand i thought at gewas hu t andwahat als rely od goor fto me r heai and know r foeamy tesmmatwe as well. st tearabd t ouw hoalto bance athings tnd howndo haaile flure ebas bas aall is o sportf fa " ilure. as in care you nde wog erinwe are a only mbout awaonth a ty fromhe pifirst ttch oflehe colge ba basesoll seaevn as nllada wi thstart aseir sen on imesa iz arwiona hrth a te ee gamesseriag t ainsnothe esrthwternwe d ekenetso le s sea how pair offo wrmerpaolf eack hacd cohes d. dita.. sourt yh witt trenjo n hnsoisas h h tcud ornes froglo fokedn or at upseumof n1 ber ka ..nsas. y earlraon bndonpa isrrh ockn dksn ow3.a nd.. atc s u haaran e ply 2 lointead. t bu kthens ansaedshow t whyhey e arernumb. 1..d 2 an thalfo pl . ay..awjayhetks g b theall d ank checthout ine spe movand lathe ..yup.ka as gnsasonoes to 7 win. 0-63
6:52 pm
hlldogsenave sebe much tterda s ys a gtheyhoot wedllop by ernumbte 15 a&xas gm...iaeorgdo 0.wn 1nd.. aon admde gilesr goin ag-11 ..gies. y earlndsecof. haleo.. g nrgiaow wn do.. tavleio milesr dish anto dhoiel ..use. h andoce knksdo hewn tee thrto... e givthe gi ag 2es ain0 poadt le... -45. athena ngel hwilla ave l finaok loou at atr weouher. y're wa
6:53 pm
coourage you can cnt on. er the e's one collegbabasketll n fawowho gon't gr huny in -1 shkes , otowcrchd rieeng at thfc hal sourteahot hrnedim afr
6:54 pm
nd saesiwchm fro spennontatian, st east coadw sanchich ain. e thinwinnotg shpe hapatned lf ha otimee f thst. hn joul's-bgater lime eareray tod i innandias.poli ge anerla's h ae with l finalook at fo your streca.... th upe co.le.. wawho ntsasgrd s-febeef th oeat d esn'tooat tch muth of r th she caap-str pede collegsttuden mpwho sitsly wanan orgic caand loodl pruce. th ree pa..nts.y who matnoha hve ahyealtt, budge bu ilt st sl makethure eirilch edren hathyealt. yo spu inusire to doytevere hing
6:55 pm
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