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tv   Channel 2 News 5PM  CBS  January 17, 2016 5:00pm-5:29pm PST

5:00 pm
lasfx: cp,p, clag din
5:01 pm
's itn beenda wieky weacend rossno rnrthead nevnda, ath anoerst isorm t setveo moo intthe rasiers thiinevening. wter at weadher rivisorees aef in fect t inahhe treoe as a, am storwa pstch toel channs 2 newat 5. anwiother y ndy da tin theruckee owmeaduts, bco that anuld chge te laghr tonit. vegood ei'ning, nnm jeiferrt buanon. thorks fei bngus with to anight. snotherystorm stem isvi mo tng in.e he lakartahoe ea u is anderte winr r weathe ryadviso t untilw omorrog,mornin e and thn wind i vwashoealley hahas altedehll vleicers ov 9 et fel. talt' lek s checitin wh or meteisologget anilla schling he in ter weathte cenr.e' sh ts beeninracke g thstorm we all d.ekenan whgela, l en wile thesy wind ioconditm ns caldown? wi eanter wdvther ay isorgoes h througon10am mfoday hor tae, orand stinm warn tg goeshroughmo
5:02 pm
. sierra da raowr shx s misebelow ven ndthousaan feet fd snowalling e abov00 70 l. snow wevelil tl dropo th six fousand meet byt.idnigh wso fare dr are eny in rrao but ther y. wind u gusts fp to miftyiles hoper ur. co ntld fromo is tvinghroughca rnlifohtia rigth now. e band of sh s oweruswill ph h soutstand ea ni overt ght. aamseven mp teeseratur eawill nzir freereng in ndno abe
5:03 pm
w snowill be owwet snlo with mots of isture noand tot a oln of cd air. an thn.ks rya.. me ilanwhone, ts ight istthe la cr demoreatic piasidenttel deba fo behere tca iowa ucaus. iaweij i jianghas in cn,rlesto casouth , rolinas and haa lookat th what nde caesidat will li fkely oocusn. e thlydeep s red otateutf soh li carona"i... t's br vi..ant.anvibrvet...ry tiexci dng!"d eckeinout e bluah ofead d theraemocdetic bate c inesharl "ton.k i thinit's togoing sp be a dirited" ebate. t it'st he lastiprime-meop
5:04 pm
y hillarn,clintobe anrnie sanders, ind mart eyo'malln to wiotover vers fo behere ta iowuscauc on ryfebrua.. first . e "wk thine we hav ca goodhance ulto pf l of wwhatamill ountto d o-anini thu'k yogrll aneee-oof re the g patol uiticals psetinmo hdern."istoryrs sande and to clin an bothd ppearecbon "s ne e ws factithe na son" ony undarn wieviehang wurt is s be toe a edheatop tguic--ntn cowerol. "ou toght ar be smght enouso to d co tensisitnt wcoh the tinstituon av to hree mo s guny afetesmeasur t tondry ae sav osomee f th ho 33-td usans liveoswe lune to gvi eolence yveryear." th tee debais site os acrs the etstrem fronuemma-mel a-ech . whnme a gulean kilned ni op pen le i. junetipolical s experty satoclin an is ri favowite to prn the y imarhere he in ttt palmee.o state ..wherde atmocre s arverelatilyco vanser. tive.."o lybviousre they'ng goitr to y tonot es m. s uplathe hist tngyo ntu waa is gabig inffe an im anportent evket lis. thiy the
5:05 pm
o ed tkemair thee. case " th omecond y anthheal acarelsre ao ctexpeo ed tigbe bke talrsdu tringebhe date. iaweijng jias , cbwsne, ar ch, lestoncasouth rolina ok loouing ar wnd the. orld.. ve seamral s ericand who habeenis prinoners n ira awerellowed l toheeave try count. todaythey elwere raseased t parof a is prwaoner sunp annoced dayestery. nd welly giepette r fortsnerom w . york is a swr s aie forccaplane rrying re there ams icano whhaend beim onprisn ed i lirand andelysafe evin gennda suay. th icis p ptured oste uon as pr enesid etial'snvoytt twier unacco tt isirhe ff st o sh waoningt post rt repooner jasan rezaifr as a ee man.he el and frmlow fosoer prinersam mair hek sti andbeaeed adini f thentolew s a umilitary alhospitrm in geerany whe ey thbe're aling prt idenheobama alds new nf co aerencewht the usite hoe msunday. orning, "todaye we'run n ited iinwelcom sg homeons an sbd huan bds ands rotherwho, onin lelpry onisel c, lshaveen d durebsan ae oluttmnigh" ere ams icang alon owithneot maher osn, ntoraahllho kavsri
5:06 pm
ay stir in wean- arre pt of a ap sw s for ievenniraheans r ld o ar chinged u to ofm.he ibothanrani er ams.icane .werasrele fedm roa defel rantdeteceion intern us hoeaton surly . nday mi faemly m oberse f thd free er ams icanplare ngannini reuons heof t- ir owninincludg the st si ber anderrothw in laof athekm fi- ar ormearus mine. 'rtheyave trg elinwith recongn ssmakidan fldeerom fl mint,gaichi fn tofurankrt e wher'ltheysel e r theitirelavefo e r tht firs stime "eg rythinsuis so l.rrear ami ed callt last nighl to telus ohe'swan his y." ot anerher amtuican-s mdentatthewtr hievits ck- warealso fed as rt pa of raa sepaeete agrndment a eais alrhidy on y s wa. homecr sekset talee to friv the fe ic amergaans be mn 14s onthago er ov a about m dozens.eeting we llndy gi, ettes for cbnews. an me gwhile,re-o-p piasidentl ca atndidaces atte ked th ag hostale dee on thgncampai ai trcol. mar w rubioc-as on b-s' t faceiohe natdan toy,e and hsa
5:07 pm
e d ther nshoulde ot havbeen e ane.xchang pr "it ncoves oaie agatn th nowti nad ons ans enemieriof ameca nd arouor the ww ld knoth heat t pre's aorrice f ic amertaan hosrage, baback oma utwill cl a dea--for h wit you,he whet br it'sl,ergdahhe what di thd wi c thebrastro aothersnd now whatdo he's h ne witiran." se and tenator ad cruzd ppeareonfo age nst thdeal. th said seat the h dealsave ad arded ne dly twoozente tsrrorisin that o tend termurd ic amerans. fl"it re aectste patharn we vese then in a e obamstadminiration a overr nd oveofagain atnegotithing wiri terro asts,ndma eaking d tls andthrades at en ngda. er u.s asafetyndse tycuri.""a hind i ts nk it'a very
5:08 pm
an prother tiesidenefal hopulma tode a senp in ry.o todapu re cblicandaandiarte clyor fildina hen a towha g meetinerof h i ownhen nortrn . nevada an ryad can jay uoinsves li at e thkeladgri ce golfwhourse ere ooit tack ple. haryan wd t diinfior ta haveo sa y? n jeg a bishfocus toe had day s wasidiscusheng te sizof theu. s go ntvernme. sashe t'ys ioos is tnd big a
5:09 pm
thels rne goveavment fmeors so o oversothers s she'says itti mame to hake a cnge. ze citif ns odanevas caucuwithgo ntvernme c back,s,itizen it isme tius, we m ot takentur couryba ck."fi sporina foke inf ront opackedus hodae tondy, ass addreed sixke y a fiorininspoke nt fropa of ckedus hoy,e todadd and a sressedix y ke in pohats tfet she stels mu be tdonekeo tath back tre couny.on am sg themaihe s md weust fo re trm oure,ax code securthe rd bonder aim most tlportany lead t inldhe woram. but thongst e su ise es, sh htolduper ss porter h toheold unr accofotable r her ac .wtions.s hich iinsomethatg thst t ood ou ato thee udiency.toda s she'elso int, ligentllshe tes us we what to need r heaand th heat's ti best sacan y
5:10 pm
s think rhe wasgoeally od, sh ede talkut abode leaanrship d shleaderwhip is lat'sngacki in th ntis coury."an y d carlenhas bean back d fo inrth ad nev wa this, eekend ng havifr come asom veger earli orthis mndning al she'lbehe baading reck thein agato . morrowco tveringpahe cam16ign 20 live, an ryad canaynn chawoel ts. new fi but thrst...wee ekboend x fi ofbece num irs are cn, butanan y e movirodeththne "rce foe aw s"aken?
5:11 pm
e thernewas a erw winne at th fibox ofs ce dde bup y-co "comedyringde alo eb2" dt uted a-onumberwine, th34 il-m dlionrsolla. fithe t rsalinstenlmt tedebud on sa the keme weend in 4,20-1 a andtolso heok t topsp ot. "t evhe rt"enanoo tsek ndcoor f sethe trcond saiweght maek, king -p 29-fointmiive n.llio "sand watar : rse thrcfoe aw s"akenk tood thirr afteg bein mb nu fer-oneor l thet asfour ek weass, c ihing-pn 25-1oint mi n.llioon dee't ftol d o bar fo he "t a forcewa" kensouththgh. e se "sventh tar " warse movinohas dew mae morth -man 851 dillionrsollae at th do stmeoxic bic offe. nt wither weaiser advesory goth 10rough daam montay for hoe, orand stinm warn tg goeshroughnd
5:12 pm
si raerra. owdar shmis a lox bew se ouven theesand fsnt and owfa g llinabove . 7000evsnow ll el wilo drop t ousix th fsandbyeet gh midnit. arso fe we ar rdry int eno bu th radyer wins . gustfiup to fty s milehoper ur. ld co i frontvis mohrng toughca rnlifohtia rigth now. e bandof ershow ps willutush soeah and st ghoverniset. at ven am mp teeseratur ll wir neangfreezino in re and j beloust beahw at te oe. th ilsnow wetl be wwi snow lths ot m ofe oisturt and noofa ton ld cofu air. sttureca shows me soag spill te intolehe valy onlate tntight iayo mond g.morninch an inss is po aiblet 80 48 w' feetmiith a erx clos to
5:13 pm
coa d see chfew inices. quk ng movim. systeme with lting re albyady m. 10a d sevenay anshows syother uestem tsday af n.ternoo w highsbeill d mil o withigvernowht lw s a fe ee degrovs abrme no. al too er winter weathor advisy goes ro thamugh 10y mondahofor tae, st and rnorm waesing gogh throumo ornday ms ning aorwell f the er sirara. shdar ows bea mix low ve sesan thout nd feeowand snfa ablling ove . 7000evsnow ll el wilo drop t thsix ndousaby feet gh midnit. so e far wy are dro in renbut wratherguindy. tsts upy o fift mi peles . r hour f cold irontvis mooung thrgh rncalifohtia rigth now. e band
5:14 pm
of whowersshill pu a southnd veeast ohtrnig s. atm even a attemperures ll wifr near ieezing an renond j bebeust atlow oe tah. the ow snbe will s wetwinow s th lot m ofe oisturt and noofa ton a coldtuir. fu srecasthowsme soag spill te intolehe valy onlate tntight indo moay inmornn g. as inch ilepossib at ' 4880itfeet wx h a mi tclosero e tht.airpor hills d coula see infew . chesk quicmo svingm.ysteh witinmeltg re albyady m. 10aen sev day anshows syother uestem tsday af rnte hoon.ilighs will be md o withhtverniga lows few
5:15 pm
mi cop ng upoin ss,rtth anoer ci ex dtingf ay oplnfl fsayof! da
5:16 pm
th arere o e twatdemocr vicnsisiofo lar regualting wetl stre .ysone saok it's taay to ke nsmilliobi from sg bank d an tthenthell haem w dt -- plan br teak up bhe biganks, thclose x e taholooples, an ked mam the payr thei sfair.hare wthenexe can eapand hcalth re llto a, d ane providsauniverlll coucege edn.atiowi y ll the mlikenoe? . wihell tgiy be pn to lay tbyeshe ruli' if idm present? yo ttu beeler bt.ieve i
5:17 pm
nf the sil divilaonal ps yoff pe wrapodd up tthay... ine maev atent fe pured aair of tasuperster quarksrbac... urpittsbn ghs besbrothlierger d anerdenvto's peyngn mann it ne wher of ehom isxactlyhe y.altho .. sdihow isd th one e g nnininlookr g fomoone resu pewlr bo i runatn whou ce ld b la his east s..son. t buthepi urttsbtegh ss elerd stooin ei thy.r wan .. obrthe s onco t firse drivheof te. s onco rin the..edzonecj. but de ananrson ck 't pic fup thestirdo . wn..haso td t leneto o of bfiveonrandcm manelnus fid al gohes in te. gamnd.. eth of e fi qurst r artesbpitturgh atthre..ningd . anfiits ratzgeld sotoucunnt pg chinn it i afrom oyardut piand urttsbakgh t 7es aea-6 ld. xt neel stepoers sisses. on..ben ro sbthlir erge fwill oloato ne t d a wi dopens ariu
5:18 pm
roto btenco orrrit ty...hat le ad toig crawe bosiell fld al goit... 1 wasat0-9 the ..half. qu4th r.artete.. ss elerl stilup 1t . bubrthe s oncoe forca ..fumbleth. and rae veten de usmarce wars fallt.on ind.. a l thata ed to dlong friveorde ..nver. cay ed brsande oon'sarne yd geplun... th boms teade traeld fiald gos so wi cth s londspieft urttsbghli d neupn for a th ame teh witbethe ecst rord in all ooof fl tbalcathe naroli rspantheng lookike to heep t awseahutks oa of d thirigstrahtsu boper . wl.. cathe narolire scorld ead y anof firve drith of mee gaan nad jo sthanrttewafi... nds th
5:19 pm
heon tui enseang ss hawk esposs..sionss. ruilel wson fe thels ese pr..surets. ge ridof an it e d th ipasscenterptedby e lukhlkeuchoey ws sayi'll yasee th at use ho pe...6.ick ..-0 14er panths... co seuand qamrter se.e rsntheth on ale go..lined . an tthisstime t ewar ogoesthver e pi orle fou a twnchdo21... -0ca naroli... t bu twait ihereres mono... w -0 24on... a 3rd4.nd 1am.. c onnewtay ss cawho abres a out t firsdolewn... etts g the uc ton.hdowon.. cs nect gwithreg ol whson keo mafas a tintasc tc caith.. 3 wasat1-0 thebr ..eak.e gam rover? ightwellno act ex ttly.ishis these ksahawth... quird el russn wilsot puts ion the y moneylto tocer lorkett f theto .. 14. me sare sco q 4theruartan... d wi blsons egino to d hwhatese do ime.ovise .. hwsthroit h offacis botk fo i andtsan r othehdtouctoown ke loctt.. itand lys on0 a 1t w no 7withco6 serends inmaing tlseatcke kiels a fiald go and a its in7 pomet gabu... eyt th tneedcoo rethver sie ondeki . ck..thbut s at i twhenhe hepantayrs st' thaous en. gh.. gtheythrab lle ba t andhe me ga31... ..-24.y thegoare ing he to tha nfc chimpions. p game
5:20 pm
is here k a loot at nexweeks co cenferenmp chahiionss p gamefi merst gaan you cig see rhthe ktre on ivn andt t mighbe the imlast tsee you ofe one the tegreaivst indriidual s valriein l nfy.histordy.. brann... maing . 17..trthe pailiots wn l be i tdenver to facenche bro. os.. f kickofetis s a fore littl r aftenoon. th and oren f n the tfc twoeams vewho ha w neverupon a ser . bowl..veand habe only en to e on..each..ri the azonaca inrds aliswill vheit t nacarolier panthu s yosecan e th amat g fe on3:ox at 40pm. w when be comeanack - ilgela wl ve hain a fooal lurk at oat weher. u'yoreat wg chinnechannel 2 ws - co
5:21 pm
he wre's'rhat weine workorg on f 36-..0. danevaho is o me t rsomeeal ch tearactors. t nigh sjackn uttoin uctrods es uirto "toish a m," he rm lit whon ives ithe mo tauntsins ou vide ofa irgini . cityrsbut fit.... anamericd s freen by iraarrive er in gormany fal medic tievaluad ons an rfamilyoneunis,an med an asurican arviveste ttrror ainack ic afra. his owharroring sttoy, on s night' evcbs neening ws. la angeer's hthe wial a fin look at ou ycar y ven daanshows r otheemsystes
5:22 pm
itmild wnih overwsght lo a fewgr deovees abale norm too. th upe co.le.. wawho ntsasgrd s-febeef th oeat d esn'tooat tch muth of r th she caap-str pede collegsttuden mpwho sitsly wanan orgic caand loodl pruce. th ree pa..nts.y who matnoha hve ahyealtt, budge bu ilt st sl makethure eirilch edren hathyealt. yo spu inusire to doytevere hing
5:23 pm
we e lcomedto rinef ingreretihement ws re it'bour jo htoyoelp y u enjoiafinanccul sen rity ionany ecomy. m i' hyourhrost, cs,is abtan e d we'va got teifrrhoic sw d lineorup f t youekhis we. t on soday'show e you artogoing learn imthe paf ct oonbae yed ar. atth r'shtig. hwhatnsappe to ryouremetirsaent sving ouif yju have bst oner?ad yeast ju one. ju bst yea not ttwo or ihreeron a w, ojust yne badear.we
5:24 pm
wcan beurith yoti re srement.avings
5:25 pm
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