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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  January 18, 2016 4:00am-4:30am PST

4:00 am
l moraalor legit illegy.imac >> > e thesglovre a off. he in talir fine debat beefor the iowaau cs,cusela hilntry clionan rnd beanie s cders olashn he calth gare, auns, mndeyon. an ghd ri tt ongear bt, autn te atmpt to land s aropacex cketon ge a bare in thc pacificomes up . short go orod m fninge rom thstudio57 sr newatoom n cbsews qu head iartersyon new rk. o good th be wityou. an i'm arne-mreie gen. > >>e threanamericass releed by reiran arm in geisany thni morngre g ceivincamediall evs.uationa ffourthmereed aderican d cide s tointay isideran. r theim freedohain excr nge foa ofgroup an iranimes in arican odcust jy camefoust be re the lau.s. sewpped nio sanct onsn e thy.countran irca is g llinnethose w sa s amn chspion i i heren new yo rk. or>> reproter: frem the oflease th ice amersoan prio ners tthe ft li oing ofctld santhions, e ek wes end wa bmarkedury a fl
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an. orthis mthning, tre couny's temoderade presis nt saythe y newlenimplemclted nualear de otwill nim only e provhis y'countroms econ ay, butenlso op h whatlle caw s nes windowfor ga enntgemeth with d.e worlit lo is a itng-awaened momt of ee tuis picwsre shoed free "th inwashosgton port" repten r jasoza res ian, a the andthwo oer ee frerd ammaicans tode a sp in ze switd rlanaysund. te afavr leiring anan, er intnal mo meos to "ptat" shaff ttre iszaian go in piod srits.lf ha w aldorth away ere sist andbr r-otheawin-l f ofreedar mine teveran athekmide left troit daon sun sy toimee hhe and ty e spokivexclus cely tobs news.>> 't i don i think ht willit me un i'til inm huggang him d i'm se imeing h. or>> repftter: ander speing anthree lfd a hars yeair at an'sno outorians evn, prisoti chrisan or past a saeednibedi h is onis
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thy lad twent so highchool th wiif his we in o.idah e >> w put trogetheom sare cdso t e writ wto hime hile hwas in onpris. ep>> rr:orte t the mhree en andfo aurthcameri sn werewaorpped fse irven nsaniad helhaor c rged in u thean.s. o d twheof trem we le re faseda rom rafedel de iotentntn cen er itohous n on aysund. talsowehis d,eken u the.s. edliftno ecosamic onncti s onir s an a oparte f th tdealllo ro tbackouhe c'sntry narucle pr m.ogra nc>> oaie age n, wseare eing iwhatsss poleibit wsth ngro eramanicip dcyloma. ep>> rr:orteer aftn irantrecely -f test mired a, issiles.the u. d move wthisndeekeim to sepo new ti sancaions ag11nst iv indiduals en and ttities tied tohe tr counlly's bamiistic ssile raprogm. t now, aheret re atwleast o r otheanamericghs thoue t to b eddetainan in ir. ft a fiich amer wan whoas le re oasedver ekthe we end aspa f rt oraa sepal te dea is nowck bame at homa in hussacttses. c>> doniohamp in heren new yo anrk, thvek you h,ry muc don. >> e > th ofateref there ams ican ss miining q ira mis aryyste
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diaqi merta repo ts, sayhat ey thki were pednap od in r near pithe ca btal of.aghdad s.the embn sy iiraq irconfhems tmiy are bussing t pdidn'tderoviai detls.em stbassy ceaff reecntly reived atinform iion an-braniand acke li migrtia ntoup waseed to ize anam . erican>> de> the s mocratg runninfor pr t esidenarare sh tpeningheir ta at tcks aslshe pola show te tigh rningace.hi y llartoclinben and rnie nd sad ers an omartiny 'malle d facer off fotha fourin time ate debada sunghy niout in s th li carona. as it w f theireeinal mting re befoow the iusa caucches whi ju are r st ovewetwo ayeks aw. jweijiaepiang rroorts fm ar ch. leston>> ep rr:orte f underomire fr y hillarn clintochfor ngangi his onpositiim on tymuni g forun ctmanufas,urermo veratnt senor be anrnie shoders s at backs t hiop . ponent i >> s thinkryecretant clion kn atows thsh what e saveys is ry endisinguous. or>> repanter: sayders sass he ha s d-minurtrepod carhefrom t a,
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loy. vo>> he toted s guninto go to ak amtrun and g gs totoo in ti naaronal pk. v hegaoted aoiinst deang resrch to ur figt e ou chow wee an sav lives. ep>> r forter:maormer rylandgo orvernti marlln o'maccey ausedth boon clint s andrsande of in becog intensisn nt whee it camto on gun c. trol i >> o'm theanne ctedidais on th e stagctthat abrually ought le peophe togetasr to ps re compe hensivlegun atgislion. r >>r:eportean the cs didate tedebao d whdowould et the bter b joniof reiwang in trll s eet. >>ec you reivedr ove 00$6,000 r fongspeakifr fees olom gdman s sach oinne year.>> id you do not g aas fars re g ininl in waletstres ai wo uld. i >>a have haplan t t mostco tommentae rs havs said i he tougorr, mcte effendive, a mo prre comveehensi. >> te reporder: sanlers is g adin t in hhe newreampshi a pollsnd i he ws tiedinith cl iton in owa,a but llnew poes givnt clion a g biveedge over the rmont na setitor na. onwide>> th when pais camgaign ben, shewa ois 50 pahnts ofead me. er we wupe all p threeagercente in
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ep>> rteorllr: a threeca atndidrees aoo l fking or asp beark hefore tca iowa ucuses eb on f1sruary t. ia weij, jiangwscbs ne, ar chonlest. e th fsearchmaor 12 rine av miators oissingaiff hawi in it ths fouray d. s crew ain the iir andn the te waber are mping hay ered b ss masuive rf. co the arast guysd sa s theh earcha res cove 1d oversq8,000 uare mi les huoff isbr huras tupned n butgno si s ofvourvirs. ma the werines arre abod two ortranspcot helithpters at cr laashed hute ty rsda aduring ni traising mison. or flmmida cos unitieare nicleap ng uthniis morerng aft air paad of deorly tesnadod rippero thugh. rna tokiado tlledeowo pwhple en osit tthsed moeir hbileome ro achess tee strrlt eandy suay ar nepa tam. raseveotl meher s mberheof tir mifarely ata hospid.lize o>> allddf a suthen, eee tr ubehind bs, the tendingree st blarted arowing ndound a we, l al sof an,uddep, snap, sna hitth ofe ro g anderot vary scryy ve
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th anoer terwistch touedn dow ne bar a ceachniommuty in sa e tornadotr desoyed orui rned se l veras homedeand brisea sprd er ove a widarea. it whoneout conditis are fblamedasor a m psivep ileuin mi tchiganfthat leer one pson ad deth and ojuers inred. t more40han s carucand tr ks i werevenvolsud aynde in thai chtin reaclion colsion. e thre apeoplepire hosd,talize ri in ccotical n.nditio> >>l federa whelpbeill gin fl inowg fintomilint, anchig, r afteenpresida t obam asignedn em ncergecly deioaratern ov its r wateiscris. cat ah hurcicservnde suay, ve re jrend jesse tackson old hi worshepers tef full f fect oth ce leadnaontamis tion i not kn yet own. ay he sdes resiernts th e have pbeenayortred. >> ar we nve cothinced s at thi issa a di zster none,t ot jusan er emgency. e maybshthere e ould bcta du ta unpe aroe d th bcity ecausein fl ct is acerime sne. >> es renid atss nd car were
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's thattr been inucked . co p ming u "on theg morninne ws." lrocketaunch. dspacexs elivertea saellitin itto orbt but itofails nail e thinlandg. l we wiloushow yra the dc mati e.footagth this is me "cbs norningews."lettst on tajae? hone tught. ' thaty s wh ljane ovest light & finogreek ognfat y urt.bu ngrstiri with crch aeamynewesomess d anms12 graot of prein. l al cfor 80s.alorie s nog ettlinhere. wh lsat edoe anes jloe ve? ythat cou would ainbi fitt exflro fm t light.& fi n lear omoreecn spyiallrk maaced pks. li t ght.& fi fe eel fre njto e oy. tt coleonelan cleleripptu texgere outs yan cle,er bullt wige it opt pelele can ghenougo to ma comndo? d distyou jue wipuryo? bum , wellrei su. did d dinoyou aticeinnythg t aboutethe e?xtur it er's vfuy...onncti allyfieft.cien th s is ieqthe leuivant ouof yscr mules. usit jtst geol a hd veof einrythg. ahye. innothleg's ehft bind.
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yoare eau cloun entogh gmmo co?ando gh(lauars) u e yoouseris? to y.tall ayoky oka w hooudo yl? fee oh go my ssodne's, itzi amang. lyonto cote nell haseaclplnripure texte ouso ycl're enean ghou g tommo coando. viliitng wroh chminic negrai s feel elikedaach y gis aofame nc cha e. nti waoed tt puodthe inds fa my vor. m socty dotoor eld mou abtot box f anroda-appeaved tr tmentatthni siglyficantes reduc he headacfo days tsr adul c with mhronice.igrain r 15 oeamore h dache adaysth mon ,ch eang lastirs 4 houre or mo. it pr's toventuo acprally heevent dadache ays.d ans it'edinject by myctdoncor oy e everhs3 mont. th fee efs ctotof b mox pray sead s houreeto wftks anjer ionectica g usinouserimps sy.toms t aler dyourr octot righ,awayas fi dify cultloswal,wing sp ngeakiea, brg,thin eyeobpr, lemsusor mwecle ssakne n ca sbe aofign a -tlifetehrea cningtiondion. esidetsffec i maydenclule al rrgicioeactns, ne ndck aec inj stionpaite in,tifaangue add he.ache don'ket taox botf i you ahaven skictinfeion. ytelldoour actor bouturyoic medisal h,tory lemuscne or corve ionditns, an did meoncatincs, ingludibo nutulixim tons,
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thput dse odyo on idur se. vi bosit hrtoxcmionicgrneaiom.c rnto leao how tsave r on youentreatmt. ttalkado a he sachealpeciist abtoday toout box . > >> lspacexauhenca d lcfa onck roe et nindaon sund y ancc suesulsf dlyedeliver a we ratheel satntlite io o,rbit e but th hrocketubad trohele wn ri it tlaed to a nd on inbarge pathe c.cifie th trocketovipped er andex spex ceolo en muskai sd tone ofdihe lanegng ld s dinot n go i place.>> e > thckra oetr vepra teo nnisan scd dal anl a fata police ngshootie insidsta fad foore e ose arf some ohethe neadli s mon the norningndewssta.> >>t.the "s p louisost di " spatchs report kpoliceilled edan armbe robusry spect.
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bwho is, lackedraisdg a hanun wato trdgehe sero ant whteis whid and refuse torders io dropt. th 13e ea-yver ratecen offir re fishd two ilots, kheling t man. arafterwouds, ab pt 40eople th gautered ososide, ntme chaing ot prgaests aolinst pice. > >>edbuzzfeor repn ts o leakedse ilcret feges all eedlyinxposg tc maxih fimong a tng topennis ay plers. ye16 pla ars are occusedngf fixima attches t majorenournamts, cl inwiuding n,mbledoll but a b haveloeen altowed p keepl aying.a p2008 brobesylamed esndicat insi rusa and italyor f niorga izingt. he "tia guardorn" repofts 62 rithe bichest irllionad es holth the weale of thlapopu tionco .mbinedth are chobity n jectioysfan sa a kd crac mown onenore spn ding o spublics erviceghand hieser wagfo ear low carners own fl thegr diowing vide. >> n> "thek ew yor rtimes"eportsdr rdug overeoses aas incre ing e thh deatf rate owhyoung ite ad
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ovthe derdoseateath r01e in 24 on amesg whit t, 25, o 34vewas fi s timer greaten than ee rat for 34-5 to 4ldyear-os d.triple itmortalsy rate among thisig hh g amonyoungdu altst hasn' been en se t sincehe end of theid as em epidic. se nan pen says he faiinled hi nts iewervi withg dru lordl e ch apo. s hepeaid doplet idn'rsundetandhi ruon dgs. ar chrolie sse wpokepeith nn nlast oight0 n "6teminus." i >> n washeot tore tor reptn o at wh was rteepor.d on .wa i t s noenpres st toee na icrcots. wa i t s noenpresr t fo.that iwhatre was pseornt fwr, i ote. oti wrate thus to ae its a ll pi aar forn articlebo a ut the cy polie of thn war odrugs.>> or repouter: yot are n naivean knd you t ew thaeaif snnn pe we o nt ta see ldrugonord the anrun d d haera conv wsationith
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e th hsmwas n itte, withyou kn haew t at isry sto. yoewu knis that s a bigtory.u' yo nre not!aive d ane ther byou'renglamipl peo e r foinwantnog to krew mout abo it .it vi's inee.tabl >> o, no, n em problpe with iople s thatth teyhihenk towy kne mort abouit . s let'o go tbithe ctg piofure wwhatl e al.want llwe at wan dthisobrug prtolem , stopifand a youthre in e l morat righn or ofathe ftr le, ju s st a omanyurf yold chiren doare thing drese jugs,asust ny mayo of rour bs therand ersistous, ythr mod ers anfa s,ther t theereachats oo schl e arthdoing ugese drt s, jus asma ny. d anmuhow imch tvee hay thesp inent l theweast inek sce is thic artomle ct,e ouki talng ab thout at?1% ? r >>teeporrer: theno is cht mu ogdialboue a- ut ->> ar my e ticledfail. t lee me br.clea rtmy a hicleaias finled t tha e thn -- i ethatthverything at
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t bu iwhat t wasg ryinpeto sak ab tout,i hat edfailt. tha r >>r:eporteou but yal're rely yi sahang w rt ieallyeg rtre is no t ag nythind.i dire i gret thatpl peoe su mioonderstd what. i did>> t' tha is whatin'm sayg. . yeah mi coonng up cb " s this g,mornin f" morearrom chlie's rv inteitiew w ph seanatenn th dndi a't lirniast ght. up t, nexe lat yt peanon m dningereliv ts inhe ur fouath q, rterheas tnc broos a earnri thep to tit afc tle me ga. k i thinmpit's intorta forerev tyoneowo knt thae theris ucso mreh mome to smoryrtuppoan th s theastigm h youboearaut. th tatseheid restients shall esve liv t andivheir les ilstttl mander at thathey ilare stngl livi l theirives. tthat nhey'rekeot loc d awaythand heat tily st al have lot e to livoufor, y t know, hateythpe have toplerehat ca ou ab at themhend t py have eopleovthat l ae themovnd i l,e themhe so tesir liv m stillr.atte
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li[ jue ] wrthe e inklm creaeygravard. f ioeit d wsn'tfaork .st.. yo ou're tn toexhe nint th cliprcally oven trneuogena idrapnk wrieple r air. tittsargene fi linesan nkd wri lesit we h thesfastt inretmuol forilla avaable. u'yoeell sng youooer l skingkin n i ojusteene w k.o wneeek? othis'snee a k.eper ra inpid wrpakle reir. orand fsp dark ots trapidpaone reir. ro from neut gena . st lien up!m i'o here tthget dye la ofthuse ho oe backfen her et. d anergive htr the sength an gyd enerst to eaay h.lthy s who'e?with m! y!ya cothe templece balanitd nutrion of gasreat t etingnsure. 9 withms grapr of notei 26and am vitanins ned mi.rals
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>> 's> herek a looodat t ay'sfo irecast cn somearities ound e thtrcouny. > >>t walmarttis shuwning do 269 astoresinmid sicreang co itmpet pion,cuartiy larl fromam .azon st150 n ores is.the u.l wil cl ose. re the ist arenat l inicamera, mo stlyn iilbraz. e thurclosffes ad ecte0016,0 pl ems oyee10and o,000omf wh arein u the.s. t walmar,0has 11re00 sto s rl woe.dwid >> l > "wal jstreet" ournalre rtpoats thr ubeeais t umingp th wibu airr s fon-an onddema coheli spterceervi.e thftaircraer makl wile providli hes coptererfor ubus to e ri du sng thencundalme fi st fen ival i tutahwehis ek.
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sesclod. > >>poin s trts,flhe n am chshpionatip ms chupseare t. st yey,erda b theosroncli raled to t beastthe rseele16 anyton medning lch a toudown ur fouath q drter crived appeby ac.j.sondergon's ad ahear 1-yd run. dobranman mcicnus heed t win th wiif his fthld fiel goaheof t .game brthe s oncoinare a theitfc tlega orme f s thed econ stime ince20 05. >> t> infche nis divl iona, game cathe narolith panjuers ompedffto 1- a 3ad0 ledl hea binedy thjonatean s'swart twoto owuchdn. e thahse iawkse n thcosealnd h f ie ralld d anwigot thin auc tobuhdown pat the hnthersung t on so beat 3eattle1-24. n soeeex w, kendthe nt palahers pcay the s rdinalin e thamnfc chippionsh a game,nd re hes, on cbn peytonnmag ind an br the s onco thostdyom bra and e thennew pagland .triots > >>l stild,aheaan ocern jouey.a agmess ae intl botite wrbyten o twegcollude st rentseseach a rp sungrisice pla.
4:17 am
d floatelayears ter. mesee . se .e me mesee kn to ow pthatassoris is ijust thsomething hat iave. i' t m noagcont.ious mesee kn to ow ithat't wonp. sto ti unfil i hand wrkt wos. di erscoven cos tyx,dia enfferndt kif omenedici r fotemoderave to sere ueplaqas psoriis. tproven to helphe rimajopety of ople nd fiar cle ormoalarst cle skin. t 8 ou 1ofle0 peop5% saw 7in skan cleart ce amo3 .nths e whilmathe jority90saw ea% cle.ranc do se not uu if yoare icallergse to contyx. rebefort sta ying,ulou shobed d tester fotuosberculis. i anedncreas risknfof isection weand loabred y ilit fto ight mthemccay our. te oull yctr door hif youave an ec inf otionmpr sy..toms. h ...suceras fevea, swilts, chls, lemusces achco or ugh. f or ihayou ecve rdeivea invacc pe ortolan . yife ou havs crohn'die,seas te oull yctr dosor asy msmpto w canorsen. se ouriles al rgicacres tionocmay cur. e e me. se oe memyn ay w. cfind slearankin a d recleathr pawa forrd. r foffa dier entndkime of ,dicine
4:18 am
>> he> lre's a took atayod's fo strecame in sos citie aroundth tre couny. he s re iheanotokr loth at ismo g'rninp s amree anericass relea ed in erprisonp swa iwithe ran arce remeiving evdical onaluatis inrm geany.a thfour a freedn mericatochose n stay iiran. an ird ans ijeobg ctin nto ew s u.s.ioanctvens ontr rece ia iraniln misss.e test sbernie aandersland hilry in clshton n arpeattheir intacks ay sund's nightoc demc rati .debatee thffface-out in solih carona wa r s theieflast be ore thiowa uc can uses iwoover t. weeksth laey c oshedthn healan care d gu ron contl.>
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wttleith age messae insid to intl the aocantic arean yes ag no,erevxp etieco ng titsee ai agutn, btw in aro yet s, ihas qmade auitear reme kablnejour y.ev stnge la ofordr f oucbs st n atio rwcbstsepor. >> j iusoo jokt toan it d threw it rd as hai as ulcod. ep >> rr:ortet jusfahow r a me e ssag bin ae ottlgocan usokt tod it anitthrew as d har cas i.ould r >>teeporusr: jw t hoa far ss meinage ot a bcatle n go yo behend tde wilrest dofams mm tod y angebrido t whyetwo ars ag w o noedtosss this glaslebott nwith asiote ino de intthe n ocea tintoerhe jshsey anore d ne agver imthining lee bott wouldke mafa it r. th eyn' dident evn signothe te de insi. ju>> we ugst thot ht thae someon fwouldind it and be ,like "you ft ler youot bretle he." ep >> r torter:d hey haisleft h ll cormege doss addree on th ss mebuage r t nevet thoughabout ga it antin uhiil t ws weekhen e someonfrom la oyolsiuniverty inyl marntand cothacted em yi saomng s heoneouad fhend tir me e ssagotin a b ftle inrance. ttthe bolole f3,ating mi376 s le om fran islacd beath strke pa in je new o rsey triile taec in an
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't canve belie it,t tha it nt wehe all t t wayrao fnce. t can'e believit. sp [ ngeakifo in n reigualang ]ge>> or rep tter:mahis ean sp king u to hs frome is homtein wesrn ce franng showie us th hbottlee fo tund onchhe beapa this st ay sund. ea [ spn king in foreiggelangua ] r >>teeporthr: in a e seedwe and e thhesand, he says ed spott it d ant took io home topen. e the messaginhe tot be tlstju lybareib legle. ay he smps a sie le lineathat rd, e, quot t writeboo us ar ut yougo orod fs.tunesp [ ieakingren folaign ]nguage r >>r:eporte a crazynd be unlelievabay, he s,o year m 3,000. iles re>> it sallysoays g methinab hoout e w thd worlcocan t nnec neto oth anoer. >> or rep oter:emne rblarkae jom thestersey teore, sve la , ngfordewwcbs ns. >> nv> an itiestigaeaon revled th cat 911enalls wswt unanered in au ft. lalderduse becae e th sp dichataser weg all oedlythn e
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ana m hadei a st zure aan op trtomeist office in beseptemr.e thpa disr tcher latewas re anprimdedre anprimded. > >>ngcomiaf up yoter ocur lal ne n ws o t"cbsmohis g,rnin" gkidsngetti t inhe crfioss-t e.craz ani'm arne-mreie isd thth is bse "cni morng ."news ceannouns r: thiioport "n of cbs in morn" g newsresponsod by gi vasil.
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it in's wter. wieat snters.nack es fr.hman mp ca'sbell. ma rde foreaeal, r.l life iti did ...t. do i .. ttakeurhe natune's bor,ty hai sk nin andhaails cgellen. r if you hair,in sk n and dailson't look bmoreifeaut'lul, we yl giveyoou eyur mon back. dii ..d it. feand i eael b.utiful
4:23 am
>> a> ancameriann mom d a st mona iery inretaly ain makg he havenly aarmonysy theap t to into pilen tzzey uakesers the. or>> reploter: couse yr ndeyes au yod coulacbe bhek in t 11th ce ntury.
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tewritwhn and aen st.neugusti un fos d monkhiin tsis balica. er fath f casey aolsom,at gradue of nd the ichiana sofool ic mus, h cameereh wit timhe a of ngbringius his mk ic bacifto le.[ diinauble ] gweemive thce a be'suse itch so mut a parof ur yoif le. ouif y't donat do thd , you' be ty pret h boredere. >> te repor vr: theesoice lsons e ard,so gooat thus a m ic an compd y askeo them tcdcut a . ndit ep ed u tat theop of ll bis board'caclassitsl char .e threincordssg se hionso ad tbe ot slinted dto a sailyulchede ofwo ndrk aye prahars tart st t at3: th45 in ine morng. nkthe moe on thcoalbum ver co cunnectit born fatheren bedict tilimi fkoffedigurwo it hauld ve tlesslihan d mitealappe.
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rdere won s oftecan't. ep >> r torter:e hey ar gbothood thfor ule so? ot>> fh good sor theoul, alespeci bly theeer!>> te report r: is turne out thar benod is apether s tcialtyhat ithas s s rootiein medmeval frother s,ancire the berw mastom frs, dallaan says cient ew brs ing wa oa kindblf puic he alth s, ervicee becaustheil boocing preress st oilizesften rt ditey war. t'>> inas a l turaoncreati. glikeod.i thdon't d ink goriis glofied anofd one ot the m ttos inhe ne be odictrder. r >>r:eporteon the mw ks breand ll selo a beend batr th6% is al ispp whoin g 10%. do we wan't t nt itewary. onwe dan't w lt it.ight 's ithi somethang tabt grurs yo at iotentn. ep>> r iorter:ait certdonly es at th. ll weou, if yht thougus the mic viwas diu ne, yoldshouhe try t beer. t trusme. veand giqun the ofality the tmusic,sahat's omying s.ething gathe lestcy of st. augud ine an nkhis mo ws, twoulonderfto ways so totheouhe sl. er>> ches.
4:26 am
nonews, ntrcha. ll >> aen pizzeyei bng sp llirituay upedlift.mi cop ng uyoafter ocur lewal ns "ons cbisthor mngni," cieharl ro ise'sernt wview sith pean ennth eat wn' dide t seiglast nht on0 "6s.minute"fo rmre secf tary onsdefeobe rert jogates wins usith a look at s hi newokbo. d an gkidsngettio int the cr fioss-azt cre. ithate s th m"cbsngornis" new thfor onis mday. ksthan w forinatchg.
4:27 am
hi "thas is c 2nnels, newco gevera c you can oountn" avwe hote anwiher snter ttormo t starwethe . ek..ofone aew fex edpecthi to ert ov n theext dafew meys. olteort ogis ff jeti marneisz th in ate wer he nt ceiter wclh a loserinook our m storh watcracovege. frand 'sidayrm stose caud a mb nuf er odeaccionnts the waroadtoys. p hel ykeepafou se ouon yinr mornmmg co kute...y on sisss i alivet ai-80 rndb ob
4:28 am
an texpectrnhis mo
4:29 am


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