tv Channel 2 News 630PM CBS January 19, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm PST
6:30 pm
i staye n thth50s frrough iday. gn benis cloudncwill irease aythursdit, but be will y frida re befoex the nstt syorm stemmo thves trough.llhis wi be a co tolder sh rm witevsnow lels at thpr will sobably tartwh somearere loundhoake taute, bul co td droparo neal the vley oo flsars by . turdayt i don'pe ex vct anyacalley lacumus tion hi at tt,s poinnc but on e agai el travr ovessthe paoues cetld gwe a have ofbit a i breakn the cactionouoming wr way,thith e snextystorm sattem slmoed to ve h througdaon frisay and ayturd. fo shr the rmort te, a rmildidge ig of hsuh presl re wil tbump he pnext sacificm ysteurto ort nollh. we'ta sutrt o with lyparty cloudweskies esdny,daan end that cchtl a lite more di cloun ness itethe afasrnoon utthe sodghern e ae ofd colon frhet brusons by. r e othe ib posstoility de consir is a ce chanca of loeel fr fzingog, pe eslyciale in throarea aund uctre,keut be wulcod po nttey iallmesee soe in thva hlleys.mpigh teeseratur will ay ste in thro50s thidugh fray. cbenignwilouds ncll ie reas sd thurt ay, builit w fl beriday fo be nre theorext stemm systve mougs thros h. thie will ba ld cotoer sh rm witevsnow lels w thatobill prtaably srtso e mewher laroundhoake tae, butul co td drop to nearlehe valy oo fly rs baysaturdn'. i dot ex nypect ay vallelaaccumutions at po this utint, bag once ain tr
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ouvery twegh as in head to the en weekd. th ksane. mik enand whinever wattry weher me co ns toerorthvan neda... re tmember wo stayanith ch2 nel onewse n onln e, oce fa abookttnd twi ser fortormtc wainh contovuing cerage. ne hvada pighwaytratrol oopersy saadicy roris contd buteto afa cital aceadent nr tlakeahoe er ov w thendeeke. th ase crpph ha oeneds n u-50 t abous 8 mileofnorth the fo calievrnia nstada liate ne arnenb gle. rook.. 9around-30 tu sa nrday. ightoo traypers sve a siltar toyo ll caro wa thatraas tngvelist eaid... slth into boe westund a lanelind colwided wth ahite ba suru. ea 36-yaqr-old mouiles ..lero. a gepassenorr in c. olla..passeday awin from . juries ivthe drreers weur not ht. a upsad o date ty a stor'vwee edfollowhe for tfi last ve . days..acthe plnter couy f'sherifces offiit says has en suspe ded thse farchkior a soo schl st in wructorenho wsst misting lawe ek. 23
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n seen oaythursd s whileatkiing ga su- r bowlhewhere w hasd orke mat then ountaitssporrn leaing ce fnterheor tth past ree on seashes. wn dhen'idret rntuho frme on seiday, rearch cws std arteinlookr g ere shs iff'ceoffis say nd consitioin durveg fis dayofse inarchveg han beechtreas erou to- due s heavyannow d the chavalanere dang. e thifsherfif's ofrece regtsha tvingeno suspsed the arch. es reprveentati ts fromhe er shs iff'..officepl.. chaains gaand su rr bowlntepreseatives t meaywith mil's famy.y toda in ema statgaent su tr bowledhank yo everhone wpe hel td inhear sech. riin ct me beaic-- polfie ofcers co say rfuntemoeit aney is nt co pinuing iroblemn the tr e uckes.meadows that''swhy itpo imfortant ner busindsses a erconsum ps tottay a tentiono e th tcashchhat s anges.handwh unile coeiterft y moneis a onnati pwideemroblpo -- sliceay am the f ount ooicash goung thrghca masinos thkes ime crtte a lilere moe uniquiein citkes lio ren arand spanks. d usit's bs inessean umd consthers ecat bthome e imvictcas bee use therlast pson inholdbig the s ll doet not ge rsreimbu ied fort.ti
6:33 pm
buununfort iately,t,t's no andth wat'st'hy iims anport gt toetth oe wordthut to une commity to op pr terlyourain yopr pele, ve initst a lbitle ret mo moneyin pto theeqroper enuipmt to erbettif identcoy the rfunteeit s.bill" pmequilient cake ss nnerinand k th ngat chaesda to a orrk col on onfake m uey canlysualth do e b. joan you cch also e eck th gsmarkinld by hoe ing thp bill uto aig l -htan- id ifelt fes ke faro, it py bablis. in l schooh watcghtonimet-- so heof t t moneys hat waupfreed by eg the ltuislaorre f at is tsking i way to ss.tudent w.. whoant tobe eacome tchers. nn arianna bejoett nins usowve lih wit imoretinformaon on acthe tedah nevaar schol..ships.i? are tht firsd rounolof schs arship is r up fos grabt righthnow-- ey id provioe tuitasn for piring he teacgers to r t theice atrtificmaes or dster'sesegrere heva in neupda... to 18th ndousars dollaec per r. ipient rasiera nevade colleg ois onef e tholschoris offeng thesc rshola..hips w. soade hep ed u tothere day. : alanre"it's really go at t thwatch olis rt,l ouse becaues
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ir's theon passico to be me heteacthrs. t ey jus hneededelp th wirc resoudoes to it." ra sierad nevlla cos ege haso far ar aw12ded th of e 20sc rshola thipshahey unve fding thfor eais yher. troir p..gram. oofferse nlinseclasnds... a a t fasto rack ta st ma der'se.egrewa slkerthays rois p igrams g goina to be bi ig helpn ne tvada's seacheraghorte... ay he sshs the iortageins hittg rnsouthead nevcia espeallyha burd... e t we'r iseeingt uprt no wh asell. "talan: prhis m ograhegets tm in asthe clqusroom wicker,s hich i he in tt besreintethst of e ho sctrol disanicts, d ul matilytein, he tes bint retest t oftahe sf te odaneva."th e ere arscstill hiholarspsav blailaome fra sierrnevada e.collegnd.. a o thether id provers... or so fma inforn tion o yi appljung... d st heatokt avn.comlind ccke on thblue nknewslions butt. ve co sringl chooliwatch ve, ar a iannt,bennetel channs. 2 new te af tr morethhan three ousand tefan vo ts overt he pasfourmo , nthsnothe rera usl fnchise
6:35 pm
t downfio six s.nalist e thinorigteal conanst beg back s inmbeptelaer of r st yeaand se focuatd on g pheringublic ed feorback fen the rero socc nteam'sogame, l cos andolors. ry anan coiaday jlins us ve in th ude st. io nowan ryt' whahere t t namese hat thpe ikople le?we s ll guymaafter geny sugnsstio w ofe hat th srenor occeteam me nad shoulrebe, hehe are t li finasts... stnow liseen cloauly bece se som t ofunhem solad simir. to the sup six onbmissires are no fc fc, r reno,lveno sier fc, itreno crey fc, nino u ated,nd re 186 asnow c yougian imancne, sie i thisnts a coheest, teere's bn t a loeeof fandback end commtson am the nrees. heew's a f we'vere oceivedfan our van dono kn says seep ite.impl r fcedeno s ballarelikes no ed unit. an
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he aays fctend unid are o sonever does. i guths, of e x sis choice wi'd go68ith 18. i redon't ally orcare ff any othem o we alstospoke o a fewther op peodle tinay, g cludinnothe re pr usl t,esidenar to heir the nsopinioe on thnames. e ericindelsteid- prest ent-"ire tspresenyi a vartong hisry, it ni defiketely sarws towd euthe anropeth, but haat's wt e th wpeoplevoho've heiced tre n opinioaihave s'vd theyede want eeto s n rightow." e lanc- allrednevada hm fres ran-the ieno fcdst soune tho best t sme, fcfotands r ot foluball clib i beeve da edniel sevillo-nsoada rephmo- re teno unihed or tfc reno , sprettyi imple k thinitthe uned fo rer , nopra cettyidool ea nathe fingl votian beg this mo g rninwiand jll endanuaryst 31dn at miight. u yondcan fiin the lotk to ve r foouwhat ynk thi t themeeam na bshouldise by vouiting r we ktbsite omvn.c c andg lickinon e th nblueksewslinn buttoth fie ofeacial t wm nameill bele ren ased ifemid rybrua. but tethe lam'sologo, cd ors anco ngachiff sta b won'te
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congrihe tto sivry line he t udst, ioanryan cayadha celnnwo t wsne. st toill e comhaon c 2nnels new -3at 6 s0, as parkn mainth hkse d coulhiget g s doifcertasied tathe t llesnglivi i doge n th rl woe'd, wllin uctrodtoe you , rockonext. aongevera t, it takes hreendhuamred aneric srkwofoing a r d soliarye, akto m me asmouch asney t oneop ceo. it le's cald wathe apge g. th and ble repuwiicans akll mite rswobye lerowg inxetafos r osth te atophe t l andngetti rpcoatornsiori wte ei thrur own les. ll hiinary clllton wik worto thclose ge wageap. eql uay par fomewoton ai rse meincor s fomifa,lies
6:40 pm
et meko roc i, he16s a un0 pod, i 53s nchengloan, sed n vefeetta n ll ohihis egnd ls.hi nes owicr, ns holas,helm got roo ckenwhe hs wagheiwet s ek old d an teven- hen- hknewe had a dobig hg ondsis han. ol nichmsas hels - "afiour rst , daneerwe wnde kith of orownff twithizhe seae, y kh wenow he upis sd posee to b bbig,e ut w pt keri heareng a s youheure 'son wly 8? eeksyoare reu sue ? ar suyou e're hlys ons thi" age? debesitis ea angon tf oodfo, ro wicko olly nlindrfrk tomhe si . nk heand oy enjots tr atingd roun r theiksspargh neiooborhhid, wch lis ae ittlttunse flingomor se. he s-lma "t lo pofpleoare e sc edaro tlkwa bm y hiusbecae ofhi zes siop. pectle acrually oss e th tstreetoio avm d hiiswhich ki f nd o" a daeat amne ns ed zeuis edlistth as ene currd't worls es tall. t dog.inat 44 alches tl, pbut heawassed 20ay in 14. ck rofio's ofeicial hr ght fothe gu boiness wook of corld rerds is nc 40 itahes ll. yoand fiu de cnitelyt ouldn'br roing acko on a planengccordito
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nd haofful s otheranand chging leits ruhes on cg ckin. pets g andi ruevara. eports oo "grnd mo wing, ce'reinheckg ou t.r pe" r for peteolharrd d anwihis fe n, jant sha pi isofart thefa , milyh whics mean twhenhey y fl- r theiabador gledeoln do dodle toes,buoo. ant shti's o tog bir foe thn cabiheso sas h b toece choiked. vpece of ter d/harrolnepet owr: t "iotis n e thestasieng thi, itta kelos a imng tree, theot's ls apof prkerwoar" stn ting imarch a delto will n alongerllowrg las er petchto be d eckeonto ei thner owflr's s.ightte insad 'ltheyanl be hs dled at.freighpe ilts wvel hari to arthve at e t airpors 3 hourrebefoli a fght, ro be dffpped oic and pd keupt a rlthe aicaine's cirgo fality - ic why h maa be in endiffert lo oncatipa than r ssengecheck in d , anocthe pod h coul afly onse teparat- flighaythat miv arre ifat a dntfereim te. a'deltans cholge f ulowsd nite h whic talsoporanslarts rgerdo s gs ao.carg zlsue kaelaw-nisson th runs e e'airlinafs petspre raog sm.ueka -nzlawn/elsoedunitsa pet feog pr "ram:eawe rhally ve a tt bequer ed ippelifacit ty a
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anthe s imal sin aafe en nmviroanent ved ha ofprsies sonal ttaffcahat okn lo r afte wthemthhen heya ave nn coonectila or r yoveraerthth usan javt lething utem o on th ace tarm t where bhearags e." essouthwjet and wotblue t n't leyo k u chec aa pet.cameriiln stl , doeslybut onrt on cepeain tys irof aancraft whd not s en it'o to thot oroool cd. rv seanice s imalllof aes siz arelo altowed inab the csyin, a stem eltraver expiets bell ve wilbe n takeagadvants e of aesairlin imakerdt hao er tk chec. pets ve co tringtohe s, ryandi ar guevnna, cha nel 2ews lt de ta saysnghe chatse to ili poilcy wsul enre a -q high, ualityteconsisvint sercefo tsr peth when neeir owrs ch o.carg caforeexst nt.... an amnoda: reon is te ofeshe bt ti cio es t fbe a tirstime me hor.buye w buti'hy? elll tl yo
6:43 pm
ou if ydo're eving hierythtng rig ndbut fiha it arderdend hartor y, get bou yno're ont ale. ouwhile ler peop worknglorser houow for leser wag, al amostewll nom ince go thes to p e to1%. n my plae -- maktrwall seet s bankthand are ultrich thpay faeir hair sf re os,taxe idprovvie liagng wes wofor g rkinlepeop, en esure pqualoray fen wom. m i' sbernie.anders ap i e prov mthis essagee becausertogeth, anwe ce makpo a calitilul revotion d antecreaec an yonomd ancrdemothacy orat works f all
6:44 pm
un co..cil. s andloome acalsre arup in vems o. r ittawe'll ke acl loserk ooheat tnt coy.roversom.. tw orroinmorng e welcom. back..onin mey the b lgeste ittlcity g is rettingtiecognioron fng beie onasof e liestnsocatioy to buur yo h tie naenonal lrmdor fiy , moneur soasce hed addto reno itsli thst of 1e "topes0 citi for fi rs tt-e immehorsbuye." an ametda kdgchle le isinive h southereno wanre mmey hos up are al for se. , amandad how dietreno g this r? honomo urney sokece lood at pl emntoymesi, bu anessitctivy quand y alitifof l me tothake e . listan nod reme see hd toa ave tolot fe ofncr, ingludi h theprome icesfo acr plikes lise thfo up r le sa.
6:45 pm
hoviing dionsien: "ro's a t greae liv's there a of lot da afforhoble tuseso sechoom. frore theak's le,e taho eagropt sh, pingloand a t ofjo eibs breng c."ated cotesla o ming t, townthode fo cuand e lture scen aherend cr reoneatirb neae y arall fa s ctor pthatenut rono taphe m grfor a pleat toace h buy aome. t wed alkeocto leaal rtal esteag jdent --ku dra -lich- who s told uonlocatioo, bedrt,m counan old hog zoninsoare f me o e thgsthinha tt ntgo ifio a rst ti erme buy's dioecisutn. b he b sayss uyerseare leingimitedin orventd y anespricin or acc tdingm,o hi i nows a t good bime toauuy bechese t stintere a rates fre lowt or wha ey thok're fo raj.d. d, kulich rre/maxeal es ta"yte: diou're erscovwhing atyo afu can rdfo, ywhate ou'rco tamforwible thth. ecen dg idinon a areprand tice.rehen ally g nailin ydowncrour . iteriahow ny maom bedrowas you lont. a t of op peeele nrtd a ceouain amnt of 11 l , we'loutell yab more out th
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merst tie homr buyem prograre heva in neveda. co tringhest aory,a mandhlketcedge, ch l annews2 ne . we av ha e t bi aofre bakn ie th on actiin comr g ouitway, wh the ne rmxt stom syste tslatedo movero thonugh da frisay and . turday e for thteshort mirm, a geld rid h ofprigh reessubu will mp thext neic pacifm systeto ourrt nollh. we' o startitut wh rt paloly cskudy dnies weesday,d an cthen aatche littlmore necloudithss in rne afteoon asth hee soute rn edg cof aold brfront byushes ot. one r he ilpossib city tor onsideis a ochancel f locazifreeogng f, ciespen ally ieathe ard arounuc trutkee, bul we cod iapotente lly sen some ithe ey vallh s. higtempeseratur will ay stth in s e 50h throug. fridayni beudgn clo is wille ncreasth , ursday wbut it fill beriday fo behere tt nexsystorm stem thmoves trough.llhis wi be a co tolder sh rm wit lsnows evelth l at willyprobab start whsomearere akound le,e taho but d coulo drop thenear ty vallefl y oors baysaturddo. i n't ctexpe v anyacalley ticumulaons hiat tins po ot, butaince agn h webiave a bt of a ireake n thac omtion couing y,r wath with e
6:47 pm
ne s stormslystem o ated tmove ug throrih on fanday tud sarday. r foshthe rmort teld, a mi ridge h ofprigh reessubu will mp thext neic pacifm systeto ourrt nollh. we' o startitut wh pa crtlyy loudweskies y,dnesda enand th a catche littlmore ou cl idinessafn the n ternooas e thrnsoutheof edge d a col brfront byushes ot. one her ilpossibtoity si con ader is an chf ce ofrlocal feezingog, es lypeciale in throarea aund ke truc we, butd e coulte poy ntiallmesee soe in th ey vallh s. higertempesatur will n stay is the 50ugthroidh fray. ni beudgn clo is wille ncreasth , ursday wbut it fill beriday re befo n thestext storm syemmo roves thhiugh. t bs wille a ld cormer stosn with evow lels ilthat wabl probtaly srtme soarwhere loundtaake uthoe, b ul coopd drar to neal the vley oo flsars by . turdayt i don' ct expean eyy vallul accum aationst this t, poinnc but on e agaitravel
6:48 pm
astough ad we heth into e av we ht e a bireof a bthak in e on actig cominy,our wath with e s next stormm ysteedslatmo to veth onrough y fridatuand sarday. fo shr the rmort temi, a idld rge h ofesigh prilsure wmpl bu the pnext sacifictoystem our h. nort s we'lluttart o with cpartlyskloudy dnies wey,esdaan cd then latch amoittle reou cl idinesse n thrnafteoon ase thrnsouthee edg cof aold on frhet brusons by. r e othe ss poitibil cy todeonsi ar is ch f ance ofrlocal ngeezi, foges alpecin ly ieathe ard arountr buckee,cout we uld nt poteseially ie somen the eyvalligs. hmph teureratiles wl st thay in the 50s frrough iday. ni belogn clluds wias incree th ayursdit, but be will y frida fo be nre theorext stemm systve mougs throhih. tlls wi be a co tolder sh rm witevsnow lels ilthat wabl probrtly staso e mewher laroundhoake tae, but
6:49 pm
6:50 pm
h"nows ere'tssporec dirtor rr gadeett rnarboh witnechanl 2 ts spor." th pe wolfn'ack meets baskballam tead has hk a weemeoff gapl nday at is sefor om wydaing...olllas cauodny cght upit we h th tpacke o seheif t e byenweekd d di sthemgoome od. te af2-r a ar3 sttht nee vada sk balletbam teaa had labye st ek havedg play 4 of th steir laes 6 game on th . road..ysthe gud saiicphysally w it bas aelig hjup. "< st to ve gi b ours odiendand mis a werest. d had a tay offerhe oth y dathand asat wll reaody go for r oudibo aes mnddsin. ..lyreal st ju u getlls wepa prefored r wy the teoming n am oeswednday." "h saaving oturdayasff wtt prey ce nilo it al twed usino get to gythe lim a ttorle mgee mot rere ips up.s t wat.grea" n so fext up wor theckolf pa rethey ang headik bacheon tro faad to mice wyo ing nowf you re ermembol the w jf packatust bewy rioming reght hewl at laor
6:51 pm
un a yo tg team phat is uickingp memohentum t by justw eat ne xi men co dow pin thesoit... o what dysthe gunk thiut abo inplayteg a heam tsty juce reeantly bt." ou "ye havorto fthget eaat tm atheyomre cofing gaf a me ai agnenst xiw met co aw necomexiin p thethit, heat tn y wosoey thoi are ghang to otve a l of id conft ence apltheir ace on dawednesy." "w ede nebo to ree und thba llsketba b. they leat usast ti n me oglthe iass. at is newme ga0 ... 0-rtto stats. le see thow ituturns o k." youlynow onme til wil htellplow we ay on dn weniesday ought. yw knoso s metimewhthink ouen ye havti ffme o g youitet a bst of ru. th wat'shy w ge'vesoone d harov heer tt lasys5 dafe. i el ke lill we'pr be edeparpl to ayon ne wed nsday."ight a win ai agwynst g omin pwillevut nada aback0 t 50onin cncferee ..playll. daolas c codnyelhann 2 or spts. tas forfehe constrence s anding icominge nto ththday...llese wich ftange ae er somigof tonht's ..actionie.san dtego sta is up seon boin ...thereit's f nsno,ew , mexicoutahat
6:52 pm
bof om halnfthe co herenceasne n vada ispthe 8-eyot, that're om wytoing owmorr . ma lejor baguealasebl-l's altime ts hide leallr wiin be edduct a intoast lehat one fall of me. cithe nancinedti rnos and unce to thday etat psee rol wilbe ctindunted ie o th'steaml haloffa n me irejune. mcentlyajorle asague bcoeball simmis ronerob remanfhed upheld tye 74-ldar o's n ba bfromalasebbel for g ttinon orthe sp lt....aimifete ban at thee's bg n goin19since 89. th ganks. arrett nemixt, ilke wvel ha f aalin alook wt your. eather
6:53 pm
6:54 pm
th for t e shora term, idmild rge h of higrepressubu will mp thene ifxt pacteic sys om tourno wrth. se'lluttart o with ly party cloudweskies y,dnesda enand th a catche littlmorecl ssoudineth in tee afasrnoon utthe sodghern e ce of aold t frons brushee by. onother ib posstoility de consir is a ochancecaf loeel frogzing f, pe es iciallyarn the unea arod th , ursday wbut it fill beriday ry vegh touwe as in head to theek
6:55 pm
yo nurex y >> the msay $1illion es don'wht buy usat it ed to. bmaybe,stut it aill istt preygo chod payfoeck mr 30inutes w ofork. e arreyou ady? t' lepls whay "nto wae s to ba namillioire." [c s heerapand seplau] ra[dtimamuc c]si o,hellry eve,body i' m s chriisharron. omwelc te tohohe sw. u yo rguys teadyayo plo "wh s wante to blla miirionae"? he [cd ers anauapplse] al t.l righ heas tta capf in otrher ivia am teda, toy'tus regrnin escont stantshays e'lls fu of us s elesrminfon.atio
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