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tv   Channel 2 News 530PM  CBS  January 20, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

5:30 pm
ro to gw. ..thishe. as tlo unemprayment te uecontins top. droch whito secrs e arngseei m theacost tytivi -- as ey monat wchs topnechanl 2 ws ne5- at 30. 20 ma-15 verks figh strais t yearof ro job g nwth in tevada.he rt depaf ment ooyempl, ment ni trai rng anditehabiln atiosays e ther-tare 25d housan jmoreobs co tmparedpro the eviousde . cember od gong evenila, i'm ilndon mler. i' and tem krisngn remiton -- yothank stu for wiaying th us. ilmeanwh ue, thelonempt ymenrate d droppe pby oneo oint t6.4 rc pet.en e thstlowece sine jun00of 28. ul pan nelso ttalkedo the e' staties chonf ecabomist out ta his n ke odanevawi's grong om econl y. pau d-- howino thgsst upack re compad to cepre-relession vels? 'r weile stt l nothquite t,ere ye n kristeut-- bre we'ng headi in e thdiright n.rectio mbreme oer, itoknly to three foyears dar nevase to lo5- 17ndthousa-- jobs mi bottongt ou10in 20-. fi rsve yea - laterly- near 140- th
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nd -- ami econosasts eyy th could ulbe fecly redoverme, sotimeth eais yr. dibuilonng cctstruion th ere silv c statenuontio es t n churjoout - bs -litraiy ng onl ah ut f anddaloripr in e ivat or secth. growt t whileheco tinstrucuson indsttry lo10 sa0-thous nd job tduringhere n cessios -- it'8.grown 6 rc peinent as the p -t year- ad 5-ding 5hujondred bs. bi 'rll "wew e nohein tss proce wiof gro cng butofoming f whatis en esslytialis a hcatorilly lo sew ba, . soe'therlos a ng aroad fheadheor tst conioructn orsectge to ckt bawh to weere we wre, if de everbao get ck to at th." point ri duhang tmet san spa-- -h 96edundros pnsitioe werd adde t insuhe lei hre andliospitaty st induttry, ge bing itack to whabout were itoras befe the omeconowic dn.ntur ll bi r "itnsemai l ourstarge oyemplsoer. r , foe thaloverl ec y onome to bthheal iy,nk thi vit'simery anportr t fothatla inrge rydustal to hoso smew so al heth."mo hare t-tn 25anhousbsd joe wercr d eate ylast--ear t buthe
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rehundbsd jode. a e clinof nd10-aal-a-hrcf peent. ll bini "mis ng irya veli cyccal du in. strygowe've hrne tough is thor befnde, ang goiwa forrd, ou althghve it's arry hd topr t edictithe , mingl we'lsee ithingsmp."rove da nevale's jobe ss ratis 6.4 rc pe--ent n dow tfrom0-he 210 opeak.7f 13ce pernt. d ans there'mioptiorsm f thear yead ahewi -- cth newompanies ke lila tes f andayaradur fute. oualthhegh tuf manriactungin rydustra tdialtionasly h not iv dreven ns ada'omecony. i bill "itthink ig's a shen of tve did rsifie tgrowth'vhat wee s beentheeing wiat we ll be ei sen ng ingcomirs yea. ilmeanwhnee, at vada'spu po ilationors up mane th 50- ou theosand p tple int he pas year. ly onth norot dakora, cold ado an wa gtshin gon d-c arew atr highe . rateth lve siteer staul's popisation cl 2ose toli.9-milplon peoe --d ans expertthsay efat rlects e thaloverthl heale of th om econery. covneing moh y watc i livenen the wsomropa, ul onnelsan, chtwnel wso ne. h"nowmiere's erke algst's fir
5:33 pm
we av hane heotr ldmin aun uleventf c dayg ominupur thefsday be ore thwastorm gon olgets rgaling aa in. low es pr csurewienter wlll sloy move a in hs wetoead inee the wkend, br ngingith anoncer chae of eyvalln raiunand monotain sw. urfor thlosday ct uds ou d ahea lof thel ow wilcover st wevaern nebuda, mpt teeseratur wi y ll standmild aou we shld d stayonry. da frieay, a wk st syitem splofs off ai the mn br low ainginge chancleof valy a rainh nd higioelevatown sn. on rd satue ay, tharmain phet of tst riorm arhives, wl ch wil seincreaha the c vnce ofalley itpreciptoation ik the lely l, leveil and wl s dropvenow lesels cloe to th fvalleycoloor, g olinffus o to
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y ifjuou're nist joileng us t's h catcupyou th on g e biy storwe d 5.. t righhenow, tva ahelancge danr is th in dee mo crateorategr y fo sithe ..errand.. aal loc ski trpaol wlerstoant t getorhe wd moout hrre t cougheslass and alsociia med. lo recal s sort tworkepo ke theav chalannge daower lic, whh is 'swhy itmo much dreroangeo us t i skhein tk bactrcouny. hidevin "emtra:kimost sgeers t icaught an slabhevalanch s whic w is lhere ahuarge cnk of b snowalreaks ndl arou theie skhor. tlase sanb avalanches c a bee nywherhefrom tof size a
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fonfmore ionormati on al avdaanche ounger ylw can aays ec chthk out rae sierla avanche wcenterteebsi h. weliave a nkat -n k-t-vom dot c. ma yony of yu gaveedour feback eifor "r rmaginehieno" ts past tyear--ywhe cititide iniative in shapmag the laster pthn for e xt near 20 yes. onwell tllight aur of yo input b is deingssiscucied by tyfi oftocials nu continee the xtph inase s thiyetwo roar p. cessam etanda ke chledge is livatty ci a hall.a,mandt' whas the te larost f mm this? eetingmb meofers c the jouncilmeust t to or get mn e of ataundersnding on or inf cmationedollect from tmore6-han sathoubend memrs in mmthe thd wiir theng findi'rs theye ho o ping t cmakeeshoic t forhe i cityfun the ture. ll bima thosss, a ristanttyeno ci r:managee "wher gare weo oing t hogrow, wew are ng goigr to ow, arwhere lee peop t going, o live at whds kinus of hoeres, whe are ssbusinenges goi? to beall of ththese haings tlyt real ctdireffly achect ea d of usay a inaynd d out."ci icty offeaials hotrd a l of
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n oups istthe lato year find ou rt whatenesidts are te inedrestan in td whathey'reco nencert.d abouth ndey fouma that eony pwaple nt smoreafaiety, mcentenan and a e sensomof ctymunien for ro.ed ioucatd n antdthe oueroors we n also o'speople. mindsll bis, thomata assiso nt rencityna mapeger: "aiople s ad renond eathe ard arouns reno i ly realte a cenr r fooooutdr cr reoneatith. and that is eir p totyprioriow and hwa they nt o us tnobe kanwn. ddd in aition, speopleataid thre they allyth atink thou we shld aiv un tersityown." th cie coun dl alsossiscuhaed psetw heo of tag "reimnoine re" es ilis w tl beonhe sece d phasofbl puutic inpin startg this . spring y sotiou se ll havoran opptunity oito vowce h f yououeel abt the ci ty. th age reimnoine rer masteplann' woint be f ualizedulntil jy ofxt ne year. ngcoverito the sry, amanda edketchlhage c 2nnel news. an thndks amaata... liger tonhte thlareno pconning onmmissill wide consiner a vew det lopmenin di ver. ke taoo a l tk atpihis ntnpoi map.we east m edowsesstatin... red er th ne... oorth80f i-es busins e rout b isoneing cd sideret.tonigh
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acm ss frownboomtolr has aeady abeend pprove rby thetyeno cico uncil. isky ss son haokthe spe tode rsvelopeho and tosse opped to th nee how usg,innd aep rtsorom fr. verdi bi ndke a p carsiasng ch a d erishecorural itmmuny in henortadrn nev oa iss n itway toun a dergo jomausr hooming bo. bchip "owlby-opthe prouerty y be see e hind mtsconsis3 of 27 sirentdel ialots."pr aporoved fsi a houng lo deveinpment 2hi009, teds ruggve terdi n rrai bnearowoomts n ha wabeen athiting ite day would ur be td netose hous. d an- now-lodevechper ip wl bo mby'siaered0 n 12 de pmvelohaent us beenmonaniusly pr apy oved brethe itno cy co l unci ui to b rld 273tiesidenesal hom. joa mancr cofoern rdr vei un commleity cader barlyarorchd. bocarly rdrchat - "mos tall ofhe lo deve cpmentsthoming ourough r
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prenor,rope c areerlustsi houngde pmvelohients wnsch meaal sever re hunds d homeerrathn thathe pi tycocal onunty zwhing weich alare fl soon ad ofhynd w we hlive" ere. i verdntresideves han beevocal to le city anaders ved derslopeab t outhcoeir nsncerlu incding fi traf-sc-ch--ools m andost inpromy-entlr.-wate davidrl cason ydis a hstrologias and hsu trveyeda'he arer s wate st subiaina. lity w he tantsuso doune celyrtaint t thatrehe aula cod t nolehand c thehooming "rlson-l severapuother mping s testhashow te t therissu ntfficie i watere n thfeaquir s to tupportmthe booown de envelopmt." ro achess ty, valleme west adows es wotates cluld inude fe hower thmes eran mn idiaonbut a erlargof plot lanhed. tre ul wosod alsp be foace r co almmercirc. bo shardatays thth oe city hf renon as bee oa princtive g makinsurede peveloisrs ln teesto rt'idens nc coeverns, oten negngiati down zethe sive of detslopmen.
5:39 pm
me500 ho10s and es acr of ercomm dcialtoown the mafinal ip thatg s goino into tth , e citys that iorwell me wi hethin tlm reaho of w many s homeldwe wouto like he see tse lo devebepment ."ve co tringtohe ssiry ky sson nechanl . 2 news anthe plomning cn missiog meetin ar st6 ts at t.tonighwe ha'll cve aerrew thhae and vefu a orll rephet on weyt th dedecinid tot gh 1at1. d ankemi w algerl ilveha l ak oo y atreour fococast, p.ming u ow knoning ere numb m couldake a di big cefferenyo - if u're tro ying tr lose oeigain wght.e thifsignceicanur of yong resti tamebotelic rad ... anhow to re figuut oou y..rsco. ngmiin up ni tos ght'thhealch wat. rsbut fiirt... ainlines -s the u i tookion billns iofn prlaits st ..yearhy. so wt aren'ticket ic prales f? linge wheraythey sth nee mo by is seing- pentr afte
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'r"youtce wa chingelhann 2ne . ws.. kwith rristengteminon, onlandle milarr, gearett drborn rton spo ms, andalike s ger'
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e welcom. back..esairlin arepe exo cted t rreportecord it prof 2s dastera y deltedreveal 4th ar que-ter prrntax eaurings sged 42 nt-percem froyethe orar befe. ohas jern pott u showss, the inairl ees areg njoyinellow fu s costhe but tni comparees a renot fducingares. ertravel t: "alleehese fs get edtackte on afprr the atice th'sad rtve."isedth "i think e rf
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l unti ntheyl ickemeand diou y d to."eath itdespe e thstinduanry rking tnearothe bwhtom coen it mes to omcustater sctisfa uion,-sai esrlin h areg avinrono pblem in findstg cu iomers.stn ju the t firsquthree oartersf lastye hear t ay made18lmost li bilon fiin prod tduringmehat ti re wepa on pace to 4'ss 201s core ord$3f il.5 bonliol drsla ag in b t fees.laheir pewnes fl% 85 ofullern avanage thd e drsteep oiop in icl preles hped t fuelighe bfi pro. tsy tuesdade relta edportor a recd 4th ar qundter, al annua oincomef 5. 9 llbin iolldos.arhi w jlet usda arys e, liera delt4 and r othe ie carrsers rais.d farejo s:neth "i 'sink itha very rd pa for rsssengede to un wrstandhy arfares oien't gn ng dowwhen esairlinak are m ming souch bmoney,y ut the thavemeo rember athatneirlia s are ssbusine, d anttthe boe om linis thett lin" rlthe aisiine bus ness indboom a -bustce sinth 1990 ste indury la has n nded id the rees11 tim -
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iobilllln doeaars. jnan medi ksspea t forirhe a ilinetrndusy. : medinas "what'ewgood ns for erconsumhes is winn airlrees a of prleitabst, cus,omer theco iemmunitins and orvestd s anpl emwioyees ecn, b tauserehey're es-invtihang tnet mocky ba in to b theesusins." e thesairlin t sayy'heddve aed- 10ndthousaan jobs ond av ere,agk tooespossf sion oone w nea plane stday la t year.hey al ssoicay tt keicpr despproed e threenperc 2t in c015.inoverg ne mochywathn, jote pothar, cnnel ws2 ne. miand lgke al er wil lhave aook at fo your , recast ucomingp. ll dae as: th hcarsonysigh bo babasketm ll tea asitsthtop e er sira ue leagin standwhgs so that is e crse teteio thccr su iess...'m asdallny colodea and hr from omthem c iing uptsn spor. mbone nu mer canbiake a ctg impa ouon yerr ovalall he'sth. it esyour rngti micetabole. ratw hourto figute it oan... y d wh it ay m bthe kee osy to ling we
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- watch neho nyw maor calouies sh bld youe ea n ting iy?a dasu itre, en depifds on an you wt ldto buie musclosor lige weht. t buleregard'sss, itta impornt k tow now hoalmany cyoories urdy bods neeus - jivt to le. andte deg rmininumthat nisber as sy eabr as eag.thinn .. i ghtonihet's walth. atch re inppt g ouputhe mll-upsay ok loor effs tlesrofor icn pre... or "i watk out st leaay six da s ." week he but us's phihed dys boge to t
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s "it'ioa pass. n, too mit'sore fu r n foo me terbe hane th out in doytg an ehing" lse.withpe alrson g, oals23the ar- ye-old nt wa ts tohiake ais tr tningo nethe xtev lel. we ho rver,eaon rs lize hwhate ge utts o os f hiouworkts -de s,pendco of , ursehaon wt hets puhi into dys boic. whhyh is w ndwe fouer him he..."a htlrig a, go aheadrtnd sta th breaing." atth souo renicathletb' clus me litabontc ceer. h,"yeas thi dwillitefinbeely in stteretoing i seeatf wh i'mdo ising ht rigif or ee i nd toke ppep uiting ?"'s heti tesisng hng resti bometaralic te. hi "ws ch intessey iallamthe ountof or calpeies a rsodon's by bu r rns pe rday atroest." n will ea brththe h roug mthisneachi for lynearal a houf- hr. eait's rheding tn oxygeumconsedd anrbthe caioon d pxided roduceby b his wody --s hich io used tca atlculnue the omberrif caloes b hensur a it resty.n a da a"it'llowlso show you h much t farnyou bure compad toca ydrbohs.rate" st moim most tlportan wy itill ouhelp yer det iminef reyou'ti getnong ecaugh eslori uito busld morcle yo if edu ne weto touak ytrr nun itioosto le
5:46 pm
a tobodd a0 ut 2thhealuny pods h toisra f. me, so nhe kowwsno n he teedsd o adt abou50 ri0-calo des ao ay tdihis et -in er ordre to hiach als go by mmsuer. hi "wa ch is m probleofa lot pe isople w hh theyriad!" 'ght?'" u yohadon't beve to be a memr ofut soh threno aclletic ub to t s.llar ch to sanedule nt appoi, ment fyou'llliind a o nk th-soutrac on w ourteebsi.c, ktvnom. chlet's oeck inron the thads wi ou afr trfirtc repoiser chaon n dean iicthe aloie 96 pnt 5 fi traferc centtc. wat h oufor av heafy tronfic nd 395 a 580 fr mom toanadio odn e, ithe hespagbotti anwl, id on80 ndarou n thet.uggeot isherwere th ae iscin acdent 5 onnd80 and glenoale ndrthbou. nn "chaewel 2 nins contwiues thch meief olteormiogist erke alg's np pi 2ointas forecadt, brocast rt ced ifieheby tca amerin te meoloricog salieoc!"ty ke mit inseredclosti caponing
5:47 pm
kranten ndd lankon tha mike.te meicorologocal s!"iety h weotave anldher mi an un uleventfom day cing up sd thuroray befste the waorm gon ts geli rolinng agaw . a lopr cessurewienter wlll sloy move wein as in head heto tke weend, br ainging cnotherofhance rvalleyd ain aninmounta sdr thuruday cloahs out ead of w the lo cwill woverestern , nevadampbut teeseratur will mstayd ild anulwe shod stay o dry.ayn fridak, a wete sysm tssplif off ointhe ma lowbr ngingi a ochanceeyf vallan rain ghd hi ev elsnation sow. ony,aturda the armain phet of t a storm, rrivesic
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le valipy precn itatioto theli lykeel levwi, and p ll drosnowve lesels cloe to thvalleyoo fllir, cooofng us hef to t h weotave anmiher n ld a en unev dtfulomay cing up aythursde befororthe stn m wago r gets aollinga gain. low su prestere cen sr willmolowly ve wein as in head ttohend weeke, in brnoging ahather cnce ofva ailley rmon and suntainnow. r foaythursds cloudeaout ahd ofth w e loovwill cteer wesrn da nevate, but urmperatl es wilst d ay mil sand westhould ayy. drid on fra ay, sweakystem li sp ots offmaf the in low gibrin cng aofhance y vallerain ghand hiti elevaw.on sno on rd satue ay, th pmainofart the or strim ar wves, whichill in tcreasenche cha ve ofalley ip precioitat tn toelhe liky le ndvel, al wilop drle snow lovels co se tthe
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e th t40s.thhings oen dryut av we hhee anot ar mildn en unev dtfulomay cing upth ayursdor befste the goorm wan r gets aollinga gain. low su prestere cen sr willy lowlmove a in hs weinead heto tke weend, gi brinthng ano cere hancof rvalleyanain und mo stainnow. thfor ayursdud clot s ou d ahea lof thel ow wilr cove st weneern , vadatebut atmperures swillmitay ldan hod we sstuld ryay d. onid frweay, a teak systsm spli off t ofaihe mw n longbringi a ochanceeyf vallan rain d high atelevsnion sow. ony,aturda the armain poft s therrtorm aives, s. 40s thingrythen dun out sday. is
5:50 pm
co uming sp in, porteythe 'rcu tlrrene y thtetop n am ithe di onvisior one-ne'th...weall hr fr
5:51 pm
oudo ynk thiyo when u esare prtiden byou'll ae paids much yoas if au wereal man-me...? s this i tone ofobhe js erwheye the havayto p youe th.same t buarthere ane so mply exames e wheroethat dsnap't hpen.i' inm goo g to dhieverytanng i c to su make ryre eve woman ryin eveet job gs paid methe sa... n e meewho arg doinobthat j. i'arm hilltoy clinn d anovi appr me thisgeessa. "n , ow'sherert spores dictor rr gadeett rnarboth, winn chael 2sp " orts rsthe caenon ss atorboyssk ba tetballs eam ha obeene n th e vergisof divnoion 1 rth
5:52 pm
chippionshas the lyet few ars. t in facnathe seavtors he sh finioned secwod, tth of e last as 3 seon's.. tthisarime heound tfe guys elli y'ke the oll getatver thhu anmp....eyd thht mig be t. righaf... later htst nig's win g over talena,hese anators ore theunnly atdefeedin e leagu. play..asdallod colnysi viwited heth tto guys find t ou ythis searst ecretosu s.cces.. e thtosenaavrs hloe 4 ossesn th are ye h butyeave lt totoose a teamwi 75th a 7a are acodeeys th tlookt o ge toverumhe hd p an a win sidivi non 1 torth..itle. guthe ayys s s thet ecreirto thesu isccess d har aworkavnd hing fun. t "inehink o i thingres we a al relaly p wyingriell noght w th ae kidsngre beint studes of the ga ndme aus foconing g thee am s planexand inecutang thd aeyre al reavly hfuing t n oue.ther" ur"oea tism o a lotn f fue to b nd aroue wliall h ke eacother. j wehaust unve fer out he e. w
5:53 pm
ve haoo a gnid t.ghf imesoone n' isayt plweing omll s weoneill ke ta od ver ane defensenhas be stour aapleeall y"ir." nk thi avwe ht e a lomiof chendstry awe k wor eharddaverytry. we y an td beeshe b ct wee an b ainnd idouts te ofymhe g a. its lwaya t lounof fn whehayou omve se su s.ccesd " an ihereths ine thg ab rsout cah on it he is tpu only igblic holh scho wn doe herhein tit capy al citso mo ostthf e es bboysd ehinmeha ctve ay uallombeen cinpeteg ewithotach moher f st or thei a " yerewe a r ally eallweclose ve ha p alld layeetbask wballith oeach sther 5incerath g udep so h webeave roen aun od eachther a for lreallymeong ti." "we b havepleen g ayinertogeth since ke lir 4th ogr5th weade all eknowotach anher knd haow wwet ke lido to it. s iloa eat ersi y ifroou g ww upeaith thch oer."so so carlln wik looemto rain de unedfeatth in ere sieara lgue rion fwhday heen tsiy vicot send ac plshe bianop m..ogueu . yocan tc caosh thghe hitsligh2 on the op ho11 at fr:15 niday..ight. asdallod colnnny chapoel 2 srts. r afteeka we g offplame thay, e lf wok pacs men'etbask tballeam
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p tiwioff yoth w. mingth cke pat beacothe s wboyatwl lao or tt starnethe arw ye, t bu tthisouime ar ind itsn ra laanmie e d th sguystsay i a ff dit ereninwyomamg ten thetheyfa d cejay nuar2nd. ey tht wen mto newo exicgoand t wi a o,n. stc we walmhed fi of th amat gthe and at washu orge fm. thewe so w kno ey thgo're toing e havt a loof idconf aencehind tlings hake tt. an thd 'reyroe pleyela wrse er kimangys plawe as nell we edto ou rebhend tke basl.tbalt lasme tiy thes beat u gon thelass. s but itgaa new rome. ze-zero unreboo ds tsostart e' weell s thow ituturns o. t all se oto tip6.ff at recan st gam the name atevada wo k.lf pactv is kranten ndd lat on chaabout sp , ortsgathank rrett. mi ue'.. wavll hhee anotr t look aeayour wstther, itay wh
5:55 pm
ks thanat for wchching l anne2 ws
5:56 pm
th arere o e twatdemocr vicnsisiofo lar regualting wetl stre .ysone saok it's taay to ke nsmilliobi from sg bank d an tthenthell haem w dt -- plan br teak up bhe biganks, thclose x e taholooples, an ked mam the payr thei sfair.hare wthenexe can eapand hcalth re llto a, d ane providsauniverlll coucege edn.atiowi y ll the mlikenoe? . wihell tgiy be pn to lay tbyeshe ruli' if idm present? yo ttu beeler bt.ieve i
5:57 pm
mi inke's fthal weaer avwe hote anldher mi an en unevaytful dg cominup aythursde befororthe stn m wago r gets aollinga gain. low pr reessute cen sr willmolowly ve wein as in head wto the, eekendbr ngingith anoncer chae of ll vaaiey rmon and urr th csdayoulouds d t aheaofth wie low erll covrn westene buvada, ert tempesaturl wil m stayd ild anulwe shoayd st y. drid on frweay, a teak sysm osplitsthff of le mainow gi brinhang a c vnce ofraalley inan ed hightilevanoon sw. on tu sathrday, pe main tart ofhe m storvearrihis, wilch wl cr in teasenche chaale of vley ec prioipitathen to ty likel
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