tv 60 Minutes CBS January 24, 2016 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
7:00 pm
"y hr wishn as beed!grante"( rs cheepp and aelaus )>> , heyn,kadee you'rg gointo liaustraa.( rs cheepp and a lause) le>> pelhey: teere's bt n a loofba deutte aboma obandcare a he whet pr it'se ossiblefor thgo ntvernmeve to coyr everam aneric. m 11onillie havedsignfo up r it f sobuar, ft we moundmaany y ve net r geoaon brd. c >>onome ou in tt ofaihe rn. o, hell manr. hk.ho e w ardoyou ing? p >> felley:oror a ftetuna, few er thhee is th healtn.wago an>> c b youhereat m fore? p >> welley: tho areeohese pplewh meo coo intvathe n? he >> tpey are haople tint are sp dee erat.needey thno have an insur tce andhey ll usua, y wait, we say"untilth e ey'rn traikswrec." r >> bose:onillis airetdon'us y uall tlikelko taut aboir the we, alththbut rois gasup h. ey th athnd oliers heke tvem ha
7:01 pm
f lf or theiedincrible unfortwaes a cy totyhari-- a ahalfll tridoion s,llarfa so r. er>> govhanment n,s show you ow kner, ovas the pupt cofle ode s cade ithatcat ln noronge lv soe e thprgreat ooblemsef th day. tnow, phesehihrlant wopistsho ve hare ince diblthwealal, and soth mee na t andnfhe ienluarce, e iq un quelyliua rfied nightoow t lv soe e throhuge ps.blem s >> thin portiomiof 60 snutepr iesentssos sponrehed by t nc litooln mompr cod any anthe l 2016 mincolnkc. athat'sul big i atink th c's oldyrus. p1800s oundwhof do ateverckthe het. i wan ke tahe tg lonuhway, h? th u ank yo cyrus.
7:02 pm
t only a lyourlnincor. deale ug[ cohing ][ ngsneezi ] ca colde an makmiyou blserae. y,luckilse alka plltzer us ld coou and cuigh liq.d gels ru uish liq rd fasttoelief r you cotough ptld symoms. fa post, ulwerfui liqlsd ge om fra alkzeseltr plus nethose asw glses?ey thdo are. k i loor?smarte ye liah, a yottle. aku're ming nomoney rew, a i youngnvesti? , welleei've bgn doinme soea resrch. t lerome int yduceou bto ourroker. mu how s ch doerghe chae? do i own't kn. ay okdo. uh, et you gr youesfeck bau' if yo hre notappy? l (dads)augh y wow,e ou'rnglaughi. nthat's wot thee ay thwoworld rks. we e ll, ths world'
7:04 pm
th cre mit osofd clouallos ws u toceacnfss itiormaon afromernywhe. th ose microuoft clwsd allous talo sc.e up mi t crosofchcloud ouanges wor rld icdramatally. asit wn'o t tonglo i ago td woul ttakeeewo wo ks tensequce aland angeyze a . nome wnow,cae hn do a pundrederay d. twithiche mftrosoud clo we't don have to s buildr e we havt instanalsce. mithe ofcrost oucl d islpheusing o t-breldui re and pr-interouet ner busiss. th lois celud hraps trmnsfo nebusiss.
7:05 pm
>> ta whi gker:evood g.enin bii'm hill wr.takewe tolcome in "60 mutespr tsesen." t,tonighk a loomeat ansricaom fral all wliks of kife "mang a endifferomce:" hn etowntvolueers lp hecking sire childean's dr ms t comerue; whealthrsorkeng brireing ca tofo n rgottes pocketalof rurpo verty; io bill wnaireshaho shere t ir .wealth egwe bitin wkeh mais-a-wh.if ou you canld be , ythinggo he anyw mre, oryoeet anatne, whul wou d yo fwishor?th kee mah -a-wistifoundaon hasbe inen askrig sey ouslillil chhadren ttit quesoron f 35-ar mah -a-wis fbecames amoubyma yiking dhing cn'ldrels finawi omshes cuee a doild t esn'o have tbe rm telyinalny ill ao more tget ash wi. ealast yher, tan orgnizatiogr alanted 5,most 1sh000 wies. ey th a coverro bad-- range some enchildro get t fmeetsamou hl at; eteshaone chd musa of n an fro ciscenpret wd heatas bmanfo
7:06 pm
rp ainela.we te wan fd tod inwhout eaat ldsto se thedr wonmoous s.ment -wmake-a aish isng growiga oronnizatisp that reent mo 2 thanli00 milaton donlaed dolrs w oninishes 4. 201's itua headq irteredoen phnix, rehas mo60 than al locpt chaersac heross try countd , anstalmo e 40 mor taroundorhe wld. s to wee howbeishes come y,realitsp we tient h me witsome tsof it mostededicantd volueersin f one ostits moe activch rsaptehe, in tea northstrn cof er onsarkaas. w asrte repok ed bacobin octer, d wereiscoveacd a ple,e wherde e spitispersovtent pweerty, un foird inspneing ge.rosity>> e you'rfine.ap tepreciao you smuch. w>>hir:takey then daw e ona day , yearrehundfds o ntvolu feersutan oos acrs rt not heasnsarkao as teraismo - ney-trat scoeet s.rner.. g >>moood g.rnin
7:07 pm
ta whi .ker: s..inlschoo.>> 00 $5,0... w >>kehitaher: toair gl?>> nk tha s youcho mu. hi>> wr:takege to out enghey mon hion tons e gday toverant ery f wish aor thesirea's ckest enchildr. nt volu ceerstihrishee mattws and jodanna hahnson tve runhis rafund eisereavery yncr sie .1999 hr >> cmaistie : tthews, i meanit lllitera ey justd.xplode y ever, yearouwe w ald addnotherwn to.>> ta whi bker:hiut t ss ismallto mewn a.rica m >>ewatthhes: t vy'resmery all s-town0,- 60 p 700e.eopl ha a l ndfuhaof catnge im a te.>> ke whitathr: as 'sis daydo onnatiin deadloae apprches, psgrouvo of rslunteeto race the l locastradio toation nc annoue theiwnr toot's tn al dowto thepe nny. g >> aive mer. numbe>> 8. $8,4662!( ee chndrs ala app use) 25>> $!,301 (rschee a andusppla)e $ >>.512,0545! ch ( ndeers aus applae ) g >>!olly he>> t f bigh inisusis jt
7:08 pm
an st!d by w >>kehitaher: tal totly tal nfromeaorthrkst as ansaheis t g biy storheon t0 ha>> w wt dovee hae? her 23 $3!,000 ch( aeersppnd aelaus ) hi>> wr:taket' tha23s $3--,000 ghenougr to moant hare t30n eswishat donroed facm plites wh lelittsp to are. h inurarrisb lg, 40%ive inpo bverty,s ut thif town o2,000il stril cont$2buted 0.5,00 e th wwishesgoere in tg justoch wildrene ho werg.dyind anthato 's n tlongere?he cas th>> mate ews: wtabolk aut itno int belag a isst wuth, b we tecreati lasisng wanhes dme esmorit thae theslifamianes cta n ke oveforer. , hin!kade>> ta whi kker: eadensorickn is gh fi atingdl deapey ty ofle iaukem. h ateris ints view anta poteialre encipie t, ht thoughshhis wiwa ngs a lo shot. k >> eadensoricky n: mernumb one
7:09 pm
aua.rali w >>kehitaolr: ferks hkee magr nganti w thea ish big su hs mont h aftereris int,viewka ouden th wght heas gngetti pthise laqu fjusteior b angma -wke-avoish eeluntr.>> ck eri "son:-amakeh,-wis to oc, ber 112014.ka erden onicks w, your ishs. ha.." pl( ap ause) r "you hwishn as beed!grante" ey>> hn,, kadee you'rg gointoau a.strali ee( chndrs ala app)use >> ta whi hker:otis mjeher .anne j >>e eannksericheon: j wasustsh g akinplthe aque. d anlihis lttleweegs usre jtdo a ing lelittpy hapan dnce ith aie wd it. as..asit wet somhingpr settyalpeci.>> ke whita mr: youveust han bee sesurprid?>> en kadck eri ison:he was t
7:10 pm
e. lif k >>a endretstrem : i'xcso eitedfo u,r yo k youitnow ? w >>kehitaenr: kstdra reet or chapeogrkahed s den'risurp.sewh pen not flayingairy dm go sother,eahe's tg chinatma ukrmademe el sentarychool.ev neeryoth at hoe schiol cpped o in tfopay n'r kades mawish; ny oturnedshut to eare th la reve.tion k >> eadensorick gn: io et t go a toalustria! t i geo to gusto aiatral! tr>> s heet:s e wateexcid. ashe wte graful. d annehe katw whme it foant r m hihiand mis faly. ad>> krien en:cksonk tha, you ybeverody.>> ta whi kker: hadenndad eured ex two ticruciae ng bonowmarrtr ntansplas. wh hen he,aris p, entsfoand ur bl si hingsheit tch bea inau listrahea, tpey ho'dd he enbeat c ther.ance e thlihighofght is hri tp?>> e kadenn:ricksoo got thold aal koa. hi>> wr:take h didike, lute, p s hi aarmsd rounyou? k >> eadensoricke.n: ht .. iwas ke liug a h. ait was aboutavs he ay asy. baban
7:11 pm
thand awe clres hed , antso i s wa ylikeerou wtte gehuing ggedby oa a kla. kiyou f nd oatget edtachth to eal koas. w >>kehitaidr: dma it ouke y etforg a forle whit thaweyou resi ck? ad>> krien en:ckso. yes m ite adeeme flil a bttleit rm nomoal, orre nthmal 'van ie en be a forle whi. w >>kehitaeer: forling nmal dn di l'tloast ng. y shortlreafter g turninhome, n kaded learnenchis caer hadtu reorrned f t the thirdime. e as wd settle oin forurin tew,rvie m hiseaom jnne ju ad tstededhe mioicatn hene eds. 's itpe pumtod in b hisneody xt h toeais hrt. re you'n ie quitrua stitggle whis thse disea. k >> eadensorickhen: trere a me so t bads hingy in m tbodyhat kiare stnd of rnubbo.>> ke whitahir: i t'rnk youe kind s
7:12 pm
ini thk.>> ta whi kker: iadens sost rnubbot, thaer aft lidebe fratingeeor a wk, he dedeci ud togonderhi a trdag inonizneg boro marw antrlasp.ntth ioe prevwous te wersodi t,fficular his p dentstidn'wa o nt te forctohim th go hroug gait ain. w hoyodid keu mat thasidecion? en>> kadso erickldn: wou ira jtherdiust we or ioulde hav cea chanli of ?ving w itouas a tecgh dn mak ta>> whiecker: bheause tpy therake mafes you ?el bad ad>> krien en:cksoca it ken ma eeme fd.l ba c ituran h.t me c it douldreo mom har hthanelp, i sous'm jpit hohing tmes ti it gwillidet rit of oo for gd.>> ta whiadker: k wen'sish- tegranenr, kstdra , reetwasde atvastheed we n shnelearsd hi er canc he ad comback. s
7:13 pm
metachitnt wurh yos, kid and n'kadee s on ithatre've allyat edtach ved i'te got kn toineep ch tou hwithanim, , d songseei him ha o ve thrgo t toughaghat ain,it . 's.. jit'spaust l.infuhe us's jret a aallyngmazi. kid l >> get'skeive andrand rouf o pl ap.ause (rschee a andusppla)e w >>kehitaour: y, seerakend had rv su hivedwner oht figh wit ercanc. heback wwan she igs in hhsc shhool, hee had r wishgr anted. >> e- makwia- fshatoundioisn se inndyog tou he ttl ataan br esav. ( ap aupl se)>> ta whietker: go ting themeet t at a lantesbravas whr tliil,ng sashe t.ys, bu.. s >>t:tree t notdeo unimrestate mwhatshy wi f wase,or m i butf d i haacto scerifiin havg my sh wibe to e ablivto g te itoso e meon, elseuli wofid delynite ilbe w tlingveo gito it eo somnese el. hi>> w btaker:heeing ter grant heof th wisheis tte betd r en ofe>> ee strbst: aeloluty. u yo gget toative th joy.yo t u geasto p os it sn toneomeo .else
7:14 pm
ss pat ed io on tn gavibsgrub.he fe sufrors fbim detilitang sc mu dularopystranhy, s d hiwishwa ms toraeet arce cmp chaion ey jo lo.oganth y e daetwe mm theidoutse ar che,lotty joe gtook favinor asp etey m y six aearsango, ved ha co beo me se,closy the ocallr actext eh r othey everwe.ek j >>looey : ganoyocan u see ym anore? g >> gavins:rubban i cee't s. >> hi wketa gr: wavinas agr maoomsoen at jddy's weing. ll it aan begk bacavwhen gin wasei m >>wiake-a-sesh is yonding u toe tha dayton500! (eechndrs app aelaus) hi>> wr:takea at olscho mbassegaly, levin arhened et'd ghi shs wigo to da to a ytonand hmeeteris ho.en th g, itteot betr. lo hganoload fo wn tasarkanso tbe
7:15 pm
(rschee a andusppla)e n gavihamay sve auserio di e,seas, butouas yse'll ee, h n'doesket talf himse too ri seslouy. , sogaelvin, tyol me, u are ti figharng a r oe formulf muscardy y.stroph g >>, si w >>kehita dr: how aoes itffectu? yo ru>> g mbbs:thain ising on i d'tha sve theh trengtorof a nmal mykid . agevi ob iously, i mean,a'm in wh ireelchait, but ot's n s allad ca be muse, iouean, y w're...hen go you sat a di, bilitypeopleve gi f youstree uff. ( laughs)pe etople l d youolo cong this.i' m yinot saakng i tnte advaage bof it,h,ut yeae i takad agvant ie oft. (erlaught ) so and s metime ai feele littld batafor kidvng ageantait of , ybut,noou kt'w, irts wo,h itng hat ing ouhiwith tt.s idio( ug lahs )>> ok it's noay, ur presse. hi>> w gtaker:ivavin gk,es bacto o. el he haips r mseoneyew for nsh
7:16 pm
dsher ki. og>> lhaano: t mt's toe is ri matuonty bey yd yourears. yo au takegedvantae of thfstuf omthat coues yy,r wau as yosh ould.bu alt you u so, yoyoknow, u giveba ck. ta>> whiakker: mshe-a-wi beganba 19ck in 80. ve searn-yehr-old cicis greius, indyfrg lommieuked a, tolhispa herents d wantea to be cepoli onarizcea polihi made m an fi ofr cer foa day. po the hwer ofh is wisedlaunch ave moment.e are thereswishan you c 't t?gran>> th mat tews:nehe oh wis'sthat e theshard st to"iay, 't can do" , is y"canakou m we me"ell? at th t's a ooughne. w >>kehitahar: west dot tha do y toou? ns>> johkeon: mau s yocry. m >>s:atthewak breurs yo. heart s >>t:treenk tha s youcho yoank u. hi>> wr:takers yeaor befee sh ca be vme ateoluntter, geweing ll d ha kbeena endretstreir's f stsh wi. at he tim t se, theugho hhter ca erncas wat >> mthats:ewes y. oh>> j: nsonwashe e s onhoof tseth
7:17 pm
me l, welwa so i tnto lliveongen foughy or mtomom m seee uagradigte hhoh scol." washe ses a tnioryehat ar. m >>ewatthy s: thendremi you at th l thee ittlgsthint thawe k thinduas aarlts te soatraumicar se so.malli , mean ywhenhiou tbonk aut twhat khesearids ine gogth h-rougey- th n mayeeot sir the xt neth birday.>> ke whitadrr: kenhea saw r next aybirthdsi, and ennce th , 13. more r heercancns remaimi in ression. m atduarmawhke, shere ace tehes,th ole whhoe scakol tares pt inma -wke-aish. tr>> s teet:juhey ndst uanerstd pothe ofwer is a wh. jit'sonust hece tw y sathe t firs gwishedrante, her our ds kite wan hd togielp have tt to onsomee else. we and ti're a nyny, til schooth rat'sd.aiseas.. lart ye, we is ra15ed $.,000 ithat'sblncredie. lait p hys apauge f rt oouwho r ds kiw groo up tbe.>> en kadck erin:sore the's acr ilocod te in!here
7:18 pm
er ove stat ithisy n an bway,ut th did te triprao austliabo kalster widen's lill to ve? ea >> jernne onicksng: haviau listrawia th, himnghavise tho rimemotaes, g lkint abou, thatitki f nd os givefuhim o el tt.figh>> en kadck eri sson:imometes en wh s i'mi ad, thcan ofink all e thy happgsthinid i d in raaust alia,ownd hzi amatng i was. w >>r:hitakee you'rgonot toing islet thr cancewin. k >> eadensorickhan: tounk y.>> ta whi yker: hou sawow ag couradeous k, en wasbut rt unfoy,unatelst this s ory haave adry sin ere cancel was rs.entles pthisseast r,ptembe d kadenied.
7:19 pm
t gomio iwoman:bet's jen aeyourn g toreet whe i am.d an'ti didn geret he.e alon th weere pree eoplliwho stened g alone thy.wa lepeop g whoe avptme o.ions ke mpt te on.rack d anugthro ah itll,my ir rettemen venegor t bleftd.ehin tso, odaypri'm edepar foytr anhing aywe mto want mo trrowo be. ev soery dameney a eds .plan le tat's bolk aut uryo 4 old) 01(ky.toda wh doen my tctormeold av i he reage-d latelamacur ge detineraamon, d amwe c we upa ith tplanlpo he ce redusk my riog of prn.ressio d anywever iherek. loo.. i' ndm remisted to ick y to m.plan cl inpruding sieservireon a.ds 2 d myr octosaid es prsiervireon ads 2 ha s e thacexiet nutrmunt forla at th n thenaatiol e eyutinstitmme recoends p to helcereduhe t r isk ofog prnressio of er mod aate tod dvanceamd... 15after o yearsf in clic salestudi.
7:20 pm
ca be euse mye yes arhieverytng. gr upowing w, wermere ge an. dwean aced inn germa dancep.groue i woroslederhen. en whst i firn got oryancest wai lys realpr sur tisedhat i fwasn't aindingfll oes thane germy s in mtree. ci i detoded e hav my dnaedtestgh throutr ancesy dna. bithe rig surpasse w'r wegee not t rman aall. of52% dn my mea cooms frot scndland ala irend. so ad, i trmyed in de le frhosenilor a kt.
7:21 pm
hi >> w mtaker:anore th 11 ll min iolepeopsi have pgned ur foarobamace. mabut thny ohaers eeve bftn le t ou. ll mi oionserf ams icantcan' rdaffo h theh ealtrainsunceex gechans. thfor kee sath of peose ,ople acobamtoare held tte stas to ex mpandaiediched, ter govtnmen rainsufonce e r th pveryoor.bu tat 20 scltes deined.
7:22 pm
mithree pellion reople ang fallito in-- a gapma they ooke th muc q to aualifytis "desfotute" rme iddicano, but ght enouy to bu ncinsurae. ttas scoy pellerefirst edport a in01pril 2me4, we ot somefth peese wople then weaggedon al bg in arvusted d callethe lt "hean,h wagoca" mediyl mercfo osr thfte lef out oarobamace. le>> pel ty: the fight ooldsf th e ercumb mlandaiountarns mk e tht poinesof w vternniirgia sthats plituckentndky ate e-nnesseve- the tery cenr ofpa ap, lachia ra land sich inoft co ndal aar hmed tis. arisound wtye couns , folkarewe edlcomy bstntorefros to mb remet er whaaslife w likebe uforelonemphiyment t 9%. t >>a eresnegardher: toa rds arena arrow wndinurdy c sves,'so it eanot o sy te drivbuthe s. e>> p: lley ithisres tesa rd gatener's rry.itorsh
7:23 pm
bumushe lesce s ththbus hrougth lle ho ders,toeaf the co inmplaf ts o-ya 13olear-d nn wio ebag'sthatt lefbeits st s milendbehi it. g>>erardnvi: harong psblem se heingere. p >>y:elle r youy eallcasen't e. withe aperseare nshrly ndot a e thosdefrs ter'coout ld. e thergoyou u , yosecan e a lelittet btew.r no la( ughs) dei unndrstare the h's ainole th ooe flrdrboae herwhsomeere? ar>> g: dnert'yes, is t righoverth sere,n'o dot t gehain t te ara. (hslaug ) el >> pheley: t t old mruckeay b ina rut , bu mlikervost t's, ispr gettyatood co disngveri icamera. negardd r anpaher r,rtnela pau ad meree, ase nurct praneitiors ab toardeahe hwalth agon, ar chthity utat pees frhe caalthn re orothe ad. h >>anow mtiy pa dents ho weave heon ted schtoule day? e >> hgowas g into w seehehat frcan p ee uusfor . el>> p tley:eahe hwalth gonpu uplls n ipalorking osts acrsx siescountiut in sornhwestevi .rginia y >> c'allonome ou in tt of hein ra. p >>y:elles it'lonot efng bore wathe g itin iroomcks pa.ed..>> lo hel. , mr, hankarhow ue yo g?doin
7:24 pm
lle fu. awithcedvangrd deinees nu g,rsindn garnder ade mea are weallo dd toosiagnese illnses, e writprtiescriprdons, otser tes d an.x-rays>> ck stir youuetong, out""ah. p >>y:elleav on e,eragre the are at20 ps ienty-a daat- th's ntrecep ly u0%by 7. e ththhealon wagsm is a allop ioeratatn thrt staaced bk in19 s runlymostfe on ldera angrants, ord corpanate dpr doivate onnatis. b >>relood pa ssure ghbit hibe ?fore>> t jus gwhen iraet aggvated.>> le pelhoy: whe are tsepl peoeo wh icomee nto thvan? p >>eaaula mthde: pey areeople rethat asp in dee erat.needth avey h ie noannsurceth, and ey ll usuaway it s, we"uay, ntil ey th t are wrains.reck"th bleir prood suess remeco in eremy genclsleve. h weblave oogad suomrs ce in 6500,be00s e caus ctheyan't fo afherd tulir insin. el>> p bley:hyut wth do otey nse doe a octornur a berse fore b they aecome,cas you ll it,"t rerain wcks"?>> de meaca: bethuse oney d't ahaveonny mey. dthey hon'tmoave toney f pay
7:25 pm
ey th't done havy moneo to g to e an.r. thand arese rye veud propl peoe. ..theyu . yo, knowgoyou th to e r. e.u , yoa get 00$3,5l. bil thand haen w yt doo?ou d u' yoivre g pen arirescn,ptio youca fin't t.ll i at thhy's wy' therare trein avey hwhe noelere o se tgo. p >> gelley:lendora mode ha wh notoere bu go e t th we.r.hen pa the n in ileher cag beme be unlearab.r he mjob atd'cdonalngs maki sc bi duitst idn'udincle su ine ranc sthatouhe cffld aord.>> a glend tmoore:nlhe odoy ctor wthat sould yee me,adou h to ve ha4 $11roup-fusnt j bt to e. seen el>> p wley:dohat 11es $an4 meto r youhlmontdgy buet?>> : mooremyoh, gosh. hthat'sofalf we my peklyay. $i maken 7.80 ahour. chmy paywaeck ous abftt... aer s,taxeut abo5 $47twevery os. week p >>y:elle p then aifrwas om abl clood ot. sh ede neened lovclox, a otst but er thaabcosts 00out $5 for ta fullntreatme. ea>> mwade: e s shovon lenoxwh heen s d wasarischfrged heom tho alspit?
7:26 pm
ll cam froe.the whr., diich dn'twa o nt t tbearoshe ct. e ththhealon wag t hadghe dru r fo, freethand waere s no ar chorge fst some meern ldica vi ad.ce>> de meaar: you g e gointo die y ifonou dui't qint smokg, and c ite ould b awithink. weeyo tu needopo st, nowokay?! p >>y:elle t shethook vie adce s top toinsmokd g antooklo x,veno o butayne d f shesoelt ba hed, st wen tbacke o the.r. m >>anoore: dd theyt id a cscanan -rd an xd ay, and founthe clblood wot hadtoent ng my lu.bu eyt tho alsotsaw anssher ma m on, y lungenand thpo transrted t meggo a bipier ndey foues the ln ions imy sbrain,s o i wasediagnod withag stnge 4 lur canceaiand brn nc caer. p >>y:ellet whathare cte doorste g llinyou? m >>: ooreari st tt myntreatme onon m tday,inhe brati radiaon,d aneehe svemed . ry..ani me, hese oemedisptimtic.>> le pelrey: a h youefopul? oo>> mamre: i .i
7:27 pm
rype hoful. el>> p hley: eope,iaspecwhlly en odthe reds ag, lon a hasslway en been ess ttialrvo su iivalnap chpalaia. cothe rerovery fm thte grea ce ren ssio ahasn't.rrived oain cesl thyse daey, tht jus taheke t o topmof the auntainnd doyou edn't neme many n for . that nd arou herute, abo00 1,0e wer olaidn ff ilathe wost trs yea.12 t% ofolhe fonks d h'tave ou eno gh teat. d an mweheet twam g itinfor ei thr ernumbzi at amon fily stmini criesrchuh,re whe ach y aritedcalldi feemeng arica ndwas hat ing ounojust eugh to getht h rougeka we y, ifou tcstreh. 4 1,65d linea up, inparkt g loof ibpossieilitr s fonegardr,me aade,hend tlt heagoh e ey'vn knowe theslepeop and ch eaer otht mosheof tivir les.yo bu'vetoeen ergethce sin gh eirath gde?>> de meagh: eirath gyede, s. p >>y:elle d whyu o yohido t srk wo? m >>: eadeusbecamee so hbody as. to
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knyou . ow..lwwe a..ays.ha we dea drms. wwed anteovto maye awm fro .here a we. ll..knyou weow, . did d an, thenomwe ccke ba w andesa e w th.need d analactuthly, s ere'avu ablnerople pioulatren he 'sthatfe dif frentthrom ste re a ofcameri.i , meane therpeare ..opleu. yo recan atplicise tht , buewe'r okindrgf fon.otteth s ere'neno oe herakto tree ca heof tt m buus. p >>y:ellehe tseie patwonts uld enbe take carthof in e 30at stt es thaedexpandai medicdun obder aramace. e thrafedevel gontrnmes paythe a extrstcoo te thesstat for re thare yes. vi but arginiand o thes therthatop outed art fet thacothe nst i thtue fuoure canld bt krup.themso h theh ealtn wagoenpatiets w ha met leve falron ththugh is in un gtendedap. d >>hao you urve insance? m>> no,a'am. p >>y:ellee hav yany ofedou tri toup sign he for tsi predent'she nsalth i purancelan?>> .. no. p >>y:elle n whyot? b >>y rittanpsphipca: i n'trd affo it. is >> sansy cl:trel't i can, th eier.>> le pelisy: sansy cl trelwasla ffid om froada hert stace .ntersh bee's ufen sngferim fro
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tr can iell: f cryo or nonreasat ll a, .okay >> e havenyou beg seein ase counlor? an>> cl:trel no. ka>> oy. p >>y:elle c sheawame roay fm e ththhealon wagh witme nyittapp phirks wores mon tha ou50 h wrs a beek,haut ttwt's o rt pae -tim, jobsheso t nre'so rainsufonce r r heetdiabes. ouso yge're g ttin iyourinnsulth h roughethe walth?agon p >>s:hippm i a ynow,eah. el >> p aley:f nd i wthatasn'tai av wlable,ouhere w gld you ete thn?insuli p >>s:hippon i dno't kw.>> le pelaly: wlater sney' esdiabet bedlind i hime n oneye thand enreate s thr.othe e th whealthagtaon szebilimd hi se and upt him a with ec spstiali.>> , heyerwalt i, thiss dr.aa iscs. s how'oiit gng?>> te walner las y: it'going et prooty gd. ow >> hyo have ugu're sbears en?>> : laney.okay otthey goo my blrsd sugak bac counder rontl. fo behire tars yewa, i ts inhe ithospal, threeimfour tdes, an y this aear, i bin't neen inonesi i'nce eeve bein seheng tm. t if i'thadnee a br n fo, themido thn't i'ink hd betoere day.>> le pelsiy: outde c thehhurc er wheye the werinhandg out od fo m, d s joey,midd alu
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n'wagolus vor nteedimecal ctdireor. j >>mioe s tddy:ishis hi a trd- d worltrcoun dy ofteiabes, pe hysirtenluon, anng c acer, ndo. c.p.d. el>> p dley:mir. sdrddy aivesse coeand hwalth agon,ct traor- letrairar x-b.y lai s gues ttheyaughut yo thsomeouing abdit ray ologandal tl ofinhat ed micchal sool. thdid eaey touch y t howivo dr e 1 anee8-whler?>> dd smi dy: iavid h ge too to totracair-trscler .hoolan td ita ook tlongime. p >>y:elle t washahat trderhan camedihol scinol, e som?ways>> mi sddt y: ivewas ifry dltficu etto gon any ie toe nsurcta door rito d tve aorractil-traer. inncsurampe cos anie'tdidn li bemeeve . >> le pelisy: hay x-rn screeis and win ow ochc,ronire untated di isease,ngncludi l blackungom fr m the.ines>> y: smidd s we'vecoeen alwo pnrkers nieumocoosis,em emphys.oa, c.,.p.dar enlged .heartsth s ere'f 15 o26the hadsi icgnifabant alnorms itiehere y.toda p >>y:ellet jusy?toda s >>y:middt jusy.toda>> le peluty: bn whe ltheyeaveyo eaur h wlth, agon stheytill n' dovet halt hearah insunce.ho hew do tt y getetread for e thesgsthinha tu't yo
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mi>> s wddy:goe nee.tiat anwe ck talheto tpi hostalsy 't donve lea p anyntatieun ndatteed.we se raiey mon t forhem. el >> pouley: ya find way. mi>> s wddy:lle wid finy.a wa el>> p tley:fohey a und toway t gedaglenre mooia rad ftionorhe n r brai.cancer t bud she' abeenke smor r fo25ye ndars, aie she dred thnte mohs ouafter rvr inteiew. u yot don' tlikeidhis fea oce reg ivinitchary? m >>: ooreno.oh te, i ha it. admy d i wasmin the .litaryan hd whens e wasediagnod withca , ncer the wasaraken ce of. andod i knn't juow, i ayst alwssu asoumed, yw, knot' thaits how wo rkuld wo. el>> p dley:u o yok thingsthinul woeed've bern diff yent ifou'd ohad annipportugoty to to a ct doe or moroften? m >>: ooredeoh, lyfinite. i iknowult wo dd bentiffere. p >>y:elle o theacutre ah toll e th lpeopleikene glooda mre st coe s ththhealon wagut abo ami n lliohaand a lfla dolrs a ar ye t-- a ohirdatf thfr is omth deose fegrral , antseand th
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ordoctlus vor nteeand ar phutmace cicalniompaones datedr ugs. whbut e en w wwerethith .em.. >> wt e goleno ecictrin ty othehe salthide.>> le pel..y: . stheycoure uldha vese uned a w trbauck y.tter>> re thes. goe yay! g >>erardnn : caivwe gu e yoall ee a fr s flufohot lpr heg inus?>> d neeeea frho flu seat, bver? n >>ope. o >>kay. le>> pelesy: ternea gardr and a paule meady applgrfor ,antsan avd tro el tchchurraes pyingfo tir donad ons ang passinethpl e e theroudays yo say t lfyoursean, "i co 't dthisym an"ore. m >>oheade: y , everday. ev not y,ery daul i sho sdn'tay y everday. e thera are oflot s day ythatougo e homyoand fru get usedtratbe usca're weine writtsg granti 00ll 10:gh at nit. 'r wegge befoing ner u'd yolmre ainost rs tea ca beweuse l're, "ike,, okaywhatar ge we toing?"o do ca bei'use otve gam a f tily,oo. et it gtrs frus iating,tst geha rd. p >> ielley:ent's tougho wearu yoerout, tesa.>>
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wn doth by ofe end he t o dayn st mos, dayll reay. webut ge do ret mo o outf itth e an w geverive. m >>wheade: len you iook attpr caactioully, y, thinkin"what th rle wo id amin thinkg?" thbut hen ithave neat oie patnt mthatomay cine aaynd s, ou "cbrldn't u ing yonganythi, capan't yty an, hinghebut are's t quilnti wagi to ve you." meand i enan, whdo they that an eyd thso're rt hea afeltnd ptheyheut trmir aous around y--"i 't donw kno iwhato'd d ouwithu.t yo" dyou're loing aetot bter. it lyoets inu thokk, "i ay, was t pu fhere por aseurpo." g >>erardnd : ancayou in do tot andaher y.>> 'r youble a ngessius to . el>> whal, tounk y. all al y'e l u>> dn gariter: he's tndm, a at thha's wuct toouhes arr het. ta>> whiinker: ss ce thistory aifirst eared, m gde andardnerha nve altew hean h wago'sand itgg looted a lle of mis. in virgllia stiot has nde expan d idmedica.d
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abhis dietes. bs >> c w money uatchepdatsp d onsorecoby linanln fincial.ll caaling iel chfef liic offers.>> ev good emroging ftim sancanon, ir's idpreshaent nes busitiss meengs urin eisope thwi week thve inwostors abrried ipout honesa ales, rpple eeportss arningon y,tuesda p ando uertsrico irn wa ging ofnsave coesequenc a after o deal tctrestrusure itec eltitric u $lity'sll9 biion
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yoever lne'sn'ookid reetcarpdy rea . mmylean, mmese gus yowho wu'rengeari... aitoenngl fu us!?wh ?!aaat? fi ! ght itubwith iajubla is es prticripedon me.icin.. .. d .usereto t at aitoenngl fuus. juuse abliasts inedructby r youordoct. iajublwo is ' rkinit! cmostn ommo esidetsffec udincle... .i..rongoewn tilnaap,platicteion sine,. .i ..ngtchili, swelng, in burng... .. r .ogistinblng, rsiste, d an.pain oh !! t fighitth! wia! jubli w no athat's cared omrpet mt!en yoask tour doc r ifju ibliaghs riyot for u.
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oudo ynk thiyo when u esare prtiden byou'll ae paids much yoas if au wereal man-me...? s this i tone ofobhe js erwheye the havayto p youe th.same t buarthere ane so mply exames e wheroethat dsnap't hpen.i' inm goo g to dhieverytanng i c to su make ryre eve woman ryin eveet job gs paid methe sa... n e meewho arg doinobthat j. i'arm hilltoy clinn
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>> ta whiodker: teay, th iewealth00st 4ri amerecans a ovworth trer $2 ergeth's, itn beertrepoedth wney omu as each waslth the ombottf halmeof anrica ehhous coldsneombid. e whilntrese tmentdsowar the r-supe grich, rowse therbemay a er silvg linin stakinghape. t ituturns o o a lotosf thche ripe reople ag givinristaggengsu moms of awney n ay iswhat iin beedg callde a gole n agofph roilanthpy. sthis iurgeron genes sity inot idby
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tiambid ous anedtargetig campan edcalle "th pgiving"ledge. sit was btartednfy an ialluenti btrio--d ill anndmelitea gas, wa and aro yeo,s agie charlha rose dth poe opy rtunit tto gethemto ergethle to rearn mo about netheir fw clublior bils.onaire er membomship cites wsth ju two emrequir--entswo be lrth ateasta iobillarn dollbes and ng willi e to givf half owathat ay. r >>s ose: iecit nryessain to joth vie gileng pdgate th youom pr% ise 50r of yourtnet woh? el >> matinda gyees: yos, in urfe lir time or in youwill. os>> rr e: oouin y.r will w >>buarren rffett:ight.>> ros pe: aresheople byocked th at? fe>> bufdott: i inn't thk so. el >> matinda gwees: ki're as ng t themolo be bd. 'r wekie asm ng thep to steoutd ansoto do inmethg big. a but oflot m the aweredylrea t on wheirheay tndre at jus dn haut't pum a n nericrumbe ndbehi thd i noink lsw, aheo, t nggividg ples e haengottng goi,pe koplethnow tat'sheex atpection. b >>: uffettweand 't donwe... i say, "o want tf join iit was%. 40" la( erught ) haivy to gche mue mor
7:40 pm ss gueth is vat aery if signpeicant gercentar. of ou.. relf ang goigi to lve a otre mon tha.half os>> rhae: tcet's nlrtaiuey tr heof tnd fouers. e ths gate ahavedylreami comttedto in giv% g 95heof teair wlth ; awayenwarrfe buf99tt, ayey st thandki otrf exeme nggivine is bededseecau the ch rie hav gbeenngettimu so chch rier.te ovch innnsatiois and ring al globke maravts huce proded vaorst fs tunesenot inen shece t stindu rrialutevolion. w soeshat dore waretn bufft say on to ce vincy'todalls biesionairto e givfotheir artunesway?>> fe bufcrtt: inl ementa,wealth ngaddith to ale weheth tvey ha w, no n hasalo reli utioty t .thembu att thlt weas h haedincribleut y ilitthto oeoer e canteducald chi iren,nt ca invaccchate enildr. anit cal do ndl ki ts ofs.hing os>> rhee: trere aer othnds, a
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e to givmyit to ld chiren. wthat'swahat i dont to ."wh roat's wh ng witthat?>> fe bufi tt: t don'lyrealnk thi , that sas atyocie w, wetoant co bnferinlessn gs oragenetion r afteragene wtiononho cuttribe innoth sg totyociemp, sily usbecamee so ibodye n thfardi t stan hpastneappe ad to amass t greaofsum lt weah. >> e: rosfa so 15r, 1bi nallio hiresboave ught ff bus ett'meargundnt ane sigdth vie gileng pdge. es agge ranm froo 27 t98. me soit inherlted wea mh, butostar lfe see.-mad r theissbusinegees ran from notech alogyiand soca l meditopi hzza,caair d re, anhomepr imt.ovemen edcombines pledgr? so faov aler a hilf a trollion d.lars onwhat conditiths are ere?me i n an, ca sthey"yay, i'es, mth wi. you he i'm .re t bunti wave to gi t it tohisst inioituthan or ttst inn.itutio" b >>: uffett'twe donwh care at utinstitthion ivey go.e it t l >> bil ygates: ieah,,n factwe t 're noinendorsflg any avorof nt philay.hrop d weino th'rk wel e alg gointobe
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nilearrong fchm eaer oth. t bue thero is ninpoolg ofmo ney. elwe cteebra d thesiiverfty o anphilpythro. r >> bose:onillis airebecan shywh t en is comealto t akingboutth moeir ney.t buwa brrenttuffepe held inconvevce shoen we havedsignth ede plo ge tdosit itwn w0h "6 teminus."th reey aes invettors pe onpetersan lad nicogrs bergouuen, sthaf mirican ycning ttroon paice epmotshie and , s wifedr. uspreciool moise-motpe, reentrep sneurakara bl aely,nd l.a.o.nd fouteer sasve cnde, as hieawife jn.wh yen didstou firof hear thevi gidgng plee?>> ca jean lise: mecanda allednd ttalkedo us.bu ht wehead tef benfit o ow knbiing ndll ain melorda f alo nge, timng goik bacurto o lotechnooogy rts. s >> cteve wase:ete compedai agemnst th m foryeany ars. j >>n eaca dse: weid.>> ve ste a case:rend we' happy into f jallyfooin .rces os>> roue: yte wan bd toe onth r eiside. s >> cteve yase: yeah, weah,e nt wao ed tn be alied. os>> rhee: tlly've ane siged thsa leme p adge,hend tiny breg thsa shme brao ness trtheiph thilanamropic tbitionhat thelpedilhem bunad fincialpi emres. p >>peete ontersar: chlise, thi a
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reentrepneurs. an eyd thn' didket mail a blion ardoll $s orll5 bibyion ng doi e thnaordithry; idey dby it in be.g bold os>> rhae: tcet's nlrtaiuey tr safor lara b.kely ar>> saka bl wely: iell,e mad thall nee mo my byg akinrothe op pe ble's luttsa ook lot tt beer. os >> r te: i yhinke ou'vedmiss .me 2 inhe000, s$5 took i,000n s savingarand steted th de unntrgarmeny compa. spanxno hew, sts wan p hernthilayhrop e to btias cute ng edg haser io billlln-dousar biness.>> ke blai ly: testard my nebusiitss w ih antenvend ucprodatt thn' didist exdt an oo sh ak updun in.stryan wad i o nt tabcolle oratwith lepeop i andasncre ce myeshanc omof cuping h witdean ia orso inmethatg thl wilhado trt fomy se cauic, wh hh isngelpi n.wome>> a rose:blt 42, adakely mits s she' bjustniegino ng trefigu t oushhow he'llwoelp men. 8 atar3, wffren busaett eys h wa s nttito sitck wath wh he's
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irrkshthe ha--awayhe so 'sgi thven lke buhi of rts fotoune llthe biel and matinda ges dafoun stionano it ced be us todu rebace glovel poanrty d e.diseas or as fth the odger pleers,th e ey'rlitackngim an sipresve y arraauof c- ses-plunemntoyme ouin sicth afrara, eetly donecti trand eneatm bt of crainr-ance- d an isomeesnterhats tket ta on rea moit pol tical tone:ax rmrefoca in rnlifo tia andhe deb t builas btel gascs diedover hwhenfte lero mic, softggoinfr akom mmoing toney in givg itaw 'tay isn as lway.easyan le exampju of nest oth of ele s sson lhe'sedearnt-- i es doman't htterffow eveecti a in vaccife is; on you dka't pacge de and r liveheit t w rightay, it nwillanot do .y good i thguess a ere's nglearni s,proces too. m >> gelinda: atesluabsotely. e:>> rosse becauee you f,l like d "howdoo you ev this en ifu' yolire inc dned too it?" l >> bils:gates it'almost ondiscincert sg toh witcnto aar heea woure yba're t ck aresqua ro zeit a lbitle t. d anmethe emasur aentstren'
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si bussne game. at wh'r youyie tro ng t tdo--hene o ed t rtake tisk,ifry dntfere in thangs, yd soeeou nd co enemuragent. r >> tose:s hat'buwhy t ffetand gathe intes pviteerledgces on aye o ar tusexclreive s sortlikeki iawahd slanouin sarth ca.olin , hereiobillesnairen attd mi se onarsw n hoivto gnee moy mawayefore ivfectely. meour cas ra nwereotow alln,ed i bu wt weshere thown ayis d's daagen i--int udcl ledsoes onsnho olw tokes liol technn ogy cabe o used tsftranfaorm iling ol scho ws and,e ith thrngovement tt cunding fu ming onedical ar resew ch, hocanil phpianthroepsts std in anhelp n spuredew m bicalroreakthughs. bu wt wereondehad, wset els goe eh on bosind clrsed doo? ll wire thea be erconvonsati re heut abolu faire? uf>> bsufett: re. j >>caean yese: res, the mostfi de wnitelyill be.>> w rose:eshat dot. thaow.. hdo hr you patase th? fe>> buflltt: we y, ifatou b a ou thyosand, lau're pn ying itheli eattle lgues. me i than, ae...hend tbl proemsar
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ve>> stee: cas d thencifferee in e thepentrurrenewoial herld, wn u yochlaunom a c, panyhayou ve apa ulrticdear i pa, acuartilar od pr auct,ti parr culaicserv-e- stalmoay alwu s yot,pivo yoush ift. m thet arketsreacyo to ur iainiteal id. mayou omke sjue adntstmes. oit'safnly mater aking few ad mejustthnts ouat yhe see t essuccs.we d nee sthatmeame itntaly in il phroanth tpy--g ryingsthin, ki taisng rreks, izcognthing e t firs mtry, taybeeche strond y, yb mae e thd thirwotry won't rk. t buouif yy stat at iyoand u're nilearyong, tu'rengalki to rsothed , anreyou'rn leaingto ergethen, evlytualu', yollbr theak h rougseand e e thkindof ac impu t yo hwereinopr.g fo>> e: rosfr jefkoey sonll, e ofth rse fi st tothign vie gingpl , edgesiis uheng tli bilheons amadeays ebir's frest pntsideto ht figt whaalhe clols gbal s-threatju- not , st onevebut fipr hoblemsnve's copoinced se di immengate dahuer to :manitycl chimate waange, cuter serity, icpandemles, nucarpr atoliferndion, a m theeiddlea flst conict. , i meanheis tomre smee argunt m tosoake memetiths . at..thatbe pecause adople mt e a loofmo
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e thesleprobitms wceh a nrtai gaarro lnce, "ike,owi kn hieverytheng ttore is know. m i'smso... gu t lel me telatyou wh." to do ef >> jkofrey sthll: i weink allve hage a danr...>> e: rosog arr.ance..>> : skollfe...of lieling ke weow knns the a.wers th and ite reale y is wt.don'>> e: ros t butdohat t esn'keep l skol tfromg.ryinin it addtoion m hisoretr naaditioarl ch gitableiving,in 4, 200st he d artee thfor- itprofed m cianyompapa iprtico ant, tkema mieovats th om prhiote ils phroanthgopic als. th and ose purphee of ts movie is ?whataw esaren os isne.>> stokoll: e creatte enenrtainm it thats nspireandco s mpelalsocie. chang soand he w ttherishat te climach r ange ohidolpntn huining pajaorn ea dngliit wdrh ug ensent lcings,awry evewe film h douras a pndpose as it haaci soioal actmpn caaignas edsociath witmothe vie.d an twe trypeo get ople lvinvon ed isuthe isthes of e e moviryto tma to ke adi
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b rose: put the wroblemith tall ofy his mat be thawsit sho w hoklquicary chcaity osn crsov nter ivoo ad.cacy ta tke 2he1 01e movigi"contaon."ol skokl tohe what rn'd leaedth h rougarhis ch witableork inpa icndemfus and andedov m tieo pwarnpleo ae that c virusould bkillonillis. >>da on e,y on w thereoere tw lepeop, enand th a four,nnd the. 16 in m three ionths,bit's a llion. 's that w whereeae're hded. r >>e:os w andd hat divithe mo e mpacco flish?or you>> : skolly in man, waysutit pnd pabaemics thck on te map,hate th rpublicd ealizehowim t portanpuour hblicealth zaorganiartions ee, for.xample mb a nupoer of cilitithans at had t seeniehe mover who wy e readtovo cute on futs to tonding the cocdc reedgnizt thaouthat wldbe i a baddea. r >>llandae: lan p thec ublihasa t righnoto ko w wh towns herl wod. r >>anose: randall le, theed oitorf buthe sssinein magaze"f " orbes, bsaysonillis airekeli l skolechave bome so
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reentiue issph to thilan.ropy an>> love: genernms t han,showyo owu kner, ov p thecoast uplede s cade ithatn t caonno lgerso thlve eae grobt pr olemsef th day. t now,hihese poplanthr wistshoha ncve iblrediale wethth, e leproblvm-sobring owainpaner, d talsoamhe nd e aninthe ncflueeto ab be o le tooopen drse, ar ueuniqualy qedlifiht rig t nowo lv soe e th phugeemrobls. r >> bose:haut test dose rai the tiquesdoon, se theli bilreonaisha oove th mucr?powe thsoere's plme peosae who y big anphilpythrot is no gsuch aood , ideameg aninsothat, w,meho you ehaveounormr s powed anreyou' el not aected,hand t mt thatay snot begouch a a od ideeto havop peitle wmoh enoreaus wtolth ve hamu so luch infence. b >>ttuffe, : wellthwould ey erprefas dynwetic , alth ipass t? on w or touldprhey , eferknyou ow, sc oby enel lhighg?ivin er tha e's lecouper oths wayto riget md of, oneyi.but .. ith itink et's bifter 'r youe lp heoting peher , opleg usinago itod bit of h forngelpier oth
7:50 pm
r >> oose: skay,ero thnoe's st inceanwh in meich sooubody cldy, sa, "look, i mean twe gotoo pmanyofeople we huge hoalth w haare tvingh oo mucncinfluee.">> n jeawecase: chll, arlie, in thouk abllt bi p and, oliofor st in--ancel bilmeand a'lindswo n rk io.poli me i than, e ey'rngcomise clo to iceradg atino poliheon te facof eathe rth. th i whink e en w ahavepl coue of ex lamplesatike thle, peop wille, ses that'wenot pog r beinused r foonpersural ps;poset' thas lyrealer levg aginytever yhingouha o ve tgechan w the torldkeo mait te betr. os>> rute: bwa as brrenttuffe diis fin, ng outernot evy iobille nairthfeels .at way>> fe bufi'tt: otve ga ten oflot ye whses 'ven ille caeoed pple,bu vet i'te gotlon a nt ofos,to beveuse i'ca been pelling oplewi ilth a bollion dlar rs o,morei' eeve bmpn tetoted nk thit tha heif tn'y cagnt sifo up %,r 50 yb mashe i would aritek booon w hoetto gon by 0 $50iomilln...( ht lauger ) ca be ause,enppar ttly,'shere a t loeoof pthple onat dea't rllykn owow hdo to it. hi>> wr:take o sinceryur stors fid,t aireth ano6er 2bi nallionoires, liw totang 141op pem le frofe15 difrent
7:51 pm
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7:54 pm
ietervitws wd h davibowie. s jamee drovrahis ybv4 hrid, arunawate des h wainlurkg. wh at? ashe wen chall ged abym tea lofbeumksrjac .le tt's dohis. ldhe wou t drivem heto khards nockoncany, wh heere ld wouis rk enbroks, leg nglosibs lim, an ipd sl apingyind dng. no int helpg. t buh deatulwohad o ve t.wait mejales h ft witndnewfoukn e,owledg s a man'itgratude, hi and t.s shir ho r w fa ywillakou tthe e al l-v4new rad? hybri ta toyos . let'lago ps.ce rjake, eese" y dal to feealive" ja eeke r se, " fday toiveel ale"
7:55 pm
7:57 pm
esccwgs..obhrg ap contig inedfundcb by s a ornd fd. go we th fursoer, c youan. w >>kehitahar: whit is ts?yo ghu miint th hk ofn eroias im pry arileran innpr city oblem, debut s alermaare hkingugeof prbyits an exp tdingo new,lu ivcratrke masuets-- alburbs lac trossouhe cntry. si i'm hetting oore lkiyong at u, yoand yu look aoungshnd fre. reyou'.. theu'. yohere t girl
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