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tv   Channel 2 News 630PM  CBS  January 25, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

6:30 pm
p for..rice. ..mtrose cioffiteals s ll u'sthatne abgotile. h webrave a ineak a thection r foxtthe neal severas days a dg riige of hsuh prestlre setes o ine ver th cwest. oastmostlynn sus y skieovwill cer the re orgion fof most ay tuesd, th alarough vamiable ofounts di clouilness wlyl like work watheir ty overgehe ride as thwe roek ps.gressera tempetures wi rlle isomfrhe ter upp 40stu anesday d d coulre e ach th60lower bys fasriday th se nextystorm srktem wos s it wa rey hed , anpcthis uoming d weekenchhas a f ance obeing et
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ri in ceame bt...po rrlice aanested maother n over wethe iekend,n ticonnech on wit st lak' weeoos sh otingtrn suo etstre. e thtishooapng hd peneeswednday gh niout ar-4nd 70. wthat'slihen poerce wede call toout 1- the 2d hundreofblock o sutr nstreetdeear we rkindoad onep a rofort re gunfi. st inveorigatars lethned ree pe op hle radbeoba d n mad ana mawoatn po w.. andhen e thn maalchngleheed tm,s he waot shth in g.e lehe os was hlipitawized th linon-fete-threa inings.njurie -y25r ead olshjo cuaanan wdaas edarrest suratwiday t thou
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uncorots of erbb ay withea dy dlwe onap t and cwontous ofco ranspi tcyo coitmmrm aed y.robber eelast wcek polies arr21ted - -o yeariuld dars s joneinco onnnectith with tie shoong... al thong wiar 25-yehr-old cistinaon roo ey- whthwas wi- jonesonre undrlated reug cha s. d an ccarsondeity esputi have ar edrest m twoopore pele in ec connittion wtah a fatil shoong rl eaisier th. month20 ol-year-eld dani i leases ar chthged wiso accesmury to rder ro and ..bbery.0- and 1-oyearld an keen i blackges charthd wi pi conso racy t acommit a crimendac tcesoryloo a feny. o fiveeother pveple ha been re ar istedecn connittion wh the sh oootingt f grans watkinnear apa k rk bacuaon janh.ry 18t the if sher mf saysarore aretsrepo . ssible in h this thefi wenal o ek talget hethin e surancgecovera 2 for016 th h rougfothe af crdablet.are acth lie deadjane is 31nuary st, an ked unliop past olen enrlment
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ttenddlhe deaisine th year. i it'smp tortant to knowifhat miyou s ss thinedeadliu', yoll ke liavly h we toanait yeother ar e tol,nrol y andayou me havtoy palta pena yy whene ou filyourde fecoral inesme taxer. the are raseve tl wayst o gellenronded a rethey are all fhae of crge. e thsieawaest by to iegins aonlinet hnevadaliealth nk dot com l jane sdavis,r ilvee stathealth ra insuchnce exyoange "gou can ct direo ly trra cad ier anthose e arn also obsour weouite. y can urcall ol calercentca, you n usemail u or yollcan ca a erbrokca, you inn put a zip i coder n ouerin psison ascestan ol tond, fike a broour in yr area ma and kepo an apt intmen rainsuoknce brroers thughout rt no nhernevada woare exrking edtend t hourso he enlp cli sts getigned up. o many efficesveven hagu bilinalaf st hf top elsph aniskespears. re a becc rwith a-l-mdafforble thheale car iprosrsn caayon ss oka braner ce makprthe s ocesa t loereasi m andsuake oure y get pl the t'an tharis ghyot for u. cc rebeera mont to "getp,he helnd fiha out wtst counin as , come 's whatin best your ci anrcumst yce, ife ou hav
6:34 pm
pl em, oyert is i tbesto have ur yold chi tren onr here ocan t you geata privcye poliea ch tper. ahese kre thef inds oes quthtions aat theverage ns co numer teedsowo kn d anyogeu can ert answhos to tsequ s estionaland e l thouhelp y need g signinreup - fhae of crge hefor inlp f bding aneroker ar h you, kead to d-t-v-n aot comnd cl tick one he blunknewsli s button a today ofgroup ar solus indtry ex gaperts itheredonn cars city f toa ile otballat initiive, wowhich k uld as wvotershetherth eeey agrne with tew rad s anfe pes theutublic s ilitie iocommissen impoold on sar ercustoms. inbe decem tr when rhe newate st urructs e waunannofoced t r ne rimeteusng crstomeme, soar solbu essinesshe say t hy wereit ty pretd. har t so soday ohawnra'meah witsun wo anrks hed otlar sodur instry erworknos and unce'ltheyl be st aartingio petitn. ar o'menea-"we roed applyximate ho55 tsiusand esgnaturt to pu nithis ie tiativalon a blot, howe're wpingthith lois balt iainit ttivethhat c e pu swilleeth oat thelmverwheinorg suppt
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th r woulddeeconsirar the s teth y'at thestve eedablish." to dap-y the teu-c vod ouunanim hsly toheold a g arinon br fethuary 8lo to t ok agr atandf iheringr n sola ercustomves who'll instaedsy s stemtoprior ew the n me ngteriul r. es st cill to come on 2hannels newat .. anothdl deapay imct r of fouofyears ht droug... cwhat's aausingve massi fish ffdie- oe at ryh patcrvreseoir, . next yo knu heow tic basba n rgaiofme arica isu if yoarwork hd, yoand yu dopaour rt, yo ldu shoule be abt to geah d ead anhestay aad. sobut y manlifamiones dee't fkel liir thear hrkd wos pay off.
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wa i o nt to go tfobat emr thry evegl sindae y. ge cot inrimes ..sing. t gel equafopay mer won... t custthe coal of hearth ce iland chred ca so e peopl cantuac gallyadet ahe. arhilliny cln,to h shehaas wt t itako es tthget onings de.
6:37 pm
we e lcomwaback, oushoe cnty te vorers a a beingo sked t id cons mer 781 dillionrsolla in thigher, axesrdin ofuer to ndre moco tinstruc ron andioenovatorns f ol schohes in tic thht's rig. e thicpubloo schrcls oveg rowdin reand eepair nmids comttee - ks thinnc tax i wreaseslpill he d avoi sdoubles,essionr repai r oldeescampusvo and ar-id yea tc ke mor n shau pcarey,c ubliolschos er ovdicrowndng aep rneair eds mm coe:itteer "ovowcr idings a m.proble m thentaiceenanou in r olschoe s ar salsohiometngth acat's l akingarnd fin behd. eewe n bd toene sp ading 2bout0 llmidoion s llarara yema to ke re suge we e t thdibuiltongs a last is longadnsteas of they re wene desig" d for. m 20illieaon a yrer for onpairs is examting cs pusestalmo eats aw iray ent tely atsthe exi15ng 3mi n lliod in bonerrollovs for xtthe near 10 yeors, acco ding t mmthe coittee. cso theeeommittan says tiaddi 7onalil81 m ilionw n ne
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w neolscho ss to tolveheov owercr iding tssueoo. if he tal s tesisax r, es citldoube h thestigheth in ate ste.e thanchairmit says t be upo 8 ardollmos a r nth pe. family"a t modesmeinvest8 nt of do s llarnta mollh wie maksurer ous schoolprare lyoperma edintain." he and a says n rise itypropre xe tad s wouleqo uate tla10 dolrs nt a mofah per mily. r,howeveom the c smitteeays e they'r ttrying ao findce balan eebetwghn hialer sndes a op pr terty. axes au shcan reuby, psclic s hoolov owercr adingepnd rneair eds mm coe:ittesa "a tales atx th s workurin ono ecohemy wn mp co tarede o th cfiveieounts at thro surusund t andeshe rt ofth ate std e an dalsoasoes li attleces ney ssarhein top praxerty tre aa e becausthat's e oniswhich vy a hean. burde" a hpublic wearing cill beoming o upuan febrh ry 12teato hatr whth une comms ity ha ato saybout tw the ono optires befo theco e mmitteonpicks the for e ba uellot qst ion. a erlettwa from oushoe cnty sc
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ci prinaspals hnt studes es protting. as it h w to dompith causor stwhes... stere tsuden sell mschoolanerch..diseie.suppl and acks. iaarnnbea etnns t joinus now ve lith from roe newsh om wita ok loth at tte leaner... d why 's itng causiof some theseor stshes to n.ut dowri.. a? ttthe leoter ns ifiepr lsincipaat... the somheof tod fong beid soldein stuntst . ores..t may nobe in licomp wancefeith anderal d st trate nustition s andardfor s itcaays be tuse of "his...all sc muhools istiammedhutely st tudown stodent sd res ang vendin in machthes... sat arengelliod protucts nou previprsly apovedby ev the npaada dentrtme of ag urriculte." asso we e ked thmedepartnt of ag ltricuabure e out th..issue. ttheyusold is... thy polichas n been ifoplace tr morehan a ar ye h and aw.alf no.. at nd tha e theyt xpecolscho bs toe inco cempliant a pthisoint. in catrwea: " s areootill lking t atshrends thowing tat onehird ll of aar kids wee over oightr ob
6:40 pm
coat we tntinuefoo enthrce e esmessage we ar tgivingo kidsar eaound hoolthy foid chances d phbeing lyysicale. activ" le the lstter a so sayschools co suld be tubjectr o majofines. speters- ays-'sthat.. true. ghalthoues fin n areot the riprioty. e shhesays t my'reinore edterestin ti getheng tls schooed train inand ia complnce. t innthe meastime-- student ores t likee.his one .. havhubeen st do wn. d antsstudenok we spaye to s-- 'rtheyt e upsethabout oe loss f 1 aboutol20 d plars er wday...hehich tndy inteed to e ushofor scpslarshi. th ayey she-- tsty ju't weren e awar dof theeseadlin and lt penafoies ttr geeiing thr ve iny ntorinin lnde... ave they'ha lid to e aminate,0bout 100 ardollrts wo ph ofctrodufrs om r minoael: "avw we ho e to ditl ale at onceyand thus shut . downk i thinifmaybe ga they ve e us somndtime at jusetto g ridof ro our pbuduct, ust let stay op en."th aney're titicipaeing bhung st fdownboor a wut twoweeeks. d trieg talkin sto thechool ri distutct abos thiy,toda butth efey rd errethus to e de
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medeparts nt sayecthey rommend chthat s coolsltonsuis the lt of pr ap poveds sel.. re befoin stockr g cohering t l storyriive, aannabe etnn ct,nnha 2elew ns. mi l ke wil lhave a yook atour ca nex... ou if ydo're eving hierythtng rig ndbut fiha it arderdend hartor y, get bou yno're ont ale. ouwhile ler peop worknglorser houow for leser wag, al amostewll nom ince go thes to p e to1%. n my plae -- maktrwall seet s bankthand are ultrich thpay faeir hair sf re os,taxe idprovvie liagng wes wofor g rkinlepeop, en esure pqualoray fen wom. m i' sbernie.anders ap i e prov mthis essagee becausertogeth, anwe ce makpo a calitilul revotion d antecreaec an yonomd ancrdemothacy orat works f all
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6:43 pm
poops nent thopeero ovheturn tbl puliic uti ctiesssommis ion' omwelc, e backfewildliia officls y saatan aquasic invecive spies es is ribponsorle fsi a masve sh fiof die- yef at r patch rvreseoir. 'sthatht rigke, taoo a l ok aturpi ntnpoi map. mathe den-mae lak alies tlonghe olhumbivdt rster, hiretc2 ng 2mi beles n tweelolovendck awi ucnnemca. sh fian beghi wasp ng ug alonthe or sh oe inerctoban -- d co uentintid une l thrvreseoir oz frece in d oember.lsfficia saye tht culpriolis galden atgae th s wa tableouo fl irishe n th al shwalow r,tenk thatos four ar ye ds ofhtroug. ch "gris n oldeblalgae avooms he th ecat affist on fllh's gis itwhere a takese way thy abilit heof tls gilso to abgerb oxyn inth r.e wate" do n-t w won'owknow hfi many sh re wed killeeauntil rirly spng whenth cey canheheck tat popul. ions 's it k not hnownheow tde goln goalgae rt intochye patt -- buhe
6:44 pm
mfrom aryigrato bird. e we havk a brea ain thection th for se next deveral aays as ofridge pr high sessureettles o ine ver th cwest. oastmostlynn sus y skieovwill cer the fregiont or mossdof tueay, ou althiagh varouble amnts of necloudil ss wil wlikelyork r theierway ovid the rthge as e p weekserogrespes. tems raturewi isll rome frpp the uer 40s tu anesday d d coulthreach e we lobyr 60s y frida nas theext systorm orstem w wks itse,ay her th and omis upcing we haekend chs a oanceg f bein wprettyet. h webrave a ineak a thection th for se next deveral aays as e ridgh of higrepressues settl r in ovestthe west coast. moly
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gi re mon for tost ofayuesd, th alarough vamiable ofounts ou cl wdinesskeill lik ly wor watheir ty overgehe ride as thwe grek pro tesses.tuemperares r willfrise heom t 4 upper0s es tud day anrecould e ach thlo s wer 60riby fasday ex the nt systorm orstem w wks itseray he,d anpcthis uweoming haekend s a ce chanin of beetg pretty w. h wea ave inbreak ct the aion fo ner the evxt sayeral ds as adg riige of hesh pr ssureettles o ine ver thoawest cmost. stly nn sus y skieovwill cer the re orgion fof most ay tuesd, al vthoughe ariabls amountofcl ssoudineli will orkely wk
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y eir waheover t a ridges the p weekesrogr tses.tuemperares ll wifr rise uom the 4pper0stu y esdacoand uld re e ach th60lower ris by fday as e th snextystorm srktem wos its heway anre, ud thisg pcomin we d ekenchhas a f ance obeing et pr. ty wet h webrave a teak iniohe actn fo ner the erxt sevs al dayas a dg ri he ofesigh pretsure stlesin th over ce westmooast. stly y sunnwiskies ovll cheer t gi reoron fof most ay tuesd, al vthoughe ariabls amountofcl ssoudine wl ilkeli wlyk orei
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iswill rome fr u the0spper 4es tud day anrecould e ach thwe lobyr 60s y fridaheas tt nexst storm syksem woray its w here,d an uthisinpcomeng weeka d has an chbece of eting pr. ty wet da "tllas: adhe nev pa wolfack s ha ga hugeheame n re oy tuesdam i'asdallod colarny, he from th
6:48 pm
wo the 'slf mentb baskeamall te ke knocund off velv or the ek wed end aninis rid gg highoingto inga it's h me witenconfercele saading o n diegtostate morrow gh nialt. dcolas y lodnmohas re. t "isowas d lou ithatem rember st lieaheng tl balloand g okinup d anwai zzs diity as wo s aloud cnd in'ouldket ta off ilikete wanstd i inuck the tho wht iboas ao ut tss mine it hoi'stly. gm justlad t it wenin." end.j. fr ned ane thstreth of e ne wvadapaolf reck aki looo ng t trideomhe mm entufrom tu sa'srday63 65- o winriver val
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y sa htheyneave sever heen t am tenfs coceidens thi. high os "mfit dey.netle likidi sa inearly ea the ynor and w we ct expen to wibaevery llsketbame ga n it isneot oe timnkwe thi s wed houl ikeepost cl fe weeel wlikeoue shinld wry evee. gam" "m lfy sede confid nce anthe am tenfs coceidenex is eltremy ighigh r hht. weo ave twwins, wy anoming nd unlvwaow we nt to t ge son ak.trea" k "youe now thidconf kencepsee in gettttg a lie le mormoand re ea amch gioe. obvo usly tbe an hl at teticlieam nlke ulpv hes r ouidconf."ence exso n ft up wor theckolf pa heright lare at orwlnt eves tcenterllhey wisa host egn dio st tate.eche aztths are e ea presvoson fandrite aar they e c7-0 innconferenee and hvadaas r neve tbeaten mhem inn ountai lawest pi y. so thasked ouem wld e this bata stt emenwin?"i et definiely belthve so is bewould e a hugr win fous, alespeciwily knoowng hth good ey i are tmeanulhey co td be aop ea25 tghm riw.t nosp" "elleciay co
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an r otheinone s thidibuilng, 8- wi9k shong ldup wouge be hus. for u" a towin owmorrht nig n fora evad awillmolso heve t 5m ton -3 iun moestain w. t play as dallny colodel channrt 2 spos. l al tset to8 ip at e becausit wi lle bleted vise eonnusp. th aranks grett. mi
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ioformathen on ter offic re befo w we go te wantveo gi you atan updhee on tin breakg news atsituonion ar mccravdn blr nea itsmhrgeidam. daanet kdgchleise a livesct the ene- wamandas hat'tethe lastfo inn rmatios on thir officein svolvedg?hootinll west krien, olreno pfiice ofavcers he told haus te t ononpers d dids ie a e th oresult of anfficervo inholved sinotrlg eaisier th in eveng. ey th t saywehey tire iniallydi edspatchca to a der accint onwhere one pers wasto said be iactingalrradicotly. shres we d firee and onma dn is tead.he oftwo rsficeve involred weot nju in tred.rehere aot no her sp sundects ae policdo notli beiteve be to an glag tlrrencay mc irranils stl cl
6:52 pm
ve co bringinreakwsg nean, amda ke getchledel channs. 2 new itstay wn h us ob the weand onci soiaal medth in ane meortime fth ste latees update beforour 11cl o'wsock necast. mi heke is itre wfih a ecnal chk t ofthhe weaer h webrave a teak iniohe actn r foxtthe neal severas days a e ridgh of higsupresetre stles vein oe r thoawest cstst. moly sksunny llies wi t coverhe gi re font or mossdof tueay, ghalthoubl variaoue amofnts cl neoudiilss wlil wkelyk or watheir ery ovid the rthge as e isand thin upcomeng weeks d haa
6:53 pm
>> , draman,emotioem excitent, yband mat e, jus cmaybe,ionfett fshotcarom a nnon. it 'mes tipl to whay "nto was to be il a mailionre." ma[drac tisimuc]
6:54 pm
i' m s chriisharron. we e lcomheto tw. sho yoare ysu gudy reapl to whay "o nt wa bs tomie a nallio?ire" s [cheerpland apause] 'thats , good'e causavwe he a gr eatut reg rninescont.tant he'ans edswerr ove0025,0vi tria qu onestirrs coy ectlngdurial loc etcompnsitior ovelathe enst t s,year t and, odaynlhe os y hato sw aniner nree mowa to walk ay $withll1 miion. f sofarom chlls , urchinvirgia, le t'lcs webaome eick nvil das. er [ches pland apause] omwelccke bar., si od gose to u.e yo st jue nin faway$1rom li milon. th ndat souets pr gtyood. i >>est do. >> n whethyou ofink t allhe iatrivst que yionsou've sw an--ered>> i' sd swap tome of fhoseor ne nie mort righ, here-but- i >>u f yod coulsechoo h whic?ones >> i if chcould oohise wnech os. w >>lke taboed aliut eareru, yo ow knu , yo dhavesoone y man etcompnsitiod , an wyourife al actuusly jmet cael and hped u yor as youon"plus n e" othe asvery lest quoution y gotri ght. le t'tcs caerh evy ybodheup wre ar you e. yo
6:55 pm
awth from miat $1 wellion ve'be
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