tv Channel 2 News 630PM CBS January 27, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm PST
6:30 pm
sicommis"loner: itawsures we aflyingntnd couaierclerms we . flying hcooler peadsilrevaed. an cd wetoame et somnghi we ul coagd all sree onato th we re weagn't dr tginghiors on f ot ancoher yuple."ears eryestthday ree fite pron ctio st di arictvepproyid paorng me 4thanho47-td usanardolls to tsettlet.he suid anthtoday noe rey citl councivo ated to tpprovetlhe setement too. rethe agt emen tdoeshe owfoll ing:p-t-m-f-d willy parkthe woomer's ciopensatn ou amd.nt owe of city ha reno eds agre to s dismis sclaims ieekingt ndirecco sts.nd a-p t-m-f a-d hasd greeto is dismtes couns rclaimg seekin rsreimbufoement ger damad er propndty aip equment. wh alen t tkingomo naeri duthr with noe rey citcicounhel, sd sai is thrs yeag -lont fighonnot ly pa imirct fhtefig bers,lsut ao e thicpubl. dunaomi rerr,tyeno ci ci counbelmemthr: "s ere waa lot of er unctytainut abo w whoould sp reonond ir a fd e an hthenow wthey rouldndespoen. evyo if u hadid ifve dntfereef firinightg psgrouin comgeg to, therd woul ey thpr be siofes oonale n thjob ge to? theranthe wswerthas, e co
6:31 pm
walways" ere. e th snextretep ayno milor hlarysc wahieve snts to tee forheci rety of wno andcoashoe untyis e firidconsolbeation tween e thpatwo s rtie aonce. gainhi scllary rhieve,maeno i yor: " k thinwewe oto it it the cizens o to tffereshe bd t anstsafe ss po sibleceervit thaanwe c ov pr" ae fires gencieeysay the hop e to movd forwart withouyiworrngab deout unngrlyiue isshes in t st pa. ngcoveriig the b, storydaaman edketchlchge, l anne. 2 news e truckes meadowghfirefireters ain atvestigating whd causeeda sh g ton o up iesflamgo in ldenva lley. re firsfightepo res tndede o thfi ehre ba ind ohomeman tohawk y. wahi.. ws ch i wjustofest amwigw.. waynd. aroun. nooth e e smokrethe fi putul up cod be le visibs acrosllthe vaey, ta lke aatook on it ourcl amoudc. re fitefighayrs sy thegemanad toke heep tme flants cod aineheto ted shh , whicmpwas colylete yedestronod but w oneuras igvests atorloare g okininto hewhet er ansixplorion tedgger
6:32 pm
ve a m ry waraythursdma will rk en the hed of tpi resn te iour ry wintrn patte s, as aoferies ngstrorm ston s begi. friday ayfrid a, anertmospheric riv er patt un sets vp witht ery we ioconditn ns imothe s untainand shighvenow lendls , a there bshouldghe enouic dynams to ovspill nter ie o ths.valley whighilinds we l caussomead shthowing a ough. rocold fnt thmoves through one regitu saorrday mhining whoch suld dr sop thevenow leells bakow le e taho alevel,rlnd neahey to tsa aturday 3nd theun0s sday ro thugh es
6:33 pm
tu g rninheto t b crimeeat-- ar spicks polase are orking fur yohe your inlp f tdingwo menth rey saya obbed ieconvennce or stune at glapoint lteast ni ght. e therrobbppy ha aenede t th ca mc mrranonart 1 thelo00-bckof t eastrgreg s aeet...round igmidnasht lt.t nighe policsay me two ren entestd the ore we maaring d sks and pointegua n at le the cndrk aan demneded heur are sncvellieose phot of
6:34 pm
g wearinlodark cg thin awith shoodedhiweaths brt andlack he leatstr ve. th r e othearwas werking dae blucl ngothia with beblack anie hicap, wnite tens s shoeand a nd hagun. usboth slepects sft thetore awithunn scdiseloamd ntouf o ca . sh mbothe en wereelast sinn headg ut so ohbound. n foot hif youave y plee ac contcet polise or wcretitness -2 at 39--2 4rehundd. d anerunivf sity o pnevadaolice in are atvestig aing anrmed er robbasy and t saulamon cpus. co actording er an al ot sentut te to s inds...ent happuned arod 3- r 40 neastthe we stadium . garage su the tsspec d areedescrib as o twmewhite inn wears g maskand s.jeanwe they t re lasn seen o h nortrgvitrinia sadeet heing roaway fusm camp. if no you khiw anytt ng thacan lp heti inves cgatorsu-all n-r apolice4 t 7-8-40-13. me cadiril madijuana rispensaesar ine poppn g up ihenortrnva neonda. te ofeshe newest on t ina he aresuis in eyn vall. it al's cnnled kad a...anrsowne
6:35 pm
risecupsty hoot - thawashoe un co tty andtehe stare requi. on not s ly i fthisitacily st d affethwi sitecury dsguart'...ires withd wier camas so - ev that ngerythi tkehat tas ac pl ie herehts caug on ra came. pa atientsn re eveedescortth h rougprthe s.oces : kristspatienal are cd lein one imat a tthe and ey areac ancompbyied at a pntie ns contultath so reey aer neval neone hear tdu proct." ar so f i, thismis a 4-llion ardolles invt.tmen t butsahey y smoreurecitety is bnoter - t oronly fan them thd for eir pa -tients f butor the orneighbhoraod ovell. nn kalla with go h rougl fina ec insplations ister than week d s plann to opein eebarly fy.ruar re hno tas iwooondpur icbl mi swimlsng poot -- buofone them enhas bese clor d foa about anweek, nd it'sniot openg imanyt. e soon uli'm pan, nelsol i'l ytellou
6:36 pm
6:37 pm
e wheroethat dsnap't hpen.i' inm goo g to dhieverytanng i c to su make ryre eve woman ryin eveet job gs paid methe sa... n e meewho arg doinobthat j. i'arm hilltoy clinn d anovi appr me thisgeessa. a wee ll havs.goal w,and no's therert a smaayer wav to sthe for em. twith. he u.stabank smart svirt sangogs pr,ram wh sen you$5ave n 00 ion,e year yo etu'll gtr an exa $50. , plus gyou'll pet a 1ntercenu boo s up t$50 on et all n gas g andryrocerc pushase ouwith y br u.s.deank rdbit ca.
6:38 pm
6:39 pm
dasterous alructurue iss with rothe of. npauln elsoinjouss iv late at thmu com cnityr enter aftelk ta cing tofiity ofs cialt abou osthe clauure. phal -- wt y exactlrois witng wroh the of? b itlyasical t needso be ac replnded, lae on. thaspool h c beenfolosed t r abou, a week te afinr saggg was ce noti td inoohe rf. s turn sout -- tome ofsshe trues brare itoken. se's so s riouthat asit hbe to bi stad lizerebefo it b canpae re. ired la spshing rtthe nopohwest a ol is lapopur pl toace fo go rer wino ss mmer-- eslypecialti this yeme of aren whut the ooodoor pls are . closedw,and noth the oer or indois pool em also apty --nd th cke kiboing aardsitre sting s ingetora. rothe s of idatoo oungerr s fo ne anyo i to gonside. "andyelwe b tieveashere wat wer inseeprog in ftom the thp and enal isso it oo a po,l. sre the was mi hu adityoind me sturingettg inom froo the p, l wel so,th i atink thd 's kin tofhe combo " of bath says ofe rone is 0 arly 4
6:40 pm
acost as muchths 500-ousand ar doll as --'tnd wonni be fished ti unptl ser.embe dshundreop of ped le usethis evpool, y ery dalu-- incdingni seo ors wh ilikecat beofuse rmthe wateest waerr tempinature . town y kath d"we're oown tooone indr ol pot thaciour nstize u canse ro thutugho y theanear 'rd theye disaedointt tha pmore aoolsre t noaiave lablthfor useir e." jo bayce ilin w 9l bear8 yed s olne onxt mshth. d e ha tbeeng ryin f topoind a haol tedt suit herne foeds rer ths e yearil-- untsh nte we tevo the ouelyn mntce tntermohis g.rninpe "iggy lit was ifke a lite spir o wentheut of enr wh s sheawth n at sighethat sld cougon't to oo the p wl thatjue had st engottex so d citet.abou" ck luheily, s a wastoble go im sw amingnot the t rthwespoolto h getxeer ee.rcisjo "iyce ltt feve mari lous. justfe iklt lgoe i lt mybaife ckag ain." ss bath says 'se poolre closure sthesses tfo need r moreaq ceuatic innters ig the bgestli itttle c wy --alith ready li remited s sourceinfor thgs s likeg wimmins.lessonan isdy "thhu is a tge hito our pr
6:41 pm
t toighe holh schose swim ason. es so y a, it's d majorent." ba s ss sayimthe swooming pl is lythe onaf area -fectedhe- so t f rest oilthe bus ding istill op then to ice publs . planwere ad alrelay in po ce tacreple the g roofin eon thebuntire . ildingbu e t thenbrokes truss addot aninher wrd kle an cmoreost. tr consonuctild cou i beginn a wcouplecoeeks. tveringryhe sto ve liul, pan, nelsoel chann two . news da torey the y no citl councialso d vote t4 to 2cco to aept a ondonatire of mo than 6- 11ndthousars dollahe for t m ofanore thho 116-td usando follars vir the rgine ia lak te waalr quprity y.e moneh ..whicnawas doted by n-s-w-d l-v-l l- ac willorllow fle eyss monm frocithe ty's pi caprtal imt ovemenprogtoram sebe ur d foprthe t,ojecch whi d isd esignencto ie reasthe ar clofity ni virgi'sa lake l w hilsebe ud toclelp ean th kee land a s theunurroding en roviennmt.
6:42 pm
6:43 pm
le a ttgal bawele beto en renand ke trucowe mead ps fireiorotectn er ove firesservic hasco d.ncludebo what esth sid re ago.ed tnd.. a m howucmoh y ne e thridistgrct atoeed i payn s inwachool ltch...vaemmon lley el ryemental schoongis bei gn recoy ized bshthe wantoe couy ol schoic distrr t for theisocial emand naotionil leargrng proam. s it i amakingif big de ferencine
6:44 pm
on sisshe has try stoho on w the ho scseol is a tting annew stdard b inoth mmour coanunity oud arnd cothe untry. onlemmy valletaelemenchry sool ois onen f seveolscho ts inhe ridisto ct tivbe g ben an eaco aw foard w r ho atheyeare tg chin eskids--llsentiae y--lif--skills tohow ct respes otheranald de wi ther adv. sity et whither du be mringorath gl enclish pass,iprincrial en la ayne sr s fopathe st twoar yehes, tvey han beeinworkg to imfully t plemen asocialnd ot emleional arntning il o alof cltheir s.asseer anin lthe- " mere isore toli n fe thag sittinesin a dd k an acdoing s ademicdaall uty, byo tu needn o leartohow tu acavally hiee fripndshs withpe op hle andgeow to g t alonwithhe ot yrs. ifavou he a di eesagr wmentsoith e,meonn the w ho wdo youthork wi those gr disas.eement" an itd...or's w. king ciprinlapal ayne sats th h sheas en seer fewid inc oentsllf buying diand liscip anaryn ctiowith herst tsudenau becthse of ispr m.ogra d sog urinpia tyascal cls suchas on this fe that iocusesn on ci sondal ati emo lonalinearng, tsstudensk are adied to s scus
6:45 pm
anhegive tniir opi tons onhem wh maile rereining ulspectf. ll wet ...jus ltake aisten. ld"wou l youtoike o addn to hianytt ng thaaiwe sd?" ha "tounk y b for meingy rt pa..ner." ithiskes expwhins at prthe m ograeais tg.chin.. y mikeasthomha- "wvet i'ed learn t is thaouyou sh rldy ealltotry pu set youro lf inte someonel hose's syoes so heu can lp ithemeyf thfe're g elinorsad an gry." w nextk eethhoe scisol dt tricis nghaviir theat "st ee oftiducaonad " resse wher wtheybeill vigi png antreseioatn on the ct effes iveness of thim progra hoand cw theyd an leathe ti naon. h trisr-shaffeac "a beooon schl is re requiusd becalle it ausows ho to sucw eds ator lbothlyocal roand ac nss then atiowhatso cindal ati emo lonalinearng lo can e ok likmpwhen iedlement ."wellsh r affe tsaysishe dt trics plan mpon intlemeising tham progrn i wa all cshoescounty s hoolbyll faf o ythisovear. cthering e st y,ory ksssi, onanchl ne2 ws
6:46 pm
6:47 pm
sowi shadougng tho ch. aold t frons moveugthroreh the giontu saorrday mning h whicldshoup droowthe sn blevelsakelow le e taholevel, ne and o arly tllthe valoey for. co irlder aes movsu in nday in br sgingownow sh ters tohe va lolley femors. treperatus st feadilyomall fr0s the 6 tfriday40o the rds satunday a s the 30 tsundayhrough es tuday. a wveryurarm thilsday wl marke th tend ofpihe resoute in r pwintry, atterneras a sies ofst srongs tormn begiayfrid.
6:48 pm
tt patsern seth up wiwe very t nd co iitionsmon the inuntad s angh hile snow vels d , anshthere e ould bghenoudy tnamicsl o spilntover io the ll vaigeys. hs h wind cwillause s somenghadowih. thougd a colfr veont mougs throreh the gion aysaturdng morni shwhich roould de p thsnow ve leowls bele lake tahol,leve d an tnearlyvao the lolley for. er coldov air msues in nday gi brinw ng snoershow ts tohe llvaorey floems. treperatus ea st fdilyomall fr0s the 6 ay fride to thtu40s sandrday a th sue 30s hrnday toughtu
6:49 pm
6:50 pm
"n erow hspe's dortstoirecr etgarrart de wbornchith l anne2 ."sports da nevahe had tog big dhes on t s ropecobut luldn'te and thkn utocko w...theckolf pa men ashotn seaso-plow 29 aercentndbe e causomof se t tighnsdefelye near upsetwe pousrehon e sadiego st .bate...waut it tsn't io ben 57 a lo-54 ss. -. ie.. t 3d atan... med caron ol fiverdorom owwn t unbo..cetw. o un boances ..d inck. pa b ledy 3.-l ..ater f. djr enneomfr wndowntos a awelle nd hdrnsai th loe rnggeanho s..t. hhe 7ad , t buecchouk tht "de li" sendy ewdrit wthh e st heeal l 'lvegit irqmauezeco n lemagewho hets tke basust plth ule foth... cke pare scod
6:51 pm
rsfiant led 7d byth at eae brk.- ndsecof hal upack..p 4. nswin toepshd ertspu u oned p an erolivts swa.. it.ha he ond 4 e thghni..t.....d . anenthth drowsthown lee alp.y ooe .. hha oid 9p7 nts unrebo. ds..pack 6up- ... thbut ceyn'ouldldt ho on ow dthn ste 2 nal teminutes azaccs b ok uprene ty ll keck knowns do 3 theaz... tecs up .. 4. mo- ntmelas r teotancaher n merool biver..lockle. cowiman upnds iwith..t.nd aoi gngco toast-st-coall he' t gethe pwnk do.c 2..anolem d hamea gah higpo21- ints bo7-re bundsneut - svadas corea as seowon lin 54 oi a 3-pnt ..loss a.buthelso held t top iteame n therconf tenceo -p 28nterceot ys en aradt re ty tomoalk ral orvictouy thgh. "i h,t tougju it's astll reay rd hato pill ow swall n rightow. bo noikdy loses lliing hake tt." hi"i te'nk wnove korwn f w alehies alpeci tlyouhr tght hat firsha knlf we feew we e lt likwe had
6:52 pm
6:54 pm
6:55 pm
sard aaynd>> es 14 qutions, re thlie lifenes, li$1 milon, d an bit allowoils dn ixto spl simrde wos: ho "wts wanbe to il a mailionre." [c erheans apd auplse] [d marac tisimuc] o,hellry eve.body i'rim chrrs ha.ison lc wetoome s thehow. yoare ysu gudy rea to y pla w"whoants b tomie nallioire"? he [cd ers anseapplau] od go. nghavi h hadirer fhist cld at 5 ageur0, ost firte contstan h istoere m winoney fo r r heea12-yd r-olson heand tir rentreme. bfromclriarmaiff nor, yonew plrk, weasemeelco
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