tv CBS Evening News CBS January 30, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm PST
6:00 pm
vorst oftes ig campa16n 20, th cae esndidate makeithnar fil s sales iowho g ldin--rankgr dis gacedalener pedavid gtreaustoets p keehis ur fo a starsl nd fuln.pensiod an'shockeyun most likely stall-a ar, b6'8"erruish wit w feilsk, lsstjuon w f ae-acfof th wi l thee.eagu pt cangionins spo boredsy cb i this"cs the vebs e nningews." a >>odxelrod: gong eveni. jii'm rom axel td, and this ishewe edstern ofition theoa brt.dcas enan intk-se weeanlong m ihuntn rncalifoedia enday todh witthere arf st oestwo fucaped s.gitive e thn,me w whoinere be og heldn ge charats thlu incrdded muer andto e,rturro butke oa of mumaxim ri secul ty jaithin souern fo caliigrnia es ht erey wcae re tptured00oday 4mi rtles nohah of t ot jaildeutsiwh a odole forks man et isan ci fransco. a d thir winmate eho hadscaped hewith turm, serrendedst
6:01 pm
owre nm froercartns eva inlo i>> t dhink iigid a b i whoop n r,the aino you kw. r >>teeporrar: ounnge cotyer shndiff sachra hutysens sa the retwo inmaingig fus tivewere pt ca iurede n ththearsa of n ci frano,sc after a maned spott theirle sto vnan nayle whods foopa grkinot fftrol oicersap nhoped sseinna ftyeri aer a s fhortoot c.hase theynd fouat jontihan eug hidinin an the ver othcc angordi ton sacifranposco lice. i >>s t wacltoear th us ese le peopar were d med anoudanger s. wwhennde coa ucted osearchf e the man, wnddid fis roundin side. stwe're okill lor ing foona weap heif tony had e.>> te repor tr:herd thies e,cape d bac, uongalhad yread tu re trneduto so chernoralifnia. nehe tureld himsn f in o.fridaye ths inmateoubroke tt fromhean orntge cous y men'racentill jagh ei at daysergo aft tcuhey t ugthrosth a sceel , reenedsnak ro thluugh pmbingne tunls and
6:02 pm
t a weicher whoorkedor f theil ja is accusedro p,vide a. man d ane whil wtheyonere theun r.>> f my iears sneomeo in the mm coy unitgowas tingo g heturtca beeyuse thll reaady h nothing toos onis is ae offf sherist's wor gh ni.tmares>> or reptendr: a w nowthith ere thne ito cusdync oe. again i >>ay can s thisni morhang tt thent eeirta ste canat brehe aci phel rief. e thsfocuhi ssft to cinontinug w totork a where the systemil fas.ed uli be mevee,ll we wi beng looki btop to oottomnha tt. ep >> r torter:henm iatesil wlw noetbe rd urneheto tam sel jai hifrom wych theap esc bed,ut imthis t tehey'll beke ptn i tesepara, cells jandim,'s there$2 i00,000new rardon mey thaty ma g nowo to the san fcorancisn ma who tippedff ool pe.ic e that lest pollsw shodonaldtr veump fis point ahead odf te , cruzol fwelod by marcoub rio.
6:03 pm
to clinnea lnids berede sanrsy bre thnte poi.>> io vis vn iserymp intorta.yo ru'rengunni forre pntside.yo edu ne vn.isio>> al donumd trllp puing away om fr c ted iruzn rec pentolls ,hererg uised h goungh crowdo tsh oow upcun cau nsightr ok ris fe deat.>> ha we tveo ouget ert the andca aucuso nd dofall t thenghi ostedimur t e. r >>teeporn r: intan iewerviwi e'id hkes tauzn crn dowby is rabiing r rthetiquesons. t >> aherey re mans lawyercomingt, ouon top cutstitl ionaerlawys, tthatrued cnnz caunot r for es prt.iden c he ban'tese pridbeent e causof e th hfacts e wa ibornnan cada. ini thatk th a hase hugcteffe. r >>teeporrur: cntz co nendsole ungal aicerts ntie ohangver s hiibeligy ilitthfor e idpres aencyaind ss d hirisupeor wa ioan orgn izatio swilleurpris >>taf we setnd tog wher,lle wi wi e n th ciowassaucu. il we wthl win nae nomiantion, d w wewiill e n thl generaonelecti
6:04 pm
trcounouy arnd. ( auappl )se r >>teeporowr: ipua reanblicgo orvernry ternd bra tstadusold g. to.p.uturnomo on cndayould a set rdreco. avhe gume trlop a ct oft.redi t>> i dhinkd onalp trumhas de adned a mew din.nsio e thtut rnou ghe'sn ottein ac plhees wepre rcaublins ne gey rallt don'eldo wl. r >>teeporn r: iousix ,city rc mabio ruhoo, w b haseen indrawrgg laowe crn ds ihothe me ta atoncks i hisrammigtionre ou>> yw, kno c tedharuz ens be rimy fanend .d is 's heid deco ed ta run , veryyoukn deow, fuceitail campthgn at e onend e somgsthins he'.saying le peop t seeghhrou that. r >>r:eporteep ten rnsublica 0 held 4 aeventsiocross wada toy.e onheof twam who ersn't he,jo ichn kaseih, receved th emendors tent ofw he "ne yorks. time"ji t m, thadowon't a himoony gdimhe bure, ct itroould pcive crual t toiche kasaih campgn ofap g pealinerto modate bl repuanicans ded inndpenents ith ce next, ontestmpnew hashire.>> od axelrjo: mahar, tnk youry ve much. he on tra democdetic siar, hillycl
6:05 pm
-m lastdainute magtre conftol aerth e e statmedepartfint conrmed th for t e firshatime tilt e-mas t onorhe fcrmer seofetary at stive's prrvate seoner cedtain setop mcretiaater nardy cos es iarin c, rolliowafo tr ushtonig.>> il hlary isou courages! r >>teeporn r: i, ames,iowato hday,ryillant cliason w edjoinga by gibby dsffore, th rm forier a czonaesongranswom who s wa ishote n th fheadyeive arsag o. s >>inpeak hg isfoard , r mebutja y-nuarme- coua jani ry, wantto t say theseorwo w mds--adam idpresent.( rschee a anduspplae ) ep>> rr:orte p thefuowerl pe apcearan d wasneesigrd fo ma imximum wopact tbe days foreth use cauc a, eventos clinn's ma e-tril con toversynehreated to c take sentral ytageet again. t>>heyta conin aeg cat ooryfto etp secrma infortion. or>> repnter: ori fday, the estattm deparentnn a 3ounced7 ge pas ofli c'snton e-mailer we gbeinra upgdedo t o onefhe t eshightel levsf ocl
6:06 pm
ile-mats sa on herva pritese irvern caqhappneua, ywork, r fosyearma pernent t >> yhanko ou s.much ep>> rr:ortent clion wn dopl tayedheop develment s today. t >>eshis doann't chnyge agthin t aboundthe ful amentafacts.i r neveser nt oivrecenyed a ma e-aril mclked fiassied. r >>teeporerr: hub repnlica neoppotonts dok areiffeient vw. i >>n, mea sashe h- to-sshe' g goinavto h ae tor nswealfor lis s is iria semaous .tter>> b sheveeliee's shovs abee th law. s what ihe diduss becae she li be sevess he ie abovlathe w. ep>> rr:orte h buthier cef crdemo ratic, ivalonvermt na sebetor srniersandere, steed sclear,onaying haly tert the isle a prgal ociness ce plach whi ou shrold p aceedotnd n be li pozeticid. anin mtechesa,r, ioway tod, he rewas moed focustu on t.rnou w>> i souldt'ay itos a psome hollsusave it a lbitle tea sols pol c hadonlintit a ltlebi d.t ahea uavirttilly ed. r >>r:eporteon clint wasen eddorse by thor"new yk me ti es's"alditori t le calr d heofone m theostal qud ifieidcand iatesden morn orhisty. nd saheers, t s paperasaid, h t broughanimportsut iso es tthere fo lfront,coike inmeeq
6:07 pm
to clinpen's ex, riencejim. a >>odxelrnc: naesy cord ,k thanryyou ve digeraced anneral erd form dc.i.a.toirecvir daead petrusll wie not bd.demotepe wtraeusceas foresd to rinign 12 20er aftit admo ting tanaf itfair wbih his erograph.bu ult as jgoianna reldman s,port ns defeete secrhtary asteon carr etis lheting ter geneeal ksp hifo taur sndrs ape full ionsn.>> te reporar: in sethree-centente letntr se to lethe s aderheof tat sende arme icserv cesttommithee, nte peagonsa arid an iemy revmmw recoended dd no al itiona, actionand etsecrcaary crterdeonsireisd thma ctterd.loseth cie de lsionlyarges endthesa urga sdirounheng tir reted tafour-srar gene ll, whoarast yemi ado tted tnggiviis h rabiog apherovnd lpaer, ula oabreldwevl, s neraloootebeks h ew knta con hinedy ighlsiclasfiedin ioformatinn and y itialllyingou ab tt itb.o f.i. c >> iy an onlaisay agwn ho rr soamy i le to tot-- se tho ile wnt do. r >>teepors r: aercartgh weiedwh r etheemto ddaote pevid ustreaan
6:08 pm
,0by $40ea00 a yumr, a nber of aklawmerins ot bieh partmes ca h toefis d.ense a inte letrlr eathier onis mth, na se jtorsmcohn acainacnd jkre aied strd pe aaeusgipolozed d anldshoufan't ddce anaitio l mepunishnt. fothe crmer. .i.actdireor's afatecolso upmes th on e aicampragn til.>> th if s ere'ffan etoort e tak st a waar aomy frer genalpe , traeusd an ai asr membeofth e naseante ch pus, backlli wi bpushack. bs>> aeloluty. ani me, , lookn'the mas atr paiot. m hemiade a stake.he ai's picd a pre. ep>> rr:ortee somblrepuanic idcand, ateskeli c tedanruz d lddonamp truve, haze seid onpe ustraese' caco by y mparg it t toonhe certrovvesy ollr hiary in cls ton'ofuse ri a pvatee- ermail sanver etd whshher e ow kny inglser nt oivreceed as cledsifior infonmati. he>> t dy'veoyestrimed hd, an t yearhillfly's sying aafe,ndsh d e diti100 womes thrse an whdiat he d.>> or repheter: te re werotherns coioiderat cns forr arteeas hig wee hed thondecisi. m, jit by noinpunishaeg petrus, nit mayd ow senssa metoage themi 'slitaryk ranfiand tle thath
6:09 pm
prare d,otecteng knowi that ralower ofnking hficersave d faceheharsnir pus shmentfor sc mioninduct, g cludinnghandli ficlassinfed itiormaon. xe >> ajulrod: gliannaoldman ri coveorng fto us innight wa onshingt. an thvek you h.ry mucth yoank t esidena obamakis msing hi prfirst tiesidenisal vo it taner amosican mque. i het s seitto visla an ismicnt cebaer in e ltimorneon wedsday ef to dliend refrgious aneedom dno dentunce aimi-muslri rhetoc. ce fas book ig banninivthe prate f sale on guns oweits teb si andso alst on inm.agra cithe soedal mitia s'tes don gsellreuns dibuctly, nnt as aawe ernerinxplay s, thehave edservsy as bu oenlin rk maacetples. r>>r:eporterc sear h fos"gun safor inle" eb facoogrk psou,an cd whatp omes uonis a lstg li la of ps ceinto fbud and n.y a gu a manyvare prieste salen betwe diinvi aduals,t'nd thas whatce faaibook s ad inte sta ment n willbaow be nned. 's itol a pchicy sanget oughby pgrous limoke "emms dacand tion r fosegun innse ri amefoca" r at as leo t tws.year
6:10 pm
'sde founr. th>> in e,is casar clely, byngt thatheyyi sat ng thailthey wl not tisanc son the gale ofuns t withoundany kick of bandgrouec chrok thprugh ivate an trnssactioei on thcir soalme atdia pl tforms,rehey' truly insette g thedprecthent eat who thpe ouser bseineslls wi owfollwe as ll. ep>> rr:orte m theove dos enot r coveedlicens d gunrsealeo, wh e arirrequo ed tbarun ouckgr ndec chks. so but sme gunouale grerp membs t weren'abhappy e out thchangee ong:postinan saother id:we tll, weo ried tt contaca onumberlef peop h whogeave pas, avor hmme cod enteneonlid, anth a.e n.r. ot we gsp no re fonseeirom ther,m. ji
6:11 pm
veh. muc ohealthlsfficiase relead some vadeatstneing mbw nuabers out rethe ofach z theviika inrus ut soerh amica. mo treha2,n 0 10napreg wntomen ha bve nowfeeen inncted i sqe mo-buito vorne hirusas lbeend inke mto a bajorirthde fffect angectiin bra lo devet pmenhein t womb. k denmarnehas a cyw poli inpl niace to dght totheal wimi nt is corsroveial. ha as c'arlie depgata r, ortstheve go trnment chereowan n seize tsmigranab' valu tles asheyhrt $en thter une conytry, athing rt wo,5h $1r 00 o.more ep>> rr:orten wherizafa llabdu hah andr er foudrchilen ri arinved ma denshrk, de ha innothftg le. us"we tedo ehavethvery"ing, e sh.said"a se hours, cawe, jelry. h weo ad t iselll,t alfo" beresh fte leqa raqri, sya. noand ndw, uheer t l newthaw, e ni daovsh genernmn t cae seizanyca ndsh aua val wbles morthore an th50 $1, h0 topaelp r y foherfa 'smilyee upkp.
6:12 pm
ke tury, t andewhe nl bilalso s makengseei m himrduch haer. loit bmicks tsgranm frogibrinngfaim atmedimie faemly m tbersode k nmaratfor st leaee thrye ars. almichnda be, ixenhewho lps anmigrppts aorly flu asyaym, ssde nglayiam a freily n unioisju rust cel. ak>> ma ing lilaw hike t ss isocy l nicasoand l, evit tha--it's n'i doalt re ily-- k don'tnowho u w yodocan ng thikes lit. tha>> or rep bter:enut d imarks ggstrulingco to itpe wh anin ofluxref mon tha0020,0 fu rege lest asaryeon, e of the es highcat per n pita i.europe tipoli mcians arcuh.knutso s thi dis areeternt. y >>ouou cutld pth it ayat nd sourys vegh tout , buthe rnaltee ativis wmpe sionly d't ehaveugnoh y empt.beds onwe dav't houe enpagh sce. anwe coo't lkft aer the peeopl cowho meer he. r>>epr:orte g thenmoverentsa akys mmiing tsgranp helpay r for thei istaylys onr. fai ni daitsh cizonens fa wellsre aoha
6:13 pm
ifqualy. bebut enndixd sai nit'sboot autth nee moy.>> c theofost as an sylumreeke enin d imark ms sobiuch gger wthanvehaterpl peoee arrl caeg t ea's r s's aliymboy c wacaof sringpe aopleway. 'sthat p theseurpoit of . >> ep rteor zr:ifara ldtos u nethe wsw laou w nld hoteav sc edarer hwa ay.wh ouen ye havinnothftg le,th s ere'innothftg lelo to chaglie d'a,at n cbsews, nh copeagen. xe>> a: lrodl stild,ahea newwa woter s rrieliin fnt, chmianig. lt figiers toven e somesfamili no may ort be thd the atermost d staysown in isth kg'incas lesthe we n thcbs ev inenneg anqu ey itmmsuy arsceor at thso contelida s stthe raock s tingopof t anysalntts isio a sngle..core . an .9d $7 5on ulineeq.s. tuitys,rade
6:14 pm
u yoizreal eth are sm itesttinvesdeng i a n' isstt jut whainyou ivest n, whbut ino you itvest wh. ok lo ,wothe hlf was auffingffnd ykeo ou dtisome gmes,parand? whwell, hen youpdave co, anit cha be brrd to eathe. bit canrde hage to r t ait,ou ic whn h ca imaket hard g to iet airn. i sod talkedoto my ctor. sashe id... mb sycoicort heuld oulp y ea brttthe beer, st warting5 ithin s.minute orsymbicn't doesact replea fo ddr supten t mbicors helpidprove gn sit ificanemimprovent of lu your ctng funion. orsymbicort is f cd,op cl inchuding brronic onchitis phand ema.ysem it ul shobed not taken hamore te n twica day. sy t mbicornscontaite formorol. me s dicineorlike flmotero in secreais the reak of dth stfrom aobhma prlems. mbsyoricint may crease ryour lisk offeung in,ctions os osteoporis, soand pme eyes.roblem yo ldu shouyo tell ur drocto if h youa ave coheart ionditn fobeinre takg .it mb sycoicort anuld meay a d th wir bettethbreaing.
6:15 pm
ld(chiggren gile) sy t.mbicor thbreaere bett st wartingn ithinu5 mites. o callnlr go o line toorearn me a about tfree orialffer. ouif y a can'tfford edyour mn,icatio az astrmaeneca bly be aele to hp. ou if yok're loing avto se y moneouon yr me redicat paresd prticrip ons,rewalgsaens cays, merpe emd di. iz see e thtoday m getouore oft e lifmeand redicat pard. sjusth witcalto wnsgree f avor sings at thbe'll h thehtighligof r youday. prnow w eviecothe f st o yourpacofoy beoure yl. fil u yon caeveten g-d onerollaco opayslen selact pns. y!he is thll is oyd. p to troveu o yo tthatethe b teroi chorce f i himevs ale. he gr's atoeed gi t ve iup. ok t , buvei ha30 es acr to er cov byndsuown. 'l weitl be w h himl al hday ase esgoac b k to ngtakien tylol. ye iah, wa ,s ok afbut terncluneh my ke testarind hurtg n agaiso...
6:16 pm
otanpiher toll sp. i can myget al baeve etck y? fo pr my..ain. i y want maleve. t gey all darmino tharriintis paf relie th wiea an pesy on cap. erevsuy ine ranccypoliha nus a .mber bu evt not suery ine rancancompy rsundendtas fethe lid e r thosvewho've serd thand mie faholies wsu've d pporteemth, we er offes our brvt se ice rinn.etur us waa. owe knt wha it s meanerto sve. t geuran insuoance qante e d sewhy of92% em our mlabers pn to orstay fe. lif >> od axelr: theub trohle wit theer watth
6:17 pm
oest d lsn'tet up. itnow w's theilater fters e they'vsibeen u lng thewast femo anths dfterusangero lead ve lee ls wererdiscoved. dras a dianapoiaz reherts, tte waomr in ss e homerehas mo ad leth than rse filean can hdle. r >>teeporlir: faynt moren karwe aiaver sled eaad ratdings 26 mehoins he tit cwey 1reti0 sme e thrafedemil lioot, th higtobe re t batedlty fiersdi bustri tted bytahe ste. t' >> ilys realta imporhant tt er evetyone g w theiresater tted. or>> repccter: a tordingo thhealic off, ialsr watelead ve let ls ath39 oiter seres we e spitcothe nincerevng lelsso omme hthes, p.e e.asa. hed urg .calm>> re we'fi condentse theil frste . work r >>teeporher: tbl proemsbe whgan lien fwint sd tcheits te waurr soroce fe m thtgrea s lakeheto tnt flier rer mon thaara yead, lele d ache tfromiphe peces bause th cie aity ftoled add ti anoscorrchion alemic ts to hete st lea c 100rehildven ha st teosed pe itivfoghr hiel leves oxof teaic l td in bheir.lood
6:18 pm
b my tlood aests mre aess. w ieaas h.lthy r >>r:eporteen residsst melia ys ma b hasoueen ketspooun abt e thtetainted ide sa w sheoras hedrifi byth w e neealead rs.ding he>> t nre'suso trt. er thnoe's st truth in lte fiers. e'ther ts no iruste n thsteat d anatwhhe tom cnimu itydos gin at hi tpos>> or rep hter:h ealtcioffialswi onll ce tinuesto td t anttrea e thr watewabut t rn id coulbemo bnthse efor sit'stoafe k.drin a adrian, diazwscbs net,, flinmi .chigan n xe>> auplrod: t, nex ifpe s naltieoawere g'dls, hee baad leoring scer. h soidow dma he t ke ito eyhockll's ar -sta?game ng soha: "ts t'feli" : songt'"tha"s life fe" th lat'sife. di you u et. yoseexerci. an yd iftiou seell nlpd he
6:19 pm
hi...ts jisceardian. on al dg withd iet anseexerci, ia jardrknce wonds arou c thelock owto lloer b sodn ugar iadults t withdiype 2 .abetes w it borksiny help bg yourodyto id get rme of soe of thr sugaoeit d nsn'teed ug throinh urn.atio anthis cp helloyou werooblgad suanr a1d c. aland ghthous it' notwefor lightoss eror lowsting syblolic prood reessu, ncjardiaule colpd hebo with th. rdjancian e causcarie sesious efde s fectudincldeing athydrion. mthisauay couse y eeto fzzl diy, fa orint he lightaded, w orupeak taon sg.ndinot deher sits effec arege l nitaasyet ioinfectns, in urtrary feact in,ctions s changenain urition, ey kidnem probls, d anseincread d baescholterol. ot do nja take e rdiancyoif e u arlyon diasis or e havresevene kidoby prlems. op stin takrdg jae ianc and ycalldoour rctor aightway ouif ye havmpsymsto of anrgallectic reaion. tosympayms mlu incrade swsh, ngelli, diand ulfficrety bngathi s orowwalling. ta jkinganardiitce w h aonsulfeaylurin or sulin ma usy caw e lod bloor.suga llter youordoctut abol ale thdimes cinetayou ke d an yif houe avyanme cadicol itndnsio. so k talouto yctr door, an fod der iltas,
6:20 pm
r ouetcosmicnes li a was. hit orthe erders wine rushing . uli coeld fe d oureadl inesngracids towar us. dweidn'edt neoa a ln. we de neet-d shor termndfufaing st. dibuil8 ng 1ho mes in 4th mons? th aat wasp. lea buewt i knld i couy rel a oncameriprn exess elto huyp me b thosedibuilerng matials. am peex held me buyinthe orventedy i ne ed. exour am helusped ll fird the oers. ju e st lik.that heanot or stepe n thy.journe llwiou ye badrewhy enowgr pthseres ntseitlf? e realizuyyour bpoing werpeat eit'stoasy e lovuryoiv laxate wh t en thavelax los ur yoy bodback. on lyir malax dr hy, atess easesoand ftensto ck unblour natally, y soe ou havofpeace mindom frrt stafi to nish.
6:21 pm
. lr>> axeod: asne o of thenh mol's st s nhl'rumost bghtal fi, tersjohn t scotenhas spret a casier caungpa ndin ari suffeng. n so wheotfans vimed hap a ctain hi at ts year's a-sllrta geam nhl ex utecesivri wored itht mig htur eth le'eagusge ima. re heon's ca tesserbrew. ep>> rr:orte jotohn sct was r neveossuppo ed tn land itheal gl-starame. as he wen an erforc-c, a soalledgo hion, fored s r hilemuscts no hohis sckeys.kill 'm>> i a notma norl-l m i' omoregrf a r indendin a out lof the kineup, aind ofh fourt in uyline gi , and ouobvifisly ght,d anrei do plltty weat at th.>> or repter:ve pat irson tcovers.he nhl
6:22 pm
s john icottsad b.if s he'adso bdi, how ndd he e up acas aiptofn he tac picif te aamtht ale arl-sts? el>> whel, t l nhlt efthfae n vo utetop t iheerntt.newh t y don'k we picrsthe wotpl e ayer wpocan lyssib o think f. atand thne happee d to b johnot sct.>> or repter: the nhl pa aplyrentte wandoc hkeyta srs tinheta all-srs, notwl braers. in fae ct, th ileaguengs tryi to an dist gce theomame fr thets fighe. on icey this and h t team,zohe arina yo cosktes, atted scow to boout. efhe r, usedthand hinksse wa ni pu.shed>> g. my inm. k pd ofd ulleme e asidheat tk rinsaand id, , "hey, johnt i go bsomeewad ns.we tyoraded heu to tea montr l encanadis." caso it s me a okindocf a shk.>> te reporrar: tanded d thenim atmediseely o nt tmithe norsin fo newanundld. theaat mcont sastt wng no loerig el tibleayo ple in thal s.l-starho d w difathe eans ro ct tthe hn jott scode tra? t >> iitwas-- wi was sft and -- veryan very gry. wihis s fe inapregitnt winh tws, an thd lie lettuy gng getti kind veof shondd aroue by thgsbig wi
6:23 pm
or>> rep ster:e o thnhl ktbacedrackvi, inscted baott ck heto tit posthion nse fa p had utm hiin.he ay'll pld , anapperhens ev n. with ldat woun meaouhe weld takho e me mor $than0090,0iz in pr e money. mthat cightinome dy hanw, no hthatajis meaor lcague ireers eoin jy.pard >> th if iis, s itn i ca okindf yma sbep teayawro fhom eyck. ha i dve areegine ng t>>s hat'aia trn. er whd e di cthatfrome om?>> or rep fter:owor ne, th unkeli alyr ll-stausis foced onen ngjoyi haris fhefetcmed mo nt t inpohe shttlig. i >>kit's f nd od weir ithat'mhe anre, fid delynited kinnof a aanomly.>> or rep mter:, aybebut tlexacw y hoeyhocks fan iliket.nt coreessa bbswer, cs, new newrk yo.>> od axelrl : stil tahead,alk
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odgoiv stlip!en u m i'o here te get thflady oe the hous obackr n heetfe. veand gihe her ten strgth d an tenergy ho stayhyealt. wh wio's e?th m! y!ya the lecompalte bd anceionutritn reof gtiat tasurng ense. 9with o gramsf eiprotn 26and am vitanins ned mi.rals en tasure. e ke lifin! sfeele ecur in uryoen ds.ture..fe reel f be toe ur yo aselfayll d. st jutc swiomh fr urdentste pae s toonea-bntd de ure veadhesi. seals s holdngstroerha ten th ad lepaing alste y.l da.. th wie out th.ooze fe selurec e. ybersouf.el trwith sr,ongecl eabon sea-nd. i t builusmy bsinesth wisi pason. t buepi kegr it g owinakby m ingy everardollnt cou. 'sthat i whye havspthe ark ccashfrard comalapit. one ea i nlrn uitim 2edca% acsh bk on ev hieryt bng ioruy f s myo.tudi an
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olof drslah eac gyear boing ack mintosiy bu..ness. at thug's he r footmy blitom ne. 'swhatyo in alur wlet? >> od axelr c: weloseig tonht a inte winr a inr l theweast nyek, mae peoplin ea the e st havembeen rjuinded stw ho wbrutalcainter bun be, tr fosione bun,nessmar winteise tho time tetsit pr ityan ki m ngdo oof hisigwn heie's jams. yucca r >>r:eportece piepi by ece,y daghand nis t, thiulcolorfun mos tain i imoldednto a st mae.erpiec t ianis mdema, g usinleicics, ar ne qly aeruartli milfon o em th. 'v>> it e goe to bofone the
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lyreal. ep>> rr:ortebe it asgan a bbhofoy t r brenenchristsense yeven agars o. >> k theanids wod i gould outan ild bulod igndos a r icein,ksan std i juas wtu fornonate eugh mbto stun le upoeathe id 0fin usicg icanles yid spraerng wat as w a taybuo d ilesthe ct stru.ures>> or rep fter:rom hisky bacard owto n a2 $mi002 nllioin th yisr,ear foure cwes ar tecreaed ic p iarksn cadana,ut miah, otnnes na, andew mp hashire.wa earm w ftherd orcetea lart sta ewin nps ham.hire tehis fam o0 2 art stans wkeord ou14-hysr da foree thr w,eekssp ngrayiiv feli milonal glonsf owa ter inpe tems ratureowas l as twoeg d.rees it pe od nestlaee wndkend aof hifers cd lls ans thrillforl alages.>> ve we' s gots.lide cd slot aanyonsrand c wls. tube or>> rephiter: t is parkens opda y niand wight heth tlp he of ou thofsands de embedd.d tsgh. he>> tgoy m fro a itwhe to a tbluegro a aeen,hend tn we en eve hav sthemroynchd nize to
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scthe urulpthres tououghet th onseas. me sol wil tgrow ho asasigh 40fe et. o >> talactuhaly st re iwithot peher ndople ao als amake nglivim fros-it ica- i n't in thofk ny a'dbody ian wtot tr plade wacesith. rit'sy eallinamazg. >> or rep hter:the's nge kif o stice caveles, eisn if h reignon tsly lasng as lotu as narelo alws.ja ccmie yus as, cbnews. xe>> aanlrod: 'sd thatbs the cev neningr ews fot.tonigh te la cr on"4bs, ur8 hos."fo w r nojii'm elm axinrod newyo rk. foand ofr all re us hes at cb ne anws, th jks for uoiningds an iggood ee's bstn a wrongr inteinno rnrthead nevd a ansithe erra f soanar, md withornte wierwe r athengcomis thienweekd, 'v weene seur a sn ge ir watele ivelsean arer rivhas. tt st y orpstoha celnn n 2s ewat6: 30. e good iveningni'm jenfer bu thrton. u ank yoinfor jousing to t.nighto one sterm sysm has
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g leavinnomore shew in ta. sierrot ansther sys em itoset e arriv t inlyhe earng morni. hours inwe begst with tcorm wah co raveonge t..ight. anryad can iayats oc rpak trko utellhos thw sisontrwig ernt fehas afurcted o s waterupply. webut st'll thart wi ormetet ologis sangelangchilli win the ceatherenter. la angel ...wilowtomorrrm's sto us hit r? harde af soter oome g td snowhis rn moheing, tit majorody of tay s waquiet a withet few rtiurns sll on ra hdar,erowever, tempatures ve ha rm waveed aboin freezhtg. rigw noisthere a just small po ofrtion mt. igrose h thwayhahat n s chai st reiorictmpns. teeseratur gh rit
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