tv Face the State CBS January 31, 2016 4:00pm-4:30pm PST
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ar ntea. wirmer stoni waroeng gs ro th4augh ndm moniay morng as ro wiads e ll bslk icerovghnit t tonighominto tmoorrow rning. isnowshtself ldou t comendo an em. by 7p gh liowt snrs showenu contie inwe nestern itvada werh tempatures in gondg up a n down,e ear th ee fr pzingoint. gh ritht now ere tempe aturatout e tht,airpor 3 is atut1, bat 36 e'unr. wieve recywved anherefr ewom a fs inchetoei inght luches phes in t reno ar ntea. wirmer stoni waroeng gs ro th4augh ndm moniay morng as ad rolls wisl be erick ovnight t tonighominto tmoorrow inrng. i snowshtself ould t comendo an em. by 7p witonter snirm wars ng goe
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weneern wvadampith teeseratur upgoing d and nown,e ear th ngfreezi. pointnoright w the attempert ure ou aat the, irportis , at 31 abut 36 wt unr.e'vere acievede nywher ffrom aewin o ches tgh eiest inchs pluhein t reno ar ntea. witoer sarrm woening gs ugthromoh 4am ornday ms ning aro wiads slll be erick ovnight gh toni tt intow omorrog.morninow snf itselshouldco anme to y end owght snrs showeti coninnue we nestern wvadateith urmperatesin gondg up an, dowr neathe ee froizing pghnt. rinot thw e er tempouature het at trt airpo, 31is at 36, but r. at un we'e' evrecinyed ae wher afrom few esinch toto of riexpe wencemeith t andgahis ve athemn opitportuno y to tget to e,know me to se kwhatofind on pers s i am,t ee whaf kind ole aader isem and i e how would do ng runniep the dt artmenand i
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y happhawith w st theyaw. nn beeaett: y hh, howu ave youn fojod the bb tooce? chran: ngchalle'ming. iur not se e ther llwas fuos disclcaure bei'use m wo a rking lolot angerotnd a lha harder tven i halo in a ng umspectrti of dustes. juhe all t ma de mnds of. y time a again lechalatnge thco i welme habut i ded no i aa thatsell the nd dema os wereut ynnett:'seah ittt a preg y bi rtdepaefment dy initelrei'm su alo tt ofs hing ythatouou wt ldn' cosee . mingco n:chral welthand rat'sy eall kethe u y yo wknow te'rehe esbiggpat dentrtmeno in rnrthe danevafa by d r an ithattsmpacso y manerdiffarent oneas wh r etheicpublli uti, tiesyo owu kner watvi seritce, ot's nst juc publi isafetyblt's puic ou , treach epublictiducao on sth a ere's alot oftsspecth of e b jo wthat it ouldn'e say arua eqimlly anportart but e very annett:hind i t lnk ae ittl faknown utct abose fire rvicesin al generno it's ft justiresth ouat yl deathwith. e ere ara n toicof medlsal cal a andndhe
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esan r acuesngnd this like t thatvehat hang nothi to dowi irth foce. c: hranluabso. telyty llpica-7y 72f 4% ocaour lls e arcamedilll cae s. w halsoave zm haat , teamavwe hwae a enter try , teamavwe hece spreial scue yteams.w ou kno'rif youg e goin w toinork f thervire see ices w t ore he firmedepartront pvideet pructy myth anouhing y could o hope tippartic iate ins n term loof empopyment unports itieand ex ceperienous for ewr rnnett:noight. w you nementioied earlrer befo we ar statted the you'vitbeen wh th rte depaorment f a quite long ti teme, s ll utta liitle but abo ur yoto hisndry a j theyoobs u've tbeenghhrou. ch co wran:i ell testarthd wi thede mepartn nt il apri8,of 9or pri hato twat i tus ac aallyn at eytorn a fort lmosar9 yes. iha dve ae egreinin f fancerom ca lyl po l sanobuis aispondth len aegaw dfrree asom hs ting egcoll le off aw ofrsan scancio. aci prd ticealin cniiforr a foab 4 out s yearthand asen we herfo otr an4 her haand a lf, 5 anyears kd thenofind mb stuled hi on trts oppoy unitelto tl you th h.e trutfe my wikn, you ow the rnattoobey jn' i didikt disle
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dit i gdn'tevet up ery rn moining thoyking bis this the ea gr ttestn hing irlthe wod. and if my wgne recohaized tt and es suggu ted yo wknowonhy d't, th ree fiar dept tmeniris hing y wht don'giyou t ve iota sh. futhe panny f rt o ithattes afr go i ret hihed, se madmma coent so sh to we wediere siscust ng i shand ide sapo, i d intetoout he isr th y wasidour ndea a she isaid j wast ustro ying tbesu vepportin' i didalt rehily tnku yod i k . youutnow. bre hee. we arbe annett: fnd you soundhiometngth ouat ye lov cdoing.: ochran y.exactlnn beeaett: yllh wes that'the dekey tefiniayly. ok i so son j thist ob whad wouly you sais bis the ciggestenhallhage tt is ngfaci r thefieno epre denartmt ri w?ght noco n:chra b the ciggestgehallenth fat'sg acinnothe re fire de mepartiknt lree the n gion ige isneral y reall bcomingack fr rom theonecessiu if yowill. yoowu knve we' c had wuts,e'veha yod laorffs. flytunate we'vebe e en ablerto offs jobtoer evy ybodwawho os laidt ff. noev y erybodaccame bthk but e jo maidrity dow and nre we'
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ytever thinggohat ites we h thdo rnwntuf othome econe y we'r tr o ying taccome b tk fromhat. etbennh t: yeasei can e that a being ngchallenie defi. telyw ho hi meanseow clo y areou to in gettdeg the ntpartmewh to ere ee it nbeds to ? ra cocheln: w'rl wenge maki some ea grs.t steped i hirw 32 nefi ghrefitethrs. iat'sdin adtion heto td laifioff ghrefiters at thbr we t ough. backwere lycentch pur 3ased e newesngin w so be'reinringr g ouraappatus t flee uback tp toevhe lhael tt s itd hoult be. bustwe've ill a got o ways t hgo. weave a co f uple onsstatiowe that d nee g topeet od ned an ti plano doth gat andbaet us thck to e st ngaffiel lev ws that ae weret akour peet. bennyot: do u have maany anjor ch tges onh he wis st lit thaknyou eoow pcaple n ctexpese to e?co n:chral welofone b theig in thhags tvet i'ea alrondy de isim enplemrat pac medil leve rv se tice.s hat'hithe t ghesle ofvel vi serouce y p canderovi min aaledicse senth in ele fid.we p nowderovit. tha l andngooki roto gatw thhi wite n th pa dentrtme h. wetwave gio ennes ri noght atw th p areedaramicle anvel wad i vent eppry ausarat ntto eveprually e ovidmeparadic rv seinice ie the fld. be
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gi enwones ould goanut to geemercancy erll, the we pare no diramen cs ofrboard omth ? e city n:cochrare corwect. e had-whavest haill t ve whallare caed rm intes,ediate emtte intermedia ls. ande ike thname tssuggess that'f kind oa mi ved-lervl se tice.hear picamedis h the lighestf evel e d thinbig the g theris youkn e ow w balwaysleeen ab to de lafibril ete for bxampleowut n pwe can crovideacardini mo, toringanwe cvi prode a oabrspder umectrdr of - ugs iacardugc dr ds toerelivt tha re cae likidi sath at ghe hiest l leveheat tst firor opptytuni ca bethuse joe ma oritymef ti 'r we se on fcene sirst wo weant b tolee abli to deatver th high oflevel im care atmediely.nn bebsett: aeloluto y. shayou verr sosay you giy 2 enownes? hma inny eng? es nown:cochra 2gi t:nnetng 2 eanines. id thats th te goalevo get oeryonen ar boocd? c: hran eto getvery ra appathtus wiam a parn edic o d, boarct correnn. bes ett: ithat prilimara y a ncfinabaial r rrie r or oheis tomre sngethie elsth sat'sintoppatg thm fro hag?enin racochhen: trere ae somncfinaes lvinvoweed. d neeetto g er evy ybodnetrai. d upouof crse
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webut ea alraddy ham pars ediconth pae dentrtme h. we7 ad 2pa diramen cs odethe mepartndnt a r soy ealloki to o thetuppornity akto tvae ade ntaghaof wt we adalreovy pr widedliith ke i ssaidmaome alrginrt staosup ctsbu at wedylrea t hadeohe pple. hiin tw s nes clase we'vd hire 22the it addl ionamepara sdicso l we'l ahaveal tot on f 49 othe medepartsont. ew a fab more ove a thatllnd we'th have f e stafan d hawe'll have w nt we beed toe o able tllopen app the ausarat aleventue ly lik ti saido the e thirreno frte depa hmentadas hso shme clah es witthe itreno cciy councel. conrns t abous,layoffrn conceous abt co nntracttiegotiaowons. h would aryou chzeacteri the pa dentrtmeat's relnsiohithp wi e thcicounw?l nohr coc18an: 0 eedegrffs dit.erenre it aallyn ex encelllat reshtioni ip. feel olikeurf co pse inaersowolly rk wverywiell heth tnc couwiil, thth tye ciag manwier, heth tma iyor.n measuthe t ppori've engottm froofall m theis em trusendo t andfihat s lterdown heto tar dept.tmen k youthnow ey
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cowocil i y uld sak i thinit's tfairtho say cie couna l has n passiopufor sblic nafety,otst jubu fire cet polill as we. atand thla transtotes in theirti acntons, iwao the ty thathey pp su aort me dnd theenepartmt. i and cand ofthourse e pa de rrtmentroecips catee becausey thci appreatate thin. i thk r undedemy leap rshi'vtheye seen wehow w cangeork toitther wh ci counrel and e ally b atcooperd ive ang brinnea syrgy t to whao.we d nn beo ett: s fmoving yorwardou t don'paanticiuete isss over ctcontraot negs?iationhr coc: anll were they'ia negottions. er thale's gways ad ive antake e theri and ecappr tiate ahat.nd ini thatk thha's what, tont's e heof tng thiats th c theilouncan sod al d thetmeparent ecapprs iatehais tvet i'n bee ve i'er lit hallyeveld ery tiposin on idethe meparto nt si ca prn apteeciat whaooit lks flikethrom sieir f de othe bl tad e ani'now am inse sen on th hee otder sith of ble tao e. sth noey katw the i'v tseenhe e wholtrspecndum at than'doest an mere we'ay alwg s goineeto agrbu ct theyrean appthciate at it me co as fromfon in rrmedeasons tiposiheon wven i giin an
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cohaerns tfft layot s mighcomeup ? againn:cochra s neverayne ouver. yi know wsaid iould benever ta a bathilion cef and ihere. amso- t bud i woulo hope tgothink ing fo d rwarcithe l ty wiluecontin g toanrow mpd to irove nc finaanially omd econ aicallynd wethink ve'll hagh a brit . futurenn be yett:theah i 'rink wee all ng hopiha for ty t. okait's a ecperfant chorce fto us e taka qu brick deak.tiave, sitck wh ust bumicop ng uacon fe e thstate we l wilacbe bthk wio ren fireie ch df tossiscue somheof t esbiggant chtoges the rtdepantmend a t howcohey uld ct affesa your thfety. at'sco
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e no firdachief hrve cocanno e w. davyothank ceu onin aga r foonbeing ho the daan cochrlu: absoa'tely mam. le my p basure.: ennettwanow i nt alto touk abmet soe of thbig an chthges e'at wn ve seen just ie thewlast fs monthhewith tpa dentrtmee . onseof thod neede githe lee slaturhefrom t last ss sendion maheated tof city re tno andnthe coummy hauter o ut an a aomaticeeid agrthment. at mpgot coinleted al the fl. canyo stu jul telitus a loutle abt grthat anteeme? corachern: clytainat. tht thaag enreemout as yen refers ced wand may ated bthe gi lee slaturtaor dicthted heat t es closret fiht fighiing vecle sp retoond b anyirrush fe orst urructree fiwa in cshoey.ount d ane-so werwe wlee abre to ach gran anteemeh witcothe tuntyo ac licomphash trpt pu nose.ow nghavid sai, that'sthatll reay a pisteptong sne. -w itd e any i saecwe b tausehe r mayoeris vssy pateionaut abo -thisie belhave tt re izgionalisation y reallthe ma ultioate gd l anilthat wl pr thovide se best terviceo all ci the itizensren the . gion et benneat: ythh i atink th'sde lyfinitehi sometanng i wt tot gejuto in ecst a sutond. b
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re agt emenu yo sknow tinceo he s fcalledvoire dirce se l veras yearheback wcin the ty unand cocoty de-atnsolidw ed, ho ha bve youereen opwiating t thoue thtiautomad c aiemagreasent? w , ite thervewas nefrr aid oman agother itency? us was jl t alju icrisdaltion? n:cochra thaa t's t greatiquesonbe e cause'thercos a mmonmi cesconn ptio tthat whereas e thessiinviwable anlls d d an r nevel shalrowe chess t un bo adaryhand tjut's otst n the se caer. thale's bwaystheen e itabil ay toorsk ft whaalwe cl tu muidal ato. auc matiisaid ju hast w st its ound, likewe maautolltica. y goe thern'doest thave ao beue reqr st oany ot her in iostigatuan. mut il aid,f wene p ed hell we cal. for itwe tcallnthe coucay, we rkll spas. avwe hbie a deg incingnt goi on a and exgreat e amplt of thawo tuld beghhe caufilin re. yo owu knry evey agencin the esarea r tponded. o thatand th n at's ae exampluaof mutl aid. w itauasn't c tomatit aid buwe l stilrkall wooged tr.ethe so th eeat agrasment wac in ple and co uentin bs tolae in pce. beigett: rthht. i atink wh i m hearomost fren citizens wheverwe
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lien reat ze thaasthis w an su is ke. youhynow, ws doethat thappen ihat itsn'tau catomatijully hest tst close escrew rinpond ag togen emerncy? ul wo tdn'tmahat fake it ndst asa fofer err ev? yonethbut ere soare etme d failsciinanally t aboungfiguriho out wge mbts reifoursed rr whatight? t isn' kthatofind ar the brier? n:cochraly exact y. whenouu' yod ve kint of thaasthat be lo you t ok arethe izno citens tapay anxes eyd thec expt a rt celeain ofvel vi serasce, do e thtycounar, spyoks, owu kn any ri jutisdicn on i pthatioositn. d anouif ypa're tying aaxesnd syourceervie s arg beinidproved o todeutsinc age mies, waybeho noare ntt cotiribuoung yld cou ersee whate thld coue creata pr oblem. nn beeaett: ys h. it'tedefinily nf cobuusing frt but ubom a plic fe saspty per yective sou caneewh tiy ciouzens wlild be ke, i do can't re. n:cochraly exacthe and tn'y dot. etbenneot: somifne's ls e is i edinvolv here. ra cochxan: e. ctlyatand th's why ke lid i saik i thinalthe rego
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th were d ere ank i thinwe can t geagthere d ain anouthat wld preally trovideeshe brvt seice. et bennh.t: yeaau this c tomati ag aid t reement was pucein plaso g methin fthat iound us confouing abmat it, u ybe yo cl can fear up ior me, ot isnly fi for lsre cal f. whencaire lls ar are ise staty ticallarvery re er in tthms of mbe nuf er ocalls y that iou getsst's le10 than % of your ca rills 9ght? o0% arether in thgs? ch coorran: crect. nn behyett: w't doesn theau c tomatiteaid exalnd to l s? callan cochr t: wellhe the tanswert'here inds ki of tecountur inbuitive tt it'soony maou res. rcesif u yo -sendse cauom aut aaticid n'doesant met tha ojustne gi enoene gnes, oar app oatusr anen oginetrr a iuck,ant meats th clthe t osesgoone anes. r d foa re fi'r younde semuing leltipap tuparao s. se'if wrore pngvidi d aiheto tnt cou gy wet o buthe co auntyselso annds in engo e. s
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g.goinl welouif yth do n at oa me l dica, callyonow veu ha us g goin mto aaledicl calthand enth une coomty cining ht rigbe uhindd s anyonow veu ha two gi enonnes c one mall, uaybep to 10e peoplsifor a alngle cl wh nich isefot an enficie t usofre s sourceedin a menical sse. nn bekaett: oity. so a's notn e issu htheng avinona respse orcrew fffm a di- erent m or frowi thin e thsdjuri tictiontoaking o longto he get t mre for cedicalalls? th nat'sheot tbl proemch? coran: pi tyy call'sthat t nothepr m.oble i andr n foplexame in yrenonoou k hw weexave encellt re sespones tim g. weo et tofall r oucamedilll ca ls inthess an 6 nu mi ates.nynd aic munitipaly, y ancyagennd, kide of intermes at whel levse of e rvicis ptacce tableemo th t andheir st nsatioei, thsor res urceare edspacor acclyding a. sohand tt at thst firou resisrce ll reay th e e on'sthator imp. tantthe ndsecoou restorce a theatutomic d, ai a theiodditrenal cesour om fr th eiheer tt hosheor tin aidg icjurisds tion ie the on'sthat nd redu nant.heow tlwre's aays
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beitg comm ated on cnotherall enand thav you h ne yourinext tuapparangs havisp to ret ond bu tthat's arue ofncny age ay ornyni mutycipalinn. be oett:kay. i good, afmean ssse to athume enat thli conso wdationinould kd of hiease ts is l sue alertogethh witwith ngmaki c all lalls abiittle t mo icre effcoient. chran: tl exacauy. bectese insad of vi ha rng twoesesourc t goingo a ll ca y whereonou dee't nd theml alveyou haes the best clost re gsourcendoing awh then ouen y need th borc resoua es on onfire, so t me sorcuof resa e, on ve e hiclntaccidexa for emple, ag u ain yohehave tio addit nal ur resogoces aging omain fr thecl loosets . cation t:bennet s okay.s o let'talkou abolt consioidatn or ns recoioolidatesn i guhas. wt ul woped the agrfect t reemenlook t like wo you? iould rt beeno, ks sparwa, and oushoe cr nty? ost juo renwaand oushoe cnty? racoch tn: i thinkeshe br t fo e thonregild woulu incpade srks as l. wel g theapeograkhy mt es ino it astamporndnt aon i d'twa o nt tk speaspfor barksut
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rt not heaspart heof tnt cou ty soarhey e co ngveriir thea are min ar anne at thy the ifeelprs apatoprie. ceand nlrtai ty ifnehey eded lp he c they ountreand nore cesourats th h canthelp em. th une condty ao renheon ter oth nd ha i arelin a bttlef it oa di enffertut sin.atioef i ro er t s it a okinddof a inut.not's t te liy rallarcirculhe but tun courty sdsroun s reno.noo re this in lee midde' and wre tiprotec png anddirovihang tt ic servure to oiz cit wens,herease th scountyimometases h to dr thive rerough suno to pport r theie own th ycountyw ou knotogo to from otp to b stom oride tode si's. that ns ot acieffient. t bue if w rwerenaegiod lizewe ul wo hdn'tthave yoat. ulu wod rhavereeno cesourcks bauping th une cor ty ocothe cuntyg omin o in t trenooro suppt our so reurces. et bennowt: nre theom are se er diffinences ay the wit the cy of wo reno verks wrsusashoe un cokety, lir numbe oof menn a whcrew. doere s youn tand o3 me ven rs mus 4rean cndws a is er thibe flexy ilitthere?
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bbeen aupig serportpe of 4 rsonew cre s. likidi sae i'v edworkth from ome bott'v up, ie walwaysonorked at apparitus wh rs4 pereon ci ws. hknowucow mh wo t rk is take ywhenavou hnde, a 's it j notfiust isres a sc miptoncethion ouat yt jusneedth orem fes firha. a czmatall,an r icee escu wcall whiche've 7 had adalreisy thr yeaos- the ar rye veor laben int csive. alls os thdie adaltionpl peoe e provid l thatitabor. th's worg, notin a hecity te sizenof ruto, abo 70% he of t 4m haven persos.crew so nowe're t on osomereut thee in thweeds wh boere noe dy els tdoeshis. is thki is thnd of dae stanrd. by and f way oiscomparon, my fe wiou's crksin wo ts on aruck ar in hewlem, n t york.vehey ha 6 opeopletrn a wnnett:ow. co tchran:thhat's ede valu em judgeyent th m made.oue and r oucity cavncil h te madehe em judgthent lue vaeme judgent w thatlie beiteve th's wor it tove haso 4 pers n crewi and k thinit ve's sereld us wl.nn beo ett: sonin a ctisolidaon at situouion, y p wouldtoush ve hary evebeone so 4 pers?n crewco
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an'sthat p thel roposae that w thmade, adat i m ie backn juneto oi a jeent mhoting sw wed howe vecan hael with atiminmeing sodu recindan4 es, cpersonrews ug thro thouteghe rion. et benn ft: howbleasi te ishat? ime o an tthget h?roug racoch tn: i ihinkvet's ry ibfeasyole. owu kns it'g gointota omke smee soh pus tfromhe to rop, fe m therleadt s buthe re itno cnay ma tger,ouhe cnty ma r,nage t andpahe scirks ty na mahager eeve betn meaning d co uentinla - p cn tonuontie to o meet te exploropthose wnnett:thhat's lie timeorne fns coioolidathrn? coceran: the's f no tixede.imelinug althoh it'swo tirth not ng thatothe aumatic d aienagreematt mandthed by e atlegislpiure ex ires bym ts ter 0tjune 301h of 2o 7. s wthatould t behat do meesn't t an tha'tit can be nd exteored or eg renteotiad or kere-worthd but a ere's r triggeou e t thermpto proh.t smas t:benneter is thnce cothern at ouif ys guycodon't a me to morerm pet anentisoluaton, thth sle legie aturt migho have tst
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ar com it? achran:elbsoluty. ian me w theree as somtisuggeson t att he pasn sessio ythatoukn haow t nt ifryecessa they d thaha now wt form w thatakould t le orliook ke we kndon't iow but ct isinertaly a t:nnett whae are tht bigges rr barsieco to idnsolg?atinco n:chra k youthnow kee li i isaide madopa pr bosalinack ne jut tha ugets ws inthith e is ex rtingrcesounoes, ad onditional mnoey, it addl iona rs pel,onne s andtho i inink la parge hert tri bararers t e noar ree moce conl ptua tthanhan alfiscph or alysicu . yo wknowe ha heve tpl peoe e, w thavehemo bney,etut ype comting sdjurionictid s an htheyave ei thn r owioopinndns aws vie of thhow singsd houlldshouk. wor e thtycounsn doelw't ahaays ve 3pe ersone nginancompories tr -ucksl wel dthey hon'tave tr bucksheut tn'y dot ve haer 3 pcoson iempand s anth tat'sudhe jntgemey' thevema o de savwe hete to g around
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becare we lyn realt get i . donet:bennethe and t n i rs undehetand two idea beuld to t haveerhe govodning biny be kd cof attommipree comf ised ore tapresenoftives ag both esenci- aor alls gencielvinvoed? co ychran:lleah. aie agencs edinvolvha and tglt i'm ad you ou bratght thbe up uscaate th's ofone i the yssues,w,ou kno how itwould ve be go? rned'sthat rtimpotoant bo everyt dy, nojustno reju, not cst the tounty.hey t want to knowhehat y y, mvoice b iseaeing hhard; i ayve a s in w hos this irubeing sn. ando at th o's onecof the onceptsuter thave is hcoe a e mmittemade o upthf all ice partg ipatin ci agent es thagowould vern. be onnett:thkay i wink itbeill re eaally rtelly inrest sing toee th how pis allutlays ose becau t'it's iens besy mesan. i meth with with de fire aivorcend yt ever things hat'edhappen sinceen thth, i think ice publ would al reikly leee to shi sometngna owiled dlen. at atast th's thent sei'iment ttm ge aing,re youar heating th eofrom p wple asell?co achran:elbsolutoly. absutely. acin fi t i-togot a n of vepositiac feedbr k aftethe au c tomatireaid agwaement s edfinishse becaue peopl afeelnd
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wervice d shoul gbeet. ting dthey con'tabare out ju icrisdaltionnd bous arieor li po oticsr y anheof ted imp, imentsthey twantowo knth that ey're ge thtting se best tervicehey ca nen. bensott: ab. lutely, okayw nongspeakiin of tht gs tha le peopab care kout,ofind chswitaring getts a lile bityo , iu know i guessur'm ciousas ho-as a wnme oarer, e e ther esissuyo that e u sereor ahe tre st mihaakes tlet peope makthatu yoliwould o ke tthsee em not do iny g an? moregechan ts toheir ha behavior td t woul tmakehem sa tfer inomheir hches? coran: a wei lways thguess t e shorsw anyeer is kes. smoec dettors al are iwaystamporrbnt. caon no mo dxidetoetecnnrs. be tett:wose tparatehings . n:cochraep two stharate ings. nn beheett: toty're nam the co aran:ndy the sbothave ve lihos. trese ae. hugju we st d dimoa deatnstrwiion heth t daholiusys jstt paho of w qu y icklria chs stma ctreean tc ca fh onifire s it' fleftor plexamare ne f theplire orace awithpon exbused ottr a cord s orngomethith like atat. thtr oeee gits up l 9erally0
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ayou'rep sleewoyou veuld ner ow knpr that lyobabil unt's itat too lsse unlead you h asm deoke wtectorf hich ocourse ul woerd alu t yot and get you ouof ou the hosse. the e arbitwo g , thingsowyou kn s, makeu ure yoha hove t tse -dehe co atectorndth e e smokordetectu . yo bknowe siresponouble arn nd ope, flamesos th oe typegsf thinn'. doayt pl mwithesatch. e thosndare kisy of eas oneas . wellso -be ynnett:kaeah, o ty goodips.wi sth thelamoke ad rms ancarbon xi monodede ortectoms, s iethinged learn e whilricovehing t is that dn diea't r blizee,efor they n' do it goe n th psame. lace t? righ ch coheran: tt.y don'nn bearett: cnobon moasxide h to go nd low a a smokeyolarms ntu wa . highn:cochraly exact. etbennndt: a y so ifou're liinstalr ng youesown the are th haings tsht you roould py babl ow kn h and io ad nidea. co achran: knd youu now yocan al always ce l. w ahavest fantaicre fint prevereion buchau whido lies pubatc educubion, plic ou . treach hand weroad a pgramat th w whered e woulcome to out a homesuand actlly l-instalpr or e ovidthe te
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th ice publef bene it wwould st inemall thll as wee . therare de ortectlas avaiw ble noat ibe thlieve ice amerrtan hea atassocis ion haordetects for ze citit ns thal they'll instalas we nnll. bekaett: ot'y, thas a go l.od deaw i knowhfor a ile yo wu guysinere doseg for nior ze citins - n:cochrare we we. be t:nnetha and that is tt t no inhappenorg anymhre? cocwean: st veill ha a thoselevailab but erthe am hicansseart aonociatiha fs themnyor aiz cit- en. so et benny t: okapeso if anople wt atinformabion alout hil of ts isstuff o thered ne gooonlocati th for loem to tok forhis? n:cochraca they ysn alwact contaus 4- at 33nd2300 a c if wean't thelpwehem ir can demect thto inpp the ateropriarc resoue.nn bekaett: ovey. we' f got aew nu miletes 'sft. ittl a lite bit im of tthe. is meere a ssage d you' tlikeouo get tot theci nstizeu ? yo, knowdoyou n't al gwayshaet tpot n:chraol absy.utel k younow ithisens be g thereat rtoppoy unitmefor e liki me nentio kd toofind ng bri the rtdepa fmentrdorwa h. wethave e ne rew hie s; w thaveewhe n
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g thin ithatld woue liko to disin secrea a, wedylreae hava ro stubng pprlic ceesen i but twantcro in teaseevhat oren me. wa i eont ptople w kno twhenhey go t outnoo ret thae we'rg gointo th be where r etheit'spr inovidrsg fid,t aivi proding ssomeofort vi serprce, inovidg uc edn.atio k yougenow g ttinout in s thelschoo h. wea ave t grea og prthram e'at wonve dr e foa lecouprs yeare whe c ourrewswi itll llyeralou go d t anread hein tss clas.roomhi i te'nk wve ad rer ove0 1,00 lkidsast beoctondr. at tha okindf tiposiutve oh reacheto t uncommisity k youyonow n'u cat cayou bun't aty that. tht tha orsuppt,we t wannoto ke w, w twanthe itcommunnoy to k ww thatr e offe at thrt suppowe. and so're al lv invoy ed verilheav ay innu omberitf chare ies. wdo the ibsam saodini fot baskeecprojt. weck pandaged aer deliv fed 200ood et baskams to finilies in need ar the hea. wead a enchildris's chr ptmas fartyorou abkit 100 wds whoould he otmirwise wght go. ithoutbig
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cvadar ancetifoundasoon. s there'ofa lot iv posite no ern-emy genccctype oasionsat thld i wouou like par dertment b to-ee morereven mool invved th e an wy alreadare.nn be tett:vehat's l.ry coo and c ofpeourse anople cs alwayvi yosit yu atstour nsatio. racochbsn: aeloluty. et benne t: takura to. ch co t:nnet r all cighthief ch co tran, yhanko ou s fmuchor t bumofor nfre itiormar on oto e se epastdepisosts jud heatoou bsr wektite omvn.can. thu k yo ucso mr h fog bein uwithe's. wll
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a >>ernnouncfo: the g llowinis a id pati adver fsementorgo eeod fmet, a nrica'sonumber-e ch arrt suppo. u>>dspwar80 of t% ofhepo tipulat on a psome iointnth lieir ilfe wvel hat foopr msoble. y >> m ffeetlieel heke ty're enbrokth by d e enheof t. day m >>ely heres wepa so l,infu i lfeltsoike dymebo r wasngunni akn roife ththugh .em f>> ilielt wke iosas lmying il abtoity k walpland enay tnis. ur>> sinprisengly , oughthat ee knhi, op,ckr ban paiymaac tu bally weginyoith eeur ft. i >>l t altsstarth in ete fe, er wh're wenne cod ecte ttohegr .ound
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