tv Channel 2 News 5PM CBS February 18, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm PST
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of the wintry weather of late will ease as we head into the weekend. there is one more weak storm system moving in friday afternoon, but the dynamics aren't strong enough to have much left over for the valley to overcome the rain shadow effect. the mountains could potentially see a couple of additional inches. as we head into the weekend, conditions will stabilize and slowly warm up, from the low 50s on saturday to near 60 degrees by monday. alpine meadows ski resort is closed for the rest of the day due to area high avalanche danger. an avalanche there
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one was hurt. squaw valley firefighters say snow from this latest storm has created a very high to extreme level of avalanche risk in avalanche-prone areas. fire crews say a snowslide happened near the intersection of deer park road just before 7:15 a.m. on thursday. crews say the slide hit an firefighters and alpine meadows cleared until noon, less than many of the main roads are now clear, but snow is melting in some parts of the valley and the mountains, causing a slick drive
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amanda ketchledge is live along robb drive with a look at conditions for drivers. amanda, how it is out there? kristen-- it's very windy and cold. as the snow melts on the roads, temperatures are going to drop and ice will be forming. but take a look at this video that we shot earlier in the day. you can see how heavy the snow came down in some parts of the valley. some drivers were taking it very slow on the roads, however nevada highway patrol says they were handling up to 20 accidents at a time this morning. trooper duncan dauber, nhp: "people aren't giving enough space between each other, they're still following too close. and they get comfortable driving fast at a certain speed, but when something happens in front of it, there's no way that that vehicle is able to adjust to get out of the way of a crash."
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were several incidents of slide offs, disabled vehicles, people running out of gas and property damage accidents. no one was seriously hurt. but nhp is gearing up for people who may need help on the roads tonight. and drivers we talked to are preparing for the change in weather. gretchin kvaal, mt. rose resident: "if the weather, if it starts to get warm again, yeah we're going to have some melt. and it's going to ice up and everybody better be very careful." joe depczynski, reno: "right now it's windy and it's cold. and you can almost feel a little bit of snow or frozen rain in the air." take it slow and be careful on the roads. covering storm watch, amanda ketchledge, channel 2 news. thanks mike. and you can keep track of the weather...wherever you are... with our free channel 2 weather app. it just got an updated interface today... you can get the radar... forecast... and watches and warnings in the palm of your
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to where you live. just search "k-t-v-n" in the google play or apple store. in crime beat... a shooting at a mobile home park in reno left one man dead last night. just after 7 p-m... reno police were called out on a report of a shooting, at the 27-hundred block of kietzke lane. that's the ponderosa trailer park near yori park. when officers got there... they found a man in the parking lot with a gunshot wound. lt. scott shaw, rpd: "reno fire department as well as remsa worked on the victim for quite a while, but were unable to revive him. so at this time we are working on a homicide investigation." police are looking for the shooter... but have not yet released a description. the person who was killed has not been identified. the gang unit was also on scene...and police are still investigating whether it was a gang-related incident. if you know anything about it, call secret witness at 3-2-2 49-hundred. also in crime beat, reno police have arrested two people in connection with a fraud investigation. 31 year old matthew williams and 28 year old julie morris were arrested a week ago and charged
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credit card without permission and conspiracy to commit a crime. investigators believe they stole personal information from vehicles and used them to make fraudulent checks. and police have also arrested 47- year-old james bzdziuch and 25- year-old kanin celestre, who are suspected of burglarizing vehicles at fitness centers in reno. police say they recovered stolen property from a hotel room registered to one of the men after they were taken into custody on february 2nd. deputies with the douglas county sheriff's office are asking for help finding a woman who's been missing since monday. 69-year-old carolyn batchelor was last seen by her roommate at their home on zephyr cove. she's five foot 7... 180 pounds with blonde hair and blue eyes. she was last seen driving her silver honda pilot s-u-v... similar to this one... with nevada license plate h-p 22-95.
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the douglas county sheriff's office at 586-72-56. fernley's population has more than doubled since 2000. and while that has had many benefits -- it has also created some growing pains -- putting pressure on some of the city's services. as paul nelson shows us -- that has the fire chief is playing catch- up. ambulance siren it's a busy time for the north lyon county fire protection district -- providing paramedic service and fire protection. huntley "we feel it is our duties to make sure this community is protected as much as we can." the fire district operates on about 1.5 million dollars per year -- about half of what huntley says is needed. a small number of volunteers are utilized, hose is paid for with grant money -- and hand-me-down equipment is used -- including two fire engines, given to them by the city of las vegas. huntley "they're almost 20 years old and there's departments out there, when these reach 10 years old, out the door they go." the national standard says 15 people are required for a
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fernley has four firefighters on each shift -- with no captains or battalion chiefs. call volumes are going up -- and huntley says it's not unusual to have multiple emergencies at the same time. huntley "i don't care if you're the best staffed fire department or the best staffed ambulance service in the nation. that's an impact to you and it's difficult to meet those challenges." paul "as an example, fernley and elko have about the same population, around 20,000 people, but the difference is fernley has 12 firefighters. elko has 29, and one of the biggest concerns is fernley's expected to grow by about 10,000 residents in the next ten years." edgington "we have four subdivisions that have anywhere from four to nine or ten homes being built, right now. that means we have four people competing for our market. construction the city's general fund is about 7 million dollars -- and population growth means more property taxes. huntley fears the property tax revenue won't be enough, because of lower assessed values. huntley "we want to see
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that and we definitely believe it will help us, but we want to make sure those people's investments are protected, too." the fire district is independent of the city of fernley - so both sides are hoping they can work together to make sure funding keeps up with growth. edgington "you celebrate your victories, and we've got some victories. we're going to see growth. we're going to see angela: "i'm meteorologist angela schilling, how is the winds project at dri coming along? i'll answer the question coming up." what is a superdelegate? and just how much clout will they have with the national nomination for the presidential election? erin breen will sort it out for us at 5:30 arianna: where do americans stand when it comes to appointing the next supreme court justice? i'm arianna bennett... i'll bring you the
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i've watched as the house across the street has sat empty for over six years. i've watched good friends have their homes foreclosed on. people are still really suffering, and they're looking for somebody that is going to create bold change. wall street gave bad advice and bad loans over and over again, and nothing happened. people are so excited about bernie sanders because they know that he's not beholden to wall street. we need someone like bernie sanders that's going to fight for the middle class. we have to fix things now. sanders: i'm bernie sanders,
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welcome back... a new poll released today by cbs news gives us a closer look at how americans feel about the issue surrounding antonin scalia's open seat on the supreme court. after gop leaders in the senate vowed to block any nomination for the seat made by president obama... the future of the supreme court is unclear. arianna bennett joins us now
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think about it all... ari? president obama has said he will nominate a candidate for justice... he has 336 days left in office... historically... the longest it has ever taken to confirm a candidate for justice... is 125 days. however-- many republicans have said the president should hold off... since it is an election year. according to the cbs poll... 47 percent of americans would like to see president obama make an appointment. 46 percent would not. it is important to note though... that these results were highly partisan. 82 percent of republicans polled say they would like to see the next president make the appointment.... ...compared to just 19 percent of democrats. on the other side-- 77 percent of democrats want to see president obama choose... compared to just 15 percent of republicans. and when asked if they approve of the job the supreme court is
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49 percent say they approve... while 37 percent say they don't. nevada senator harry reid has spoken out in support of the president's decision to nominate... while nevada's other senator... republican dean heller... has been less forthcoming. in a statement... heller writes quote: "the chances of approving a new nominee are slim, but nevadans should have a voice in the process. that's why i encourage the president to use this opportunity to put the will of the people ahead of advancing a liberal agenda on the nation's highest court. but should he decide to nominate someone to the supreme court, who knows, maybe it'll be a nevadan." covering the story live, arianna bennett, channel 2 news. coming up... mike alger will have a look at your forecast-
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with the wet roads there might be more accidents out there tonight during the evening commute. let's check in on the roads with our traffic reporter chaison dean in the alice 96 point 5 traffic center. look out from some light traffic slowdowns on 580 to 395 northbound from moana to oddie blvd. and luckily there arent any accidents or incidents to report at the moment so good job out there and please continue to drive safely. i'm chaison dean and that's your traffic. "channel 2 news continues with chief meteorologist mike alger's pinpoint 2 forecast, broadcast
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while the mountains could see some more snow on friday , most of the wintry weather of late will ease as we head into the weekend. there is one more weak storm system moving in friday afternoon, but the dynamics aren't strong enough to have much left over for the valley to overcome the rain shadow effect. the mountains could potentially see a couple of additional inches. as we head into the weekend, conditions will stabilize and slowly warm up, from the low 50s on saturday to
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while the mountains could see some more snow on friday , most of the wintry weather of late will ease as we head into the weekend. there is one more weak storm system moving in friday afternoon, but the dynamics aren't strong enough to have much left over for the valley to overcome the rain shadow effect. the mountains could potentially see a couple of additional inches. as we head into the weekend, conditions will stabilize and slowly warm up, from the low 50s on saturday to near
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while the mountains could see some more snow on friday , most of the wintry weather of late will ease as we head into the weekend. there is one more weak storm system moving in friday afternoon, but the dynamics aren't strong enough to have much left over for the valley to overcome the rain shadow effect. the mountains could potentially see a couple of additional inches. as we head into the weekend, conditions will stabilize and slowly warm up, from the low 50s
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his invention, coming up in tonight's someone 2 know- next. leadership, tenacity," the las vegas sun endorses hillary clinton. just like planned parenthood action fund endorses clinton for her fortitude keeping government out of women's personal healthcare decisions. and the league of conservation voters action fund... for her bold plan to attack climate change. or the human rights campaign... because hillary believes
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they're one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown -- goldman sachs. just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. how does wall street get away with it? millions in campaign contributions and speaking fees. our economy works for wall street because it's rigged by wall street. and that's the problem. as long as washington is bought and paid for, we can't build an economy that works for people.
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a real life dexter's laboratory. he is a whiz kid with a very powerful idea... max shares his story in tonight's someone 2 know. do you think a 13-year old could change the world? this one might change your mind. "rubix cube twists." dressed in his lab coat... max- "yeah i wear this fairly often." max laughin sits in his parent's old boiler room... converted into a lab.... 'i am in a boiler room right now." and he ponders the future often. max- the future that i imagine is the future, frankly we all imagine." he wants to make the world a better place... and to do that, you need one single thing. "if you got energy, you have
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so to solve this problem, a few months ago, max took the matter into his own hands, and created this electro magnetic harvester out of a coffee can... some wire, two coils, and a spoon. "this cost me 14 bucks.' the harvester conducts radiowaves, thermal, and static energy, and turns it into electricity. "this wire takes energy from the air." down below here, we turn it from ac to dc." we take the device outside.. "let me make sure this is connected." and wrap up max's brother into a string of led lights. max- "here we go, bing. christmas tree." max- "it's hotline bling." landon- that can only mean. max. one thing. landon. one thing." a 14 dollar invention was able to do that.. so imagine this same harvester on a scale 20 times larger. nobody is more impressed than his twin brother, jack. jonathan "jack" laughin- twin brother- "creating free energy in his lab out of $15 bucks. which is pretty amazing."
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from day 1, on this planet that i knew i was put here for a reason." max- :that reason is to invent. to bring the future." max has always admired albert einstein, and inventor nikola tesla. they taught him more than just science... "to make the world a better place. to give the world what it doesn't' have so it doesn't have to struggle in basic things like energy." max isn't in it for the money, or the recognition. max- my true goal is to help. it is to invent a future where people can be happy, can be safe and sound." that's one kid... with a whole lot of power. max is already taking online college courses from m.i.t where he hopes to attend full time in a few more years. if you know of somebody with an story like max's, email me or message me on facebook. it's ktvn landon miller.
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for her "experience, leadership, tenacity," the las vegas sun endorses hillary clinton. just like planned parenthood action fund endorses clinton for her fortitude keeping government out of women's personal healthcare decisions. and the league of conservation voters action fund... for her bold plan to attack climate change. or the human rights campaign... because hillary believes only love should decide which two people can marry. not just a progressive. a progressive who gets results. i'm hillary clinton,
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john: "here at the sparks fire department, firefighters go out on calls every day to help seniors at home. now they have a new program to help them. i'm hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm-hmm let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] i've got some real estate here in my bag counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike they've all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ]
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all come to look for america all come to look for america i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. "this is channel 2 news, coverage you can count on" a storm that moved in and brought snow to the valley floors overnight is on its way out... but is another on the way soon? storm watch tops channel 2 news at 5:30. last night's storm was a reminder winter is still here. ...good evening i'm landon miller. and i'm kristen remington, thanks for staying with us tonight. we begin with storm watch coverage... chief meteorologist mike alger is in the weather center tonight... mike will things warm up by the weekend? while the mountains could see some more snow on friday , most
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will ease as we head into the weekend. there is one more weak storm system moving in friday afternoon, but the dynamics aren't strong enough to have much left over for the valley to overcome the rain shadow effect. the mountains could potentially see a couple of additional inches. as we head into the weekend, conditions will stabilize and slowly warm up, from the low 50s on saturday to near 60 degrees by monday. warm up, from the low 50s on
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