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tv   Channel 2 News 5PM  CBS  February 19, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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let's start with amanda... with it being the last night before the caucus, bernie didn't waste an time getting to the key issues in his campaign like fixing a rigged economy with a corrupt financial system. bernie sanders: "i am absolutely confident that nevada is going to say yes to moving this country in a direction where we have a government that represents all of us. not just wealthy campaign contributors." sanders spoke about the rights of women, gays, and the middle, working class. the crowd especially got fired up when he promised the younger generation free tuition for college...stating that wall street has been bailed out in the past and now it's time for wall street to bail out the people in need. there was a little hiccup during sanders speech when a woman in the crowd needed medical attention, but sanders quickly recovered his speech on the topic of
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sanders also encouraged nevadans to make history and caucus tomorrow. coming up at 6:30, we'll show you reactions from supporters in the crowd. covering campaign 2016, amanda ketchledge, channel 2 news. and just across the valley in mid- town reno -- hillary clinton supporters crowded into the hillary headquarters to hear a las minute push for votes there. erin breen was at that event and she joins us live in the newsroom tonight. big day there today? that is was kristen. what would you do if you were running for president and the polls were too close for comfort and you needed to be in las vegas? you'd call in the big guns for reno...and hillary clinton's case. that was her husband. ----raaah--- bill clinton still draws a crowd. in fact the hillary headquarters in reno was packed today as the former president campaigned for his wife. of course he started with a story. bill:"anybody see hillary on tv last night? raaaaah" bill : when she asked me what i
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gonna vote for you....raaaah!" he urged everyone there to caucus....and to reach out to everyone they know to caucus as well. he touched on an issue here... he knew would hit home. bill: nevada should lead the country and the world toward a clean energy future! yeahhhhh!" bill: hillary is opposed to what your utility did in not supporting the solar industry here did and she will do what she can to turn it around and he said.... bill:"she is the best change maker i've ever known! yay!...." which impressed this group. amy andrews:"he hit some strong points on what she stands for and what she'll do for us from day one." robert:" i think hew as right on the money. i've been campaigning for him for 30 years. i live in reno but i go back and help my brothers campaign for them." laureen andrews:" i think it was wonderful. i think he's wonderful and that she's even
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and of course he took out time to greet the crowd as he left. raaahhhh! from here he's headed back to las vegas where hillary is....for tomorrow's caucus. covering campaign 2016 erin breen channel 2 news. thanks erin. registration for tomorrow's democratic caucus starts at 11 a-m... and you must be in line by noon if you want to participate. for a link to more information about the caucus... how to find your caucus location or where to find caucus results... head to k-t-v-n dot com and click the blue "news links" button. and a lot of the republican candidates will visit northern nevada ahead of next week's g-o-p caucus. doctor ben carson will hold a town hall meeting a the piper's opera house in virginia city monday morning starting at 9:30 a-m... doors open at 7:30. the storey county treasurer says carson will be the first
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virginia city since ulysses s. grant in the 1870s. and florida senator marco rubio will hold ralleys in elko at 9-30 monday morning ... in reno just after noon monday... and in minden monday afternoon. to r-s-v-p for either the carson town hall or rubio's rallies, head to k-t-v-n dot com and click the blue "news links" button. today is the last day of campaigning before the polls open in south carolina, where donald trump holds a big lead and the other candidates are looking for an upset. craig boswell reports from columbia, south carolina. "we're running late guys..." florida senator marco rubio dashes out of one campaign appearance on his way to another, as he and the other republicans try to woo south carolina voters ahead of tomorrow's primary. senator tim scott says to expect a strong showing. sen. tim scott/r/south carolina: "we're going to see a good response tomorrow from the voters, and i think we will be surprised by the results."
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by ted cruz, who has narrowed the gap with frontrunner donald trump in the latest poll. cruz - who plans to attend justice antonin scalias's funeral staurday - is reminding voters that it's not just the presidency that's at stake, but the supreme court as well. "sen. ted cruz: "we are just one justice away from a radical five-justice liberal majority that will strike down every restriction on abortion across the country and mandate unlimited abortion-on-demand." john kasich is hoping for a strong finish. he closed his rally with a simple message: "if you didn't like me, don't tell anybody." laughter as the campaign enters its final hours, candidates are hoping to sway undecided voters with speeches and a barrage of calls from campaign offices. and in some cases, voters are swaying away from a candidate. craig: "are you undecided now?" john: "i am between two candidates..." father john zimmerman is a catholic priest who says donald problem. john zimmerman/undecided voter:"if he really wishes to be a leader, he
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and how to speak politely and peacefully to people." traits trump has not needed at his boisterous rallies. craig boswell channel 2 news. and as campaign season continues stay with channel 2 news and "cbs news" through november. "now here's mike alger's first look at the pinpoint 2 forecast" it looks like we will go back into an extended dry stretch again as a broad ridge of high pressure builds back across the west coast. clouds will decrease throughout the region saturday, and the skies should be mostly
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temperatures will climb from the mid-50s saturday to the low 60s on sunday, and will likely continue to rise into the mid-60s by the middle of next week. in crime beat... reno police have arrested a man suspected of a deadly shooting wednesday evening. 32-year-old anthony galbraith was arrested yesterday and charged with open murder and assault with a deadly weapon.
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man who was found shot at a mobile home park on kietzke lane around 7-30 wednesday night. the victim has not yet been identified. and douglas county deputies are still looking for a woman who's been missing since monday. 69-year-old carolyn batchelor was last seen by her roommate at their home in zephyr cove. she's 5 foot 7... 180 pounds with blonde hair and blue eyes. she was last seen driving her silver honda pilot s-u-v... similar to this one... with nevada license plate h-p 22-95. if you know where she is, call the douglas county sheriff's office, at 5-8-6-72-56. angela: "fire research is so important in western nevada as a matter of fact scientists at dri are coming together to further their studies. i'll tell you more about it coming up." paul: "as many as 500 people are expected to come down to the carson valley as part of the eagles and agriculture tour. i'm paul nelson. i'll explain what that is, coming up." but first... the body of late
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scalia was laid in repose in the supreme court today... how many came to pay their respects, after the break. "you're watching channel 2 news... with kristen remington, landon miller, and mike alger's pinpoint two forecast!" for her "experience, leadership, tenacity," the las vegas sun endorses hillary clinton.
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endorses clinton for her fortitude keeping government out of women's personal healthcare decisions. and the league of conservation voters action fund... for her bold plan to attack climate change. or the human rights campaign... because hillary believes only love should decide which two people can marry. not just a progressive. a progressive who gets results. i'm hillary clinton,
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looking around the nation... thousands visited the supreme court to pay respects to justice antonin scalia. president obama and the first lady were among the mourners. scalia's body arrived this morning in a flag-draped casket... surrounded by his former law clerks. the line to get into the supreme court wrapped around the block visitors came from across the country... and while many said they didn't agree with scalia's views, they admired his work. one of america's most famous and adored authors died today. harper lee's publisher says she passed away peacefully... and described her as an extraordinary woman of great joyfulness. lee's first novel "to kill a mockingbird" was an instant success... and went on to become an american literary classic... and standard reading in many
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published. lee's attorney claimed to have discovered the manuscript in a safe deposit box. some readers were shocked at the novel's racist overtones, but the book set a one-day sales record for adult fiction. lee was 89 year old. there will be much more on her life and legacy on the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley- next at six. looking around the world...american warplanes reportedly struck an isis camp in libya near the tunisian border early this morning - killing dozens of people. video broadcast on a libyan news channel claims to show the aftermath of overnight air strikes in the libyan city of sabratha. u-s defense officials say the strikes likely killed a top isis terrorist noureddine chouchane , who was wanted in connection the assault on the national bardo museum in tunisia last march. and mike alger will have a look
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still to come on channel 2 news... if you like the new flights from reno to new york... or boise... you'd better use them! we'll find out if they're in jeopardy from the airport
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hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm-hmm let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] i've got some real estate here in my bag counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike they've all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ]
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all come to look for america all come to look for america i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. welcome back. the reno-tahoe international airport has seen a lot of growth over the last few years... including a list of new flights. but the expanded flight options... aren't guaranteed to last forever... if they don't perform. arianna bennett joins us now after speaking with the airport ceo for face the state... ari? marily mora says... while most of our new flight options are performing well now... there is a little bit of concern that if marketing efforts drop off... numbers might slip... and airlines might reconsider. i asked her specifically about the new direct flight to new york. ari: "is there concern that we could lose it?" marily: "you know, right now i
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think we are really in dialogue with the airline, but again, we are concerned that this pace keep up and grow." mora also says the new flight to boise... is struggling a bit... and will need to pick up. the good news is... the airport is seeing an increase in passengers for the first time in 10 years... and its first scheduled international flight in fifteen years. she says the new flight to guadalajara has been a big hit. however-- it has highlighted a major bottleneck with u-s customs and border protection. it's a two and a half hour wait on average to get through customs now... due to a lack of staffing. marily: "we have been involved with the congressional delegation, certainly our local political leaders, and really to get our us customs and border protection to do more of a public/private partnership so that we, whether from the airport or the community, can pay for that additional staffing." to see the full interview-- just tune in or set your dvr for face the state this weekend.
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and 3:30 pm... and again on sunday at 6:30 am and 4 pm. covering the story live, arianna bennett, channel 2 news. thanks arianna. as we saw yesterday, our area's winter weather can cause dangerous driving conditions.. so it's important to carry an including a small, inexpensive tool that you might not realize exists. a seat belt cutter is used by first responders to quickly get someone out of their car, but having a personal cutter can help you escape from an accident. spencer- "the best instance to use one of those is if you're carrying it youself is for a self rescue. if you were to crash your vehicle, roll it over, get stuck in a body of water, something like that where you had to get yourself out right away." seat belt cutters are also useful for when you are the first on the scene of an accident. but when assisting someone else, it is extremely important to use the cutter with caution because you never know what kind of injury the person may have sustained. spencer- "you wouldn't want to compromise a patient at all by
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would be cautious to use them on somebody else." and they are cheap, running anywhere from three to twenty dollars. "channel 2 news continues with chief meteorologist mike alger's pinpoint 2 forecast, broadcast certified by the american meteorological society!" it looks like we will go back into an extended dry stretch again as a broad ridge of high pressure builds back across the west coast. clouds will decrease
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saturday, and the skies should be mostly clear for a few days thereafter. temperatures will climb from the mid-50s saturday to the low 60s on sunday, and will it looks like we will go back into an extended dry stretch
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pressure builds back across the west coast. clouds will decrease throughout the region saturday, and the skies should be mostly clear for a few days thereafter. temperatures will climb from the mid-50s saturday to the low 60s on sunday, and will likely continue to rise into the mid-60s by the middle of next
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let's check in on the roads with our traffic reporter chaison dean in the alice 96 point 5 traffic center. expect to see some heavy traffic getting on to 580 from i80 west as well as on i80 eastbound near the nugget. and look out for a couple of accidents, on 395 southbound at parr and on 580 and south meadows southbound. i'm chaison dean and that's your traffic. paul "driving through the carson valley, you've probably noticed quite a few cattle, but they also lure another kind of animal
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year. i'm paul nelson, i'll tell
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let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] i've got some real estate here in my bag counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike they've all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america all come to look for america all come to look for america
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for the 14th year, the carson valley is hosting the annual eagles and agriculture event. the event goes through sunday -- bringing people from around the west to see the variety of birds, and learn about ranching. as paul nelson shows us -- it's an american symbol that gets the most attention.
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bald eagle in it's natural setting -- unless it's january or february in the carson valley. bill "you get to see them acting naturally, behaving naturally, and it occurs for about a four or five week period." eagles and agriculture puts the birds on full display -- a tour with up to 500 participants. bill "you're going to see eagles, yes, but you're going to see golden eagles, you're going to see a variety of hawks, and a variety of other wildlife." paul "the bald eagles migrate down to the carson valley every year, but they're here for less than two months, before heading back to where they came from, probably back up into canada, and a big reason why they come here in the first place is because of the cattle industry" bill "they enjoy the buffet that's provided by the calving. they feed on the afterbirth. they also feed on the carrion of still-born calves." bald eagles come through northern nevada as a natural migration. they've even been spotted in the truckee meadows. this one spent some time at the sparks marina back in november. chernock says the birds like cold, wet winters -- and four years of drought has
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bill "the sightings go down a little bit. the amount of time that the birds are here shrinks a little bit." the tour includes stops at different ranches -- where they meet the owners and operators. bill "they tell them the history of the ranch. some of them are five and six generation ranches, still in the same family and just give them a sense of what it takes to produce the food that shows up in their supermarket." chernock says this event brings people from reno -- and even the bay area and central valley that have never been to this area. bill "word of mouth has kind of gotten around that there are a lot of cool things in northern nevada. this one's on the list." all because of an american icon and it's tie to an american way of life. covering the story in the carson valley, paul nelson, channel 2 news. angela: "they've had the burn lab here at dri for a couple years now but now they have a new toy thanks to new project,
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they're one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown -- goldman sachs. just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. how does wall street get away with it? millions in campaign contributions and speaking fees. our economy works for wall street because it's rigged by wall street. and that's the problem. as long as washington is bought and paid for,
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sanders: i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. coverage you can count on" hans moosemuller: "in three weeks we're going to a full week of concentrated burns and analysis." more research is being done on wild fires in northern nevada... bringing in all types of scientists together to study the
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that is tonight's channel 2 news big story at 5:30 the desert research institute in reno just launhced a virtual fire research center. good evening i'm landon miller and kristen remington, thanks for staying with us tonight. the new center brings together scientists from different discplines to study fires. angela schilling stopped by dri today to learn more... and joins us from there live. angela? landon, i was able to talk to a couple different scientists. one is an optical physicist and the other is an organic chemist. with the new virtual fire center they can now collaborate to see how fires effect our health and the environment. the fire lab is a great tool for fire research. hans: "simulates essentially a wild fire but on a very small scale." but this is not the only lab at the desert research institute in


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