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tv   Channel 2 News 530PM  CBS  February 29, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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pipe scraping february is one of our most important months for precipitation -- but that wasn't the case this year -- finishing just 30 percent of normal. chad "it's definitely disappointing but it's not abnormal. even in some of the biggest years we've had, we've had extreme periods in the middle with dry spells." this mount rose snow telemetry site looks much different than it did a month ago. the depth of the snow has lost 27 inches -- but the water content has increased. a normal winter provides about 37 inches of water. this site has 31 inches so far. jeff "all these warm days, the snow settles and it consolidates. so, the snow is just getting denser and denser." paul "february's been a nice, warm, sunny month but that might be too much of a good thing. it wasn't very good for the snowpack. just a month ago, we were about 25 percent above average. now, we're a little below average, and that means march is that much more critical." chad "march precip is a little bit better, too, just because it's fresh precip. it's new. if you look at those south-facing slopes, up there, a lot of the old precipitation's already
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experts say an ideal runoff would begin in april -- with sustained snowmelt to keep the water from soaking into the ground. the snowmelt has already started in some areas. jeff "we had a lot of low elevation snow that melted off all at the same time and that boosted river flows. it got some of the smaller creeks flowing and it's boosted reservoirs. lahontan reservoir has doubled it's volume in the last month." march averages about 8 inches of precipitation. thanks to the good start to winter -- anderson says just a few wet storms could mean the snowpack will peak either at or above normal. jeff "even after a pretty dry month, we're still sitting at near normal conditions, which is way better than we've had the last four years." chad "what we have now compared to what we had the last few years, this is great. this is a great snowpack." march is the big unknown as far as how much moisture we'll get -- but experts are hoping the winter will end the way it began -- with plenty of precipitation. covering the big story, paul
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it was another sunny weekend but is there any more snow in the forecast? chief meteorologist mike alger is in the weather center... mike will we be seeing any storms to start off march? while it may take until the end of the weekend, there are some signs that a more active storm pattern will return to the region. in the short term, the west coast ridge of high pressure will continue to keep us warm and dry, nudging storms too far to the north to give us much chance of getting any water out of them. high temperatures will rise to near 70 degrees tuesday and wednesday before falling back to the low 60s on thursday. late saturday, the ridge finally breaks down to
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several storms to move into the region, with valley rain a decent possibility, but mountain rain and snow almost a sure bet on sunday. if you're just joining us let's catch you up on breaking news we covered at 5.... sugar bowl ski resort says the body of a ski instructor who went missing last month has been found. 23-year-old carson may's
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prompted a search that lasted days, but had to be called off due to bad weather. his body was found by tahoe nordic and el dorado county search and rescue this morning roughly a quarter mile out of bounds in an avalance-prone area near the original search site. sugar bowl says their thoughts and prayers are with may's family, and today's discovery helps bring closure to his family and friends. looking to our community... a new partnership will povide fresh produce for low income families. the university of nevada, reno ...and catholic charities of northern nevada broke ground on six new hoop houses. andi guevara has the story. improved nutrition - on a daily basis - that's what the clients of catholic charities will very soon get to enjoy. fresh greens, lettuces and other produce, picked, prepared and served daily peter; "this is gonna be a huge
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and the nutritious value of the food that they're getting. the vitamins - coming fresh out of the ground" these new hoop houses are the result of a partnership between unr and catholic charities of northern nevada. they allow for year-round vegetable growth. distributing produce throughout our community is something the university's department of agriculture has a lot of practice doing. ray "a lot of times we'll have a lot of extra produce that we have nowhere to send to and this gives us a really good channel to not waste that produce" peter "this partnership with the university it exciting, because we don't have the expertise to do this, but they do. they really know what they're doing, it's been fun from the very beginning and they're the real experts and know what they can grow and what's the right time of year to grown and we'll just be the recipients" catholic charities knows, when struggling with a tight budget or homelessness, pricey fruits and vegetables are first to be eliminated. now hundreds of clients will get that nutrition every day at st vincent's dining room, the well as those who receive meals on wheels,.
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community will be able to take advantage of the fresh produce that will be coming out of these green houses more specifically, these are called hoop houses, which are less costly to build,require no heating or cooling and, says farm supervisor ray saliga - the structure works with the environment ray "it's easy to move. so, the idea with that is we can provide shade in the summer time for our warm season crops and then plant our cooler season crops through the winter and move the house over the top of that" the new program expects to have their first harvest available this spring. covering the story, andi guevara, channel 2 news a new location is in the works for a homeless overflow shelter after vandalism at the previous building caused it to close. amanda ketchledge is live in the newsroom with the latest. amanda-- landon-- the last overflow shelter had copper stolen...causing the water, heat and power to not work inside the building. so while the city has identified a possible new location, there's work needing to be done on that
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in the meantime, volunteers of america staff is accommodating people in their warming centers. sandy isham, development and community relations officer for volunteers of america: "in there they're safe and they're warm, but they're sitting up at a table. so it's not as ideal as sleeping in a bed." elaine wiseman, management analyst for city of reno: "there's that complication obviously. however we have great community partners that have stepped up and provided additional beds." northern nevada hopes and the reno sparks gospel mission have provided nearly 50 additional beds to temporarily help the shortage of space. but the city and the v-o-a both say it's crucial to get a news overflow shelter up and running because it prevents people from freezing out in the cold when the regular shelters fill up. the ideal space would be able to fit 120 beds for the homeless to sleep. sandy isham, development and community relations officer for volunteers of america: "we are literally just trying to make sure people are safe and warm and don't freeze to death, during our winter, cold nights." the city is hoping by the end of this week to have the new
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covering the story, amanda ketchledge, channel 2 news. today the knitting factory announced it has closed its venue in downtown reno and it will be reopening under a new name. the operators of the rockbar theatre- who ran a concert venue in san jose- will transition into the knitting factory space. they expect to renovate and re- brand the venue as a concert house, casino and restaurant. the knitting factory wants to thanks music fans throughout the reno area for their support over the past 7 years. and mike alger will have a look at your forecast, coming up. hena: "it's the next big thing in weight loss... how different foods can control the bacteria in your body and help drop those pounds. i'm hena daniels in new york i'll have that story coming up." is all sugar bad for kids? get all your nutritional questions answered in tonight's
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dietitian, karen fisher is taking your calls at 858- 2222. only about 205,000 americans have a birthday on this leap day. we introduce you to a sparks family celebrating their son's birthday. next... "you're watching channel 2 news... with kristen remington, landon miller, sports with garrett dearborn, and mike alger's
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imagine having your birthday
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if you're born on february 29th-- that is exactly the case. ky sisson tells us about a local "leapling." if you ask carter what his favorite part of his birthday is... no it's not the spiderman theme or even the presents that stand as tall as he is . it's... carter- "february 29." ky- "that's your favorite part? it's the day?" he's a leap year baby-- also called a leapling. carter turns four years old today and is celebrating well, his "second" birthday. but don't call him two.. carter- "i'm 4!" that's right. he is one of about two hundred and five thousand americans born on february 29. leap day is once every four years so the probability of having being born on a leap year is small-- chances are about one in fourteen hundred. most leaplings celebrate on february 28th which is what carter and his family did, but his mom, danielle oliver, has a little something extra planned for his special day. danielle- "we will be taking him surprise cupcakes and ballons to school where the other years we
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think he just heard you." "i hope not!" by the way danielle is pregnant and the thought of having two leap day babies... ky- "so the odds of you having two leaplings is none?" danielle- "i will stand on my head tomorrow if that's about to happen!" her next kid... danielle- "he's due april 20th." is a tax day baby. covering the story, ky sisson, channel 2 news. and mike alger will have a look at your forecast, coming up. there are two games left in the wolf pack's regular season and next up boise state... i'm dallas colodny and hear from the guys coming up in sports. but first... how the type of bacteria in your gut can affect
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in health watch... doctors are turning the microscope on what's becoming a new frontier in healthcare. it turns out the bacteria that lives in the gut could be the key to treating all kinds of ailments. hena daniels explains the microbiome and what it means for our health. footsteps therese ach say she felt something was wrong with her health for most of her life. she was always tired, to the point where she could barely get out psychological.
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diet: "i was dying, i had no life left in me." 5 years ago, she met dr. raphael kellman, author of the microbiome diet - a lifestyle he says is scientifically proven to restore a healthy gut. dr. raphael kellman/author, 'the microbiome diet': "the reason we are suffering from obesity and why so many people can't lose weight/ is because they are forgetting about the microbiome." the microbiome is the trillions of bacteria that lives in our digestive tract. each is unique, largely passed on from mother to baby during birth..but dr. kellman says the foods we eat can change its makeup. dr. raphael kellman/author, the microbiome diet: "this bacteria in the microbiome not only helps us prevent disease and keep us healthy but it plays a role in reversing disease too." dr. kellman's microbiome diet includes fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi, which contain live, friendly bacteria. and vegetables with complex carboyhydrates that work as fuel for the microbiome, like jicama, jerusalem artichokes and radishes. chopping therese was ultimately diagnosed
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she changed her diet and takes supplements and probiotics. she's lost 40 pounds. "i don't feel bloated anymore. my face used to be this big swollen face. my stomach used to stick out really bad." she says even better than the weight loss - she feels strong and healthy for the first time. hena daniels channel 2 news. let's check in on the roads with chaison dean in the alice 96 point 5 traffic center. watch out for some heavy traffic in and around the spaghetti bowl and on 395 to about north mccaren and luckily there are no accidents or incidents to report so please continue to drive safely. i'm chaison dean and that's your traffic. "channel 2 news continues with chief meteorologist mike alger's pinpoint 2
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certified by the american meteorological society!" while it may take until the end of the weekend, there are some signs that a more active storm pattern will return to the region. in the short term, the west coast ridge of high pressure will continue to keep us warm and dry, nudging storms too far to the north to give us much chance of getting any water out of them. high temperatures will rise to near 70 degrees tuesday and wednesday before
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thursday. late saturday, the ridge finally breaks down to allow the first of what could be several storms to move into the region, with valley rain a decent possibility, but mountain rain and snow almost a while it may take until the end of the weekend, there are some signs that a more active storm pattern will return to the region. in the short term, the west coast ridge of high pressure will continue to keep us warm and dry, nudging storms too far to the north to give us much chance
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them. high temperatures will rise to near 70 degrees tuesday and wednesday before falling back to the low 60s on thursday. late saturday, the ridge finally breaks down to allow the first of what could be several storms to move into the region, with valley rain a decent possibility, but mountain rain and snow almost a sure bet on sunday.
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the nevada wolf pack is getting ready for a rematch with boise
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the mom...who dresses two kids, gets to work by 8:00... and always manages to give them a healthy lunch. the newlyweds seeking out wholesome meals and exciting flavors for their new cookware. the guy who finally decided to kick 35 years of bad snacking habits.
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...for goodness' sake. "now, here's sports director
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the wolf pack men locked down a first round bye to the mountain west tournament with that overtime win on colorado state sunday. as for marqueze coleman, he did not play in the win and head coach eric musselman says hes still day to day with that ankle sprain. meaning the pack could be without it's leading scorer in wednesday's rematch with boise state. and as dallas colodny explains it's a battle for the 3- spot in the conference standings.... back on january 13th the wolf pack came lost to boise state 74-67... but since then... the silver and blue has gone 8-3... and as they prepare for wednesdays rematch the guys say they are a much better team then they were a month and half ago. " we are significantly better and that is all due to hardwork from the coaching staff down and it is great and we see the results and that is the best part and that motivates us to work even
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"since that loss we have grown we are probably at our peak but we are going to keep on going up. they say at the end of the season you want to be playing your best basketball and i feel like we are playing our best basketball right now. " so the game against the broncos will be the final road game of the regular season for the nevada wolf pack and quite literally the guys are taking to the road... they are chartering a bus from here at the lawlor events center and driving 423 miles to the taco bell center in boise idaho. " i guess so we are bussing to boise since we seem to do so well on bus trips so we aren't even going to fly we are just going to get on the bus and roll with it." "having 10-12 hour bus rides, multiple, it gets tiring and you don't want to take that long of a bus ride after a loss so we make sure we win those games." "no matter how we get there we have the same goal if we bus, train or travel. our goal is to go there and win." so the winner of the nevada...
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control of third place in the mountain west. dallas colodny channel 2 sports. as for the mountain west standings with just one week left... san diego state has already clinched the regular season title... fresno state currently in second... while nevada and boise state are tied in third.. new mexico is 5th and unlv in 6th. bottom half of the conference has colorado state, utah state, wyoming, air force, and san jose state in the cellar. nevada is at boise wednesday and tips off at 6 you can stream the game on campus insiders. the high school basketball season wrapped up over the weekend as did our 2 the hoop show, here's the final plays of the night. 1. mineral county taking on word of life -- andre davis picks it off and check out the nice play to get the layup on the other end --eagles win it. 2. yerington and mountain view... the lions controlling the glass... off the miss chris brown taps it in... and the lions win it by 6. 3.desert pines vs s. tahoe--but in the
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jags way..especially when bryan penn-johnson throws it down...desert pines wins 53-33 4 . bishop gorman and coronado... gaels get the steal.. and they are off in transition... and its chuck's jackson again...but this time goes under the basket with the reverse..count it.. and clark goes on to win. landon chats about sports, thanks garrett. coming up... we'll have another look at your weather, stay with us.
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mike's final weather while it may take until the end of the weekend, there are some signs that a more active storm pattern will return to the region. in the short term, the west coast ridge of high pressure will continue to keep us warm and dry, nudging storms too far to the north to give us much chance of getting any water
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allow the first of what could be several storms to move into the region, with valley rain a decent possibility, but mountain rain and snow almost a sure bet on sunday. your next newscast starts at 6:30. until then you can stay info >> pelley: on the eve of super tuesday, trump clashes with black lives matter protesters. >> get 'em out. get 'em out. out, out, out, >> pelley: also tonight, a cop is gunned down on her first day on the job. the big cheese at a food company pleads guilty to selling parmesan that had no parmesan. and david martin with an american hero. >> that's five bronze stars, two purple hearts? >> that's correct. >> pelley: and now the highest
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this is the "cbs evening news" >> pelley: this is our western edition. no candidate will clinch the nomination tomorrow, but super tuesday may generate irreversible momentum for hillary clinton and donald trump. they're favored many most of the for democrats, it's a step toward certainty. for republicans, another jolt in the party's identity crisis. polls show trump leading in at least six states, but he is trailing ted cruz in cruz's home state of texas. the republican race, petty, profane and unprecedented, now has prominent republicans talking of an independent candidate if trump wins the nomination. race became the weapon of choice today and major garrett is withet the republicans. >> reporter: following the news that former kkk leader david duke was supporting donald trump, a group of black lives


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