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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  July 22, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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sutter. this is when the protest began. as you can now see a group of more than 100 protest has blocked traffic on stockton street as hundreds more cheer them on. now most of these protesters are hotel workers who say that the hyatt is asking them to give up too much in contract talks. a hyatt spokesman though called today's protest a publicity stunt and says he would rather see workers sit down at the negotiating table instead of blocking streets. it's happened again, another deadly attack involving a pit bull. this time it was a 2-year-old child killed by the family's dogs. the attack happened on trail creek court in concord and once again it's raising the questions, should families with children have pit bulls for pets? john sasaki live tonight in concord with details about an arrest, john. >> two-year-old jacob bisby is
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dead tonight and his step grandfather is in jail. it happened as the boy walk into the garage of the step grandfather's garage. the news has shocked neighbors. >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: the boy walked into the garage and the dogs pounced him. >> he was taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead. >> reporter: police have announced they arrested the step grandfather who owned the dogs. he is being held on $120,000 bail. kenney animal services destroyed all five animals today. >> the owner elected to surrender the dogs and did not wish to reclaim them. due to the dog's aggressive behavior, the dogs were
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humanely euthanized. they will be checked for rabies. >> reporter: officials say they had received no reports about the dogs. but neighbors say they were concerned about at least one of the dogs. >> yes they were constantly barking. we had granddaughters riding their bikes around here, where you think you're going to be safe. >> reporter: police say they have collected two handguns, but police say just to be checked. news chopper 2 caught the arrest of the unidentified man who was hiding under a dock. san rafael police say the man was wanted on a warrant for various crimes including assault of a burglary weapon. they say the search began after officers tried to pull him over and the man ran away.
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oakland's police chief is asking for federal help to fight gang violence. in the wake of 80 officer lay offs last week, chief anthony batts that he will hold a meeting next month with the general's office, fbi and dea. chief b atts says guns, gangs and drugs are going to be the focus of the department. >> we are trying to better service the community. >> reporter: a specific date for the august meeting with federal law enforcement has not yet been set. oakland homicide investigators say they are looking into the possibility that the two people suspected of killing a virginia man are also responsible for other robberies in the area. police say the man and woman
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seen in surveillance video stole $17 from kang who was in town for an interview with google. they suspect the male suspect was the gunman. police released this video to generate new leads in the case. now to an unusual attack in san francisco. the target in this case, hundreds of thousands of bees. and tonight many of those bees are dead after someone sprayed pesticide in the hives. david steveson is following the story with more on what happened. >> reporter: i'm standing at hayes dairy farm, it opened in january onramps that are part of the now demolished central freeway. these urban farms included three beehives. the hives you are seeing now were poisoned by someone this week and police are now investigating. >> the colony became a gas chamber. and all the bees died. >> reporter: san francisco
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beekeeper karen petteross is now conducting an autopsy on her bee colonies. someone entered hayes valley farms and sprayed pesticides inside the ventilation of three hives. >> i understand that there is one person in the neighborhood and only one who has expressed any negative sentiments about honey bees being on the property. >> they increase the fertility by pollinating, so we have more fruit, more abundance. but they also provide honey for us. >> reporter: sales proceeds from the upcoming honey harvest were set to help fund the project. farm managers are talking now about garden new colonies with security cameras or motion detectors. the killings here come after a record number of honey beehives have collapsed in california
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and around the nation. san francisco police are investigating this as malicious vandalism. david stevenson. the death toll from a greyhound bus accident now stands at six. with at least 21 others injured, several critically. it happened this morning on highway 99 near downtown fresno. the bus was headed from los angeles to sacramento with 32 people on board. the bus hit an overturned suv that was blocking two lanes of the freeway. >> one of the gentlemen helped me off the bus, i'm just wondering, am i going to be okay. am i going to pass out, am i getting ready to die or what? >> i crawled out of the side. there's a hole on the side of it. i crawled out the side and helped people. there was a lady in the chair next to the door, i got her out. >> reporter: now these are pictures of three of the six
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victims. bus driver james charles hue wit and vanessa gonzalez and stephanie cordoba. there's no word on what caused that bus to turn over. fewer bus drivers called in sick today but passengers can still expect delays amidst the ongoing labor battle. the ac transit and drivers are arguing over the workers holding a sick out. although the union says the not a sick out. that's not the only issue being raised. >> they've reconfigured all our routs without training. in the past they would take us out and physicalus on each new rout. now to save the money they are saying, here's a video, go out and learn it. >> reporter: ac transit says the schedule changes needed to
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reign in over time pay. a judge says he'll decide july 30th to decide on an injunction and rob roth joins us now live with more details. >> reporter: officials in contra costa county are so concerned with the spread of whooping cough that right now they are offering free vaccinations here at the farmer's market. so far about 200 residents have taken advantage here in downtown concord's santos park. people willingly waited in line to get the vaccination. that's how important it was for them. >> i have a three month grand baby and i watch her. so i decided it was more important for me and she got one about a month ago. >> reporter: did it hurt? >> no. >> reporter: 62 cases of whopping cough have been reported so far in contra costa county.
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that's more than triple the number of cases from last year. health fishes officials say this could be the worse year for whooping cough. >> we're trying to get everyone who has contact with a baby involved. >> reporter: the vaccine is recommended for anyone six years of age or older. whooping cough is a dreaded disease for children or infants. six babies have diet of whooping cough this year in california. that's why health officials say anyone who is around babies or pregnant women should be immunized or get a booster shot. >> there's an epidemic going on in california, so it's a good idea to get it. >> reporter: we're back live. contra costa residents were unable to make it out here can still get the vaccination for free. the free vaccinations will be going on out here until 9:00.
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rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. today unemployment benefits were extended to 2 million americans who are out of work. the bill extends unemployment checks averaging $300 a week to americans who are out of work. republican lawmakers blocked the motion of the bill arguing that offsetting cuts needed to be made to pay for the extra unemployment benefits. details tonight about a warning in a south bay neighborhood after a series of home burglaries. also ahead -- >> several cars are totaled at the san francisco airport and now arson investigators havesto straight ahead. not as much fog today, temperatures did increase. the weekend is just around the corner, i'll have your forecast. plus california's cash strapped schools may do more than just cut their budget. why some are also cutting down
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the school year.
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woman: did you bring the camera phone? man: i did. do you wanna go first? i've been waiting for this all day. ok, this is from... aunt stacey. introducing chase quickdeposit. just photograph the front and back of your check using the chase mobile app on your iphone, and hit send. it went through. this is so cool. this is so cool. you wanna try it? yea. ok. all right. who's next? make a deposit from anywhere, anytime-- with your iphone. to mister and misses walker. why would they send my parents a check? chase what matters. ♪
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san jose police say two recent stabbings at parks were gang related. police say young men shouting the name of a gang stabbed two teenagers multiple times. police say the second incident tuesday at great oaks park, involved a clash between two gangs and ended with two people hospitalized with stab wounds and lacerations. >> i think what's concerning to us is when we see one or two in success. our concern is will there be retaliation. >> reporter: none of the people suffered life threatening injuries and their
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investigation continues. arson investigators are taking look at surveillance tapes from long term parking lots. this after two cars were damaged in a suspicious arson fire overnight. sal castaneda is live now. >> reporter: i want to show you as cars come in and out of this lot, every car has their license recorded. sheriff's investigators will be looking at license plates to see who came in or left as the fire began. a shuttle driver noticed a mini van on fire and call 911. by the time firefighters arrived, the mini van was
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destroyed. sources tell ktvu all of the vehicles have been here for more than two days. >> i probably wouldn't want to park here but i probably don't have a choice. >> doesn't concern me, probably just a fluke. >> probably an individualized case, somebody trying to get somebody. >> reporter: airport officials say they are using dmv records to try and contact the registered owners of the vehicle. but they are not having much luck. investigators say that it might be a few days before they figure out what caused the fire. we just did get off the phone with one of the investigators, he told me that the investigators did not find any trace of accelerates. >> that was sal castaneda reporting on those cars that burned. police in california are warning people to lock their doors and windows at night
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because of a series of brazen home burglaries. six burglaries have been reported in the southern part of the city in the past nine days including two in this apartment building. police say the burglar or burglars sneak into houses and apartments through unlocked windows or doors while people are asleep in their beds. no one has been hurt but police say one woman did wake up during a burglary but says she only saw a shadow. many california schools are cutting back the school year to save money. the state offers grants to schools for schools that teach for a minimum of 275. but in the past years, districts have trimmed classes. >> we will be putting our work
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force at a significant disadvantage. >> reporter: the government is offering incentives to schools to extend the school year. the bart board voted to use a portion of their budget surplus for various programs, creating a reservand delaying an increase in the para transit fair. but they put off a vote on a decision to use $3.2 million to temporarily roll back fares. bart directors approved a plan to construct an connector. that project was put on hold after the federal government pulled funding for violating civil rights act during planning. bill, you are a popular guy
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today. >> yeah, it didn't feel like it earlier. that's another story. but it was a good day for weather in the area. temperatures up 10 degrees easily. the clouds are outside, the avenues of san francisco. you guys know it's been kind of a hot summer. it's a big deal, that's the lowest daytime high recorded since 1875. so it's been cool in the avenuings. a little warmer as we go through times. significantly warmer inland but right around the coast. pacifica at 63. a slight warm up as we go into the area weekend. less build up of fog so a little warmer as we move through time. yesterday was a little cooler. tomorrow a little warmer, warmer, warmer as we head into the bay area weekend. mid-90s in the inland bay values. fog and low clouds tomorrow
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morning when you wake up. burns off rapidly. a warmer day for your friday daytime highs shown temperatures using colors to represent temperature, and you will see the heat move back into the coast. 75 in nevado. if you roll these out to saturday's high, 92 in pittsburgh for saturday and for sunday. nice weekend. not hot. but fire danger will elevate. air quality will take a bit of a bounce, it will drop off. then we'll be into a more classic summer weather pattern. it wasn't a classic spring pattern either. remember all the rain we had and showers late. this weekend will not be what you expect. a gilroy garlic festival. >> have you tried the garlic
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ice cream. >> no. >> i've always had. >> thanks, bill. the governor received a warm welcome today. governor arnold schwarzenegger introduced canto sakeui. a commission must confirm her nomination and voters will decide whether to grant her a 12 year term. a san francisco judge ruled today that supervisor aliolopier can run again. she convinced the judge that time did not include the charter. bay area based safe way is
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cutting its earning totals this year. the economy has improved some, but unemployment remains high and food manufacturers are now cutting prices to better compete with lower priced store brands. as a result, safeway executives save revenue is falling for both stores and manufacturers. in wall street, a rally. the dow jones was up 201 points. the nasdaq closed up 58. and today giants sy young whipper took flight himself, we'll explain when we return. blood pressure
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east bay mud has finished repairs on a pipe that broke. the pipe probably broke due to normal wear and tear. there's a giants game tonight. tim lincicum not practicing his
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fast ball. he is flying. >> and the giants in phoenix trying to play the down and out diamondbacks. but earlier this week, in la two time sy young winner tim lincicum signed his wings. timmy was always light on his feet, but this new experience was just a bit humbling. >> first go around was definitely nervewracking and hard and embarrassing. because you are expected to do something at least close to this or at least make it look better than that. but it's kind of a disaster. >> well, seven time tour de france champion lance armstrong announced today he hire add criminal defense lawyer but states it doesn't mean he's guilty of any of the newest accusations of fraud and doping
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violations. then lance finished 17 in today's stage 17 to stand 23rd over all. many of the tour de france cyclists counted sheep. a flock of sheep entered the way of riders. contador and shleck were the first to arrive to the finish line. contador remains eight seconds ahead of shleck. the a's of course are off today. tomorrow night they will host a central division chicago white sox. i want to try that thing lincicum was doing. there's a chance for others to do that as well. >> pretty cool. thanks fred. today's deadly pit bull attack in concord is raising concerns. at least some of the dogs
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involved in today's attack were unneutered malesful we'll have reaction from one bay area waging a battle against pit bulls. that is our report for now everyone, i'm heather holmes. >> and i'm frank somerville. for everyone here at ktvu channel 2, thanks for joining us. have a good evening. >> good night.
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