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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  July 23, 2010 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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life. 52 steven hayashi was arrested for owning a mischavous animal. this morning he had this from the jail. >> having the dogs is my fault. but it's a burden i will carry with me for the rest of my life. >> reporter: yesterday,hayashi's step grandson went into the gram. >> my wife found her grandson mauled. we don't know how long he was in the garage. >> reporter: hayashi said his grandson had never entered the garage before and it's unclear why he did so yesterday. hayashi says he entered through a door that should have been dead bolt shut. hayashi owned three dogs, of those three one of the pit
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bulls had shown aggression in the past, including killing the family's chihuahua last year. hayashi said he signed paper work to put down the dogs. >> because i was upset. as soon as the officers gave me the papers to get them euthanized. i did it right away, no problem. i didn't -- i don't want any animals whatsoever. >> reporter: steven hayashi has now been formally charged with arraignments tomorrow at 6:00. we'll have more with mr. hayashi as he spoke with ktvu from jail. we also want to let you know that more of that jailhouse interview with the suspect in that fatal dog mauling is also available on our website just go to concord police are urging
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people to stay away from the new hall community park tonight after a suspicious device was discovered there. the object was found just a few hours ago near some soccer and baseball fields close to treat boulevard. the bomb squad was called in to help and detonate that bomb. but police say they plan to remain on the scene to canvas the rest of the park with bomb sniffing dogs. a minor earthquake rattled san francisco in the peninsula this afternoon. the magnitude 3.5 earthquake hit at 4:00 tonight and was felt in concord. no reports tonight of damage or injuries. reports of a man on the tracks, witnesses say they saw a young white man with a mohawk
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haircut jump on to the tracks and then run into the tunnel toward balboa track station. they also turned back trains from the east bay at 24th street stations. >> right when i was half way down the steps i saw him jump in and kind of fell and got back up and ran down the tracks. >> you know there's 5 million people in the bay area going to be some people do stuff like this. >> police did not find the man and service was restored around 5:40. oakland police tonight are investigating another killing. after a long night at work, a married father came home to gunshots. rob roth is live now in oakland with more on the search for the killer and the motive, rob. >> reporter: police today are asking the public for help in finding the person who shot to death a man who spent 20 years in the navy and who was just
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getting home from work. neighbors say it happened just after 1:30 this morning, cristori mariono had just got off work and returning home, he was just stepping from his apartment. >> i was taking a shower and i heard the gunshot. i wasn't really tripping about it at first because it's pretty normal in the area. and all of a sudden, i heard him banging on the gate, screaming for help. >> reporter: mariano died near his doorstep. police say they have no suspects, mariano's wallet and keys were on him. >> right now we don't have any indication that it is a robbery, we still do not know the motive. >> reporter: chris mariano worked as a custodian at kaiser hospital. he sent most of his paycheck to his wife and daughter in the philippines. mariano spent 20 years in the u.s. navy and served in the persian war before retiring from the service. >> he's a very quiet and nice
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guy. all i know is just go to work, home, work, home. >> reporter: those who knew mariano say they can't think of a reason why anyone would want to kill him. the shooting comes five days after another shooting in downtown oakland. there does not appear to be any connection between that shooting and this morning's. >> there's no evidence, no witnesses suggesting this case could be suggested. on the first case, there was a robbery that went bad. >> reporter: the city is offering a $10,000 reward for any information that leads to an arrest in this morning's shooting. police are asking anyone with any information to please give them a call. reporting live in oakland, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. an investigation is on the way this evening into the cause of a large fire early this morning that seriously damaged a house under construction in the oakland hills. it was reported just after 1:00 this morning on skyline boulevard by the time firefighters arrived, the house
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was engulfed. but they say that the damp weather helped keep the flames from spreading to the surrounding area. >> we did have wild land around the structure to burn. but it was burning very slowly because of the high humidity. and again, we were very fortunate that we had the conditions that we do have. >> it took firefighters about an hour to put out the flames. no one was living in the house at the time and no one was injured. an oakland apartment fire sent much more than just furniture up in flames today after firefighters discovered a large pot growing facility in the home. they discovered it at 5:00 in the morning and fire was already ranging through the building. >> we chased the fire through the second floor and discovered a marijuana pot operation on the third floor. >> reporter: the firefighters followed the flames up the
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stairwell but had to battle their way through degree to get through the second and third floor. that's where they found dozens of pot plants. >> the third floor had two rooms that made extra rooms in there and both of those rooms have plants at different stages in full bloom with buds. you could smell it from the street. >> reporter: the cause of the fire is still under investigation. although fire officials have ruled out an electrical problem. no one was hurt. as for that pot operation, that part of the investigation is now in the hands of the oakland police department. there is no word yet on whether anyone will face any charges. a petaluma man was severely injured this morning when a van hit his bike. it happened on a stretch where bicycles and pedestrians are allowed on the shoulder. the driver of the van told officers he was driving northbound and was looking out for his exit when the van drifted to the right and struck
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the 50-year-old cyclist. authorities are not releasing the name of the cyclist until his family has been notified. in san jose, a former medical worker pleaded guilty to an internet scam involving the personal information of his colleagues. can yam was an employee at the uc medical center. during his time there he took the social security and birthdays of up to 240 of his coworkers and filled out forms in order to receive checks.
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-- in which overtime and overpayment in where workers use to boost pay. a famous actress is in critical condition tonight. also some surprising news out today about u.s. car sales. >> if california car sales figures are correct, the economy may be doing a bit better than we all think. we'll have a live report coming up. your weekend is here, i'll have some good news, i'll have your forecast, tomorrow's forecast. we'll see you back here.
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woman: did you bring the camera phone? man: i did. do you wanna go first? i've been waiting for this all day. ok, this is from... aunt stacey. introducing chase quickdeposit. just photograph the front and back of your check using the chase mobile app on your iphone, and hit send. it went through. this is so cool. this is so cool. you wanna try it? yea. ok. all right. who's next? make a deposit from anywhere, anytime-- with your iphone. to mister and misses walker. why would they send my parents a check? chase what matters. ♪
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a 15-acre brush fire burning out this hour in southern california is threatening homes and tieing up freeway traffic. the fire broke out about 2:45 p.m. in the hilly terrain in santa clarita. six water dropping helicopters and about 200 firefighters are now battling that fire. the flames are threatening about 30 homes but no
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evacuations have been ordered so far. all northbound lanes of i5 were shut down. but two lanes have since reopened and the chp says the traffic jam was so bad, that some motorists tore down chain link fences to get off the road. well, there are signs tonight the u.s. auto industries turn around is picking up steam. the encouraging quarterly profits announced today are not just good news for dealerships. jim vargas is live tonight in san francisco with more on the auto industry's games. >> reporter: heather, the upswing or turn around may be slow, but if the new car figures released today are any indication, there is an upswing in the economy especially here in the bay area. >> reporter: statewide new car sales increased 23% in the first six months of this year when compared to the first half of 2009. some may say the figures had nowhere to go but up since last year was the worse in nearly 35
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years. the bad times are not forgotten on san francisco van nuys avenue, but today there is optimism. >> once consumers feel like things are okay, they start spending money again. >> reporter: in the first half, sales were outpacing rivals. all dealers we spoke to today were optimistic. san francisco honda general sales manager says record low interest rates sometimes zero are helping. >> credit has losened up considerably, particularly since 2009. much easier to qualify and lower down payments as well. >> reporter: some manufacturers especially ford are drawing customers with improved quality and new models like the fiesta who seem to offer more for a buyers money. buyers we spoke to said they have been waiting to buy. david pawn thought about a new bmw for a long time. >> i just had my mind set on this type of vehicle for at
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least the last six months. so i think after that long, i decided just to make the jump forward and buy one. >> everybody thinks that the economy is turning around. should be getting better, won't be getting worse anymore. >> reporter: there are some people who look at other indicators like jobs and housing sales and wonder if there isn't going to be a double dip in this recession. but good news can produce more good news. jim vargas, ktvu channel 2 news. a flood warning is in effect tonight in the north central united states as heavy rains continue to sweep through that area. in iowa the rain caused a river to overflow leaving some streets under 5 feet of water. homes on at least one street are flooded. conditions were similar in wisconsin where a heavy storm grounded flights last night. and more rain is expected in that area today. on to our weather now, it's interesting bill, you've been
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talking all weeks that this is the kind of weather that helps firefightersment firefighters. and - - and we heard from the firefighters that the fire did not spread because of the weather conditions. >> that's right. let's go outside, i will show you what we have outside. frank was just talking about that story the northeast, the flooding. you know we're a mediterranean climate. as you look at the forecast for tomorrow. we're a mediterranean climate that means we're dry summer, wet winter. but a lot of places get most of their precipitation in the summer months. but we don't think about that because it doesn't really rain here in the summer. saturdays is our warmest day. sunday will be a little bit cooler. cool coast, warm inland, classic summer weather pattern. so tomorrow morning when you wake up. you see the fog, i don't have
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it all the way into fairfield and livermore like i had all week. when that happens of course we start off more sunshine, tomorrow turns out to be a warmer day. it got a little bit warmer than today. if you're traveling tomorrow around the state, eureka 60 degrees. you will see some clearing but not a lot at carmel. bakersfield hot. if you're traveling around the state it's exactly what you expect. and the pressure is powerful enough to keep this warming trend going. the heat has been with us all week. the red line is going to start to go the other way. tomorrow, as it it goes inland, temperatures will start to warm. >> we'll see you then, thank you. next week, vice president
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joe biden will head west on an official visit to some of the country's national parks. the white house says the vice president will be checking on the progress of stimulus funded projects. biden will visit yosemite. zsa zsa gabor is in critical condition tonight after perhaps suffering a stroke while under going surgery for a broken hip. gabor injured her hip last week but it's now believed that she may have sustained other injuries. the mortgage melt down lands in the nation's capital. coming up, we're going to show you thousands of struggling homeowners. some of whom camped outlooking for help from washington.
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>> we need us to do what they september sent us here to do. and the president pitches his new job bill aimed to help the economy. how a potentially good deal in a home turns into a disaster. we're checking into claims of careless banking that may have cost one family their home. outrage at a popular bay area park. >> i think it's dispickable, this park is a gem. >> reporter: we're digging for details to find out who may be vandalizing dozens of trees. we just learned about gas prices and how much they are expected to rise this weekend, you may want to fill up. to be the at 6:00. what this droid does will change how you do movies.
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with blockbuster on demand,
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this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does. long time journalist david shward died this morning. he's reporting in the early 70s
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earned him a spot on president nixon's enemies list. in his later years, he was a commentator. he was 93 years old. the latest numbers from the white house predict a budget deficit next year of $1.42 trillion. that's bigger than expected, the deficit for this fiscal year is on track to hit a record $1.47 trillion. the white house and congress say they aren't focusing on reducing the deficit, it just sparks job growth. next year's unemployment rate will average 9%. president obama is asking the senate to help reduce unemployment by passing tax cuts and lending to small business. the senate is ready to approve a lending fund which the president says will help community banks. but the president says those
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firms also need tax relief and that it is critical for job creation. >> the small businessmen and women who write to me every day, the folks who i've met with across this country, they can't afford any more political games. they need us to do what they sent us here to do. >> final senate action on the lending fund is expected next week. the house passed a similar fund back in june. the treasury department says it will try to recoop some of the bail out money by selling off more of its shares in the firm. this is the government's third round of citigroup stock sales. over the next two months, the treasury department plans to sell 1.5 billion shares. that's about 30% of the shares owned by the government. citigroup received $9 billion in bail out funds. many struggling homeowners from california are in washington, d.c. tonight trying to get some free help with their mortgages.
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tonight they lined up in washington to speak face to face with counselors and lenders who can reduce their monthly payments on the spot. the event runs through the night, it is expected to provide assistance to more than 40,000 people,including some homeowners from northern california. >> i'm a mail carrier out in california and i see people losing their homes every month. and it's devastating. and now i'm in that boat. >> the clinic is organized by a nonprofit group called the neighborhood assistance cooperation of america. this september similar events will take place in los angeles and sacramento. on wall street today, an optimistic report on european banks sent stocks higher. european officials released the results of stress tests which showed only a handful of banks would run into trouble if the economy in europe were to weaken. and here are today's closing
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numbers. the dow rosed 102 points to close at 10,424. the nasdaq climbed 23 points higher closing at 2,269. for more financial and consumer news, visit our website and click on the business tab. still ahead here on ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00. details on when barry bonds is expected back in court.
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that the government's evidence prove nothing and we still think that the government's evidence proves nothing. the legal saga continued
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today over whether former giant star barry bonds lied about the use of steroids. the slugger came to a san francisco courtroom today to set a hearing for a court date. rita williams has been covering the story since it began. she joins us now with the latest from today's court proceedings. >> heather, it's been a long time and there is still no firm date set for a federal trial for barry bonds. bond's seven attorneys came to court today, he didn't. inside the judge and attorneys on both sides tried to set a date for his trial. they didn't. but they came closer, early next year. >> the president of the united states. >> reporter: when this all began there was a different president in the white house. >> get rid of steroids now. >> reporter: less than a month after president bush, a former mayor league team owner made cleaning up sports in the state
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of the union address, the original four balco defendants had been indicted. >> it's consistent with a political agenda. >> reporter: the months before in december 2003, bonds testified before the grand jury investigating balco, it's in that testimony prosecutors say bonds lied when he said he never knowingly used steroids. >> and we felt this, you know from the first date that we all met, that the government's evidence proved nothing. and we still think that the government's evidence proves nothing. now, in two weeks the attorneys come back, barry bonds doesn't to try again to set a firm date for a trial. most likely march of last year just before the start of still another baseball season. rita williams, ktvu. in san francisco what you might call a political
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earthquake, a judge has ruled that supervisor aliolapeir can run for another term. that decision is putting well known politicians in a tricky position. david stevenson live in san francisco to sort everything out for us. >> reporter: the mayor calls this only a san francisco story where political loyals are being tested by a campaign for office. >> that puts us all in a difficult position, to be frankly. >> reporter: that's mayor newsom talking. yesterday a superior court judge rejected the claims that pier was eligible. >> if you pick up the charge and read it, it is so clear that you get two elected four
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year terms. so we were very surprised that the city attorney gave his ruling. >> when you are appointed to be on the board of supervisors. you can be there for a total of 12 years. you get a free term, to ich term limits don't even apply. >> reporter: but the court's ruling has put her friends in an awkward position. >> speaker pelosi and feinstein all supporters. >> it's a different race today than it was yesterday, 24 hours ago. >> reporter: riley is vice president of the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district. and is married to former bay area political consultant clint riley. she's also a close friend of
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oliolapier. with just over three months until the election, it could effect which of the district two candidates decide to stay in the race. reporting live in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. the san mateo couple will now go on trial after all. because of a last minute change in pleas. michael guitierrez pleaded no contest. the couples trial was expected to begin today. gutierrez faces eight years in prison when they are convicted sometime in the fall. more information on the
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storm in the gulf and the effects it's taking on the efforts to clean up the oil. oil clean up crews are getting out of the gulf as tropical storm bonnie bears down on the region. presenting the cadillac "summer's best" sales event. a fantastic opportunity to get a great offer on a new cadillac cts sport sedan... ..the most acclaimed vehicle in its class and a car and driver 10 best third year in a row. summer brings out the best in all of us, so now's the perfect time to get behind the wheel of a brand new cadillac. now during cadillac's summer's best sales event... get zero percent apr financing for 72 months or this attractive lease offer on a cts sport sedan.
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secretary of state hillary clinton resided in a ceremony for the remains of three americans killed in the vietnam war. since the vietnam war, the united states has identified the remains of 600 u.s. service members killed there. another 700 remain unaccounted for. tropical storm bonnie is delaying the clean up work in the gulf. >> reporter: on land near miami tropical storm bonnie came on board with heavy rain and 40- mile-per-hour winds. just enough to turn an umbrella inside out. surfers welcomed the waves. it's out at sea where the storm is more of a concern. oil clean up efforts had been
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put on hold as vessels moved out of the storm's path. >> they are approaching 800 skimming vehicles, the question now is putting them some place to put them where they are out of harm's way. >> reporter: the cap will remain on through the storm. as for the oil already floating in the surface, the storm could both help and hinder clean up. >> sometime the increased activity on the surface wind and wave activity can help the immulsification of the oil. >> reporter: the storm has prolonged the clean up effort by at least 10 days. samantha hayes. a technician who survived the deep water horizon explosion told a panel that
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sound and lights on a warning system was disabled on the rig. he was told that the company did not want a false alarm to wake sleeping workers. the technician also said those alarms probably would have sounded before the rig exploded. russian space officials warned that dangerous debris from a tiny satellite is approaching the international space station. the debris is part of an old weather satellite that china blew up with a missell three years ago. nasa is watching the debris. a federal plan to reduce the misuse of prescription main killers does not go far enough. that's the conclusion from a panel of experts, the food and drug administration brought in to review the plan. the painkiller abuse has been linked to hundreds of fatal overdoses every year. the panel voted to reject the
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fda's plan saying it needs to improve better training and stricter requirements for the health professionals who prescribe the drugs. a new study finds that eating fish every day could help prevent serious health problems in older men. the subjects were nearly 60% less likely to develop dangerous heart health. it's not clear why the same results did not result in women. details on new technology that could let you power your electronic devices without ever having to plug them in. and it was a pretty nice day across much of the bay area, the weekend is here. so what can you expect? our chief meteorologist bill martin is tracking the
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temperature and he'll let you know what it's going to be like this weekend when we come right back. how a potentially great deal on a home turned into a disaster. >> i don't know why this cannot be resolved. we're checking into claims of careless banking that may have caused a family their home. and outrage at a popular bay area park. >> i think it's dispickable. this park is a gem. >> we're looking into details to see who's vandalizing trees. and you may want to fill up, we'll bring you what we learned about gas prices going up this weekend. next at 6:00.
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a local law is suing san francisco. the wireless association argues that it could mislead customers into thinking that one phone is safer than another. studies have not conclusively found that cell phone radiation
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is a health risk although the research continues. details have not released what was the cause of a crash between a bus and an suv. a greyhound bus slammed into the suv and rolled down an enbankment. if driver was killed, so was thomas ponce and epifonia solis, both from mexico who were on their way to visit family in merced. still there's no details on what caused the fire of six
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cars cars in a sfo long term parking lot. there is new technology in the hor horizon that could allow you to charge your electronic devices, not through an old plug in the wall but through the air. ken pritchett joins us how it works in tonight's special report. >> reporter: imagine snagging free power from your local tv or radio station. or charging your cell phone whenever you move. >> you can see the signal coming out. >> reporter: it is technology that now exists in the lab that might hit store shelves soon. >> it means that certain type of devices would never need a battery and could be powered just off of the ambient energy that's around. >> reporter: joshua smith is an engineer with intel in seattle.
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this is being powered by signals from television towers located miles away. >> the tv power is putting out a signal. gets picked up by this antenna. converted to steady electricity. >> reporter: with today's electronics, a small amount of power is enough in certain devices such as this electronic thermometer or clocks that would never need batteries. >> there isn't enough power to charge up your cell phone, but you can keep it on stand by while not in use. >> reporter: there is promise in scavaging power. free power from the air in significant amounts is not here
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yesterday. but in a few years we may be able to generate our own electricity using special clothing that turns every movement into power. scientists at berkeley are working on that now. >> every time he moves you see energy being generated. >> reporter: lou works in the lab. >> you can accumulate all those energy and you can use it for a cell phone or i pod. >> reporter: millions of these wires would be sown into your clothing but is it safe? >> in a way, especially in the winter you already have static. and when you take off your clothes you may be see the
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spark. this is the same thing. >> reporter: some day we may be able to power our phones as we talk and walk. coming up next at 6:00, just who is chopping down trees in one bay area city. so far, more than 40 have been chopped down. it's something he will have to live with for the rest of his life. more on the interview from the man who's pit bull killed his grandson. a family thought they had gotten a bargain in a house. they moved in and then asked to move out. it's the 32nd annual gilroy
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garlic festival which opens today. there are also two separate cook offs, one for amateurs, the other an iron chef style show down between four professionals. garlic festivals raise money for nonprofit charities. >> and every year we talk about that garlic ice cream. i've never tried it, but i want to. i really want to. let's talk about the weekend weather, bill, what is it going to be like? >> warmest day tomorrow at the garlic festival. cooler on sunday. but still a beautiful weekend. outside we go, and show you the camera from one of our many vantage points. you don't see a lot of fog. that means smog is going to be just a bit warmer. hear is how it breaks out. tonight the fog comes right back to the coast.
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it gets right up against the coast and we see temperatures just in the 50s and low 60s. the inland valley, are going to warm up to where they did. fire dangers come up as well. no 100s in our area. we might find some up near redding or red bluff. maybe some mid-90s, the fogs at the coast, it's sunny and warm inland and this is exactly what you expect for this time of year. that's something i couldn't have said a couple of days ago when we were having temperatures with lots of 70s. sunday we're looking for temperatures just slightly
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cooler. downtown san jose 79, 80 degrees. the microclimates, coast, bay and inland. these are the big ones. between those you can have many microclimates. 92 in fairfield, these are cities where you live or near where you live for tomorrow. sunday's temperatures will be just a bit cooler. these temperatures a far cry, especially out here in the livermore valley from just a few days ago when i was showing you daytime highs in the mid- 70s. so we've really come out. fire dangers are up, air quality is down but nothing is in the extreme range. no red flag warning, no spare the air day. nothing like that, just a classic summer weather pattern. warmest day on the weekend is
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going to be on your saturday. sundays is a little bit cooler. then we go into a cool weather pattern next week. still mid-80s in the warmest spot. >> i'm curious, motor gp is coming to laguna seca this weekend, a lot of people are going. what do you think? >> real nice weather. real nice out, probably go 83 degrees, 84 out in laguna seca. hats, fluid, sunscreen. more than 30,000 teaches jobs could be on the chopping block. pink slips could be coming for local teachers thanks to a senate vote. i'm carol hann in washington with details coming up. what this droid does will change how you do movies.
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with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does.
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there is a warning tonight from vacaville police about identity thieves stealing personal information from an atm. investigators say they found a card skimming in use at a bank of america. a card skimmer is an electronic device that records data that criminals can then use to create counter fit cards. the skimmer was used at that branch last month and may have stolen information from as many as 58 customers. investigators are urging people who used that atm to carefully
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check their bank statements. more pink slips could be on the way because of a bill passed by the u.s. senate. reporter carol hann explains. >> reporter: summer school is in full swing for students. 150,000 teachers nationwide could lose their jobs. >> i think it's terrible. >> definitely concerned about it. >> reporter: also because teachers say schools are already stretched thin. >> i've been seeing large class sizes. i've been seeing books not in good condition. and material, the teachers have to come out of their pocket to get most of the materials, their daily to do things.
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>> reporter: despite the plight of cash strapped schools, lawmakers are applauding the senate for strapping cash. >> you will find a lot of times is they will add a lot of different junk on these bills. >> reporter: the senate agree, stripping out the extra spending that president obama also threatened to veto. as for the teachers, they are plotting on. >> reporter: whether i have to spends my money or not, i'm going to do the best i can do. >> reporter: for as long as they have a job. there's much more news just ahead, including more of that jailhouse interview with the grandfather of a 2-year-old mauled by a pit bull. and you may get much less than you bargained for. a harsh lesson for consumers,
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tonight the man who's pit bulls killed his 2-year-old stepson speaks to ktvu in a jailhouse interview. what he has to say about the dog's attack. my emotioned spined from being a little stunned why somebody would do this. outrage in san francisco as someone is killing dozens of trees in golden gate park. details on an effort to catch
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the culprit. good evening i'm julie haener. and i'm frank somerville. right now officers are investigating a park after a pipe bomb was found. we want to show you new video just into the newsroom. police just wrapped up a press conference and they say the walnut creek bomb squad detonated the pipe bomb. they say two other pipe bombs were found in the park in the last 48 hour, so now they are doing a very careful search looking for any other possible explosive devices. a soccer tournament begins there tomorrow and they want to make sure that park is safe. it was an emotional and also a candid interview, ken ch


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