tv News at 5pm FOX September 10, 2010 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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cool off homes that are still smoldering so they can search for more. the biggest question is what went wrong. tonight we are asking pg and e on if there was any warning. the bay area has come together in an extraordinary show of support for the haven'ts donating so much charity organizations say they have more than they need. the ntsb is act to hold it's first news conference. we listen live now at the scene. >> the investigation into the rupture and explosion and fire of the 30-inch natural gas line seamless carbon steel owned operated by pg and e. it happened a few minutes after six last night as you know and we just arrived on scene so we don't have much information yet. i went to the scene myself to see the devastation, to see the -- some excess of 170 houses so
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far that were engaged, either damaged or destroyed. we ar aware of -- responded to this with an eight member investigative team. the investigator in charge -- we have -- put together a team of investigators to look at a variety of areas. we started with the operations. we look at pipeline, the installation of the pipeline, operation, maintenance, history, the peak values of pressure that the pipeline can with stand and hit the history of what it did with stand, the safe guards to prevent over pressure in the pipeline, all aspects of the pipeline. we are forming a group to look at human factors. the people -- all the people who operate the pipeline. we will be looking at their experience, training, history, looking at whether they have alcohol and tox tests to
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determine their condition the time. we will look at what they were doing in the last few hours to see if they were fatigued. we will look at the survivable factors. the preparedness and what plans were in place by pacific gas and electric to respond to an issue like this and what response happened to the disaster. obviously we are here because of the huge impact of this disaster on many lives and on the property and that regard i would like to say on behalf of the ntsb that we extend our sympathies to the families and friends of the victims of this tragedy. we have specialists the ntsb's office -- they are on scene to provide help and important to
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the family members of the victims of this incident. throughout the next few days investigators will be working on scene to document the accident site and gather factual information. the purpose of us being here and the reason we are gathering this information is not just to understand what happened but why it happened and we will end up with recommendations to try to prevent the same thing from happening in the future. we will not be determining probable cause while we are here on scene and we won't speculate about what may have caused the accident. we aren't here to determine blame or live. we are determining cause and a report that will come out in 14, 16, 18 months, that's hard to say just how long it'll taket. depends on what we find in the course of the investigation. in the course of the investigation if we find safety concern that need immediate attention we will put out immediate recommendations. we are very interested in what
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any witnesses may have reports. anyone who is a witness to this, who has not yet been interviewed we would appreciate if you get in touch with the local authorities to tell them the information and they will give it to us. since we are just starting we don't have a great deal of information. we will update you from time to time as we gather that starting with our first press meet this evening and peter will give you the details of that. i would like to take a moment to thank all of the first responders to this accident. they have been working very hard and we appreciate all they have done in addition to all that the red cross has done as well. i will now take a few questions. >> given your experience of these types of disasters -- what is your gut reaction when you saw that scene? >> the question was what was my assessment. it was the amazing destruction, the charred trees, the area that was completely flattened. the melted, charred cars and
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houses that disappeared. it was just an amazing scene of destruction. >> will you be wanting to talk to resident who are -- many of the reporters they are saying they had smelled gas fumes in the past few weeks. ? will we want to talk to resident who reported they smelled gas? we will definitely want to talk to anybody with any information pertinent to the event. >> that would be pertinent? >> it would. >> [inaudible] >> the question was do we know if pg and e has been cited regarding pipeline. that's one of the things we will look into. one more question. >> [inaudible] does that tell you anything about what may have happened? >> at this point it's to early to speculate as to what may have happened. my question was does may seeing the scene give me a include. there was a section of the pipe that was blown out of the hole
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and onto the street that reflects the size of the explosion that took place, the fact this large piece of pipe was blown the distance it was. that tells me the size of the explosion. >> the question is that unusual, the answer is in explosions nothing is unusual. >> thank you very much. we will have another -- peter will give you the information about when the next press meeting will happen. >> christopher hart. > >> you have been listening to christopher hart, ntsb. spokesperson talking about the investigation into that huge pipeline explosion. couple of interesting things he was talking about. specifically what they are going to look into. looking in to the pipeline but also the maintenance, history, the pressure that pipeline can with stand. the safe guards, also the people operating the pipeline and they are investigate the
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emergency preparedness, the response plan that pg and e has and how the company responded once the explosion happened. also something very interesting. he said that right at the top there that 170 houses had been damaged or destroyed. the number that we had use of this morning were much lower than that. >> ken pritchett was at that meeting. ken pritchett. we heard you asking a question there about the people's report that smelling gas before the explosion. >> reporter: obviously you heard the ntsb saying the answer to that question was that is something that obviously is part of their investigation, would be very interesting to the ntsb investigators. that was christopher hart we heard from. he said there are eight investigators. what you said i thought was the most interesting thing. we heard from 170 homes damaged
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or destroyed, a different number than we have been hearing. what he said they will be looking for are the experience of the people who were working or had been working that pipeline, they will look at the pipeline in terms of its insulation and maintenance and history. the pressure tolerance of that large pipeline and how much pressure in terms of gas was in that pipeline and they will -- they will look at the -- whether or not there was a proper emergency response plan to an accident like this. they said they will look at what happened and why it happened but they won't be assessing live for what they called an accident and from the ntsb they said it'll take 14 to 16 months to complete the report. we have the video right now of the scene, of the neighborhood from news chopper 2. is this
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what is looks like essentially now almost a day later from news chopper two of that neighborhood where you can see the devastation. in an earlier briefing we heard while the investigation of a cause is key officials say their top priority was the search for victims. they said that one quarter of the destroyed homes had not been searched. until that search is complete, the search of all of the homes by search and rescue teams and dogs, that the final number of deaths will not be known. with the daylight and the heavy smoke now gone the true damage can be seen. house after house leveled. this search dog was brought in this morning to work the piles of ash that once were homes and the search for deaths. two more teams joined the effort today. >> they have heavy equipment that can move large objects,
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concrete blocks, we have chimneys that are -- could come down. we have trees that could fall. >> reporter: the fire ball that erupted leveled nearby homes and took account 90 minutes to shut off the gas from the pipeline allowing firefighters to get a handle on the fire. today investigators could be seen on scene taking their first steps to finding out what sparked the natural gas. >> right now what we go in and try to exexclude sources of ignition. that's what these guys do. >> reporter: homeowners were kept out of the area which is being treated as a crime scene while the investigation getted underway. the acting california governor offered help and said the search for victims is the top priority. >> right now i'm more anxious to find out what is in that last 25% that we are searching.
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right after that finding out what happened. >> there are more than one investigation, ntsb. you heard about, the fire department. they expect an initial report from their investigator in about a week. we expect another update shortly from fire officials. the mayor and lieutenant governor. that could happen any moment now. >> we have a late development now. we have learned a 44-year-old woman and her young daughter were two of the victims killed in the explosion. a family member has identitied them. the daughter is in the 8th grade. the family lives in a house just yard from the source of the blast. there are two other deaths but the coroner hasn't identitied them. they have confirmed three adults and one miner. tonight the neighborhood is completely off limits but we
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did put together a map nah shows the streets that were most affected. since nobody is being allowed in, those that live there don't know if their homes are still there. one woman did find out right after our interview. >> reporter: we are overlooking the intersection of yline boulevard and sneed lane. this is one of seral roadblocks establish around the burn area keeping people out. some don't even know if they have a home to go back to. authorities worried about safety and looters. residents begged to go in just to have a look. >> we just want to cross the street and see if our house is still there. >> i do and i would want to do the same thing. >> right on. >> i need you to go back. >> reporter: we found this woman at a makeshift shelter. she said she barely got out. >> i ran to the front door and
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tried to open it but there was a suction and it took the door away and i couldn't open it. >> reporter: she managed to get out and then had to climb a fence to safety. she spent the night the home of a stranger and now wonder fire department her home was still there. she feared the worst. >> it was the most happiest, just a beautiful neighborhood. my friends and neighbors, everybody just a wonderful place to live. now all of the sudden it's -- everything i worked for is gone. >> reporter: as finished our interview she got word about her home. >> great. great. great. thank you. >> reporter: most people say the frustrating part isn't knowing about the condition of their home or when -- one police officer -- tomorrow at the earliest.
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reporting live in san bruno. rob roth. >> also today the grim business of finding the root cause of the explosion and deadly fire storm started in ernest. many agencies, federal, state, local and pg and e are involved. we are live now in san bruno with that coverage. >> reporter: what's interesting is that a lot of the stuff that's going to be looked at going to be recovered, analyzed and they will do something about it. fg and e still isn't allowed access to their pipeline. only the ntsb has access now. >> gas pipeline. part of the transportation system in terms of how it's managed. >> reporter: it's here at the gas control system that pressures monitored but they are always going up and down depending on demand. it's when you get a big drop
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that the alarms go off. they went off early yesterday evening but shutting down a broken pipeline doesn't stop the high pressured gas. >> we are shocked. we don't run it, we don't maintain it, to have this type of event. when they happen it's really jarring. >> reporter: gas pipelines everywhere and anywhere there is a customer. ag and e has 46,000 miles of pipeline of which 6,000 is made of large, high pressure main supply lines like the one that failed in san bruno. for that reason finding the root cause is critical. >> deep dive analysis. we look at all aspects, materials and alike.
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the more significant the outage the morin depth. >> reporter: given that if was built up more than a century they come in all ages. >> it's condition rather than age. we can have very vintage pipe that are in great condition and will serve purpose safely. >> reporter: over the past two decade there's have been 846 significant accidents from underground gas pipelines. 33 have been killed, 173 injured, $160 million of property destroyed. minutes before the explosion it is reported there was a small but very close quake. something that could be part of a chain of events. reporting live. ktv up channel 2news. >> the mayor today said gaze line inspections need to start and urged people if they smell gas to call the police. his comments at a scheduled meeting of the county disaster council. he praised san francisco hospitals for what he called hero efforts in helping victims of the explosion and fire. >> 13 people were taken in to
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the city and county of san francisco. flyer three of them have been released and we hope to have more news soon of other that have been released. >> the fire chief said she look forward to working with the company to make sure the gas supply is safe. just to give you perspective on that explosion. want to show you photographs from our archives. look closely at all of the house that line the streets, trees, bushes and cars parked in the community. now, here is a still image from news chopper two of the same location from this morning. you see the rubble, charred remains of the home and everything else that stood in the way of that huge fire . >> forever person that was home what happened in just a few minutes after the blast could have made the difference between between a death or survivor. robert honda live at one of the
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recovery areas with some of those stories. >> reporter: the people who have gathered here have gone through a wide range of emotions and today some of them shared us the scariest moments when thralled they had to get out. >> the house started vibrating and shaking badly. i think -- things started falling. i thought it was a quake. >> reporter: when the fire started the realizing they were in danger came suddenly in the middle of their normal routines, watching sports or the news, making dinner. >> i saw people running up the street and could hear things hitting the house. i didn't know what it was. i went out and the fire ball was coming at me up the street. i just ran. my husband went out through the garage and his truck was outside. he got the truck and picked me up and we left. >> reporter: how did you get out of that area?
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>> we just drove out. it was with in five minutes. we got out fast. >> reporter: another family also left without a second thought or anything. >> the house shook. everything just rattled. there was a big loud explosion and we could see the -- i could see the flames just on the entire neighborhood. entire neighborhood. >> reporter: what did you do? >> i had everybody leave the house. just with -- our clothes and no shoes and just left. >> reporter: and once out of danger, greatful relief. >> ankful for god giving our family a second chance too live. >> reporter: and as you heard rob mention earlier for many of them that second chance means waiting to find out the extent of the damage and move on from
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there. robert honda. >> the mail service said residents unable to get home because of the explosion and fire can pickoff their mail at the main post office located at 1300 huntington avenue. they said people have lost their homes can set up a temporary change of address or rent a post office box. >> we are monitoring the situation on the ground and also from the air. once again here are the live pictures news chopper two and you can see just the complete devastation as a result of that explosion. the latest numbers just -- 38 homes destroyed, at least seven damaged. we know nts is there to look into the cause of the natural gas line explosion and search and rescue crews using dogs in a house by house search. for continuing coverage you cannot only watch us but you can go to the website. we are constantly updating our website with the latest. >> the governor is out of the
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country right now but his wife just visited san bruno. that visit next. also there more than 50 people hurt as a result of the explosion and fire. today their storeys and a outpouring of help. >> and in our next half hour the disappointing turn of events in the saga of the american hikers detained in iraq.
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neighborhood in san bruno that's flattened because of that explosion. we are learning new information today among them that four people have died and that one of those deaths was a woman who -- a woman and her daughter who was in the 8th grade. we have reporters covering the angle and will have continuous coverage throughout this newscast. >> more than a dozen patients hurt in the explosion and fire needed medical help. from severe burns to smoke inhalation many are stillment hospital right now. john fowler with the latest including an amazing outpouring of support. >> reporter: we just talked to the head of the public health department. the worst of the injury reasonable doubt here at saint francis memorial. the only dedicated burn unit in the area. san mateo has no trauma center
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but sends criticized cat patient south or north to san francisco. >> no county can deal effectively with an emergency as large as what san mateo had last night. >> reporter: saint francis took four, ucsf another four, one to ka. >>announcer: ser and five to san francisco general. >> there were others seen at other hospitals. >> reporter: including four firefighters with smoke inhalation. doctors say many of the civilians had third degree burns over the upper half of the body. how they do in the next 48 hours will determine if they live. doctors caution it's a long and pain of recovery. >> next part will start in terms of removing the dead tissue and then the skin grafting. >> reporter: at san francisco's irwin center the waiting room was suddenly jammed with donors. >> we haven't seen our center this is busy since september 1st.
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>> reporter: wait times stretched past two hours. typical was laura who had never before donated. >> i just saw the news on the fire and my heart went out to all those people and they said they needed blood. i thought i would come down. >> reporter: officials say it's critical for donors to continue giving not only because patients will need more transfusions but to replace the supplies used during last night's disaster. john fowler. >> california's first lady today met with volunteers on the scene in san bruno. she arrived this afternoon and spoke to emergency workers saying the state will be there for them. >> these people this is a long haul to start to rebuild. i wanted to be here to let them know that we were here. that everybody is hereo help them, that the men and women when make up all the emergency
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response people in california best in the nation. >> reporter: she is standing in for her husband who is currently on a trade mission in asia. >> this was a devastating fire but it could have been worse if not for the actions of a man we met today. >> outpouring of support for vibers. what items are needed and which aren't.
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come to grips with what they saw last night after a natural gas line exploded. >> we are lening more about that explosion. here say live look at the scene from news chopper two. we know that four people are confirmed dead as a result of the explosion and fire. at least 50 more were hurt. some of them critical and now in bay area burn centers. the number of homes destroyed was reduce from earlier numbers and now is at 38. officially seven homes were damaged but we just heard from the ntsb that as many as 170 homes may have been damaged. one quarter of the destroyed homes haven't been searched and until it's done the final number on death its will not be known. >> the fire ball came suddenly and sent residents in the neighborhood running for their lives. tonight we are learning more of the stories of heroism and john continues our coverage from san
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bruno with that part of the story. >> reporter: any time there is a major incident like this we hear people taking actions to save others. on this fire a man with the right experience was able to step up just by a twist of fate. from his father's house a half mile away this is when mike saw that sent him and his brother into action. >> my brother and i were in the backyard doing some landscaping work work when we heard the explosion. we looked up and there is a big mushroom cloud. >> reporter: he said he knew just what he needed to do two years after retiring the berkeley fire department. he and his brother jumped in his truck and headed to the fire zone. >> the heat was intense. the fire ball must have been one hundred feet in the air. >> reporter: after tell people to evacuate he found a burn victim who needed help. >> she was walking real slow. i can see steam coming off her
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body. she was struggling. >> reporter: so he pulled his trick down to the woman. >> i started to tug on her telling her we have to keep moving she started to kind of collapse on me and i was telling her don't collapse, don't collapse, stay up. >> reporter: with the tough east he said he was able to get the woman into his truck and to safety. as much of the neighborhood burned his brother ran into a home where elderly women confined to wheelchairs need help. >> he ran back and forth. he said three, possibly four different times with these people pushing them up the reet. >> reporter: after that he was there when the woman's family found her. >> they all broke down because i believe they thought she had died in the fire. all the sudden she is there and
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they were hugging and crying. >> reporter: >> reporter: a twist of fate that put him in the position -- was that he was at a father's house only to do the yardwork. >> many residents waiting for record on whether their homes are still standing. >> we don't want to go down the hill. just cross the street to look and see if the house is there. >> reporter: several people tried to get just a look at their home but police kept them away. the area is being treated as a crime scene. one man was able to confirm his home was there from a picture he saw in one of our news vans. another couldn't describe the impact running the heat and flames. >> just the -- how sistered we were. this is pretty bad. my daughter slept on the bathroom floor at my mother-in- law's house tonight. >> she was scared? >> that scared. >> reporter: there is no word
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on when the authority its may let people return. >> the explosion and fire left a lot of people homeless and in some cases all they have now is the clothes on their back. as is often the case in disasters they seem to bring out the best in people and that's certainly the case tonight. david stevenson is live with that story. >> reporter: behind me you can see this outdoor cafeteria set up to feed hundreds of vacantes and volunteers. relief is coming in from as far as canada. as san bruno officials saithe are trying to ensure vacantes get what they need. >> diapers, bags. >> reporter: cars and trucking crawled past the veteran's memorial center today with gifts for survivors of the explosion. >> the idea that it could happen anywhere. that's what is scary. like a bomb going off and you don't expect that. >> reporter: corporate and individual donators dropped off hundreds of bags of clothing,
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baby items, food and water. some had an up close view. >> it happened right by my church. we saw the whole thing. terrible. >> live act four blocks frommer where is happened. it was scary because we saw the fire -- it was overwhelming. >> reporter: it was the first test of the disaster relief trailer designed to feed hundreds on short notice. >> we just got this trailer tonight and the whole purpose was to provide community service in the event of something like this. >> reporter: in the gym private and local agencies offered financial and social services for evacuees. >> had the day off. i was going to do groceries. not as important as this. >> just a heart warming and so overwhelming. >> reporter: overwhelming because officials say evacuees
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need cash gift cards instead of more clothing blankets. >> they are packing blankets, diapers, we have an overload of that. they are taking them to the rec center. they have offered to store them. >> reporter: some said they were still identifying the loss but grateful for the support. >> everybody has been helping. thank you. >> reporter: official officials urging people to make cash donations to the red cross or to the city in the name of san bruno fire recovery. we spoke to a red cross official here at the rec center who said they have seen tens of thousands of dollars worth of checks for that recovery fund coming in just to this location. reporting live in san bruno. channel 2news. >> school district leaders say all schools scheduled to be open on monday. last night the district closed most of the schools in the park district. the high school was open and
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did have grief counselors. monday all district schools are set to reopen. humane society workers have been searching for lost animals. they have found 15 to 20 and have them in san mateo. if you lost a pet contact the penninsula humane society in san mateo on airport boulevard and in san bruno on city parkway. >> we want to go back now overhead above the disaster. news chopper two. there is not a lot i can add to them because they speak for themselves. hopefully though -- if someone who may have lost their house or is wondering if their house is standing, they can look at these pictures and perhaps see if their house was in fact affected. the main streets where this happened, clairmont, glenn view and earl. you have a sense of how devastating it was. the latest number we have, 38
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houses destroyed, from seven to 170 houses may have been damage good neighborhood is pretty much wiped out. is there another press briefing set for 6:00. when it happens we will carry it live and of course will have continuing coverage o this situation. you can also go to the website. they are constantly updating the website. they also have lots of pictures and raw video and you can get updates all night long going to the website. >> a mother's hope dashed. 24 hours after leaving for the airport the mother of a graduate fins her hopes on hold. why an act of clemency is in danger. >> also the president's new plea to a minister about possible pls to burn the koran. have some heavy duty demands. like enough horsepower and torque to get out of just about any situation.
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. the mother of one of three graduates jailed in iran for more than a year learned today officials have gone back on a promise to release her daughter. these pictures were taken as she was leaving on the long trip to iran. officials said they would release her daughter tomorrow at the end of the holy month of ramadan. this afternoon word came from the release has been put off
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because of legal problems. as of tonight no new date has been announced. >> tomorrow marks the 9th anniversary of september 11th. remembrances and ceremonies planned across the country. today in new york homeland security secretary honored those first on the scene. >> you were among the policemen and firemen who ran toward the towers as they burned to save others. >> she also talked to new york city joint terrorism task force officials to talk about their progress in getting critical information sharing tactics with law enforcement partners. the president addressed the threats of burning korans from terry jones. the president repeated his plea for religious tolerance and called the threat opposite of american values. >> the idea that we would burn
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the sacred texts of someone else's religion is opposite to what this country stands for. it's opposite to what this nation was founded on. >> the president went onto say that behavior threatened by jones on puts americans at risk and called it is best recruiting tool for al-qaeda. jones said he has merely suspended the burns and hasn't decided if he will cancel it. >> tonight the police chief of the east bay city of hercules spoke out about the find of a spend body inside a home where a 73-year-old was found beat to death two weeks ago. many want to know how they missed that body when they searched the home. paul chambers. >> reporter: first about a half hour ago we were told the coroner finished the autopsy but they are waiting to for
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dental records. we talked to the police chief and asked how could a body lay in this home for two weeks and nobody noticed? >> i regret that the department didn't find the body the first time they went in. i take full responsibility for that. i am overseeing the actions. >> reporter: the police chief said he is disappointed his officers didn't locate that body. yesterday when investigators came back to the home to look for more evidence an investigator found the body in a jay shaped closet with a fake wall located underneath a staircase on the main level. when the checks were done by detectives they moved the objects and thought they had reached the termination of that closet when in fact the suspect had made it look like the closet ended sooner that it did not it. >> reporter: the body was wrapped with the outermost layer covered in a carpet or rug. they couldn't comment on the condition of the body because they had to immediately turn it over to the coroner for an autopsy. for now the chief said his
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biggest regret was not finding earlier. >> our failure to do so has caused the salas family to wait another week or more to know the outcome of the case. my apologies go out this them. >> the chief said there are changes ahead but they are waiting for more information about the autopsy to find out if the body belongs to frederick salas. if not they will resume looking in the landfill. live in hercules. >> the president tonight is pointing fingers. why he said putting republicans in power would leave this nation in a tougher economic spot. >> we currently have mostly clear sky across most of the bay area. the warmest day in the weekend forecast.
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. it was a full court press at white house today as the president challenged congress to approve his economic initiative. the president made the comments at his first major news conference in months and craig boswell has more. >> reporter: keeping the theme of the week the president stressed efforts to revive the economy, jump start hiring named a new top economic advisor beforeacing questions. >> the president once gena tacked republicans but took a more measured approach as he laid out the differences between democratic and republican i can economic plans. >> if you want the same kinds of skewed policy that led us to thiscrisis the republicans
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offering. >> reporter: they called them out for not importanting proposals for tax breaks and for holding up a job's bill in the senate. >> small businesses right now putting off plans to hire more workers because this bill is stalled. >> reporter: he again defended letting bush era tax cuts to expire for families making more than $250,000 a year. republicans say it's more stimulus spending and with the unemployment rate at 9.5% and polls slightly in their favor many believe the gop will make major gains in the election and possibly take control of the house. >> i used to think the odds of the republicans goaling the 39 seats they needed were long. now i think we are in range of between 37 and 45 seats. >> reporter: the president said he will mark the 9/11 attacks at the pentagon saturday and urged americans to have religious tolerance.
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>> if you could build a church on a site you could build a synogogue you should be able to build a mosque. >> reporter: he will keep up the pressure on republicans and plans to headline at least four major rallies and a town hall event for democrats before the november vote. >> americans may be losing confidence in an economic recovery but wall street had high hopes today. stocks rose on positive news that wholesale inventories and sales were up in july. markets have made gains. seven of the past eight days and today it was up 47 points at the closing bell. the nasdaq gained six. visit six. >> on to the weather. feels like the temperatures have been going down but now
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that the weekend is here let's see if they will come back up. >> little bit of a dump in the numbers over the next 24 hours. right now the maps we cleared out quite a bit with the clearing skies just off shore. few patch around point reyes and off to the south. the south of monterey bay. this was the scene looking out earlier this evening. you can see the clear skies, lingering fog near parts of the bay area shoreline in to the afternoon but we have mostly clear skies likely just showed you. it'll be cooling off quite a bit overnight. you can see the projected lows. look at the 40s. santa rosa. san francisco 53 degrees, first thing saturday and livermore 50 degrees. the plan for tomorrow. areas of fog. could be dense near the coastline. few patches sneaking in to the bay and temperatures 47 to 52 degrees. temperatures will warmup the
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lower 60s for the beach, temperatures inland approaching the upper 80's around 90. could be warm america a few spots. here say look at some of the numbers. santa rosa 87, oakland 89 and a 90 in antioch. the temperatures around three or four tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow will be the warmest day of the weekend. a cooling trend into sunday. san francisco, lower 70's. half moon bay 64 degrees. here is a look ahead. five-day forecast. thicken up the fog into sunday and temperatures start to cool off and the cooling trend will continue into monday and by tuesday and wednesday, by wednesday we are talking about another major cooldown with the warmest locations in the 70's. we will at least warm for tomorrow. >> tomorrow looks good. >> thank you. >> text books go high tech. why some students reading eye pads instead of books and why teacher says it'll change the
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engage with math this way. >> how about that? 34 students got the demonstration of their new text books. they are enter active lessons designed for and down loaded on the ipad. each student gets one. they include practice quizes and embedded video providing more explanations of concepts. its part of fuse, being rolled out by a text book publisher. they say the device is what gets the students in the door. now they hope the content is what will keep them in the classroom. >> you can check voicemails and remember this section because this is more important and -- then its really good -- yeah, i like it. >> the publisher said it'll see how they change the way the students learn. the students will receive them next week. >> there is much more just ahead. the news at six is next.
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. it's hard you know. everything that we own in that house. >> death and destruction following that gas explosion in san bruno. tonight we know more about the haven'ts as an entire community and dozens of investigators try to make sense of it all. >> complete bay area news coverage starts right now this is ktvu channel 2news at six. >> six good evening. >> it'll go down as one of the worst disasters in bay area history. tonight we learn the identities of at least two of the four people confirmed killed in last night's natural gas explosion in san bruno and the fire that followed. a family member has reportedly confirmed the death of a 44- year-old and her daughter an
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