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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  September 20, 2010 6:00am-8:00am PST

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good morning to you. welcome to "mornings on 2." i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm tori campbell. it's monday, september 20th. pg&e could release its list of the 100 highest-risk natural gas pipelines as early as today. the utility has already aratherred the mayors of -- alerted the mayors of at least two major cities they are on the list. claudine wong is in san jose where you just spoke to chuck reed for his reaction. >> reporter: good morning. yes, mayor reed says he is not surprised that this area made the legs of the 100 high-risk pipeline. it's a large city and a lot of the area could be collected. they haven't gotten a lot of information yet. he's still waiting for more information to figure out where san jose goes from here.
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what we do know at this point, there are two intersections that will be on the list. one is on the intersection of 1st and tazman and there's another one with the border with milpitas. mayor reed said he didn't really get any more information other than that. we do know that the 1st and tazman intersection was scheduled for repair in a couple of years from now. it's not clear if being on this list is going to speed that up. mayor reed says certainly the san bruno explosion has been on his mind and certainly the question of what that means for san jose is on his mind. >> they didn't tell us a whole lot. we'll have to 2008 to see how much information they release today. we know there are two sections of a big pipeline in san jose that are scheduled to be repaired or under review to be scheduled for repair. >> reporter: why those repairs
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need to take praise, we don't know that. mayor reed didn't have any more details on what about those section of pipelines that are so concerning to pg&e. but keep in mind, san bruno's city manager has already told the mercury news that their city did not make the list of high-risk pipeline. even the section that exploded is not considered at risk. so the big question is what caused the san bruno explosion? because obviously that will shed a lot of light of what that means in terms of the pipeline, pg&e is expecting to release the list today and everyone is hoping for a little more information on where we go from here. custody, -- claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. the coroner is expected to
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update the official death toll to 7. the bullis announced they lost three loved ones. federal investigators have determined the pipeline pressure was running above the maximum limit. this could change how building are built near natural gas lines. and the pictures say it all. this week, cleanup you crews will be out here. they will start to remove all of this debris from the gutted homes in san bruno. the county health department is worried the as asbestos and other material could cause destruction beyond the disaster zone. and the four people reconferring at the -- recovering at the burn center, they are making slow but steady progress. three others are recovering at
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san francisco general. the first toll lane opened up along 680. the heart of the morning commute is just getting underway right now. and jade hernandez joins us with a look at how traffic is moving and how this will impact your commute. >> reporter: we're live at the auto mall parkway exit off 6 0 the drivers -- 680. the drivers need to keep in mind. >> two things. there's only three entrances onto the expression lane and three exists off of it. and that includes the exit near the 14-mile stretch. this morning we drove with caltran officials as the express lane opened. this opened at 5:00 a.m., just a couple of hours ago. flow the traffic determines the driver's cost. i want you to take a listen to the caltrans spokesperson for
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the entire project. >> this is the first of what's planned to be a whole network of express lanes. we all know there's extra room in the carpool lanes. this is a way to move traffic out of the construction general purpose lanes and into the carpool lanes. >> now, the flow of traffic determines driver's costs which ranges up to $36. this is the first-ever toll lane in northern california. but if this one works, it probably won't be the last. new sensors along 680 will charge drivers. you can tuesday the lane. if you have a transponder you have to put it in the case or away or you will be charged. back to you. >> thank you. you can find the latest traffic
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information by going to our website, a parolee from danville is back behind bars this morning. he's accused of making pipe bombs and bomb-making material inside his home on amigo road. the incident began yesterday morninging when officers responded to a domestic violence call. they say they found three pipe bombs inside the man's home and materials to make a lot more. police called in the bomb squad and evacuated the usually quiet neighborhood. >> that's not the kind of thick we want. we want -- thing we want we want this -- we want this neighborhood to be safe. >> 36-year-old eric dennis faces charges of bomb possession and other serious charges. at this poin investigators will only say the pipe bombs appear to be linked to some type of family argument. 7:07. investigators in santa cruz
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county want you to take a close look at a picture of a suspect who has now been arrested. look at this. police in scott's valley say this 39-year-old has been impersonating a police officer. they say he installed a siren and flashing lights on an old police car that he bought on the internet. police believe kelly may have been pulling people over in the scotts valley area but so far no reports on that. a new report being reese leased today shows the number of people killed in car crashes due to distracted drivers went down. the transportation department says more than 5400 people were killed on us highways last year. that's down 6% from 2008. transportation officials say the problem of distracted drivers, often because of cell phones or other mobile devices, remains an epidemic and say this may be the just the tip of the iceberg since many police
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officers don't document the distraction. >> okay. sal can document our traffic. >> we've not been looking at a lot of serious crashes. and milpitas, westbound 237, as you cross, traffic driving to 880, no major problems. this is 880 northbound and southbound. northbound 880 traffic is looking good up to the toll plaza. at the bay bridge toll plaza westbound traffic is going to be backed up all the out to the macarthur maze. steve's favorite city is livermore? >> yes, at the bankhead theater, people came up to us at the concert and said, we
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watch you. thank you for that. we have a lot of clouds and temperatures have settled in the 50s and 60s. we'll get a slight warm up for some. some of the rain, if you went north, it was pretty decent. fog, low clouds, sunny, 60s, 70s and some low 80s. low clouds for the city, foggy for some and a little sunny, breezy, partly sunny, mostly sunny. we'll go high 64 which is 4 cooler than yesterday. you lose the clouds. 54 to 60. san jose is at 60. 54 san rafael and napa. close upper 50s for berkeley. 48 eureka. chilly there. 50s, 60s down to southern california. a lot of 50s through the valley or close to 60 in fresno. there goes the weekend system. the next one, you can see it to
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the left of your screen. that will be in on tuesday for a decent cooldown. but then high pressure looks like by the end of the week really wants to come in. today there will be a little bit more sun after moring clouds and -- morning clouds and slow. low clouds, sunny, breezy. 60s and 70s should cover the spread for most. cooldown for tuesday, carry it into wednesday and then it looks warmer maybe finally at the end of the week. >> warms up for fall. >> yes. iran's president is in new york for a meeting at the united nations and he's offered a possible deal to deal the two remaining hostages. also, governor schwarzenegger -- governor schwarzenegger is absent today from key voters but has a
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pretty good reason why.
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we do have some fog that will give way to sunshine. temperature, 60s, 70s and a few low 80s. here's dive. >> thank you. sarah shourd is back here in the u.s. but says she's only one-third free. she's now calling on iran to release the two other uc berkeley grads detained in prison. alison burns is live with a look at why their release may come at a high price. good morning. >> reporter: good morning,
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dave. that's right. iran's president seems to be looking to make a deal in the case of the two american hikers who are still in iran and have been detained for more than a year. this is a look at mahmoud ahmadinejad's arrival in new york city. he's there this week for a united nations summit. he has suggested the hikers could be traded for iranians in u.s. custody. the hikers' mothers are also in new york trying to meet with him. the third hiker, sarah shourd, was released for medical reasons last week and spoke out pleading for the release of shane bauer and john fattal. >> shane and josh do not deserve to be in prison one day longer than i was. we committed no crime. we're not spies. >> reporter: there are new fears that mahmoud ahmadinejad could be using the hikers as barkening -- bargaining chips as he faces sanctions for iran's nuclear program. alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, alison.
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7:15. well, the group that's overseeing the parliamentary elections in afghanistan over the weekend says it has serious concerns about the voting's legitimacy. complaints are coming in about voter fraud and ballot stuffing. more than 2,000 candidates campaigned for 250 seats. the first vote counts are due to be made public in a couple of days, with full preliminary results expected in el early october. it's been confirmed france is on heightened alert following a new but unnamed threat. france's interior minister is not revealing what the threat is but the main mosque has been given armed guards. it's reported that authorities are searching for a woman who could be plotting an attack on
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paris. police say a woman, armed with weapons, was seen running from a burning building toward the hospital. once inside, police say she killed a male nurse and shot an officer before being shot and killed by police. two bodies were found inside the burnt apartment building. they interest the woman's ex- husband and son. police are still looking for a motive. 7:16. governor schwarzenegger is missing today's conference on border security so he can focus on the overdue state budget. the governor said he's sending abel maldonado to represent california in the meeting with other officials. arizona governor jan brewer and rick perry from texas, will not attend. a san francisco lawmaker wants to put free water orb the
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lunch menu. the l.a. times is reporting many school cafeterias do not offer drinking water. mark leno has proposed a bill to make the water free this time next year. the bill does not provide funding. the governor has until the end of next week to sign the bill. san francisco school board is considering a plan it hopes will attract and keep the best teachers in the schools. the district is discussing the idea of converting two properties into subsidized housing. the two buildings could be turned into 130 units. right now, only one-third of the teachers live outside the city. the u.s. treasury department is looking for investors to buy some of the took in general motors and says it won't limit those buyers to americans. the federal government owns
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more than 60% of gm after putting up $50 billion in bailout money last year. the treasury department says it could start with sales by the middle of november. but it won't comment on possible negotiations to buy some of the gm stock. well, today, toyota is expected to release details of a settlement in a high-profile cha crash that led to the recall of many toyotas. toyota settled a lawsuit with the family of a chp officer who borrowed a car while his car was being worked on. he and his members of his family died when the car reached 120 miles an hour and he was not able to stop it. the tahoe planning agency must decide if it will drop the plans to add boats and ramps in lake tahoe. that's after the judge, a
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federal judge, determined that there was not enough done to determine the lake's clarity. federal officials are beginning a hearing on salmon. supporters say it's a food source that could feed the hungry and preserve the wild salmon. tomorrow the company producing the new fish will argue against any labeling, saying consumers don't need to know if they are eating the modified product. another oakland city individual becomes a victim of a crime. and why cash is no longer king when it comes to bay area bridges. westbound bay bridge, i see
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a big backup at the toll plaza. now we're finding out about a problem in the livermore valley. we'll tell you more. our state is in a real mes slo. we havto make some tough decions. we he to live within our means. we have t to take the wer from the state capitol and me it down to the local level, closer to the pple. and no new tax, without voter approv. we have t to pull togeth not as republicans or as democra but as californians first. at this stage in mlife, i'm prepared to do exactly that.
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oakland police are pursuing a purse snatching incident. jean kwan was not hurt. her purse didn't have any valuables. it was recovered in the same parking lot later. earlier, ignacio della fen day's -- delfuentee's home was
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burglarized. more an more drivers are using fastrack to cross the bridge. the number of drivers who use this has more than doubled with 77% of drivers using the device. in 2006, only 33% of drivers were using it. and sal's here to help everybody to where you need to go. >> dave and tori. just found out about a problem about -- well, in livermore. we're gonna go to the livermore map because the traffic on the freeway is busy. at stanley boulevard and isabel avenue, the flashing lights, the intersection lights are flashing red in all directions. again, stanley boulevard at isabel avenue, flashing red, a
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lot of people are late because of this. normally, it's a lot smoother through the intersection. you can see a lot of red sensors. slow traffic at 680. it's always slow there. i don't think the lane has anything to do with it. let's move along and take a look at westbound bay bridge. that traffic will be backed up for about a 15, 20 minute delay. and northbound san francisco looks good. here's steve. thank you, sir. we do have low clouds and fog. you can see the sun breaking through some of that fog bank. temperatures today, a little warmer for some, a little cooler for others. i'll explain in a minute. temperatures in the low 50sing, but a lot of 60s. the system for the weekend, which produced very good rain up in the northern part of the state, crescent city, eureka, 2 inches of rain reported. the next system, spinning to
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the left of your screen, 50s, 60s, 70s. the city was 68 today. i went 64 today. the system to the far left, that will be in tomorrow and probably lingering in for a cooldown. low clouds, sunny, breezy. slightly warmer ease bay. a little bit more fog down there today. we lose those higher clouds and that south wind. clouds, sun, school -- cooler on tuesday. sunny side up, warmer. maybe even warm to hot for the weekend. >> thank you. suspicious activity where you would least expect it. local teens are reporting unusual behavior at a soccer game. >> after grieving at a public
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memorial, what novato school has planted for students right now.
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pg&e could release its list
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of 100 high-risk pipelines as of today. these will contain the greatest concern for the public. two of those are in san jose. one is near tazman drive and north 1st street. the other is near san jose's border with milpitas. claudine wong will have more at 8:00 a.m. federal investigators have uncovered what could be a critical due in the san bruno disaster. they've -- clue in the san bruno disaster. they have determined that the lines were overpressurized. a san bruno fire victim is taking pg&e to court. the man's class-action lawsuit demand the utility turn over the $100 million recovery fund to a third party.
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the home he rented, he was forced out of for three days. the young woman who died in the pipeline disaster will be laid to rest today ♪ the lord has shown it's good to me ♪ >> day's burial follows a large weekend memorial service for 20-year-old jessica morales. she was an aspiring fashion designer who was watching football at her boyfriend's home when the pipeline blew up. friends have called her the love for life and the love for other people. >> she was my best friend, my sister, my partner in crime. >> she shook my quiet little world with laugh teres, smiles and -- laughters, smiles and tears. >> jessica aboyfriend was critically injured while trying to save her. he's still in the hospital with
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second and third degree burns off -- -- second and third- degree burns over his body. we're learning more information about the crash that killed a novato high school student and injured several hours. kraig debro is on campus where he just spoke with students. he joins us with this report. >> good morning, kraig. >> good morning. all of the students ould be in class. classes started around 7:26. i want to show you the pictures of the students here. there's plenty to talk about grieving this morning but there's also talk about the dangers of drinking and driving. i talked to the superintendent, she said there could be a tropoff in attendance. grief counselors will be available. teachers are getting a
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briefing. two student i spoke to reacted to the circumstances of what happened on friday. >> i was stunned. i was disappointed about the choice that was made especially considering every 15 minutes a drunk driver kills. >> i thought it was interesting what we were doing last year, every 15 minutes a drunk driver is killed or somebody is killed by a drunk driver. i find it odd that they would leave during school hours, even if it was at lunch. >> reporter: friday's accident happened around 11:30, in the middle of the school day. the driver of a bmw was driving west on novato boulevard. the car was rear ended by a big
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rig. police found a container of liquor and opened beer cans inside and outside the vehicle. one person died in the crash. it's a 15-year-old student here. he's not been officially identified. there's also one more person in the hospital right now. he's in -- he's in what has been described as very critical condition. i'm gonna see if i can get an update on his condition from school officials from my next report. >> thank you, kraig. 7:34. the chp says speeding may have been a factor in a crash that killed four young people near tracy. last night, about 100 people attended a candlelight vigil of the scene of the crash. the accident happened about 3:00 saturday morning on shultzy road. the teen's car flipped. two of the victims were brother
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and sister. >> i have a picture of them sleeping together as a child, who knew they were gonna lay together at the end? >> the other two victims were chris and carol. the teens were celebrating their last night together before carol went to college at uc davis. walnut creek police investigating a pair of stabbings at a weekend house party. it started with a fight on mahugh way yesterday moving. one man was stabbed in the chest. another in the back. the search for suspects continues. oakland police officer are searching for a suspect and a motive for a shooting yesterday. , near embarcadero and east street. the four victims were rushed to the hospital with non-life- threatening injuries. redwood police are looking for a suspicious man who has
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been approaching teenagers in nut park on sunset road. they say they received reports about an older, thin, hispanic man asking teenagers inappropriate questions about soccer games. it happened on saturday and the weekend before. if you have any information you are asked to contact police. fare guards are standing near the muni system to try to catch those taking advantage of a new glitcher system. sensors can be set off to give people access to trains for free or have them not pay. muni will not replace the sensors but they will have more inspectors monitoring the gate. officials will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony. it's a $30 million project that added new ramps and other improvements at interstate 580
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at redwood road. now, this will reduce traffic congestion and provide easy access to the castro valley business district and the b.a.r.t. station. those ceremonies will be held at 1:00 this afternoon. we want to check in with sal and he's telling us it's very slow at the toll plaza right now. sal? >> it sure is. people are trying to get into san francisco and the commute itself is generally slow. the traffic is busy. it looks like someone there is trying to cut in. don't you hate that? yesterday, it was the raiders at the coliseum. tonight, the 49ers are at candleick. keep that in mind for traffic tonight at candlestick park,
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around 6:00. actually, people will be there much earlier than that. westbound 580 in slow traffic in livermore heading up to the valley. isabel and stanley boulevard, the signal saturday nights are not working at that intersection. >> here's steve. >> okay. thank you. low clouds, fog on the -- on the rebound, leftover from yesterday's system. now, for you folks up in eureka and crescent city, -- i will show you that in a second. it will be cooler. tuesday wednesday, any warm weather? yes, definitely by friday and we'll rebound with possibility of seeing some 90s. there goes our system yesterday. a lot of clouds and not much else as we went south of san francisco, oakland and vallejo. i thought there would be more than that, sal but there wasn't.
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highs today, some will cool down. others will warm up. san francisco, 68. why the drop? you lose the higher clouds. more of that south wind and you get more of a westerly breeze and more fog. 78 in walnut creek. did not change oakland and san jose, i cooled i down, 79 to 77. a lot of low clouds today which will be slower to burn off.
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one system moves out. here comes the next one. it doesn't look like much but the temperatures are gonna go down pretty good tuesday into wednesday. today they will go up for some. we clouds, sun. right now, things are calm. tomorrow a rig drop. we'll see some low 70s for many. carry that into wednesday and then a pretty good rebound and it looks sunny side up and warmer on friday. >> wow. all right. thank you, steve. a very different picture elsewhere. hurricane igor got very close to bermuda overnight leaving two-thirds of the island with power outages. the storm brought winds up to 75 miles an hour and created fierce waves. it also knocked down trees. the full extent of the damage will likely not be known until later today. igor is moving away from the united states but it still may
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cause high surf along the east coast. a wildfire has forced people from 1400 homes outside salt lake city. two homes have already burned. so far no injuries are reported. the fire started during an artillery training session and soldiers were not able to control the flames. we just got an update on the -- on a san francisco power outage that aeffected thousands of customers early this morning. pg&e says there are just 49 customers without prior right now. these people should get their power restored about 9:00, 9:0 this morning. the outage began around 3:00 a.m. and affected more than 3400 people at first, near ocean beach. pg&e says the outage is due to downed wires. a dire warning from the lead of san jose's police officers' union. >> we simply will not have the
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resources. former secretary of state, colin powell, makes an unusual admission about illegal immigrants and makes a plea to the party to soften their stand. south of lared there's a place...
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so hot, rattlesnakes combust ♪ but we go, cause ya gottaat bold. [ male aouncer subwayiery footlong subs. the ld-acious new turkey jaleño melt and buffalo chicken. subway. eat bold!
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right now the dow is up 91.
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nasdaq up, 24. s&p up, 9. 7:4. police now believe a teenager shot to death outside his pittsburg home saturday night was probably the victim of a gang-related ambush. 18-year-old adrian gonzalez was killed. two other shooting victims survived. officials believe the victims are also gang members. police say the shootings started when a fight started between two groupses ate a party at gonzalez -- groups at a party at gonzalez 'home. union leaders gathered at a parking lot yesterday, where a 12-year-old boy was shot in the head by suspected gang members loft halloween. now, although the boy survived, union leaders are worrying of deadly consequences from cutting that anti-gang team. >> the majority of homicides in san jose are gang-related.
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we simply will not have the resources to address gangs today like we did yesterday. now, that anti-gang unit is credited with making a thousand arrests a year. mayor reed hayes by transferring the -- says by transferring those roles, they should still be able to add gang violence. it is 7:45. president obama is calling the successful kill of bp's blownout well in the gulf of mexico a milestone in his administration's response to the disaster. the damaged well is now officially sealed, almost five months to the day after the oil rig explosion that killed 11 people. people living in louisiana say for them, the struggle is not over yet. they are now left cleaning up likely for years to come. >> the oil's been picked up. it's over. the spill is finished.
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it's not finished. we still have a lot of oil out here to pick up. >> bp has set aside billions of dollars to compensate those affected by the oil spill. 33 workers trapped under ground in chile may have to wait another six weeks to be rescued. the miners have been trapped since august 5th. on saturday, engineers punched a new hole down to the men. three smaller holes have been dug to send down food, water and medical supplies. american muslims holding a summit meeting in new york about the plans to build an islamic center near the 9/11 site. the group will be holding a news conference today along with the plans for the center, they are worried about a per received rise in anti-muslim feelings in the u.s. such as the threatened and even actual burnings of the koran. former sows, colin powell,
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making a bold -- former secretary of state, colin powell, making a bold statement about illegal immigrants saying they are doing things we need done in this country, and that illegal immigrants have performed maintenance work on his home several times. he says lawmakers need to provide a way for them to become illegal. he supports those who join college or go to the military. president obama is speaking out about the t.e.a. party movement. >> the t.e.a. party here in the republican primaries, reflects the feeling of a lot of americans that they are getting the shaft, that the people who -- >> clinton points out, though, that the party is ambiguous on some national issues but says it remains to be seen whether the movement will threaten
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democrats in the upcoming election. james faith said he was laid off in 2002 after complaining about a former top administration who allegedly sexually harassed him and discriminated him. the attorneys for the school say his layoff was not based on discrimination. in april, the district agreed to pay out for those who say they were harassed by that former administration. sam keller is among others suing which uses the likenesses of athletes in it's game. the ncaa says students should
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not be played when they play for the member schools. a high school sophomore was the main force behind a weekend fund-raiser to help the fire victims in san bruno. ♪ hundreds of people gathered at san bruno's cappuccino high school yesterday and enjoyed a day of live music, games and food, all in the name of disaster relief. this student organized the event. >> my mom helped me and she made calls to her friends and before we knew it, bands wanted to play. >> the event raised an estimated $5,000 for the fire victims. we'll continue to follow the san bruno explosion and you can get updates by going to
7:51 am a group of cult members reported missing in southern california other irthe weekend have been found -- over the weekend have been found. we'll tell you where they are and what happened to their leaders. not all raiders' fans are cheering despite the latest victory. we will tell you why. >> ...berberarpet. it was a whole bowl stew. nooo. why? i could have saved thion ♪ call 1-800-steemer one.
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welcome back. members of a religious sect reported missing was just a big misunderstanding. they were found safe around noontime yesterday. they were playing in a park in palmdale. authorities say the group went missing saturday, reportedly leaving behind evidence it was awaiting the rap chur. the search crews feared a suicide pact. >> you see me, i'm okay?
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nye dog's okay -- my dog aokay. we're okay. >> the group's leader, however, has been hospitalized for a mental evaluation. 7:53. a san anselmo neighborhood is on alert this morning after a possible mountain lion sighting. the mountain was spotted on laurel avenue saturday night. police searched the area but did not find it. they are being urged to keep their pets inside from dusk until dawn. oakland raider fans are sill relishing the win over the familiar even though most of them -- rams even though most of them did not see the game. [ cheers ] >> in fact, the only fans who saw the game were there at the coliseum. that's because, for the first time in six years, the raiders' home opener did not sell out. it was blacked out on local tv.
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. >> a lot of teams are gonna be blacked out this year. economics, i would assume, is the reason for it. >> well, the raiders' last sellout was last year. they've been blacked out 78 times since returning to oakland in 1995. the latest movie to debut at the top of the box office came as something to a surprise as hollywood insiders. bank affect's movie earned nearly $24 million and rave reviews. all right. 7:55. hey, sal, how are we looking on
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the roads now? >> it's busy everywhere, especially in the south bay. if you have a tweet, send it to sal@underscore castanedo. 280, which a lot of people might do as an alternative is slow getting up to the valley. definitely slow traffic trying to get to your job in the valley. taking a look at the east shore freeways. you see the road sensors. pretty much slow traffic from highway 4 heading into oakland to the crowded bay bridge toll plaza. here's steve. >> thank you. there's already sunshine for some. for others, low clouds. we have low clouds banked up
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the coast up to the marin. it's feignly fog-free on the snowe ma course -- sonoma course. our system that gives a lot of clouds and not a lot of rain, left some clouds. there's some decent amounts of rainfall. 60s, 70s and a few low 80s. after the low clouds and fog it will be mostly sunny. 60s for some. gilroy, 61. 53 vale. there goes one system. we're going to see a rather big cooldown. that system on the left side of your screen will be in here tuesday and wednesday. and then rebound. 60s, 70s and and low 80s. and at 8:09 p.m., fall
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officially beguns. the's quo knicks takes us to wednesday night. >> we leave summer and it heats up. >> yeah. 7:57. flashing red lights and sirens don't always mean a police officer is getting ready to pull you over. find out about the disturbing case that centers around the man in this mugshot. the bay area's toll lane opened up about three hours ago. coming up -- new details about how law enforcement will crackdown cheaters. e ret ma oie
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welcome back to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> good morning. i'm dave clark. it's monday, september 20th. well, pg&e could release its list of the 100 riskiest pipes today. claudine wong has more. >> reporter: we're at the intersection of 1st and tazman in san jose. we know there is sa natural -- there is a natural gas pipeline because the mayor mentioned it and there is a sign also. we also know this is an area of high-risk pipelines. that list is expected to be delivered to the california public utilities commission today.
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mayor reed says all he's been told so far is the intersections are in need of repair. this morning he's hoping to get more details from pg&e today. >> we're hoping to find out precise locations of the problem sections and what pg&e plans to do about them. we know one is scheduled for repairs in 2012. the other one is being reviewed. we'd like to know what it is they think needs to be done and what we can to do to help them. >> reporter: all of this comes as the explosion. the p.u.c. has forced this list and for mayor reed, he said there's still so many unknowns what caused the san bruno explosion and what happens next. but he says he's hoping to get answers as soon as he can so he can decide what's best for san jose. he says if you don't know what to do, it's awfully hard to do
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the right thing. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, claudine. we're following several other developments involving the pipeline explosion in san bruno. this week the coroner is expected to update the official death toll to seven. the bullis family recently confirmed it lost two three -- three loved ones in the explosion. and the pressure in the pipeline was running above the limit it should have been. and cleanup crews will begin to remove debris from the homes. the county health department is concerned the asbestos and other material could create a public health risk even beyond the disaster zone. and st. francis's hospital has an update on four people recovering at a burn center
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there. doctors say they are making slow but steady process. 8:03. the bay area's first toll lane opened about three hours ago, beginning this morning, solo drivers are being allowed to move into a carpool lane on southbound interstate 680 along the sunol grade between highway 84 and route 237. but for a price. as of today, you can go into the express lane at certain points, where an electronic sign will tell drivers what the current toll is. it will cost anywhere from 30 cents and $6 depending important how congested the traffic is. and then sensors will charge that amount on the driver's fastrack device. >> i'll debate whether or not it's the length -- the length i need to travel is worth the amount i'm being asked to pay. >> i do think that's a good way of making revenue, given where we are right now.
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that lane is free for carpoolers, motorcyclists and hybrid owners with stick -- with sickers. carpoolers you have to cover up the pass. you can find the latest traffic information as well as other information about the toll lane at a parolee from danville is back behind bars accused of making pipe bombs and bomb- making material reportedly was found at his home on amigo road. the incident started yesterday when police responded to a domestic violence call. they say they found three pipe bombs. police called in the bomb squad and evacuated this usually quiet neighborhood. >> that's the thing of -- we
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want this neighborhood to be safe and we want families to feel safe. it's very uncurrent, the situation. >> now, 36-year-old eric dennis is facing charges of bomb possession and other serious charges. investigators in the santa cruz county want to you take a close look at a -- you to take a close look at a suspect who has been arrested. police in scotts valley say 39- year-old akura kelly has been impairs nateing a police officer. they say he installed lights and a siren on an old police car he bought on the internet. kelly may have been pulling peel over in the scotts valley area but so far they've not received any reports. a new report is coming out today. it shows the number of people killed in car crashes because of distracted drivers went down last year. as we look at drive pictures now, the transportation department says more than 5400
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people were killed on u.s. h.i.v.s last year. that's down 6% since 2008. officials say the problem of distracted drivers often because of cell phones or other mobile devices is still a major problem. they say the data may be just the tip of the iceberg as a lot of the police reports don't document this. out of 193 cities nationwide, hayward ranked 122, san jose ranked 131. sunnyvale, 143. fremont, 152. oakland comes in at 1:53 and san francisco was 185. those experts looked at damage claims to come up with the rankings. the safest city on the list was
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fort collins, colorado. >> all right. 8:07. it's very crowded in south bay. let's check in with sal. >> we're hearing word of some adjust problems with that new lane on 680. 101 is slow getting up to the valley. this morning's commute is slow at the toll plaza, which is nothing new. its about a 20-minute delay and the metering lights have been very slow throughout the east shore freeway. 580 is a mess coming up to livermore and then you see the road sensors on 680, very slow from 580 heading down to the sunol grade. there is a new accident in oakland, westbound 580 before park boulevard. no injuries but five cars in the left lane.
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here's steve. well, some -- cool fog pictures. one from loma prieta. one from san francisco. we have some fog dancing around a little bit. there will be areas of fog. most of it is from the marin headlands and down towards san mateo/santa cruz coastline. fog, low clouds, then sunny, cooler tuesday and wednesday by a though tissable amount. i mean we'll drop about 5, 10 degrees. we'll turn that right around, sunny and warmer. much warmer as we head towards friday and the weekend is looking sunny side up and warm. 54 santa rosa to 58 fairfield right now. the city's still at 56 degrees. some low 60s. hayward's in there. livermore and san jose low 60s. the system, there it goes. long gone. it's only going to be a brief one-day slight warmup for tomorrow today because the next system is already in the
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picture. that had carry us into wednesday. so 60s by the coast after the fog burns off. 70s around the bay, upper 70s and low 80s. we'll go 64 in san francisco. too much in the way of low clouds and fog. 52 san rafael and napa. just some low 60s and temperatures, once you get the sun will rebound fast. 34 up in tahoe. they were 32 this morning. 40s -- 40s, 50s have given way to 60s. there goes one system but here comes the next one it's showing itself to be more of a cooler one. that's going to drop our temperatures starting today and tomorrow. the wind is not a factor right now, it will bick up later. a little north bay, east bay. i think slightly cooler, peninsula, south bay.
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some more of a normally- normally breeze. we did have a -- we do have a cooldown starting at 8:00 a.m. an then we'll see warmer weather carrying us live into the weekend. well, president mahmoud ahmadinejad is trying to make a deal with the u.s. for the u.s. hikers -- for the two remaining hikers. ah, focugroup. so what are we testing here? that's o new pastrami grilled sandwich. ah, focugroup. so what are weoh, great.ere? y, are they hay we got rid of the rye bread? totally. they loveur grilled artisan brd. ah, focugroup. so what are weoh, great.ere? they say it's the perfect compment to the
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classic hot parami, melting cheese, de mustard and pickles. awome. hey, um whatree testing in that room? oh! nothing we were just hazin' the intern.
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life leaves spaces for you to cree in, shouldn't your card dohe same? it can meet zync from amican express. it's a great way to get more out of the thingsyou're. build yos to fit your life by adding packs fill with bundles it's not just card.ts. it's your canvas. create yours
8:14 am
good morning. well, some sunshine already. there's some areas with fog and low clouds. it will be mostly sunny today. a little warmer for most. temperatures, 60s, 70s and very low 80s. here's stave. thank you. governor schwarzenegger will not be at today's conference on border security so that he can focus on the overdue state budget. the governor is sending lieutenant-governor abel maldonado to represent california at this meeting of u.s. and mexican border governors. the conference will focus on economic development as well as energy issues.
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arizona's -- arizona's governor january brewer and texas's governor, rick perry, will not be there. it appears a deal is trying to be made to release those last two hikers. >> reporter: as roche's president arrives -- iran's president arrives in new york for the assembly meeting, there are fears he could be planning bargaining tools. he has suggested the two could be traded for those in u.s. custody. sarah shourd was released and spoke out about the release of her two friends. their moms are in new york. >> we are mothers, we are not
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politicians. we're just very, very eager to have our children returned to us. the united states and iran do not have direct diplomatic relations but secretary of state hillary clinton is also in new york for the u.n. summit and she's calling on mahmoud ahmadinejad to "make a very significant humanitarian gesture and release the two americans." reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. security, poverty and world hunger are all on the agenda at the united nations world assembly. 150 heads of state are taking a look at goals set a decade ago. mahmoud ahmadinejad will address the assembly on thursday. yesterday, he cammed the united states to accept his country as a powerhouse. he also says iran has no intention of getting a nuclear bomb and that u.n. sanctions are not working.
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several world leaders attending the assembly are planning to donate for the relief needed in pakistan to help the flood victims. the floods are continuing to spread south in pakistan and are now said to be affecting at least 20 million people. 8:16. the treasury department is looking for investors to buy some of its stock in general motors. it won't limit those buyers to americans. the federal governmentowns more than 60% of gm after putting up to 50 billion in bailout money. the treasury department says it could begin the sales by the middle of november. but it -- today, toyota is expected to give us details of a settlement 234 a high-profile car crash that triggered the recalled of millions of toyota vehicles. toyota says it settled the
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lawsuit of a family of a chp officer who borrowed a car from a san diego-area lexus dealer while -- while his car was being repaired. he and others were killed when the car reached 120 miles an hour and he couldn't stop it. federalfullys are begiving a two-day -- federal officials are beginning a two-day hearing about genetically engineered salmon. the fish grow twice as fast. supporters say this will help preserve the salmon populations. but critics call it a frankenfish that could contaminate the salmon gene pool if it escapes. tomorrow, there will be arguing about labeling saying consumers don't need to know they are eating the modified product. the tahoe regency planning agency must decide if it will
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drop the boats and other vehicles at the lake. the judge said there was not enough infoation about how the new facilities could affect -- would affect fish. a san francisco lawmaker wants to put free water on the school lunch menu. the q l.a. times "is reporting many school cafeterias don't offer drinking water -- drinking walter. this bill doesn't provide funding. many districts say they just can't afford it. though proponents could be say it could be as easy as putting out jugs of water and cups on the table. the governor has until the end of next week to sign the bill. san francisco's school board is considering a plan it hopes will attracts and keep the best available teachers in its schools. now the district is discussing the idea of converting two
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properties into subsidized how housing. 8:19. in just a few hours, yahoo! will officially open a new data center in upstate new york. the sunnyvale businessed company says the offices are be one of the most efficient of its kind. they earned a $10 million grant. today, walmart is expected to announce it is expanding the number of stores that use solar energy. walmart already has 31 stores in california and hawaii that have sol facilities.
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will she serve time again? >> 's very important hearing in paris hilton's drug case just wrapped up. we'll tell you what the judge decided.
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we're learning that paris hilton just led a las vegas courtroom where she pled guilty of drug possession and assaulting a police officer. tmz says in exchange for the preshe will avoid jail time. she will have to pay $2,000 fine and complete community service. she's also being put on probation for one year. she was arrested in las vegas last month after police found less than a gram of cocaine in her possession. san francisco is pushing for a new program to get rid of graffiti on commercial trucks. "the examiner" wants the graffiti off or them to be cited. some say this could be difficult to enforce because of
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first amendment issues. more and more drivers are using fastrack. drivers using the device has nearly doubled. four years ago, only 36% of drivers were using it on the bay bridge in the morning commute. on the seven bridges overseen by the metropolitan transportation commission, 60% of the drivers use fastrack. let's check in with sal castanedo. you said it's pretty busy this monday morning. >> reporter: it is. and if you are driving to any of the bridges right now, it will take a while for you to get there. if you are coming in on 80, it will take you a while. san mateo looks okay. on the richmond bridge traffic is okay coming in and out of marin county. i also want to mention the new express lane on 680 is causing some extra slow downs we'll talk more about that and have
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another look at that coming up. let's go to steve. >> thank you, sir. can you see some of the fog there. fog, around halfway around the marin coast and also down along the san mateo and santa cruz coastline. most of the sonoma coast -- actually point reyes north looks to be nearly fog-free. one system moved out. the next one is moving into the left of your screen. some of the rain did not make it as much far south as i hoped it would. >> temperatures today will rebound for some and cool for others. more of a west wind for san francisco. so 6 there. santa rosa rebounding from 72 to 79. walnut creek, 73 to 78. not a change for oakland. 71, 71, and 71. san jose cooling down to 77.
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50s and 60s. 62, oakland berkeley. here comes the next system will give us a pretty good cooling trend. low clouds, slightly breezy. a little cooler peninsula and also the south bay. what's the good news? well, fall begins at 8:09 p.m. on wednesday. then we warm it up thursday and friday, dave. in novato this morning, what grief counselors are expecting to hear from last friday's accident after school today. >> i'm jade hernandez, we're going to show you something drivers won't see when they use the first ever express toll lane. we'll tell you what muni is now doing to control the glitch that's been giving people a free ride.
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in marin county, students go back to school for the first time since last friday's deadly accident. one involving five novato high school students. new information from a counselor about how to help the students grieve, dave has more on that. >> reporter: good morning. i'm listening to an announcement by the principal. you probably can't hear it. there's talk about the dangers
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of drinking and driving. a lot of what's happening today today is about just that. >> when the fire department called me on friday to let me know the crash had occurred, i said how's it going? did everybody come to help? yeah, this is exactly what we saw in the spring. but this time it's real and we've lost a life. >> reporter: the superintendent said there was a presentation in the school in april. students acknowledge with what happened at the memorial of the scene of the crash, more than 160 students attended -- aped tended the memorial. the district is offering skills on how to deal with this. >> i think it's shock. it's -- kids are in shock. probably a lot of fear, you know, what if this happens to me or one of my family members.
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at the school, we just heard a moment of silence by the principal. friday aaccident along novato boulevard happened around 11:30 in the middle of the school day. the 16-year-old driver was driving a bmw west, the car spun out of control, actually stopped in the eastbound direction, the car was then rear ended by a cattle truck, a big rig carrying thousands of pounds of live cattle. police found the container of alcohol, in the car. the driver faces multiple charges because of the death and injury involves -- death and injury involved. 8:32. well, the chp says speeding may have been a factor in the crash that killed four young people near tracy. last night about 100 people were at this vigil at the scene of the crash t happened around
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3:00 saturday morning on shulty road, the teenager's car flipped into an irrigation canal. two victims were brother and sister. >> i have a picture of them sleeping together as children. who knew they would lay together in the end? the teens were celebrating their last night together before carol left for college at uc davis. this morning, the young woman who died in a pipeline disaster will be laid to rest. ♪ >> today's burial follows a memorial day service for jessica morales. she was watching football at her boyfriend's home when the
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pipeline blew up. >> she was my best friend, my sister, my partner in crime. and my ray of sunshine. she took my quiet little world with laughters, smiles, tears and most importantly, love. >> jessica's boyfriend was critically injured while trying to save her. 19-year-old joseph-rui gomez is still in the hospital with second and third-degree burns over 40% of his body. federal investigators have uncovered what could be a -- uncorked what could be a critical clue and they determined that the gasline was -- gasline was running higher than it should have been. a san bruno fire victim is taking pg&e to court. his class action lawsuit demands the utility turn over a $100 million recovery fund to a third dash be to a third party.
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he rented a home on cover court. it was not damaged but he was forced out of his home for three days. walnut creek police investigating two stabbings at a weekend house party. it start the with a fight early yesterday morning. one man was stabbed in the chest. another one was stabbed in the weekend. oakland police are searching for a suspect and motives after four people were wounded early yesterday. the victims were shot just after 2:0 sunday morning near embarcadero east and franklin street. just across from jack london square. the four victims interest taken to the hospital with non-life- threatening injuries. brentwood police are looking for a suspicious man who has been approaching teenagers in sunset work.
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fare inspectors are standing guard at muni stations this morning to try to catch people trying to take advantage of a glitch in the new clipper system. the problem is with the motion sensorring on the gates that allow passengers toth it out of paid zones. the bay area's toll lane is now open. it runs between pleasanton and mill meet -- milpitas. jade hernandez has re. >> reporter: we can show you something that drivers won't see if they use the first-ever express toll lane.
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i want you to look at traffic at i-680. this is at the auto mall parkway. you can see there looks to be a traffic light. well, there there is a sensor over there that the california highway patrol officers can tell if you are not using fastrack or are not paid to use the toll lane. there is a learning curve to this. caltrans says the southbound 680 express toll lane starting at highway 84 near sunol, stretching south to 237 in milpitas tis and there are only three entrances into the lane and three out. that includes the entrance at the end of the stretch. drivers will see signs about where they can and cannot drive
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erratically. this is the first ever toll lane in northern california but it probably won't be the last. >> there will be more carpool express lanes coming. 580 eastbound, next year, 580 westbound the near after. highway 237 with highway 880. the drivers have to get used to it. that is something that drivers will be very used to very soon. new sensors will be able to charge the drivers. you can use the rain for -- lane for free but if you have a sensor, you have to put it away or you will becharged. the three entrances into this lane are located at highway 84,
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just past washington boulevard and south of auto mall parkway where we're live this morning. reporting live, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. and later this morning local officials will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony on a major interchange project in castro valley. it's a $30 million project that added new ramps and other improvements to the interchange at 580 and redwood road. this will reduce congestion. the ceremony is at 1:00 this afternoon. we want to check in again with sal castanedo. sal, i drive through castro valley a couple of times a week. it's so much better now that they've widen thed freeway. >> yeah. that used to be one of the
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worst commutes. 280 and 101 have been pretty slow getting into the valley. it continues that way up to the lawrence expressway. also this oning's commute on westbound -- this morning's commute on westbound bay bridge still backed up for about a 20- minute delay. no major problems on the bridge. westbound at the toll plaza, the delays are backed up to the macarthur maze. this is a look at 880 northbound, you see slow traffic from about the coliseum. some areas say sunny, others partly sunny and still some fog around. so headline -- cool to warm. today, fog and low clouds, sunny and a little warmer for some. cooler tuesday into wednesday. but then it sure looks like all signs are pointing to a pretty good warmup on friday and into
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the weekend. our system from yesterday has spun out of at -- out of the area. fog, low clouds, sunny, 60s, 70s and low 80s. 68 yesterday in san francisco going 64 today, more fog, more of that westerly breeze. 56 right now, to 64. 50s for many including 62 in oakland and berkeley. and 54 palo alto. a little cool for some. not too bad. already 82 in las vegas. they were 32. 50s for eureka and ukiah. they started in the upper 40s. there's our system coming in tomorrow. today we get weak high pressure. that will give us a little bit of a warmup. there's signs of warm earl weather but we have to got past midnight week -- first. a little breezy later on.
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not too bad. everything right now is rather calm. sifts, 70s and low 80s and we cool it down. the fall ego knocks starts at 8:00 -- equinox starts at 8:00. it may into the feel like it to some but a new report says the nation's recession is over. find out when it officially ended and how it compares to ones in the past. fiber one chy bar.
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how'd you do that? do what? it tastes too good. you ma it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value do it again. of fiber. turn it into something tasty this guy's doing magic. there's chocolate chips in here now. hod you do that? right!
8:44 am
tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, herind. what's she thinking? that's right! i'm not thking anything! male announcer fiber one chewy bars. cardboard no. delicious yes. in 2008 i it venture capital to follo myassion for food. i w anlaunchedhe market for we cate and broadcast content and en distribute it across tv, e web, and via mobile. i even use the web to get paid. with acceptpayfrom aric, weow invoice advertisers and receive paents digitally. and i get paid on average ree weeks faster.
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a new report makes it official -- the lodge recession open ended in june -- ended in june of last year. the recession lasted 18 months, beginning in december of 2007 and makes it the longest recession since world war ii. there are concerns that iranian president, mahmoud ahmadinejad, may use the two detained american hikers as bargaining chips as he begins his part in the conference in new york today. he says he hopes the recent
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release of sarah shourd will be reciprocated by the u.s. but for now, the u.s. has no plans to make a deal. and president obama is calling the successful killing off and sealing of bp's blownout oil well in the gulf of mexico a milestone to the administration's response to that disaster. the well is almost sealed, almost five years, five months to the day an explosion killed 11 people. hurricane igor got very close to bermuda overnight leaving two-thirds of the island with fierce winds and fierce waves. it also knocked down trees. the full extent of the damage will likely not be known. igor is headed away from the united states. but it may cause high surf. a wife has forced people
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from 100 homes outside salt lake city. four homes it's believed have been lost and winds are gusting up to 40 miles an hour. so far no injuries have been reported. the fire started during an artillery training session at a nearby national guard camp and soldiers were not able to control the flames. 8:46. the group that offseas the parliamentary election in afghanistan says it has serious concerns about the voting's legitimacy. there are complaints about vote fraud at some of the polling stations. more than 2,000 candidates campaigned for 250 seats. the first vote is expected to be released in the next day or two. it's now condition firmed. france is on heightened -- confirmed france is on a heightened alert. france's interior minister is not saying what it is. but the main paris mosque has
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been given armed guards. they say authorities are searching for a woman who could be plotting a suicide bombing in paris. in germany, four people are dead. a policeman is seriously hurt after a blast in an apartment building and a shooting in a nearby hospital. police say a woman armed with weapons was seen running from the burning building towards that hospital once inside, she shot a male nurse. she was shot by police. two bodies were burned in the apartment building. they were the woman's ex- husband and her son. the woman suffered a miscarriage but police are not sure if that was the motive for the rampage there. police believe a man shot outside his pittsburg home saturday night was probably the
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victim of a gang-related ambush. atreeians gonzalez was killed. two other victims survive. police believe all members were in a gang. they say this started after a fight broke out at a party at the suspect's house. the san jose police union is asking for the retoe ration of the department's anti-gang unit which was eliminated due to budget cuts. union leaders gathered at a parking lot where a 12-year-old was shot in the head by the suspected gang member's last halloween.. >> the majority of homicides in san jose are gang-related. we simply will not have the resources to address gangs today like we did yesterday. >> the unit is being credited with making 1,000 arrests a
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year. mayor chuck read says while transferring the officers to patrol, the city should be able to fight gang ravens. he adds the cuts were needed to pay for the high pension benefits. well, earth police are investigating a purse snatching involving a city councilwoman. they say on saturday night, someone approached jean kwan in a safeway parking lot on fruitvale and stole her purse. now, she wasn't hurt. earlier this month, in a separate attack, councilman deleuntas home was burglarized. on friday, the california public utility commission's
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executive director sent a letter asking pg&e for seven pieces of critical information. first, the commission wants pg&e's list of its top 100 riskiest pipelines. it also wants to know how pg&e determined the riskyiest. it wants to know the current status of each pipeline and maps showing where we each is located. now the ntsb has put a muzzle on what pg&e, first responders and others involved in the pipeline operation can say. but critics say the ntsb is being overly restrictive. it's got be to the point where it won't post the exact place of the pipeline there even though everybody can see it in plain view. so, concerned about public
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confidence, the cpuc has requested the exact milepost on the pipeline where the explosion occurred, must all locations on the line. it also wants to know the schedule for replacing manual shutoff involves. automatic shutoff fails would have shortened the effects of the pipe which had to be turn the off manually. now, this may scare a whole lot of people. but it will give communities the power to demand prayers and upgrades before they have a san bruno problem in their towns. i'm tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news dave, tori, back to you? >> 8:52. a new report shows sol of the top salaries for city admistrators in california. we'll tell you where. and road closed. the major event detouring drivers in san francisco right now.
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welcome back. 8:55. we have new information about one of the victims of that novato car accident. we've just found out one of the injured students who was on life support has been taken off and is expected to survive. grief counselors are at novato
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school. the chp says the bmw driven by a 16-year-old went out of control on novato boulevard friday and spun into oncoming traffic. 8:55. former secretary of state colin powell is making a bold admission about illegal immigrants. he said illegal immigrants are "doing things we need done in it country and that illegal immigrants have performed maintenance work on his home set times." he says lawmakers need to provide them with a way to become league a -- legal along with their children. well, in the wake of the recent scandal in the city of bell, jerry brown is reviewing salaries. san ramon's city manager makes almost $360,000 a year.
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in pleasanton, the city manager makes about 150,000 less than that. livermore's city manager and danville's city manager also earned more than 300,000 a year. google is providing another layer of security for e-mail accounts and other password protected services. starting today, many customers will need to provide a six- digit code after their passwords. this law begins right away for business and government account holders. the new colds will be -- the new codes will be provideed to those using the system. how is the commute, sal? >> we're looking at 680. there's been a lot of confusion because of the new carpool lane. newschopper2 still flying over the area. finds traffic just now beginning to unwind. but it's been a mess all morning. san francisco, howard street's closed between third and fourth
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because of oracle open world for the next few days. that street will be closed and the area has been a mess, especially near 3rd street, near the fire station there. let's go to sal. >> we have some low clouds, fog, warmer for most, maybe slightly cooler near the south. cooler tuesday into wednesday, 8:09 p.m. end of summer. fellow, fall the weekend looks he very barm. >> toit's gonna feel hike summer during fall. okay. >> yeah. >> thank you for joining us. >> bye now.
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