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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  September 24, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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on the streets. >> it's like having a $100 bill on your hand and someone snatches it. >> reporter: that's the warning today from san francisco police to people who use smart phones or musical players without minding their surroundings. >> i usually keep my belongings in my purse. >> reporter: the warning comes after several robberies in which suspects use threats or physical threats to take items from their victims. in one case the suspect entered the back door of the nummi bus to demand the victim's wallet. police say a 15-year-old riding home from school aboard a j church train last night had his cell phone and mp3 player taken by an adult man. >> he is told to give up the device or he's going to be shot. >> reporter: police say five
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other late night cash and cell phone robberies may have been committed by the same two suspects. with this weekend street festivals and more people on the street, police are urging smart phones and i pod owners to be aware. >> look around, turning your head changes the whole dynamic instantly because they think you are looking at them. >> actually when i'm talking on the phone, i'm more concentrated on the conversation and not what's happening around. >> reporter: david stevenson. one of the causes of the san bruno pipe explosion is bacteria. p g & e says it can't discuss
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the investigation but that the condition is very rare. a second day of cleaning is under way in san bruno. crews are working on the remains of 37 homes destroyeded during the explosion. a giant excavator is scooping up gutted cars and scooping away fallen walls. >> there are some homes that have walls fallen down, those walls will be removed and if it looks like there might be anything down there, we'll shut the equipment down, we'll bring the homeowners back in. >> so far inspectors say they have found very little asbestos or other public safety hazards. the three final victims from the san bruno pipeline explosion were laid to rest today. a funeral was held in burling
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game late this afternoon. 85-year-old levon, her husband and son were killed during the blast. you can go to where we'll have the latest on the clean up, the investigation and the victims. just click on the san bruno tab. criminal proceedings are on hold tonight for the man accused of kiddal ár napping and raping jaycee dugard for 18 years. an el dorado county judge today says he has concerns about garrido's mental state after watching him in court. >> we're not talking about the case not going forward. we're not talking about a significant delay in the case. >>garrido faces 29 criminal charges in connection with the disappearance of jaycee dugard.
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a federal judge has cleared the way for california's first execution in nearly five years. death row inmate brown is scheduled to be put to death next wednesday. in order for the execution to proceed, the state must first give him a choice of whether he wants either one drug or three drugs used to kill him. ktvu's john sasaki joins us now with the repo. >> reporter: a judge's decision means that here overnight tuesday the state may have its first execution in almost five years. the last scheduled execution here was halted in 2006 because of allegations that the death chamber is cruel punishment. brown asked for a stay using
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the same argument morales did. >> the only reason he's saying i want to be part of this case is because the state general is trying to rush into the execution. >> reporter: but the state could still come in many number of angles before the scheduled 12:00 a.m. wednesday execution. in fisherman's ward we found different views. >> i personally do not believe in the death penalty. i do not believe, i'm a conservative. i don't believe we should give government the right to kill anyone. >> i think it should go guard. >> why? >> i believe in the death penalty. some people there's no, recourse after things they've done. >> reporter: corrections officials say albert brown has the choice of the tradition three drug cocktail or single
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drug execution method. live at san quentin, i'm john sasaki. police in the usually quiet east bay down of danville are investigating a robbery. three men ran inside and pepper sprayed three employees. then they slammed a glass case and took the con contents. >> very noisy and very frightening. we didn't know if it was breaking glass or shotguns or whatever. governor arnold schwarzenegger and lawmakers are expected to come up with a budget this weekend. it came after two days of negotiations in the governor's private office in santa monica. lawmakers said they may strike
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a final deal possibly as early as next monday. san francisco mayor gavin newsom losing ground. an exclusive new ktvu field poll shows the democratic candidate up four points against republican and current lieutenant governor able maldonado. newsom had a nine point lead. the poll was taken when maldonado was a visible presence in the absence of the governor. workers will start a strike against san francisco's biggest hotel. the union and hotel management at the san francisco hilton union square had no comment. but sources tell san francisco business times the strike could come sometime next week. just last week the hilton employees authorized again to go forward with the strike. the talks have stalled.
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it is being described as a major engineers challenge. today work began on a 5-mile tunneling project under the surface of san francisco bay. engineers say the underwater tunnel from minlow park to newarck will carry water to the bay area. >> reporter: this is much about preserving the bay area's water supply when the big one hits. work began on what will be a 5- mile tunnel that transports water from yosemite to the bay area. it will run 40 to 141 feet below the bay bottom. >> we want a system that we believe will be back in service at a regular wintertime level we call it within 24 hours and
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will be fully operational within 30 days. 2.5 million bay area people depend on the system for their water. the system pipes are old. laying pipes under the water is an engineering feat. >> there's tunnels that get laided in the tunnel to prevent the ground from collapsing essentially as we are moving the machine. >> reporter: there were a lot of hard hats in the crowd today as mud was cleared from the shaft needed to clear the pipe. >> right now we have members that are on the bench ready to go to work. >> reporter: the tunnel should be completed in 2015. it's one of the biggest of the projects san francisco voters
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approved years ago. it cost $4.5 billion all told. live in minlow park, jim vargas. mondave, b era nger and now twitter. the company getting into the wine business and the reason why may surprise you. police have a new plan for dangerous drugs and they want you to dig into your medicine cabinet. i'll tell you why still ahead. and a weekend is here, it's going to get hot. i'll show you which days on the weekend are going to be really, really warm.
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stock investors decided to emphasize the positive during a day of economic reports. they brushed off more bad news about home sales and instead focused on encouraging news of sales. the nasdaq was up 54. tomorrow bay area police are hosting the first ever drug take back day. the goal is to get prescription drugs out of the hands of
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teenagers and out of our water ways. >> reporter: police now have an idea, a solution. >> having unused drugs in their house, even prescription drugs can be a very big safety concerns for their children. >> reporter: prescription vicadin, oxycotin are the new drugs of choice for young people. >> it's easier than alcohol. 100 times easier. >> reporter: some say even more destructive. >> have the same goal in mind each day was to get loaded every day on something. >> age 12 to 15 the first drug that a lot of these kids take is the pain pills from their parents medicine cabinet. >> i have a whole cabinet full of left over prescription drugs that are expired. so i don't know what i'm going to do with them. >> if you drop them out of the bottle in the trash can, people go through them, they don't know what they are, they might
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take them. >>reporter: flushing medicines pollute water. tomorrow police will take up pills no questions asked. at many police stations. >> don't keep these prescription bottles longer than you need them. >> reporter: go to our website, click on web links for a drop off location near you. reporting live in oakland, health and science editor, john fowler. california vendors are predicting a come back. the ninth annual wine executive survey done by uc davis found that wine makers are optimistic about market growth after a slump that began in 2007. for now the survey says you can find wines discounted up to 50% and because of the recession, vendors haven't bought as much land for future crop, so it's possible there could be shortages of grapes in the coming years. twitter is getting into the wine business. the social networking website lost it's initiative which is
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aimed at promoting education. twitter will now sell wine made by grapes crushed by their employees. five dollars off of every bottle sold will go to need to read. a bottle of twitter wine will cost you $20. the san francisco international airport hosted a unique fundraiser today that raised money for the united service organization. participates got a walking tool ott airports many gardens. three professional landscape specialists served as tour guides for the group. donations made while the tour go to the sfo program. the organization has been at the airport for over 30 years helping u.s. service members as they travel to their next assignment. just as fall begins it's heating up across the bay area. hot temperatures in shouldn't be unexpected. but following our moderate summer, a heat wave could mean a jump in 20 degrees in some
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areas. the the indian summer like weather is certainly a welcome relief for many. >> we're supposed to have this heat wave. it's comfortable and it's nice to be in shorts. feeling your sun on your body, we've had fog and it's been overcast and so this is a great welcome. >> for business like the santa cruz boardwalk, the warmer weather means a likely jump in attendance that weekend. a spare the air alert has been issued for tomorrow because of the hot weather. the bay area management district wants everyone to cut back on activities that cause pollution such as driving or using lawn mowers. this by the way is the area's sixth spare the air day so far this year. to see just how hot it's going to get in your neighborhood. let's check with bill martin for the full weekend forecast. >> definitely heating up. spare the air day tomorrow,
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that's saturday. they're going to have to issue another one on sunday as well. if you're basing it on the heat and air that's sinking. let's show you what we have, we have temperatures mostly in the 80s. we have winds right now in the northwest, the swell is coming up, why does that matter, tomorrow and the next few days out in the avenues of san francisco, folks are going to flock to the beaches and with increasing swell, the rip tides pick up. the heat often drives folks to the coast. be careful this weekend. heading out to the weekend, this is the last story that led us to explain, this is not unexpected. this is what we get this time of year. the fire danger comes up, but this is nothing like we saw in the oakland hills fire. the winds are going to go offshore but they're going to blow 10 to 15 hours. with these offshore winds, with the air sinking, temperatures come up. the temperature trend today or
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tomorrow will be a little warmer. warmer still on sunday. then boom, monday probably the hottest day on the weekend. so if you get a spare the air day here you pretty much got to get them there. so we'll watch and see what happens. you might just want to prepare for that. especially monday if you want to commute to work. you have red, those are 90s comes to the coast. all week i've been saying the reds have been creeping this way. the heat coming up to the coast. what is that the offshore winds blows the heat out of the valley. kind of pushes it all away. so that's a mechanism to heat us up. the beaches are going to be warm, to actually hot. it's one of those days out on fulton street, when you're walking out to the sand it's going to be hot. davenport is going to be hot. 94 in danville, 95 in livermore and 91 in san jose. so five day forecast. biggest concern here will be
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the fire danger. this is not unusual. this is what you expect. we will certainly have an update tonight at 10:00. >> all right, looks like a great weekend. a victory tonight for opponents of the u.s. military's don't ask don't tell policy. a federal judge in washington state ruled the air force violated the constitutional right of margaret witt when it discharged her for being a lesbian. the white house ordered the military to give her her job back. a family spokesman for sarah shourd says the uc berkeley graduate met with iran's president today to plead for the release of her fiancee and their friend both of whom are still being held in an iranian prison. shourd has promised to do everything she can to try to
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obtain the release. get ready for some high school football. there's a great match up our game of the week. >> that there is. we'll have the details in our report.
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the cast of hamlet for the final touches on their performance today on alcatraz island. the production is put on by a troop of actors called we players. they've spent the last two years trying to weave together the theme of the shakespeare play and the alcatraz history. >> whether you can be free or
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granted and taken away. hamlet is grappling with how to live, what to do. >> reporter: the audience also becomes part of the play. the first scene takes place as the visitors arrive. and the visitors follow the show as it moves around the island. opening night is a week from tomorrow. tonight we head to union city for the ktvu high school football game of the week. >> joe fonzi live from union city with the match up. >> reporter: it's not manning against brady but it is the colts against the patriots. when i think of james logan, the first thing i think about is team speed. you guys are 2-1 coming into this game. how would you characterize your team at this point. >> you talk about team speed. styes you don't have it but this -- sometimes you don't
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have it. but this year, at 3.40 they're some of the fastest games we've had. we've been very surprised that combination has been working out for us. our defense has been ouheart and soul. but we're young, you know we're young and we have, we're getting better every week. so this is a big test. >> you say you have only eight returns guys from the team. when i think of team logan i think about a team that competes. you have a rebuilding chore this year. >> that's what we thought coming in. only three that had starting experience. we didn't know what to expect. you know we have a chance to be number one in the league and it's a great test for us. >> we're a little bit short on time. when i look at what heritage has done so far. 40 points, 40 points, 60 points. what are you thinking about
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them coming in today? >> they have play makers. they have three running backs that are really talented. it's just a matter of stopping the big play. >> george, appreciate it. good luck to you. thank you for stopping by. >> just one other note, the giants and rockies are scoreless in the 5th inning that very important game going on in colorado. i'm joe fonzi, we'll have it for you tonight at 7:00. joe, thank you. that is our report for tonight. i'm julie haener. >> and i'm frank somerville. have a great evening everyone. >> good night.
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