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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  December 14, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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it's the santa clara valley, just did a quick check of ktvu come, we have traffic on there. what i'm looking at is on the 101 we have slow traffic. you have slow traffic on the 880 there and out toward 680 i mean really slow. that's because rainfall rates are fairly heavy out toward hayward. you see the yellows, we mentioned this earlier in the broadcast. those are areas with heavy windshield wipers. this thing is right on the afternoon commute. when i come back, we're going to talk more about where it's raining where this ends. then we have big weather to talk about toward the end of the week. so we'll be back here in a little bit before that, we'll see you then. there are new questions tonight surrounding the death of a man from vallejo who was shot and killed by police. tonight, classmates and the man's mother say he didn't have to die. debra villalone is live on the scene with new information, debra. >> frank, a group of college
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students were shooting a music video here along sonoma boulevard. when a classmate they saw as protector came under fire. this is 34-year-old guy jerrode the casting a class project with what friends say was a usual enthusiasm. now jerrode's mother has arrived to bury her son. but she questions what police say what happened. >> i'm sorry for the way he looks, he looks big and threatening but he's really not. >> reporter: the student who sings in the video says jerrode
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didn't say he had the equipment, but probably carried just in case someone tried to steal their congresswomen. no matter jerrode's intention, says police, he ran and never dropped the weapon. >> mr. jerrode was facing the officer, he was armed. i can't go into detail, it was clear that the officer felt his life was in jeopardy. >> he's the guy that told the other boys to pull the pants up and you know do what they needed to do. >> but his teacher cannot explain why jerrode brought a handgun to a class activity. his friends and family plan a vigil for him here tomorrow night. reporting live in vallejo, debra villalone. a gun battle just a couple of hours ago in sacramento has
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left a mother dead and two others injured. police say around 1:00 this afternoon two meentered a barber shop and just started shooting. people around the barber shop entered the gunfire. a stray bullet hit and killed a woman who was putting her 2- year-old into her car. in less than 48 hour, the man charged with bringing a 12- year-old girl to san francisco will be flown back to virginia to face kidnapping charges. jeffrey easley was found with the 12-year-old girl at a safeway store last friday. he appeared in in a san francisco court and waived the fight for extradiction.
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29-year-old carlyle villazon faces charges of lewd acts on a child, aggravated sexual assault. he will appear before a judge tomorrow. and the military says the soldiers were killed when a mini bus packed with explosives blew up at the entrance of the nato afghan base in kandahar province. >> it hits you right upside the head, and you know such a tragedy is just, just unbelievable. >> simonetta and the other soldiers were all part of the 101st airborne division. we have new information involving the investigation into the deadly san bruno pipeline explosion. a preliminary report released
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today from the national transportation safety board is raising new concerns about pg & e and the way it inspects it's natural gas lines. ken pritchett is in san bruno now with the details, ken. >> reporter: with this fence blind behind me, you can see the blast zone. it appears that investigators have a better idea of what did not cause the explosion. >> the september ninth explosion was not caused by a preexisting leak or excavation damage. that's according to the ntsb. >> we move on to looking for yet another cause. >> reporter: jackie spears says this update from the ntsb does raise serious concerns about pg & e's records. >> we know that they didn't know what they had under the ground at this location. >> reporter: the pipeline examined by the ntsb had many welded seams, but pg & e had
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reported to investigators that this was a seamless section of pipe. >> we know there's a discrepancy there, and we're working to look at all of the records for that pipeline. >> reporter: pg & e offered no reason why they had differing reporting. a final report is due late next year. in the meantime rebuilding a neighborhood where eight lives were lost continues. and some lawmakers say until we have answers,pg & e should restrict use of neighboring pipelines. >> one of those pipelines is 10 years older than the one that ruptured. i think we should have evidence before we start raising that pressure again. >> reporter: while this report did not provide a cost. by ruling out certain causes it
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is useful information and their effort to inspect the pipeline system around california. in san bruno, ken pritchett. >> and has a special section on the san bruno explosion that includes a history of the investigation and pg & e's response. just look under the pipeline explosion tab on the home page. the san jose city council voted not to join a university air system. chuck reed says the city has been shut out of the process. the federal government set aside $50 million after the september 11th attacks to create a radio system that all bay area agencies can use to communicate with each other. >> there were people who tried to cut us out of the deal and take away our right to vote on this that we have as a member of the bay area authority. santa cruz county has also opted out of that system. in just the last hour, san
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jose has become the latest california city to ban the sale of plastic bags. the city plastics has banned the use of plastic bags beginning on january 1st, 2012. customers who use paper bags will have to pay an additional 12-cents per bag. christmas is the season of giving and this holiday season a pair of musicians has come up with a unique way of meeting a need. >> reporter: we are inside a storage container on the campus of leadership high school in richmond. what you see are packages, thousands of them and each one has a book inside. and all the books have been donated thanks to an unusual online offer. these students were opening just some of the donations that came in today in a book drive
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that has gone viral. >> actually the books that i'm interested in reading. >> are you reading more? >> yeah, i am. >> it all began when these two bay area musicians called pomplamous heard from a friend that children were having a hard time getting books. so pomplamous put a plea on the internet. anyone who sends a book from the wish list on amazon can download the album for free. so far the schools have received more than 6,000 books worth more than $50,000. >> especially when you are giving something that's really going to affect you know the next generation. >> reporter: teacher hester is a good friend of the musicians who marvels of what has happened. donations have come in from all over the country. >> it shows they are loved by
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people they've never met. it i think shows them that they have value. >> reporter: the students say they are now finding books that speak to them. they say they are becoming avid readers for the first time. >> you have to learn in this world. >> reporter: are you a nerd now? >> yeah, kind of. >> reporter: there are so many books coming in they will now be spread among at least eight different richmond schools. reporting live in richmond, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. seven richmond area nonprofits will be getting part of $1 million from oil giant chevron. the money comes from the company's california partnership initiative which invests in education and economic development. some of the money will go toward teaching disadvantage youth, helping the homeless find jobs and creating transitional jobs for north richmond neighborhoods.
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yahoo is handing out pink slips today. the sunnyvale company is letting workers go. a yahoo representative says the lay offs are part of a strategy to increase revenue. the holiday shopping season is giving the u.s. economy a boost as retailers tailers post better than expected gains. that led the national retail federation to boost it's over all holiday forecast saying the holiday gain will be the largest since 2006. stocks closed higher today on wall street this comes on the heels of the over all positive projection for holiday
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sales. an announcement that it plans to buy -- 14 people will be inducted into california museum hall of fame tonight including two names especially well known here in the bay area. among those are mark zuckerburg and levy strauss. the museum honors people who have made a mark on the golden state. zuckerburg was a controversial nomination. >> we look to make people who have made a positive contribution. mark zuckerburg is one of those. >> others include betty white and serena williams. the ten phrases that could kill your chances at a new job. plus -- >> reporter: crossing this street during rush hour at this
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time of evening could cost you about $3. find out who's likely to be affected, coming up.
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polk acted as her own lawyer during that 14 week trial, she also admitted to stabbing her husband but claims she acted in self-defense. a judge sentenced polk to 16 years to life in prison. san francisco supervisors today backed up a controversial proposal to charge a toll. but they pushed forward with another plan to commute into
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the heart of the city. david is now in san francisco to explain. >> reporter: i'm standing on 18th street and guerrero. you can see how busy it is. drivers can cross three bucks just to cross 18th street on their way to i80. downtown san francisco drivers are closing up on $3 to cross a toll. >> i don't think there's anyone here that wants san francisco to follow in the path of other cities that have been traffic disasters. >> if you go to new jersey and if you go from washington, d.c. to new york you are paying tolls all the way. and you don't see a whole lot for it. but here you have options and the options will be better. >> reporter: that initial study found tolls could raise as much as $80 million yearly for county transit and infrastructure projects. the new study was set to focus
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on congestion crossings for motorists coming in from san mateo county. but the toll clock angered peninsula leaders who say it could cost their constituents up to $1,050 a year. >> i will be introducing legislation to prohibit local government from charging tolls at the border between cities. >> they are acting in an arrogant way. >> reporter: supervisors voted to study the toll. mayor gavin newsom who supported the first study today say tolls within the city's financial district will hurt the economic recovery. >> it's sending that message, wait a second now i have an additional tax. >> reporter: the vote today seeks federal funds for what could be a $2 million study. supervisors say that the toll would take effect in about 2015 and would run under a pilot program. reporting live in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. well on to our weather now.
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you can see the wet roads there in stan francisco. the big stuff is still on the way. >> let's talk about what's happening right now in the afternoon commute. we have heavy in out toward livermore. this is a big deal because it's right on your afternoon commute. the south bay areas especially on 101 and 880 are pretty slow. both the freeways there at this hour as that rain really starts to come out. but it's moving out. as we move through the next few hours things will clear out and dry out. overnight lows will be cool. it's been mild lately because of the cloud cover. and with the clearing we'll be down to 40 degrees in napa. that means a chance for some fog in the morning because of dewpoint temperatures are probably going to be reached by about 4:00 or 5:00 this morning. you see the back edge of this. that's the clearing as it all slides down. the winter storm warning still in effect in lake tahoe.
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they're churning up right now on 50 and 80. that will stay in effect. the winter storm warnings should drop at about 10. as it lingers they might extend it a little bit. there'll be some wet roads just by virtue of what's occurring now. there won't be any evaporation between now and 7:00 a.m. partly clear, partly sunny kind of deal. here's the forecast. i have the long range model lined up here. this is of course 9:00 tonight. you see the system moving out. you get into wednesday or late tonight early tomorrow morning, a few sprinkles. and here we go, tomorrow morning's commute pretty dry. it'll go through wednesday then we get into thursday. watch what happens here, look at this. that starts to show up thursday afternoon into friday. that's the start of what could be a really big deal as we move into the bay area weekend. that's a very powerful system, a lot of tropical moisture tied into that it's going to get here right around friday. it's going to linger friday, saturday, sunday and a little
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into next week. estimates are saying half foot of rain, probably more over the period of three to four days. we'll watch it closely, but it's a growing story. that could all change. but right now it's liking significant. >> and new models at 10:00. >> yes. there are now ten phrases that could kill your chances to get a job. topping the list is extensive experience, dynamic, motivated also made the list. california fishermen are getting close to their limit when it comes to catching squid. they are allowed to bring in 118-tons of squid per season and the fish and game department says that limit will likely be reached by friday.
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biologists say the cold la nina waters have amounted to a bountiful squid season. nfl players are stepping in to keep young football players safe. the restrictions they want put in place to protect teenagers who suffer head injuries.
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the city of san francisco has set sail in trying to reign one of the biggest sails races in the bay area. race organizers are expected to announce their decision about where that race will be held by the end of the year. former nfl stars from the bay area were in sacramento today promoting a bill to protect young athletes from concussions. turner and otto, and morris bradshaw all support a measure that would pull students with an injure until they are cleared by a doctor and have a note from the parents. >> what this bill does is takes it out of the coaches hand, out
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of the players hands. it's no longer your issue, you have put it on to a medical examiner. >> good move. if you would have told me that the 49ers would have had a good game of any kind i would have scoffed but it's true. a crucial game and they might have to do it without two key defensive performers. one of them on the receiving ends of this interception, spikes and the always great patrick willis. both have hand injuries. neither has practiced a very vigorously so far in this short week of preparation. and here's their summary of how they think they might fare.
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>> it's never easy if you don't have both your hands, that's something this game is about. you have to use your hands but sometimes you have to make due with what you have. >> just trying to see what we can do, hopefully be able to get ready to play. >> the worse we came at the wrong time. i was looking forward to it. >> both those guys will play against the chargers, they are true gamers. expect them to be in the line up. the a's happy to have this guy in the line up. matzue who signs a one year deal worth $4.25 million. he'll be their designated hitter and he's been an a's fan for many many years. >> now remember it was about around the late 80s that they started televising major league games in japan. a really strong cup team, that
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was really sort of like how i sparked an interest in it. >> complete with translator, the warriors try to break their seven day losing streak tonight. that is the sporting life. that is a real good move by the a's. talk to any of the yankees that played with him, lover him as a teammate -- love him as a teammate. great player. and ride share company launches in the bay area. that story in 30 minutes on tv news 36. good night.
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