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tv   Second Look  FOX  January 3, 2011 12:00am-12:30am PDT

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. ♪[ music ] ♪ you start me up, i'll never stop ♪ one of the longest acts in rock'n'roll and more than 45 years after the release of their first album the rolling sons to are still going strong. tonight we're going to relive some of their memorable barack concerts. it's straight ahead on "a
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second look." >> hello everyone item frank somer sil. the rolling stones for nearly a half century they have thrilled crowds and have made the bay area one of their stops. back in 1981 they packed san francisco's candlestick park and ktvu's john fowler was there. >> reporter: there. >> reporter: the rolling stones have been packing them in for almost 20 years. today they drew the biggest paid music crowd in bay area history. ♪[ music ] imat 38, mick jagger is the leader of the bald old boys of rock'n'rol they fascinate audiences and
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sellouts at every stop. the stone's $81 tour is already 17,000 parking spaces were filled by 9:00 this morning. police towed almost 100 illegally parked cars and for most people it was the sons to express, special buses that ran every two minutes. . ♪ brown sugar . ♪[ music ] there were surprisingly few problems. an army of private security guards and special medical
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corp. were on hand. . ♪ you should have heard them just around midnight ♪ brown sugar, ♪
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this is the richest tour on record, by their closing date in birminghamingham, alabama in december, the rolling stones will have paid to 2 million fans and grossed $30 million. ♪[ music ] ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪[ music ] >> i'm john fowler for the 10:00 news. eight years after that concert the stones would return to north california and prior to their show on november 5th,
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199, mick jagger traveled to watsonville to see the damage the loma prieta earthquake inflicted only a few weeks ago. lead rodding stone mick jagger paid a visit to downtown watsonville. jagger made his way through the tent city he was quoted as saying, "it's all a bit hard to take in." but the rogging stones are backing up their concern with deeds. they have made a $500,000 donation it our bay area, "relief and for the relief efforts of hurricane hugo. >> that weekend the rolling stones put on two shores at oakland coliseum and faith thereafterrer was on hand for the first performance. >> reporter: for those lucky enough to get the coveted tits they enjoyed 2 two hours and 20 minutes of nonstop rolling stones.
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and there was one last treat from the stones, a fireworks end to a fiery show. rock'n'roll! >> it was phenomenal. the concert was great. everything that you could have imagined. it was terrific. i could come again tomorrow night if i could get a ticket. >> mick, i love you! >> still it to come on "a second look," we fast-forward to 1994 and go backstage as the stones thrilled bay area fans once again. a bit later she is one of the icons of rock'n and roll and we talked to tina tuner 30 years ago when she was trying to jump-start her solo career.
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. >> rolling stones released their first album in 1964 and 30 years later they came back to the bay area to promote yet another new album "voodoo lounge." faith thatcher was there when the stones lit up the stage once again. ♪[ music ]
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. >> i grew up with those boys and what can i say? i love them. they are the greatest. >> i was a boy diapers with i first heard the stops and now i'm bringing my son. >> reporter: rolling stones fans come in all ages, shapes and sizes and this evening they came to the coliseum early. long lines by 5:00 p.m., a chance in more than five years to see the stones live in the bay area. >> it's great, urban going to love it. "voodoo lounge." >> reporter: it was a huge crowd that converged on the coliseum. the smart fans took bart and the big losers tonight were the scalpers who banked on turning a big profit on the tickets that they bought lots of, but
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the stonessed add concerts and getting a seat turned out to be no problem. >> definitely a buyers market. i can't givethemm away. ♪[ music ] . >> reporter: this is the
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rolling stones 19 the 0 style, mick and the boys have had their share of sex and drugs along with the rock'n'roll, but as bobby keys put it, "the bond is not so free-formed anymore and say we're all family men now, but it's still rock'n'roll." >> it's showbiz, but rock'n'roll. the underlying thing is the show, the music, the rock and the roll, which these guys do so well. >> reporter: the rolling stones are consummate entertainers and musicians and tape every concert. keith richards even talks to his guitar to get the best out of it. >> you see the shot of him on the screen and looking down and yelling. he is not yelling at me, but getting the extra bit out of his guitar. >> reporter: in the world of rock'n'roll and concert touring, not everything goes smooth every time. they remember one moment with mick jagger. >> right when we started the ballad, mick ran over to me and
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ran over with this white, ghostly face and said what are the first words? >> luckily i knew what they were and we made it through, but he was shaking there. ♪ hey hey, you got me rocking now ♪ hey hey, you got me rocking now ♪ >> when we come back on "a second look"p you think you if any the rolling stones lyrics? bob shaw talked to folks who had trouble coming up with the right words. and a bit later, talking with tina turner.
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. if you listened tot roll stones music over the decades, there may have been one or two minutes you thought what the heck did the lyrics say or perhaps you knew and only to find out later you had them chronic. you are not alone.
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as bob shaw found out preparing this report from 1977. ♪ time is on my side, yes it is ♪ >> reporter: the world's greatest rock'n'roll band? maybe, maybe not, but it's probably the best loved and certainly the most enduring. in 33 years, they have released more than 30 albums, spiked with rock'n'roll standards we all know by heart, or do we? the rolling stones, you know them, you love them. well, you love themmer you don't really know them and chances are you don't really know what they are inning ising. we dropped into san francisco's hard rock cafe to test a theory. we found stones fans everywhere we turn. >> we're great fans of the rolling stones. >> we're in the stones booth. >> would he rated in line overnight and i got tickets, whew, first night:00 as expected, each fan had a favorite song and as we
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suspected almost no one knew the lyrics to their favorite as stones song. >> i try, i try, i can't get no, no, no, no, and that is it. [ laughter ] that is about it. >> reporter: you don't know the rest of it? >> i don't. ♪ when i'm driving in my car and i'm doing this and i'm doing that. i can't get to ♪ >> . ♪ jumping jack flash is a gas, gas, gas ♪ that is all i know. [ laughter ] >> i don't know the words. >> reporter: i will start you off, i was born in a crossfire hurricane. >> hey, hey, you, you, get off of my cloud. don't come around, because twos a crowd? >> t ♪ >> reporter: keep going? >> i cat. >> reporter: we'll play you a little bit of the song and you tell us what they are saying.?
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>> all right. okay. i live on the 99th floor of my 99th block. >> something about don't move around. [ laughter ] >> is is it shake me, shake me, any way you make me? ♪ >> reporter: what is he saying here? >> baby, baby,youu choose a crown. i don't know. that is what it sounds like to me. >> reporter: don't you sing along with these songs in the car? >> sure you do. [ laughter ]
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>> what doyouu sing? >> blah blah blah blah. . ♪[ music ] [ laughter ] ♪ i fell down ♪ >> he fell down, but before that he was a washed up something. [ laughter [ laughter ] >> left for dead. >> i didn't know it was that depressing. >> reporter: speak of depressing, did you know "brown sugar?" >> i don't know what it's about. >> reporter: do you know what "brown sugar" is about? >> knowing the stones, it's about drugs. >> reporter: no, it's about slavery. >> sold in a market in new orleans, scarred old slaver is
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doing all right, hearing with the woman just about midnight. ♪ brown sugar, how come you dance so good? ♪ >> for some reason by the way, he is singing, you think treassomething happy, like a party, a party at midnight. >> that is a little deeper than i thought. i always had the feeling that they were really, really good song writers, but i didn't know what they were writing about was so intense. so that was a little enlighting thing. [ laughter ] >> reporter: so the next time you are mangling the lyrics to your favorite's stones tune, remember, what they are actually singing could be deep? >> i know it's only rock'n'roll, but i like it. >> reporter: or not, bob shaw, ktvu. >> when we come back on second, we travel to 1900and talk to tina turner.
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. every the 50 years since her first recording tina turner hit the height of music star
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tom. she is in the music hall of fame and on the list of i am mortal artists, but her personal life had its low points leaving her husband, ike, arch years of turmoil. and in 1900she was still working on a career of her own when we brought you this interview. >> reporter: >> reporter: the fcc will bop us over the head we say it, but tina turner at posh nob hill. >> i could remember the headlines from is a years ago, 10 years ago that said "instant sex." . [ laughter ] >> reporter: the reotic woman. do you feel sexy? >> i have admitted to myself
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filmily that apparently i'm giving off a bit of that. >> reporter: a bit? >> you know, i mean the song. how can you sing "honky-tonk woman," or how can you sing these songs instigating sex. i guess you can call it naive. i don't think about it until the people say it. at times i think terrific. this will be great, because i can move easy and look at how cute it looks, but then someone says something. >> reporter: what do you think if our viewers think if i were to tell them that i saw in your room a buddhist altar with the lessons of the kumia sales result raw. >> i would be very happy. i chant. it made a change in my life and in my insides and how i feel about everything. >> reporter: how so? >> i make decisions now from inside. >> reporter: is that where it came from when it came time to
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divorce ike? >> it was the beginning of that. i knew at the time i knew for seven years that i would leave soon, but i didn't know when. for some people it take something to move them. >> reporter: i would say why, because after one year married to ike, and you were married for 16 years, why did it take so long? >> i also believe in karma and i believe in reincarnation. i believe there was something that i had to learn there. >> reporter: there were times when ike was mean to you? >> that true. that was his nature. i realized i was dead when i was there and if i left and i died, it would be okay, because life there wasn't life. >> reporter: it was part of ike also who pushed you to the top, isn't that true-he was great for me. >> reporter: when you left him, you didn't sue or ask for any
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of the community property, why? >> because i felt my freedom was more important than to fight, other than to go through any of the trustions i would have to go through in order to get anything. >> reporter: most people could have both, their freedom and half of rightfully what they are earned? >> it wasn't that way with ike. he was a difficult man and i didn't want to deal with the difficulty. >> reporter: it's hard to believe that it put tina turner on welfare, what was that like- terrific for me, because i removed myself from the material things here. i'm above it and i feel if need be, i could be happy. because you see, happiness comes from within. >> reporter: where do you go now? >> to the top. >> reporter: what is the top? >> thee oscars. >> reporter: an oscar that seem lie a goal out of re.
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tina has only appeared in one film, but like mount st. helens she has been dormant and who knows what will happen if she releases all of that energy? david signberg in san francisco for "segment 2." . ♪[ music ] [ applause ] . >> tina turner! . ♪[ music ] . whether you are a fan of tina turner or not, you have to agree she say consummate
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entertainer and it may be no small coincide that her tour is named after her "tina dancer." >> it's a great, color choreographed show. it's hard to change your shots because you have the lighting and choreography. to find your shots you have to do certain shots. i find myself pretty much in the tour looking for new shots. it's hard to do, but when you are live, you know, for 20,000 people, it's a rush, because you are literally live on the air. when you hear people screaming, you know, when they like a certain shot or something, it's really nice. >> reporter: these are just two of the people who helped to make sure that the audience gets its money's worth and tina is well--cared for.
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and that is it for this weekend's "a second look." i'm frank somerville and we'll see you again next week.


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