tv News at 5pm FOX January 31, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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1,103rd avenue. jeanette is live with what's happening. >> reporter: it was just about ten minutes ago that the police officers spokesperson came out and said that they were able to go in and didn't find any gun men. you can see it's still an active scene. this is the mobile command operating center where they have been basically planning whole operation. if you take a look on the side you can see officers who have blocked off 11th street right here. there are swat team members coming in trying to pack up their bags. this was an active scene from about 12:45 until just about ten minutes ago. i want you to go up to video we had shot earlier from news chopper two. you can see they had blocked off about a four block perimeter around the inner section of third and 11th. that's where the school is and
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the laney child care center next door. both of those were evacuated. we understand one of the reason social security there was a phone call that came into oakland police at 12:45 saying that someone had witnessed a man entering a gun. here is what police had to say. >> he stated he had witnessed a male go into one of the portables at school armed with a rifle. l officers responded, they took the call seriously, locked down the school. >> reporter: now we understand that the children were evacuated and parents were told to pick them up a few blocks away. we talked to a parent and teacher at the time and they said it was a pretty crazy situation for them. >> they called me to say there was a guy that came into the school and with a gun and they were evacuating the kids. >> they -- nope, get their coats, shoes and let's go. >> police told us that they
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did call in the swat team and had a robot that went inside the building, look through the whole building area but didn't find any sign of a gun. back here live you can the police tactical operations truck is moving out as well as police have taken down this barrier here but really quite a tense situation for about four hours out here in oakland. the good thing, nobody hurt and all the children evacuated safely. reporting live in oakland. ktvu channel 2news. >> we are just a few minutes from the governorra state of the state address. as soon ease start wes will carry that speech live. want to show you the live picture from the state capitol where lawmakers have gathered in a joint session to hear him speak. he is expected to devote a good part of the speech to the state's staggering 25 billion- dollar budget gap. he has a critical sales job
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ahead of him to convince republicans to put a tax extension measure on the ballot. the senate president said if that measure fails the $12 billion in cuts will essentially turn into $25 billion in cuts. >> we will make the cuts up front. all we ask is for the opportunity for the people to have the choice on the ballot as to if they want to double the cuts or not double them. i think that's a very fair proposition. >> when jerry brown was governor in the 70's his state of the state speeches rangesserred from ten minutes to about 20. no word on how long tonight's speech will go but we will know shortly. he. and we will continue our coverage on the website. you can catch -- watch clips of the governor's speech when it is over. >> after the city laid off dozens of police officers the mayor of oakland announced this afternoon they are going to
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rehire some of them. paul chambers live with more on that and of course the big question lingering about the department's leadership. >> reporter: several issues, one the radio problem officers had when they couldn't talk to each other seems to be fixed. two additional officers added to the force but will the top cop remain? in what appeared to be a united front the mayor, police chief and members of the council held a press conference to talk about how they plan to work together to support the police force. >> bringing back ten of the laid off officers. i think that sends a really strong message to the existing officers that we want to maintain a safe level of staffing in oakland. >> reporter: they say it may be weeks before they are back on the street. that's because ten of the 80 will be rehired by senority. the mayor will also look into a federal police grant to ask for a parcel tax. still she hopes this will give
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officers a sense of stability. >> we can pretty much promise with the passing of the measure that there will be no more layoffs and we will call back officers. >> reporter: over the weekend four officers were promoted to sergeant. the city will also dedicate it experts to work for opd and they will work to get new or more updated police cars. asked if it's enough for the top cop to remain this is what he sid. >> we are sitting down and the conversation we will talk about that. >> he didn't answer your question you notice. >> you're on a roll today. >> reporter: he will meet to reestablish relationships after applying for the san jose top cop position. live in oakland. paul chambers. channel 2news. >> ine in egypt thousands of americans rushes to get out of
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the country and protesters defy a curfew and take to the street the violence of the past few days has calmed but not the rhetoric. crowds of protesters chanted, marched demanded the president step down. and they are gearing up for what they are calling a million man march tomorrow. for a second day schools, banks and the stock market shut down. the white house called for an orderly transition of government and more democratic freedoms. >> freedom to associate, to talk over the internet, the freedom of speech. >> 50,000 americans are believed to be in egypt. today the state department found flights for 1200 of them. there are plans to get out another 1400 in the next few days. we look at the impact that's having on travel to and from one of the most exotic
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defendantations. >> reporter: here we learned something interesting. that most of the people caught in the weekend's chaos and evacuations in egypt are still in route, especially those coming here to the west coast. this afternoon we found nobody getting off from germany or dubai the two most likely points egypt. >> the most chaos i have been in. >> reporter: we found john fossun in holland. he had just arrive from a cairo airport. >> you couldn't move because of the press of people. there was fist fights, general melees on several occasions between passengers and some of the airline people. >> it was just chaos. i'm sure it's worse today. >> reporter: from what he saw on tv today he said it appears
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that the tourism has shut down, even the one attraction everybody wants to see, the pyramids. >> there was nobody there. they were crawling with tourists on friday. things have closed down. >> reporter: michael ackerman who heads travel marketing said tour operators heeding the state department's high level travel warning. >> for home about to go they are offering refunds or the opportunity to take a tour at a later date in 2011 later. are of. >> it's unclear what will happen i think. i wouldn't tell people to go right now. >> reporter: reporting live from san francisco international airport. ktvu channel 2news. >> taking you live now to the state capitol we understand that the lieutenant governor, is introducing the governor, there is governor brown's wife. here is the governor. we will policemen listen in
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and bring you the speech. [applause . >> thank you. thank you very much. . constitution officers, members of the legislature, members of the supreme court, guests, and my fellow citizens. first i want to thank all of new this chamber for the goodwill that you have extended to my wife and me during these opening days, an extraordinarily difficult and wrenching legislative session. i also add one more note. actually this is my 8th state of the state speech.
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i know that because alone among california residents and other people i have actually read the state of the state speeches. i have found where people mix up inaugurations and state of the state speeches. so in preparation for this i went back and i read them. tedious, sometimes sobering and a challenge to do better. with that prospect in mind i continue. california faces a crisis that is real, and unprecedented. each of us will have to struggle with our conscious and people as we hammer out a sensible plan to put our state on a sound, fiscal footing, honestly balance the budget and position california to regain it's historic momentum. although our state's economy is started to recover we will not create the jobs we need unless we put our own financial house
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in order. it's essential that we do our work boldly, and without delay. my intention is to make california again a leader in job creation, renewable energy and state-of-the-art efficiency shall and a solid, primary and secondary education system. our universities are world known, i intend to see that they continue to enjoy the respect of students and scholars throughout the world. we have to restructure the criminal justice system, realign state and local government functions and stream line state government itself. all this can happen if we find the courage, and summon the will to tackle our budget deficit head on and deal with it honestly and without any purpose of evasion this is not the time for politics as usual.
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our financial system which came close to absolutely -- absolute break down has not fully stabilized. where we go from here either more austerity or more stimulus is hotly contested. even the cause of the mortgage meltdown remains in dispute. now the voters are clearly telling us that our state and our nation are going in the wrong direction. our two main political parties are as farah part as i have ever seen them. still, i know that politics is at the heart of democracy, it's the essence of our structure of freedom and the way we make our collective decisions. we owe it to ourselves and our forebearers and our children to rise to the occasion, do what is right and regain the public trust. kicking the can down the road
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by not owning an honest budget is just out of the question. [applause] [applause] thank you. a democrat who doesn't want to make reductions and programs you fought for and deeply believe it i understand that. if you are a republican who is taking the stand against taxes i understand where are you coming from. this time things are different. in fact the people are saying in their own way they sense something is wrong. they see their leaders divided when they should be decisive and acting with clear purpose. we are still a very rich society. in two years california will have added more than $100 billion to their personal income but the state's credit rating is the lowest of the 50th state, unemployester spent
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higher some are calling california a failed state. at times call out discipline, discipline so that we live with in the revenue we collect each other and vision so that we rise above mere party. . under our form of government it'll be horrible to tell the people of the state they have to right to decide whether it's better to extend current tax statutes another five-years or chop another 12 billion out of schools, public safety, universities and system of caring for the most at risk. let me readable two, section one of the california constitution. all political power is inherent in the people. government is for their protection, security and benefit and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require.
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when democratic ideals and calls for the right to vote are stirring the imagination of young people in egypt and tunsia and other parts of the world we in california can't say now is the time to block a vote of the people. [applause] in the normal course of things matters of state concern are handled in sacramento. when the elected firms find themselves bogged down by deep differences that divide them the only way forward is to go back to the people and seek their guidance. it's time for a legislative check in with the people of california. [applause] i want to see a few republicans clapping on that. we will build up as you get
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along here. or if you want to block the people's right to vote stand up and say block that punt! at this moment of extreme difficulty we should turn to the people and get a clear mandate on how to proceed. either to extend the taxes as i firmly believe or to cut deeply in to the programs from which under federal law we can still extract the sums required. unfortunately these would probably include elementary, midexample high schools, the university of california, the california state university system, prisons and local public safety funding and vital health programs. my plan to rebuild california requires a vote of the people i believe it would be irresponsible for us to exclude the people from this process. they have the right to vote on this plan. the state belongs to all of us, not just those in this chamber.
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given the unique nature of the crisis and the serious impact our decisions will have on millions of california residents whether it's more cuts, extend taxes, the voters deserve to be heard. do i like the choices we face? no. i don't like them. after serious study of the options left by a 25 billion- dollar deficit the budget i proposed is the best that i can get. if any of you have any other suggestions that you think are better please share them with us, after all they are in this together. in resent days a lot has been made of the proposed elimination of redevelopment agencies. mayors have come to the capitol and pressed their case that redevelopment is different from child care, university funding, our grants to the aged, the disabled the blind. they base their case on the
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claim that the funds lever age other funds and create jobs. i understand this because i saw it firsthand as a mayor of oakland. i also understand that redevelopment funds come directly from local property taxes that would otherwise pay for schools and core services like police and fire protection and care for the most at risk people in our society. so, it's a matter of hard choices. i come down on the side of those who believe that core functions of government must be funded first but be clear, my plan protects current projects and supports all funds and detect of those redevelopment agencies. from the time i first proposed what i thought was a balanced bumming approach to the deficit both cuts and temporary
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extension of current taxes dozens of groups affected by the proposed cuts have said we should cut somewhere else instead. others say we should not extend the current taxes but let them go away. so far however these same people have failed to offer even one alternative solution. all honesty we have a right to get the alternative. this is a chamber of debate, of democracy and let the different ideas come forward but let them be ideas that measure up to the challenge before us. [applause] as i have said before i have come here not to embrace the delay or denial but to get the job done. if you have solutions that are viable, by all means present
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them. we need everybody's best thinking. you can applaud on that republican; you can applaud, come on. [applause] where i look i see difficult choices and so do all of you. i also see a bright future up ahead and the california economy that's on the mend. we get our budget in balance, california will be in a strong position to take advantage of its many assets and it's strategic location on the pacific rim. as the country's of asia and south of the border continue to do well and expand their trade our state will play a leading role as it always has and will reap benefits. we have the inventors, the dreamer, the venture captain lifts and the vast array of physical, and political assets. we have been called the great exception because for generations california has
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defied the odds. people keep coming because of the dream that's still california and once here they their determination and boundless energy feeds that dream and makes it grow. when i first came to sacramento steve jobs had not jet invented their personal computer. there was no wind generated power and we didn't have the most advanced building hards. of course yahoo, google, facebook and twitter didn't exist. not even in someone's imagination. california has grown from less than $200 billion when i first came to this area to now over 2 trillon dollars expected this year. california has been on the move. a model, a miracle, and some kind of gift. yes, i will work with you on
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the issues from water, and realignment to health care and prisons, to agriculture, schools and environment and transportation. we must also face the long term challenge of ensuring that the public pensions are fair to both taxpayers and workers alike. finally, at a time -- [applause] so that's vague. either side can read into it whatever you want. in a sense we want to welcome all possibilities. don't close off to. many finally at a time when -- when more than two million are out of work we must search out and strip away ana accumulated burdens that stand in the way of invertment and job creation.
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[applause] and i did say unreasonable. let's not forget that job number one make no mistake about it is fixing our state budget and getting the spending in line with our revenue. once we do that the rest is going to be easy, at least easier if they have learned to work together and earn back the respect and trust of the people we serve. i look forward to working with all of you. republicans and democrats, together to build this state of ours in to what we know it can be again. thank you. [applause] . >> governor jerry brown speaking for about 15 minutes about how the state is facing a crisis that's real and unprecedented. speaking as well about his budget plan and to deal with the 25 billion-dollar deficit and how in his word it's would be irresponsible not to allow people to vote on whether to extend taxes to help deal with
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that deficit. >> that deficit is certainly the talk of the state. kim pritchett was watching that live at the capitol and if we can bring you there to the coverage now we heard a no nonsense tone at his inauguration a month and a half ago. we heard that same tone from the governor. we understand that he wrote his own speech and it was like lie handwritten on the paper he was reading. >> reporter: yes. the -- the speech by the governor took 14 minutes and as you heard his -- the primary item he was talking about was the budget. he said this is a job that we must get done and it's a job that requires many of the republicans in here to buy into his budget proposal. the governor needs two thirds of the republicans in the senate to prove taking this issue to the voters, to -- pass a ballot measure that would appear on the june ballot to extend taxes that have expired or are set to expire later this year. there is a 25 billion-dollar
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budget gap, the taxes, this he is looking for would essentially reduce by half the amount of cut that need to take place. right now he is looking at cutting about 12 and a half billion dollars. that's something he is trying to get democrats to sign onto. he wants -- if that ballot measure to extend taxes in place right now, if that failed they would be back to the drawing board and have to get another $12 billion so that's about 24-$25 billion in cuts which democrats essentially say is something that can't be done but republicans believe those cuts are there though we have yet to hear a -- an analysis or description. we hope to hear from some of the republican leaders to get a republican response once they make their way over from the floor. if we don't have them heading this way we will have to bring you that response from republicans, response to the
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governor's state of the state and will bring that at 6:00. >> we heard the governor say addressing republicans saying you can clap now, was it -- could you tell if republicans were clapping for anything that he said? >> reporter: yes, yes, there were moments when he had applause from both sides and laughter from both sides. the republicans liked the lines that the governor had referring to cutting regulation and that was a line that essentially he put in for the republicans. essentially most of what you heard was the positive response was from the democratic lawmakers here. >> and some of the programs that he outlined saying that these will be affected and likely will be cut, education from primary through higher, criminal justice, health programs, prisons, streamlining government, and he really did say many time that as divided
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as the two sides are we have to come together and he said kick the can down the road is no option. >> reporter: i thought that was one of the most interesting things that he said in his state of the state speech today. when he gave his inauguration address he mentioned the need to get the taxes passed by voters but he wouldn't say if -- if that ballot measure were to fail where would the cuts come from. he said he didn't want to hold a gun to anybody's head. tonight he outlined where those additional $12.5 billion would come from if that measure would fail and he mentioned a k through 12 education. the health care system so tonight he did lay that out essentially putting it on the table before the republican lawmakers here and the voters should it appear unthe ballot the consequences of not pacing the extensions. these are tax that are already in place now or have expired
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just recently. that's essentially where they are looking for the other half. >> live in the capitol. we will let you go so you can go find lawmakers. we will come back when you have that. >> it has been almost 30 years since jerry brown gave his last state of the state address and as in the past he was known for keeping his speeches short. in tonight's address he spoke for about 15 minutes. some of his previous state of the state addresses back in the 70s and 80's were as short as nine. his inauguration address ran for 16 minutes. in his final state of state address in january of last year the governor spoke for 27 minutes. >> the state budget gap seems huge but for a group of seniors it boils down to small but very significant numbers. >> we only play 350 a meal which is very good. if it went up to six or seven dollars i don't know. a lot of people would drop out.
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>> reporter: places like the senior center face hard times. city leaders are looking for more money from the state, not less. coming up at six the price they could pay ace result of the state budget. we will continue the coverage on the website. you can watch clips of the governor's speech there. >> onto the weather now. another beautiful day here in the bay area but we look ats cooling down? >> i think the headline is going to be fog back in the forecast. i don't know about a dense fog advisory but visibility in the north and east bay as they had last week. it'll be a little dicey. in san francisco, 52, 54 in oakland, it's kind of cooling off. overnight, they will be down to mid-30s, low 40s. it's almost february so that's what you expect. tonight areas of fog. that's the headline. into tomorrow fog and sun right in to the bay area tuesday, and
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then into wednesday. the long range forecast it's dry again. rain over the weekend. some years nearly an inch but dying outw. will see a dry pattern. 35 degrees tomorrow morning. mere is the deal. we had coastal fog. that patchy fog is going to kind of be push away. the winds will start to click off shore. that will make this fog more present. the winds are what kind of inhibit the fog forming. what's going to happen over the next 48 hour those will die down but will still continue a slight flow ott of the east and that means valley fog. this pattern not that different from last week. all of the stuff last week. 740s. might see that this week. we had a lot of fog advisories. ly watch that. no rain in the immediate forecast but fog is a concern. when i come back i have the five-day forecast. we will look around for rain. we will look to the coastal fog and how warm your city will get tomorrow. some cities aren't going to be
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. the governor's address just wrapped up less than ten minutes ago and already strong republican reaction is coming in. our ken pritchett wants to speak live at the capitol. >> reporter: we are joined now by senator huff republican. he is the senate budget vice chair. your reaction to what you heard tonight in the state of the state. >> this was not a business as usual speech but it's built on a business as usual budget. he talked about getting the house in order, that's a good thing, he talked about not kicking the can down the road but we still have a budget on a 11 billion-dollar hole and he wants to the people to decide. they keep talking to us and we get tone deaf because we don't
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like their answer and we confuse that with them not speak. >> reporter: the plan relies on some republican support to put this measure on the ballot. will that happen? >> it's something we haven't really discussed. the real problem is we want to see reform. we saw just passing reference to that about pensions. it was almost an after thought. when the voters feel we are getting every dollar out of what they are sending up here they may be willing to do it and some of our members may be willing to go up women aren't talking about that. we are talking about going out and raising taxes first and then over the long term we will get it in order. this is a people that is frustrated with sacramento and tired of letting us tell them we will do that tomorrow. >> reporter: you believe the cuts there, the mantra to the democrat -- it's the cuts up front and it would double if 24 doesn't pass. that's the argument to voters.
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do you believe the cuts are will? >> the cuts aren't an honest number. it's built on when he have done in the past. its being called that but the reality is it's only eight billion dollars of cuts, it's $14 billion of taxes, six and a half billion dollars of fund shifts. they are saying its equal cuts in revenue because that's who polls well but it's not the reality. >> thank you very much. i appreciate you joining us live. that's the republican reaction that we just heard conclaude from the governor. we will send it back to you. >> there is new information on what triggered a deadly shooting. police are saying that it was a rage killing over competition between two tourist shops. they say that a merchant walked in to a neighboring shop there on jefferson street and opened fire. the chronicle says he was angry because the store was selling counterfeit copies as the same goods as in his shop.
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>> we want to make clear it's not a robbery, this is another isolated -- this is isolated, but the -- suspect is known to the victim. >> the victims were an asian man and woman. both were employees of the shop and lived in san francisco. >> investigators are working to determine how a fire start inside a puppy cage in a pet store. they were called to the puppy paws store on fremont at 6:00 a.m. they were able to prevent the flames spreading to nearby buildings and had the fire out in 15 minutes. three puppies died, six more were rescued. >> we have an area where it start bud there is no cause right now. >> firefighters say the store will stay closed right now. it didn't damage the building but the store's contents were
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they cleared the scene. the school received an anonymous tip of a man with a gun on campus. the school was put on lockdown and you can see the students being led away from classrooms to a safe area. parents came there early to pick them up. police spent the afternoon sweeping the campus but didn't find the gunman. coming up at six we take you back live to the scene where the update on what's happening at the school and in the general neighborhood. >> business owners at the ferry building say they have seen an increase in the homeless people coming in and causing problems. rob roth is live where he learned that some are wonder figure it has to do with a manager construction project nearby. >> store owners inside the san francisco ferry building said they have been seeing more and more homeless people lately and some are stealing and caution trouble. >> if you have problems you can reach out. >> reporter: the complaint plains have reached city hall.
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>> line usually back out there. >> reporter: they say homeless people have stolen tip jars. >> they neck in, open up the fridge, grab our goods and try to take off. >> reporter: other complaints include someone licking the windows and throwing trash in to the bay. >> they shoplift the beer and wine and we had to move it. >> reporter: some have said the increase in problems seems to coincide with the demolition of the transbay terminal. about 100 homeless were living in there and have since been displaced. the city's homeless services director said most of those people squatting in the terminal are off the streets and in programs but not all. >> we really have whatever
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people need on the street to come inside but again many folks deep into their disease, deep in their disability and feel resistance. >> reporter: he said the city will start sending social workers to the ferry building. >> have the social workers in the building engaging homeless people and talking to them about other options out there. >> reporter: our calls to the manager have not been returned. there is security but store owners say it's a busy place and security officers isn't be everywhere. reporting live. rob roth. >> it's only seven millimeters big but this bug threatens a 7 million-dollar industry and the effort to get rid thankful is just about to heat up. >> the rain has ended the fog will return. that will impact as you drive around on tuesday morning. ly show you where the fog will be.
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. the may sate gloves are coming off in the battle against a destrucdive bugs. how millions of dollars of produce hang in the balance. >> reporter: this war this is the epicenter. two of the pests found here last fall. the next move deploying hundreds of these traps. >> this ranch is about 50 acres. >> reporter: the grapevine moth was first scene here last september where 300-tons of
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wine grapes produced every year. it's only seven millimeters long but threatens a seven million dollar industry, one of nine california counties quarantine because they go into grapes. >> we have to do more work. it's probably going to cost us about $30,000 more because of the quarantine. >> reporter: it stretches south morgan hill to north g," lroy. these trap also go up throughout the county to find if the bug has spread. >> we haven't had much opportunity to determine if it's moved. that is why the more trapping to see where it is. this is a key time. >> it is. >> yeah. >> reporter: a the problem was mapped out today for more than three dozen growers. steve is planted wild flowers
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to attract more bug predators. >> as much as we don't like using pesticides this one time we are going to have to spray. >> i think we will be okay. >> reporter: and here is how it works. the female moth sense lures the males, they get stuck in glue. it's to early to say how long it'll last. agriculture officials say it appears that it'll likely be at least through next year. live in gilroy. >> uc berkeley has missed a deadline to decide the fate of several sports teams. they had wanted to make a decision by today on if they would continue funding five teams. men's and women's gym, lacrosse, rugby and baseball. a spokesman said it's complicated because of the money and federal rule those must com buy with. >> we have the obligation to give clarity to the students and the uncertainly has been
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horrible soy think the an anticipation is by the end of the week we will know. >> reporter: supporters have raised $60 million to keep the teams. the university has said the group would need $25 million for anen bowment. >> dumping up next at six more on the governor's state of the state address. we look at what he said, what he didn't say and the republican reaction. julie is in the newsroom with other stories. >> reporter: also at six continuing coverage this the evacuation and lockdown at i elementary school. at six new information on the tip that triggered the frightening ordeal. we are live on the scene. also ahead what you are be log at are not toy guns. these are real weapons. why are they being painted in why police are so worried. plus it's called porn sunday and hundreds of churches taking part. we will tell what you they will preach and why they picked this sunday to do it. we will see you at six.
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>> thank you. back now to bill martin where he has information that may impact the morning drive tomorrow. >> yes. back into a dry pattern. that dry pattern let that fog form. remember last week -- we will see a lot of valley fog in the inland bay valley, toward concord, pittsburgh and antioch. the wind wills start to come out of the east tonight and tomorrow. the easterly winds, that's the direction and what that will do is transport the fog that forms so easily out there in the valley. it'll transport that fog into our neighborhood. we coastal fog now. out in the outer richmond, sunset direct you have fog. coastal fog that. should be gone ty tomorrow. little patches of it. here is the jet stream and look at that vertical -- that is a big ridge of high pressure. there is no rain in the forecast for this entire week. the rain we have yesterday is good. you know put -- inch of rain in
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some people's rain buckets. it was -- not long enough. it would be nice to get more. this high pressure stick around. that's why there is fog. you have seen this before. this is just what we were last week. let's look at the fog and we see dense fog advisories last week, we did. could we see them this week, maybe, we could possibly see them this week and of course that storm track. more rain to the pacific northwest. for us dense fog in the morning, hazy sun, dry, the coastal section also be nice. marin countsy, coastal sections there. that valley fog form -- not a lot of wind toward modesto, that fog starts to seep in to the inland valleys, walnut, concord. even if the fog isn't in your neighborhood in livermore the cool air comes in. a daytime highs they may not
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get out of the upper 40e. coastal sections could be in the mid ofo's all week. the forecast, a broad brush. patchy fog for everybody at seven. lunchtime most of us in the upper 50s, mostly to upper -- the warm spot. that's along the coast. that's in san jose, sunny and mild. that's the tuesday forecast. the valley fog sticks around, it's going to be with us for the entire week. be prepared for that. the forecast highs tomorrow will be in the upper 50s, low 60s. there is its five-day forecast. we are looking for a dry week ahead with fog, nuisance fog being there. coastal fog should leave by tomorrow but the valley fog coming back. >> thank you. >> remembering a young woman lost 22 years later. vigil scheduled to remember her. why her parents say events in recent years giving them hope she may still be alive.
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giving them new hope of some day finding eileen. >> the scott mcfarland reports lawmakers pushing for bigger changes on the war front. >> reporter: richard allen smith spent two years fighting and surviving the war in afghanistan. it caught our ear when i asked him what he thought about the future of the year that he brought up money. >> so many people in afghanistan spending so many lives on this and not just lives but -- that's the most important thing but -- a lot of taxpayer money that's going to fund this. >> reporter: with the deficit going past 1.5 trillon dollars everybody seems to be talking about money, even the pentagon budget once thought to be untouchable is facing cuts now. next month the white house hoping to start troop withdrawals by july is expected to take a saw to its budget for the war by $42 billion. the biggest cut since september 1st.
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opposed by republicans who are worried the withdrawals won't happen on time. barbara boxer proposed the president make official his timeline for withdrawalling troops, to start doing so in july. barbara lee is pushing for a faster, full withdrawal of troops and larger savings. >> we have to end the war in afghanistan if we really are going to start to reduce the deficit and bring the young men and women home. >> reporter: to which one responded. >> the deficit is a huge concern and an argument for cutting spending including parts of the pentagon but it's not an argument for risking a return of afghanistan to a country that is i safe haven for terrorists again. >> reporter: the president's budget will be officially release washington if two weeks. scott mcfarland. >> and there is much more ahead. the news at six is next. we have new information we just got on the developing story in east oakland where a school was
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scary situation, a bare area elementary school where reports of a gunman prompted a lockdown. >> the governor wrapped up his first state of the state address less than an hour ago. his strong words about what the state has to do to deal with its massive budget gap. >> complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is ktvu channel 2news at six. >> good evening . >> we have new information right now about this afternoon's lockdown and evacuation at an oakland elementary school. janet has been talking to police on the scene about what happened and the phone call that prompted officers to move in and she joins us now with the report. >> reporter: we were out here since it first started at about a quarter to one and i just spoke with police, with the school district who said something very interesting. they say the original call that started this came from inside the school. we have moved
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