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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 6, 2011 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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good morning. i'm jade hernandez. almost two dozen injuries in a late night san francisco fire. coming up hear from the battalion chief about damage to the building. i'm tara moriarty live in san francisco. will barry bonds testify in his own trial? we'll have an update coming up. a look at safety records for the southwest plane that had a hole break open in flight reveals critical information about whether somebody should have seen that coming. it's all ahead on the ktvu morning news.
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and good morning. i'm claudine wong in for pam cook. it's wednesday april 6th. start with a quick look at weather and traffic. good morning, steve. good morning, claudine. we have clear skies. the wind has picked up a little bit. that will be the theme today. mostly sunny. a cooler air mass came in late yesterday. so lots of 60s to under breezy to windy conditions. 50s and low 60s closer to the coast and bay. now an update on any traffic with sal. steve, right now highway 4 looks to be off to a good start here even in antioch where it's normally slow right now the traffic really hasn't caught up with the morning commute just yet. we're looking at interstate 880 traffic in front of the coliseum off to a nice start. 4:31. let's go back to the desk. topping our news a fire in the tenderloin district was breaking news during our 10:00 news last night. ktvu spoke with the battalion
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chief. jade hernandez is live on the scene with more on what's happening. good morning, jade. >> reporter: good morning. a lot going on here right now even at this hour. this is tailor and redding. firefighters wrapping up right here. even the american red cross still out here this morning. this fire broke out around 9:00 last night. we've been told there was partial roof collapse and that the fire crawled up the fire escape. we can tell you right now everyone is accounted for but there were half a dozen people rescued last night. this was a three-alarm fire. as i mentioned the american red cross is out here. they set up across the street. all total there were about 20 injuries. six of which suffered smoke inhalation and taken to the hospital. this six story building is located at 201 eddie street. we spoke to the battalion chief. >> fire damage, yes. the fire got up in the walls and they had to open the walls up and squirt water to put them out. there is fire damage from the first floor through the roof.
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>> reporter: as i mentioned before, half a dozen residents from this apartment were rescued. some of the residents were told to shelter in place until firefighters could get to them. we watched as some of them were escorted from the building. coming up we're going to hear from a few of those residents who were rushed from their home late last night. live in san francisco, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. this could be a big day in the barry bonds perjury trial. bonds could take the witness stand in his own defense. ktvu's tara moriarty joins us live from outside the federal courthouse in san francisco with more on this. good morning, tara. >> reporter: good morning, claudine. you know we don't know if the defense is bluffing about bonds taking the stand. legal analysts say they could be doing this just to throw off the prosecution because they would then waste a lot of time and energy trying to prepare to cross examine bonds. one thing we know the judge will consider throwing out one of the five charges pending against bond and whether to strike some of the material
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presented by prosecutors. that would include the testimony of bell admitting that she exaggerated that in 2003. also just threw out a seven year audiotape and on it bonds' former business manager secretly recorded a conversation with bonds' orthopedic surgeon dr. ting. he said he had talked to ting 50 times about bonds' alleged steroid use, but ting flatly denied it. no the judge said the audio on the tape was barely intelligible. the defense will call three to six witnesses, one of them possibly bonds. another hoskins. they are interested in talking to him about a portion of those secret tape that is we have not heard yet. a part they say proves he was trying to extort money from bonds. live in san francisco, i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. jury deliberations could begin today in the sanity phase
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of the trial of the accused hillsdale bomber. three experts testified that alex was legally sane during the 2009 attack. last week the jury convicted him of six felonies including attempted murder. if he's found sane he spends life in prison. if not he will be sent to a mental hospital. officials now say that southwest airline jet that landed last week with a hole in its roof did have up to date safety records. boeing says testing were not expected to crack until after 60,000 flights. the southwest jet that was force today make an emergency landing last week had only made 40,000 flights. as a result of that incident, the f.a.a. has ordered electromagnetic testing for older boeing 737s. tomorrow cal train could approve a plan to have riders more and operating less often. 64 weekend trains, but a cost
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cutting schedule that's been tentively approved would eliminate ten weekday trains, close three stations and increase fares and parking fees. they face a $30 million budget gap in the coming year. coming up at 4:50 we'll tell you about another bay area transit looking to come up with ways to make up its deficit. time now is 4:35. head right back out to sal who is watching our early morning traffic for us this morning. hi, sal. hi, claudine. good morning to you. traffic is moving well around the bay area. no major problems 80 westbound. a nice drive coming out to the macarthur maze. if you're driving any time soon toward the bay bridge it should be a very nice drive for you. this morning's commute looks good at the toll plaza as you might imagine a nice drive getting into san francisco. and if you're driving in the south bay, northbound 280 traffic continues to move along very nicely all the way up to
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highway 17. traffic is very light in the south bay with no major problems reported. 4:36. let's go to steve. all right, sal, thank you. yesterday not bad. mostly sunny. then we turned mostly cloudy later in the day. but overall the end result is going to be a cooler air mass. we're in between systems so it will be sunny today until the next system approaches. might push in low clouds closer to the coast. the key will be the wind today as that system is getting closer and getting closer. we're going to see the wind ramp up here. so it's going to be a blustery day. excuse me. 40s and one 50 there at concord. any breeze and your temps held up. san raphael at 45. 44 redwood city. there are some that are cool. santa rosa north at 10 that's usually a warm wind for them. we'll see if that holds. west 13 at sfo southwest fairfield this will really start to pick up later on. there's our low. that's the key. that's the one dropping in tomorrow and our temperatures are going to plunge. a blustery day but it will be sunny to mostly sunny. maybe late in the day we'll see some of those clouds come in.
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even with the sun it's going to be a cooler day. highs 58 to 68. and upper 50s on the coast. low 60s, some mid-60s to upper 60s. i think we've knocked down the 70s. north wind can do it occasionally, but in anticipation of that system dropping in that will give us a much colder air mass. highs in the 50s on thursday and friday. it's a very cold system. the lows on friday into saturday very critical at times could be near freezing for wind protected areas. claudine. a plan to put a parcel tax measure before voters in oakland may be at risk. last nite the city council failed to push through an emergency declaration that would have cleared the way for a special city election. council members voted against that because they said it opened government rules saying there wasn't enough public notice. mayor quan is asking for a special meeting later this week. oakland faces a $46 million budget shortfall. san francisco could be lifting its payroll tax in an effort to keep business in the
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city. the board of supervisors gave tentive approval to a proposal design today keep twitter in san francisco. the microblogger has threatened to leave its fulsome street headquarters and move down the peninsula where it could expand. so the idea of eliminating payroll tax was floated. critics say it's corporate welfare but supporters say it will revitalize the mid market and tenderloin areas. >> this will have potential to truly impact mid market that i think the way our city has want today see for decades. >> setting us up for having this exact same discussion for other companies in other districts who are also going to wonder why they're not getting their fair share. >> supervisors must still give their final approval. a vote is scheduled for next week. time now 4:39. an outpouring of support for a giants fan brutally attacked. how the world championship team is now planning to help this father of two. there was nothing left to the house. it disintegrated. >> emotional testimony for victims of the san bruno
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pipeline explosion. what they are asking for from state regulators. good morning. traffic son westbound 24 is off to a nice start on the way to oakland. we'll tell you more about the morning commute straight ahead.
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good morning. it's clear outside. but the wind will start to pick up. already has for a few. it will be sunny to mostly sunny today. but highs in the 60s and rather
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windy at times. time now 4:42. on capitol hill democrats and republicans remain far apart in negotiations for the remaining months of this year's budget. this just three days ahead of a god shut down. following a meeting at the white house yesterday president obama says it's time for congressional leaders to act like grown ups. house speaker john bay nor and harry reed met later in the day for what both sides described as a productive session. and in the meantime we are learning more details about what president obama's schedule will be when he comes to the bay area later this month. the president is going to hold a town hall style meeting at facebook in palo alto on april 20th. the rest of his visit here will focus on fund raising for his re-election campaign and that includes a dinner for 35,000. $800 per person. and a lower dollar event in san francisco with tickets priced at $25 to $2500.
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in japan the utility that owns that damaged nuclear plant says it has finally been able to stop the leak of highly radioactive water that has been pouring into the pacific ocean. tokyo electric power company says it plugged the leak where contaminated water had been gushing out through a large crack. leak was discovered on saturday and radiation of more than 7.5 million times the legal limit for sea water was found nearby. victims of the san bruno explosion are now getting the chance to tell their stories to the people in charge of making changes. >> there's nothing left to the house. it disintegrated. >> last night the california public utilities commission held a five hour hearing to start drafting new natural gas pipeline rules. they heard testimony from san bruno resident who is called for improved pipeline tests and substantial fines for pg&e who they say failed to inspect the aging pipeline. >> when the national transportation safety board investigation is complete, when
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the public utility commission's investigation is complete, you'll find pg&e being held accountable. yesterday a state senate committee passed a bill requiring automatic or remote controlled shut off valves on all pipelines in populated areas and on pipelines that cross active fault lines. now the bill goes to senate appreciations committee for a vote. the giants fan brutally beaten outside dodgers stadium remains in a coma in a los angeles hospital this morning. doctors say 42-year-old is suffering from brain damage. that could affect his speech, memory and personality. his devastated family members held a news conference outside the hospital yesterday. they are calling on the two attackers to turn themselves in. >> it's bad enough that they hit him. at least come forward. have the courage to face the facts and face the book for what you've done here. >> they weren't true dodger fans. we know that it's not the dodgers fans. >> the giants announced the
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team plans to honor stowe during a pre-game ceremony at friday's home opener at at&t park. the team is also going to raise money to help pay for his medical bills. he is a paramedic and father of two children. meantime some paramedics in the south bay are going to hold a fundraiser to help him today. they will host a barbecue at 1670 last plums a avenue in san jose. that begins at noon today and all the way until 8:00 tonight. a memorial will be held today to honor a 21-year-old south bay marine killed in afghanistan last week. the event is at santa clara high school which was his alma mater. it's going to include dance and martial arts. both are activities he loved. the department of defense says he died on sunday while supporting combat operations. no further details were released. we have a sad update on the search for an at risk missing man in santa cruz county. authorities say they have found the body of 58-year-old
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timothy. a family hiking near the river found his remains in the river bed on monday. he was reported missing two weeks ago by the staff of a care facility in felton. he suffered from mental disabilities. an autopsy is going to be performed later this week. there is a search underway in concord for two men accused of robbing a store at gunpoint. the robbery happened at 5:30 yesterday afternoon in the 1800 block of monument boulevard. police say the two men walked into the store, pointed their guns at an employee and then left with an unknown amount of cash. there are only vague descriptions of the men. police say they are both african-american and six feet tall. one had severe acne. both had on black hoodies and a white shirt. we're now hearing from richmond's police chief after two officers were placed on paid leave for buying handguns for local teens. the chief called the allegations troubling and says they need to investigate policeman conduct that is pivotal to ensure public trust. the officers harris and thomas are accused of recruiting teens
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from the department's youth program, hiring them for a private security company and then giving them handguns. >> basically purchased it for us. we were under the age of 21 at the time. >> they were two of 18 richmond explorers recruited to patrol high crime areas. after a falling out with their bosses, rio says officer harris tried to set him up to get a dui. the officers are still running their private security firm. the two officers have filed discrimination charges against the department. but we were unable to reach them for comment. the berkeley unified school district is looking for ways to improve campus safety after several gun-related incident this is year. the plan calls for a police officer on campus five days a week. right now an officer is there for only four days. school officials also want to study the idea of student id badges and partial closures for district campuses. berkeley police also say having security officers wear uniforms could help deter crime. one of the men convicted in
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the 1976 bus kidnapping could be out of prison in ten years. the state parole board has granted richard parole in 2021. that's when he's going to be 66 years old. now 35 years ago he, his brother james and fred woods kidnapped 26 students and their bus driver and buried them in a van in the livermore quarry. the hostages freed themselves after hours underground. his parole could still be revoked. what if you could be given a warning right before the next major earthquake hits? a new alert system in the works and what it would take to make it reality. and thousands of sticks of dynamite. the exclusive look at the preparations for the explosive demolition at an old east bay hospital.
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oakland's former oak nil naval hospital is now rigged with explosives in preparation for friday's demolition. ktvu got exclusive access inside the building. ground walls have been knocked out. and each of the building's 1500 columns are now embedded with four sticks of dynamite. the implosion is scheduled to take place between 10:00 a.m. and noon on friday. it's still unclear what will take the building's place. we could soon know about major earthquakes here in the bay area right before they happen. uc berkeley scientists unveil add prototype for a warning system that would alert people a few seconds to a minute before an earthquake happens. that would give people enough time to take shelter. for agencies such as bart, time to slow trains enough to overt derailment. take about $85 million and ten years to have that system up and running. police at uc berkeley are warning students to be on alert after one was attacked while walking on campus. that happened at 11:00 sunday
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night near the tennis stadium on the west side of the campus just off oxford street. the woman was walking alone. police say the man grabbed her in an inappropriate way and then ran off. she had called 911 and campus police responded but could not find the man. a new report released this morning showed retail sales were up last month compared to march of 2010. but the mastercard spending report shows growth was slower in some categories. easter, lingering cold weather and rising gas prices as consumers cut back on nonessential spending. but online sales jumped 16% as shoppers look for ways to save on driving. public hearings are being held this week to discus fare increases. that proposal will include annual percentage increases over the next five years for buss and ferries. adult fares would go up $1 and increase 5% over the next four years. the other fares would increase 5% annually beginning july 1st.
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the first public hearing is tonight at the whistle top -- whistle stop in san raphael at 6:00 p.m. time now 4:53. let's go back out to sal for a look at roads this morning. hi, sal. claudine, hello again. we're doing pretty well out there. in case you're wondering if you want to leave the house now and drive to work if you have to do that this is a look at highway 24. we've been looking in the east bay to make sure things are still doing pretty well and they are on highway 4, on highway 680 and also on highway 24. as you see highway 24 on the right there getting up to oakland right through lafayette. this is a look at the san mateo bridge and traffic there looks good westbound 92 traffic looks good to the high-rise. we've also been looking at the dumbarton bridge and the traffic there is moving along very nicely. if you're on 237 crossing 880 this is about the best you will see it throughout the day. usually gets busy. southbound 880 nearby is going to be moving along very nicely
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and there are no problems in san jose along northbound 101 getting into the silicon valley. we're off to a pretty good start all over the place. just checked in with chp and they are not reporting any accidents along the major corridors. coming up on 4:55. let's go to steve. what time is that, sal? >> steve, it is 4:54. >> almost 4:55. yes. it's early. it's also clear out there. it's going to be a mostly sunny day but rather blustery, breezy at times to windy and cooler even though the sun is out we're going to have a much cooler air mass come in. leading edge of that started yesterday. the big change though is just upstream in the oregon area. coming straight on down. it will give us a mostly cloudy, colder, yes, colder, thursday and also windy. this is not a big rain producer since it's coming out of the gulf of alaska but not going over water. it's coming over land so it doesn't hold much moisture. light rain, possibility of thundershowers though. days are longer, angle of the
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sun is higher and this is a very dynamic system. just doesn't have a lot of moisture with it. if it does there will be low snow levels. today if you don't mind a little bit of wind -- it's been my experience people don't like the wind most of anything. it's going to be sunny but rather breezy to blustery at times. 40s mid and upper. everyone's in the same ballpark here. 44 at livermore and 44 at napa. west at 13 and sfo. southwest fairfield north at 10. san jose northwest at 3. when they get a northwest that comes over the bay. that's a little bit of a cooler breeze. it's on its way that wind. it will pick up later on. in advance of that low dropping down. again, it's mainly a cold system. and that's going to sweep all the way through down to southern california by looks like friday afternoon and evening. the end result for us is going to be a huge drop in temps. again, this is more of a showery pattern. there really won't be a lot of rain with it. could be an isolated area maybe a third picks up but it's going to be the april chill with highs in the 50s.
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highs in the 50s in january or february is okay. but when you get to april you expect it to be a little warmer than that. good ten degrees below average this time of year. mostly sunny, cooler day today. 50s and 60s. sometimes the north wind can be warm but too much of a cooler air mass on the way. colder with showers, possible thundershowers into early friday. by friday night it's gone. giants game it will be cool and breezy to windy. and then saturday morning's where i'm concerned about critical minimums for maybe a couple hours. then sunny and warmer. sunday night another system comes in, claudine. thanks, steve. time now 4:57. oakland's parcel tax gets put on hold. the bad news for the city that's good news for your pocketbook. and a san francisco hotel ravaged by a late night fire. the scene residents are facing as they return home this morning.
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we're live in san francisco where a late night fire, a three-alarm fire, displaced many residents. you're going to hear from one of those residents coming up. i'm tara moriarty live in san francisco. he'd be the most anticipated person to take the stand. will barry bonds testify in his own trial? also breaking down ahead of schedule. when boeing designers say the 737 is supposed to run into trouble. it's all ahead on the


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