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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  September 21, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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surveillance video that will send chills down your spine. find out how this gunman's rampage ends. and a love story of the anchor woman and her prince. viewers saw the proposal -- viewers saw the proposal. it's not bloods versus crips but we have a cray zin gang fight caught on tape. find out which ape got the upper hand. these two grannies prove that tailgating never goes out of style. hello, everyone. welcome to "right this minute." today is wednesday, september
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21st. we're gonna start the show off by heading to saudi arabia. christie ann has some pretty jaw-dropping footage. it better not disappoint. >> it will definitely not disappoint. in video is as epic as it is dangerous. this is a a group of guys -- this is a group of guys taking a care and drifting right on the street. they are actually shooting in the air with people on the street. >> this is insane! >> these guys are always trying to one-up each other. this is an underground sport. they do it on the street. look at the wheel. the wheels are almost hitting the truck. they are almost hitting oil tanks. what you just saw here is this car almost, almost, almost hit
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a school bus. >> it's amassachusettsing as it is scary, sat -- amazing as it is scary, dangerous. >> it must be something that happens pretty often on their roads. >> that's correct. there are actually spectators hanging out on the side of the road watching where this happened. they are taking pictures. >> there's the little boy with his camera phone. you just know that never minute something is gonna go wrong -- that any minute something is gonna go wrong and somebody is gonna get hurt. this -- this is surveillance video video -- surveillance video just released. i want to warn you that some of these images may be disturbing. you are seeing gunman, james palmer, walking through the
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crawford county courthouse he's believed to have been there looking for judge gary katrell. you see him walk into the judge's office firing his gun. the judge was not there. you can see this woman hiding under her desk, try another woman pounding, trying to get in. the judge's secretary got shot -- shot in the leg. police later shot and killed the gunman, palmer, on the courthouse lawn. this shocking video comes to us from the canadian broadcast chan. it was taken in the early hours and you just gotta see it. >> what the -- >> oh! >> ooh! >> was that a -- >> this is 42-year-old daniel
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writhe, from for -- from toronto, he's in stable condition, i must tell you, after falling 30 feet from his third-floor balcony from his apartment after being tased by police. police were called to wright's apartment. his apartment is actually on the fourth floor on a domestic dispute call. they got to the apartment. then descended to the third- floor balcony. sat there for four hours after they were trying to convince him to give himself up -- to give himself up. they finally deployed the taser and he fell off. the toronto police won't confirm if he was hit by the taser because some people are questioning whether they needed to deploy the taser. >> how did he fall over the balcony? usually you tase and fall over the ground? >> a special investigations unit within the toronto police department is investigating whether he simply jumped off and get away from the -- away
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from the taser. >> he was charged with assault and failing to comply with his probation. so mr. wright was on probation at the time and and clearly trying to get out of the situation where police were going to arrest him for that offense. got a story about a couple of sports fans who may have taken their zest for the miami dolphins just a little bit too far. these two guys showed up into miami court whering dolphins' jerseys. no big deal, right? they are in court because they are accused of stealing two dolls -- dolphins' jerseys and a hat valued at around $300. that fact was not lost on the judge. >> nelson walker. all right. you are charged with stealing a dolphin jersey. hmmm. >> and mr. walker says, well, this isn't -- not this one.
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i've had this 2001. >> this ain't the one, your honor. >> no? >> no, ma'am. i didn't take no jersey. >> didn't his lawyer tell him, hey, maybe you better shake the shirt off before you go to court. >> or by wearing the jersey, it will show that i'm so confident that i didn't believe i stole the jersey because i'm wearing it in front of the judge. a little reverse psychology. >> yes. >> you are charged with stealing a dolphin jersey. hmmm. hmmmm. >> mr. walker was issued a $ $5,000 bond and was banned from the stadium for life. i have video that just came out of a fight that broke out at the bell fast zoo
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bellfast zoo. i personally think one of the apes involved in this fight does a bit of an open-hand slap that's a little bit girly. >> it's kind of like get away from me! ♪ >> they go up to the top row. it's like wwe style. >> get away. >> get away. >> but if you pay attention, a couple of the apes sort of act like meditators. watch. you see the one starts to push the other one aback. >> look, they are help -- he's helping him up. >> the alpha male, andy, tried to meditate and he said you know what? it's about to get violent. >> i think they are just monkeying around. [ laughter ]
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>> what do you get if you throw some wigs, some press-on nails, size 5 pumps and a lot of testosterone? two individuals duking it out at a gas station around 4:00 a.m. in the morning. >> oh, my! oh, no! i can't believe i saw that! >> these are transgender individuals. so it's sort of a girl right but not exactly. the fight broke out in front of a news photographer. so the news photographer is about to get into it. a shoe was thrown at cops. >> it's like one of those things that you can't unsee once you've seen it. >> the lap punch is the best. just the walk away punch.
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>> take that! which top princess is behind this temper tantrum? find out what is driving this kid crazy! 1,000 songs in ♪ [ ukulele strumming ]
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♪ [ folksy whistling ]
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[ man ] quitting is a fight you can't let yourself lose. it can take many tries. but keep trying, you will beat smoking. honey, you okay? yeah, i'm fine. ♪ [ ukulele ] i think every parent will be able to relate to this video. because our kids, they want what they want when they want it. well, this kid only wants britney spears. [ screaming ] ♪ >> this little girl is having a
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positive reaction to the britney spears' song "i want to go." >> it's not even the good britney spears, the britney spears of the "oops, i did it again" time. >> it's a catch chi tune. she's a little girl. she wants a little fun. a little bit. the fourth quarter play that was decided by 30 points. why are people celebrating like this after a field goal? [ cheers ] >> this kid, 17 years old, garrett owens, kicked a 57-yard field goal in a high school football game. 57 yards for nfl kickers. here to tell us all about this is garrett owens himself with a play by play with the video. it looks like you are warming up several times with your leg
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over your head. tell us what's happening. >> i was just trying to keep my legs warm and loose. once the snap came, it was -- it was the perfect snap, and then i just -- right when it left my foot i knew it was gone. >> when the team is -- the team is kind of rushing you here, everyone is patting you on the helmet, what was going through your head? >> i couldn't think. i know my grandma and grandpa are looking down on me and giving me that strength. >> how many scouts have called you? >> that was my question. >> since this ended up on youtube? >> not -- not too many at all. but i've committed to air force academy, i played football there. >> if you -- so you are going to air force really quick what. do you like better, launching footballs or launching off on an airpad? >> right now, field goals. [ cheers ] >> i'm just gonna worn you this
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is a little get gory, it's graphic. this is of surgery being performed. the surgery itself is actually happening in the netherlands. but this is a brand-new technology for cancer patients. the surgery being person formed is on an ovarian cancer patient which is notorious for being a very difficult kind of cancer to detect. what this is a floor rosent -- fluorescent device that lights up cancer cells that surgeons can see that weren't able to be detected before. once they turn the lights off, you will see how the dance cancer -- cancer cells are illuminated. the person that came up to this -- came up with this, phillip lowe, they can see tumors 30 times waller than the original method. >> what is making it light up?
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>> what they use is a special camera system used a multi- pectoral camera. they inject an imaging agent attached to a modified form of a folic acid, which, a folic as i.d. is a vitamin. >> does this mean it -- as -- folic acid is a vitamin. >> does this mean it will cut back on the amount of chemotherapy. >> it will be cut back because it will have less to fight. >> this guy actually went to the source. this is jennifer hud smect -- jennifer hudspeth. >> high school meets
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cheerleader and they live happily ever after. >> she thinks she's gonna talk about a project. >> jennifer, the last three years have been amazing, i have no doubt that i want to spend the rest of my life with you. >> he's there and he's about to propose on live television. >> i just have one last question to ask you. you will marry me? >> oh, my god! yes! >> we have jennifer right this minute on skype to find out what happened? >> how did he pull this off? >> he enlisted the help of my coworker. >> as your co-anchor is reading the teleprompter, does this sound eerily familiar with -- eerily familiar to you? >> in the back of my head i was thinking that's so cute. so some girl is gonna be so happy tonight and i looked and i saw on my tele prompter and i saw nate jackson and that's when he knew something was up. >> have you been getting a lot
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of crushed letters in the market. >> i think i've made more girls jealous because i've taken an amazing man off the market. >> show us the ring. >> okay. >> oh, yeah. >> that's a sparkler. >> he did good. he did very good. >> i feel sorry for him. i wonder what he's gonna do on your first anniversary. >> yay! [ applause ] young player makes a surprise move off the bench. now hear the whole story a young player mangs a surprise move off the bench -- player makes a surprise move off the bench. now hear the story from the coach.
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>> we even reward you for the time you spent there. genius. yeah, genius. you guys must have your own loyalty program, right? well, we have something. show her, tom. huh? you should see november! oh, yeah? giving you more. now that's progressive. call or click today.
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are any of you fans of the real housewives of new york city? >> they scare me. all of the housewives scare >> you are any of you fans of "the real housewives of new york city"? >> they scare me. >> first i want to refresh your memory about ramona singer. >> it's the best season ever. it's so incredible. i can't wait to watch it. >> she loves to whine. she's always talking about her wine. >> it seems like the first orders out cards card words out of your -- it seems like the first word out of your mouth are wine. >> i found an impersonator. >> andy co isn't gonna go in
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and do a house cleaning and get ready of the heavy weight. >> she has the big eyes going on. >> we should all -- >> turtle time! >> turtle time! this video is currently trending on youtube and the caption says "i was tailgating at the michigan football game and then it happened." [ laughter ] >> shut the front door. >> and the crowd goes wild. >> people are jumping up and down, screaming, slapping high fives. these are two grannies in their gears sporting their michigan
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gear. >> clearly, they have some experience in this area. in case somebody doesn't know, you poke a hole in the side. >> this is not a fair race, you are saying? ♪ jonathan mann started writing a song a day starting in january of 2009. he's written a jingle every day
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since then. ♪ are you a real person >> coming up next week, it's gonna be his 1,000th song. >> yes. sometimes i'm going to suck but -- and this is the important part -- so what. >> so he has a really great spirit about what he goes through each day to kind of create this stuff. it doesn't matter if you are not great every day. >> there's a 10% that the song will be glorious, be completely awesome. >> tell us about your kick- start campaign, because doing a song a day is not the end of the story. >> i started it by setting aside a month where i could gather all my friends and bring in people to work with me for that month. >> we were successful in raising the money. we raised about $13,000 and the project very, very aggressive project. does that cut into your social life at all? >> when i force myself to be creative despite the whole world sort of telling me not to, i create some of my favorite
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tough. you know, i have a girlfriend and we do things, i have friends. >> what's going to happen september 29th. >> an object will stay motion. it's much easier for me to keep going and see where it takes me rather than call it quits. >> can you do one for "right this minute." >> keep you up to date with what's going on "right this minute" ♪ ♪ "right this minute" >> time for a fun football game. i want to you pay close attention up at the top of the screen. >> here is comes. here is comes. here is comes. >> bam. >> he ran it off the sideline, knocked over a player. this is the burt burnett east pee-wee bulldogs, texas pee-wee league.
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"right this minute" we have byron, defensive coach for the bulldogs. byron, was this a legal move, or was there a flag on this play? >> no, it was totally -- notice i'm missing my left defensive tackle. saying come on, let's go. i saw the ball pass. he was going full speed. so the guy blocking just gets laid out. >> should you work this into your defensive playbook. >> the head coach was joking about that. he said we could try that every once in a while to see if it worked. my son was able to step up and make that tackle. it actually helped out to the best of us. >> let's say hey to your son. >> hey, is your dad a tough coast? >> yeah. >> did you guys end up winning that game yes or no? >> yeah. >> awesome. >> a 5-year-old holds on for dear life. a rescue tale four stories in the air that you don't want to
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miss. >> what you're seeing here is a remote control car rounding up these cows. how long did the car go on for? >> about 20 minutes.
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a young boy dangles four stories in the air. find out how he got there and what happened next. three minutes on high could be a lot more entertaining. >> anyone want to be a visitor on twitter. >> see the invention that could change the way you use your microwave forever. >> why in the world is he doing that? >> i'm really surprised these aren't stinging them. >> this next video will take the sting out of petting bumblebees. >> see which story turned tanga
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the rottweiler into a huge "right this minute" fan. welcome back. we brought you video from all over the world today. right now our news comes from china. guys, i want you to take a look at this frightening video. every parent's worst nightmare. what you see is a boy dangling from security bars. this gentleman here is saying i came home from work and i looked up and there was a boy hanging there, so i called 119, which is their emergency system, to get some help. as you can see the little boy's head is stuck between the security bars. it's the only thing that saved him. the rescuers had to use hydraulic scissors to cut the bars after they put a safety rope around him to keep him from falling. then they had to bring out electric steel cutters to eventually get through this thick security bar. >> if he was dangling, i notice there was a landing below him.
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he didn't reach that, holding him receives up. >> he was holding up strictly by the size of his head and his ears. >> he's in shock. >> the mother, she locked the boy in the house when she went out, and he climbed out to see where she was and slipped through the security bars. >> you can't leave a 5-year-old at home alone clearly. i want to show you guys one of the many videos on youtube of people petting bumblebees. >> i'm really surprised these bees aren't stinging them. >> this isn't the only video. actually quite a bit. i spoke to an entomologist that told me unless you're attacking the hive, bumblebees like these are not that aggressive. when they are gathering pollen like this, they are kind of -- for lack of a better word, they are busy. they are busy bees.
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you can actually get away with something like this. don't do this with wasps. they will absolutely sting you. the other thing he told me that was interesting, male bumblebees don't have stingers. so if these are male bees you can do this all you want. i don't know how you know mail or female. >> do you flip it over and spread its legs. >> x rated. >> i wonder where that all started. hey, why don't we go pet bees and see what happens. >> i'm going to stick to dogs and pass on the bee petting for now. i've got a really chilling story outfit tulsa obama oklaho, oklahoma. two young people were murdered in the park. ktul was at the park for the story. they interviewed a man named darren price. >> is it safe to even walk around this town with people
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dying. >> darren is pretty concerned about the safety of the neighborhood. >> don't make me feel too easy. i stay close by here. >> four hours after this interview, darren price and davis were arrested on suspicion of these two homicides. police say that darren price and davis shot and killed 21-year-old ethan nick always and carissa horton. that is as chilling as it gets. >> brings back the thing i've seen in tv movies and mysteries where they say sometimes the suspect comes back to the scene of the crime. >> ktul has shots of mr. price standing nearby while they were taking video of the investigators examining the scene and mr. price is standing right there. if he's the guy that did this, then he could have been trying to cover his tracks by going on the news and talking about this particular park, is it safe, isn't it safe. price and davis are facing murder charges.
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so university of pennsylvania hosted 40 hours of young entrepreneurs and savvy techy guys got together to create amazing products of this is a product that won. >> this is a social microwave that while you're heating your food will actually play videos on youtube for the length of time you're cooking your food. it has a twitter account so it will tweet that you are using it. >> so if you have a two-minute hot pocket, you'll have a two-minute comrclly. the winner of the competition actually got $2500 and an all expenses paid trip to new york city to present their product to google executives. we actually have "right this minute" the creators. so what gave you the idea for a uwave. >> a friend thinking wouldn't it be cool if a microwave could
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actually show you something. the techaathon was coming up and we decided to actually build it. and it worked out. >> do you think this will change the way we wait for our food now. >> maybe we should install it in ovens. >> you are going to fly to new york city to present your product to google executives. do you think actually maybe they will mass produce it? >> in all honesty, probably not. but we are hoping they will get a kick out of it and maybe explore other ways they can incorporate their product into electronic devices. >> i love it. i want to own one. so if you get it made, send me one, please. this video comes to us from new zealand. it has already gotten over
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700,000 hits on youtube. >> you can see why. it's hilarious. >> what you're seeing here is a remote control car rounding up cows in new zealand. >> awesome. >> this video was actually taken by a photographer from australia. he and his family were on vacation in new zealand while they took this. we actually have darren and his son frasier on skype from australia. tell us, whose idea was it to round up these cows with this remote control car and how did you know it would work? >> it was very much an accident. we were walking along and we heard noise behind us, and there were about 40 pairs of eyes behind us. frasier was driving the remote control vehicle and it was that vehicle they were most interested in. >> that is really funny. were you at any point afraid for your car, though? at one point all the cars
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started running right after it. you probably could have lost it. >> frasier and i actually were laughing so much that we nearly fell over. >> how long did the car go on for? >> about 20 minutes. it's something that's a bit of fun. both frasier and i would love to experience it again one day. a very unique experience. >> don't spend another sleepless night at the airport. this box could be the answer for every traveler's nightmare. >> what the heck is a wall doing in the middle of a bike race? we'll clear up the mystery.
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[ man ] it's big.
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aladdin bail bonds. inventions from around the globe that make our life easier. this little invention is called the sleep box. it was created by a moscow russia architecture firm called art group. they just installed the very first one in the moscow airport two weeks ago. these are little nap pods. so if you get stuck in the airport overnight and you need a little nap, this can help you out. it costs anywhere from $10 to $100 depending on how long you decide to stay in the thing and nap or work. it has a bed that changes itself once you leave. so the sheets automatically change.
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they renew themselves. lcd tv, plugs for phone charger and laptop, and it has a 15-inch thick sound proof wall. so it's extremely quiet inside this little sleep box. we actually have one of the architects that designed the sleep box. >> near christmas lots of people waited a very long time. so we discussed how this can be done more comfortable. we have some companies who waited for us to make prototype. so nowhe sleep boxes. >> people are really interested. they think this could take off in europe and asia. soon they will be bringing it to our fair country as well. i want to introduce you to tango a five-year-old rottweiler
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who is a big fan of "right this minute." watch what happens when we aired the video of the life saver cat. >> our first fan. >> really big with the four-legged friends. >> he's talking. >> he's laughing. >> tango has the same taste as my mom. this is my mom's favorite video from the week. >> when he sees the star wars plane he's going nuts. he's talking to the screen. he's talking to beth. he's laughing. he wants to be a part of the action. >> dog to dog laughing. >> sounded like a laugh to me. >> pretty funny video. i understand tango's reaction. >> he likes animal shows. since we have animals on the show, of course he's a fan
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"right this minute." >> are you? >> i am. >> anybody who wasn't, didn't get an invite, it's open to anyone. huge news for people plus. >> the hang out is now going to be on your smartphone, too. >> took them way too long to get here. i'm glad everyone can join. i had a lot of friends that couldn't join even if you scene them an invite. this is going to open the window to take social networking to a whole different level. >> do you like it? >> i love the circles and i love the hang out. >> do you like it better? >> i'm still catching on. >> i love technology, but it takes me a little while to really embrace all of it and to learn all of it. >> what about from the black eyed peas. do you like him? >> i like him. >> later he's supposed to do a live google hangout.
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>> i want to hang out with here at "right this minute" we see our fair share of crash videos. but i have never seen a crash video quite like this. >> oh. >> what we're watching is a sport called ciclo cross. i'm a big sports fan but i've never seen a sport like this. he was getting off the bike on purpose to hurdle that gate. joey is in flight. >> i think joey is okay. >> we've got to find out if joey is okay. we have joey via skype. are you okay? >> i'm okay. i have a little in my low back. for the most part i lucked out.
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>> he actually works for cyclo-cross magazine. >> it's a mixture of riding in dirt, mud, pacvement, sand and couple of barriers. it started in belgium. it was race farm to farm with whatever routes they could possibly take. >> what place were you in when you took a dirt nap and did you finish the race. >> i was actually ahead by a couple of seconds. you can see the guys following me, tripping over me. i tried to get up from the crash but realized, i can't move my legs. >> are you all right? >> are you okay, joey. >> how do you feel about your crash is what's bringing it to the forefront. >> it's like nascar, you watch it for the crashes. students in for a shocker
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when their professor is a no show. we have the story. to this guy the noise at the dry cleaners is more like a symphony of sound. ♪ [ ukulele strumming ]
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♪ [ folksy whistling ] [ man ] quitting is a fight you can't let yourself lose. it can take many tries. but keep trying, you will beat smoking. honey, you okay? yeah, i'm fine. ♪ [ ukulele ] this is diego, an engineer in los angeles. every day on the way to the bakery, he used to walk past this dry clean are. they had their doors open.
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you heard all the signs from the dry cleaners. one day he went in there and asked if he could record music using their equipment. as a sound engineer diego is used to creating music out of very unusual ways. so he goes in and he starts testing out different machines they have in there listening to the different sounds that they make. he choreographs a whole song out of the sounds in the dry cleaner. you can just tell the passion that he has for the music. >> people that are musical like this have this ability innately in them to do these kinds of things and hear these sounds. >> i know it's funny but that's the whole idea. you can really make music with everything. >> he looks like a mad scientist
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walking around this dry cleaners. he's just running back and forth between the sounds. ♪ got a short film all about relationships. some of the things that we deal with. >> you know we have a dinner. >> oh, yeah. >> it's thursday. >> maybe i should start leaving my stuff here. >> yeah. that would be fine. >> did you just --
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>> it's a short film. something that we've all, i think, dealt with at some point or another. >> we're getting more comfortable with each other. i feel like we've kind of broken the barrier. >> yes. >> you? did you just fart? >> i broke the barrier. we broke the barrier. >> i'm laughing at this. it is hilarious that he breaks the barrier initially and she's like so gross. then he can't take it when she breaks the barrier. there's a double standard going on in this video. >> yes. it's a beautiful one. i can't wait until the barrier is broken. then i'm happy to feel comfortable. >> in your relationship, the girl would have to be the first to break the barrier. >> doesn't matter, whoever wants to go first. if you guys want to see the entire video, check out out at
9:51 am big dog versus little dog, take one. ♪ >> when you're in college every once in a while you want to a class late. >> sure. >> last week students showed up to class and they waited and they waited. nobody came until an e-mail came in saying 291 are canceled. we're sorry for this last-minute cancellation with dr. hen are you tune's passing, this course
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should have been canceled over the summer. it was an oversight. >> wait. this was the first day of class? >> this the first day in class. students are waiting for him and the school just forgot to tell them, sorry, class is canceled because the professor is dead. >> ivy league class. you think they had have it together. >> you think? >> i guess there's no homework that day. >> you got that right. >> you tell us what is wrong with this picture. seeing the world through a doggie's eyes
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[ female announcer ] because you never stop improving your recipe... we never stop improving ours. we've added a touch of philly cream cheese to kraft natural shredded cheese, which adds a touch of creamy to any dish. kraft touch of philly shredded cheese.
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we're not just making great cheese. we're taking it further. ♪ a great heartfelt story out of the town of west texas. jo ann's bridal in the town of west said they were going to give away 100 dresses for women who has been in pictures taken posed with men in uniform.
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of course women showed up to get these dresses. one woman camped out for 30 hours. one woman was smart, she sent her brother who slept there for nine hours. i think that was a great way to give back to the men who served in the military. in total they gave away 38 gowns. the owner of the store says she hopes they can do it again in the future. what a beautiful sentiment for troops, the fiancees of the people who served and a great way to save money. buying the wedding dress is one of the most expensive parts of a he had withing. >> looks we will behaved. sometimes you see freebies. people go crazy in the shop. >> done with military precision. everything is in order. of course nobody is going to get out of control. what to do when gow to a tailgate party. >> eat. >> have a beer or two. >> eat. >> hot dogs. >> how about a dance-off. check this video out. this video is a tailgate party at university of kentucky and there's a dance-off going on.
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what do you notice about this dance-off. >> one dude dancing off by himself. there's no competition in it. >> and he's having such a great time, doing such a great job impressing himself. >> looks like the guy from "saturday night live." you know what i'm talking about? >> having an elaine moment from seinfeld. >> you just offended that man. he has better moves than elaine. i'd dance with that dude. >> look at the moves on that guy. that's it for our show today. we're going to leave you with one more video. it's the day in a dog's life. enjoy and we'll see you next time.
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>> maury: it's holiday havoc on "maury."


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