tv Right This Minute FOX November 3, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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hello, everyone, i'm beth troutman, it is thursday and you're watching "right this minute." want to turn your brown eyes blue? a revolutionary new surgery promises to do just that. >> and at the end of the 20 sen seconds, the procedure is done on the eye. machine gun fire and the craziest cop chase we've seen. >> watch what the police do to stop the plane from taking off. >> can you imagine being the pilot of the plane? air hockey made this parrot an internet star.
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now keelie is bringing her bag of tricks to "right this minute." it's a lottery drawing shocker during the local news when the sportscaster wins. >> hold it a second. what did he win? >> you'll hear the big twist to this story. oh, that kim kardashian. >>ky just ask how everybody is holding up. >> a new video shows how the split heard round the world is making global shock waves. we start off the show with some video that might make you feel like you're watching a movie. steven, you have the story? >> yeah, that one's pretty crazy. federal police in brazil are hot on the trail of some suspects believed to be carrying some illegal goods. let's go right to the video. we're in the back seat, with the police. now they're chasing these guys down right now. you see they're heavily armed. they've got a gun hanging out the window. pause it right here. right up ahead you see what they're chasing. what's it look like to you? >> i'm going to go with some kind of a plane. this is good stuff. >> they are chasing an airplane.
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the suspects are in the plane. the illegal goods are in the plane as well. watch what the police do to keep the plane from keeping off. they crash into the wing, tote i had disable the plane. the guys can't go anywhere. now they jump out, chase the plane down, get these guys apprehended. all of this information and the video is coming to us from brazil. according to police, five suspects were arrested. they had this plane completely gutted, the seats taken out and $200,000 worth of electronic surveillance equipment. laptops and actually a bicycle that police believe they were going to sell on the black market and make money off of these goods. i couldn't tell from the video, was the plane moving down the runway? was it ready to take off? >> i believe that thing was moving. it looked like the plane had just started to take off. >> i'm right there with you. >> can you imagine being the pilot of the plane, going come on, pick up speed, lift up, lift
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up. >> 30 days went into the investigation, ten officers were involved. but, man, the guy behind the wheel has got to beretty brave dude. >> thisis ke "miami vice" scene where they're taking them out at the last possible second. >> what a cool day at work. you put down the bad guys with your suv and they were in a flipping plane. you took on a plane with your car. what if you could change your eye color permanently? >> there's a doctor in laguna beach, california, dr. gregg homer and he's been doing research for the past ten years and has come up with a way to do a laser type surgery on brown-eyed patients to make their eyes permanently blue. >> that's cool. see i always felt jiped because my half-brothers and half-sister have the dark hair, but blue
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eyes and i came out with the poo brown. >> soon you could be able to change your poo brown for about $4,000. >> that's not horrible. and to tell us all of the science behind it and how he came up with the idea, we have dr. gregg homer via skype. how does this procedure work? >> we have absolutely no contact with the patient's eye from beginning to end. the patient sits down. one eye is covered. the other head is secured. and they watch this little animation through one eye for 20 seconds. and at the end of the 20 seconds, the procedure is done on that eye. then we do the other eye. they get up and they leave. the first weekend it will get a little darker, and then after that it starts lightening and two to four weeks, all of the pigment is gone. but the pigment is being eliminated on a cell-by-cell basis. it's been broken down by laser. so it's actually the body digesting the pigment cells very gradually and eliminating them from the eye through the normal tear flow mechanism. >> is the procedure safe and
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does it affect vision? >> it does not affect vision. we're only treating the surface of the iris, the light, the laser energy does not enter the eye. it doesn't go through the pupil. >> is it reversible? >> once an eye is changed to blue, it's permanent. >> can you help narrow down a timeframe of when we may be able to see this? >> we're anticipating that it will be commercially available outside the united states in about 18 months. and in the united states, in about three years. to anchorage alaska where the snow is on the ground, roads are starting to get a little treacherous. >> inbound traffic, 6:00 a.m., taking things a little slow. roads aren't too bad. up ahead, whoops, a guy slips off the road in a pickup truck, hits a pole and -- look out! >> whoa! >> yup, that's officer dykstra's car. he was unable to slow down in time before he ran over that light pole that was brought down by the truck that hit it.
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the guy in the car that hit the pole flipped over and was unable to get out. office ever dykstra jumped out of the car, helped the driver get out of the car. he was uninjure d. >> you can see the light go out and the pole come down. >> if the road was slipperier, the light pole would have landed on his car. >> we saw the guy spin out that hit the pole. he kind of made a safe landing with his car just driving over the pole with controlled speed. >> and no damage to the police car, believe it or not. have you ever pulled up to a stop light and seen somebody blind crossing the street and wondering, how are they doing that? well, the tommy edison experience seeks to explain it. this is tommy edison. he's blind. he has a website. that tells people some of the lighter things about being blind in a funny way. >> i want to show you this crosswalk here, because it makes noise. this one, there's a tone.
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it starts with a long, steady tone and then it becomes a broken tone. and as for the remainder of the walk, i don't have to listen to traffic coming the other way. >> he shows us what it's like crossing the street when they have assistance, when they have tones beeping and all that. and he also crosses another street in new york city. >> i'm waiting for the signal to cross, there's no tone that lets you know when to go. so i have to listen for the other traffic coming on the side of me. >> to be able to do that -- you obviously has an amazing auditory abilities. his day job is as a traffic reporter. >> what? >> he's a traffic reporter and he's a blind movie critic. >> i have to read one of the things he said recently about "water for elephants." starring robert pattinson. >> i didn't think robert pattinson was all that much to look at. i got to be honest with you, i don't know what all the kids see in him. >> when i talked to him via skype, he tell us how he fell into the movie review business.
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>> my friend and i ben who makes the videos, we were talking about films. i said, i always wanted to review movies and then we said, why don't we do it. >> i close my eyes try to walk around a major city, i don't think i would make it back. whale watching in california has become quite the hot topic and quite the thing to do because humpback whales with migrating to mexico for their breeding season. they make a quick stop in california to feed. except there's a little problem -- whale watchers are getting too close, not only on boats, but also on kayaks and paddle boats and that's illegal. and i found this story on ksvw in santa cruz, in the monterrey area. in part of the video, we see the photographer, who is taping this video, warn some of the kayakers that are out there, to not get too close. >> better get away from them, man. >> whose idea is it to get into a kayak and go get close to
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something that's that big, that can surface and you don't know where? >> we started seeing a lot of these images on the web, on the news, of people almost right next to the whales. and it started to become a problem. because it seemed like all of a sudden everybody jumped on the bandwagon. so the coast guard and the national marine sanctuary are starting to enforce the rules. so now people cannot get closer than 100 yards to the whales. and if you do, you will get a minimum citation of $2500 to $32,000. >> shut the front door. $32,000 for getting too close to a whale? >> captain ahab would have been out of luck in this scenario. the game just started and the crowd goes wild. pumped-up fans pull a stunt that brought the game to a screaming halt. and right after he was hit with a paternity lawsuit, the biebs stops by an l.a. radio
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nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. college basketball teams are gearing up for the season. so what better time than now to check out some preseason action. it is john brown university in arkansas versus hillsdale freewill baptist. the court is packed. john brown playing their home game this he try for the alley-oop -- no go. putback by andy garcia and look ha happens -- >> oh! >> it turns out this is a yearly tradition. it's called the toilet paper game. it's the first home game of every year. and notice the score, guys -- notice the score. it's the first basket of the game. they throw the toilet paper after john brown scores the first points of their home opener. every year. they've been doing it for close to 30 years. the story is coming to us from
9:13 am and it said after the points, the points happened after the guy made the basket. both teams just cleared out of there. >> i understand it covers their toilet paper budget for the year at the school. >> well, the student life department passes out toilet paper rolls before the game because if not, students would be going around stealing all the toilet paper from like the dorms, you know what i mean? there would be no toilet paper on all the campus. >> i wonder if john brown wiped the floor with their opponents. >> in fact, they did. this won this game 101-58. a very rare that they lose the toilet paper game. >> i love that steven just blew through your bad joke. i wonder if it's a really crappy team so they can really wipe the floor with them. >> wow. it's movember and a lot of guys are -- putting on their
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'stache, right? ♪ some handsome, some not so much. well, i found the most handsome mustache so far. >> mr. clean? >> mr. clean. >> mr. clean has a movember profile. >> he's doing his part to raise awareness and funds for cancer research. >> i like his motivation here. it says, i've gone over 50 years without any facial hair of any kind. even the '70s couldn't make me grow a mustache. >> but now cancer, he's doing it for a really good cause. >> will his mustache grow in white like his eyebrows? >> i guess we'll have to wait and see. the way that his mustache is going to grow is by the number of likes that he gets on his facebook profile. he does have a mustache-o meter, which is going to show you the growth of his mustache. >> can we pick the style that mr. clean should wear? >> no, you cannot. but that is a fantastic idea. what kind of mustache would you guys give him? >> kind of the paul tuttle
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orange county chopper look. the big old fu manchu. >> it's the effort that counts here, he's raising money for cancer research. even if his mustache comes in lame, who cares. he's mr. clean. i wonder if any other cartoon characters will follow suit and join movember. >> what if chewbacca wanted to do a mustache? >> i would like to see betty boop grow a mustache. people take videos training all sorts of animals. we've seen them and they're all pretty cool. but this one is definitely weird and cool. what you're seeing is cat named richie, from the czech republic. and it has some special talents. this cat's trainer's name is michaela from the czech republic and she trains sheltie dogs, competition dogs and does really
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well. they win all sorts of awards and then she got this cat that was four months old and decided, why not train it. and now it has perfected all of the moves. this is my favorite little trick that you can see. the cat jumps up on the shoes and goes -- jumps up on one shoe, jumps over to the other one. i'm into that. i like this cat better than most cats, because it doesn't just sit there and judge you like a lot of cats do. it just sits there and looks at you and think of ways that they're going to do stuff to your house after you leave. and tear up your stuff and just -- judge you with their weird eyes. >> are you worried about cats? judging you? >> yeah, they're judgers. >> you know what i think you should do, actually. now that we know there are competition cats, you should become a judge at this cat competition, because then you could judge the cats. >> i would be the most impartial judge of all time because of my hatred for cats is just across the board.
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tomorrow is friday, and you no he what that means, our top 20 countdown show, our pick for the day's best vids and sto looking through lots of videos, but only 20 make the list. >> we call it the "rtm" countdown, the best of the best. >> you'll see them tomorrow on "right this minute." here's what's coming up next. this is awkward -- britney's lap dance is toxic. just look at joe's face. we'll show you the moves that made him so uncomfortable. and this pump won't get your car going, but it might get your dinner party started. meet the guys who found this filler-up method.
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somewhere in asia, people are riding their scooters. there's a dash cam watching people riding their scooters. but notice what's happening to the right of your screen. >> oh. >> that's going to leave a mark. >> let's watch that again. >> i hate to laugh at that because i feel sorry for the guy, but it's kind of funny. >> the blessing is the car with the dash cam was watching all this go along and so it didn't run the man over. i think that's a great idea to have a protected lane for them.
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>> it's a great idea unless you go over it and fall into the wrong lane. >> there is that. >> he's kind of drifted. it looks like he wasn't paying attention and drifted into the pylons. >> i think he's riding the scooter, it's a beautiful day, you see his head kind of gaze off, he's like, oh, wow, look at the big, beautiful blue sky. there's a kite, he's looking at the kite. nick, you know how you're always looking at videos of amazing athletes and it makes you feel a little -- >> bad because i have no ability? yes. >> this should make you feel better. >> i'm michael and this is steve. this is our air hockey trick. >> whoa. you're basically telling me that this parrot has more athletic ability than me? >> pretty much. keelie is three years old, a
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senegal parrot and obviously an amazingly talented athlete. michael, her trainer and otherer is with us "right this minute" on skype. michael, how long did it take to train keelie? >> i've been training her since i got her, almost three years ago. but this trick that you just saw, it only took about two days. >> whoa! >> who was that that just flew across the screen? >> that's truman, my other parrot, he's getting bored. >> we're boring your parrots, that's what you're saying? >> well, a senegal parrot is particularly trainable. what kind of things does keelie do? >> she's a really talented little bird. she knows over 30 different tricks, she can wave, shake, turn around. she plays a variety of table top sports and she is just really big show-off and loves to show her tricks to everyone. >> can she say something for us? can she talk? >> good bird. >> no, it's -- squeeze!
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>> hello. >> how much time do you spend training them? >> i started out training her for about an hour a day, maybe 30 minutes a day. and lately just 10 or 20 minutes a day. we were on "america's got talent." >> do you use her as a chick magnet. >> i wish, i don't think people appreciate it as much as i hoped. >> can we see them play a game together? >> wings, good bird. >> good bird. joe jonas, squeaky-clean image. disney kid, britney spears used to have a squeaky-clean image, used to be a disney kid. she tried to make joe jonas more like her when she did a little sexy dance during her tour in england on halloween. as you can see, he's cuffed to a chair.
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puts a boa around his neck and according to the "mail" online. he looked a tad bit uncomfortable when the dancing was commencing. he was getting an awkward lap dance. maybe he was feeling aawkward b a bit awkward. >> she needed the police officer guy to help her get up on the pole. >> i could do this lap dance. just a little more out there from the pop culture world. justin bieber is not a bad rapper. here he is with power 106 showing what he can do. >> where the hell you been, i got a new necklace, diamonds, no i ain't lying. >> okay, your review? >> pretty terrible, that's my review. >> you think it's terrible? >> yes, really bad. >> isn't that the jay-z, kanye west, otis. that was bieber-fied. >> stick to what you know, biebs. >> nick, we know you're giving it the thumbs down, but all the
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people listening to it online think he's doing pretty good. >> maybe somebody's got a mad crush on justin bieber. >> i don't like justin bieber. >> she supports his talent. >> are we having this much discussion over whether justin bieber's rab karaoke is good or not? >> it's good. i feel like if i say the contraption in this video is one of the best inventions ever, you might worry a little bit about my extracurricular activity. but it's awesome. seriously? it's a pump that you can fill up giant jugs of wine? >> this is a pump so you can fill up jugs like like in the gas station. this is in italy. a couple of guys who traveled there found this crazy little invention. and it's not the best wine, but it's cheap. this is a five-liter cannister and it's about seven euros, which is almost $9.50. >> you lot of times you show up at your friend's party, you
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bring a bottle of wine. now you could bring a jug. >> i don't think you have to drink it out of the jug, you can -- >> oh, no, you have to. >> the important thing about this video is that not only are these two guys in palermo right now. they have a blog for 91 days and they post awesome videos like this all the time. they travel to different cities around the world for three months at a time discovering interesting little things like this. we have them "right this minute" on skype from palermo to tell us all about this. >> i want to clear some things up for my friend steve, here. you don't have to drink the wine out of the giant container, right? >> no. actually tried that once and it doesn't work very well. >> how popular was the wine pump? >> on saturdays there can be a line. >> they can run out. i've been there where they don't have any red wine left. >> what does it taste like? does it taste like vinegar? >> it has a vinegar-y smell, it's not the best. >> but you guys enjoyed it,
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right? >> i've had worse wine out of bottles, it's drinkable. it's our desperation wine. >> you say give me $20 of the merlot and they pump it? >> they have a scale and you can see how much liters and how much it will be and they charge it by the amount on the scale. >> i would do the hurricane and take a gallon and do like a little bit of all three. like fill up a little -- >> oh. >> that's what a hurricane is called? >> i wasn't aware. these guys play detective when they hear a noise in their trash can. what they found that made us do this. oh! we're getting schooled hasselhoff style. but what is he saying to those women and what's with the spanish?
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remember the nearly naked woman who flipped out in the back of a cop car? well now it's her attorney's turn. customers at a bank atm get a surprise of the two-forked kind. >> this isn't an alert that your account is low? >> this week, national devilled egg day. >> i recently learned how to get the egg out of its shell without having to actually peel it. >> the cool kitchen trick to save you time. and meet the dog who takes trick requests on the web. what will jub-jub put on his big head next. welcome back to "right this minute." we have an update on a story that christian brought us last week. >> when we saw 28-year-old erin holdsworth driving her car at 100 miles per hour or more semi nude. we should have known this was going to be interesting. but it gets way more interesting now that she's made it to court this is on wednesday, erin had a
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court date where she entered a no plea to the charges against her. erin waited in the core, she had a trenchcoat on and covered her face with a hood. this is a public defender. her name is dawn ggillo. >> you're a lawyer? >> leave me alone. >> she comes out and she smacks the camera with her file. >> she should have known better than to try to hit a camera with her files. >> they could file legal action against her for assaulting the camera guy with her folder. >> the reporter, paul, has a chance to dwe her even more. >> you should just leave people alone. >> why don't you leave us alone? >> well you guys make me so mad. you release evidence to youtube. >> the media released evidence to youtube? >> no. >> i would bet she thinks the dash cam video is some kind of evidence. >> why would you guys release
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that to youtube? >> the dash cam videos become public record when any media outlet asks for it. >> she's not making any statements, you leave her alone. >> the lawyer needs media training. >> if she thinks things would be ending up in her favor, i don't think she would do this, lose her composure. >> she's due in court on november 7th. >> are you going to apologize, or do we have to take it to court? the office of a satirical magazine in france were fire-bombed because they were planning to print a satirical cartoon of the prophet mohammed. it happened at 1:00 a.m. in the morning, so no one was hurt. this is the editor of "charlie hebdo." it planned to release the sharia edition. the magazine reprinted satirical cartoons of the prophet mow hoemd in '06, and they were sued
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in '07. >> the magazine wasn't on the shelves yet? >> no. however, a muslim group in france that sued them in '07 said we don't approve of people fire-bombing their offices. however, it's offensive to muslims to do a caricature of the prophet. >> being offended is one thing, going out and blowing a place up because of it -- that is insanity. >> the parisian government said -- >> write about it, blog about it, start a boycott. tell people not to buy the magazine. you don't have to blow something up. >> it will be hard to teach people that are will to do this, that kind of lesson. >> is it their responsibility to say, hey, we should hold off for a little while? >> whether you're christian or muslim. you have to look at something like this and say, we do not approve of that type of behavior. you sit there and say nothing and stand by quietly, you might as well be a part of it.
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to canada for a story of no way. a lottery drawing on global bc tv. is a big lottery for a local children's hospital. the winning prize is a choice of several different homes or a condo or $2.2 million. they're drawing the ticket on the noon news, reaches in, pulls the ticket out, lots of anticipation. >> and the winner is. >> the winning ticket number is 4263642. and that's barry delaney of port moody, bc. >> not barry delaney. read it, it's barry delay. the anchors look at each other and say, hold on. our barry delay? the sportscaster. >> hold it a second. what did he win? >> give me the phone. >> barry was out grocery shopping, when he got the call
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from the anchor man. and was stunned. >> should i start looking for a new sportscaster? what's going on here? >> well perhaps maybe i'll see you after christmas. >> this is insane. >> some guy just passed me and said he had heard i won. >> the chances of winning this lottery? one in 288,000. >> this is my favorite story ever. >> you want it to get bet centre. >> yeah. >> barry delay has a wife and three kids. one of his daughters was treated for leukemia at the bc children's hospital which this lottery benefits. >> no way! >> you are kidding me. >> i know people are going to think this is kind of fishy, don't you? >> it's lee jegt. he can enter, he did win. he claimed a country estate worth over $2.5 million. >> that is so cool. >> and his daughter is doing well and can live in this $2.5 million estate thanks to the bc children's hospital? >> you got it and the charity raised $2.5 million this year.
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>> that's amazing. >> barry delaney. no, it's barry delaney. >> we've heard of that guy. this is jub-jub, the st. bernard. his owner is stu mcfadden, from utica, new york and they have a youtube channel called beef stew 202. people can send in a request on their youtube channel for things for jub-jub to do. apparently people sent in all sorts of stuff for jub-jub to balance and this is what came up. a laptop? >> pinecone. >> a violin? >> a shoe. >> and he will do this stuff all day, stu has trained him well. it's hilarious and so cute. and i kind of wanted to hear about jub-jub's rise to fame. so we got ahold of stu mcfadden and "right this minute" we have him on skype from new york to tell us about what it's been
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like for jub-jub to get all this attention. >> i never truly anticipated him getting so much attention. i was with my phone out and videotaped him as a puppy. i wanted to have an archive of all the memories, sure enough, it turned into a hobby. >> when did you discover he could balance stuff. >> we tried it even at a young age, he just did it. >> is there anything that jub-jub can't balance on his head? >> anything that's really like not weighted evenly he has a hard time with his head, his nose is only so big. >> is there anything laying around you want to stick on his head for us, on his noggin? >> well, look at that! yeah! finally, video of how kim k. revealed that she wanted a
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last forever. >> i thought this should be some kind of holiday for all of us, we shouldn't have to go to work under these circumstances. >> there is a new station in taiwan called the next media and animation who dozen their news reports all in animation. this was their on the split. >> kim k. calls it quits after 72 days. >> reality tv star kim kardashian has filed for divorce from basketball star kris humphries after 72 days, citing irreconcilable differences. >> notice how the animation doesn't look so much like kim, but they got the booty right. and you know how the reports are also saying that the whole marriage was a hoax? maybe this gives us a little insight. >> i like how they have kris humphries wearing his jersey all the time. no matter if he's getting married or at home on the couch. >> i love how people who did
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this evidently watch "keeping up with the kardashians" they had the divorce animation just like the marriage proposal animation. >>. i'm pretty sure the conversation before the next video went something like -- ha, ha, ha, get your camera, dude. you got to shoot this. >> a couple of guys heard a little noise in their trash can. so they investigated. >> what? >> oh! [ laughter ] >> please appreciate the commentary by the cameraman in this video.
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[ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> i got to say, he's right. the squirrel did ninja him. we'll do it in slow-motion. the squirrel actually lands a two-kick little combo there on the guy. >> that squirrel was shot out of a cannon coming out of that trash can. >> i can't figure out how the squirrel even did that. he came out like tail first. >> and did like a 360 triple gainor before he landed his kick and he nailed the landing. a perfect ten. >> something tells me after this video, these guys might have ate a bunch of doritos and ice cream. >> what are you saying? >> i'm just saying. >> are you suggesting that they had the munchies? >> i'm suggesting they might have wanted some funions. listen up all you guys, david hasselhoff has a lesson
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some help in the kitchen. and this week, national devilled egg day. >> devilled eggs. >> this is one of the easiest and best devilled egg recipes online. >> this is from amy blog chao. >> the first thing that you'll need are eggs. >> i don't look at devilled eggs as a snack, per se. i look at them more as a party treat. >> just leave it on the stove and don't touch it for 15 minutes on medium heat. >> here's one of the greatest parts of the video to me. >> i recently learned how to get the egg out of its shell without having to actually peel it. >> hold it. like that. >> the greatest part is, she tries to embarrass his trick, it doesn't work. >> what's the trick? >> the trick is you have to be able to blow the shell off the egg. do you -- you need a pot of cold water and some baking soda.
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>> it's a boiled egg. >> go for it. >> you need the baking soda. i'm going to watch you do this. >> it's not going to work, i'm telling you right now. >> $5 says it's not going to work. >> try it. >> now just blow. >> i'm supposed to blow this? you're just making a fool out of me right now. >> it's not hard. >> hey, it's cracking. >> ooh, yuck! >> snacks, they're not snacks, they're side dishes. >> this week we're celebrating the devilled egg. ♪ ♪ ballerina squirrel, action. ♪
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♪ ♪ the hasselhoff is about to teach us a brand-new lesson. on how to pick up girls in el espanol. >> is there a sandwich involved in this? >> not this time. he's actually being counseled by five friends, they're all characters in a movie that's coming out in called "fiego ii." >> when he just told the girl walking by, the sun melts marshmallows. in spanish, it's a nice way to call a girl cute. the guys didn't think it was
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convincing enough. so they're teaching him some new pick-up lines. i know you'll be completely offended. so feel free to tune out right now. [ speaking foreign language ] >> it means when i look at your cleavage, i get a stick. when you translate them, you lose the message altogether. [ speaking foreign language ] >> i'm sorry. >> he says i have a cat in my pants. >> i saw a sitcom once and i retained it. >> i love that michael knight, aka david hasselhoff has had such a worldly career. >> the guinness book of world records said "bay watch" had the most viewers around the world. >> good for the hoff. >> i can see now why he was the first guy voted off "dancing with the stars" last season. >> you didn't like this move at the end? one hockey player punches
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it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. text save to 7-8836. puppy freak-out. action. [ barking ] >> he's scared. >> here, bobby. >> here you go. >> deliveries scooter can't
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handle. oh no! >> oh no. no! [ laughter ] >> you know, we always try to teach kids great sportsmanship. however, one hockey player got a lig huggy, touchy-feely with his opponent and he didn't like it. >> oh! >> a knuckle sandwich for his hug. >> i spotted this story on sports pickle because i thought hug and hockey don't go together. >> bibbic didn't like it. it was an accidental celebration. it wasn't like he was going up to say, hey, i'm going to hug you for letting me score that
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goal. he just grabbed the first guy and gave him a hug. >> he punched him in the chops. >> i think he realized he made a mistake and should not hug somebody on the other team. [ speaking foreign language ] >> that is so much bet anywhere slow motion. >> he's like -- whoa! this is definitely one of those -- that's not what i expected to happen videos. >> that is not what i want to withdraw from an atm. [ speaking foreign language ] >> until recently this man in spain went to the atm to withdraw some money at the madrid bank. >> is this an alert that your account is low? >> or maybe when you don't actually bank at that bank. >> this is their version of an atm fee.
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>> this guy was obviously freaked out. he grabbed his cash, even though the snake was coming at him and fighting him and then he called the cops. they finally got the bank manager to lift up the cash dispenser so that the snake could be freed and he was fine and they took it to a rescue center. i'm not sure if calling the cops would be my first reaction. >> was the snake trying to rob the bank? >> it wasn't that far away from a rural area where the snake could have snuck in to the cash machine. but they thought it was more likely that it was probably a prank and a pretty good one. >> a prank from a rival bank. it was like, we're going to get chase, watch this. >> go back. >> listen. >> maybe this is not the atm. there's a like a bear picture on the side. maybe the point of the atm is to withdraw animals. this is the animal atm, that's
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right. >> i want pet number boom, like a snack machine, only with animals. that will do it for today's show. thanks so much for joining us. we'll leave you with one last look of the cat doing tricks that usually only see a dog doing. that usually only see a dog doing. see you tomorrow, everybody. -- captions by vitac --
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