tv Right This Minute FOX November 7, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PST
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troutman, it is monday and time to start a new week. you're watching "right this minute." it's kind of weird that you actually are not showing your name. >> occupy protesters demand a cop show his name badge. >> he just kept quiet, it was like whatever. >> but just wait until the protesters take it up a level. either one of you guys bought some extra speakers for your car so that your music sounds better? >> when i was in high school. you had to have the bass thumping. >> now a new lawsuit claims when it comes to some car speakers you're getting ripped off.
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tazed, pepper sprayed and shot. how in the world did a guy talk his buddy into this? imagine a woman wearing her bra size on her name tag. see why one store's policy is drawing outrage. >> couldn't you just see some pervie old guy following around the girl with the dd name tag? and the energizer bunny of bears. outruns animal control. see the chase that kept going and going and going. we'll kick off today's show with video that demonstrates the true power of a camera. and gayle has the story for us. >> that's right, beth. we know that the occupy wall street protests have been going on for multiple weeks now. but check out what happened in oakland and what somebody caught on tape. >> that is kind of weird that you actually are not showing your name. why is that? >> interesting. >> so was that guy concealing his name because he agrees with
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the protesters? >> no. what cops do is they cover up their name so when people are shooting video, you know, they don't want to be identified. >> complete os sit in case something bad happens they can't identify the guy in the video. >> when a cop stops you you can ask them identify yourself, show me your badge. the cop was saying i have the right to remain silent, so they went to his superior, the lieutenant. >> is it against policy for cops to hide their badges? >> the lieutenant walk oefrd there, you can't hear what he says. but the next thing you know, the lieutenant is removing the electrical tape and showing the name of that officer. >> do you think this is is a pr move than it was a policy kind of thing, saying dude, you're not supposed to cover your nameplate? >> probably. yes, with the camera rolling and all the media that the occupy movement has been flooding the internet with, yeah. you try to be careful. >> exactly, you can't not remove it at that point.
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>> it's interesting he didn't say one word. he didn't even mumble anything. >> i wouldn't have as good a response as the cop did. he just kept quiet, it was like whatever. i have to commend the cop for just not clocking the guy. >> i'm not saying all of these guys were gentlemen, they were all gentlemen about it. so for that you've got to be pretty impressed with everybody. have either one of you guys bought some extra speakers for your car so that your music sounds better? >> absolutely. when i was in high school, you had to have the bass thumping. >> imagine that you spent a lot of money trying to soup up your stereo system and bought tons of speakers for your car and you found out that the speakers don't have the components in them that the manufacturer said that they had in them. >> but you're buying them on like craigslist or something? >> no, you're buying them at a big store like best buy. the picture you're seeing here is the inside of one of these speakers, part of a huge lawsuit
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that has taken place right now. and we have one of the class-action lawyers, rob carey here "right this minute" via skype. rob, did i explain ha well enough? >> you did, it's a very basic case, parts are parts and when you get a speaker and they say, we're going to give you a four-way speaker, you expect to get four drivers. >> were these speaker built to look like all the components. but when you took them apart you realized it wasn't there? >> absolutely. in fact there are, we believe, some speakers where they actually put something in there that you would think it's a speaker. the ones we have, there's nothing there. you have a little dome over the top and nothing below it. so it's a total scam. >> rob, can you describe what we're seeing in the pictures that you sent? >> i can show you this is the picture. this right here is the 6 x 9. and this top normally sits on the top of the speaker. and if you flip it over, it's got oneery highest
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range, which is the smallest speaker. you can see the little brass part. it's supposed to have another one where the dome is, so they're making it look like it's real on outside, but when you flip it over, there's nothing under it. no bass, no wires. >> now this retailer that's involved is best buy, but the manufacturer is where? >> the manufacturer is a company in china called p. yang. >> how dot speakers end up in a big store chain like best buy? is it best buy's fault for not inspecting this manufacturer? >> to be clear, when we say best buy, we're talking about the best buy store brand, which is called insignia. it seems ludicrous to me that you could have tens of thousands of speakers sent back for return. you would never once notice that you're missing probably the most expensive part of your speaker? >> we tried to contact best buy for a comment. but they did not respond by our deadline. for more information on this suit, go to this clip on youtube is entitled "most funny video ever of 2011."
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[ sirens ] >> that bothers me, it should say funniest video ever of 2011. >> grammar queen, beth troutman, thank you very much. you be the judge, it starts out funny and it gets a little disturbing. >> yeah. >> what we have here is a dog with his head stuck in a pot. >> poor guy. >> the guy has no idea where he's going. how he got in there. there must have been something tasty in there. >> they start pulling him by the tail, that's going to hurt. >> aw. >> they're trying to help him, doing the right thing. >> you can hear the dog barking inside the pot. >> that must have hurt his own ears. >> they trying to help him, nick, you're right. but this has got to hurt this dog, i feel like. >> they're wheel-barrowing him. >> his legs are going to break at this point. >> at this point they're like
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stretching him, he's going to be two feet longer after the video is over. >> poor boy. >> how did he get his head in this pot? >> he's like pulling a winnie the pooh. >> they finally get the pot off. the dog runs away. he's like, whew, thank god! >> it's amazing they didn't break his neck. did you see him trying to get that out? they saved him. is it the most funny video ever of 2011? [ sirens ] >> funniest video ever of 2011. the floods in cambodia have affected about three-quarters of the country. and hundreds of people have died, including many animals. but there is two little rays of light coming from such devastating floods. so these are two cambodian leopard newborn cubs that were rescued from the floods by a local fisherman who saw them in a hole once the floodwaters
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started rushing in. there was three of them, unfortunately one of them didn't make it. but two of them did survive. they're being taken care of at the local wildlife rescue center. by one of their employees, who feeds them with a tiny little bottle all day long, every day. he grooms them and cleans them up and he's very caring. and he will continue to cake care of them until they can be reunited with other leopards at this wildlife rescue. >> that makes me very happy. i feel slightly bad that these were wild leopards, i imagine. now they're going to have to live in a zoo. which i guess is better than per issuingg then uh-oh, i've got leopards. >> it's nice to see the guy and
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how much care he's putting into taking care of these little cubs. can you tell he's very caring to them, feeding them and the way he's cleaning them, he's being so careful. >> that's the way the mom would have cleaned them, with her tongue and he's doing it with a wet cotton ball. >> good author these two little troupers, i think they're going to make it. a symbol of hope for the whole community. it's an attempted robbery with a kick. the police come and this is what they find. >> wait until you hear who walks out of the elevator and saves the day. it's a game of chicken, that gayle finds hilarious. [ laughter ] >> will you find it as funny? ♪ [ ukulele strumming ]
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i love this video because it's one of those feel-good, good samaritan videos. this video was just released by the lapd, it's surveillance video from inside an l.a. hotel on vermont avenue. this happened on november 2nd, a guy walks intoed hotel with a back pack. he goes behind the counter of the clerk. takes a gun out. you can see the gun in his right hand and demands cash from the clerk. so the clerk takes out the money. >> oddly cool. >> oddly calm and cool. >> let's talk about the robbers. it's like he's done it before. >> the clerk gets more cash out and eventually the guy starts stashing it in his backpack. he starts to leave, the clerk grabs him from behind. two guys coming out of the elevator, they're in l.a. for a martial arts tournament. they see the clerk, hear his cry for help and grab the guy. grab the gun out of his hands and kind of get into this sort of wrestling match. >> ha are the chances that
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martial arts experts walk out of the elevator. >> this clerk either had some really great karma coming to him or the crook had bad karma coming to him. >> the police come and this is what they find. he was booked on armed robbery with a firearm. >> i think they put him to sleep, didn't they? >> yeah, sleeper hold. >> there was nothing extraordinary about that because it was like, yeah, here's the cash and all of a sudden here comes two martial artists, oh, good night. >> room was great, sheets were nice. are you comfortable talking about your bra sizes? >> sure. >> beth? >> i imagine i could tell someone and not blush. >> whether you're comfortable or not. a swedish branch of a scandinavian lingerie chain called change is having their employees wear tags that have the bust circumference and bust size of themselves. >> some employees are not happy.
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one employee said, this is a quote, we have dirty old men coming into the shop looking at my cup size, why should everyone get to know that. >> the company says salespeople are there to show what size might be right for what body shape. couldn't you see the old pervert following around some girl with a dd on her name tag. >> this could be help for boyfriends and husbands they could go in and you're like about the same size of my girlfriend. >> and the union is suing the company saying this demeaning and a clear case of discrimination. >> what if a man worked in the shop? what does he wear? >> there's a controversy whether or not they're required to wear them. the company says the girls don't have to wear them if they don't want to. one girl said, we've never been told we can remove them. if we don't wear our tags with our name and size, it gives us loads of demerits.
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>> i'm kind of an expert myself. >> let's put it to the test right now here on our ladies. >> what kind of expert you are? >> you are a 34 b. >> no. >> just in case you're wondering, 36 dd. >> i knew it! >> we're going to need to pull some photos of boobs. in october, one of nasa's missions, the operation ice bridge travelled to west antarctica and made an amazing discovery. >> we noticed a fairly large crack in the ice shelf. >> you're seeing a massive crack in the pine island glacier in antarctica and it just happened sometime between september and october of this year. >> wow. >> if this crack continues to propagate it's going to create a massive iceberg that is going to separate from the glacier
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itself. >> it measures 18 miles long, 50 meters deep. >> wow. >> and it would be an 800-square-kilometer iceberg. that's huge. >> is it global warming-related? >> it is part of the melting process of the glaciers. >> this mission, the operation ice bridge, is a six-year nasa mission and their goal is to capture the movement of this glacier and as you can see now, this iceberg that's potentially going to break off. >> what are they worried that this thing could like run into? >> they're not worried that it's going to run into. they're worried about the bigger consequences of what that means. it's raising sea levels and they're concerned about that. >> you're in the driver's seat, just cruising, and then -- >> that is a terrifying but lucky day for three drivers. >> how this accident caught on tape all turned out.
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to keep high-tech jobs here in san francisco. a way to renew blighted neighborhoods like mid-market and the tenderloin by helping emerging industries expand and hire more workers. a way to give incentives to companies that produce clean energy jobs. one man found a way to do all this and more. mayor ed lee. ed lee accomplished these things in less than one year as mayor. just imagine what he'll do with four.
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if we go to google. type in an gram, it says, do you mean diagram. or, tilt? the whole site gets slightly tilted. >> they call these easter eggs? >> i never knew these were on there. >> a new one came out just the other day and it's all over the internet. everyone is going crazy looking this up. and all you have to do is type in do a barrel roll on google. and -- >> look at that. it flipped. >> the whole site does a barrel roll. it's a huge internet meem. i'm sure someone was just programming this and thought hey, that would be kind of fun. >> do a barrel roll! to russia, where driving seems to be a challenge each and every day, even on dry, clear roads, on a somewhat seemingly nice day. you cross the line, gets a
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little wobble, but it's not his fault, it's the guy's -- whoa! >> man, he swerved out of the way, through cars. >> wow. >> that's a terrifying, but lucky day for three drivers. >> whoa! >> oh, they hit. >> they did hit. >> i thought he missed it completely, but look at the end, you actually hear a bang and you see glass against the dashboard. >> so what was that guy, that crossed this guy's path doing that like he, he ended up driving right in front of him like that? >> to me, it looks like the point of view camera that we're seeing got nudged by the driver that comes. >> i think the guy probably got
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cut off and was trying to pass somebody too quickly and spun out. >> this camera makes it seem like you're in the car. >> like my life is flood watching before my eyes. playing a little game of pool. i mean -- [ laughter ] so -- it's elista playing chicken around the pool table with 9-month-old tank. that's a 9-month-old english ma mastiff puppy. she's playing chicken around the pool table.
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>> and then the family cat jumps in between them to intervene. >> she's really taunting him, too. >> this goes on for a while until he finally gets her, look what he does. he's like tickling her. >> he is. >> she deserves all that she deserves all that slobber. >> i'm glad he didn't try to eat her, because i think he probably could, if he wanted her. he's gigantic. >> he's a gentle giant. >> i still think he could eat her. i just love when technology meets extreme sports. because what happens is always something amazing. >> i specialize in panorama photography. >> this is jorgen who teamed up with sony's xperia studios and
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smartphones. >> use smartphones in a cluster for this 360 video, nobody was done this before. >> these are the handlebars of a professional biker's bike. this guy rode down the slick rock trail at moab, utah, which is so cool. they created this video that you can interact with, you can control the view from your key board on your computer and can you see every single view on his ride which is almost better than the reality. >> this was done on cell phones? that's insane. >> "right this minute," we have jorgen on skype from new york to tell us exactly how he made this whole thing. >> li. well there are 360 videos that exist but nobody was used cell phones. we used cell phones because we wanted to have more controllability. >> why a bike and why this
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location? you probably could have mounted this thing on anything. >> i thought a little bit about story had been telling and 360 videos and most 360 videos we saw are about as interesting as nothing. putting them on a mountain bike because moab is such a great place and mark knows the trail so well because he rode it like often. he wanted to share that experience with all the other people out there who have not had a chance to go to moab. i was totally ecstatic when i saw it all come together. the footage that we got is awesome. >> thank you so much for being with us, this is so cool. this bear out for a walk. >> it took them over an hour to track this bear down and that's the result of authorities chasing him down. how does it turn out?
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♪ you guys think most of our crazy videos come from russia, right? >> yeah. india, too, that's another good source. >> no. let's go to the uk. this is 48-year-old robert orns on his motorcycle. it's not like he's doing anything out of the ordinary, right? >> passing some guys on the shoulder. >> except he is riding his motorcycle at 150 miles per hour. >> yeah. >> as he's weaving through traffic. in some parts of the video you duly see him do some really -- >> he's going down a road with a traffic oncoming, too. >> he's driving on sidewalks? >> he's being completely reckless. >> he taped four of these videos on a helmet cam and posted them on youtube earlier this year. someone saw these videos and decide dodd anonymously call the police and warn them about this driver. they ended up arresting him and last week, he was finally
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sentenced to 150 hours community service, he has a 51-week jail sentence that has been suspended for two years. he has ten points on his driving license record. his bike was confiscated and -- the kicker? he was banned from driving for five years. >> whoa! >> that will get you. >> yeah. >> that's the worst part. >> why -- when people break the law, they post the video of it online? >> if he's not going to think of the consequences of what could happen by driving this reckless through traffic, he's not going to think of the consequences of what could happen if he posts his reckless behavior online. beth, that's not a big dog you're watching, that is a black bear strolling through a washington state neighborhood. >> do you notice anything particular about said bear? >> he has something in his butt? >> he has been hit with four tranquilizers and wut one of
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them hit him on his keister. it took them over an hour to track this bear down, and he finally stopped in the parking lot of a school. and just laid down, put him on a blanket, put him in that little carrier there and they are taking him someplace safe. >> he's going to be released in the wild, he's fine. >> catch and release, it was a tranquilizer, not a permanent go to sleep dart. >> i've got to feel sorry for this little fellow. he was roaming around, he got lost in the big city. we are encroaching in his habitat. >> and he got dhased by cop cars and shot by the dart guns. >> it's wintertime, they helped him get a start on hibernation, what's the problem with that? >> they didn't kill the bear, they didn't turn him into a rug. i say the name kelly slater, whether you're a surf fan or not, most people know who kelly slater is, he's the most successful surfer ever. this week, he was crowned with
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his 11th surfing championship. >> i just didn't even know where i was in the heat. i heard that they were going to crown me the 11th time, i guess i won. >> but wait, not exactly. surfing championship was given to him a little prematurely. a person on his twitter account alerted him and said, hey, you may want to take a look at these results, slater looked at the results and agreed, you know what, you're right, i didn't officially win. so he told the association of surfing professionals, check the numbers again. i think you guys are wrong. >> and sure enough, when they went through the minimutiae of e rule books, there's a chance that owen wright of australia could still have a possibility of winning. >> how cool of him to get that information and then to take it back to the officials and say, hey, look, i think you made a mistake. >> slater was the youngest and oldest surfer to win
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championships. inchmpionship. theyoungest at last year in 2010, his tenth world championship, he was 38 years old. few athletes can say something like that. they're at the top of their sport at such a young age and then 18 years later, still kicking butt, that's impressive. >> what a great example he is to kids. >> all slater needs to do is win the next event and he clinches his 11th for reals. time for my nerdy story of the day. i want you to check out this new kind of robot. look at the size of this thing. it's a microdragon fly drone. this is made at the air force research laboratory, they're working on these tiny little robots. this is animation of what they're working on to develop. they're making bird-like robots. and this one they already have. you can see that's not a cartoon. this little dragonfly guy.
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the department of defense is saying this is going to be the next generation of intelligence. imagine where you could send that little guy to collect intelligence and collect information. >> it's like until somebody smashes you with a fly swatter. >> that's the future of criminals being completely paranoid and carry fly swatters instead of guns. >> a peeping tom could fly right into your bedroom. before you know it, you've got naked beth troutman pictures on youtube. >> all i'm going to be doing is walking around with a fly swatter because of you. >> how freaked out would you be if you saw a fly on the wall and you smashed it and you looked closely and it was a bunch of microchips. >> is that a fly on my windshield or a robot? i want us all to get on buggy one. >> where's buggy one? northern canada. manitoba. because they're going on a
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little polar bear expedition. this is the churchill wildlife management area. this is buggy one. the tundra buggy. this tricked-out hummer type vehicle where there's a balcony where they can stand out there and watch what they're doing and they also have cameras on it and they're watching the migration of the polar bears. the wisht is polar bear you see the live feeds and it tells you how many polar bears they've seen that day. how many other animals. >> you see this little guy yawn? >> you see the tongue curled out like a little partiy horn, so cute. >> the truck moves so it's not in the same spot all day, all the time. it's not a stationary camera. >> what's their overall goal with this polar bear cam. >> they want to highlight the
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need to save polar bears, they believe in 50 years, two-thirds of the polar bears in the world will be extinct. >> this little guy is swimming. she may say no, but the dress? says yes. >> here i am just trying to show you guys a see-through dress and now beth's divorced. >> how did we get there? you'll have to wait and see. check out this cool ride. >> i can't resist just making fun of it. because it looks so dorky. >> or dorky ride. but is it a joke? stick around. hey!
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you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat pillsbury crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels just unroll, add ingredients, roll and bake. and the crowd goes wild. crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels. game day ideas made easy.
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fts russia is the 15th-most subscribed youtube channel on youtube. this guy, dmitri as he's known, as 250 million viewers. his latest video is being tazed, pepper-sprayed and shot and he got one of his fans to be the target. >> you're going to have a very, very bad day. >> the first round of punishment is the rubber pellet shot. >> we've got three rubber buck shots in there. that's not ping pong balls, those are real. >> it looks like he's got a kevlar vest on under his sweatshirt. >> you might be right at he's
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wei a protectivesweatshirt. >> that didn't look like it felt too good. but i think we can come up with something better this is an m-22 tadser. >> he tazes him for a really long time. [ screaming ] >> i had to get him one more time. i couldn't help it. >> but surprisingly, jeremy, who is kind of a big deal, really withstood the pepper spray. >> how does that feel? >> oh! >> you want more? >> the torture isn't over. jeremy, his fan, gets an fps -- >> what you need to look at is the welts that this guy has here from the rubber shotgun shell. >> beth, there's your answer, he wasn't wearing a protective vest. if he was, it missed. >> if there's any fan out there who would like to get an "rtm" tattoo, i could give them one. >> finding ways to fool people on facebook. >> you are you.
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how? >> i haven't figured out how to work this, but they give you instructions. these are from the folks at household hacker. >> we'll give a women and simple method to fool facebook check-in. this will allow us to fake a gps location with our computer's browser. next, search and grab user agent switcher, it will fake facebook into thinking we're on a mobile device so we can use the faked gps location. >> how great is that? so if you're not a world traveler, you can at least make your friends think that you're a world traveler. >> or if you're telling your boss you're going on a trip you could have a good time with this. >> click the little green box in the top righthand corner and type in the location that you'd like to pretend you're at. as you can see, i am now checking in at the space needle in seattle. meanwhile, i'm actually over 1,000 miles away. >> very sneaky, troutman. >> i always knew you were sneaky. >> who would have thought this would come from you. >> it's a lot of work just to fake out your friends. i can see, yeah, if you have to
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prove to your boss that -- you know you're somewhere else. >> and if you want to lie to your friends that bad, that's your cool prank, i'm going to prank my friends and tell them i'm at the space needle, couldn't you just tell them your status you're at the space needle. >> or if you need to hide out from the law. they think you're at the space needle checking on to facebook from your the space needle and they check for you there. >> beth troutman assisting criminals in 2011. ladies imagine you're at the club and you're feeling a guy, you got your eyes on hill, but you're too nervous to talk to him. now you can let your dress do the talking for you. this is called the intimacy 2.0, developed by dutch designer studio, roussgarde. the dress is made of leather and e-foils. the e-foils are embedded sensors
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that become see-through when zapped with electricity. as your heart rate rises, your dress becomes more transparent. >> that's an ugly dress. >> well it comes in black and white. i guess when you're not so interested, the dress becomes less -- >> less revealing. >> so you know, you get next to a guy at the bar and he buys you a drink, he starts talking and all of a sudden, poof, the dress is see-through. >> that's something you wear in the bedroom. you greet him at the door and say, hey. >> if i was at home and wanted my husband to see me naked, i would take off my clothes. >> how long have you been married? >> four years. >> in three more years you'll be ordering this dress. >> it's the seven-year itch. >> do you want black or white? >> get black. it's -- slimming. >> i don't get why anybody -- >> she might be in three years. >> whoa! >> what the heck is happening
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here? wow. >> my husband is not going to like me. >> what happened, beth, you were doing so well. >> gee. here i am just trying to show you guys a see-through dress and now beth's divorced. [ laughter ] we all know the secene from "the matrix" right? see how these guys turn to reality when they hit the waves. we've all been there, just so tired that your head starts [ screaming ]
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i want to know what you think of this. because i'm confused about it. >> introducing the uber hood. the only umbrella system designed for the bicycle. whether it's blazing sun or driving rain -- uber hood provides the superior riding experience as it helps to keep you protected from the environment. >> the pole for the umbrella is right in your face. use the uber hood on your way to class. or a ride to the park with a friend. or even on your way to work. >> your vision is already impaired by the rain and you've got a pole in front of your face? >> be cool, stay dry, and keep riding with uber hood. >> i think it's perfectly -- interesting and necessary.
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invention, especially for places like in denmark or in england where there's lots of rain. >> look how awkward these people look riding down by this body of water. the uber hood is all wobbling everywhere. >> basically i'm the only one who would use it. >> i think it's fine. but how do you ride your bike? >> i'm glad you appreciate it, i can't resist making fun of it. because it looks so dorky. >> i think that's kind of a really neat invention. coy see a lot of people using that in those countries i mentioned. >> if you decide you don't want the uber hood up, look what it looks like when it's down? >> oh, weird. remember the crazy scene in "the matrix" where neo is dodging the bullet. imagine applying that same technique for surfing. it's crazy cool. >> this sort of gives you the
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extra view, what the athlete has to do. i want to show you how they do it. >> we put 30 cameras, 40 cameras and we go -- >> they have a guy out there in the water on a boat. shooting from all of these cameras and they're getting that effect of being able to stop it and turn it so people can see a more complete view. >> i thought they would have to turn it, too. because it looks like the images are turning as well. but i guess they have it in a straight line. >> and they have the surfers come by them and turn. they're getting the turning motion from that one strip. >> they take a frame and stitch it together in software afterwards. so you see one frame here and the next camera and the next camerand a next camera, it gives you that wrap-around look. >> you're getting the more complete view. >> got a lot of clips. >> it's like a cooler view than if you were even out there. >> i've got to be honest, i stopped paying attention if you're setting up the cameras. because if you rewind to the one guy that's talking he has one
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chunk of hair on the top of his head that was bugging me. >> i'm not sure what's going on in surfing style, but that might be the thing. nick, when you were at school, did you ever do this move at your desk? honestly? >> here we have a couple of meerkats at the san diego zoo. the guy on the far right is like, you know what, you guys are boring. >> isn't it weird when animals sit like you? >> isn't it, he's going to take a nap. >> he's sleeping like a guy takes a siesta. he should have a sombrero. >> it's kind of like the boring dude in the group. there goes chuck again. >> or maybe he ate too much. he probably ate too many kit-kats for halloween. >> after the sugar rush. >> a reality show about meerkats. >> it could be called meerkat
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it's so important to find creative things to do with your free time. this guy found something interesting to do with his free time. you're probably confused, wondering what the snap is going on. >> that guy was wondering what the snap is going on. >> what is going on is that this guy is setting up a diamond on top of that dime. he wants to stack 3,118 other coins. >> but not just stack them -- design with all of these coins. >> what? >> geez. >> it looks like a big giant
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beehive. >> that's exactly what i thought. the question is, does he succeed or does he fail? success, guys. >> that is a lot of fun at an arcade. what you're seeing right now is the st. thomas ford assembly plant in ontario, canada, after 44 years in production, they closed their doors on september 15th. they put about 1200 people out of work. and this guy, johnny overseed, he thought it was interesting how the people came together and just finished the last day. you can see things are still in motion. and then it gets to the last cars coming down the line and everybody is gathered around taking pictures, giving sendoffs. >> kind of an interesting look
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inside something you don't usually get to see. >> it would be hard to put the last screw in. the last bolt in. to be the person that did that last brief action. >> it looks like they all signed the inside of the door panel. >> did you see that? that was pretty cool. >> we have john on the line from ontario to tell us about it. >> it was a weird feeling, to tell us it was the last day, everyone do it see the people you work with. >> what were some of the stories you were hearing from the workers who were about to lose their jobs? were they would worried about finding work? >> it was really hard to talk to guys. like you go into this great relationship with them and they have young families. they didn't see this coming. and a lot of them are heading west to find work. >> did you get to meet or talk to any of the older guys that had been there for a long time? what was the emotion like there in. >> i got to meet the guys who had been there for a long time and a lot of guys who retired
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from there came back. it was a very heavy thing to talk about because it was all they've really known. they're just great people and it was sad to see this happen. the best-selling author of all time, over 400 years of history. and -- now, his books come to life in a whole new way. >> hey, i'm cliff and these are my notes. >> shakespeare cliff notes in cartoon version. >> love it. >> i actually went and watched "macbeth" and they looked really good. >> during the video you can click on characters or places or themes and it gives you a longer description of what's going on. >> pure entertainment, intense drama. nonstop laughs. and of course -- good old-fashioned back-stabbing. >> how long are they?
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>> each one is six minutes, six of the classics, six minutes long. it's quick, you can sit down and watch them and you get the gist of everything. they're coming from mark burnett and coalition films. they're really well produced. >> am i going to be able to write about the protaganist and antaganist? >> you're not going to be able to go out and write a 40-page dissertation. >> if you want to check out the videos you can get them at, they're all on there, all six of them, great to watch. that's it for today's show, thanks so much for joining us, everybody, we'll see you thanks so much for joining us, everybody, we'll see you tomorrow. -- captions by vitac --
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