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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  November 8, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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person on the street is good. >> reporter: a resident from another street said the alleged burglars were looking to break- in to her house before the shooting happened. >> they just stood there in the path at the eventual of the path. i left and -- by the time i looked out the guy waske in my yard. >> reporter: no word on the condition of the injured man. a multiagency investigation is underway. live in brentwood. ktvu channel 1 news. >> a man accused of killing a woman is entered a guilty plea. the da said the 44-year-old gary scott holland accepted the deal in exchange for the deal. prosecutors say he posed as a utility worker to get into her
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home. at the time of the murder he was on parole for another murder in another part of the state. >> i feel very sad but i feel happy that it was a plea and this horrible monster will never see the light of day. >> reporter: holland is expected to receive 50 years to life in prison when sentenced. sentenced. a sentenced. >> reporter: a 16-year-old was assaulted on friday. he kept her captive for several hours before letting her go. >> now to the election voters are going to the polls in a number of cities but a lot of eyes are on san francisco where they are electing a mayor, da and a sheriff.
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>> reporter: the wait times were short. >> not to long. >> reporter: the director of elections said turn out has been low. the last mayor alley election had a turn out of 50%. today only about 16 to 17% have cast a vote. this could be the first time of is's mayor is picked through the rank choice system. >> i think it does in some respect speed up the process and forces people to think about their second and third choices. >> you rank choices and it's not either or. you may still get someone you like >> state officials have been
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called in the middle of allegations of tampering. they act as observers at polling places to see that laws are followed. some claimed people were helping elderly residents fill out ballots. they note it's not unusual to send people to polling places and that last year they monitored voting in the city. >> it's election day in other bay area cities in addition to san francisco voters electing mayors in newark, livermore, san francisco rafael and vallejo. revenue measures are also on a number of ballot its, vallejo trying to decide if they will increase the sales tax by 1% and voters in fairfax and san francisco are considering a sales tax increase of a half percent. in oakland votes are considering a parcel tax proposal, also on the ballot is measure j that would delay
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repayment of almost half a billion dollars of pension debt for retired police and firefighters. >> oakland mayor is making a new plea for a peaceful end to the occupy protest taking over the plaza. we are live with the part of the mayor's comment today that has people fired up on both sides of the debate. >> reporter: it does, in this one page statement from the mayor today she conceded that the presence of all of the departments here is a effecting people who live and work in this area. in the last hour or so we received an update from the city administrator that said 180 tents, two fires overnight that they had to respond to but today even the mayor stopped short of demanding an end to overnight camping. it could be another message falling on deaf ears at the oakland camp outside city halls. do you plan to leave? >> when it's said and done.
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>> reporter: in her latest statement. the mayor acknowledged what small business owners. the mayor calling for more dialogue as well as for people and organizations to reach out to the campers and for the campers to assure peaceful democrat administration. many say that's not enough. >> i'm glad the mayor is taking steps, that affirms the need to move forward but negotiation at this point i don't -- can't agree with that. >> reporter: some city councilmembers confirm they met on monday to do about the camp and while they haven't laid out a plan that could soon change. >> the plan has failed, dealing with his problem and so now i think what i'm -- looking at for the city council to take action.
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. >> reporter: we learned about a sexual assault that happened here last week. we hope to have new information. >> the man who lost his bid to be mayor has said the mayor has lost control. >> this is a political error in judgement and the whole city suffering for it. i don't see an end. >> reporter: the former state senate president was a front runner last year but because of rank choice voting he lost out to her. today -- rob roth got an interview and coming up how he said he would have handled the protesters. >> a oil spill is causing a smelley situation. we will show you what is happening at the site of the leak today. workers trying to repair the
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pipeline. the leak was found yesterday near the former concord naval weapons station. tom is live -- with the clean up and the controversy. >> reporter: here is what is going on. you can see it's another object lesson. the pipelines, natural gas or oil do have consequences. >> reporter: crews worked all day and night to clean up the spill that smells of a heavy stench. taking responsibility is an oil giant. >> it's a rare thing. >> reporter: the pipeline transports oil almost 200 miles to the refinery. >> it's heavy, heavy product. >> it's just the smell is not something that i have smelled
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before and that concerns me. >> we get the wind blowing down. comes in to the kitchen and patio. just very difficult to breathe and very uncomfortable. >> reporter: the health department released a statement saying air readings show the leak currently doesn't pose a significant health threat. some who smelled it may experience headaches or nausea but they should be temporary . >> i'm concerned. >> reporter: and to make it worse, just a few feet away there is an endangered species, the red legged frog that is threatened by the spill. >> they are right -- against the patio and that's consider a natural habitat. we appreciate that and love the frogs. >> i used to see quite a few of them but i haven't seen any in a long time. >> reporter: and coming up at six why this spill was such a big surprise to most people
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around here. >> and our coverage continues on our website. just go to k >> the court is deciding whether workplace managers must order meal and rest breaks for employees or make them available. the case could affect tens of thousands of workers statewide. it all comes a lawsuit filed by employers of brinker international. the lawsuit alleged the chain failed to ensure workers got their legally mandated breaks. the court is required to make a ruling in 90 days. >> the labor department reported another positive sign for the job market. they citied more jobs in september than in three years. companies in government offices posted 3.35 million job openings, it's up 7% from august and the most since august of 2008. there was heavy competition for each one of those jobs, almost 14 million people were out of work in september.
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4.2 for every one job opening. corporate bonuses expected to be down this year compared to last year. according to a new report bonuses will be down by as much as 30%. that means the corporate bonus will be about 75,000 dollars. it blames the economy and international instability. on wall street stocks rose on words that the prime minister of italy is promising to are sign. italy is struggling financially and the prime minister was considered a hurdle to reform. he has promised to step aside. here are the closing numbers. the dow jumped more than 100 points, nasdaq rose more than 31 points. >> deadly motorcycle crash on 101 caused a major traffic back up this afternoon. a motorcycle rider died in an accident on northbound 101 near
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the vermont street exit about 2:45. the medical examiner was called to the scene and several lanes were blocked off until just after four. traffic in both directions is slowly returning to normal. >> they say that the 99% but it's not an occupy rally, they are csu staff members. >> it was cold last night. freezing temperatures in the north bay. we have another cold one in store tonight. i will have specific forecasts for your city for tomorrow. i'm forty-six. and the tooth fairy doesn't come when you're forty-six. just lots of referrals and appointments and bills that costs tons. maybe i'll keep it... it adds character... right? [ male announcer ] we know life can be unpredictable. that's why we offer affordable health coverage and dental plans. blue shield.
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[ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. . >> professors at state universities walked picket lines saying it's about saving public education because they say the system is broken. that isn't all they are upset about. they are furious at the
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chancellor. ken pritchett is at san francisco state and says staff members say they are being robbed of money they have earned. >> reporter: what happened here a few hours ago that picket took place at all 23 campuses, members took to the picket line demanding pay and change. 99% is the cry of occupy protesters but that's not what this is. dozens of staff took to the picket line on 19 the avenue to protest everything from pay to declining teaching conditions due to budget cuts. >> class that i may have had 30 students now is about 50. >> we want people to understand that the system is now broken. >> reporter: a one professor joined this union picket organized by the california faculty association. they say csu went back on $20 million in pay races agreed to by both sides in negotiations
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two years ago. >> we did the work for which we were expecting to get the wakes and they were withheld. that's called wage theft. >> reporter: the chancellor's office said the races were based on anticipated funding but the state cut more than half a billion dollars from the system. >> pay $20 million in races when we are receiving such massive cuts is irresponsible for the universities. >> reporter: they face $650 million guaranteed cuts. csu argues $20 million in pay races is ill timed. >> moppy we don't have to manage that it would mean we would have to lay off 315 teachers or cut over 2,000 students. >> reporter: today it was a picket on november 17th. they say they will go on strike including csu east bay, they
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want to shut the campuses down for one day. . >> conrad murray faces a new round of battles as he waits for sentences. his family members have filed two suits, one against him for malpractice and another against the concert promotion company behind jackson's come back tour. the family claims the company knew jackson was being given the drug. murray will be sentenced for manslaughter november 29th. >> there are reports tonight that joe paterno will loose his job in the middle a widening sex abuse scandal and possible cover up. the times is siting sources saying the long time coach could loose his job with in days or weeks. this morning his regularly scheduled news conference was canceled. the allegation is that he knew what was going on but did not take strong action to stop it. all of this as another
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potential victim came forward and said he was abused by former penn state defensive coordinator jerry sandusky. this brings the number of alleged victims to nine. >> a benefit concert will be held tomorrow to help pay for the recovery of brian stow. the third base coach will preform with his band at a jazz club in san francisco tomorrow night. stow was beaten outside dodgers stadium. he had brain damage in the attack. just lack week his family said he can sign his name and is slowly improving. >> the president he revealed a new program to improve the president visited a head start program in pennsylvania today. he announced new funding standards for the preschool program designed to raise the bar for those schools. the president noted that under the old rules head start programs had little
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responsibility. >> if a program wasn't providing kid was quality services, there was no incentive to improve. under the new rules, programs are going to be regularly checked against a set of clear, high standards. >> the president criticized congress for trying to slash funds from the program. let's talk about weather. beautiful day but looks like another cold night. >> it was cold last night. it'll be very cold again tonight and early tomorrow morning. dew points up a little bit of the overnight lows maybe in the cold spots in the midand upper 30s but it's cold, frost and maybe a little patchy valley fog. the set up for this is a jet stream that's driving to the north. all the clouds, they are going to the north and the jet stream forming a ridge over us and this high pressure that sits over us kind of kills the winds, as those winds die down temperatures cooldown. we don't have a frost advisory tonight but if you look at the
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-- if you look closely you can see the napa valley. these are low lying areas, the north bay sets itself up for valley fog and for frost events. this is all low lying, coastal here and right in here around -- this valley, that plain gets very, very cold at night. we are set up for a very cold night throughout much of the bay area. these are the overnight lows forecast, a little warmer but you get outside of santa rosa and get in other places in the inland valleys you will find the low 30s. valley fog always a problem, out toward the napa river. the overnight lows are cold enough and you have moisture in the ground. the ground is wet. you have a little rain, so that moisture sort of condensing once the temperatures drop to the dew point. reference dew point a lot. when you get a dew point of 38 degrees because dew point is a temperature. when a have a dew point of 38 degrees that says fog will form. also that the temperature can't
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get much colder because once fog forms the atmosphere warms, latent heat is released. farmers live and die by dew point. 32-degree dew point it's freezing temperatures and maybe even fog. here is how the system looks in the pacific now. another cold night tonight and tomorrow. then this system comes in, unusual one, not unusual but just cringing in and you see the rotation. the low will sink and sit off the coast and then drive south. southern california will get hit with this. we get hit thursday fight into friday. ly get specific, the forecast high for tomorrow. i will see you back in a couple minutes. >> unmanned mission to mars today. the mission will be the first to land on one of the two small moon that orbit marches. next item a probe will touchdown, scoop up soil and
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return it to earth. it's believed to be an asteroid. we get a picture of it passes over our heads. john fowler is going to show it to us live. >> herman cain came out swinging. what he said about the serious allegations and the second accuser who came forward today. >> and how these two world leaders were dissing one of their colleagues and it was caught on a microphone.
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. herman cain came out swinging fighting back against accusations of harassment from four women. >> i have never acted inappropriately with anyone. >> reporter: he appeared defiant but calm calling the women's accusations baseless. he said he considers harassment a very serious matter but he said the accusations against him are political. he blamed what he called the machine for trying to sabotage his campaign. >> and as far as these accusations causing me to back off and may be withdraw from this presidential primary race, ain't going to happen. >> reporter: four women have
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accused him of making unwanted advances, even groping them. today a spokeswoman was identified as one of the accusers. yesterday another woman made her accusations public. spool showed 40% of voters view him less favorablely. cain said you don't need that much to win, just 51%. >> mitt romey commented on the scandal. he told abc news these are serious allegations and they are going to have to be addressed. he said the claims this he groped a woman was disturbing but he wouldn't comment on if he believed the accusations. michelle bacchmann was campaigning speaking out against tax tax and high spending. >> when it goes to politicians
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to play off friends and donors like we saw with sylendra and other companies, then it becomes your cash for government's clunkers. >> reporter: >> an open microphone caught the president of france making a gaffe while talking to the president. it happened last week. he said he count bear the israeli prime minister saying he ask a liar. the president reported i have to deal with him more than you do. reporters who heard it didn't report them at the time but now the remarks have appeared on french websites. >> the critical words from the man who lot of the mayor race.
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while is he calling it a man made disaster and how he would have handled it. >> called a once in a lifetime opportunity and right now they are getting ready to see it skimming by earth. we will show you live pictures. [ man ] it's big. supports in times of need. same with aladdin. the biggest in bail. no one has lower prices, is faster or more professional. aladdin bail bonds. bigger because we're better.
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aladdin bail bonds. i'm not crazy about these light fixtures. kitchen's too small. what's next? 607 franklin st. ♪ sea bass... ♪ ooohhh! ♪ i like it. yeah, i love the kitchen. [ male announcer ] the epa-estimated 42 mpg highway chevy cruze eco. perfect for finding your way home.
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[ man ] it's big. supports in times of need. same with aladdin. the biggest in bail. no one has lower prices, is faster or more professional. aladdin bail bonds. bigger because we're better. . complete bay area news coverage continues. this is the news at five. >> in police officer's shoes, we have video gives us a new look at what oakland police officers went through in sir meshes with protesters. it shows confrontations during
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the protests two weeks ago. the video was released about 4:45 after we submitted a california public records request. we are live in the newsroom with more of that video. >> reporter: we are still reviewing the video because there are four clip that were released just a short time ago. the first is an aerial view. the video shows the intersection of 8th and washington downtown. this is where police officers clashed with protesters, on october 25th. the day of the tear gassing that got national headlines. the second piece of video is from the street level and you can see here people surrounding cars, police trying to break up the crowd, you can see then someone throwing paint at a police officer and sweaters on the officer's chest and in the next two pieces they are coming officer's cameras, the ones worn on their vest this is some of the strongest video we have seen.
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you can see the scuffles taking place and in -- all of this coming cameras worn on the officer's vest, the police department just started wearing them last year, you can see how large the crowd is here. the 4th piece of video we got from the police department just late this afternoon is showing what appears to be a confrontation between an officer and a protester, the officer uses his baton and appears a man wearing a sharks jersey is -- the one the officer is focusing on this is from an officer's camera which is why it's so shaky at times. you can see the tense situation here. keep in mind the officers have only been wearing them for less than a year and again this video is just coming to us at 4:45 this afternoon. we are just getting our first look at it. this is video that the oakland police department decided to release. it's just pieces they wanted to release. many media outlets including
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ours, and the tribune and the aclu had been requesting to get this since the protest happened. everybody has been filing to get it. we just got it and these are just parts that the police department decided to release. coming up a little later at six we will be live from oakland with more on the release of these tapes by the oakland police department late this afternoon. now back to you. >> there were some strong words from don perida about how the mayor is handling the protesters. he lot of the election but said had he been elected he would have done things differently. we have what he says about the protesters and rank choice voting. >> reporter: we sat down with don in a coffee shop today. a year ago he lot of the race even though he had more first
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place votes, he says rank choice voting is a poor way to decide elections. >> the events of the past three weeks bay -- it may well be enough to get rid of rank choice voting . >> reporter: yesterday we reported that the overnight camping in front of city hall is helping fuel an effort to recall the mayor. don says rank choice confuses many. >> it's like a high school election, it's a popularity contest. you find you don't want to offend anybody because you want to be the second place vote. >> reporter: he didn't mince words about the mayor's handling. >> it's a disaster. it's probably the worst thing that could have happened to us. we have been through quakes, fire but those were natural, this is a man made disaster. this was a political error in judgement. >> reporter: and he says if he was mayor he would have addressed the demonstrators in the beginning. >> you are welcome here to
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protest. do it in a peaceful manner and we embrace you. however there will be no camping over night. >> reporter: in a show of support he said he would have proposed removing city fund from major banks. >> let's him them where they live. you don't knock out the front window, you knock out the depositors and then i think you would have changed the contour of the debate. >> reporter: he said oakland needs new businesses but these images aren't helping, he said the mayor must make a strong statement. >> there has to be a political demonstration of will that oakland is not tolerate, we made mistakes, we are done with that and we will -- it'll be by the book and we will embrace our traditions but we won't give the city away. >> reporter: he now works as a political consultant. he moved out of oakland and said he has no intention of
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running for political office again. in oakland. >> when he spoke with him don also weighed in on the resigning of anthony bats. he said he feels the chief never got the support he needed from the city. >> he may not have been able to hit the pitching in this league but i don't think he had a chance to get up to the plate. had i been elected i would have been supporting the key. boy have asked what do you need and tried to get it for him. >> reporter: the chief stepped down after two years into his three year contract. the coverage of the story continues online. go to the website and you will find the interview with dob. >> the first pictures are coming in of that asteroid skimming by earth. we are in oakland to explain why it's so historic. >> sciencists have never known in advance that something this
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big would pass so close. these are live pictures where it was sunset three hours ago. this bright dot is that quarter mile wide rock, it's traveling 30,000 miles an hour. the streaks here are stars in the background. right now this asteroid is high up in the sky so we can't see it well. at the space and science center sciencists have set up this 36- inch telescope and will track it tonight. >> it's moving very fast, much fatter than most of the ones we normally trackt. will take a little work. >> reporter: a part of a worldwide network of trackers looking for that killer rock that could hit earth. it's happened thousands of times before and experts say it'll again but now we have the
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technology to deflect it and save civilization if we find it in time. he tracked this one last night but it was 40 times farther away than tonight. tonight is a historic opportunity to study. >> chance to really see up close a rock, get a sense of its shape, sense of what it's made of. >> reporter: that is now moving away from earth. it's one of 8,000 known -- near earth asteroids and it's thought there are a million more we don't know about. those are the ones we need to worry about. this could be a wake up call. now the public is invited out here tonight should be good viewing until about midnight. reporting live. >> a new review on cell phones doesn't give the newest i-phone a high mark. which phones consumer reports likes better. >> how christmas is coming
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early. >> and take a look at this. an interesting notice from nordstrom, the christmas message it's sending to customers. ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends, so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
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so i just started wearing this helmet instead... which, you know, it's... to me it makes sense. i mean, it can get awkward sure, when you're meeting new people but i just explain to them that i wear it because i dropped my insurance plan, and they're like wow, this is a smart guy. i mean they don't say that out loud, but... [ male announcer ] we know it can be tough out there. that's why we offer a wide range of plans for a wide range of budgets. blue shield.
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you don't decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pick vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant fantastic! pro-gresso ] they fit! okay-y... okay??? i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. . after criticizing apple's i- phone last year consumer report
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s is giving the new phone a better review. they said the new model doesn't suffer the reception problem like its predecessor but despite the improvement they still don't give it top marks. phones that beat it are the galaxy2, and the lg thrill. >> the release of a anticipated video game is expected to bring in hundreds of millions of dollars. the launch of modern warfare three brought dozens of fans to september up outside a game stop store. it went on sale at midnight. >> i guess i'm competitive. i don't know. i didn't really like dolls, i like the -- i like to destroy mine. >> the game is expected to bring in $300 million in sales. >> the probably have seen them
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at stores. out at nordstrom instead it's got a early message out. decking its halls -- because it likes the idea of celebrating one holiday at a time. other retailers started putting out christmas items in september. a lot of those people will, gifts for bets. just over half will biologists for pets and will spend about $46. 68% of pets will find toys under the tree. 45% will get food or a treat. other items include bedding, clothing, leashes and collars. >> west hollywood could be the first city to ban the sale of clothes made with fur. the city council cast a vote yesterday in favor of a ban on the sale of new clothes made from the skin or pelt of
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animals with hair, wool or furt. wouldn't affect resale. the council will cast a final vote november 21st. >> how little does it take to be a distracted driver? we came to do a little test. >> back here in ten minutes it'll be cold tomorrow and daytime highs may be warmer. i will look at your high for your city.
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. in 2009 more than a hundred people in california were killed in accidents caused by drivers who were texting many talking on the phone or eating. even so, a lot of people still think they are expects at multitasking behind the wheel. in tonight's special report we went to a closed course with a chp to put distracted driving to the test. >> reporter: ever weekday morning at this busy intersection it's --. >> crossing the street. thank you. >> reporter: verses the traffic. >> she ain't supposed to go. she is supposed to stop. >> reporter: this intersection is wore a 6-year-old was struck and killed last month while crossing the street and that accident the driver said she was blinded by the sun but she sees many distracted by other things. >> when it gets really busy and they in a rush to go take their kids to school or go to work that's what the problem
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starts. >> reporter: drivers with cell phones, eating and drinks, not paying attention. >> look at them. they about to have an accident. >> it's dangerous driving. >> reporter: we met up with the california highway patrol to do a test and find how little it takes to be a distracted driver. >> we set up a traffic pattern looking like a city street. >> reporter: if this parking lot brian williams is here to test my driving as i text, talk on the phone and eat. while i try to tackle this course i will use this camera that goes over my ear. it'll give us view. you can see the camera moving up and down as my eyes go from the phone to the road. >> she just hit a cone, she hit two. you couldn't maintain speed and you could see the car drifting off to the right or to the left. >> reporter: driving while holding the phone wasn't as bad but the officer noticed this strange one handed turn many. >> if you had to swerve your car for something you would be
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unable to. if a child ran out into the street. >> reporter: the same problem having your hand full while eating and drinking. >> just touched the left cone on the left side. >> reporter: the officer's sessionsment all the distractions made my driving unsafe but the worst as texting. >> taking your eyes off the road and taking your mind off the task at hand which is driving. >> reporter: he said the people he pulled over for texting driving look like drink drivers. >> they are swerving from left to right. your eyes are on the road but in that one or two seconds, halt 65 miles an hour life happens fast. >> reporter: a conzest concept easy to grasp now but it can be different when you share the road with other people. ktvu. >> everybody probably has a story about a distracted driver. go to the website, scroll down and click on the text later box
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on the right hand side and tell us your story. >> we are live in the newsroom with some of the stories we are working on for the news at six. >> we are digging deeper in to the video police released in the past hour shows officers clashing with protesters. new, more on what that video shows and we are learning about a rape investigation at the oakland camp. plus after 16 years in america this man is being kicked out. thehe reason he is a test case for the dream act. and the new school grade for four and 5-year-old's who will soon be to old to go to kindergarten. >> and back to the bay area weather it's another night for koasy pajamas. >> its. flannel sheets. working out well. it'll be cool. extra blanket on the bed, especially inland and you know it was cold this morning, frost, little bitl fog, same -- not as cold but you will find
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freezing temperatures north bay. outside and one of the things we -- we look for cold overnight lows, look at wind speed and i go to the live reading on the delta or in straights and we are winds east- northeast at six. that's a very light wind for this area. by the richmond bridge -- by that you may expect significant wind this time of night. we are dealing with winds just to six miles an hour. as the winds die down the temperatures really start to fall away. these are the highs from today. highs tomorrow will be about the same. not much different. low 60s. pleasant day but it starts off cool. the long range forecast we are heading for showers on thursday night late into friday. right now thursday looks like a day that will be marked with increasing clouds and no rain. thursday night the rain. chilly mornings, wednesday and thursday. thursday night into friday here comes the next weather system. it'll get us snow advisories in
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the mountains. its cool weather system. rainfall not expected to be off the charts but it'll be wet and rainy. friday looks like the wettest day of the week and as this moves out of the area scattered showers in behind it. it's kind of just going into unsettled period. the computer model does a nice job. it's a model that -- friday about 2:00 you will see the showers in the area. showers in the area friday about 2:00 and then they kind of ring america to friday night and saturday. the forecast highs tomorrow -- 67 in antioch. thursday the clouds come in. and then thursday night the rains, now thursday night late into friday morning the rain starts. the five-day forecast is a winter forecast. weekend in view, you can see shower chance again in to the bay area weekend but the latest model suggesting the bay area weekend may be dry. >> all over the place this
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weekend. thank you bill. >> something is happening in clayton that could transform clayton valley high school. and what arrived on this tow truck that will feed the hungry this holiday.
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. clayton valley may be converted inia a charter. it was approved but with-s, the board gave a february deadline to address concerns about budget and educational plans but supporters want the approval process sped up so they can be ready by next fall. > a, aa made a service call to help save the holiday. a tow truck pulled up to a church and gave a batch of turkeys. they will serve them to the thousands who come on the holiday. this week they will deliver more than ten tons of turkey in california, nevada and utah. officials say people are still suffering from the recession. >> there are people who had jobs this time last year who don't this year. they can use our help. >> nobody should go hungy during the holidays and
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especially at thanksgiving. >> they will feed 5,000 people this thank giving cecil williams says they will need at least 1200 turkeys. the reverand is making a plea to the public tonight to help glide meet its goals. they still need hundreds of turkeys to feed all the people this holiday. >> coming up in just 90 seconds. new video we obtained just a little more than an hour ago. it shows a tense protest from the eyes of the police officers on the frontlines. we will show you more of this video, also new information about a rape allegation at the occupy camp and the polls close in just two hours, and the lack of excitement we are seeing what some say is behind it. so i got this new job last week, but their health insurance
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doesn't cover my kid's pediatrician. which is not cool. she was so fantastic. she had this sock puppet that she would use to explain exactly what she was doing and why she was doing it. i just wish there was someone to explain to me how i'm going to find another doctor like that. [ male announcer ] we know a good doctor is hard to find. we have some of the largest networks in california so you can choose one that's right for you. blue shield. . complete bay area news cover range starts right now. this is ktvu channel 2news at six. >> for the first time we have seeing what those tense clashes between protesters and police looked like to the police on the frontlines. good evening. >> the protest is still
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growing. the new police video we just got and the call for more action why city hall. >> reporter: the mayor said she wanted more dialogue -- and the new video may be fuel for other leader who want this camp cleared out. we are getting to see what some of the cameras. in one wide view you can see someone throwing something at officers, in another shot someone throws red paint on an officer. now sources with the city say oakland police are also investigating a rape during the most recent protest in wn


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