tv Right This Minute FOX November 29, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PST
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troutman with an all-new hour of "right this minute." no reruns here. we look for the latest and greatest videos so you don't have to. you do ent have to waste your time. here's the newest -- "right this minute"! a protest stunt, doesn't go exactly as planned. >> what a dumb thing to do. like i'm going to go blow up my own car. >> hear what happened to the dude packing petrol. unfortunately -- people like this still exist. >> a woman spews racial hate on a train. now see how she's the one getting thrown under the bus.
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i am the most self-conscious of my acne. >> she's revealing secrets of the great acne cover-up. by bare herring face with no make-up. and all revved up with nowhere to race. bet you can guess the ending to this one. got a little story about a guy who is trying to make a statement, but it blew up in his face. chris polanski was at the cuba mall in wellington, new zealand. he's here, trying to make a statement. >> 15 years i worked for the chairman. rural bank of new zealand. it meant a lot of stuff since then. i've had enough. i'm going to make the car disappear. >> we're talking aut magic here? he's going to magically make this thing disappear? >> t exactly. you can i the back of his station wagon and
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light something. >> oh my goodness, wow. >> he was trying to blow his car up and he was really close to injuring a lot of people. >> oh, [ bleep ]. >> he was charged with two counts of threatening behavior and police believe that this action was just part of his way of protesting. >> yeah. >> pretty dumb protest, he almost blew himself up. [ explosion ] >> he put all of those people in danger. there was guy if one of the stores somewhere around there who said, you need to put that out. >> what a dumb thing to do. like i'm going to go blow up my own car in protest. >> and clearly, the car worked, because he got it into the middle of the mall. >> why was the car allowed to get into the middle of the mall? >> the only explanation i can give to that is 9/11 didn't happen in new zealand. so they're not nearly as wary as we may be here in the united states. >> so far this week this is the dumbest thing i've seen.
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good samaritans came to the rescue during a crash in east l.a. we have the video, check this out. this was sunday on the i-10 near riverside county desert. acourting to the california highway patrol, a dodge ram lost control due to tire failure. hit the median and flipped over. you see it overturned here. people stopped their cars. started helping, because the cab of this truck was just completely crushed. with three people inside. now, if you listen, you can hear the people are really working together. these are strangers. >> right over to the side. >> okay. >> come around. >> they're working together to get the three people out. a woman, 43 years old was unconscious when they pulled her from the wreckage. she regained consciousness and lived. a girl, 15 years old, also lived. but unfortunately, the driver, a man, 54 years old, didn't make it. >> i'm glad the other two people were okay. when people try and help,
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sometimes they can do more damage if they're not doing it properly. >> there's still one more person pinned inside this mess. >> the man who shot this video is named jc playfoot. he's a photo journalist in san diego. i talked to him and asked him if he was surprised that people were able to pick up the truck. and he said no, he was more impressed with the way they worked together so well. >> nobody knew anybody. nobody knew nothing except we have a situation here. >> jc also said he felt it was his job to shoot this. to show the people helping. and he had a message to the good samaritans that helped out in this crash -- >> nobody took time to think about death. they just thought about what needed to happen. they rock and rolled. i don't know a single one of their names. but if any of yous are out there, i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, the job you did out there. it was amazing and incredible. you deserve an award. there was some crazy weather over the weekend in different
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parts of the globe. we're going to start in australia, where they had one of the biggest storms they've had in recent years. it's not that big, it looks to be about the size of a dime. >> maybe a nickel. we see the rain start. >> that's torrential. >> some of the heaviest rains since 1976. but look, it creates this flash flood. the "australian" newspaper had some time-lapse footage i want you to take a look at. at first the skies look blue and beautiful. >> partly cloudy, nice day for a walk in the park. >> you see the clouds start to develop and then suddenly it just -- gets incredibly black. 13,000 people ended up without power. thousands of people ended up stranded. and this was not the only storm that happened. around the globe. in calgary, in alberta, canada, winds reached up to 149 kilometers per hour. around 92 miles per hour. >> that's tornado strength. >> this footage that i'm about
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to show you is of an airplane trying to land. this flight was coming in from frankfurt, germany. as the plan nears the runway, watch what happens, it gets caught in a crosswind. >> oh no. >> that's great piloting right there that guy knew exactly how to land that. it's called crabbing. >> here's another video from the wind storm in calgary. they shut down the downtown area on sunday because of falling glass and flying debris. some injuries, minor injuries were reported. but again, luckily, no deaths reported. >> bad hair day, girls. bad hair day. unfortunately, people like this still exist. fortunately, there are people with cell phone cameras who capture this. and put it in the attention of all of us, including the authorities. >> polish.
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>> this is a passenger on a croyden tram link in the uk who is going on a racial rant against some of the other passengers. >> you aren't english, either. you're not english. none of you are english. get back to -- so what? so what go back to your own country. don't come into mine. >> she is spewing these hateful remarks in her child's ear, basically. >> sadly, teaching that kid, that behavior. >> it's interesting when you see the guy behind her stand up. it looks like a lot of other people on the train who aren't even with him. hold him back and they say, hey, look, just take it easy. >> you guys don't want you, we have to the work for you. >> go back! >> our work? >> our work? >> what country.
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we don't want you coming over. >> so what. >> so what? >> come over -- >> you -- >> yes i have. >> yes, i am. [ indiscernible ] >> this woman is so horribly ignorant. >> i can't believe you would spew that kind of hate in a public place like that. >> the british transport police did announce on twitter they had arrested a 34-year-old woman in association with this case. they are questioning for aggravated public order offense. so they're taking this matter very seriously and they have made a statement saying this is not behavior that we will tolerate on our system. as i get older, i realize that christmas is extra fun if there are kids involved. >> oh yeah. >> well ebay and toys for tots have teamed up to help some kids out and they have a give a toy store that helps eerybody help a kid in need. >>rs, download the ebay
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mobile app and then take your favorite toy and scan a tag. you will confirm your toy on the mobile page. just like that, a toy is on its way to making a kid's holiday a happier one. >> i love this. >> isn't that cool? >> that's really cool. >> you scan the qr code for the dollar amend you want to donate. >> the dollar amounts are for specific toys or just to give money. and it makes the store front activate. >> everything is all animated. and you know, it made me feel like a little kid. >> you can change from nighttime to daytime and can you make it snow. >> my favorite toy was the bear that came to life when you scan the bar code. >> can you only see these store fronts in new york city and san francisco. but the neat thing is that even though if you're not in those cities, you can still participate by just clicking on one of these dollar tags they have on their give a toy page. they even have a facebook page. and if you go to their facebook page and create and build your own toy. ebay will donate $1 up to
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$50,000 to toys for tots. >> that's cool. >> i would totally do something like that. >> what a great way to use technology to help people out at the holiday season. it's awesome. she started a buzz with her dance moves on youtube. and we're trying to catch up. >> that's amazing. >> i thinky do that one. >> we're talking with the dance club video coach. they're rushing in like crazy to make a sale. >> it happens all the time. >> a place where it's black friday in reverse. and guys will be -- well, stupid. >> you put your hands down, spread like this. and we'll drop it in, hike. >> see what happens when the knife drops.
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[ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. guys, you have to show me your best club dance moves.
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>> lawn mower, shopping cart. fist pump. >> you do the fist pump? >> i do the -- yeah yeah. >> that's my favorite one. i do that one, too. >> not a lot of people would say any of our moves are club dance-worthy. one of those is ashley. she posted a video on the proper way to dance at a club. >> number one, is lovely. meaning up to equalize everything. left, right, bump, bump. up and down. number two, is the rotation, you just rotate like this. like move your body in a circular motion. number three, is the single, single, double, double. >> remember it's a single, single, double, double. >> you have ashley via skype. why did you make the video? >> because i wanted to help other people who doesn't know how to dance. and i provided some steps. >> where did you learn how to dance? >> i've always loved to dance
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since i was a kid. i would always watch music videos and i would copy people out of the dance and put my own switch to it. >> you're not joking here, you're serious about these moves? >> i'm kind of serious, but in a way it's a joke. i don't understand why people are taking it way too seriously. >> you did a move called the fold the clothes. so you're saying that's not an actual dance move? >> well to me it is. but i think it's i don't know, i would do it. >> so let's say you ran into me at a club and i was doing the lawn mower, the shopping cart, would you dance with me? >> of course, i'll do your movers and you can do mine. >> that's nice. what if you turned the tables on black friday. and instead of all the shoppers lining up and rushing to go buy stuff, what if it was the other way around. >> they're going to sell stuff? >> people who have to sell their stuff have to sign up and go rushing in.
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>> this is a market in moldova. >> is there a sale at best buy? >> no walmart, $2 toasters. this looks like a couple hundred people racing into the stalls to get the best possible position they can get to sell their stuff. >> this is a special day? this happens all the time or one day? >> this happens all the time. >> do you think they're pretty fast? >> i wonder if they designate places. if a grandma owns a car shoep, she's not going to be running. she's going to enlist her nephew and say, listen, punk, stand in front of this line and run your tail off. >> i'm envisioning a grandma at a track at the high school, training her nephew so he can get in and get the best spot. we see a lot of youtube videos on is show. it's ourjob. when the video says arng, doem
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way responsible for your actions. >> you know it's going to be good. >> you know it's going to be great. maybe why this video is called dumb ideas. >> let me guess -- does this involve guys? >> yes! in fact it does. here is the brainiac genius idea they came up with. which i personally love. >> seriously? >> yes. >> yup, the guy has rigged himself up an office chair with his leaf blower. i had buddy comes over, revs it up and the guy starts spinning. it can only end one way, like that. >> these leaf blowers are pretty powerful. the chair is staying up then he starts really moving and he's spinning super fast. he's got the speed wobbles. we see the speed wobbles ruin all the time. you get the speed wobble, down they go you get people on motorcycles, speed wobble?
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down they go as soon as you see the wobble, it's a split-second from doom. >> you're like an internet panelist. this is a speed wobble. we're definitely getting the official speed wobble here. >> i can't imagine girls hanging out on a friday night, thinking you know what would be awesome, if we put a leaf blower on the front of our chest and sat in a spiny chair and started it up. it would be awesome, girls, let's go do it. >> one thing's for sure, there's no girls in the taping of this video. >> i don't think there were any girls after the taping of this video, either there still may be no girls. okay, time to talk about tomorrow's show. it's all new, unlike those other shows, "right this minute" is new every day. no reruns. new stuff. like pastor dave's story. why would he jump in this lake? we've got that story and the video to go with it. we'll see you tomorrow with an all-new hour and here's what's
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coming up next. her beauty is a cover-up. but, she's not keeping it a secret. her make-up tips for hiding an acne problem. and some of the scariest security cam footage we've ever seen. >> she seems to be keeping her cool, gun in her face, this woman plays it right to save something more precious than her own life.
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♪ ♪ gus and sy were left home alone and they left this mess on the floor. >> who made that mess? >> i don't know, mom. [ laughter ] >> i can't get over how guilty these dogs look. >> gus -- did you make that mess? >> i couldn't have done that, our mouths are already full with toys. >> they're just sitting there. they won't even move. >> and what is the dog doing on the couch, like he's a couch potato. >> i like how gus has two stuffed toys, he's like one is not enough for me. >> was that toilet paper all over the floor? >> it looked like it, what a mess. >> hopefully it was clean toilet paper. >> it looks like they had fun with it, a whole lot of fun. >> hopefully she has a good vacuum cleaner, because that's going to be some work. >> look at the tail going.
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>> who more, no more! imagine taking the one thing you're the most insecure about and blogging about it so that everyone could see it. i think that takes a pretty brave person. this is cass, she's had a problem with acne. instead of just hiding, she decided to teach other people who have problems with acne, how to do things like create full coverage foundation. >> hey, everyone, today i'm going to show you how i do my foundation routine. i am the most self-conscious person about my acne. >> here she is with her make-up done. she looks beautiful. >> flawless. >> you wouldn't know she had acne. >> she comes on camera without her make-up on and goes through the process of how she covers her acne. >> how does she do it? >> she shows you how she applies every bit of it and what she applies. >> this is really great.
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becae so many people ha ts issue. i certainly ha it. most of us want to hide under a rock. she's facing it and dealing with it. >> here's another video from a few months later where she's giving a short acne update. >> and i'm not going to lie, it's still pretty bad. but it looks so much better. this is how my acne is now. >> it does look a lot better. >> i think that people who are hiding in the shadows and feel like they can't go out -- this goes to show them that if you want to cover it up, you can. you don't have to. >> can you talk to your parents about it. >> can you talk that your doctor about it. but sometimes they're not telling you the stuff that you want to hear. like how do i deal with it on an everyday basis. this is just a resource for young people just to go and say, i wish i had that when i was in high school. >> i hope you guys enjoyed this and i hope you can have flawless skin, too, talk to you soon, bye-bye. every time gi on a roller coaster or a ride, i check the seat belt thing like 500 times. >> i do the double push-public. >> and i throw caution to the
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wind zwlxt well if it's not clipped, it's not clipped. i'm dead. >> this guy is on a sling shot ride in orlando, florida. >> and the workers are saying, yeah, something is wrong with this buckle. something is wrong with this seatbelt. don't push the button because that will just launch him. >> the guy can hear him, okay? listen to what they're saying. what's going through your head if you're this guy? >> please let me out, let me off this ride. >> they're just trying to amp up the intensity of the ride. >> the harness is not safe. the harness is not safe. >> wait. >> they should just let him off the ride. i think they're trying to make him even more nervous. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]
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[ laughter ] >> these videos are always the best. >> he goes up and i think at first he thinks he's totally dead and then it hits him -- these dudes were pranking me! blf blf [ bleep ] [ bleep ] 4. >> but they shared a laugh at the end. >> i'm so glad that he did laugh. because he could have gone the other way with it. he could have been really angry. >> you're there for a thrill. he got the bonus pack. i don't know what's funnier -- the commentary that goes with the video or the video itself of this woman breaking down a few moves on a treadmill. >> see that? that's the next beyonce on the treadmill. she's breaking it down.
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she's got style. >> you know, this is cool. because running on treadmill is probably one of the most boring things you could possibly do at the gym or really in life. >> this is so great for your legs and you're really working the other muscles than just the muscles you would use to walk to try to spin and maintain your balance and using your core muscles. she's making the treadmill awesome. >> man, she's getting down. >> beyonce what? beyonce what? >> beyonce what? beyonce what? >> beyonce can't do that. >> no, she can't. and i bet the dudes that are shooting it can't do it, either. >> look at the move she just broke down, look at that. >> watch it. oh, did you see her dropping? >> she dropped it fly on the treadmill. >> she's pretty incredible. this makes me actually want to go to the gym and try the treadmill. >> i wouldn't try that at all, but i was loving what she's doing.
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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman, it's time for more "right this minute." gentlemen, start your engines -- two guys flex their muscle cars in a street race that spelled disaster. >> yup, knew that was coming. >> this could be some of the most terrifying security camera footage we've ever seen. >> a robber holds a gun on a mom clutching her young daughter. >> she seems to be keeping her
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cool. maybe because she's got her baby. women know it's aa for diff events. >> i think i have a solution. >> we'll tell you about one miracle shoe with five different heels. and why would anybody do this? >> three, two, one -- go. >> oh! >> this is what guys do. >> he's going to pay him, $2, duh. >> now meet the dudes behind the knife drop. we begin this half-hour with video that shows us exactly what could happen if two hot rods end up beside each other at an intersection. steev, you have the full story for us, right? >> imagine this, guys. you're driving along in your car, you come up to a stop light. and then you see two -- almost identical cars in front of you. rrrr, revving their engines and looking at each other. this guy going to pick up his
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turkey on thanksgiving morning. comes up to a stop light at an intersection in an area called the woodlands, a residential area in houston, texas. he notices two silver corvettes there in front of him. and they're doing the car version of talking smack. >> see how stupid these guys are. >> and it's green -- and these guys are off. >> oh, [ bleep ]. >> oh! >> it looks like the guy on the right let off the gas too fast when you've got that much power down on the ground and you're going, going, and you just suddenly let off the gas -- it makes the back end get real light. and they crashed into each other. they both end up on the left side of the road in the grass. apparently we don't know to sure, but apparently the two guys, the two corvettes just completely took off afterwards. >> this has disaster written all
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over it. >> yup, knew that was coming. in could be some of the most terrifying security camera footage we've ever seen, in my opinion. because it involves a small child. what you're about to see is an armed robbery in progress, a man runs into two cops at a multiservice store. he points a gun at a clerk who just opened up. after he cleans out the cash register in the front. you see her complying with the robber, who has a hood on. here's where it gets scarey. you see the little girl, she's blurred out. but there's a little girl standing there watching the whole thing to go down. the robber forces her to go into the back room. i'm not sure why, you can't hear sound. but she comes out to get her 3-year-old. goes into the back room, to open up the safe and this gunman is pointing a gun at this woman's head and at her child. >> she seems to be keeping her cool. >> maybe because she got her baby. >> she must be terrified. >> oh my god. >> giant gun comes up. >> oh. >> right to her head. she says that the robber
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threatened to kill both of them. when the police came, she was still hiding in the back room with her daughter. no one was injured, but this guy is still on the loose. >> you can't tell from the video, you can't tell the girl is pretty young. but i like to think that maybe she didn't even really know what was going on and she wasn't scared. because she didn't really comprehend the situation. >> before he walks out the door he pulls the gun out one last time. it is cold in parts of the south. by the south, i mean -- alabama and tennessee. where our viewers can tell you, it snowed last night. we have some video of people posted on the old internet, about their experiences in the snow. >> it's coming down now. >> this time of year, the average temperature, 65. last night, in the 30s. >> how often do they get snow? is this something that does happen a few times a year? or like never. >> it does happen, but not in november. >> here we are driving in the snow, allison, check it out. >> i love the commentary we get
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with these weather videos. i think they show how people really feel about the snow. >> i can hardly see the car. >> that was in alabama. check out what happened in arkansas. >> arkansas, crazy. >> i like her weather report. arkansas -- crazy, snow. >> and this is my favorite one. and all i have to say to this, kid who lives in tennessee, he needs to be in school right now. watch what he had to say. >> so, i'm outside, and it's like snow. snow everywhere. and now on my face, but it's amazing. it means we won't have school tomorrow. so, yeah! >> i got news for that kid, that ain't enough snow for a school day. >> it is in the south, are you kidding me? >> are you kidding me? >> i am not kidding you, one flake of snow falls in the south and it's winter 2011. >> we just hope all our viewers
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in alabama and tennessee have their galoshes and their coats on because it's still a little chilly. >> oh crud. when i saw this video, my jaw just dropped. and you're going to see why. this is a guy driving in the back of a truck. on mopac bridge at lady bird lake in austin, texas. you're wondering, why is he in the back of the truck. this is why. he literally jumped off the truck, over the bridge and into lady bird lake. >> what if he had hit that little -- over there. >> he didn't know they were there. >> right. >> oh boy. >> wow. >> and he totally survived. it was a stunt. this is eric summers and they are calling him a stunt man. i don't know if he is a professional or just some dude who really likes stunts. >> like a jack ass style
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stuntman? >> right. they obviously have this plan because there's several different camera angles that shot his jump. >> i think the suit was a nice touch. this would have been less cool if he was just wearing regular clothes. >> he did it in style. >> what would have made it cooler, if he had a kilt, make a chicken suit? i think he knows, he's going to dress to impress at all times. umbrella would have been a good touch. >> umbrella would have been a great touch. >> it would have been the best touch, is a monocle. >> i think you want to see the planter's peanut guy. launch to splashdown, we have it covered. >> they called it the longest beer run ever. >> the story behind the claim of the first beer in space. and is this woman about to reinvent the shoe business? >> why didn't she think of this sooner? >> that's what i'm saying. >> one shoe, many heels. how much does it cost? that's coming up next.
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women know that traveling with one pair of shoes is next to impossible. there's the morning events, mid day events, evening events, and they need their own pair of shoes. >> i think i have a solution. >> imagine you could wear just one pair of shoes all day. once you arrive at the office, you could simply change your heels. >> this girl, candace, created
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the day-to-night heels. which is exactly one pair, with five different heels that you can interchange. they range from one-inch to four inches. >> why didn't she think of this sooner. >> that's what i'm saying. >> why didn't i think of this sooner? i could retire on the profits i would make from this. >> you know how in new york city, you see all the ladies in their beautiful business suits and they've got their sneakers and their socks on, they have their high heels in their bags. you've got the low heel, and the higher heel in your bag. could you carry a smaller purse to work, it's just got a little heel. >> would you say $300 for them? >> no. >> would you pay $150 for them? because they're on sale right now. >> i could go to ross and marshalls and get three pairs of shoes for $100. >> it's an interesting idea. right now the only one available is the marissa shoe, which is basically a peep-toe sling-back
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shoe. >> to save the corns and b bunions, i would do it. >> day-to-night heels, change your heel, not your shoe. dudes will be dudes. which is why i know you're going to love this video and i'm not sure what you guys are going to think about it a couple of guys from the youth marketing firm, arch rival which is based in lincoln, nebraska this guy says, hey, i'll let you drop that exacto knife above my hand with my spread fingers out. >> you place your hand down, spread like this we'll drop it at the desired height. >> this guy goes, cool. i'll pay you $2 for every foot thaw let me drop this exacto knife from. >> i feel confident, i feel pretty good. for $6. >> that's din gibson. he confident. >> this man who is dropping the exacto knife is a marketing guy? he's not like some circus knife-thrower? >> he's going to pay him $2,
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duh? >> three, two, one, go. >> oh! >> that almost sliced his webbing. >> almost, but it didn't. >> i think it's cool. i know what you're thinking in your head right now is just why. why, why, why? so we have dan and kyle from arch rival joining us via skype. i got to first ask all this for $6? >> yeah. i mean $6 is a lot of money and i didn't look at it as three feet into danger. i looked at the six $1 bills. i i don't think i thought beyond that, i'm not very smart. >> did you close your eyes and wish for the best? >> i wanted to see it. >> has the video done anything positive? >> i wonder if it would have been shared more if i got cut. >> i had to share it like some lawsuit evidence. >> do you have anything sharp there? because i have $6 in my wallet. >> i feel like we're moments away from something just like that happening.
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>> yeah. >> do you ever get that feeling? >> yes. >> i will be happy to drop an exacto knife at either one of your hands. >> go. >> oh! in the last couple of weeks, we've seen a lot of video of pedestrians having accidents with cars, right? so imagine if pedestrians could be safer crossing the street, just by using technology. there's an app for keeping pedestrians safe. >> come on. >> seriously, it's called walk safe. we found this from the good folks at popular science at folks at university of bologna came one this concept. >> walking and talking when walk safe has your back. this time, walk safe alerts the user in time for them to move out of the way. >> so it uses the camera on your smartphone to -- take a look, basically at any of the traffic that's around you. if it's going 30 miles per hour or faster and it's within like
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160 feet of you. >> it using a loud sound and a vibration. >> it's never going to work. >> you don't need an app to get you to cross the street safely. like -- all you got to do is look both ways, like they said, left, right, left again. they teach you in kindergarten. everybody knows this. this is dumb. >> sure, they should be looking both ways. but this app not only will protect that person, it's going to protect the person who is in the car. a person who has no control over the person who is walking and talking on their phone. >> i love technology and i kind of think it's a little cool. >> i hate to say it, but i think this app is a failure. >> if it saves one life, it's a good app. now the latest video from the youtube darlings. >> how are you guys at pool? probably not as good as this guy. meet the dog you might want to
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cousin, rosie. youtube sensation for a while. this is their latest video and people are going nuts over it. right here she's singing michael jackson's "thriller." ♪ this is thriller >> this is thrilla ♪ >> she's launching into katie perry's songs, "fireworks." ♪ baby, fireworks >> hold on, steven, this is for you, she's pulling a bieber. >> she's rapping and that's pulling a bieber. >> i know how much you love bieber's rapping. >> i got to have rosie. >> is it me or that could that kid sing a little bit? >> she's an awesome singer. they were on the ellen show. she sang a nikki minaj song. >> she's like the penn and teller of kids.
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>> does the little girl sing? >> is it weird that it's like russell brand in a little tutu with a crown on? >> it's a grammy, grammy, not granny. >> i don't think we've seen the last of these two. >> these little girls are so cute. i just want to fold them up and put them in my pocket. well, guys, they've finally done it. they shot a beer into space. >> how you guys doing, we're going to sheet a beer into space. >> and the beer is a natty light. a couple of guys named danny and rich came to natty light and they said, we want to shoot a beer, a full can of beer into space, so they rigged up a weather balloon, a gps tracking device. and one full can of natty light that was vacuum-packed so it wouldn't explode when it breached the atmosphere. >> five, four, three, two, one -- see you later, buddy!
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>> that's an empty can there. the one on the outside? it was airborne for two hours. and it got up to 90,000 feet. they call this the natmosphere. once it got up high enough, the balloon pops and the thing starts heading back down to earth. listen to the sound. >> i think this is actually the coolest part. >> to see it fall from 90,000 feet. and watch this -- >> oh, right into a puddle. >> it landed 60 miles from their original launch site. >> holy crap. >> they called it the longest beer run ever. >> i bet you are the first man in history to drive 60 miles for one natural light.
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>> that beer's intact. >> the first beer in space. you know what -- i want you to go to and uploadne ofour videos so you we got this one the other day. and it's no simple scuba dive. and we're going to be telling the story behind it, later this week. so come on and be a part of our video sharing. get over to and upload your video and you might see yourself here, next. i see some cup of noodles in your future. >> so do i. see why we're showing this cup a noodles and what it transforms into. and what do you consider a thing of beauty? will you see the beauty in these things? more, after the break. to russia, where some of the
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landmark, one of the first and oldest landmarks, the tallest russian orthodox bell towers in the world. >> what else do you do with that? you can go there, take some photos, maybe -- you know, take it to work. >> that's not the russian way. the russian way is to base jump off the thing. >> oh. this is what it looks like up inside this bell tower. that was built between 1712 and 1733. this is where it gets super sketchy. they pop out and climb this tiny little ladder. you knowed weird feeling you get in your hands and feet? that's what i'm getting right now. >> you're getting tingly? >> what? little gold ball thing? off they go. >> that's awesome! anybody who has been to college knows the fine cuisine that a cup a noodles provides. when you're hungry and need a snack at 2:00 a.m.
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>> even now, why just college? >> well, nissan foods is celebrating the 40th anniversary of cup a noodles with this. >> oh, it lights up. >> oh, wait a second. >> it's a cup a noodles transformer. it's just a little robot that a timer. it's timed to go off in three minutes, because that's how long it takes to make a cup a noodles. >> it could also give proverbs, like how to live right. >> it's a scary robot. >> you guys are scared bay robot. it's a transformer, it's a timer. >> why does it need to give me a fortune? >> and do all their fortunes that it gives -- make you want to like go out and buy more cup a noodles? you know, like i see some cup a noodles in your future. >> how are you guys at pool?
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>> i'm terrible, pretty bad. >> i'm pretty bad, too. maybe this guy will teach awe lesson or two. >> here we go. >> whoa! >> well now, this would be a bad lesson. >> he's playing chihuahua pool. it's a little different. >> you can run around the table and pick whatever ball he wants to put in the hole. >> he like ninja attacked that yellow striped ball. >> that's pretty -- he's going to scratch! >> he's actually not that good. >> the rules are different. >> it's chihuahua pool. as long as it goes in before the 8-ball, which he did. >> what happenes if he scratches? is he scratching? >> or is he scratching up the
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pool table here? i dot know if i would let my dog run around on my pool table. >> i guess it is kind of cute. you give him aa that? he can let it fly. >> good job. >> that's going to do it for today's "right this minute." we're so dplad you joined us, we're going to leave with you a video called seconds of beauty. we think you're going to like it. see you tomorrow, everybody, have a great one. -- captions by vitac --
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