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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  December 7, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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>> twoorss were assaulted. arrests were made. >> reporter: 70 people were arrested. some claim police used excessive force. police gave protesters a 5 minute warning to leave before officers, deputyies moved in. they were canceling the permit. the city spent $950,000 since october to croon the justin herman plaza encampment. >> i have been patient with the use of justin herman plaza. >> there was a lot of debris found. tents, bottles, needles, pipes. >> reporter: officials say it will take 2 weeks and $50,000 to replace the turf. >> i am happy they are leaving.
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i think it's been a train on -- to see the image of san francisco and the market place down here and it's effective my livelihood and sales. the park is slated to stay closed for a couple of weeks and police are guarding the park to keep the protesters out. david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. >> to patty lee who has been following the protesters. >> reporter: live on market street. you can see officers are lined up, wearing protective helmets. they are preparing for a larger and growing crowd that vowed to disrupt traffic tonight and retake the plaza till a raid cleared them out this morning. >> reporter: san francisco police officers faced off with protesters on both sides of
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market street and sometimes in the middle. this wasats 3:00 this afternoon, three people were arrested arrested for block market street. part of a growing group to protest this morning's raid. >> all of my belongings were stolen. everything i own is now on my back. appeasement is a long way off. >> we are trying to decide if we need occupy different corners all over market street and foreclosed homes. >> we will find out what people want to do next. >> reporter: occupiers started gathering at noon today, marching intermittently. they also brain stormed on how to proceed. deciding to collect ideas and present them to the larger assembly tonight. >> this will make us strong.
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they are trying to demoralize us so we will stop. not going to happen. >> reporter: that is expected to start in less than an hour. we will be bringing you discussions on their tactics and their developing plans as we bring you the latest from this developing situation on the ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00. reporting live, patty lee, ktvu channel 2 news. >> the city is releasing confu confuicated property to the protesters. >> tents are not available for pick up. they have gone to the police as evidence as possible violation of city law but there are clothes, bags, bicycles and a make-shift library. >> it is in tact. i don't think a nail or school
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is missing from the library. >> it will be open tomorrow and friday. they must fill out a claim form. officials withdrawn their request for more many to pay for private security guards at frank ogawa plaza. "occupy oakland" still holds meetings that plaza. >> the occupy movement wants to shut down all ports on the west coast on monday the 12. organizers put up flyers today. they hope to block ade ports in oakland, san diego, los angeles, portland, vancouver and seattle. it would be in solidarity with port workers and truckers. however they don't support the block ade. it only hurts the economy by
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reducing cargo taxes and sending jobs elsewhere. >> we will check back in on san francisco in 25 minutes and you can go to our website anytime, coverage is right there on the home page. riot at new folsom prison sent inmates to the hospitals. it broke out at 12:30 this afternoon in the exercise room. guards shot two prisoner and used pepper spray to regain control. 7 inmates were stabbed. two guards suffered minor injuries. canon ball take as trip through a neighborhood. tonight the investigation is underway. these pictures shows the damage after the canon ball strike. you can see how close it is to the hope. that's where ktvu's eric riddle
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is live with the latest. >> reporter: the most of the tv show just left here. they promised to take care of all the damage to the home. the canon ball wasn't bigger than a solve ball. it weighed 30 pounds and it was part of an experiment. they don't know how it ended up here. >> reporter: myth busters turned door busters. they came back to see the damage their canon ball did to this house. >> we are deeply sorry. this is the worst thing we could imagine happening. i have kids, a home, i can't imagine how angry i would be. the homeowners allowed us to see where the canon ball blasted through their home. >> i want to find out what happened because, you know -- and then i want to make sure it doesn't happen again. >> reporter: when it was fired
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it flew 700 yards in the air before it hit this driveway and wendt through this house and made it across these six lanes. it eeventual yell slammed into this van. no one was hurt. >> we still don't have the details. right now there is nothing sticking out as a smoking gun. >> reporter: it's one mystery they are thankful for and even though the show performed dozens of experiments at the same range over the years some neighbors don't want them back. >> it's not safe. it shouldn't be here. somebody's life at stake. >> reporter: they have shut down the range for a review of what happened. the host had a lot more to say about what might have gone wrong and what is next. live, eric riddle, ktvu channel 2 news.
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you can find more details on our website, you can watch a slide show of the canon ball. go to it's right there. >> a former san francisco crime technician pleaded guilty to charges in the theft of cocaine from the lab. madden admitted she took cocaine out of evidence. she was arraigned today on charges of obtaining cocaine. if convicted she could be sentenced to four years in prison. the judge set a hearing date for friday. gains in the south bay are helping improve the employment outlook. in the last 12 months the job market added 27,000 jobs. 17,000 were added in san francisco. and the east bay. the bay area will be the fastest growing part of the
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state in the last few years. consumer borrowing in august hit its higher level in two years. $7.65million to $2.5 trillion. the minimum wage in san francisco is going up to more than $10 an hour. it is based on a measure voters passed that adjusts the minimum wage. on january 1 it goes from $9.92 to $10.24. it $10.24 -- a mixed day on wall street as european leaders down played talk to a resolution of the debt crisis. trading rose and fell on word a
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deal may not be completed till christmas. here are the closing numbers. the dow closed up 46 points at 12,196. the nasdaq closed down a fraction of a point at 2,649. a federal judge sentenced rod blagojevich to 14 years in prison today. rod blagojeviched to cameras today. the jury convicted him on 18 counts, included attempting to sell president barack obama's u.s. senate seat. he said it's a time to be strong. he is scheduled to report to prison february 16. former penn state agistant coach is behind bars on new charges. jhessyejerry sandusky -- jerry sandusky was arrested today. one claimed he repeatedly molested him when he was 11 or 12. he said he screamed for help
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but no one came. jerry sandusky faces more than 50 charges of abusing 10 boys. right now we want to take you to sacramento. you are looking live outside the state capital where a tree lighting ceremony is about to get underway. ktvu's ken pritchett is there on the ground. coming up, why this season at the capital expects to be less extravagant than in year's past. family's fight to give their son a fighting chance. why they want dos give him more time. >> no freeze warning but temperatures will reach freezing, i will show you where. ç.ç.á#
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yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want.
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and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t. police are looking for a missing 52-year-old man who has diabetes. he disappeared thursday. he is 5'10", 200 pounds, brown eyes, black hair and missing
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several teeth. he speaks chinese but can communicate in english. toddler shot in the head and the family is debating doctors on whether the boy is brain dead. ktvu's noelle walker is live tonight with the story. >> reporter: hiram lawrence mother says his blood pressure goes up when his dad goes in the room but the family is concerned the hospital is taking steps steps to take him out of life support. >> reporter: this is hiram lawrence's first halloween. today he is surrounded by doctors. >> the doctor said he wasn't going to make it out of surgery. he made it out of surgery. now they are saying he still isn't going to make it. >> reporter: he was caught in a spray of bullets. surveillance video captured the moments in a parking lot. the boy was in his father's arm
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when he was hit with a bullet. >> when they tell you they are about to take your baby, without explaining, that saproblem. the family begged the hospital for more time. they want to postpone tests that might allow dos declare their son brain dead and cut life support. >> what we are asking is don't run those tests now. we want time. >> he is only one. not 25. just one. a baby. he made it this far. let him keep trying. >> reporter: investigators are still trying to solve the case. this afternoon a person arrested a sixth person on unrelated charges. still there are no declared suspects in the shooting. >> it doesn't matter right now. my focus is my baby coming out
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of the hospital. >> reporter: the hospital had no comment but most hospitals have a policy if there is nothing more that can be done -- reporting live, noelle walker, ktvu channel 2 news. food trucks will soon be able to operate on the streets of oakland. they approved a program to permit them to sell food at locs around the city. they will be able to gather and apply for permits to set up at large events. spare the air day alert is in effect for today. it is posted through thursday. the second day it is being
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called. officials issued the order because of health concerns. there are exemptions. if a fire place is the only source of heat. this year set a record for the number of natural disasters in which damage exceeds a billion dollars. there were $12 billion disasters in the u.s. this year. in all it caused $52 billion in damage. one week after winds whipped through southern california, 2,000 customers remain without electricity today. 100 miles winds knocked down lines and trees. they don't know how long it will be till they can return fure all the customers. clean up costs are estimated at $4 million. here winds are gone but the dry winds remain.
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chief meteorologist bill martin is here now. >> cold out there. noticed it last night. what we have is a best wind coming off the ocean. light west wind but that increases temperatures tonight. coming off a warmer ocean. what you are looking at is potential for temperatures to be a few degrees warmer than last night. here is how the day went today. clouds out there. or the lack of clouds out there. beautiful afternoon. we are looking for another nice day tomorrow. with plenty of sunshine and a spare the air day again. tomorrow a spare the air day again. so you see the clear skies out there. i think we will see patchy valley fog. been too dry for the fog but the winds are dying down, it will be cold and some of those
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spots, black point, clayton, vacaville, delta, there is a good chance to see fog there. be prepared for that. partly cloudy conditions, fog. freezing temperatures, napa, fairfield, antioch 32. some temperatures could be cooler than these. these are major airports, small airports. santa rosa 31, downtown. east, 29 out there. north, 29. temperatures cool all around these areas, not just in the main city. patchy fog tomorrow morning. usual suspects. north and east bay. not widespread. it will burn off quickly. you will be driving in the morning, clear, cold, and then you drop down to a low lying area and you got fog. you know those areas. tomorrow morning is that kind
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of a morning. very dangerous. i will be back to look at the five-day forecast, weekend in view and i am seeing rain. >> thank you. >> back now live to sacramento. let's give you a different picture than we showed you. in a second we will show you the tree has just been lit in the past 30 seconds. they flipped the switch and the tree to the left of the picture we are showing you the lights have now been lit. it's interesting, this year's celebration is lighting is different. a lot of people are calling it a california celebration. ktvu's ken pritchett is going to tell us why this year is so different than last. pausing to remember. how the bay area marked the anniversary of the attack on pearl harbor. an ariel that just kicked
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alec baldwin off details what he did that got him grounded. storewide! unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save. get up to $20 off with no exclusions! we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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no exclusions! with jcpcash, get 10, 15 or $20 off on the spot storewide! unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save. get up to $20 off with no exclusions! we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. today's is the 7th anniversary of the attack on pearl harbor. killed 2400 american troops and longed the united states in to
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world war ii. december 7, 1942. survivors of the attack gathered at pearl harbor to honor those who sacrificed their lives 70 years ago. [ playing taps ] >> military veterans, civilians and visitors attended a ceremony at the pearl harbor visitors center. it included a blessing, the blowing of shells and a missing man formation flown by f-22 war planes. >> president obama proclaimed december 7 national pearl harbor remembrance day. the president said he and first lady michelle obama honor the memory of those who died at pearl harbor. it reads, our thoughts and prayers with the families for whom this day is deeply personal, spouses, brothers,
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sisters, sons and daughters who known 7 decades without a loved one but who kept their legacy alive. . veterans remembered the lives lost 7 years ago at pearl harbor. >> ready. aim, fire. [ gun shots. >> a 21 gun salute honored the event of december 7, 1941. it is remembered by pearl harbor survivors. like every year the number of those men and women have dwindled. many were just 19 years old. >> i saw the japanese plan headed for my ship. i knew immediately we were under attack. i even saw the first torpedo was launched in the water of pearl harbor. >> many survivors say as tragic
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as that day was it brought the country together. the navy estimates there are 3,000 pearl harbor survivorrers. we are learning more about the incident that got alec baldwin throw off the plane at lax. the airline said alec baldwin was removed from the jet when he refused to shut off his cell phone. got up from his seat, and slammed the door and cursed. alec baldwin said he was playing a game on his phone. we are outside a jail where a man serving time spent some of that time running a jail crime ring. we will show you the operation inside and out. clean up at justin herman plaza after this morning's police raid on "occupy san francisco." what people think about the
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action that was taken. -dad, why are you getting that? -that's my cereal. is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda.
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[ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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complete bay area news coverage continues, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00. a jail house crime ring coordinated behind the bars in the middle of a cell. new information about how the crime was executed in a story we broke last night. investigators say an inmate ran it using stolen credit card numbers, ripping off thousands of dollars. ktvu's robert handa is live with the story. >> reporter: we are outside the jail facility. a place where people serve sentences and stop committing crimes but maybe not in this case. >> reporter: inside a san jose
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courthouse this afternoon, he was charged with 36 counts for a money laundering and identity theft scheme operated from his cell. he is serving a 7 year sentence for a counterfeit credit card question. he figured out how to exploit the jail system. he and his partner stole 34 credit card numbers and used associates outside of jail to funnel money. >> the funds are loaded on to the accounts, using a telephone or internet. and the jail would never know pthe accounts were funded with fraud. >> reporter: three women would withdrawal money with the inmates authorize, getting a county check. clean money for dirty money.
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both accounts are run by an outside company. >> he allowed his partner to load money and he did it wow stolen credit card numbers. >> reporter: investigators say they collected $17,000 this way till being caught. he returns to court monday. if convicted he faces an additional 25 years on the sentence he is already serving and officials are now reviewing the process. live, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. a high school cheerleading coach from san jose was arraigned on child molestation charges. there are indications the victim is under 18. he worked at andrew hill high
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school and energy athletics as a cheerleader coach. he soodue in court january 12. -- he is due in court january 12. the occupy protests, businesses and neighbors have been dealing with the "occupy san francisco" encampment. as ktvu's alex savage has more. >> reporter: when police pushed out "occupy san francisco" protesters this morning it left a mark. the front window had paint splashed on it. >> this morning was such a mess. our place was destroyed. >> reporter: the owner says he doesn't believe the encampment drove away business but he is still glad to see the tents gone. >> sad situation for many people but i think it's good. >> reporter: he wasn't the only
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business impacted. this shop had all its outside patio furniture pulled into the middle of the street this morning. people who passed through justin herman plaza on a regular basis were surprised this morning to see they have been quicked out and many had mixed -- had been kicked out and many had myxed feelings. >> sad. they had problems but people were working hard to correct them. >> reporter: he said he is clad glaad to see the plaza clear again. >> i am pleased. my point of view i am pleased. i think this is much better. >> reporter: they scrubbed boun the concrete. the tents are out the now gone.
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justin herman plaza is empty and the city plans to keep it that way. >> our coverage continues, we will take you back live to san francisco in 25 minutes at 6:00. you can also go to our website, where our coverage is right there on our home page. >> mitt romney slammed president obama over his commitment to israel. mitt romney spoke today where lee called it the soul nation that shares our values. mitt romney also noted president obama has not traveled to israel since taking office. >> the president chastised israel, but had nothing to say about hamas launches thousands of rockets into israel's skies.
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israel's sighs. >> -- skies. >> i will be true to our country and i will never apologize for the u.s. >> mitt romney notes he has been marid more than four decades and he is a man of steadiness. newt gingrich has been married three times. newt gingrich leads in the polls in iowa and closing in on mitt romney in new hampshire. john huntsman said nobody is listening to president obama. >> nobody cares. doesn't matter if he puts a proposal on the table, people have tuned out. >> they were trying to get their message across. they took questions from the audience and he spoke out on
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several issues. >> terrorists are increasing trying to hit u.s. military facilities, recruiting centers also and small posts throughout the country. that is from a report. it says there have been 30 terror plots since 2001. one of the plots ended in a massacre at fort hood in texas. officials said they are dispatching additional security nationwide. >> the threat we are discussing today is serious. >> the pentagon didn't say which communities will get the extra security. harry morgan has died. >> so far you handled the job
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with all the efficiency of a one legged man -- >> he was famous for his role on colonel potter on máaásáh. mike ferrule said he was full of fun and smart as a whip. he also starred in dozens of fills. he came down with ammonia and died at his home this morning. he was 96. the biggest apple store opening in the country and a security breach at facebook. what they learned coming up next. and a surge in enrollment for a certain type of school. which types, up next. ♪
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[ female announcer ] during the holidays, there's a lot to get done. and safeway select appetizers help you rise to every occasion. ♪ from delectable to amazing. there are over 20 affordable safeway select appetizers ♪ to make all of your gatherings just as merry as can be. ♪ only at safeway.
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ingredients for life. the final work is being done for the grand owning of the world's largest apple stores. on friday they will open a new store in new york city's grand central station. they have a 10 year lease for the store. it will be the fifth in new york city. security breach at facebook made mark zuckerberg a victim. using a glitch in software, hackers downloaded 14 of his
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private photos. showing mark zuckerberg with his girlfriend and her with their dog. facebook says it fixed the glitch. enrollment in charter schools is surging. nationwide 13% more students are attending charter schools. 2million students are enrolled in charter schools with 500 new schools offerating this year across -- operating this year across the country. a report indicates map -- math scores have improved for a number of urban school districts. however reading scores remained much of the same and that matches the trend across the country. parents, do you know what your children are heat eating
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for breakfast? a report claims several popular serials contain more serial than a twinkie. honey smacks, golden crisps and wheaties fuel are the most sugary. 44 other serials also have more sugar. they made progress cutting sugar levels. test of a top 15 fish oil supplements found some contain traces of bc ps. here are the supplements in question. it's important to note the trace levels found are not
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considered unsafe by the fda. at the lighting of the capital christmas tree. it is a big event but not as big as last year. and it's a cold one out there. you will neat jackets tonight and tomorrow morning. which cities will be the coldest. alright, so we have $10. you could get two things for $4
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and one for $2. or five things for $2. or one for $6 and two for $2. [ male announcer ] with denny's 2-4-6-8 value menu, we're open to all new ways to save you money. [ imitates explosion ] [ male announcer ] dnyny's.
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bickering put on hold at the state capitals as they came together for the lighting of
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the state capital tree. ktvu's ken pritchett is there now. >> reporter: governor jerry brown was here on stage for the lighting the of christmas tree. no surprise this year's tree lighting is more subdue. that was done to set the right tone rather than saving taxpayers dollars. [ singing ] the tree is a 40-foot tall white fur. a california christmas tree and the ceremony is fitting for california's economy. >> i think we are trying to do a more modest event this year. certainly, the economy being what it is, the state budget. >> reporter: he says this year's ceremony will cost 10 times less than last year when there was a big stage and high profile acts.
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last year's cost, $84,000. this year, $9,000. what may sound good for tax paysers really a wash. >> funded by private donations. >> california emergency food link, the food bank is using the event to raise awareness and donations. they participate in a food drive, raising 200,000 pounds of food. >> the need for food is -- has gone up 30% in the last two years. and so we are seeing huge needs. >> reporter: there was a small cost to taxpayers and that was the cost of hauling the tree to the capital grounds. ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. the senate will decide on who will lead the bureau.
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the agency is intended to protect consumers by lending institutions. republicans vow to block the nomination concerned with the independent authority. supporters say that independence is the whole point. >> this is a fight over whether wall street will control the new regulator or whether the new regulator will be independent and outside of washington politics. >> analysts believe republicans will filibuster the vote. mcdonalds advertising campaign is not striking striking the right cord. the beams are supposed to look like french fries but some say it looks like the tribute to 9/11 victims. we have had cold evenings
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but that is not the reason there was snow outside san francisco city hall today. one of our photographers noticed it this morning and shot the video. why was it there? a company spread it around for a holiday party held there last night. >> sid wasn't the only one surprised. to our chief meteorologist bill martin. it was cold. not cold enough for snow, though. >> temperatures in the low 30s, it was cold up there. outside we go, cold again tonight. no warnings or advisories. but see these high clouds? they could filter in tonight and that could add warming. just a couple degrees. instead of 27, 28 degrees, the coldest may be 29 or 30. cold again tonight. valleys coldest spots. bay area weekend, clouds want to move in.
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but still a dry pattern. right now 50s throughout the bay area. if you have outdoor activities planned tonight come home tonight, it will be cold. 40s. 31 santa rosa. 31 in napa. cooler outside the big cities. thursday and friday, hazy sunshine. high pressure sticks with us. dry weather forecast. temperatures in to the upper 50s and low 60s. and then you get this weather system, works it way down the coast, it's weak but it could bring clouds and a little bit of a sprinkle sunday into monday. it's a non-event right now but we might see increasing clouds sunday and monday. overnight lowes, 30s and some 40s. tomorrow, look for this green, those are 60s. and then you see the 50s. upper 50s, low 60s. similar to today. mostly sunny tomorrow afternoon. mostly sunny all day and
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temperatures 58 antioch. 58 brentwood. 58 napa. frost on the windows. 61 gilroy. 60 santa cruz. plenty of sunshine with a few clouds into the forecast on the weekend. not a game changer for you. just enough to keep the overnight lowes up a little and cool the day time highs. >> thank you. as a recover these the red plan thet last surviving one is hunkering down for the winter. nasa engineers must find a perfect parking someplace if you will now. the last total lunar equip of the next three years will be
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visible saturday morning. here you will be able to see it in the southwest disappearing behind the earth's shadow in the morning. star gazers will sav to settle for partial lunar eclipses till 2014. why the top health official in the country rejected making play b available for teenagers without a prescription.
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or we could get some new lamps. or we could get no sofa. negotiating, eh? you got it! for a limited time buy select seating and get 15% back.
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60% off the warmest family coats. 70% off stunning gold jewelry. 60% off the coolest hoodies. and 19.99 boots for juniors. plus with jcpcash get 10, 15 or $20 off storewide. no exclusions! unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save! go to to see everything on sale. we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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. he refused to allow teens to get the morning after pill without a prescription. it is a controversial issue. >> i am nervous about young women under 17 going to a pharmacy, taking this and having no doctor. >> we got numerous studies that come forward on being able to use it properly. >> plan b is an emergency contraceptive. it must be taking within 72 hours of unprotected sex to prevent a pregnancy.
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they wanted to allow teens younger than 17 to get this but they said no. they said there was not enough evidence to show younger girls would understand and use the pill. we talked with young women about the issue. >> some girls be having baby, and having abortions and i don't think that is right. better to have the pill. >> i don't do that stuff. >> plan b was approved in 1999 and became available overthe cowboyer in 2006 for women 18 and older. it took a court ruling to allow 17-year-olds to get plan b over the counter. occupy protesters promised to continue their fight. we are live in san francisco where the group is gathering right now where they are determining their next step. and a light to remember the lives lost. how survivors are marking 70
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years since pearl harbor.
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. complete bay area news coverage starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00. good evening. i am gasia mikaelian. julie haener and frank somerville are off tonight. >> i am mike mibach.
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"occupy san francisco" was raided this morning and protesters are gathering near justin herman plaza to discuss their next steps. ktvu's patty lee has the story. >> this is not what happened last night. >> reporter: protesters started gathering at noon today to decide the next steps to take. >> there will be a lot in a lot of places. in justin herman plaza or wherever. >> they spilled on to market street where officers were lined up incase of trouble. the group marched several times throughout the afternoon and around 3:00 a protesters placed a chair in the mild of market street. he was arrested long with several others. occupiers who were arrested during the morning raid on justin herman plaza. >> i have no belongings, no


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