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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  December 14, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PST

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now and thinking u.s. troops for their sacrifices. all troops are scheduled to be out by december 31st. the president will be pointing for about 45 minutes. >> you can continue to watch this at we'll continue to stream this speech live. we'll have a full recap on ktvu channel 2 news at noon. >> and that will do it for us on "mornings on 2." thanks for watching. >> bye now. @
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i'm beth troutman. we like to show you the best videos and stories from the web, "right this minute." cops say a crazed driver crashed through a store while trying to run a woman down. >> but that's not the end of the story. >> there's more? >> oh there's more. we're talking carjacking and another car wreck. >> would you go out on a date with this model? >> yes. >> if you did, you would be on a date with a dude. >> we reveal the model man behind the bra ad. a guy leads police on a wild chase and the whole time, his own child is in the car. it's crazy video, all the way to the bitter end. >> baby sloths have people all over the world tracking to slothville. see how you can save an orphaned sloth. and our fear of robots grows. this one can cook for you. >> and if he's smart enough to
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do that, he's smart enough to poison all the food he puts in your cupboards. we kick off today's show with some surveillance footage from a gas station. nick has the story behind this footage. >> this is some intense video from columbia, tennessee. comes to us from news channel 5. the person you see running into the store is laqish. she told police he tried to steal her key, she's running in to call for help. she knows what's coming, the owner, sarunda patel does not see what's coming right away. >> oh! >> 40-year-old eric whitaker came speeding into this convenience store, crashes right through the window, trying to run her down. no regard for anybody else in the store. mr. patel is hit. you can see in the video was hit almost directly. the truck glanced off a car on the outside of the convenience store, comes crashing through the windows.
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>> is he okay? >> mr. patel you see on the right side, gets up from underneath that debris and walks away. cuts and bruises, he's recovering at home. that's not the end of the story. >> what? >> there's more? >> oh, yeah. whitaker gets out of his truck and then looks underneath to see if he actually hit anyone. laqisha is there hiding behind the other side of the pick-up truck and runs away. whitaker is still on a rampage. the woman whitaker brushes against here on his way out of the convenience store is andrea, a nurse. earlier she saw whitaker driving erratically and followed him to the convenience store because she thought she may be able to help him. she left her car running at the pump outside. >> mr. whitaker jumps in the car and takes it. >> he hops in her dodge durango, speeds away. doesn't get far. >> oh geez. he runs into that -- looks like a bakery truck. >> the bread truck. >> the good samaritan gets her
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car stolen and then totaled. >> eric whitaker taken to the hospital in critical condition. it's a party at the poor house in five point, south carolina. looks like it's the place to be, right? everyone is having a good time. except for that girl. see that girl there in the middle? >> in the middle. >> doesn't have any friends. no one is talking to her. look at her sitting next to the coats by herself. >> oh. >> guarding the coats. >> she's not guarding the coats. >> no? >> what? no. >> she pickpocketing? >> oh, yes. she is rummaging through that pile of coats and purses, taking whatever it is she decides to take and putting it in her jacket. yep. here she decides in between her robberies, she takes a little beer break. >> oh. >> steals stuff, have a drink, in between thefts here, she decides i'm going to get down a
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little bit, a little dance party. feels good about what she's pulled off. even amidst dudes trying to pick her up in this bar, she kind of says no, i'm busy right now. >> you're just not my type. >> busy breaking the law. >> these purses are. >> the owner of this place is named bobby brown. not the bobby brown from whitney houston bobby brown, but he owns the poor house. puts this video on youtube and he says he wants it passed around on facebook all over the place to catch this girl. columbia police are investigating this incident because there was a report of a missing iphone, a report of a missing camera. so they're trying to track down this bar burglar, it if you will. when you show up to your drunk driving sentencing, you probably shouldn't show up drunk. >> oh! >> well that is exactly what police say 43-year-old dwyane hill did. the judge ordered a breathalyzer
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test and that is when the action started. dwyane jumped in his car and took off and led the cops on a high-speed chase on his way out he graced a deputy on the arm with his side view mirror but fortunately that deputy is okay. this is dash cam video from the sheriff's department. dwyane jumps in his lexus suv with his girlfriend and teenage son. >> really? >> yes. >> no. >> jumps on the u.s. 127 north, loses control of the car and as he's trying to get away, the cops ram into him. he keeps going back on the freeway. >> makes me sick to my stomach his son was in the car. >> he swerves out of the way where a cop is putting down stop sticks. finally here, his tire is blown out. >> oh! >> the cop car was blocking his route and he spun out into the median. >> they go up to him, guns
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drawn, and are able to arrest him. he and his girlfriend were taken to the hospital, but his son was released at the scene. >> you injure your family doing this. what is this guy -- >> what? >> the job the police had to do in this situation, knowing there's innocent people in the car. >> not only that, they're driving at 120 miles an hour. >> he took these guys on quite the wild goose chase. what do you think of when i say the word sloth? >> the guy from"gunenies"? dthat. also, the animal, the sloth. we don't see a lot of them, but there's a brand new documentary film that's about to air on animal planet. it premiers december 17th at 8:00 p.m. if you want to watch these sloths in action. so cute. not going to be able it to stand it. this is called "too cute baby sloths." look at these guys. this documentary was shot at the sloth sanctuary which is the
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world's only sloth orphanage. >> oh. >> and they have over 200 sloths here. it's become so popular that people are starting to just call the sloth sanctuary slothville. >> i like those weird claws they have. i've never seen claws like that on an animal. >> people can volunteer, this is in costa rica. >> it's cool these people have a sloth center. it's got to be a pretty easy job running around trying to keep up with them. >> if you go to volunteer, they take care of your room and board. there are people all over the world leaving their jobs to volunteer at the sloth sanctuary and take care of these sloths. they say it's one of the coolest things they've ever done. >> if you want to see this entire trailer, we'll have it at our website oh. hello, beth.
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>> my very own santa video. how to get santa talking to you, coming up. it may look like a cartoon, but it's not. >> instead, now you've got people who are going to be running around blind. >> will this be the way police control protesters? and he's back. >> always like the noises he makes. >> great news for teddy, our favorite porcupine.
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don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. we all know it's good sportsmanship to shake hands after the game, like this. this is a hockey game in the under 10 division in the kazakstan republic championships. team in green and team in white shaking hands after the white team won, 5-3. but look at this. before you know it, the game is over and all hell breaks loose. it's not just those two guys. look at this, both teams are now totally engaged in an all-out
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brawl. look how many separate fights are going on at this point. this one kid getting carried away by one of his coaches. he's not having it. apparently even though the white team won, they were talking some smack as the teams were shaking hands and the captain from the green team took a little offense to that and said you know what, you aren't going to beat us and then talk smack on us. looks like he's the one who skates out. as you know i've had enough of this. let's get it on. >> one thing i noticed is like, it took a while to break up. because there was only like four or five coaches out there and a few referees and literally, every kid on both teams is out there fighting. >> but you know in hockey, you can't -- you don't break up the fights. that's how you get hurt. you let them tire each other out. >> there's a brand new exhibition in paris and it has gone really high tech. and what you're seeing right now is the removal of an exhibit
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that was in the [ inaudible ]. this video is stop motion photography of the setup of this exhibition. it's called paris, a city in the making. guys, this is a technological first. it was developed using liquid galaxy software along with google earth technology so visitors can view the city in hd. this whole giant screen area is 37 meters squared and it's designed to constantly and easily be updated. for this exhibition they needed four touch screens, 17 computers and 48 lcd tv screens. but they take it one step further. it's this new technological exploration of how the city came to be and what it will look like in the future. paris 2020. >> i'm a little disappointed by the screens. i was hoping it was going to be a much more technologically
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advanced version of the model they already had. this is just an oversized i pad. >> i think the thing that's different about this, it's interactive. you can kind of control what you're seeing. beyond just seeing paris today, they have files and maps and information that dates back to the middle ages. >> you did say it lets them see into the future. it's like a time machine. you can see back to t middle ages, seeorward to a permanent exhibition, so you can get into your time machine any time. >> siamese cat. ♪ >> [ inaudible ]. ♪ >> for some reason, santa had a message for somebody very special. but it went into my mailbox. >> oh, hello, beth. i was waiting for you. grownups don't visit me as often as young ones do.
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i received a note from one of your colleagues. she tells me that she feels so lucky to have you as a colleague. and that she's very grateful. >> you can have santa say whatever you want him to say with a portable north pole machine from portable north >> he talks right to you. >> beth, let's ask my elves to evaluate you. anybody there? >> they're checking to see if beth is on the naughty or nice list with a portable north pole machine. >> 30-something. >> what's it going to say? >> very, very, very naughty. >> yeah! >> i like how the elves were a little nervous for you for a
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second. they're like -- >> welcome to my console. >> if you have kids you can tell them if it's a boy or girl and tell them whether they've been naughty or nice. >> let's see what kind of year you had. >> and santa will send them a special message tailored just for them. >> hello, carolyn. hello barbara. hello, alexander. >> you can send your kids a naughty message to kind of guilt them into being good for christmas? >> you have to remember, nick, you kind of give him some guidelines, but santa makes up his own decision whether you've been naughty or nice. >> that's true. >> the thing is, it's free. just have to sign you. >> i'm so happy right now, santa thinks i'm a good girl. >> i was hoping for naughty, but oh well. >> naughty how? >> you know. >> merry christmas! next time on "right this minute" -- do you all remember this little girl?
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they were able to do another ivf session. >> what's the news? >> we found out that -- >> that's next time on "right this minute." move over "jersey shore," there's a new group of meat heads entering the world of reality tv. >> wonder what snooki thinks about this? >> the real question is, what will you think about this? and, it's a reunion like no other. >> when he notices the ocean, look at him fly into that thing. >> hear the story of why these little fellas were taken from their home in the first place. keurig has a wide variety of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. so with keurig, every cup
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tastes like it's brewed just for you. because it is.
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the grinch has struck again. ♪ this time at the university of north carolina asheville. who better to take back christmas and the presents than the star soccer players of the
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bull dogs. >> they're back. >> they're back. dan jackson, we interviewed them earlier this year, they're back trying to recover the presents that the grinch stole with their mad soccer skills. oh! ♪ >> i like that they have such a dramatic setup to showcase their soccer skills. >> yeah. ♪ >> regular old shows were getting a little boring but the costumes, amps it up a little bit. >> they got the presents back. now it's time to get back at the grinch. ♪ >> on one side of the atlantic you have the "jersey shore," on the other side you have "california," based in dublin in a neighborhood. whatyo lts the cast of "california" which is
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basically ireland's version of "jersey shore." and, of course, the show hasn't even aired yet and it's getting phenomenal views on the internet from the trailer that they have on-line. and some of the same crazy high jinxes are going on. >> when the guys go into the room, as you can see here, the first thing to do is -- >> i think that guy needs to pop his collar earlier. >> instead of the smoosh room they have the score room. >> this is a large bed. you can score on that. >> are there commentators on the show? like sports guys talking about what's going on? >> some guys have made their own commentary about the show and i think it's pretty darn funny. it's not very complimentary. >> what i like about kormic, never seems too sure of anything he's saying. >> it's like there's a question mark at the end of every sentence. kind of like, do i really moo enthat? >> weight lifting, that time of thing. mystery science theater
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3,000 for the "jersey shore" version of, god, this is all kinds of convoluted. >> looks directly at the camera before looking away awkwardly. head bop, head bop. >> the one guy looks exactly like the situation. it's like they looked for the situation's twin. i wonder if that's what they did in the casting call, have you seen "jersey shore," we want you to look like that dude. >> it's not that heart to look like a meat head. you know what i mean? >> i want to know does this look exist in their area or does this look -- is this look copied because of "jersey shore"? what came first? >> what they say is, in this area of ireland, there are people that are like this and that they wanted to highlight that culture because it apparently reminded them of the people of "jersey shore." ♪ >> wonder what snooki thinks about this? >> are you ready for serious cute? >> always. >> teddy the porcupine is back and cuter than ever. [ inaudible ].
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>> he's eating a gingerbread cookie. >> i love how much you love teddy. >> i love him so much, i can't stand it. he's wishing everybody a merry christmas. look at this. >> can you say, merry christmas? >> [ inaudible ]. >> say, merry christmas. >> [ inaudible ]. >> the person you hear behind the camera saying, say merry christmas, that's alsyson, the one that rescued teddy from the barn and here is teddy talking to us all. i'm sorry, it's the santa hat that's killing me. >> he's got a chin strap. a little chin strap on. >> he's cute. >> i am not the only one crazy in love with teddy the porcupine. he was named the best animal video of 2011 by like a foreign magazine which basically means that teddy bear the porcupine is an international -- >> super star. >> yeah. >> i like the noises he makes. >> [ inaudible ].
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♪ 5-year-old versus 5-year-old. probably the world's cutest tae kwon do fight ever. these two little guys, ready to go, referee says okay, battle each other. all right. okay. cool. and ding ding ding, fight. look at these two. they're geared up in their tae kwon do gear bouncing around. kid in the blue, watch how many times he tries the reverse kick. keeps trying to go back to that, never once does he land, punch or kick. i don't think these guys land anything. >> it's like a hit kick. they never make contact. >> the guy in the red almost went for it too. i like what you're doing with the reverse kick. >> the guy in the red is way taller. >> but he doesn't have the skill of that kick. this kid in the red, he attempts to kick and almost falls over himself right about here.
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>> these are the best kicks i've ever seen. >> no real winner in this tae kwon do bought. i think we're all winners for watching this cuteness. british test a bold new weapon. >> this is a shoulder-mounted laser gun. >> to make rioters go blind. >> this seems like a bad idea. >> and he's the gas station rapper. ♪ >> i want you to meet buddy ripley smalls. >> i worked at a gas station right off the interstate.
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we like to show you the best videos and stories from the web, "right this minute." a new bra ad features a stunning model. yep, he's a man, baby, in the middle of a controversial campaign. his son in the car outruns cops in a dangerous game of chicken. >> he keeps going back on the freeway. >> what is this guy -- what? >> see what started the whole crazy chase. he raps for customers on the job. >> has your boss seen this? >> we get answers from the gas station rapper whose video is going viral. what do you get when you put backwards and slow mo together? one super cool video. we begin this half hour of
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our show with a story from high fashion, i hear, and steven, you have this one for us? >> i do. nick, question for you, would you go out on a date with this model? >> yes. >> well, if you did, you would be on a date with a dude. who this is is andre pajic. he is a 20-year-old male model. on his profile, he is referred to as the posterboard for [ inaudible ]. this came out for the dutch department store hema, the mega push-up bra, which is said to add two cups to your bra size. and people are saying, well, it's working because it's looking like he's got not only some breasts, but some cleavage. >> wait. does andre live as a woman or does he just model as a woman when he's called upon?
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>> andre models as a man and a woman. >> what's funny is, currently, on, he is ranked number 18 in the top 50 of male models. >> because he is so darn beautiful. >> where does he rank on the woman's scale? >> earlier this year, fhm readers ranked him the 98th sexiest woman in the "fhm" magazine but people are saying look, he's going to sell this bra. >> it's not making me want to go buy the bra, but i'm enjoying watching this -- these photos. it's kind of trippy. a three-car crash in dayton, ohio, ended like this. >> oh. >> that is a gas station. that's a united dairy farmers gas station at the corner of an intersecti intersection. the video was shot from across the street. a bystander happened to shoot this video. two cars caught fire at the gas station. let me tell you how this accident happened.
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the driver of the car that you see on fire is 71-year-old bobby bot. he apparently blacked out due to some blood pressure problems as he was coming through an intersection. >> he's doing pretty well. he's got some sore ribs. a few marks on his face apparently from the air bag. >> he struck two cars going through the intersection and then hit the gas pump at the united dairy farmers station. after he hit the gas pump, he was still blacked out and some bystanders quickly rushed into action. two of them pulled him from the burning car while another guy shut the emergency switch on the gas pump. because as you can see, the car was still on fire. >> those two people not pulled him out, he would not have survived. he would have burned. >> emergency vehicles did arrive. they used foam to put out the fire and they moved the other car that was also on fire.
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>> that was some fast acting. >> and the two cars that were struck in the intersection, they did have to take two different passengers to the hospital. one was a small child treated for mild injuries. the other injured driver is in stable but serious condition. there have been so many riots across the world this year everywhere. in london, there were the riots that were almost impossible to contain. well, the uk police is about to test a brand new weapon that they hope will help them contain these rioters. >> smu 100 emits a laser. anyone who looks at this source is temporarily blinded. >> so this is a shoulder-mounted laser gun that they point at people, rioters, and they blind them. it's almost the same effect as if you looked into the sun. >> the weapon emits a wall of light measuring around 12 feet square that can impair the vision of targets up to 1,500
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feet away. >> this video showing us the animated version of what this laser weapon would do comes from mma news direct. >> instead now, you've got rioting people who are going to be running around blind? >> this seems like a bad idea. >> what kind of permanent damage can this do to your eyes? >> they're still testing. it's called the smu 100. it's created by a company called blue tonic security system. >> is it crazy what they're coming up with to deal with like riots and protests? do you remember the story we had a few weeks ago, the sound cannons, where you emit this very high-pitched noise that hurts the ears and can do serious damage to your ears. >> could this be used the wrong way is the worry a lot of people have? >> i doubt they would use something that's going to cause permanent damage. >> if you don't look directly at the beam of light shot at you, you have no effect. and there are reports that say if you wear goggles it won't have the same effect also. >> i think i would rather be hit
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with this laser beam than pepper sprayed, for sure. there's nothing like going home for the holidays, right? >> uh-huh. >> that's exactly what happened for three sea lions north of san francisco. this video was shot by the marine mammal center. the first sea lion you're seeing is leo. you can see the workers from the marine mammal center with the boards trying to make sure he doesn't run to land, that he does run to sea. when he notices the ocean, look at him fly into that thing. there's two other sea lions that the marine mammal had. cranberry sauce and [ inaudible ]. >> they seem to be making a faster break for it because they know their buddy is already in the ocean. >> i think they watched him go in. we can totally do this. the people at the marine mammal center do a pretty amazing things. in the course of their life as a center, they've rescued 10,000 sea lions. and have rescued 530 marine life
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in need just this year. they actually found these three sea lions in monterey and they were suffering from a bacterial infection. they rescued them in the fall and then nursed them back to health and on december 6th they were released back into the wild after they were healthy and ready to go. >> i'm glad they -- sometimes you see these rescues, they nurse them back to health but they're not healthy enough to go back to the wild so they have to spend the rest of their life in a zoo. this is reall
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[ female announcer ] this time of year you have a lot of festive meals. and safeway helps make every holiday meal a special occasion. so you can make all of your gatherings, just as merry as can be. get a boneless beef loin ny strip roast
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for just $4.99 a pound. pair it with a nicely priced malbec. we have thousands of wines. and we'll help you find the right one. safeway. ingredients for life. [ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state.
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