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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  December 16, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PST

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troutman, it's friday and that means it's time for another "rtm" top 20 "countdown," the top stories and video of the day, and it all starts -- "right this minute"! you are watching a bad idea in motion. a school stages a student-on-student kissing demo, but -- >> it wasn't their classmates, it was their parents. >> ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh. >> hear the story behind the prank turned pr disaster.
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it's easy to see why this video made the "countdown." it's a high-speed police chase, saudi style. new zealand deals with too much water. >> they got two months worth of rain in two days. >> now homes are filled with mud and people are clinging to trees. who is under that santa suit? see why a big star went undercover for clean water. >> have you ever considered a water bottle? and this video is an internet sensation. but the kayak dare devils have pulled even crazier stunts and we've got the proof on today's "rtm" "countdown." we begin with our number 20 video. and steven has it for us. now steven you have been saying to us all day -- wait until you see this video. wait until you see this video. it's time to see the video. >> video of a pep rally from a high school in minnesota is catching quite a buzz.
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on the internet. a lot of discussion about it. let's break down the video. this is at rosemont high school in minnesota. they've got the winter sports captains blind-folded and they're pranking them. they're telling them, hey, we're going to blind-fold you. one of your classmates is going to kiss on the lips and you're going to have to guess who it is. >> that's a pretty weird prep rally, if you ask me. but the prank, it wasn't their classmates, it was their parents. >> ooh, what? >> ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh. >> here they ask two of the boys in the video who do you think, who do you think it was. listen to what the one kid says. [ indiscernible ] >> obviously the joke is on him, he takes off the blind-fold and it's his mom. there's a mom who places her
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son's hand on her butt. there is a couple who hits the ground and takes the kissing to the gym floor as you see there. now the principal of rose mnmon high school came out and said, this video is 59 seconds. what you see on the internet, sometimes you see just portions of what's really happened and it leads you to think a certain way. >> how could i misconstrue 59 seconds of some dudes and women making out with their kids. >> the moms are making out with their sons. >> i'm shocked, but it's not as bad as you think. hold on, you got to think the mom's not going to go at their son. the dad's not -- >> the hands on the butt? >> they were hamming it up for the crowd. >> i think the principal needs to go. >> he takes complete responsibility for this. but he did apologize. >> i don't think the principal is to blame. if you're going to blame anybody, blame those mother or fathers who takes it too far.
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we're going to move on to our number 19 video. it's the first of several crazy videos from around the world. >> ladies have got some dash cam videos of police behaving badly. this time out of melbourne, australia. david gray, 32 years old and his passenger, ryan boyd, 19, are getting beat by two cops. you see a punch and a kick and a slap? and another cop joins in with a baton. >> this is so frustrating, if they need to contain them, contain them, control them. but they could really inflict some serious, long-lasting damage to these guys. >> what did the guys do that got the cops so mad. >> they did a burn-out in front of the police station. >> you're kidding? >> i'm not kidding. in australia, in the melbourne area, there's a big problem with they call them hoon drivers,
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hoodlums driving fast, they're trying to crack down on the guys driving like maniacs around melbourne. but most people are saying this went too far. it happened back in may, the video was just released because the sentencing just came out of e police officers. ne was suspended without pay including intentionally causing injury and unlawful assault. the other officer resigned from the police force in october and pleaded guilty to intentionally causing injury. it was reported in court that when the cops pulled the guys over, they said to the guys, you don't own the town, we do. >> good cop/bad cop versus hoons. number 18, on the top 20 "countdown," some dramatic flooding footage. >> i want you guys to take a look at this video. this footage of a pretty crazy rescue in nelson, new zealand. they got two months' worth of
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rain in two days. these guys are tourists and they were just out on a walk. because they wanted to see how high the river had risen due to the rain. this is the river where they are. the bank gave way. he fell into the water. his friend tried to help him, ended up helping him into the tree and they both ended up climbing into the tree because the water levels were rising so quickly. so the nelson search and rescue team had to come in to get these tourists out of this tree. >> boy, they're on some pretty tiny little branches there and the guy looks like he's wearing sandals. >> his brain is waterlogged, he forget. >> the rains have caused serious damage. people had to be evacuated from their homes. there were a lot of land slips, which are landslides. the roads were completely washed out. you can see here houses that are completely flooded. this is inside -- a local's
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home. >> whoa. >> it's up to their kitchen counter. the mud from the rivers, from everything that was being washed with these rising floodwaters. rivers rose to incredibly dangerous levels in nelson, new zealand and in other parts of the northern island of new zealand. this is the floodwater running past this door. it's up to the doorknob. and this used to be someone's driveway. >> i don't know how they'll be able to fix it i'll be doing a lot of walking. >> and it's amazing that he's doing this and he's got such a good attitude about it. >> that seems to be something that's a little bit common. this is how some other new zealanders decide to deal with the flooding. >> they'll have to get some skateboarding in today, because the weather forecasters in new zealand say more rain is expected. i must say we certainly hope that new zealand gets some nine in their forecast, soon. we're moving on to number 17, and this is the latest episode in some videos that we've shown you in the past. but this time, the cops are in
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the act. >> to saudi arabia, where we get some amazing car drifting video, as always. this video was filmed by 178 hard core. >> they're always in a honda. >> a family sedan that they're just raging around in. >> oh! oh! >> antoine doesn't quite go as planned. he hits a big sand dune. >> he went into the sand dune like butt-first. >> we're always thinking, this is so dangerous. >> where are the authorities? [ sirens ] >> all of a sudden you see people trying to escape, running across the street. you see cars bailing. >> scattering like ants under a magnifying glass. >> so close to the people, the people are right on the edge of the road. >> you see the guy holding his gun out of the window of the cop car. >> there goes the cop, he's
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trying to go after one of the drivers of this honda. and right before the end of the video, we see a cop finally catch up. for a second, it was like okay, they must be so used to this. the cops probably don't even pay attention to this any more. >> they said the entire station, it wasn't like two cop cars. it was like 20 cop cars. >> d damn it, you hit my sand dune. >> the police cars pull up and they all start drifting. you want to drift? i'll show you how to drift! we're going skydiving or watching others do it, at least. >> i think this is even more intense. >> see what they're doing to make their jump even more intense. and is that a bearded dragon? or a finger puppet poking ants. debate amongst yourselves, until we come back. you've seen dread locdlockd
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right? this woman was caught hiding something in hers. see what
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welcome back to the show. but don't foet tck in at great videos, all day long. we're back to the rtm top 20 "countdown." number 16, kick back and fall into the fun. >> to arizona, one of the skydiving meccas of the world. but these guys are going for a little balloon ride. nice and serene, they're all bundled up. have you ever been in a hot air balloon? >> yes. >> really? >> one, two, three. >> why stay in a perfectly good balloon? jump out, oh boy. >> he's going to do a back flip.
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>> i think this is even more intense, he's standing on the edge of the basket, he can also see the open sky in front of him. when you jump out of a plane backwards, you just kind of see the inside of the plane. >> i didn't realize you could get that high. >> just the sound, the sound of the fall. >> it makes you feel like you're there and suddenly you see the earth getting closer and closer as he just spins out of control. >> for them, it is paradise. >> it makes me want to try both of those. it really does. >>s did pretty cool when you see their view after they've jumped out of the balloon and they look up and you see the balloon up there, that's kind of cool. it's a lot cooler than just seeing a plane. >> that is pretty cool. we're in the top 15 now, this is a big announcement. >> okay. i want you to take a look at this video and tell me what you think is going on. >> get a new nickname. whoever guesses, wins the game.
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>> what do we win? >> i'll tell you. >> it's your own nickname. ready, set, go! >> did i miss something? >> it all happens really quickly. what's going on in this video, the couple here, the girl with the dark hair and the guy, they invited their entire family over for a barbeque, and they said, we're going to play a game, we're going to assign you a new nickname. and when you flip over your place mat and find your new nickname, we want you to tell us why you think you got your new nickname. >> the names were like "papa," and "auntie." >> and for the grandparents, they were "lola" and "lolo. >> this is the brother and he immediately says -- >> reece is pregnant! >> i think "uncle" was probably
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a quick one to pick up. >> everyone catches on and everyone screams. [ screaming ] >> there's the finger snap! >> aw. [ laughter ] you know what, i'm glad she did the next move, it wouldn't be a surprise without it. we're on to number 14, a video that's making the list of the very worst. >> declared "the king that never was" by alternate reality, the worst video of 2011. ♪ ♪ >> one of the band members had a response. >> we're familiar with having fun and entertaining, and we're
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glad the world noticed. >> a lot of people are having fun maligning it. >> what do you think of it so far? >> it looks like an "snl" video short. >> it looks like a lot of fantasy geeks made a rock video. >> it was like some old guys just started singing in the middle of a video game set. >> it's hokey, it's cheesy, it's worse than a b movie, but i do video production and i know how hard some of this stuff can be. they've got a decent set. there was some costumes there. you know, it took time to put this together. and to shoot this. >> yeah, they've got a set and costume. but then it's weird that the band is just like in their regular clothes outside a castle. continui continuity, not so much. >> someone, somewhere did us a huge favor. they called us the worst video of 2011. >> it's so bad, it's good. it's doing exactly what they hoped it would do. but you know when they went into it they were like, this video is
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going to be so freaking cool. >> to be the worst of 2011 -- >> is it myth or reality. >> now i want to see the whole darn video. >> i know you're asking for it, to watch the whole music video, go to next time on "right this minute" -- >> look at that little guy. >> so cute. >> this one that you see here was attacked by a pit bull. >> that's next time on "right this minute." ♪ time to tear down the silo. by hand. >> let me guess, something goes horribly wrong here. >> well, you will have to wait to find out. and where will this video end up on the "countdown"? >> the funny thing about this video is that chad didn't know he was being filmed. >> the dance video going viral on the web.
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guys, the next video is really sad. did looks like we're at some sort of beer garten here and the guy wearing the lederhosen is trying to carry as many beers as he can. >> why? >> to impress his friends. it appears he's carrying 20 of these gigantic beers. >> that's really heavy. >> this is where things take a turn for the worse.
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i can't watch! >> oh! >> he dropped all of those beers. wasted. >> perfectly good, drinkable beer. >> it must be some sort of competition. >> don't know what the world record is for beer-carrying, but this guy did not pass the test. >> it make you feel a little bit better, i looked it up earlier. it was not beer that he was carrying. it was peerly apple juice. >> it wasn't. it was beer. >> bearded dragon playing ant crusher. ♪ ♪ we move on it our number 12
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video. it's a demolition like you've never seen before. >> if you're going to demolish a large structure, you should do it by hand, right? >> you should? >> that's what this guy thought was a good idea. >> he's in the field with a large silo. he's got a sledgehammer and he's just -- chipping away at the silo. you see he has knocked out one whole side of the bottom of this silo with his sledgehammer. >> let me guess, something goes horribly wrong here. >> i think something goes horribly wrong. >> one more right here. [ crash ] >> oh boy! [ laughter ] >> that's like the greatest magic trick, ever. >> one last hit at the bottom and the thing just -- whew! >> still standing straight up.
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>> kind of like the leaning tower of pisa now. >> that could have gone so bad for this guy. >> if you look to the bottom left of the silo, you see this little cord here. they decided now, instead of using the sledgehammer, we're going to tie this thing to our tractor. >> oh. >> we're going to pull it over. >> yeah. >> many ways to do a job, i guess. this is a strange one. at number 11, this one is too tough to call. so we'll take them both. >> we have a tie on today's "rtm countdown," and nick, you have both videos for us? >> devon surp tramp, one of our favorite contributors to the show this guy puts out some great stuff. devon and his friends got together for a huge prank.
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>> we've seen people toilet paper houses before. >> yes, we have. but we haven't seen it with this kind of production value, have you? and have you toilet papered someone's house with 500 rolls of toilet paper? >> that's going to be tough to clean up. >> especially if it's two-ply. then we're going to be in some big trouble. >> that's expensive toilet paper, two-ply. if you think that's fun, this is even more fun. devon graham, if you're a snowboarder and it's the middle of august, what do you do? you can't snow-board, so you salt-board out on the salt flats of utah.
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they shot this back in august. and he just got time to put the video together. and so there's not a lot of snow around, so -- salt-board. >> it probably hurts a little bit more when you bite it here on the salts rather than on the snow. the snow is a little bit of a cushion sometimes. this looks like it's pretty hard. >> probably tastes bad, too. >> oh, they made burgers. >> you can season your meat with a little salt. >> a little dirt. >> salt. yeah. >> a little dirt won't hurt. >> yeah. a very bold jewelry heist caught on tape. >> wow. >> absolutely. >> we'll tell you how they cleaned out the safe. beth, you know one of my favorite pasttimes is pranking little kids. [ crying ] >> and that's why steven is showing us this one.
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serious kid pranking.
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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman, we're inside the top ten in our rtm top 20 "countdown," so let's get to it -- "right this minute"! you guys have all seen dredlocks, but probably not like these. find out why they got this woman thrown in jail. so, a horse walks into a bar. >> did the bartender say, why the long face? >> okay, maybe not. but see why taking horses into a bar and a store was not cool with the cops. motorcyclists take over a city street. >> look how cool that move is pretty cool, huh? >> oh, sure, it's a you will cool until a car run as red light. and he is serious about sports.
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[ screaming ] >> the story behind this major fan freak-out coming up on today's "rtm countdown." you guys have all seen dredlocks, they're pretty cool. sometimes i wonder -- what's in them. >> we found this video on witness online's youtube channel. >> 23-year-old jobanda tries to smuggle one and a half kilos of cocaine in her dredlocks. rolled up into long dred-like looking tubes attached to her real hair. >> they're fake dredlocks? >> fake dredlocks that she stuffed with tubes of drugs. >> extensions. >> there's so many ways that people have tried to do that. i've never seen it in someone's hair. >> this is something we've never seen before. she traveled from brazil to bangkok. on a flight. but when she got there they decided to search her and that's
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when they discovered that she had one and a half kilos of coke, about $150,000 worth. >> how did they figure this out? >> she had dredlocks that were made out of yarn. >> she didn't even use hair to hide this? it was yarn? >> it was a combination of both. >> and she mixed it in between real dredlocks. >> she had really short hair. >> there's no dredlocks on her passport photo. >> she did this for just under $2,000. thailand does enforce the death penalty for some drug offenses. >> all for under $2,000. >> it doesn't pay to be a coke head, beth. >> should i check her? you're clean, you're clean. >> whoops, you caught me. is it just me, or did that look like steven was grooming me like i was a monkey? we're inside our top ten right now and this one is a horse story that we've been talking about all day around here.
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>> imagine you're in line for starbucks and the guy in front of you says i'll take a grande vanilla coffee and my horse, here will take a vanilla latte. that's what happened in steamboat springs. colorado. this is inside a safeway and these three wannabe cowboys brought their horses inside the store. and the people, including the person shooting the video, are not happy. >> is that legal? >> i don't think so. >> they're all saying hey, that's cleelly a health code violation. >> i would imagine they don't have poop sacks on. >> it's a horse inside a grocery store. >> if the horse poops, would you clean that? >> the guy buys a bag of chips. and they're out of there. they don't stop here. they're all right, let's take this party to the bar. >> so a horse walks into a bar -- [ laughter ] >> a horse walks into a bar and basically, this is what it looks like.
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>> did the bartender say -- why the long face? [ laughter ] >> that is the rest of that joke. >> they don't like around these parts. >> we saw the videos on then the police come and the three people on the horses -- heeya, they take off and run from the cops on their horses. but the police actually were able to track them down on a bike path in steamboat springs, colorado. the police said, hey,s d dismou the horse. the guys try to run from the cops on the horse, but they taze the guy. >> whoa. >> that's one way to get them to stop. that goes to show you -- people don't like it when you bring your horse into a bar. now number eight video, this one is probably going to leave a lot of you just -- shaking your head. i mean -- really?
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>> a brazen robbery took place in ben salem, pennsylvania and police think it's part of a crime spree. what you're looking at is a group of five women and three men. they go into db jewelers right as they open the store. because they have something in mind. one of the women crawls behind the counter lifts up her outer garments and starts stuffing all the jewelry inside her pockets. >> weird. why was the safe open like that? >> because they were opening the shop, they were getting ready to put everything out. >> exactly right. they think maybe this is a group of russians working out of new york, who are hitting mom-and-pop stores. they know at the beginning of the day, the safe is open and they're restocking the glass cabinets, because once they're in the glass cabinets, it's harder to steal it. they even bought something from the store while this woman was back there pocketing all that stuff. >> so the accomplices kind of bum-rush the store, get the clerk's attention while one just
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kind of gets on the ground and sneaks into the back? >> absolutely. >> how much jewelry did they get away with, how much is this going to cost this mom-and-pop jewelry store? >> $150,000 is what the take is. the family says they're devastated. okay. everybody, we're at number seven in this week's top 20 "countdown." this one is lighting up the internet. >> i have an awesome video for you guys. it's been getting lots of play. this is in gadsden, alabama. these guys are headed to a 90-foot waterfall. this is a crazy thing. >> why? >> it almost look likes he hits head-first. >> he emerges from the spray. >> isaac has the go-pro camera
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on his helmet. >> oh, boy, look at this. >> the next guy hangs on to his paddle, and the paddle snaps, here it comes, right at the edge, you see the tip of his boat go over. >> oh. >> he's the guy whose paddle just snapped. >> that was awesome, he was so using his paddle as he was going down the actual waterfall. >> for these guys, the climb out was the most exciting part. the cops were waiting for them. >> technically, this is not something people should do. but these guys were well-trained kayakers. but these guys made the argument, we're not just tourists, this is something we always wanted to do the cops let them go. now that the guys have done it, the city is contemplating putting up signs saying don't go over the falls. the guys just uploaded another video, this is at another river, in western north carolina. it's a class v creek is what
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they're saying. it's like a high-intense waterfall through a gorge of rocks. >> whoa, they are moving. >> they all go through this thing. >> same three guys. ♪ ♪ >> what's this guy doing stumbling around in the dark? >> caught on camera, we'll show you what he did. very, very tame video of a motorcycle flying down the street in st. louis. >> it's like a totally first-person you. >> you know it's not going to stay tame, right? see what happens, next.
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en. welcome back to the rtm top 20 "countdown." at number six, i hate it when this happens! >> guys, i have more surveillance video of the grinch. >> here's another one? >> he's popping up everywhere. this time he's in salt lake city, utah. and he decided to steal some christmas lights off of a local business. >> oh, man. >> watch this. you know, genius here, try to step into the plant. has a little mishap there. falls back out and stands on the plant and starts pulling down the christmas lights. >> these really look like they're going to work afterwards, he yanks them down. >> doesn't he know as soon as
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you break one, the whole strand doesn't work? >> i'm wondering if he did this for the copper wire. because copper is worth money and they'll turn it in and get cash for the copper. >> was he trying to use it to buy presents. he's in a well-lit area. a car goes by right after he's done. but the worst part for this little grinch is that he walks right by the camera, look at that ar of his face. so if someone recognizes him -- >> smile, jerk. >> that's the reason they posted this video, they're hoping someone in salt lake city or somewhere else will see this video, particularly this shot right here that i'm showing you where you can see his face lit right up and turn this guy in. >> we thought the grinch was green, though. >> i hope they catch that guy. we're in our top five. and this one is a little fan with some big loyalty. >> beth, you know one of my favorite pasttimes is pranking little kids.
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but even i feel kind of bad for the little guy. >> uh-oh. >> back up, i can't see you. tell me what you want to know. >> who do you want to cheer for. >> this little boy, you can see, he's a big pittsburgh penguins hockey fan. he's got a pittsburgh penguins hockey helmet on. but his mom and dad are pranking him, saying we don't like the penguins any more of t. >> i told you, i'm cheering for the red wings. [ screaming ] [ crying ] >> why? >> mommy! don't! >> ask daddy, see who daddy wants to cheer for. >> you can't cheer for the red wings. >> back up. >> you're not allowed to! >> ask daddy who he's cheering for. >> daddy, who you cheering for? >> the detroit red wings!
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[ screaming ] [ crying ] >> he throws his helmet down. >> beth, who are you cheering for? >> i would tell this little guy, i'm cheering for the penguins. >> they're my favorite team, too, so i feel for the guy. [ buzzer ] [ bleep ]. >> after the video, beth, who are you going to cheer for? >> because i know that you're a penguins fan, just because i want to see your reaction, i i'm going to cheer for the red wipgs. >> you're not allowed! >> steven, he's a fan of anything pittsburgh. we're closing in on our number one video. we're at number four right now. and this video puts you in the driver's seat. i'm going to show you some video of some awesome, you'll appreciate it, motorcycle action in st. louis, missouri. >> what they're doing is legal? >> no. >> i don't think so, right. >> it's stupid, i love motorcycles, i love motorcycle stunts and tricks, but the guys
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who pull this junk on public streets are as dumb as you get. >> i'm waiting for this to go really wrong. >> why would you want it to go really wrong? >> i didn't say i want it to, i'm waiting for it. >> look at this move, pretty cool, huh? >> all right. ask and you shall receive. >> oh! >> yeah, yeah. >> he has a green light. >> the guy in the white truck runs a red light and strikes the guy on the motorcycle who is taping this video. >> it's like a totally first-person view of getting hit by a car. >> well, his friend finally stops. they ask him if he's okay. he's awake an conscious of what's going on. >> the driver of the truck pulls over. >> when i looked up the first time, i had the green light, when it changed, i didn't have enough time to stop. >> the light was red, he just
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didn't see it and ran it. >> man. >> see, that's one of the things that really scares me about riding. is people, these guys are doing dumb things on the road. but that was, had nothing to do with that. where will this video end up on the "countdown"? >> the funny thing about this video is chad didn't know he was being filmed. >> the dance video going viral on the web. and who is the "bourne identity" behind this beard. catch my drift? see why this claus is getting holly jolly for the holidays,
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welcome back to the show. but don't forget to cck in at rightthismin day long. dog versus ice cube. [ barking ] >> welcome back to the rtm top 20 "countdown." we've got three to go and dance along, if you like to to our number three video. >> ladies, let me introduce you to chad styles, dancing machine.
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♪ ♪ >> was this part of the halftime show? or -- >> good question. you might think this is part of the halftime show. but this is during the practice at miami university of ohio. chad styles, legal name, chad burns, is the assistant equipment manager for the football team. and every single practice, chad is out there, grooving to the music that they have going over the p.a. system. ♪ ♪ >> you got to appreciate a man who can moonwalk on grass. >> he borrowed more than just the moonwalk from the king of pop. ♪ ♪ >> "thriller" yeah. >> the funny thing about the video is chad didn't know he was being filmed. the video production team who films the football team's practice, they noticed that chad
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does this every single practice. >> right before the last game of the season, when they call me in their office and they're like, sit down in this chair, we got to show you something. i thought i was in trouble. i didn't know what was going on. they asked me if they could post it on youtube. and i said, yeah, go for it. >> how do you come up with those moves? >> i don't know. i guess i watch too much mtv when i was in middle school. >> yistian and i have a favorite moment of the video, and it's right near the beginning when you're doing the side-kick swing back and forth with a kick ball change in the middle. did you get your inspiration from new kids on the block? >> it may have come a little bit from the new kids, but it was something that my sister and i used to do a lot when we were kids, we used to listen to the song "cotton eyed joe." >> so you're dancing around the players, are you distracting them? >> a lot of people have been saying that kind of thing. but i think it's more of a thing
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where it gets them pumped up. they've been in class all day. they were up all night studying and most of the feedback i've gotten, anyway, is pretty positive and welcome thing. >> i think we all should start our day every day with this video. it puts you in a good mood. ♪ >> i'm serious about that, that's how i want to start my day. okay, we have two more videos to go. and i only have two things to say about number two. matt damon and santa claus. >> i'm matt damon and you've got damon claus for a cause. >> he's very altruistic. he's gotten into the holiday spirit by turning into damon-claus for a cause. >> tell santa what it is want for christmas. >> i want zombie dolls. >> zombie dolls? scary. >> instead of a darth vader mask. instead of an airplane, instead of roller blades, have you ever
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considered a water bottle? >> he wants to make the water bottle, the new hot trending toy to help communities in need. >> do you know pioneered the idea of employing microfinance to bringing it to the water sector? >> i really like santa. >> santa is good friends with matt damon. i could get you an autographed bottle. >> who is matt david? >> i know who ben affleck is. >> normally, an announcement like that is made before one -- >> oh! >> what? >> the kid peed his pants. >> i missed it. >> i think that kid drank too much water. >> i bet darth vader gets pretty hot and thirsty inside that suit. >> damon claus did agree to get
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kids to take the bottle. >> ha do you want for christmas? >> a water bottle. >> a water bottle, that's exactly right. >> merry christmas, gayle. >> it doesn't have matt damon's autograph, though. >> who's matt damon. >> i see you've been playing with the big bite valve. >> oh, god! oh my gosh! oh my gosh! i love surprises. you don't know what it is, i know what it is. oh, my gosh! we're almost to number one!
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did you ever see that christmas gift that you think, man, that would be perfect for me. this is heinekin's beer tender. which is sort of a personal beer dispenser at home. >> right. >> you think, man, i want that. >> i do want that. >> and i can't really buy it for myself, because that looks bad. so what heinekin has done is created the beer-friender. so you go to their facebook
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page. and they will randomly match you with another guy out in the world, who wants one of these little keg machines. and you send each other the gift. >> that is brilliant. >> i like the idea, but it also seems like it's a lot of work. can't you just buy it and tell everybody that someone bought it for you? >> if you get into something like this. you know that you've spread the joy and you've also gotten the joy. it's joy-joy. >> we all know that joy is draft beers in your home. all right, everybody, we've kept you waiting long enough. we're at our number one video of the day. and when you see this one, you might go -- what? what's going on? >> i'm going to show you the skating king of pakistan. >> he's on his roller blades. being pulled by a motorcycle that doesn't have a rider.
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>> is he guiding the motorcycle? >> i'm thinking maybe he is. but there's nobody to, you know, push the throttle, those like that. >> which troubles me the most is the guy doesn't have any like stopper or something on his roller blades and there's nobody riding the motorcycle. how does he end this voyage? >> i guess when they run out of gas. >> who's working the throttle? >> i'm wondering if he has some sort of mechanism with the things that he's holding that controls that. or maybe that's why other people ride next to him, to stop it. >> i think he's got a lock and two strings tied to the handlebars and he's controlling it with the strings. >> i think i can do this. >> i don't think he has any of that. i think he's just like hey, let me put some strings and see what happens if i get pulled by a motorcycle. >> this is weird. >> it is. >> so weirder than the gum flying out of my mouth, this brings a whole new meaning to
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the term "ghost rider." >> it's a bunch of guys sitting around needing something to do. >> this proves that men are the same worldwide. getting together to do weird stuff. >> we get bored, we got to come up with something. that's it for the "rtm countdown," everybody, thanks so much for hanging out with us. we hope you have a fantastic weekend, we'll see you on monday. and you can always see great monday. and you can always see great videos on -- captions by vitac -- ♪ ♪
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