tv Right This Minute FOX December 22, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PST
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hello everyone, i'm beth troutman an you're watching "right this minute." oh my god! >> after flames force a man to make a heroing choice. see the minute-by-minute drama leading up to a life-and-death decision. it's a miracle birth in brazil. >> these aren't like siamese twins? >> no, you're looking at two heads, one body. >> hear how the babies' names honor another miracle birth at christmas. here's what not to do when
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getting off a train. >> what? >> one woman's close call has people wondering, how it even happened. >> you'd have to try pretty hard to fall and then fall underneath the train. and meet the guy who won a lamborghini and crashed it six hours later. >> i bet he's probably hugging a toilet right now -- sick over this! it's time to get things started. and nick you have our top story, right? >> i've got an incredible video that captures the moment between life and death. it's a little bit hard to watch. but you guys have got to see how this couple survives. there's a man in the second story of his home. the home is clearly on fire. here are the neighbors. with flashlights rallying around and take a listen. >> don't jump, wait a minute. wait. >> don't jump. >> stay by the window. >> i can't breathe, man. >> if you can't breathe -- jump. >> go, go! >> he's jumping through fire.
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>> he jumps out of the second-story window. lands on the ground, you hear glass breaking, he crashes through the front patio roof. lands on the ground, gets to his feet and neighbors help him away from the burning house. you hear the fire trucks in the background. but he's not the only one in the house. >> come on. >> oh, my god. >> you can hear the screams. people who are around. >> the neighbors scoop her up, get her across the street. put a blanket on her. >> what really struck me is the sound of the impact when she hit the ground. >> she's listed in serious, but stable condition. thankfully, these people got out of the house. >> she probably had no idea where to go and she can't breathe, she can't see, she just has to go with grace. >> you never see this moment where you have to decide, am i going to take the chance of staying in this house, or am i
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going to jump for my life. police officers in north chicago are in some hot water, and part of the reason why is this video. surveillance video from inside a police station. you see an unidentified man in a booking room and an officer there with him. and then all of a sudden, just, boom, hits him from behind. he looks like in the head and then has his hands, what looks like around his neck. eventually the man slumps down to the floor. and then later in the video, you see some medical crews coming in there to treat the injuries, to this man. we don't know what's being said, obviously because there's no audio in this video. >> even if he's saying something. first he clocks him in the back of the head. the guy wasn't be combative and then he chokes him. >> six chicago police officers are facing charges of excessive force and brutality. and accord together city's
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attorney, an internal investigation has been launched. >> the six officers related to this incident? >> the six officers who are facing the charges -- it seems are related to this new video that has been released this week. >> wow. >> here's the thing -- some north chicago police officers have been getting some criticism as of late because last month, a man died after he was being questioned by police officers in a domestic incident. that man's name was darren hann hannah. his cousin, bonny mayfield, who is a member of the city council. who is the one who brought this new video to the attention of the city council this week. do you think the cops forgot the camera was in the room? or do you think he believes what he was doing was within his rights and power as a police officer. or does he just not care? this story just shows how much love a mother can have for her child, even before he or she
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is born. i found this story on itn news, it is of a mom in the uk, donna kelly. she had had a son, one successful pregnancy. but that pregnancy left her cervix weak. after that child, she became pregnant twice more. but unfortunately, a 23 and 19 weeks, she miscarried. she got pregnant yet again this last time. but again, she was running the risk of having a miscarriageth and her doctor was running out of options. they decided at five months pregnant, she was going to basically live 24/7 upside-down, to prevent any time of pressure or tension against her cervix. >> how long did she have to eat in that position. >> three whole months. >> she could only get up to go to the bathroom. to do things that she needed to do. but that was it. 24/7 for three months, upside-down. >> it was tough at first. i felt really sick. really dizzy. and i had a constant headache.
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but as you can see, it was successful. she gave birth to little emilia. she was born at four pounds, 15 ounces. she was born six weeks prematurely, but she is very healthy. >> wow. >> this goes to show what a woman will do to have a baby. >> she obviously has a lot of patience. to wait like that for three and a half months? crazy crash vido. guess where it's from, nick? >> russia. >>fpeed on the 19th. you're looking a a junction where traffic is moving along. quite a bit of traffic and look up there, right on the embankment. something is going to happen that's going to blow your mind. that car comes over the embankment and crashes into five other cars. >> the guy got some serious air coming over that embankment. >> did i hear the ♪
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[ "dukes of hazard" theme ] >> the dukes of hazard were not involved. late nert video, the car with the dash cam moves up and you get a better scene of what exactly went on. this looks like in the u.s. it might be an on-ramp. but he was basically coming onto the freeway and t-boning these five cars. >> this may have been a world record for the number of cars t-boned in one jump. >> only in russia could we get video like that five cars, one jump, one small car. that it wasn't like a big suv. >> we need to start putting more dash cams into more cars in america. this stuff happens here. but we don't have cameras in cars. >> i asked, does every car in russia come outfitted with a dash cam? >> i don't think so. ♪ good one, gayle, from russia. >> with love.
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>> remember yesterday, i brought you the story of the woman who threw her food into the mcdonald's drive-through window? >> all about hash browns. >> all about hash browns. >> well, we've been getting tons of feedback on this story on our facebook page. i wanted to read angie's comment. she says mcdonald's versus psychotic school teacher. yes, she should be arrested. she had no right to do what she did. she did not pay for the hash browns, whether she ordered them or not. >> i like jared jones. jared jones says for the mcdonald's video, i agree, the woman was out of line to respond in the manner she did however i know mcdonald's can be very frustrating when they constantly mess up an order. he says in his town they don't have many options. >> i like when freddy krauss has to say. the manager took the time to speak to the customer and discuss the matter. when is it ever right to throw food back at another human being? especially someone who didn't
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even have part of the error? that's a good point. >> obviously people fell on both sides of the fence on this one. we appreciate everybody's opinions and for you know, paying attention to our facebook page. keep the comments rolling in. >> absolutely. this is the white house kitchen. all wrapped up in plastic and aluminium foil. what's going on here? we're going to tell you all about it. and look -- a christmas parade. of fights. >> i think one of the guys said he didn't believe in santa claus. >> nothing like a holiday fight to bring out the grinch. and there he is -- but in this video, he's not a bad guy. well, not really. okay, maybe. we'll let you decide. a little later on. ♪ [ ukulele strumming ]
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you're in the middle of the third day of hanukkah, people are celebrating all across the country, all across the world. one of the biggest hanukkah parties went down this month at the white house. they had to coakosherize the wh house kitchen. certain foods can't be eaten. foods have to be prepared a certain way. cooking surfaces have to be set up a certain way. >> you can't let dairy and meat mix on this -- they can't even go on the same plate. >> you can't use the same utensils to stir or to cut or to eat. >> utensils have to be reserved only for kosher item separation of milk and meat products. kosher ingredients as well. saran wrap, tinfoil over everything. >> it's a big honor to oversee the kosherizing of what is the most important kitchen in the
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country. >> this rabbi, levi shinov was in charge kosherizing the kitchen for this big party that vice president biden and his wife attended as well as a large group of faith and community leaders. >> it will be at the highest standard of kosher observance. >> it's awesome that he this did it to celebrate the hanukkah practice tradition. gting dizzy. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i thought it would be fun to show you guys a birthing video. >> that's not fun.
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>> this birth video is from nasa, it's the birth of a star. >> even better. in space. >> i still don't like that. you know i don't like space! >> look how beautiful this is, steve. if this doesn't make you feel kind of in awe of the amazing universe that surrounds us, i don't know what would. >> that area i love it's like part of the explosion of the star. normally explosions have dirt and stuff that we're used to. but out in space it becomes this beautiful celestial entity. >> it's actually hydrogen gas into helium. >> this particular star is called irs-4. i hate when they name it like that. >> another reason why this stuff gets on my nerves. irs-4. internal revenue system. >> it's service. >> internal revenue service 4, bore-ing. >> the irs stands for infrared source. >> this star is 15 times the
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sun's mass and 10,000 times brighter. >> so since this thing is like bigger and better than our sun, will it replace our sun when our sun finally retires. >> this thing is 2,000 light years away. >> you could just lasso it in, pull it in. like "it's a wonderful life." >> you want the moon? just say a word and i'll throw a lasso around it. >> have you ever needed to go on a beer run and you're just too lazy or maybe too -- to get yourself in the car to actually go to the store to buy beer? now there is a bit of a solution. a couple of smart guys have rigged up a segway to go on the beer run for them. this little beer-fetching robot was developed by a group of engineers from leo robotics and ram maker space. they've got two cases of empty
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grolsch bottles. they control this thing with a wii remote. and watch, takes the empty bottles into the beer store -- gets themselves a little refill. >> if you're too lazy to go on a beer run. you're probably too lazy to get the wii controller and follow this thing to the store. why not go on your own? >> because now you don't have to carry two cases of beer by yourself. have you ever tried to do that? >> i have not. >> to talk about this great thing, we've got yas. fill us in on the conversation that led to creating this. >> we started out with our professor, he was saying that all of these set-ups in the lab don't get used any more. so maybe if he places the beer and pizza, then we go work in our full time on something we want to do. basically we saw this segway sitting around in our lab. >> how hard was it to sync up the wii remote? >> you can download the software
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from the internet and it's very easy. the more difficult part was trying to get the segway to do what we wanted. >> how far away can you be with the controller and still be able to manipulate the segway? >> 50 meters is about max. >> so if you're 50 meters behind this little sucker, how do you keep people from stealing beer off of this? >> that's what we're trying to figure out now. >> you guys need to develop a laser forcefield around this. see what you can accomplish if you feed guys pizza and beer. >> i have fed both of you guys pizza and beer and you didn't solve anything. next time on "right this minute," our special holiday countdown show. our favorite videos and the cop who helped save a work's life. next time on "right this minute." ♪ here's a story behind a
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displays before, outside buildings, they're projections that make it look like something is happening to the building, but nothing really is. this is at the osaka renaissance central public hall. where somebody did a light festival display that's pretty incredible. the guy who videotaped this said -- it's a little tacky. but it's incredible all the same. i thought how could it be tacky and incredible all at the same time. >> it looks like the bricks in the building, it looks like they're like waves. >> it looks like a sheet fell down over the building and suddenly now there's a whole new scene. >> that's pretty cool right there. that's like the "jumanji" scene. vines all over the building. >> back through the doors and windows, it looks like an airplane fly over different landscapes. you've got the ocean and mountains, it looks like they were flying over the taj mahal. >> they believe it was sponsored by the united arab emirates, because they've got a big flame
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at end of the video. >> here's what not to do when getting off a train. >> oh, oh! >> this is a woman getting off a train in the uk at barnsly station. who appears to be inebriated. >> wow, she just totally ate it. you would have to try pretty hard to fall and then fall underneath the train. >> it's so funny, she's not even in high heels or anything, she's in flat shoes and she's standing on both feet and suddenly she just wobbles and slips through a crack. >> police say they believe she is drunk. fortunately people saw this happening and they sprung into action, they were able to pull her back into safety before the train took off. she suffered only minor cuts and bruises. the trains were delayed 20 minutes, so some people weren't happy about that. police decided to release this video. because they know that christmas is coming and new year's is coming. people are going to be out drinking, they want to let people know they have to be safe and drink responsibly. >> they can come up with a new
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slogan for the holiday season -- don't drink and deboard. don't drink and fling yourself underneath a train platform. >> she like slithered down there, like a perfect little size for her. >> what's weird is her hat stays on through all of this. >> is she wearing a cowboy hat? >> that's a great hat. >> a head with a brim growing out of it in. >> that looked like a hat. >> what is it? >> a pony tail. >> where is her pony tail? what? >> you're just trying to tell yourself that, you're right. >> that looks like a hat. people have all sorts of talents. >> yes. >> juggling, singing, dancing, swallowing knives. >> 37-year-old sutakaran -- >> i'm not going to get his name
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right. we'll call him suta. has a talent for hanging by his hair. he's been training for 27 years. training his scalp and his hair to do feats like this. >> how do you train your hair? people train their hair to look a certain way. >> my hair is strong, because i use the natural oils. >> this most recent feat he did in australia. he hung by his scalp. for 23 minutes 24 seconds. he's doing it as a thank you to the australian people because he's a sri lankan refugee. and the australians made him a citizen, welcome to our country. this was his way of saying thank you and to show that he is a capable human being, capable of working and doing things and to show off his talent. >> it's a good life. >> an interesting way to say thanks. most people send a thank you card. or maybe like a gift basket. this guy decided -- i'm going to hang from my hair. >> enduring that kind of pain to
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say thanks? i say, you know, in his society, is probably a big honor. >> i don't know, i feel like he would pull his hair out. >> he's a pro! when professional cake goes horribly and hilariously wrong. where do they end up?, the blog, it's been around since 2008. developed by a girl named jen yates, who for the season in we're right now, the holiday season, she's got a lot of great santa cakes on her blog. she calls it santa audition. this looks like a pirate santa. ♪ >> what is that? >> that's supposed to be a santa claus, but it sort of looks like a dog santa with a girlie hat. >> whoa! is that a head? >> i'm not sure what that is. >> it looks like somebody said, why don't you make the side of the cake look like mrs. claus.
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>> this is a great one for the winter season. it's a cake that says "winter" on it underlined. >> it's a chocolate cake. >> she writes that maybe they were trying to be pc, they didn't want to say merry christmas or happy hanukkah. so they just wrote "winter." >> you've got to see the cover of her book "wreck the halls: cake wrecks get festive." >> happy holedays. >> have a great time this holedays season. two brains, two spines. one heart. >> the birth that has mom seeing double. hear about this medical marvel and how the babies are doing. and look into the life of the modern woman. >> she's also three years old. she may only be three, but she
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[ female announcer ] this time of year you have a lot of festive meals. and safeway helps make every holiday meal a special occasion. so you can make all of your gatherings, just as merry as can be. get a boneless beef loin ny strip roast for just $4.99 a pound. pair it with a nicely priced cabernet. we have thousands of wines. and we'll help you find the right one. safeway. ingredients for life.
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hello, everyone, i'm beth troutman and it's time for more "right this minute." this driver is not stopping for the cops. until they get some help from an unlikely source. >> the deer were making a citizens arrest here. >> find out why a man is super excited to see a fellow boater. >> does anybody recognize the guy in the white shirt there? >> no. >> no. >> let's just say -- he's a very big deal. wild apes invade a park full of people. >> a whole little band of gorillas. >> see how this guy kept his cool. >> that was freaking me out. and someone likes her secret santa gift. >> thank you to whoever got me
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this. >> it's nothing but fun here at "right this minute," where gayle's got our first amazing video this half hour. >> it wasn't the long arm of the law that stopped this high-speed police chase. >> the sheriffs department in livingston county, michigan, said this driver drove over somebody's lawn. crashed into a ditch and then -- didn't stop for ten or 15 more minutes because he hit a deer. and it was the deer that, the damage from the deer that eventually ended this chase. >> so they were on a high-speed chase. and the person who was running from the law only stopped because a deer stops him? >> police say 24-year-old brandon packer was trying to evade them, exceeding speeds of 100 miles per hour and hit a deer and that's ultimately what caused damage to the car that made him stop. this goes pretty fast. there's one deer that he misses but you'll see another one there
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on the side of the road. according to the "livingston daily" they said packer allegedly told police that he did not stop because he feared he knew someone was chasing him. but if he would have known the police, he would have stopped. the authorities said was jailed for d.u.i. and a violation of the open container law. >> the deer were making a citizens arrest here, they threw themselves in front of the truck to slow him down. >> if the cops can't stop you, nature will. >> you know the saying -- two heads are always better than one, right? you be the judge. this little baby boy was born earlier this week in the northern state of para, in brazil. >> these aren't like siamese twins? >> no, you're looking at two heads, one body after a number of tests, they determined, two brains, two spines, one heart, one set of lungs, one liver and
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one pelvis. the mother, maria, a 25-year-old thought she was having twins and only minutes before her baby was born, did she realize that her baby had two heads. basically what this is is twins that share the same body. now you guys might remember from 1990, abigail and britney hencele. abigail and britney were a similar case, all over the media in the united states. appeared on oprah. here's the crazy part, the mother's name -- read it for me there, gayle -- >> maria denezare. >> mary of nazareth? >> yes. she decided to name the boys emanuel and jesus. >> what's the prognosis on these boys? >> they're functioning properly and so far they're going to monitor and see how they develop. 'tis the season for christmas parades. >> yes. >> it's a nighttime parade.
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the floats all lit up but -- oh, something goes wrong. >> is that a fight? >> yes, this is in san benito, texas and during their little christmas parade, an 18-year-old man and a 16-year-old girl started having words, according to police. and the verbal confrontation then turned into a physical fight. and if you see in the video, it's not just two people fighting, right? >> that's a lot of people. >> that's a lot of people fighting. according to the police, they think that six to eight other people came in, they don't know if it was to stop the fight or to participate in the fight. there are some conflicting stories about this one. police are still looking for six to eight other people to interview regarding this incident. but the 18-year-old man who was initially part of the beginning of this fight -- he fled the scene before police arrived.
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i think the guy said he didn't believe in santa claus and the girl got really mad and said, you got to believe in santa claus. everybody believes in santa. >> he's on the fire truck passing us by, "right this minute." >> he's throwing us a candy cane, you know. >> she caught the candy cane and she didn't give him any of the candy cane and then the fight started. >> figured it out. >> seli. all they had to do was come here. they could have figured this whole mess out. >> detective troutman, it could work. >> and constable fabian. >> yes, thank you. >> he's british. i may make myself sick with this pitch. you no he how we have to give you the trash can? you may want to get it from me. [ screaming ] >> david dopp won the joe schmoe to lambeau contest. he found out that he won at the halftime show at a byu game.
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>> freaking out. can you imagine winning a car that's worth more than your house, which is what david said. >> what about this is making you sick? >> this video comes to us from ksl in salt lake city, utah. >> yeah, i got this on saturday and i wrecked it on saturday. >> six hours after david got the car on saturday -- he crashed it. >> no! >> going around a corner and as soon as we hit the corner, we either hit black ice or some gravel or whatever, we started spinning. >> rear-ended a couple of fence posts and landed in a field. >> the front got hit. scratches all along there. >> aw. >> six hours? >> yeah. >> doesn't it make you just -- urp. >> it probably wasn't even insured at the time. >> the one condition of accepting this prize is he had to take insurance on the car. >> i bet he's probably hugging a toilet right now, sick over this. >> he said he was -- extremely heartsick when he called his wife. >> my heart pretty much fell
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out. that feeling where your heart just drops and you're like, oh my gosh, what do we do now. >> look on the bright side, when he gets this thing fixed, maybe he can get a different screen now, it's ugly. look at this lady. >> how old is this woman? >> we'll answer that and how she helped inspire a new makeup line for m.a.c.s could met ins. and steven got a toy from his secret santa. >> i think someone should take it from [ male announcer ] for andy, tracking his spending with citibank
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is as easy as... making breakfast. omelet? sure. scrambled eggs. [ male announcer ] actually, it's easier. citi financial tools. easier banking. standard at citibank. [ beep ] hi. dave here. [ male announcer ] for dave, using citibank's online bill pay is as easy as setting up voicemail. hi, it's dave. [ male announcer ] actually, it's easier. hi, it's dave. i'm out of the office. [ male announcer ] online bill pay. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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you know the tv show, "touched by an angel" if i was going to repitch this segment, i would pitch it to national geographic and call it, touched by a wild gorilla. >> this is at the bwindi national park in uganda, where a band of wild mountain gorillas, walked into the park where there was some people wandering around and they interacted with them. according to the park this only happens a couple of times a year. >> that's really cool, but that would freak me out and i'm not kidding, run out. >> the the silverback would freak me out. everybody stayed relatively calm. but then the gorillas started interacting with them.
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>> now look at poppa silverback over there saying leave the man alone, come on, keep playing. >> that's got to be terrifying. that gorilla is huge. >> just going through the woods. touching your hair. >> i want to be this man. in this moment, right now. i want to be him. how awesome? the whole little band of gorillas, like what's up. picking the bugs out of his hair. >> coming forward with, there's the lips, the lips. >> who is this guy? he is a scientist? or was he just like on vacation. >> the man getting so ferociously touched is john king, he's a photographer, but he was there with some researchers. >> look at his face, he's totally mesmerized by what just happened.
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>> i have figured out exactly what i am going to look like when i'm older. >> is there an app for that? >> no. >> there's a picture. >> nice glasses, christian, are you fashion-forward, i will say that. >> how old is this woman? >> she is iris apfel, and she is 90yearsa tell, she is somewhat of a style icon in new york. well i found this story on the "daily mail" and i had to share it with you guys. as you can see, she loves vibrant, bright colors. so she recently teamed up with m.a.c. to release the iris apfel cosmetic line. which includes lipsticks, nail polishes and shadows, but not just any. they're bright, vibrant and colorful. but if you're thinking about getting this for the fashion-forward girls in your family or friends? you can't, because it's not available until january 5th.
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but anyway, she is who i strive to be when i am 90. at another world record for you guys -- this is really yummy. >> yummy? i like yummy world records. >> what looks like a giant field inside of a mall, it's actually the world's longest sushi roll. >> oh, my gosh. >> one connected giant roll, that's over a mile and a half long. >> what? >> what kind of sushi roll is it? >> it's a cucumber sushi roll. and listen to what it took to make this. one and a half tons of rice. over 1100 pounds of cucumbers. and 14,000 pieces of seaweed, and over 55 pounds of sesame seeds. this took place in a shopping center in russia. >> in russia? >> yes! the world's longest sushi roll is now in russia. or was in russia, people ate it. >> a lot of wasabi and ginger.
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>> soy sauce. >> yeah. okay, i'm supposed to remind to go to so -- there. the one guy is hugging the famous guy, and it's making news. >> he even posted this video on his facebook page. >> we reveal the famous guy's identity. and -- we all know who this guy is. but who figured the grinch could be the funny prank-type guy? fine, i just got a little fender bender.
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oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. text save to 7-8836.
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welcome back to the show. but don't forget to check in at great videos, all day long. >> this video is a little bit older, but it's just in and out trending, i think in part because it is christmas time and it shows how you can have really great christmas spirit. ♪ sometimes i left ♪ smrks. >> the song that they're play ing is "one fine day" by yazzis yahoo. >> this is a video that promotes kindness in helping other people. it was created by 29-year-old orly wanbaugh. he's an educator in brooklyn.
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he says sometimes people just need a hand. like a life vest and it will make a huge difference in their life. >> i like how this whole video is one single shot. >> it just follow through a day in the life of all of these people doing nice things. >> once the whole cycle of kindness has gone around, look who is now being helped. >> the guy who started the chain of kindness. >> this encourages i hope everybody to go do one cool thing today. >> life vest philosophy says that kindness keeps the world afloat. and increasing in kindness in society will lead to a better, happier world. i really thinking and giving other people a hand when they least expect it will make a world of a difference. do you put on your secret
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santa list, you love noise. [ weird noise ] >> you're sweating now. >> it doesn't have a name. >> secret santa? >> vuvuzela. >> i think someone should take it from him quickly. >> steven, playing with toys, take one. >> do you think we should let steven keep his secret santa gift? go to our facebook page and let us know. i don't have much to say about this one, other than it's a beautiful video of man love.
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like a bro mance. >> this small boat drives over to a fishing vessel. and this guy in the blue shirt is beside himself to see this guy. does anybody recognized guy in the white shirt there? this is king abdullah of jordan. basically it would be like obama riding by in a boat, if you were an obama fan. >> except you couldn't do that, because the secret service would be you will over this. that's what makes this all the more remarkable. there's king obama -- there's king abdullah just cruising by in this little boat. and he's like holy cow. >> you all should have recognized king abdullah. he's a big sci-fi fan. he was even in an episode of "star trek" in 1996. he even posted this video on his face book page. >> if you can, steven, translate
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this for me, please. [ speaking foreign language ] >> he's saying, you're the best king ever. i'm into girls, but if i was into guys, i would be in love with you. i hope this isn't uncomfortable, that i'm kissing you on the cheek. but you're really cool, go, king abdullah! . some guys go snowboarding and they're -- >> shredding it, flipping it, kicking it. doing it to it. >> landing it. >> and one of them lands a triple back-side rodeo. what's that? a trick caught on camera for the first time ever. we'll show you after the break.
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just as merry as can be. get a boneless beef loin ny strip roast for just $4.99 a pound. pair it with a nicely priced cabernet. we have thousands of wines. and we'll help you find the right one. safeway. ingredients for life. i know you like pranks. >> love them. >> do you like pranking animals? >> pranks of all kinds. >> here you go, the dude's got an app on his phone.
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>> hold a second, that's a real frog? >> a big old juicy frog. >> it looks fake. like is would be in somebody's yard. >> no, it's real. >> he's got his app, it's a crush bugs app. watch what the frog does. >> that's great. >> that's actually hilarious. >> do you feel bad for the frog? >> no, he's winning the game. >> he's being teased. >> but maybe he's going for the high score, that's the thing. >> i think you know what, the frog gets a little ticked off in the end. >> he bit that dude's hand or finger. he gets what he deserves for pranking him him. i hope afterwards they gave him a big bowl of bugs. >> you know that i'm a professional snowboarder when i'm not working here. >> yeah, you're always on the slopes, just shredding. >> shredding it, flipping it,
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kicking it. >> landing it. >> you land everything. >> this guy has done something like no other. >> we found this story at yahoo sports. this is 22-year-old british rider, biggie morgan. here he goes, over the jump and i want y t. one, two, three! >> oh, my god! >> he was in the air so long i thought he would have a parachute on his back. >> i think he needed a parachute, he got some air. >> this was the first triple back-side rodeo ever recorded on video. >> there's probably a lot of people out there telling tall tales about landing the triple back-side rodeo. but this is the first visual proof so congratulations to billy horton. what are you going to do if you try to trump billy here? >> i'm going to do the triple front-side rodeo. >> you heard it here first, folks. >> i know what you could do,
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beth, you could do the triple back-side rodeo with a nose grab. >> i think this is called a triple backside rodeo, i think that you have to view it on one of those little toy horseys, triple back-side rodeo and the horse pull. >> i think you would probably be the first one to ever do this. >> lou mcdowell is the modern woman. she's also three years old. >> she's joining the rat race, climbing the stairs and the corporate ladder to get to that glass ceiling. >> i think lula will bust
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through that glass ceiling. >> oh yeah, well, i'm going to sue you! >> she said she's going to sue somebody in. >> yeah! she gets a frozen meal and guess what's on? >> oh, whoa! she's hitting the sauce. >> what's an evening without an episode of "sex and the city" and a glass of well-aged grape juice. she agreed to let their friend, kelsey o'brien make this film as a final for an audio visual class. she better have gotten an "a." a group called the undeserving in sacramento,
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california, had a little fun, messing with people performing the grinch. >> as you can see, the grinch is performing all kinds of fun, hijinks in sacramento. that's how we're going to leave you today, that's it for the show. you can continue watching the grinch having a little fun with the folks of sacramento. we'll see you tomorrow, everybody, have a fantastic rest of your day. ♪
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