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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  December 23, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PST

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special holiday edition of the rtm top 20 "countdown," "right this minute"! 'tis the season to suffer for travelers. snowbound, stranded, tired and grumpy. but now there's -- >> a great way to make people feel happy while they're at the airport. >> see the amazing show to take your mind off your trip. we've seen lots of fun, christmas stories. but, let's not forget the christmas grinchs. >> from the chick who stole the
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boy scout's tree, to the guy who jacked a store's lights. >> too bad he didn't slip a little further, if you know what i mean. >> we've got a visit to santa and a soldier homecoming. >> put those two together, christmas magic. >> it is, especially when these young girls turn around and see dad. and santa gets the glory while elves get the grunt work. now -- >> i've got some elves who are a little p.o..ed. >> and they're getting revenge. the question is, where will it get them on the "rtm countdown" holiday edition. we start the "countdown" with number 20, and this story is all about holiday travel. >> certain parts of our country have been blanketed with snow as we head into the holiday weekend. we've got a video from denver. they got blanketed with snow on thursday, stranding people at airports, canceling flights. of course making it very difficult to travel on the roads. and take look at this. this is from new mexico.
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a family got trapped in a snowdrift. their car got completely buried in snow. the family was stuck there for almost two days. >> they were found by a search team and rescued. >> so as you can imagine, people trying to get where they're going, stranded in places like airport terminals. one airline, air baltic came up with a great way to make people feel happy while they're at the airport. this is from the riga international airport in latvia. kids seem a little bored, and suddenly the lights go off and there are spotlights on air baltic plane, and suddenly, santa's elves end up on the side of the air baltic airplane. ♪ ♪ >> this guy can't decide if he wants to eat the sandwich or look.
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>> he's like, well i did pay $12 for this sandwich made seven days ago, bought in the airport, so -- >> the show is really good! ♪ >> that's so cool. >> i think it's the most fun thing that i've seen an airline do in a long time. and at the end, air wishes you happy holidays. 'tis the season for good cheer. but unfortunately at number 19, there's a grinch lurking in the shadows. >> we've seen lots of fun christmas stories. [ cheers and applause ] >> let's not forget the christmas grinchs. [ crowd booing ] >> there's been some real jerks. >> no! not compared to what i'm about to show you. remember this guy? >> awww, yeah.
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>> the poor guy got his giant santa claus statue stole off the front porch. >> classic santa. >> the guy said it crushed the dreams his daughters. he has surveillance video of this clown taking his classic santa. >> his friend's mom was selling it and she bought it from her and she gave him a good price. >> santa walked off and let's not forget -- >> ohhhh! >> this guy walks up to a business, tromps all over their planted pots and -- boom. >> he is a bumbling grinch. >> when you thought he was stealing lights to get the copper wiring, right? >> that was just a theory. he could be a plain old grinch stealing christmas lights. >> too bad he didn't slip a little further, if you know what i mean. >> and we had a couple of christmas tree thieves, the guy who cut down the trees in front of the convention center. >> brand-new trees,
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newly-planted pines. >> we were notified by the police right away monday morning. >> don't forget the lady stealing the christmas trees from the boy scout troop. not once, not twice, three years in a row she was boosting christmas trees from these guys. >> it looked like the same vehicle and this year, it was no doubt. >> it was her grinch christmas tradition. >> she's the worst of the grinchs. >> she's the grinchiest of the grinchs. >> and then of course, the actual grinch made an appearance. and this one's actually kind of funny. >> this one is my favorite grinch. >> this is actually kind of a good grinch. it sounds like an oxymoron, but this grinch is pretty cool this guy dresses up like an actual grinch and just for fun goes around tries to rip people off, surprise people. >> he takes the fedex dolly, i think that's pretty darn funny. >> i want to remind you guys, amid all this christmas cheer, we did see a couple of grinchy
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grinchers. >> you were the perfect person to tell us about this, nick. >> i can't believe you hate me. >> i love you. we go inside one of america's most historic homes for a special tribute to some very important men and women. >> it's christmas time and one of the places that loves to really celebrate the holidays is the white house. so michelle obama, with the help of jill biden, not only did they decorate the white house, they also decorated a place we almost never get to see, the naval observatory in the vice president's residence, with some tributes to our service members. >> aww. >> over 130 volunteers, including veterans, active-duty members, helped decorate. they spent hours and hours putting this entire tribute to the troops at the white house. they have the gold star family tree, which is dedicated to
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fallen service members and they also did the official christmas tree in the blue room. it's an 18-foot christmas tree that honors all men and women in uniform. and as you can see, one of those trees featured medals of honor and different medals inspired by our service men and women. >> that's a purple heart. >> right. they use medals and they use purple hearts and different medals giv out by thes. >> it's probably cool because you're inside the white house and you're decorating stuff inside of these well-known famous buildings, it's got to be a cool experience in itself. >> and you know the president had to walk through a little bit to supervise what was going on. >> timely, given that this month marks the end of the iraq war. >> right. >> this is a nice way to pay tribute, especially to those men and women who lost their lives during that war. on to number 17. and steven has the story of a little boy, a letter and a big worry. >> you guys ever wonder how
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santa fits down the chimney with all the gifts? >> i do. >> well so did 6-year-old leo park in england. his mom was building a new house and he looked at the chimney and he's like, santa is not going to fit down that chimney. i'm going to write a note to a local builder. he wrote a note to a local builder, jeremy paxton. dear mr. paxton, i'm worried that my mummy's house does not have a big enough chimney. i'm worried that santa will get stuck. please, can you help? so jeremy paxton's team began creating a santa-friendly chimney for leo's new house. >> that's awesome. >> and santa himself showed up to give it a test run. so here they've got santa and they're rugging him up with a harness to lift him up uses a crane to test out the santa-sized chimney. you see santa doing a little swim move, i've never seen santa do the breaststroke.
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i've never seen santa do that. but guess what, little leo is on hand, there he is, waving to santa! >> he's so excited. he can't believe that santa is up on his roof. he's like, can you believe this? >> tested out his chimney that he got created. >> fortunately, it looks like it works. >> now christmas morning, little leo is going to know that he's going to have a lot of gifts, because now santa can bring him all these gifts. ♪ this is one thing that you don't want to find tangled in your tinsel. >> can you say that again -- or, i can. see the christmas tree mishap and what happened to the tinsel, next. and a baby born in the cold that will make you melt. hear all about the polar baby, later. the special
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holiday edition of the rtm top
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20 "countdown," we're at number 16 and it's a homecoming. >> there's nothing better than great christmas surprises and we all love soldier homecoming. >> uh-huh. >> put those two together, christmas magic. to new jersey and tom's river area. this is alexia, who is 12 and hailey, who is 10, down on santa's lap. their christmas wish begins to come true right while they're sitting on the big old elf's lap. >> is that what they're actually asking santa for, their dad to come home? >> 12-year-old alexia didn't ask santa for her dad to come home. because they thought it was too big a gift. instead she asked fr a kindle. this is sergeant first class daniel leonard. >> he's using his stealth army move to creeps up on them. >> he creeps up behind the girls and watch this -- they're so involved in what's going on with santa this he don't realize that santa suddenly grows two extra arms.
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and he's got his hands -- he's got his hands on their shoulders. >> but that's cool because -- >> that's awesome. >> the girls didn't realize that dad was right behind them. until somebody said, hey, girls, turn around and tell santa what you want. [ screaming ] >> they're like, you know what, forget you, santa. i don't care about you any more. >> they got their gift already. >> now they'll be able to save that picture from before, before he surprised them. they'll be able to save that, hang that up in their house, that will be cool. >> do you think she still wants the kindle? >> she underestimated the power of santa. we've made it to the top 15 of our favorite holiday videos. at number 15, a gift wrapping lesson. >> by now, most people have probably finished with all their christmas gift wrapping. >> it mine all come out looking like a loose diaper. >> in this video, eric shows us
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how to make it really fun. >> it's like a tootsie roll, and had is like how much paper you'll need. >> that's smart. i always cut too much paper. now that's how i wrap. >> like that. >> sometimes you have to troubleshoot, because irpaper rips. >> wrap it over like a diaper. >> apparently 'sgetting great out. job. >> put it like -- oh. >> i think this is how not to wrap your christmas present. >> [ bleep ]. >> you know how i solve this problem of wrapping? >> gift bags and jam a bunch of paper in there. >> there's a secret, you take it by the center, with the nice little point, and stick it in the bag and then you have these
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nice little edges. >> you take the tissue paper in the center just like you do and jam it down into the bag and pull out a couple of corners -- same thing. >> whose tissue-folding technique do you think is best, beth or nick's? head on over to and let us know. 14, sure, they look all pretty and festive, but beware of the christmas tree. >> this is one thing that you don't want to find tangled in your tinsel. >> say that three times fast. >> casey bayne in zebulon, north carolina, grabbed her iphone to shoot this video because when her daughter went to unplug the christmas tree lights -- oh, that's not a cord, it's a snake! they found a corn snake in their christmas tree.
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daddy bayne just goes in there, pulls the snake right on out, you see it kind of coiled around his hand. >> it's a little guy. >> it wanted to go home for christmas, that's all. >> get this, dad and daughter both wanted to keep the snake and have it as a pet. they did name it tinsel. >> aww. >> but mom said, no way, are you kidding me? we're not keeping a zmak in my house. so they went out and they took little tinsel and they released him in the woods, back to his home. >> it's good eyes on the daughter's behalf. man, to spot that snake in your christmas tree when there's garland and tinsel and ornaments and all the other stuff that would disguise it. >> usually those things don't move. >> yeah. >> heck no. you got anybody in your family that likes to like shake the presents to see if they can
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like listen to figure out what's in the box? >> if so, we'll show you the perfect way to punk them. and -- >> santa and camera. >> oh my! >> oh my is right. this guy shoots jingle bells. hear it for yourself as we're -- ♪ laughing all the way
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it's christmas time, i'm sure you guys are wondering ha cute stuff you can do to your
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nails to celebrate this season. here's an idea. this is liz and she has a youtube channel called i have a cupcake and she has a section called cupcake nail she teaches you fun things to do with your nails. in this case, she's teaching you how to draw cute little snowmen on your nails. >> i'm amazed that she's able to do such fine work on herself. >> she is not using regular nail polish, though. she's using acrylic paints because it's easier to manage and it's easier to design with. it doesn't run into itself. the base is nail polish. but the actual design is acrylic paint and she has all the materials that she uses available on her website. so if people want to learn how to did this, all they have to do is go there and gent to work. >> how long would this take? >> way too long for me. i love having my nails done, but i don't think i have the patience for that. >> i always get so upset if my nails broke if i spent all that time doing that. counting down, we've got 13,
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12 and 11, pranks, adventures and family. three in a row. >> hey, beth -- >> yup? >> tech story made the "countdown" this week. you got anybody in your family that likes to like shake their presents to see if they can like, listen to figure out what's in the box? >> who doesn't like to shake presents to see what's in the box? >> i knew you would. now there's a way to prank somebody like you. these guys rigged up the box to make some weird noises when you shake it. >> meow. >> it sounds like there's a cat there.e springs of course i have no idea how to explain how this works. so let's bring in zach. >> our tech-spert. >> what's up, zach? settle how did these guys put this together? >> he went to radio shack and got a little recording module. press a button, you say whatever you want. put sound into it and it records it and you can press a button and it plays it back. what this is doing is modifying that recording module and making it so that it's
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motion-sensitive. there's the old u-shaped wire and another wire in between it. when someone picks upped box and shakes it around, the wires make a connection and play the recorded message. >> wiring and tech stuff just to prank somebody. i like the prank where you put a smaller box in a big box. >> up on our website, we'll put the detail s of this. >> i would record something a lot funnier than what they recorded, though. >> i wouldn't want it to be a kitten. i would want it to be a person who says, help, help, let me out of this box. >> help me, let me out of this box! i think one of the things that makes christmas really fun, awesome light displays. this entire light show is set to a techno version of "the little
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drummer boy." ♪ >> this is in fountain valley, california. >> the lights are like forming shapes. it's like they're like liquid. >> yes. this guy has really, really outdone himself. the story is even better than the light show itself. a guy named damian rodriguez did this light display. and this isn't even his house. this is the house of a friend. his name was larry stewart, died in may of this year. and one of the things that larry stewart and his wife, they always wanted to have like this huge christmas display. so damian, as a wonderful tribute to larry stewart, did this light display. >> aww. >> for his widow. >> oh wow. >> he did a heck of a job, too. >> awww! >> i was waiting for you to see that. it comes out and says, "merry christmas, enjoy the light show
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like no other." it says "created by damian." >> he used 54,020 l.e.d. lights. >> this has raised the standards of christmas light displays. >> the four of us try to decorate a house, it would be like that big tangled ball of christmas lights hanging from the door. one string of lights, just tangled up. >> this is why the u.s. postal service is going out of business. because of jared foster and his family. why? they don't send out christmas cards, they make a video. ♪ jingle bells ♪ jingle bells ♪ jingle all the way ♪ oh what fun it is so ride in a one-horse open sleigh ♪ >> you can see their whole family gets in on it. >> is the dad lip-syncing to "bing crosby's jingle bells"? >> why didn't we think of this when i was five?
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>> well they would have had to shoot it with like tapes and stuff. >> editing the videotape. >> everybody throws away their christmas cards every year. this is something you could save and look back on years later. >> we couldn't afford to send the cards any more. we had to come up with another way of connecting with family and friends. and being a video professional, i decided i've made enough videos for other people, why can't we make one for our own family. >> which is so brilliant. i'm not kidding, where did you do it? how long did it take? >> the current video, i would say there's probably like 600 calls. >> i know because i strung them. >> we usually do it in our living room. you can work around kids' nap schedules and feeding them. and we collaborate with all the kids and let them have their ideas and go crazy in front of the camera. >> your entire family looks like they were carved out of cream cheese. >> how do you keep everybody
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smiling and getting along so beautifully? is that just the way your family works? >> that's the illusion, huh? [ laughter ] >> well everyone always complains that there isn't a shot of all of us together. and one of those reasons is because -- we get the best moods on tape and that's rarely everyone at the same time. >> a true heroic tale is just what we need on the holiday rdm "countdown." a woman gets hit by a bus and one brave officer stands by for support. >> i was just reassuring her, telling her that we were going to get her out from underneath the bus. >> hear how she's holding up for the holidays. and teddy's back and wishing everyone a merry christmas. >> say merry christmas. >> see where teddy's holiday
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cheer lands
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we're back with more of the holiday edition of the "rtm countdown." she was trapped under a bus. now, doctors are calling her a christmas miracle. meet the hero cops who helped her survive. >> i just basically wanted her to know that i want going to leave her. >> this video was a "countdown" shoe-in. what's not to like about santa pumping rounds to the beat of christmas carols? >> knocking on somebody's door, blam, blam, blam! but no, i'm playing a song for you, i swear. a little girl uses her birthday money to buy gifts for other kids. >> because it's sad if they wake up and they don't have any presents under the tree. >> we've got the sweetest christmas angel you'll ever meet. and -- special delivery from the north pole.
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the story behind this instant internet sensation. >> all i want for christmas is a baby polar bear. >> i think you're going to have to get in line. >> we're headed into the top ten on the "rtm countdown" holiday edition. i have a true hero story for you guys. on december 12th, a 24-year-old pedestrian named arian smith was crossing the street in west valley city, utah. and she was struck by a city bus. and as a result, was pinned under the bus. one of the first officers to respond to this accident was officer kevin peck. and what this officer did that is just so remarkable, he crawled under the bus to take the woman's pulse, her legs were pinned. and as he got under there to take her pulse, he held her hand. we have officer kevin peck via skype "right this minute." >> what was going through your
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head as you crawled under this bus? >> well my first thoughts were just to try to see exactly what was going on underneath the bus. i couldn't really see from you know, where i was standing. she was just very frightened and very scared and grabbed on to my hands. and i basically wanted her to know that i wasn't going to leave her under there by herself. we spoke a little bit about her family. and really, it was just reassuring her, telling her that we were going to get her out from underneath the bus. >> i imagine as a cop, you probably wanted to just lift that bus and do everything you could to get her out of there. was it tough to know that what you were doing was the right thing for her? >> absolutely. if i would have been able to, that bus would have been lifted off. >> now you're being called a hero. what is that like for snu. >> it's nice to hear. but at the same time that's -- i think that's why i came into this job in the first place, was to make a difference, to feel like my job was meaningful. >> how is arian doing now? >> i did have a chance to go up and see her in the hospital a few days later and she seemed like she was doing pretty well.
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>> are any girls reaching out to you now that they've seen this video? asking you if you're single? >> no, not that i know. but i'm happily married. >> aww. >> thank you for your service and i'm sure her family is incredibly grateful to you for keeping her calm. thank you, merry christmas. we're 11 stories into our holiday "countdown," you're probably thinking -- where the heck is the holiday edition animal story? it's right here, at number nine. >> christian, you love baby videos, right? >> i love baby videos. >> everybody loves baby videos and i think you're especially going to love this one. look at this little guy. this is a month-old baby polar bear. this guy's name is siku, he's being hand-raised at a danish zoo. >> why? >> his poor mom couldn't produce enough milk to take care of the little guy. it takes three zoo keepers 24/7 to keep tabs on this little guy and he only weighs seven pounds.
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>> aww. >> i used to say all i want for christmas is a hippopotamus, all i want for christmas is a baby polar bear. >> you're going to have to get in line because i think a lot of people want to get their hands on this little guy. this is a christmas music classic performed by -- well, take a look. >> christmas is all about whistles and bullets and santa and camo? >> bullets and santa and camo? >> oh my! >> this dude is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the colt 1911 .45 caliber gun and he's doing it by dressing up as santa and playing "jingle bells" with his gun. >> you have to use your imagination a little bit. >> i can't hear it. ♪ over the hills we go ♪ laughing all the way >> you remember the "snl"
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character that will ferrell used to play? the guy that couldn't raise his voice, everything was just monotone? i hope little kids don't see this video, they would be totally freaked out why santa has a gun. >> this wouldn't be as effective going door to door, carolling. knocking on somebody's door -- blam blam blam! but no, i'm playing a song for you, i swear! that leaves you wanting something a little more musically traditional, then just sit back and enjoy our number seven video. ♪ ♪ >> voices and the violin together, it's so beautiful. ♪ ♪ >> this is the christmas song i'm going to be playing over and over and over again.
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>> if you guys think that this woman may look slightly familiar, her name is lindsay sterling and she was on the 2010 season of "america's got talent." >> oh! >> this girl's got some talent. >> yes, she does. ♪ ♪ >> tell us a little bit more beautiful song -- is lindsay sterling joining us right right via skype. >> this is my favorite christmas song, just because it's very simplistic and it's not jivey or crazy and it reminds me of what christmas is really about. i just recorded this in my bedroom. i decided i would be my own backtrack and i hummed along with it, just to try something new. >> why did you pick temple square as your location? >> i actually ran into the
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joseph smith memorial building just because it was a place that looked warm. i was freezing and my fingers hurt. so i ran in there to warm up. i love temple square, i think it has a magical feel about it and it exemplifies some of the important beliefs i have about christmas. some of santa's little helpers, aren't happy with the jolly old soul. see where the elves' payback put them on the countdown. and a classic carol hit the high note on the holiday countdown and for good reason. hear the lovely harmony straight from the mouths of -- pets.
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nothing brings us a bigger holiday smile than the video we put at our number six spot and we would like to say thank you to teddy for that. >> are you ready for some serious cute? >> yup, always, teddy the porcupine is back and cuter than ever. [ cute animal sounds ] >> he's eating a gingerbread cookie. >> i love how much you love teddy. >> i love him so much i can't stand it. he's wishing everybody a merry
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christmas. >> can you say merry christmas? [ cute animal sounds ] >> say merry christmas. >> and the person you hear behind the camera saying "say merry christmas." that's allison blankenship, she's the one who rescued teddy from a barn. i'm sorry, it's the santa hat that's killing me. >> it's got a chin strap. >> he's cute. >> and steven, i am not the only one who is crazy in love with teddy bear the porcupine. he was named the best animal video of 2011 by a foreign magazine, which basically means that teddy bear the porcupine is an international -- >> superstar. >> yeah. >> i like the noises that he makes. >> rrrwwrrr. [ laughter ] now from the world's best-known porcupine to a very
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famous face standing in for the man himself. this is all for a good cause. >> i'm matt damon and you've got damon claus for a cause. >> matt damon is very altruistic. he's gotten into the holiday spirit by turning into damon-claus for a cause. >> tell santa what it is you want for christmas. >> i want zombie dolls. >> some by dolls? scary. >> i want to meet justin bieber. >> instead of a darth vader mask, instead of roller-blades, have you ever considered a water bottle? >> no. >> he wants to make the water bottle the new hot trending toy to help communities in need. >> you know pioneered the idea of employing microfinance and bringing it to the public sector. >> i like santa. >> santa is good friends with
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matt damon. i could even get you an autographed bottle. >> who is matt david? i know who ben affleck is. >> normally an announcement like that is made before one -- >> what? >> that kid peed his pants. >> what? i missed it. >> i think that kid drank too much water. >> i bet darth vader gets pretty hot and thirsty inside that suit. >> dam some kids to agree to get the bottle. >> aert the profits go to solving the clean water crisis. so what do you want for christmas? >> a water bottle. >> water bottle, that's exactly right. >> merry christmas, gayle, if you want i'll even autograph it for you. >> it doesn't have matt damon's autograph, though. >> who's matt david? i don't understand this next one, but it's our number four
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video and steven and nick love it. >> we all know that santa has a tough night of work ahead of him on christmas eve. >> yes. >> but leading up to christmas eve it's the elves who are busting their -- respective humps making the toys, right? >> uh-huh. >> well, we've got some elves who are a little p.o..ed. this video is from wooden steel productions, the internet comedy group created by shane hartline they've been putting videos together since 2005. they take the old santa, put him up on this electrical pole, they use every man's tool, duct tape to get him stuck up there and they start tossing an array of food at santa. starting with some eggs. >> i think these elves were thrown out of the elf union. >> i think they're not elves, they're huge. >> there was probably nuclear radiation at the north pole. ♪ >> but that is not enough, cow pie. >> they say is there any horse
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poop around here? now, it's horse poop, but it's really cold, so it's like a horse poop rock. >> this guy is in pain. he's like guys, this hurts, this really hurts. >> he's fine. >> why you got such a sour face? i think this is funny. >> i don't get guys doing this to each other. did you see his hand was all swollen and blue? i never would say hey, gayle, why i don't tape you to pole and throw things at you until your hand as well as up. >> why not, look >> ♪ a ♪ this little girl took it upon herself to be santa's little helper. hear how she helped make another girl's christmas special. >> and, remember steven's secret santa gift yesterday?
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well today we're going to give you a sneak peek into all the secret santa gift-giving around here and the "right this minute" santa claus comes, see what he delivers at the "rtm countdown" holiday edition continues.
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welcome back to the holiday edition of the rtm top 20 "countdown." at number three, a christmas angel. >> this is what the holiday season should be all about. >> it's not about black friday? >> no. >> you are about to fall in love with 6-year-old alexis. she got money for her sixth birthday and when she went shopping with her money instead of buying gifts for herself. she decide dodd adopt an angel through the salvation army program. >> i got it and i started getting some stuff. because it's really sad if he they wake up on christmas day and they don't have any presents under the tree. i don't know why santa doesn't give them presents. >> how adorable is this little girl? >> i'm so choked up, i want to cry.
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>> you give a kid birthday money and send them to the store and tell them buy whatever they want. nine times out of ten they're going to come back with the biggest, coolest toy. >> i think one of the most remarkable things about this story, the mom was a single mom. and while she was putting herself through nursing school -- >> we actually were given christmas presents from the salvation army. unknown to her. i've always wanted to give back, but i they ever thought it was going to be my daughter that decided to do it first. >> it looks like she got her as. >> she said one of the things she would love is to meet the little girl that she's buying presents for. >> i hope she was a good girl. and i would like to be her friend. >> at number two, this is the runner-up in our holiday edition this year. and this one is bound to be a classic. >> you guys have a favorite christmas carol? >> i like them all.
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>> i like silent night. the 12 days of christmas. not too many people pick that one, because it's long and drawn-out. but it's a classic and here is the latest version. ♪ on the first day of christmas ♪ ♪ my human gave to me ♪ a partridge in a pear tree ♪ whipped cream ♪ some kind of bucket >> this goes on for a while because it's "the 12 days of christmas." do any of these voices ring a bell. do they sound mildly familiar? >> is it santa? >> yes! the same guy that made the "ultimate dog tease" which by the way, turned out to be the second-most watched video of 2011. right now it's somewhere around 279 million views. >> the maple kind, yeah. >> yeah, so i took that out and i thought -- >> yeah? >> i know who would like that -- me. so i ate it!
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>> awwww! >> it's like "look who's talking ii" but they didn't manipulate the mouth. it's actually the dog's mouth moving. >> it's actually the dog talking, steven, you didn't know that? >> he's actually talking? they finally figured it out! >> if you want to hear the entire delightful song, go to ♪ and the partridge in a pear tree ♪ we're almost at number one. it's like opening a krimgs present. but better. let's shake it and see what's inside. we'll unwrap it together after the break. ♪ [ ukulele strumming ]
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♪ [ folksy whistling ] [ man ] quitting is a fight you can't let yourself lose.
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it can take many tries. but keep trying, you will beat smoking. honey, you okay? yeah, i'm fine. ♪ [ ukulele ] what does hope look like? it's in the rising walls of a home rebuilt. raising the spirit of a community reborn. what does heart sound like? it's in the rhythm of nails pounded into wood. a beat driven by the conviction that inspiration can overcome desperation. what does home feel like? it's in the faces of americans
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who built generations of memories in their home and then saw it slipping away. until friends they have never met, turned out to lend a hand. for more than 30 years, rebuilding together has spread hope to home owners in need. providing free home rehabilitation, making homes safer and more energy efficient. this is a place where you can turn dreams into reality. go to rebuilding together dot org and share the feeling of home. (overlapping voices) preteens and teens should get vaccinated against meningococcal meningitis, a rare but serious disease. health officials aren't the only voices recommending it. hear ours at apparently, according to youtube, this is for sale. this is an animated dog and a
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christmas sweater. >> the person who is wearing this, it's no surprise, they hid their face. because i don't think they would want people to know they own this thing. >> you know what? i like it. >> is disagree with this, in my mind, a tacky christmas sweater is something that you really find in a store that has been manufactured. to be ugly. but not intended to be ugly. this is just a sweater with a bunch of junk hanging on it. it doesn't look tacky. this is dumb. >> can we just talk about the dance moves here for a minute? the dance moves that the person is doing in this? obviously it's to make as much noise as possible. >> i honestly think that the dancer is trying to mimic the dog. >> the animatronic dog. >> maybe so. >> if i was having a tacky christmas sweater party, that would be the winner. okay, everybody, our number? >> yes! >> steven, you've got it for us, right?
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>> the holiday spirit is everywhere. even in the world of competitive eating. >> this is old serious pete. old serious pete is going to attempt to down seven pint glasses of eggnog. >> i love eggnog. [ whistle ] >> what is eggnog, anyway? >> heavy cream and sugar and eggs. >> something about egg being in a drink makes me gross out. [ whistle ] >> got to point out "i'm too sexy for my sleeves." >> this guy looks like he drinks protein shakes. >> i'm thinking upchucking is about to happen. >> he's now on his fourth glass and is going strong. >> right after glass number four, gayle, he gives a little burp and it looks like he's starting to struggle a little bit. he gives the fifth glass a look like, ugh. >> i can hear him swallowing and
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it's odd. >> there he is, downs the seventh pint of eggnog. >> grrrrr, merry christmas! >> if you drink that much eggnog, will you look like that? >> you might end up looking like santa. >> for real. >> i cannot imagine anything i would want to drink a lot of less than eggnog because it's so sweet and thick. >> i wonder what happened after the video? >> old serious pete has a another of other jacked santa christmas binge videos, we'll put them on our website, eggnog or egg log? >> gayle loves her egg log. these are some of the amazing people that make "right this minute" happen every single day. from all of us to all of you -- happy holidays! ♪ >> we're going to leave you with one more look at lindsay sterling playing "silent night."
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have an awesome day with your friends and family, everybody. ♪ friends and family, everybody. ♪ ♪ -- captions by vitac --
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