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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  December 26, 2011 7:00am-9:00am PST

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>> reporter: police want to know why a mother would drop her little boy from an upstairs window. why it's still not clear if she will be charged with a crime. and it's been a good holiday shopping see -- season so far and they hope to continue the trend. also, b.a.r.t. looks into its crystal ball what riders will likely see in the year 2015. good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2" i i'm kraig debro. >> and i'm claudine wong in for tori campbell. it's monday, december 226th -- december 26th. a 1-year-old boy is not -- is
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-- is in the hospital right now. here's more. >> reporter: it's still in the sure a -- it's still not a sure thing that this mother will be charged with a crime. it happened right here hat cypress and ailedden way. amazing -- aldon. police say the boy made it through with just burns and bruises. police are now focusing on why his mother would drop him out of the window on the second floor of their apartment. it happened just before noon on christmas mourning. police were called because she barricaded herself and her son in the apartment. then the officers busted through the apartment and she had dropped her boy out the window. >> i was taking a shower and i heard some screaming. and i came out, and tear was
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about 12 -- there was about 12, 13 cop cars out here. there were paramedic drews and fire trucks. >> reporter: both mother and son were rushed to valley medical center. her mother broke bones in her feet. but her boy had no major injuries from the same fall. police say the mother is going through psyche trick -- psychiatric evaluation. it's still not clear if she will -- if she will be charged with child endangererment -- endangerment. back to you. in overnight news, drinking an driving is suspected in the east bay. drivers slammed into a fire hydrant in jack london square. firefighters had to shut off the road to the line.
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the second crash in castro valley just about 2:00 a.m., the driver rammed his chrysler in a circle and the impact called the -- caused the front air bags to deploy. homicide investigators say a 25-year-old man wounded while sitting in a car in east oakland has died. that shooting happened late saturday night on d street. the man died from his wounds yesterday. the killing was oakland's 109th homicide of the year. 14 more than last year. the is underway into an overnight fire in petaluma on a home -- at a home on river drive -- river dive circle. we'll have a -- we'll have a live update at 7:30. b.a.r.t. is showing what their service
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should look like in about 40 years from now. it's called the metro concept. and includes a study how they can increase capacity and make things better for commuters. the new study will take about seven, eight months and will be followed by a series of town hall meetings. new legislation proeped in washington, d.c. would give the government new power to shut down foreign websites. it is all in an effort to stop online piracy. coming up at 7:17, who says this is all a bad idea. well, now that the goists are opened -- gifts are opened, the returns begin. allie rasmus is live with more. >> reporter: returns, exchanges, just some bargain hunting going on. many stores are open here at broadway plaza in walnut creek and across the country for this busy shopping day, the day
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after christmas. this is the banana republic store. they opened their doors about five minutes ago, before the -- and before the employees opened the doors, there were people outside gathering. across the street at the victoria secret, as early as 5:00 a.m., we saw employees prepping the store. the day after christmas is typically a big day for retailers. it's the last day for stores to boost sales an revenues before the year is over -- and revenues before the year is over. many retailers are offering deep discounts to get shoppers in the store. >> i was checking the hall mart -- hallmark store, because we're interested in the ornament, some of the star wars once for the kids. >> you are stocking up for next year? >> for next year, yep. >> reporter: when we drove by the h & m store at 4:00 a.m.,
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we found a dozen people who camped out there at night. they told us they wanted to be the first in line. we asked them why. >> it's just for fun. that's what it's about. >> reporter: like a sleepover with your friends outside? >> yeah. much colder, though. >> reporter: now, i'm in the sure if we have it to show you but we do have a camera and a crew at the walmart in hacienda. we have a live picture that we're look at. that store opened at 5:00 a.m. the kohl's there also opened at 5:00 p.m. a lot of customers are already -- 5:00. a lot of customers are already there. it's supposed to be the third busiest shopping day of the holiday season. allie rasmus, ktvu channel 2 news. well, gift card sales continue to climb.
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but studies show up to 40% of gift cards use dash crash not use -- are not used. today is national gift card exchange day. it was created to raise awareness about consumers' ability to sell and tlad unwanted cards. >> do you plan on going shopping today? that's the question we're asking our viewers on facebook. mary quote," if it's anything like black friday or any of those other enticing days, no, thank you." another wrote requests we're going to disneyland." we want to hear from you. send a message to the morning news team on facebook. we may share some of your comments in the 8:00 hour of "mornings on 2." >> okay. let's go to tara in for sal. we have an accident in napa, it appears. >> that's right. we have a car in the tree. it shouldn't affect traffic too badly.
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we'll keep an eye on it for you. right now let's take a look at 101 in san rafael. the fog's rolled in. i would go slower than the spoested speed limit -- posted speed limit. and the meters are not on. 101, san jose, still a little bit dark there. but traffic is moving along nicely down to the airport there. let's check in with rosemary. along with the cold temperatures, we have nothing and patchy frost. it's because of an onshore flow that we are beginning to see. take a look at the pictures in dublin. scraping the windshield if you are gonna be out. some of the valley locations where we've sunk in. no freeze marning -- warning. let's take a look at the
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temperatures. 25 in fairfield, 27 in napa. santa rosa holding onto 27. 2 in livermore. widespread upper 20s and low 30s between the -- believe it or not, these temperatures are up a little bit in most cases. 33 san jose, 40s in frrt air -- in areas around san francisco. 33 degrees in redwood city. the onshore flow is back an that's helping to bring up our temperatures a little bit. also adding moisture to our air. satellite radar here. ridge of high pressure is beginning to shift to the south a little bit. you can see the storm track to drop down a little bit. let me show you what's going on. just a moment. the satellite radar, bringing
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us partly cloudy, mostly clear skies for your afternoon. it will be a cool start, fair skies overhead. our air quality is moderate. we're lookingprity good in that department as well. mocks. the possibility of showers mostly to the north on wednesday morning and a slim chance for the rest of us. we're talking 10, 20% which means almost unlikely. 56 berkeley, 55 in the city. 56 for oakland. 5 in hayward. 5 expected in santa rosa. south bay, 58. mountain view, your extended forecast -- dry today, dry tomorrow, onshore flow, partly cloudy skies. notice the lows creeping up. afternoon high also hover around the upper 50, low 60 mark. i'm gonna show you on the -- the -- the latest on those numbers coming up.
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merry christmas? the news crew road along with several firefighters who drove their rigs around the city to hand out presents. they were toys collected at the lefty o'doul's restaurant. shoppers in britain are having trouble getting to the stores. what's causing a major disruption in their subway system. and yemen's outgoing president would still like to be here in the united states. and the one woman who is getting the most atech doctors the besh -- attention crossing the border. ♪
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it's 10:31am, and they won't serve you breakfast. but i will. i serve my entire breakfast menu all day, so you can get my new- -jumbo breakfast platter with mini pancakes,scrambled eggs, hash browns, plus bacon or sausage for only $2.99, anytime. nooooo....nooo jack, we only see my parents twice a year. chill out.
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time now is 7:13. new this morning, it is one of britain's biggest shopping day of the year. some people are having trouble getting to the shops, because beast subway drivers have walked out over pay issues. they are staging the one-day strike. despite limited subway service today, large crowds have been flooding department stores. the first group of the arab league observers will go to syria to monitor a deal to end a nine-month -- to end nine months of violence on protesters. human rights groups are accusing the syrian government of sending thousands of groups in. demonstrators say troops killed two dozen people and wounded more than 200 others. the observers are in syria trying to stop the crackdown.
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we're learning more about the possible visit by yemen's president to the united states. as we reported yesterday, his spokesperson says the president will travel here to the u.s., soon. now we're learning he's asking obama, the obama administration for permission to enter the country. it's believed he wants to enter the u.s. to receive medical treatment for injuries he received in a june attack. he promised to resign last month after growing tension? his you can -- his country. the 18-member delegation made the trip across the border to north korea to express the sadness of kim jong-il. the widow of the south korean president is leading the group. new details this morning on the investigation underway into the meltdown following the japanese quake and tsunami
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earlier this year. a report on the investigation isn't expected to be finished until the middle of 2012. but an interim version released today shows japanese thrills -- officials, underestimated the risk power plants. they also found out that power workers were not trained. more than 10,000 doctors are on the picket -- on the picket line demanding higher pay. the indeepian health -- indian met ministry says 40 patients have died. queen elizabeth husband's remay in the who -- remains in the hospital after heart surgery. prince philip remains in good spirits. he went into the hospital after complaining of chest pains.
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it's not known when he will be released. one of the first order of business for congress in the new year will be to prevent people pr selling counterfeits on the internet -- people from selling counterfeits on the internet. >> reporter: it's an epic battle. there are those who want to stop foreign websites from seeing fake verses of their product. >> whether it's farm suit cats, an electrical koertd, a movie. you have a right to know whether you are buying a legitimate project. we found dozens of online videos warning about the legislation. >> this is the internet we're talking about. it's a vital and vibrant medium. our government is tampering with its basic structure so
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people will maybe buy more hollywood movies. >> reporter: house and senate leaders had hoped to pass bills to stop where of the -- piracies. president obama is spending the holidays in his home state of hawaii. >> merry christmas! [ cheers ] >> yesterday, mr. obama and his first family visited u.s. service members stationed at the marine corps base in hawaii. they signed autographs, chatted with military families and posed for photos. this is one of the pictures the president posed for. -month-old cooper wagger in, stuck his fingers in the president's mouth. the president joked that he was probably going for his "big nose." two well-known bay area charity groups are making this holiday season a little
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brighter for needy families. hundreds of volunteers dished up large portions of turkey, ham, mashed pay toe days and salad yesterday at glide -- potatoes and salad yesterday at glide member. >> we've seen a tremendous increase in giving? no, we haven't. >> volunteers served holiday meals at st. anthony's dining room in san francisco. one woman became a holiday hero. she made christmas dinner last night for about 20 vets who lost their fire. she noticed themin' third street last week. she works with needy families. it's chilly out there. rosemary will have a look at the frost out there and the -- and when it will return. 280 near san jose traffic flowing well in both
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directions. we'll have more in traffic -- coming up.
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well, it's quite a sight. thousands of dolphins are swimming in -- in sri lanka. earlier this month, the state added the woodpecker to a list of candidates to be protected under california's endangered especially is act in northern california. lodge. the -- lodging continued. the company that makes en -- enfa mil continued.
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two -- en -- enfamil, they are continuing their tests on the formula after a boy from missouri died. time now is 7:23. and it is foggy out there. sal castanedo, off today. but tara, watching everything for us. hey, tara. >> reporter: good morning, guys. that's right there's a lot of nothing out there in the north bay. it's been there all morning. you want to be aware of it as you drive through marin. this is 880 near the oakland coliseum. not a lot of folks on the roadway. it's so foggy you can't even see the tail lights of those
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cars making their way in. we had an accident in the eastbound direction. all of your roadways are looking clear in every direction. 7:23. here's rosemary. good morning to you. that's the noticeable ching going on. more moisture in the air. take a look at the fog. it is rolling in, as tara mentioned, around the bay area. we do have a little bit of dense fog reports over the north bay which means you could encounter visibility down to a quarter mile in some cases and with this moisture a little bit of patchy frost. by 10:00 we begin to thaw out and at noontime, most of us
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sitting the in -- sitting in the 50s. mid- to upper 50s for most of us. most of us not going to see 60 degrees for today partly cloudy skies through the extenned forecast. tuesday night into weapons, increasing clouds. slight chance of rain. over south bay, it's unlikely. at least that's what the models are predicting at this point. our overnight lows will continue to improve. back to you. >> thank you, rose yarr -- rosemary. a plea from a south bay family whose dog was stolen. a cleanup crew is busy boarding up a petaluma home this morning after a late-night fire.
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some important questions still need to be answered about the overnight fire in pete lama. it start shortly before midnight in a home not far from the adobe golf course. ktvu's lorraine blanco has more. >> reporter: well, good morning. imagine winding down after christmas dinner and hearing your smoke detectors go off. that's what happened to dave kunin when he opened his garage door. he saw a call of fire. here's what it looked like just
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before cid mat. coon says his first intuition was to gather his two children, wife, in-laws an dogs. everyone got out safely and that's when coon said he tried to fight the flames himself for a minute. >> just take care of them. you know, go for it. don't be the hero on it. i tried fighting it for a while and then the department showed up and i let them go for it. >> reporter: investigators are still trying to figure out what started the fire. coon says smoke detectors saved interest lives -- their lives. as you can see a cleanup crew is busy boarding up the home as we speak. right now there's no estimate of the cause of the damage here. lorraine blanco, ktvu channel 2 news. well, one family in southern santa clara county is make an emotional plea after a heartless holiday crime. last week someone broke into the home near morgue be hill and made off with most of the
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family's christmas presents. the family thinks the thieves also stole their beloved dog. the little chihuahua is named sharky. and his disappearance is making this a very painful holiday season. family members have one -- have one request. >> he means a lot to me. i really love him. please give him back. >> the fingerprints gathered from the scene have been sent to the lab that could lead to an arrest. oakland police are on the hunt for a potential serial robber. he's described as african- american, between 5'5" and 5'6", weighing between 150 and 160. he has black hair, brown eyes, a beard and he's probably in his 30s. he wore glasses and a coat during each robbery. on december 13th, he walked up to a teller on chase bank on international boulevard and demad money. three days later, he demad
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money -- he demanded money from a teller. there is $1,000 reward. a new report finds people are mistakenly locked up in the la county jail. in many cases those wrong pli imprisoned had -- wrongly imprisoned had their identity stolen. they say the number of mistaken criminals makes up a small percentage of inmates. time now, 7:31. nigeria remains on high alert this morning after a christmas day terror attack left dozens
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dead and several more injured. stay with us because coming up at 7:45, the new message for peace and what we're learning about the group claiming responsibility. mitt romney is enjoying a wide lead over his referrals in new hampshire. a university of new hampshire poll shows mitt romney has 29% from likely gop voters. newt gingrich and ron paul are tied for second place at 17% each. jon huntsman comes in at 11%. the new hampshire primary takes case three weeks from -- two weeks from tomorrow. however before that, it's the iowa caucuses on january 3 -- january 3rd. all of the candidates are expected to start bus tours in the state --] no audio]
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don't tow the line to think it's just one time. don't do drugs. drugs are bad. don't do drugs. drugs are bad and you will make your mother sad. >>
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for cleaner air and your right to breathe it. for those who want to quit smoking and for those who need them to. we're fighting for clear skies over every city and healthy lungs throughout the country. the american lung association isn't just fighting for air. we're fighting for all the things that make it worth breathing. join us in the fight at from coast to coast, cops are ccking down... on seat belt violations. buckle up, day and night, or expect a ticket.
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it doesn't matter who you are or where you live, they'll be on the lookout. cops write tickets to save lives. ( seat belt clicks ) click it or ticket. you have the capacity to care. you have the experience to contribute. and your country needs you -- one of its greatest assets -- americans whose lifetime of knowledge and know-how will make the difference. take what you learned in the workplace and apply those skills to your community. shape tomorrow by being a mentor and tutor for children. make independence a reality for people who need assistance and companionship to continue to make their house their home. make a difference today. get involved. a san mateo assembly member is once again holding his
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annual contest that could end up in a new law for california. it is the fourth year that jerry hill's aught to be a lieu contest. qeants on the hill will go to testify in support for their idea. jerry hill says his contest is a great way for people to learn about the legislative process. applications can be found on his website. go to for a link. 7:38. retail experts say today is likely to be the third busiest shopping day of the year. some people using the gift cards will be out in shops. others will be returning gifts that are just not right. the magazine's eddieers have a couple of -- editors have a couple of tips. >> don't open the packaging if you are not sure you want it. forget t you can leave all of
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the tabs -- tags and labels on it. but if you destroy the packaging or rip it apart you will have a much more difficult time returning it. >> there could be a bigger demand this year. kohl and walmart welcomed customers starting at 5:00. toys 'r' us, macy's j.c. penney's opened earlier. okay. tara is in for sal. apparently there's lie traffic but heavy fog making it hard to sea. >> reporter: that's right. the chp just issued a smog advisory for the bay bridge. if you take a look at our maps we can show you where. right here. very foggy conditions you a are going 80 westbound. go slower than the speed limit, especially around the s-curve. you can see the fog, again, has
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rolled in here, has not quite blown other. as we pan up a little bit, you can see that traffic is flowing pretty nicely hear on the left- hand said as you make your way toward the maze. this is bay point. traffic westbound toward concord. fog not quite there yet. it looks hazy but everything looks good so far. here's rose maury. okay. that fog out there this morning, indicative of the changes we're seeing outside. we have low-lying fog, even a little bit of patchy fog report -- reported offer the bay. now, in addition to the fog we've got patchy frost. take a look at this video taken in dublin earlier this morning, again, a sign of that change. our atmosphere and our air here is moist. by are moistening up a little bit -- we are moistening up a
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little bit. the ridge of high pressure that's had that grip on us for some time it weakening. you can see it because the storms pushed way to the north have now sunk a little bit. we're gonna continue with dry conditions, at least for the bay area. but northern california getting clipped with a little bit of light rain from time to time. it looks like tuesday into wednesday we're going to get a shot at this, although the models continue to trend a little bit drier. take a look at what's happening. we have the fog out there. showed you pictures of it a moment ago. by noontime, 1:00, is looks like we'll be partly cloudy, mostly sunny and then our next item of note will be the rain. tuesday morning, we make up with partly cloudy, this rain is to the north and then into wednesday morning we have the clouds but we're not necessarily seeing the rain.
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a few sprink the definitely -- sprinkles definitely possible. forecast highs for today, muper 50s. it -- mid- to upper 50s. it will be cool and dry. mid-50s for the city. 56 pleasanton. 55 along the peninsula there at san mateo. as we head south 58 expected in mountain view. 57 for san jose. extended forecast -- new that we have a return of the onshore flow, the partly cloudy skies, our temperatures won't be as cold. it will be cool, once gin, tomorrow morning, and then as we progress into the week, overnight lows will sit in the upper 30s, low 40s. partly to mostly cloudy skies and then we're hoping to see some rain. in the hack -- the group "anonymous" has struck again.
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muper 70. seven people are dead after a bomber struck during rush hour. five people are among the dead. 32 people were injured. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. it comes after a series of bombing last week killed up to 70 people in a single day. u.s. an iraqi officials have warned of an increase in violence now that u.s. troops have withdrawn from the country. pope benedict is denouncing the violence. the exact death toll from the attacks is not known yet but it's believed to be as high as 450. a radical muslim sect is claiming responsibility. the new york times reports a group has -- the group has ties to al qaeda. >> it's a jihadist group, like
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al qaeda, like shalab. of so mall yaw -- somalia -- somalia. pufer thousands of credit card company numbers are now in the hands of hacker.
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"anonymous" is claiming responsibility. the hackers say they stole confidential client lists, which includes the air force, police department and even apple. the goal was to take the money from the accounts and give it away as donations. two major electronic companies are dissolving their partnership. sony and samsung's will no longer work together to make flat-screen tvs. sony's tv operations lost money for deven -- seven years in a row. samsung will reportedly buy all of their adventures for $935 million. small business owners are fined -- are finding a new way to finance their goals. it's called pier-based lending. two san francisco based lender are helping small business owners -- owners get loans from different entrepreneurs.
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>> the loan process is oiks or seven months with the banks but with prosper, it was like 14, 20 business days. >> investors get a good place to put their money and the business gets the loans. fight several new movies getting good reviews, this was not a banner holiday weekend at movie theaters. >> jump now? >> yes. >> jump. >> jump. "mission impossible" was a solid number one with more than 26 million in ticket sales. the first two movies made between $45 and $4 million in
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their first weekend debut. time now, 7:4. a college student was -- 7:48. a college student was sold she would never walk again. >> and could maria shriver be having second thoughts about her divorce from arnold schwarzenegger? why a row hort says there is -- why a report says there's a chance for reconciliation. ñçbñ
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officials found anti- government gla fitty on the walls of a post office in reno. the fire began outside of the building. the postal service says water sprayed damaged the mail inside t was taken to another facility to be resort and delivered. police in southern california have sided the man they say shot an army soldier at his own welcome home party. investigators say 19-year-old ruben ray is the gunman in the attack of christopher sullivan. the shooting happened friday night in san bernardino. these pictures of are sullivan
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who is an afghan veteran. it's believed he was shot after an argument over football. the family of injured giants' fan bryan stow says he's participating in desists for his care. he suffered brain damage after a beating on opening day in dodger stadium. the family recentry did their first television interview. on the website they repeatedly asked if bryan was okay before agreeing to do it. bryan was able to eat mashed powe day toes -- potatoes and -- and gravy on christmas. a girl was diagnosed with a rare tumor on her spine. she had one surgery and was told afterwards that her tumor was inoperable and she would be pair layed within two years -- paralyzed within two years. she said she would not take no
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for an answer and turned to this neurosurgeon. >> i just thought this can't be all there is. there has to be more technology, better doctors. i'm gonna find it. >> one year steag -- one year ago she oneiant the nine- operation to remove the tumor. she recently rushed to san francisco for a checkup. doctors are doubt if the -- doubtful the tumor will return. there are reports that there could be reconciliation between arnold schwarzenegger and maria sh river. tmz is reporting that shriver is not sure if she wants a divorce partly because of her religious beliefs. the website also reports that schwarzenegger has recently made numerous jest churses in an april tempt to win her back. light traffic but heavy
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fog. tara moriarty is in for -- 680 northbound we have a car that crashed into a light pole. an ambulance is on its way as well as a tow truck. but that could be causing some delays there this morning. and finally, 101 near san jose traffic on the right-hand side, folks headed to the airport. no delays. it's nice and unfoggy. see that's good for you living in that area. here's rosemary. good morning to you. we're going to be dry and cool for the afternoon. but a sign of what we're seeing. the fog, the frost we're moistening up. the pattern will be more zonal.
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that ridge of high pressure finally weakening. we may see some sprinkles come mid wednesday -- -- mid- wednesday. by about 9:00, still 30s. in the inland areas around the bay now we're in the 40s. and then by lunchtime most of us sitting in the mid-50s. notice it's now 3:00. we didn't move much. we're not seeing much green out there for the afternoon, meaning mid- to upper 50s is about all we get. %c1 extended forecast will be slightly warmer. still awfully cold but we're improving now that, again, our
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onshore breeze is curbing -- is returning. upper 40s, low 50s in the forecast. that chance for rain come wednesday. it's weakening a little bit. but we'll leave it in there for now, especially parts over the north bay and sprinkles before we dry out again on thursday and friday. b.a.r.t. looks into its crystal ball, what riders will likely see in the year 2050. a scare for people in the south bay neighborhood when a mother dropped her toddler from a second floor window. the special concern that could keep our out of jail. it's been a good holiday shopping season for retailers so far. they hope to kent with the trend. this line of shoppers waiting to get into this store seems to be a pretty good indication.
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good morning. welcome back to "mornings on 2." i'm claudine wong in foretori campbell. >> i'm kraig debro. dave clark is off today. it's monday, december 26th. well there's black friday. now there's megamonday and allie rasmus is live in walnut creek on what is considered the third busiest shopping day of the year following black friday and the last saturday before christmas. allie? >> reporter: well, stores really want shoppers to come in and clear out some of their winter syn. they also want to boost some of their sales and revenue pl many
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stores are offering -- revenue p.m. many stores are. many stores are waiting to get in this store. the store is offering free gift cards for anywhere between $10 to $300 for the first cuss merse who come in. some people camped out overnight. this is what it looked like in front of this same store several hours ago. some were here early as 2:00 a.m. bundled up so they could be the first in line. the lure of a big sale brought other customers to other stores here in walnut creek like the banana republic where there was a group of people waiting in to -- waiting to get in. macy's and nordstroms were open earlier and a at the victoria secret, employees were in at 5:00 a.m. prepping the store. >> i try to avoid shopping because i don't like the big crowds but i feel like the awesome deals that i heard about were just too good to pass up. >> everybody is trying to save
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money these days. so it's probably gonna be pretty crowded. hopefully it won't be that crowded. >> reporter: recally signs point to more shoppers hitting the malling. 57% of meshes are expected to go shopping. that's up from 40% last year. if we take you back here live at this h & m store where people were camped out overnight, they were walking in the -- can i see one of these? >> sure. >> reporter: you scratch it and depending upon what you find there -- i don't know. should i scratch it? see. $10. i didn't have to camp out overnight. i got a $10 gift card. allie rasmus, ktvu channel 2 news. >> you might want to use those gift cards today if you received them for christmas. studies show up to 40% of all gift cards go unused each year. consumers are protected in
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california. this is national exchange day. you plan to do any shopping today? that's the question we're asking our view, this morning on facebook. mary wrote," no more shopping. ready to start the new year." kimberly wrote," staying home relaxing watching ktvu. have to work tomorrow. it's too cold this morning anyway." we want to hear from you. just send us a message to ktvu morning news team on facebook and you will reach us. a small earthquake caused minor shaking in the bay area. the usgs says the 2.2 quake was centered near san leandro and felt before 6:00 this morning. no reports of damage or injuries. drinking and driving led to two crashes in the east bay. the first wreck happened around 12:30 this morning. the driver slammed into a fire hydrant near observe and fifth streets. firefighters had to shut off the water to the line.
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the motorist suffered minor injuries and was arrested on dui charges. the second crash happened in castro valley just before 2:00 this morning the driver rammed his chrysler into a traffic signal and street sign in the area of 150th and freedom avenues. the impact caused both air bags to deploy. police arrested him on suspicion of dui. a 1-year-old boy and mother are in the hospital after police say the mom threw the boy out of a second-story window. police say the mom then juferped out herself -- jumped out herself. here's more. >> reporter: i just talked to a next door neighbor. he didn't want to go on camera but he was shocked to see what happened. apparently this little guy narrowly missed hitting concrete and then hit hard dirt. it all happened when police say a mother dropped her son out of the second-floor window out of their apartment around the
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corner. the san jose police say the mother locked herself and her 22-month-old son in her room in her apartment late yesterday. family members called 911. when officers arrived and forced their way in, they say the mother dropper - dropd her son from that window, about 20 feet to the ground. police say she threw herself out the same window. >> tensions run high with families sometimes on christmas. i imagine this was one of those situations. >> i knew something was wrong when i came out here and saw 13 patrol officers. and though showed up quick. >> reporter: paramedics rushed both mother and son to valley medical setter while the mother suffered some broken bones. police say the little boy, amazingly, has nothing more than burns and bruises. now, investigators say the mother, cortez, is already being evaluated for possible psychiatric issues. we have more calls in to
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police. we're still finding out if she will faced child endangerment charges in this case. homicide investigators say a 25-year-old man wounded whilecying in a car in east oakland has now died. the shooting happened late saturday night on d street. at this point, this is the 14 the more murder than last year. an investigation is underway into a home fire in petaluma, not far from the adobe creek golf course. nobody hurt but the flames caused extensive damage. still. word from the cause. we'll have a live update at 8:30. congress is on break for the holidays but when lawmakers return in january, one of the first things on their addenda will be online piery sis. ahead at 8:15, the battle over
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new legislation and how bay area companies are responding. time for tara moriarty in for sal. we've been plagued by fog all morning. it's a holiday, so light traffic. >> that heavy fog advisory still in effect for the bay bridge and for alameda and san francisco counties as well. let's take a look at 101 through san francisco. look at that. you can't even see anything. if you have to catch a flight today or you are gonna be picking someone up at sfo, make sure you check the flight before you leave to make sure there are no delays. at the east shore freeway you can see the traffic is light,
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fog heavy along 80 make sure that you go slower than the speedily its and finally 8 0 near the coliseum, you can see how the fog has lifted and not a lot of the folks on the roadway. that's the good news. 8:06. rosemary, how is it going? >> if you have to be driving out there, take it easy. two signs of a pattern change that we didn't have just a couple of days ago. our atmosphere, moister. 40 degrees in oakland. right now, 46 san francisco. 31 santa rosa, 26 in napa, 27 in fairfield. some of our valley low cases bottoming out in the 20s, one again, within a couple of degrees from yesterday. but we are going to continue to see an improvement now that we have a little bit more of an onshore flow and our temperatures will be warming back in the upper 30s low 40s by midweek wednesday. 36 san jose, so a cool one out there. the fog forecast showing you it is going to burn off. but it could take most of the morning and into the early
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afternoon and may still be hugging right along the coast line, maybe just inside the bay. a wider view of what's happening here. your satellite radar, it was just a few days ago that we had the ridge of high pressure easily to see on satellite radar. now we're beginning to see these weak systems go by. by tuesday night and wednesday, it looks like our first possibility of a little bit of rain. that was interesting. i'm not sure how that happened. partly cloudy skies. a very slight chance of showers, it loaning like it will be to the north -- it looks like it will be to the north bay, for the most part. the extended forecast here, notice again, overnight lows continuing to improve. our air has more moisture in it and that's allowed the fog to
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develop and patchy frost to develop in omof our valley locations. upper 50s, 60s. back to you. :08. the company that --:08 dash 8:08. the company efnamil has finished their testing. they found no bacteria and said their product is safe. two babies got sick. one of those children died. senior citizens in antioch who rely on a discounted bus program may have to find a new ride. the contra costa times reports that the tridelta transit may drop $22 -- $250,000 subsidy. they hope to cut $2 million from the $19 million budget. knight news from the far east, some south korean citizens are making the trip
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across the border. p the one woman in that group who is getting most of the attention. and this is one of the busiest shoping days of the year. also, the health scare for brun's royal family -- for britain's royal family.
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a bit soupy outside of oakland this morning. we have temperatures sitting in
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the 40s. the fog is so thick, visibility down to a few hundred feet in some cases. doctors in india are continuing their strike this morning at government-run hospitals. more than 10,000 doctors are now on the picket line demanding higher pay. so far the indian government is refusing to meet their demands. replacement doctors have been brought into hospitals but a shortage remains and that could be leading to some patient deaths. the ministry says forthpatients have died. queen elizabeth's husband remains in the hospital recovering from heart surgery. buckingham palace officials say prince philip is in good spirit after successfully undergoing a stint procedure. he went to the hospital on friday after complaining of chest pains. and it's bocking -- boxing day in england. but some people in london are having a hard time getting to the shops. that's because subway drivers have walked out of the job over a pay dispute. the transit union that
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represents subway drivers is staging this trike to rede -- for -- this strike to demand extra pay. despite this, large crowds have been seen flocking to stores. gps gps gps gps. human rights groups -- demonstrators say troops killed two dozen people and wounded more than 200 others. they are hoping to apply pressure on the damascus government. we're learning more about the possible visit by yemen's president to the united states. as we reported yesterday, the president of yemen will travel to the u.s. now we've learned he's asking the obama administration to enter the country. it is believed he wants to enter the u.s. to receive medical treatment for injuries he received in a june attack.
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he promised to resign last month after growing tension in his country. just a short time ago, a group of citizens from north korea met with kim jong-il's son during a visit to the north korea capital. the 18-member delegation made the trip across the border to display their sads in of kim jong-il. kim day jung received the nobel prize for ending the two hostilities between the two countries. a report on the investigation isn't supposed to be reese load -- isn't supposed to be released on the tsunami and the earthquake. but an interim report show that japanese officials underestimated the rick. the report also finds that nuclear power plant workers were not trained to handle emergencies.
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new proposed bills in congress would allow the government to fight online pir riscy -- piracy. >> reporter: bills in the house and senate would give the government new tools to take down foreign websites that sell illegal downloads, fake pills and other product. but critics say the legislation will destroy the internet as we know it. on social media, a goose roots movement is growing to stop what some fear will be a government takeover of the web. those sites are so concerned that vos on this have been delayed. but for many others, the entertainment industry and drug industry stopping this is about protect their product and the u.s. >> at the end of the days it comes down to protecting foreign thieves and american jobs. we think the vast majority of
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americans and the vast majority on washington will side with the american worker. >> reporter: one senator says he will block any effort to try to take up the legislation. :16. president obama is spending the holidays in hawaii. [ cheers ] >> yesterday he and his family visited holiday workers. the president and first lady signed autograph, chatted with military families and posed for photos. look at how cute. that's 8-month-old cooper wagner who decided he really wanted to put his fingers in the president's mouth and then the president joked say hing -- saying he was probably trying to go for his -- the president's words -- big nose. some 5,000 people enjoyed a
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hot christmas meal at san francisco's glide memorial church yesterday. hundreds of volunteers dished up large portions of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and salads. however, glide's founder says much more needs to be done to help the down and you out during these tough economic times. >> this is nation is a very rich nation. america has the goods and the -- and the economy that could take care of most of the needs of the world. but do we do it? no, we don't. >> glide wasn't the only place. vorls served hot holiday meals to thousands of people at st. anthony's dining hall. one woman became a holiday hero for a group of the san francisco vets. last night, she made christmas dinner for about 20 vets who lost their homes in a fire. she happened to notice them standing outside their burned building on third street. she's a volunteer who works with needy families. new concerns for california
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college students. there's talk of clash rationing in the very near future. and rosemary orozco will tell us whether things will warm up during this final week of 2011. [ child ] it's so cool!
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you can put a force field on him and be invisible! [ child 2 ] i call first player. no. i already called it. [ dad ] nobody's playing anything until after we get our homework done. thank you. hello? test drive's not over yet. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ louder ] hello? but we still need your signature. right now during sign then drive, it's never been easier to get the all-new passat, the 2012 motor trend car of the year, for practically just your signature. that's the power of german engineering. visit students say budget cuts will force rationed classes. music appreciation an memoir writing could be eliminated. a study estimates the dropout
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rate could be as high as 60% due to frustrated students. lawmakers slashed $500 billion from the system's $6 billion budget. yahoo! has named walnut creek as the greenest place to retire for the second year in a row. yahoo! says the city has more than 20 p and more than 25 hun -- 20 parks and more than 200 areas to have space, ride bikes, run and go on hikes. it was a much richer christmas who bought a $10 lucky lotto ticket in san francisco. the ticketholder identified only as m. slater won $1 million from the single scratcher ticket. good for her. the star convenience store at one post street will also receive $5,000 for sell that winning ticket. no one had all of the numbers in friday's megamillions lottery game but four siths -- tickets sold in the bay area were worth there man $-- are worth her than $15
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0,000 each -- $15,000 each -- $150,000. 8:22. and tara is this right? >> yes. let's take a live look at your bay area bridges. there is a fog advisory in effect for the bay bridge and the richmond san rafael bridge. no shock there. you can't -- you can't even see the bridge. san rafael and geg experiences heavy fog. but that he haven't been officially added to the list
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yet. 8:23. let's head over to rosemary. good morning to you. it is a chilly start once again and tara all over that fog this morning. take a look. it's widespread at this point. it started over the north bay. as the morning progressed, it began to move in. it started right off the coast line but this, again, an independent case of -- well, we have the onshore flow with it. we've been awfully dry. we could definitely use a little bit of change. taking a look at what's happening outside our doors for your monday and into tuesday, we will clear out -- i want to fast forward this into tuesday because we're traing the storm here that just a few days 'looked to bridge us some -- days ago looked to bring us tom rain. we are going to have moisture in these clouds and so we can could see a few sprinkles. it looks like -- like
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wednesday. 26 degrees right now in napa. 31, santa rosa. our valley location, frosty, foggy and cole. 40 in oak. a temperatures are up a few degrees in some areas. but with all of the cloud cover it won't field like it. it's cold, cold, cold miami 55, san rafael. 56 in oakland. 57 san jose. the epps tended forecast, dry today, dry tomorrow. increased onshore flow. thieves ruin christmas for one family. they stole holiday gifts an something much more valuable.
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an extremely busy weekend for sonoma county fires.
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the investigation is underway to a fire in petaluma on river drive circle, not far from the adobe golf course. lorraine blanco is live from the scene now. >> reporter: good morning. a cleanup crew just finished up boarding up this home. this is one of five fires in the region. investigators are still looking for what led to this christmas mess. the fire started in the garage just before midnight. homeowner dave coon tells us he was wounding down from holiday activities,up watching a -- just watching a little tv. he opened the door that led to his garage and saw a wall of flames. >> it's sad, number one. but pretty grateful that everybody is alive and -- you know, i got everybody out of the house. unfortunately, something like this happens. you hear about it and then it
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happens to yourself. >> reporter: investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the fire. there were four other fires this weekend just in sonoma county. two due to christmas lights, one in the kitchen and one being blamed on a drier. but the good news, no one was hurt in any of the fires. reporting live in petaluma, lorraine blanco, ktvu channel 2 news. one family in southern santa clara county is making an emotional plea after a heartless crime. last weekend somebody broke into the home and took most of the christmas presents. the family thinks the thieves also stole their dogs. the dock's name is sharky. his dispeerns is maying this a very tough holiday season. >> the hardest part was the last few days watching my daughter cry. every time she looks at a picture or a video, anything, there is a dog in it and she breaks down and cries. >> please give my dog back.
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he means a lot to me and i really already him. please just give him back. >> anyone with information in the case is asked to call the santa clara county sheriff's office. police have released a description of a bank robber who hit at least two banks in north oakland this month. he's described as an after am man between 5'5" and 5'6", weighs between 160 and 170 pounds. he has black hair, brown eyes and a beer. they believe he's probably in his 30s and wore glasses and a hat. now, on december 13th, he walked up to a teller at a chase bank on international boulevard and demanded money. three days later, the same man is believed to have demanded money from a teller at the wells fargo been of on -- branch on mountain boulevard. there is a $1,000 reward in this case. a new report finds that 1500 wrongful incarcerations occur in los angeles county
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jail. in many of those case, the identity has been stolen or they have the same names as those who are inmates. changes in the way california pays for juvenile offenders has some counties worried about their budget. the state used to pay to house juvenile offenders but no longer can because of a $72 million budget cut. starting january 1st, county also have to pay $125,000 a year to house those juvenile offenders. the san francisco chronicle reports the changes could have unintended consequences such as more juveniles being charged as adults. in our 2012 election coverage, mitt romney is enjoying a wide lead in the early primary state of new hampshire. a university of new hampshire poll shows romney has 39% of sport from -- support from likely gop voters. gingrich and paul are tied with
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17%. jon huntsman, 17%. the new hampshire primary takes place two weeks from tomorrow, on january 10th. but before the new hampshire primary it's the iowa caucuses. that's on january 3rd. that's why all of the leading candidates are headed there to start a major push for the caucusgoers. mitt romney, michele bachmann, rick perry and newt gingrich are all expected to start bus tours in the state this week. however, polls show ron paul is leading right now in iowa. >> there's talk about the ron paul surge and the support and momentum he has potentially going into these january 3rd caucuses is ral. >> the texas congressman is expected to campaign in the state later this week. a san mateo assemblyman is holding his annual contest that could end in a new law for california. it's the fourth year for jerry hill's ought to be a law contest. constituents on the peninsula are expected to submit their idea about what they think
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should be a law in this case. the winner will get to testify in court of -- support of their law on state -- in the state capitol. more information can be found at for a link to hill's website. did you get everything you wanted from santa? perhaps that gift shirt is a little bit too big or not your style or you just want to release -- exchange those gifts. allie rasmus is live with more. i know you already have your ten-dollar coupon. >> reporter: that's right. there was a line at the h & m store at the top of the hour. we'll explain what that was it -- we will explain what that was about. this is the h & m store. there's quite a few customers in hee. let's show you what it looked like at the top of the hour when there was a line of about 80 to 100 people weight waiting
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to get in. that's because this store was offering a special promotion on this busy shopping day, free gift cards to the first customers in the door. some of the people who were in this line camped out in front of the store overnight in order to score one of those cards. other stores at broadway za opened at 7:00 -- opened at 7:00 a.m. many employees were in several hours before hand putting in sale signs and prepping the stores. some shomers said at -- shoppers said at 8:30 they've already had sub. >> i bought something that i didn't think was on sale and it turns out when it went through the register it was. >> reporter: now, early signs point to more shoppers hitting the malls and stores this year. 57% of americans are expected to go shopping today. that's up from last year which was just 40%.
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so today is expected to be a big day for retailers and shoppers. allie rasmus, ktvu channel 2 news. shipping companies expect to have a busy week even though the holiday shopping season is just about over. u.p.s. says its business this week will likely be up about 6% compared to the week before christmas. that's because many people are gonna be returning presents bought online. fed-ex says it's planning to see a so% -- 10% increase in shipping. more than 10% than it did last year. fed-ex credits its contact to carry air cargo with a boost in packages handled. 8:36. if you are headed out the door or flying, the fog is the big story. tara moriarty following you a of that -- all of that. >> reporter: that's right we have delays out of sfo up and down the west woest. airlines are experiencing 35 to 40-minute delays. call before you leave the
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house. in is 101 through san francisco, obviously socked in by the fog. the bay bridge tacoma is under a heavy fock advisory as is the rich monday san rafael bridge -- nothing advisory as is the richmond san rafael bridge. make sure you take it slowly out there. finally, a look at the east shore firn you can see how the fog is rolling over there but it doesn't seem to be too bad at this particular area. gloomy start. this live shot here of san jose. visibility down to about a quarter mile even. even a few 100ths. take it easy as we get through the morning hours. it could be a little tough. we're looking at a light, light offshore breeze at the surface. you can see the breezes and most of us are calm.
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the upper level winds are turning onshore. that's why we're seeing a return of the fog. we have fallen below freezing. santa rosa, napa, inland, east bay. seeing upper 30s -- upper 20s, low 30s. 30 in concord. a cold, cold start. a gloomy start, 37 san jose. low 40s along the stretch of the peninsula where we've been watching 20s and 30s. so again, when we see the air moisten up a littleby. our temperatures dumb up a little bit -- come up a little bit. satellite radar, ridge of high pressure beginning to finally break down and we will begin to see changes in our forecast into the coming days -- coming days although the storm we were looking forward to -- we were looking forward to breaking our dry spell will weaken a little bit. for today, we're going to be dry. mostly sunny in areas where you are not dper s experiencing the
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-- where you are not experiencing the winds. it -- chance for showers, it looks like it will be primarily to the north. forecasted highs for today, cooler than yesterday by a few degrees. mid-50s for novato. 56 oakland. 55, san francisco and 58 expected for mountain view. the afternoon high for san jose. the text ended -- the extended forecast, cloudier conditions in the forecast for the workweek ahead. hopefully, you have the day off. our knight lows and into the morning hours, big improvements with this change in our pattern tuesday into wednesday. we'll notice that significant change as we get to work on wednesday morning. chance for rain will come on wednesday. back to you. well, the debut for a new
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warriors head coach mark jackson didn't go well. 105-86. monta ellis wowed the crowd with a thunderous drive to the dunk. he did play with a heavy heart with his grandmother's death early in the day. chris paul sank some shots and then eventually pulled away. and warriors fans do remain optimistic. it was a sellout crowd of nearly 20,000 people in the oracle arena and they were happy to finally see some basketball after that nba lockout. it's not just -- >> it's not just for myself and my wife. it's for the kids there. >> why are you the number one fan? >> i like watching them play and it's nun to go out there and watch them. >> some fauns are worried that the warriors may worry from the east bay. the team's new owner reportedly talked to ed lee about a possible move on the court. the warriors are hosting the
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bulls at 7:30 tonight. 8:40. new information on those christmas day terror attacks in nigeria. what world leader is now coming out to condemn the violence. and san jose police want to know what could possibly convince a woman to drop her toddler from a second-story window. the steps investigators have to take before they file any charges.
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8:43. let's get you updated on some of the top stories we're following root now. b.a.r.t. says it's planning a new project to figure out what service should look like 40 years from now. the chronicle is reporting the flo ject is called -- the project is called the metro concept. it includes a study that will look at how the transit agency can make things better for commuters. police took two men custody for dui for running into a hydrant. push the fog is causing delays at sfo. you should check with the airline before heading off to the airport. a 22-month-old boy remains hospitalized after police say his mother tossed him outside a second-story window. eric, a lot of questions still. >> reporter: there certainly are, in fact, about 30 seconds
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ago, i got a call back from stay police sand they confirred p -- and they confirmed for me what they are looking into the possibility of emotional distress this mother was under. they call it severe emotional distress at the time she dropped her toddler out a second-floor window in this neighborhood. investigators are now taking a close look at her -- of her health. like i said, the she had barricaded herself in the room of the apartment. a large number of officers responded to a 911 call from family members. but when police sporessed their -- forced their way in, they say she dropped her son out and then threw herself out of the window. a fall of about 20 feet. the scene had some neighbors. >> they had the baby out here working on him.
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it was not a great morning for that family apparently. >> those paramedics rushed mother and chimed to valley medical center while cortez, the mother, had some broken bones, police say incredibly her little boy only has burns and bruises from that fall. police say there's still a chance the mother could face child endangerment charges. according to the mercury news. >> the mother had recently been described -- prescribed medication -- for depression. we'll have more details as they develop. eric rasmussen, ktvu channel 2 news. texas place police want to know why -- texas police want to know why seven people were shot inside a room on holiday -- on this holiday weekend. the police say it appears they just looked like they had finished up opening up gifts
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and -- >> it's something that is very fortunate. -- unfortunate. this moving, pope benedict xvi is denouncing the christmas day terror attack killing dozens of people in nigeria and injuring several more. a string of bombs targeted insurgents and that included a crit church. the -- the catholic church. the cnn is reporting the death toll from those attacks is 32. a radical muslim support is reporting they -- >> it's a jihadist group. it's like the taliban, al qaeda, like that babb of -- like sahabab. at least seen serp people are dead after a suicide
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bombing at a checkpoint leading to the iraqi insterier ministry in banged -- interior ministry in baghdad. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack but it kurmsz after a series of bombings last week that killed upper to -- comes after a series of bombings last week that kill -- killed last week. police in southern california are a -- have identified the man they say shot an army solder at his -- soldier at his own welcome home party. the shooting happened friday night in san francisco. these are pictures now of sullivan who was an afghan army vet. it's believed eduardo shot sullivan over an argument over football. thousands of credit card
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numbers and personal information belonging to clients of a security thank tank. "anonymous" says they stole the confidence client police which includes the air force, the police and even apple. some victims are confirming unauthorized transactions linked to their credit cards. tw men face chaushes. the incident happened in the town of river bank. new surveillance shoo shows the two men storming the store with an assault rifle. heas when the storeowner quickly grabbed into action -- that's when the storeowner quickly grabbed the suspect and went into action.
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sheriff deputies arrived and took the men in custody. >> there are reports that there could be a reconciliation between arnold shr shrt and marie -- arnold schwarzenegger and maria sh river. tmz reports that shriver is not sure what they have caused this. developing news. we have just learned about a verying fire in the east bay. also, investigators now believe an arsonist is tried to -- is tied to a fire at a post office. blan my name is ashley.
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i was using cascade actionpacs. they just didn't have that spot free look. when i took the finish challenge, i could tell there was a difference. my dishes had a shine on them. i'm moving on to finish quantum. take the finish challenge. get up to half off. you don't decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pick vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant fantastic! pro-gresso ] they fit! okay-y... okay???
8:52 am
i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. we have developing news right now out of alameda county. firefighters are at the scene of a deadly house fire in san leandro. the fire started about an hour ago on broadmore street. ktvu has a drew on the scene. we'll give you an update coming up on the news at noon. you can also find the latest on our website, officials say a british cargo being held because of missiles on board is set to
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sell sailing. those weapons were found last week when the ship was checked. a new warning this morning, in spain. the finance minister says the spanish economy will slide back into a recession next year. this comes after a two-year projected that eded after the year -- ended last year. wall street expects are making their forecast to the new year and are saying stock prices will increase more than 10% next year and they place base their predictions on u.s. companies generating record profits and americans spending more than expected the last few months. investigators believe arson is to blame for a fire that damaged a post office near
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reno. officials say anti-graffiti was sprayed on the balls. that fire begran outside of the -- began outside of the building yesterday. the water sprayed in there damaged the male mail inside. that mail was taken to another facility and will be resort -- re-sorted and distributed. the family of injured giants' fan bryan stow says he's now participating in decisions for his care. stow suffered brain damage after a beating on opening day at dodger stayed yu. the family recently did their
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first television interview. on the website, they say they repeatedly asked bryan if he was okay with it before agreeing to to to -- to dot interview. stow was able to eat mashed potatoes and gravegyin' chris -- gravy on christmas day. china has a strict poll si which is allowing only one baby per couple of. a woman was ordered to have an abortion during her second pregnancy. she escaped to deliver her son and now she lives with boat of her comirn. but officials -- that -- dash and now lives with both of her children. the officials went to her house recently and would like her to pay a fee but she refused. a woman from oregon was told she may never walk again
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but she's beating odd. at 19 she was diagnosed with a form of disease, basically a tumor on her spine. she had one surgery and was told afterwardses that her tumor was inoperable and she would be paralyzed within two years. she would not take no for an answer. and she turned to a different surgeon. >> i said, this can't be all there is, there is goe be better technology and better doctors and i'm gonna find it. surgeons say she will need to watch for signs for regrowth, after her nine-hour operation. they are doubtful the tumor will ever return. we're seeing some problems on the roads and flight delays. it's all of this fog. >> reporter: that's right.
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flights up and down the west coast are being delayed 35, 40 plints. give yourself extra time. call before, check that flight out. san francisco county is under a heavy fogg advisory. also the same story in contra costa, marin and alameda counties. drive slowly this morning. the richmond/san ralph sell bridge -- richmond/san rafael bridge. and will it barm up at all -- warm up at all, rosemary? >> patchy front out there and in-- an indication of more moisture in the air. another indication of all of
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that fog we're seeing. this will eventually burn off but the winds are light. it could take some time. but as we begin to move through the afternoon, temperatures will be sitting in the mid- to upper 50s. right now, temperatures are awfully cold. widespread low 30s and 40s around the bray. and again, we have hoping for some rain come tuesday night into wednesday. but the latest models frow predilling not really going to happen. so we'll see. >> thank you. >> thank you. that's our report for this morning. thanks for joining you. we'll see you back here at noon. my name is ashley.
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i was using cascade actionpacs. they just didn't have that spot free look. when i took the finish challenge, i could tell there was a difference. my dishes had a shine on them. i'm moving on to finish quantum. take the finish challenge. get up to half off. you don't decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pick vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant fantastic! pro-gresso ] they fit! okay-y... okay??? i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old


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