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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  December 26, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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a tragic accident in the east bay leaves a 2-year-old boy dead and a neighborhood shaken. good evening i'm gas kra mikaelian in tonight for julie haener. >> and i'm frank somerville. he says he never saw him. a grieving father says he didn't know his toddler son was near by when he backed out of his driveway. police tell us they do not suspect foul play here, heather fowler is live. >> reporter: neighbors are offering support to this family. you can see some of them have
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left candles, even a teddy bear near the driveway here where this young life was cut short. >> reporter: the holiday cheer on pen brook replaced by sadness. as neighbors remember the 2- year-old boy killed on the street this morning. >> we didn't know what to think, how to help or anything. >> reporter: melissa grolay came out and saw her neighbor's son on the ground and bleeding. the son's father was backing out of the driveway in his toyota pickup truck when he accidentally ran over the toddler. the boy was rushed to the hospital but didn't make it. for more than four hours police blocked the cul-de-sac taking pictures of the vehicle. investigators do not believe anything criminal took place. later on this evening the truck was towed away from the house,
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leaving behind heart ache for the family and this neighborhood. >> it's horrible. i feel so bad because it wasn't something they meant to happen. it's sad, i don't know what to say. >> reporter: police tonight have not released the identity of this young victim. while they do believe this was an accident, the investigation is on going. reporting live tonight here in antioch, i'm heather holmes, ktvu news. a san jose woman who police say dropped her toddler out of a window christmas day is facing charges. she recently suffered from extreme emotional distress. cortez has a previous case of mental illness. ktvu's ken wayne along interstate 80 and berkeley
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where the chp and other injuries enter the next phase of their crack down of drunk drivers. >> reporter: already officers are gearing up for their next big crack down. shift change at the chp's redwood city office. emergency lights tested, weapons checks. when they roll out the parking lot officers will be especially watchful for drunk drivers. >> we have one more holiday coming. we want to make sure that they get home safely and that's why we're doing the f enforcement. >> reporter: new dui numbers are in, between milbrae and mountain view, 33 people were arrested, compared to 27 last year. and the arrests keep coming, just this morning a suspected drunk driver hit a utility poll
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and hydrant causing this big mess near okay and fifth street in oakland. >> yesterday we saw a vehicle flipped over and there were a lot of people gathered around, the cops were there. and worried if that was deliberately due to a drunk driver or not. it's on my mind. >> reporter: people who think ahead about new years driving arrangements can avoid some of the tragedies officers have seen firsthand. >> it's not pretty. you get there and you see dismembered bodies or you see mechanic on the roadway -- you see somebody on the roadway that's been struck by a vehicle. it's not something you want to be involved in. >> reporter: a cab, designated driver or staying off the road can save a lot of grief. >> reporter: what's your plan on new years eve? stay off the freeways. >> yeah, stay close to home, stay indoors. >> reporter: dui check points will be set up at various locations all over the bay area this new year's eve weekend.
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live in berkeley, ken wayne. dense fog caused delays for some flights this morning both into and out of san francisco international airport. an sfo spokesperson said the delays lasted as much as 30 minutes. in san jose fog caused one flight heading for manetta international airport to divert to reno. no delays were reported today. a south bay family is holding out hope tonight that someone will return their dog that they say was stolen -- from their home. last thursday someone stole into the lancer home and made off with their dog sharky who they also call shark bait. sidney says she can live without the presents but every time she thinks of her dog she
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feels heartbroken. dozens of shoppers are cooling their heels tonight after a full day of bargain shopping. janine de la vega is showing us what's drawing people back to the stores. >> reporter: the pressure to buy gifts is off but the need to spend is on for thousands of people who came shopping to the city today. >> it's decorations for next year, christmas money that get and your spending on yourself. >> it's like christmas again. >> it is, another christmas. >> it's really fun. >> reporter: shoppers navigated themselves through the mall, many prepared for the crowds. >> we always come early, we know by noon this time it starts getting annoying. >> reporter: but it's the bargaining that lured people. some retailers gave customers a free gift. >> 2012 the charm. >> reporter: like this woman who scored a free necklace charm. >> they're looking to clear out their inventory, i think they want to bring in new product
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for the upcoming spring season. they're willing to do some nice mark downs and get more shoppers to the stores really. >> reporter: research group shoppers track predicts shopping will be up 6% compared to this day last year. many will be using their gift cards and more than likely will be spending more. >> after i got some for myself, i decided i should get some for my brother. so we kept shopping and we're still going. >> reporter: retailers want to boost revenue before the end of year so success really depends on how much people spend today. reporting from san francisco, janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 news. many people have skipped the mall and jumped on the internet instead. online shopping increased more than 60% on christmas day compared to last year. the number of purchases made on mobile devices went up 173%. nearly 7% of all online purchases on christmas day were made using i pads.
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half price, even 75% off sales are all the rage after christmas. with an eye toward next year there were plenty of shoppers snapping up postholiday items. but it seemed like there were not that many people in line to return presents and that's not actually the norm. the national retail federation estimates holiday returns will total $46 billion this year, up 4% from last year and 10% from two years ago. some shoppers were out even before the sun rose this morning: it was dark as folks drove up to do their shopping in pleasanton. for many wal-mart was just the first stop. >> i have to go to macy's to return some shoes for my lady. so it's going to be very difficult. a lot of crazy customers in there. but it's part of the holiday, it's fun. >> u.s. retailers are calling today mega monday. some analysts say it'll be the third biggest shopping day of the year behind black friday and christmas eve.
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you have a new electronic toy for christmas, you may be wondering what to do with the old one. one place to bring it is green citizen. they'll take anything you can plug in for free. you can rest assured the electronics will be recycled safety. >> they can take sample of the air, take sample of the workers to make sure there's no contamination. >> reporter: green citizen's business is thriving in the recession. they work with whole foods and google to generate the other type of green. we'll explain the options and exceptions with a new law involving shopping bags. a soldier shot at his homecoming will likely be paralyzed from the neck down. the suspect turned himself in
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earlier today. ruben h era rdo shot sullivan after a fight broke out over football. sullivan had been stationed in kentucky after being wounded in afghanistan. a woman and two dogs both killed in a house fire in the east bay. tonight what might have saved her and how it's a lesson for all of us. back here in 10 minute, i'm going to have tomorrow's forecast. it's going to be cold tomorrow and in the five day forecast a chance for some sprinkles. not often a super market makes the move, the message lucky has for its customers. ñx
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a fatal house fire in san leandro leaves a woman and her two dogs dead. a battery could have made the difference between life and death. >> reporter: the holiday on broadmoore boulevard is ending on a sad and somber note. >> it's a sad thing to happen the day after christmas. >> reporter: neighbor ramos was just waking up when the house across the street was up in smokes. >> the smoke was coming up from the house, you could see what was coming up. in the back you did not see anything. >> reporter: the house is intact, only a charred attic window gives it away.
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valerie rumf died when her house filled with smoke. her two dogs died in the fire too. investigators say the home did not have working smoke alarms. >> it's always important to make sure you have the appropriate amount of smoke detectors in your home and that you change your batteries on a regular basis. >> reporter: did you hear any smoke alarm? >> no we didn't. >> reporter: we asked edward if he had smoke alarms. >> it needs a battery. >> reporter: according to the fire association, two deaths happen in homes without a working smoke alarm. >> looks like it probably needs a 9-volt. >> so we gave him a battery from our ktvu stash. the rule of thumb is to change the battery and check the smoke detector every spring and fall when you change your clock. no word yet on what caused a fire at ta petaluma home last
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night -- first at a petaluma home that left the garage gutted. the homeowner said he tried to fight the fire but was unable to put it out. he was alerted by smoke detectors. he says he is grateful everyone was able to get out of the home safely. we're learning more about the victims in that christmas house fire where a woman lost her two young children and two parents. the woman came out screaming that her home was on fire and everyone was trapped inside but at that point nothing could be done. one of the kids were twins and the other was a 10-year-old. one of the parents who died worked as santa claus at saks fifth avenue and retired police chief. firefighters helped board up a chimney on the home hours it was believed that chimney started a fire last night. firefighters say it's just the
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latest in a series of chimney related fires. a fire department spokesperson says there was damage inside the chimney that allowed the fire to enter the walls of the house and then reach the attic. the homeowner says a man and woman passing by saw the flames, called 911 and then told her her house was on fire. >> i would like to think this unknown couple for alerting me and saving my home and possibly saving my life. >> reporter: the fire department wants the public to know it's a good idea to get your chimneys cleaned and inspected before using them during this cold snap. today a full pay jack from the lucky supermarket change has nothing to do with deals on groceries. maureen naylor shows us why lucky is reaching out to customers at stores all a across the bay area. lucky is addressing it's customers directly. taking out full page
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advertisements in several news advertisers, that anyone who visited revie their bank accounts for suspicious activity. >> i'm sure they're taking action to happening again. because no company wants that to hit the front page that they were hit by thieves. >> reporter: in part of the statement lucky told ktvu it launched the campaign for customers in case they have any reason to believe their card was compromised. two customers say even though they haven't noticed any money missing their bank recently cancelled their atm card. >> i went to bank of america to make a withdrawal and was told my car was placed on hold. so they had to order a new card for me because of the issues. >> they told me that my card had been compromised. they checked and verified the last six or seven transactions. >> reporter: one branding expert says the newspaper ad is one way for the red letter brand to keep their reputation. >> i think that's the future of how branding is going to be
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done. lucky's in many ways by speaking to consumers directly are leading the way. >> reporter: the branding expert says what lucky should have done this sooner the most important thing is addressing the issue head on. saying trust is easy to lose but difficult to gain. in santa clara, maureen naylor, ktvu news. more details now on the lucky's card scam. the average theft was $775 per person. . there's been more than 550 victims. for more, go to our website and click on web links right near the top. and a little bit of a west wind out there today. right now on the richmond san rafael bridge we have winds north-northwest at eight gusting at nine. what that tells me it's not going to be that cold tonight or as cold as it has been
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because that wind is coming off the ocean, off the bay and that tends to warm things up. even though it's going to be cold tonight, what i'm noticing is a good opportunity for fog. i'm seeing a lot of dew. a lot of moisture in the air. around the bay as well, you're going to notice a layer of moisture on the surfaces on the lawn furniture and on the driveway. as we go into tonight, another cool one but not as cold. this will get your frost, this will get your freezing temperatures and some of the inland valleys. daytime highs tomorrow upper 50s, low 60s. a five day forecast coming up for just a few minutes. and it does show the chance of a few rain drops so maybe some light here at the end of the tunnel. i'll see you in a little bit. st. anthonys in san francisco needs some serious donations. about $6 million in all. but ktvu's ken pritchett tells us, that money is not just for
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food, that money is to build a whole new place to serve that food. >> reporter: the truckloads of donated food arrive daily. and thousands of meals are served in the dining hall, it is less festive than christmas but this is the routine at st. anthony's every single day. in fact, it is busier today. >> yesterday at christmas time there was foods all over the tenderloin. today we're one of the few operations that are serving food. >> reporter: st. anthony's spokesman says donations will continue strong through the end of the year as some seek a tax break then it slows. >> in november and december, st. anthony's receives 60% of its donations at that time. so we know that, we'll save that up. we'll use that in the drier months of january through july. >> reporter: but getting through next christmas will come with an added challenge for st. anthonys.
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the christmas meal that we saw yesterday at st. anthony's will be the last at this building. the new dining hall building will be complete in 2014. about $6 million still needs to be raised. >> soon we will be reaching out to the general population asking them to -- giving them an opportunity, a once in a lifetime opportunity to help build a new st. anthony's dining hall. >> reporter: it's a drive for doe nationals -- donations that has gone on for years. >> for more bay area charities that could use a hand, go to the lasting damage from the cosco busan oil spill. the study about commercial herring that surprised everyone scientists. the man who is locked in a
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battle over his twitter followers. the thing at issue. who has the right to all those twitter followers? him or his old company?
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four years later the cosco busan oil spill is still having an effect on the pay. john sasaki tells us about the new information just released. >> reporter: the bay waters are important for herring fishermen. this afternoon we saw plenty of tourists but no fishermen. but they are likely more outraged than before about the cosco busan oil spill. >> we didn't anticipate to see the tie -- the die off that we saw. >> we actually found that the embryos that were the eggs that were layed in the developing
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embryos were almost liquifying. turning into liquid before our eyes. >> reporter: the only add -- additive needed was plentiful. >> in the dark it was extremely toxic. but in the sunlight they were liquified. >> it's still a good bait fish and its ovaries are considered a delicacy in japan. >> we should be seeing actually this coming winter is when those fish would be coming back to spawn. >> reporter: it's unknown how this year's herring season will be affected by that oil spill but it's clear there will be some kind of impact. in the newsroom i'm john sasaki. a bay area lawmakers wants
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to double lobbying fees in sacramento. leland yee plans to raise fees to $180. the cal access website has been down for weeks. republican presidential hopefuls are making a push for voters. rick santorum went hunting as a camera man shot these photos from a safe location. tomorrow, the republican presidential nominees will begin bus tours. republicans today announced gingrich failed to turn in enough signatures to qualify. nasa scientists are expecting to learn more about the moon in the new year. the two grail spacecrafts are going to end the atmosphere on new years eve and new years day. researchers are also hoping to
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determine what lies understood beneath the moon's surface. the lawsuit against the blogger over his twitter followers. will a court consider them fans or customers of his old company. the hold days aren't over and they could be hazardous -- the holidays aren't over and they could be hazardous to their health. what put this dog into the hospital over the weekend. [ female announcer ] at the jcpenney...
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...after christmas sale, unwrap the biggest savings this monday. shop from 6am to 1pm and save big with doorbusters like... ...9.99 sweaters for her. 70% off sleepwear for him. just 3.99 for bath towels. and buy two bras and get two free. plus with jcpcash... ...get $10 off when you spend just 25. storewide. no exclusions. unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save! go to to see everything on sale. we make style affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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an oakland man is the target of a lawsuit over his twitter account. alex sadvedge is telling us why his former employer is asking for millions of the dollars. noah cravits is being sued by his former employer. during his five years with the
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company, he start add twitter account. phonedog noah. >> it is my account. they agreed it was my account. >> reporter: a few weeks after kravitz left the company, he was hit with a lawsuit. phone is still asking to be compensated for the thousands of followers he left with. the company views his twitter list as a customer list. in a suit they're asking for $300,000. >> if you use their evaluation and evaluate it with lady gaga's account. you outdo their gross account. >> if it turns out that my case can help set some you know rules, as long as the rules make sense. you know i'm all for it.
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>> reporter: kravitz calls this a cautionary tale. kravitz says this lawsuit may be in retaliation of a previous lawsuit he filed for back pay. the crisp crinkle of plastic carry out bags is about to become a thing of the past. a ban on plastic bags is set to take effect january 1st. san jose city council first approved the ban in 1999. in year lawmakers made that law tougher. it remains to be seen if folks will bring their own bags or pay 10-cents for each paper bag they use. >> they haven't been bringing their own bags or paying for the bag for so long. >> probably pay for the paper ones at 10-cents a pop. >> reporter: nonprofits and rest rapts are exempt from the rules.
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fines for stores violating that ban could go as high as $1,000 a day. more details now on that plastic bag ban. san jose will join a growing number of cities who ban the bags. san francisco was the first back in 2007. followed by sunny vale, palo alto, fairfax, santa clara and marin county have bans as well. the holidays can be fun for everyone but they can also be dangerous for your pets. debra villalon has why your pets and chocolate don't mix. >> reporter: we're at a veterinary clinic as usual busy this time of year because of pets who get into what they shouldn't. the proof was on pucker's bed. bits of paper. he sniffed out two dark chocolate bars wrapped under the tree and devoured them while home alone.
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>> it could have been deadly. >> reporter: and could have killed a smaller dog. >> the caffeine had gotten into his system and was dragging -- literally dragging me around the block. and we thought this is very serious. we needed to do something. >> reporter: today at the same hospital that treated tucker, we found another dog that ate a pack of sugar free gum. this cat ate prescription medicines. >> good boy, good man. >> reporter: tucker has made a full recovery but he would eat chocken again if given the chance which his family won't
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give him. >> we'd hate to lose him because he's terrific. we feel lucky this year that he's still here. what do you think tucker? >> other foods bad for pets, raisin, grapes, garlic and macademian nuts. don't assume that your dog vomited that he's in the clear. with dogs, symptoms don't show up for hours. b.a.r.t. will spend much of the new year deciding how the system will work for the next year. bath telling the san francisco chronicle it'll rethink the original focus of commuter trains into downtown sf. they include freight trains, all night service and extensions. several bay area transit agencies are offering you a free ride on new year's eve.
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sf muni free rides will start after 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. caltrain offers rides starting after 11:00 p.m. to 2:15 a.m. b. the vta will officer free service from 7:00 p.m. and runs through 3:59 a.m. more people approved of the president's job performance than disapproved of it. that is a big improvement since october when the president hit his lowest mark of 38% approval. before the 2012 election the president will need to raise his own poll number that is show only 39% of people right now approve of his handling of the economy. there is speculation tonight that apple is gearing up to release an i pad 3 in
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time to commemorate steve jobs birthday. media outlets are announcing that suppliers are getting the new i pads ready for sale january 31st. some workers have cut back on vacations in order to meet that deadline. jobs died in october. ktvu tried to contact apple for comment, so far no word from the company. up next the new business model that makes marijuana as convenient as pizza. we'll explain what some dispensaries are soon delivering. and coming up in a few minutes, in the five day forecast it shows a chance of some sprinkle. it's a christmas they'll never forget. how a large deer got inside this home and then what happened just a couple of hours later as the homeowner was driving down the street. this is an rc robotic claw.
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my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪
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now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪
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it could be the next big thing when it comes to medical marijuana. clubs that are forced to close are trying something new. david stevenson tells us if the customers can no longer go to them, they will go to the customers. >> reporter: the dispensary in san francisco's trick last month closed its doors and hit the road -- san francisco last month closed its doors and hit the road. >> you could say we're next to a school but to get from our door to their door it's about 785 feet. they're literally around the lock behind us. >> reporter: this is how metitrive looked when we visited it last
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today the display cases are empty. couriers are using a smart car to deliver the medical marijuana to patients. >> it is the evolution of those who have had to close. >> reporter: a growing number of bay area dispensaries are now making deliveries. >> it's a lot safer when you have a store front that's on a locked door. >> reporter: besides deliveries, medithrive is doing community work to get their doors open again. in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. in news of the world tonight in syria, intense
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shelling killed 23 people. anti government activists say hundreds have been killed in the last year. the brutal combat seems to have intensified as the arab league sent in monitors today. those monitors are supposed to make sure -- felipe cabrera is described as an important lieutenant in the sinaloa cartel. forbes magazine ranks guzman as one of the world's richest men with a network in the billions. gunfire for the ousting of a. the man in charge of the put on trial for corruption.
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meanwhile american authorities are considering a request from the president to travel to the united states. on saturday he said he would be leaving the country to call the unrest. last month the president signed a key seal and the crisis which has left hundreds of people dead. a response to last japan's nuclear process says that there was not only mistakes made. poorly trained operators misread a key back up system and then waited too long to start pumping water into the cooling unit. the investigators found that tokyo electric power company did not train their employees sufficient. a civilian delegation for south korea today visited north korea to pay their respects to
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the late leader kim jung il. they were greeted by kim jung un who's transition to power seems to be going smoothly at least in the public. south korea has no plans to send government leaders to take part in the ceremonies. this is a busy time of year not only for retailers but match making services as well. hear from a relationship expert and a woman who's looking for that special someone. our chief meteorologist bill martin will tell us which days we could see rain this week. [ male announcer ] it's a rule of nature.
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you don't decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pick vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant fantastic! pro-gresso ] they fit! okay-y... okay??? i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less.
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there's a dating boom underway here in the bay area. and some singles are working on
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a deadline. many people looking for love aren't waiting for cupid. >> reporter: gasia, we're at the blue light bar here in the cal hollow neighborhood. this is a popular gathering spot for single people. we've learned that this time of year is the busiest for dating services. >> did you guys get enough food? >> reporter: neil says he's a bartender at three different facilities. people are home for the holidays and some are looking to meet people. >> people that are out trying to find somebody to snuggle up with for the winter. >> reporter: an online dating service reports that from christmas through valentine's day marks it's busiest season. >> these are just a few of the success stories. >> reporter: julie barque is from introductions by martha. she says business is up 40%. >> the holidays bring to people's attention that they might be lonely or that ter: re
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experts say many single people do not like to ring the new year alone. sue who asked us not to reveal her yours truly has a successful -- reveal her identity. >> it's a new start, it's fresh. it lets you know to be more proactive about what you want in your act. i would like it to end in marriage and a larger family, that would be great. >> reporter: the match making service we spoke to introductions by marshall cost $1,500 for a three month membership. amber lee, ktvu channel -- channel 2 news. the city of los angeles held a kwanzaa parade features
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souped up cars, tricked out bikes and mini cars for the kids. the festival was created by a professor of black studies at california state university long beach. it combines aspects of different african celebrations. celebrations getting a little bit of a breeze out there right now. the wind is blowing east- northeast. gusts at 7 miles per hour, it's cool out there but not as cold as it has been in other nights. right now santa rosa in the low 40s, minneapolis 34, 36 in fairfield, 39 in concord. in the coldest spots you will probably see a freezing area as well. here's what's prompting that slightly on shore flow. we're seeing a little bit of a flow. out toward half-moon bay, the
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pacific is looking a little more active. it looks actually way more active than it has. what i'm hoping for is as this system tweaks that it might start to open things a little bit. tomorrow sunny and dry, clouds with a chance of showers as we head into thursday and friday. it's really just a weak chance. more than anything it's just the hope that this will start something off. as you head into tomorrow, more patchy frost. high clouds, temperatures on the mild side. temperatures 50s low 60s. the computer model does this, you see the rain hanging north. we're just rolling it through time. there's thursday night. there's activity in the northern part of the state. you see clouds down here over us. that's the on shore flow. that's why we're warming up and that's why we'll continue to stay mild in the overnight hours as we head through the week. but this rain in the next few computer runs will be nice as we start to drop south a little
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bit. and that may happen. this is thursday and friday when we're expecting a shot at something. this drops a couple of degrees south. you might be in good shape. so let's watch it and see what happens. rite now it's -- right now it's not a big deal but that would break the stagnant i feel. not quite 60s, we might pop a 60 some where. out toward pacifica up on the hill there behind the golf course you might find something there. 60 in mountain view, 60 in san jose. your five day forecast with the weekend in view, i have if fingers crossed because the clouds are starting to come in. it's starting to tweak out a little bit. the computer models are very light on rain for us. that's the holiday weekend there frank and gasia with a few showers. maybe on thursday night, friday. and valley fog certainly comes
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back into the forecast. by it's been dry and this will be one of the driest decembers we've seen in many many years. >> i can't even remember the last time it rained. >> a few weeks. it wasn't donner or blitzen. but this deer found itself into a home. the kellers said they were stunned to find a buck in their home. at one point the buck looked straight at the camera then turned around at the desk. >> i realized he is actually looking at this picture, which is probably a little more scary. >> as it turns out, wildlife officers say they had to put the deer down to look at this house. later that night, listen to
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this. kelsey keller says he was driving when a deer run into him and collided with his car. what are the chances of that? >> coming up, we have the highlights of the game.
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so there was a christmas miracle of sorts saturday in
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missouri. the crowd of tailgaters at the raiders-chief's game got to witness an interesting wedding before kick off. willie burns is a member of the raider nation, and his bride is a chief's fan. they got married in the same spot they met five years ago and promised not to stop rooting for their teams. and golden state right back at it tonight against the bulls. c.c. sabathia among those at the game. lee had 22 points as the warriors took control in the first two quarters. this time it's monta ellis who
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takes the ball from curry. the troublesome ankle for curry in the third quarter. he rolls the ankle that was hurt last week and operated in the offseason. curry did not return. the warriors were able to wrap up the game. beautiful pass to ellis. ellis led with 26. mark jackson gets his first head coaching win as the warriors even their record at 1- 1. the sharks are in first place in the nhl special division. but this season they have nod hat an answer for the anaheim ducks. fraizer mcclaren gets a welcome to the league. the two joes got them even, joe thornton to joe pavelski. san jose behind again in the second. this time it's justin braun to mccain. sharks get even again. but later in the period they
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have no answer for this. cogliano fires it between the post. that held up as the winning goal the rest of the way. san jose's win streak stopped at four. well the win by atlanta in the monday night game tonight and the 49ers would have locked down the number two spot in the nfc and a first round bye. the saints drew breas needed 200 yards passing to break marino's record. pier thomas powered in. add the kick off for the gift wrapped football. here's the play that put breas over the top. 9-yard touchdown pass. passing marino, saints win. the 49ers have to take care of business on sunday in st. louis to lock up a bye: jim harbaugh wasn't counting on anything else. >> hope for the best, expect the worse. one thing that won't change is
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we'll prepare to win this game against the rams. it's going to take that mind set. it's going to take that mentality. that's how we'll approach it regardless of what happens. the lesser bowl season continues in shreveport. missouri against carolina. tigers win 41-34. next year they join the fcc. the raiders still in the hunt for the afc west title and a wild card spot. they host the chargers on sunday. i guess you can't ask for a better one than that. it comes to the last game of the season. >> can the warriors still get that second seed? >> absolutely. they just have to win. the 49ers still control their destiny. beat the rams you get a second seed and a first round bye. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we'll see you the next time
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