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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  March 5, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PST

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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we searched for the best videos around so you don't have to right now on "right this minute." a guy bolts from the courthouse. what's that bobbling in his arms. >> looks like he's carrying a baby. >> he was carrying his 17-month-old baby. we've got a story behind the bone headed move. roxie the dog hasn't had good luck when it comes to tornadoes. how she survived the second one and where she landed this time. >> the dog is probably thinking,
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gee, mother nature, give us a break here. they shared happy times with the world. now this internet power company is preparing for his brain surgery. >> what has the doctor said? what have they told you? see how charles is getting all trippy on his way to the hospital. and do it yourself engine room. >> kind of like how some people pull their own teeth with a string and a door. >> the casino has surveillance cameras all over the place. they caught a crime that had nothing to do with the casino itself. robert ingram running out of a courthouse and jumps into the back of the car and takes off. did you notice -- >> looked like he was carrying a baby. >> he was. he was carrying his 17-month-old baby. robert ingram was in court for a parole violation. he had his child with him. the judge told him, look, you're going to have to go back to jail. he's like, okay, first i need to
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find somebody to take care of my child. when he did that, he ran out of the courthouse with the baby in his arms. >> who takes a toddler to court. >> you know he has this all planned. >> someone was waiting for him. >> someone was waiting for him. the car was around the corner. the baby turned up hours later at his mom's house. he's on the run. >> he dropped the baby off at the mom's house. why wasn't the baby at his mom's house already when he was in court. >> no word on who was driving the getaway car. roxie the dog has not had good luck when it comes to tornado tornadoes. >> roxie was originally adopted from alabama where she was found
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wandering the street after a tornado hit last spring. her owner was visiting harrisburg, illinois when a tornado hit. roxie jumped out of the window and ran away. her own took to social media saying my dog is missing. help me find roxie. fifteen hours later he gets a phone call from a shelter because she had a chip. we know where roxie is. she's about a mile down the road from where you are. >> that's awesome. >> roxie is an expert surviving tornadoes. >> looks fine. >> she does look fine. what's amazing is how a dog can survive two tornadoes. i think it's time for them to move to california. >> dog is probably thinking, gee, mother nature and all these tornadoes. >> that's a great psa for anyone that has a pet and they are not micro chipped.
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this is a great example of why to have them micro chipped. >> when you see flashing lights behind you while you're driving, what do you do? >> pull over. >> pull over and stop. this lady kept on going. this is in alabama. 38-year-old denise sharply cops trying to pull her over. she kept going for a while. she eventually comes up to this stop sign, waits there a little bit. you think might come out of the car. no, eventually just makes a left at this stop sign and continues to take this officer on a bit of a police chase. she goes down this road and another officer comes and tries to sort of cut her off to stop her. watch what happened. head-on collision between denise sharply and this officer in alabama.
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the officer suffered minor injuries. denise has yet to be arrested. we spoke to a lieutenant in alabama. he said they had to take her to the hospital first, meaning the arrest will be coming later and charges are definitely on the way. you can't hit an officer head on while running from another officer and walk away scott-free, that's for sure. >> i'm questioning her judgment here. >> you think? which part. >> what the heck is she thinking. this is a beautiful love story for the ages. i mean that quite literally. this couple you see here is lillian and allen marks. >> why are you laughing? >> his pants are so high. >> he wears them with style. he's 90 years old and lillian is
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85. they are just now getting married. >> as long as we both shall live. >> they exchanged their vows. they are holding hands. they are finally pronounced husband and wife. my favorite part, though, is seriously the kiss. >> i now pronounce you to be husband and wife. you may kiss the bride. >> oh, yea. >> she's like hey, baby. i want some more. >> he went in really quickly for a kiss. she's like uh-uh, get over here, honey. >> you know what's really bad, it took her that many years to get the old man to make a commitment. >> they met 18 years ago. >> like i said, it took that long to make a commitment. >> they got married on leap day. because they got married on leap day they got a leap frog for a gift. they will got a world record.
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they got the record for the oldest combined age on their wedding day. at 98 and 95, thr combined 1reakers. this may be the navy's next big gun. >> when that thing comes out of the end of this gun it's devastating. >> see what it can do next. >> a vacuum and a cat. that's right. you're seeing it right. we
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welcome back to the show. don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. >> the few people that might know what a rail gun is are people who play video games. they are like the weapons of the future. up until now. this is a rail gun the navy has been working on for years. you see this guy putting a metal
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projectile into this rail gun. that's the bullet. you notice there's no shell or daysing. there's no gunpowder or anything behind it to send that bullet flying. a rail gun is an electrically-powered gun. there are two rails. shooting this seven pound projectile up to 5400 miles an hour. when that thing comes out of the end of this gun, it's devastating. they think this might be something they will be able to mount on battleships and cruisers. >> i'm glad i'm on our side. >> yeah. >> they want to spend five more years developing this and be able to sure it can handle repetitive fire and be sure a 40 pound projectile doesn't disintegrate in the process. they are really aggressive with the project.
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>> the other benefit, don't have to carry ammunition aboard a boat. won't have to have lots of gunpowder and explosives on the ship. this because it doesn't use explosives makes it a lot safer for our military to use. epic piano time. ♪ they have one of the most popular youtube channels. last week charles was on tour and allie was on vacation when he fainted. that led to them finding out he had this mass in his brain. >> i have a tumor in my head. >> he wanted to learn more about
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it so we have charles via skype "right this minute." hi, charles, how are you doing? >> fine. i haven't had a problem since the day of. >> you're getting ready to go into surgery to have this removed tomorrow. >> tomorrow morning. >> what have the doctors told you. >> in my brain, it's in the section that will affect my left hand. >> when people have a medical scare, it tends to change their outlook on life. has this had any impact on how you see things? >> most definitely, of course. i didn't know how to approach it. we're so open with our audience. i didn't know if i should display it online. we wanted to set an example, just because you get unfortunate news, that doesn't mean give up and throw in the towel. >> charles, how soon after the surgery tomorrow will we see you uptding your blog. >> i might be doped up a little bit. apparently they said they are doing to open me up, staple me back in.
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apparently i can wash my hair that day if i wanted to. >> how has allie been throughout the whole thing. >> rock hard. i haven't been able to drive or anything like that. she's had to run all these errands for me and pretty much take care of me i guess. >> your last video you posted, you have a lot of friends giving you interesting, supportive gifts. >> they brought me protection. i've got protection now. >> kind of a little joke, trying to make me laugh. they do a good job at that. >> awesome. we really wish you a successful recovery after your surgery tomorrow. you will be in our thoughts and prayers. >> i got it. don't worry about it. it's all good. i've got this. i'm going to punch it and kick it right in the [ bleep ]. sadly we're not always on tv. but don't worry because we're always on full episodes, breaking news,
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great videos, always on >> why just drink a beer when you can have a beer bong. >> three, two, one. >> count down to beer bong time. bye-bye. ever have those days, one,
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you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord.
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you already have one. oh. ♪
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welcome back to the show. don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. there's three things i love about the refrigerator. john dujardin, french toast and how they clean cats. that is how you clean a cat, take the vacuum cleaner and apply it. i love how the cats paws are up like brush me. >> does it work? >> looks like it's working. the cat thinks it's playtime. >> do cats get dirty? >> cats do get furry. >> yes, that they are. i can tell you. >> according to nick calderon
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who owns a cat, he says they love it. >> they do like to roll around in the dust. part of the reason i don't like cats very much, i always think they are super dusty. >> any chance to run outside and jump in the patio, immediately dives in the dirt and rolls around in the dirt. i do vacuum my cat like this. he loves it. lays there and purse. doesn't mind the noise of a vacuum. >> that's how you clean a cat the french way or nick calderon way. >> that's purrrfect. >> engines worked on by a mechanic. in poland, you tie them to a tree. >> he must have just needed to change the hood oil. >> looks like a volkswagen on a tree, rammed it in reverse. >> kind of like people pull their own teeth with a string
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and a door, except this was an engine and tree and car. >> this is like combat, just rips the heart out of the car. >> i don't understand what their goal is other than maybe a good viral video and a good laugh. >> sounds about the right reaction. >> i'm shocked how effective that was. did they prep the car in any way? >> if you listen, i think they really just put the pedal to the metal. i didn't know trees could be such good mechanics. >> the tree could put it back in. >> cat on a hand.
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why just drink a beer when you can have a beer bomb. he own the r beer near london and he's going to show you what a beer bomb is. basically a pint of beer, puts strawberry liqueur for flavor and drops a shot of liquid ni t nitrogen into the beer and looks like something you'd have from halloween. >> something served. >> you got your wish, fabian. the world's largest beer bomb, nine times of liquid nitrogen and drop into a 120 pint glass of beer. >> three, two, one. >> wow. >> there it is in slow motion. >> pints of beer
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to the floor. still a nice big beer bomb. >> i'm really pleased. it went exactly as planned. >> this is all to promote -- >> i'll get you a beer next time. you never do. >> pint, you can text somebody a drink. tell the bartender, my buddy bought me a beer. buy a beer, send a text coupon. only available at 20 bars in london. i think this is something that's going to definitely take off. if you text me a beer bomb, do i have to drink it? >> no, use it for any drink you want. those little aperitifs you like. good old slug water. >> looks like a good time, though. >> good and dangerous. next.
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♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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there are many different ways to hold a world record and many different ways to hold art. >> when i was in grade school i completely -- i captured my first world record in 1992. >> he's broken his own world record over eight times. here he's building a house of parliament replica. he's making replicas of things.
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this house of parm replica uses about 50,000 cards. look how big it is. >> it's a small miracle but i have actually never totally wiped out any of my projects. >> he says that the work that he does becomes real when he gets to knock it down. >> only when its flat on the floor and dead and gone will it kind of be this great thing people remember. at that point. >> i've always been fascinated by everything equestrian. this video reminds me it has to be taken seriously. this is a video of a couple of practice jumps in ireland. this rider just jumped over four really large hay bails. they are basically bails of hey
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compacted and wrapped in plastic for the horses to jump over. she made it look easy, right? look at the second rider. >> oh, almost like the horse just forgot to jump. >> that happens sometimes. >> it's like the horse wasn't committed to the idea of jumping over the bail from the beginning. the head was turned. i don't want to do this, i don't want to do this. >> she's trying to get it to go to the one on the far right, but it drifted over at least two bales. >> it sparked a lot of conversation including saying these round bales aren't safe. if you're going to use them, nail them down. i called a couple of equestrian centers and they said they are common. they are used in lieu of jumping over a fence, bars. >> i wouldn't say this is too much of a nasty fall. looks like she fell in soft dirt. chances are she got the wind
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knocked out of her and that's always scary. dog loves his toy mouse. some heavy rains in australia recently led to big-time flooding. the college students decided to make the most of all this extra water. this is the creek on the campus of the australia national university in canberra, southeastern part of the continent of australia. see,theyre doing le te watch this guy. as he's going over these rapids, he like ditches the raft and
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ends up on sort of a rock there right in the middle of the rapids. guys are out there. doesn't look like they are really taking all the safety measures you'd think they would take. helmets involved. >> looks like a good time. that's cool. i like that. >> floodwaters, you never know what else is there. >> yeah, right. that's where we'll end today's show with this cool floodwater rafting. thanks for watching. floodwater rafting. thanks for watching. we'll see you guys tomorrow. -- captions by vitac --
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