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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  April 11, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for the best videos of the day, "right this minute." most people take cover in a tornado, but not these guys. >> debris is flying right around his camera. >> talk about laughing in the face of danger. >> and the tornado is still -- it looks like right in front of them. it's a maid service ta combines -- >> sexy and cleaning. >> now why cops mabeleaning if you know what we mean. >> see the video that answers the question, how many bananas does it take to fill an
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orangutan. >> a gluttonous sucker. >> and a surprise underwater proposal. >> a great way for her to, like, use up all the oxygen in her tank. >> hear the nerve-racking story from the boyfriend who worried about dropping the ring and running out of air. >> telling her, remember your breathing technique. if you do stop, your lungs explode. better get in quick! >> getting things started with incredible weather video. we've already shown you a lot of the images from last week's tornado in texas, but we found another video that you have to see. >> is that necessary? >> this tornado hit lancaster, and this is a group of guys that instead of taking cover decided they were going to record the tornado. and whoever's recording this is standing outside where everyone else around him is taking cover. >> hey, come on! >> no. look! >> pay attention to how close
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they are, though, to these extremely strong winds. >> it's a great video. definitely not the safest thing to do, though. >> finally, he takes cover. look at the trees that are right in front of him, and the debris flying all over the place around him. can you hear the debris? >> okay. now it's getting pretty crazy. >> they peak their head out of whatever they're hiding under, and the tornado is still -- within feet of them. >> yeah. i think that's a mistake a lot of people make. they assume that once the tornado's past, it's gone, not realizing that tornadoes can turn around and change directions completely. they were hiding in some sort of machinery. >> it looks like a heavy duty compacter. >> but we've seen those tornadoes throw 18 wheelers across the sky. why wouldn't it be able to throw this thing around? >> they must think that's probably the safest place, heaviest piece of machinery
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around the yard, and that's where they took cover. >> these guys are really lucky. this thing was feet away from them. this could have ended really badly. >> really bad. >> better get in quick! a quick trip to walmart on easter sunday nearly got a guy killed over some parking lot road rage. surveillance video shows rodney alexander getting into his car, backing out of his spot, and a maroon grand prix nearly hits him. he did speak to the news. >> before i got an opportunity to get out of the way, you've seen the car just kind of speed by me. >> there goes the car, but the grand prix stops. a woman gets out of the passenger's side and starts to have words with good night saying. >> should have got up there and wait. >> you can't be for real. you ain't in that big a deal to get in a parking spot. >> you see the woman fleech her waistband and pull out a gun and
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fire at least three shots into rodney's car. you can see his glass break out of his rear window. >> in a walmart? all the open spaces. what's their to fight about? >> to be so reckless as to fire shots in that area is really it begs the question what that person was thinking at that time. >> did they arrest this woman? >> no. the woman la not been caught yet. rodney says if she did this to me over a silly parking lot incident? >> it probably might happen again. they might feel she's invincible now. >> maybe she thought he wasn't going with the flow of traffic, and that set her off. i know. you don't fire a gun at people because they don't know how to park. >> going the wrong way down the parking lane, but, still -- yeah. surveillance footage from an australian prison is causing quite a stir online. the guy being led into the cell is a 45-year-old inmate being held on domestic violence
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charges. three guards putting him in the cell. watch what happens as the guards leave. did you see that? yes. he did. he spat on the guard. now, one piece of information about this inmate is that reports say that he has hepatitis c. >> ooh. >> the guard is not happy with what just happened. so watch this guard's reaction. >> oh. >> he just starts punching this inmate. to his upper body, to his face, and then another guard comes in and actually holds the inmate down while this other guard keeps punching him. >> well, you know, he's accused of domestic violence. so i'm having a hard time feeling sorry for him. >> yeah, but these guys aren't judge and jury. doesn't matter what he did. doesn't matter if he's accused of killing six people. they're prison guards. >> a lot of people are having the same reaction that you're having, nick, but a correction services union spokesman, his name is matt bentley, he says that this guard in particular
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had a human reaction. he was spit on, basically, by a guy who had hepatitis c and this was a normal human reaction to be angry. this incident which happened in october of last year has launched an internal investigation. the officer closest to the camera, the one who's doing the punching, he pleaded guilty to assault and will actuallien sentensen be sentenced next month. sexy and cleaning are two words that usually don't go together, but one company's business model in lubbock, texas, is trying to combine the two. we got this video from kcbd, and it shows the lubbock fantasy maid service. basically what it is, is, you hire one of these lovely ladies and they clean the place. here's the thing. you can also ask them to -- take their tops off or you can also ask them to just be completely nude. >> is cleaning all their doing? >> their website says they have a strict, no touching policy.
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that they're not doing anything illegal. they're not cleaning in exchange for sexual favors but they are, i guess, actually legitimately cleaning your apartment. >> i don't see a problem with this. the only thing that's weird is i don't want to sit there and watch somebody clean the house. i don't want to be cleaning around when i can clean myself. >> what is sexy about somebody standing there naked with a vacuum cleaner or a wad of paper towels bent over in a strange way or down on their knees cleaning the corners of your baseboard? >> you can hire one for $100 an hour or two maids for $150 an hour created by a woman named melissa borrett who says she was struggling single mother and came up with this idea. she says the company's business is booming. >> we've had college students, business people. paramedics. we actually offer a discount to law enforcement. >> but the lubbock police, they say that this company is considered a sexually oriented
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business. that requires a permit. currently the lubbock fantasy maid service doesn't have a permit. if they continue operating it could lead to a $2,000 fine. >> they'll make that back in an hour. this helicopter is going down. >> you know you're going to crash in a flying machine. >> the video with the view the pilot saw. >> is may not look heroic, but this is a fire fighting kind of robot. >> you've got to stand there and go like this to direct this robot where to go. why can't you just put the fire out yourselves? >> ah, steven. wait until you see it in action, next.
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orangutans love their bananas. this one loves them so much he's a little gluttonous little sucker. [ laughter ] >> he is stuffing ten bananas
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into his mouth. >> what? >> is he just taking them there to, like, transport them somewhere else? >> this is at the national park in indonesia, and you're right. rangers feed them these bananas, and at the saum tisame time, tourists can come and see the orangutans eat. apparently this makes the orangutans a little bit nervous. so they'll stuff their mouths with bananas and go into the trees to eat them. >> brings you back to his family and they're all like, dude, we don't want to eat that. got your slobber all over it, bro. in your mouth. >> i love the expression on his mouth when he looks at the camera. like, watch. >> reminds me of a 5-year-old who just came across an open jar of candy and is like stuffing his mouth and pockets so he can get away with as much as he can. ♪ >> in this case it would actually be -- [ speaking in
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foreign language ]. >> does that mean orangutan? >> no. [ speaking in foreign languag ] language ]. >> i've got an incredible view from the inside of a helicopter that's about to crash. >> what? >> i found this video on this crash happened last month in arizona while they were filming the korean version of "top gear" believed to be a malfunction. sharp right turn. and pulled right into the ground. and what do you do? i mean, when you know that's going to happen? how do you brace for that sort of impact? >> hmm. >> i don't know. i haven't flown in helicopters. i don't know what the protocol is. luckily, the pilot and copilot in this video walked away. treated by medics on the scene. miraculously were not seriously injured, but to see it from the angle of inside the cockpit i
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thought was incredible. i mown, you knean you know you' crash in a flying machine. >> going straight in the direction of that right? jet airplane. amazing they were able to get away from it and maneuver away from all the people, too. >> even scarier, where it hits and the dust settles you see all the people running and trying to come to offer assistance, and you're seeing it from the point of view of the pilot. >> landing in that dust probably helped, because it's a little bit softer than landing on concrete. >> i didn't think of that. coca-cola wants to you have a coke -- and a smile -- and a hug. >> what the hell is that? >> what you're looking at is a coke machine, but do you notice the coke logo has the same shape and colors but doesn't say coca-cola. it says, buzz me. you walk up to this machine. you hug it, and it gives you a coke. >> i don't know. i could see some weirdo pervert having too much of a good time with this thing. >> see how many cokes he can
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get. >> you know what i'm saying? >> people get down like that. people get down hugging trees weird and washing machines. i could see someone hugging this vending machine too long. >> but the machine doesn't hug you back. it would be cooler if you got the coke. >> and some arms. >> no. like a little elf came out of the machine and hucked y edhugga door opened and somebody comes out and hugs you, like in a big dog costume. >> oh, that's even weirder. this is in singapore, they put this, coca-cola was pleased with the way it worked out. >> receive happiness. >> and it said, cokes, flowers and balloons, andthat ts on th >> eve an face would have helped. a smiley face. >> yeah. >> oh. >> shag carpeting. >> fur. >> fur would have been nice. they're scuba diving in
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mexico, and he holds up this card. >> and on the card it says -- i love you. will you marry me? >> see what she says, and the dangerous risk he took. and it may not be the most convenient convenience store. >> you know this place is getting robbed. >> see where they do business like this.
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were back to the show, but
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don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. let's go to the mexican riviera maya and see something very, very pretty. this is emily and luka scuba diving. emily thinks they're about to take a group picture, but luke has a different plan. holding up a card and on that card it says, i love you. will you marry me? >> a great way for her to, like, use up all her oxygen in her tank. >> what she's doing? underwater. >> she nods, yes. only put it in a shell. put it in a nice little shell. puts it on. and because they're underwater and in scuba diving a thumbs up means to surface, she has to stick with the good old -- so i wanted to find out more, and right this minute we have luke via skype to tell us all about it. >> were you at all concerned she might use up all the oxygen in her tank? because in the video we do see her blowing out quite a bit of air? >> as you look closely, a part
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where i kind of go like this and telling her, remember your breathing technique. because if you do stop, your lungs explode. so i don't want that to come out of the proposal. >> okay. that was a big, old risk. >> were you thinking about dropping the ring and all the things that might go wrong in this scenario? >> that was the real ring underwater. i had no insurance on it at the time and i gave it to the instructor who i never met in my life before. he held on to it for an r about an hour before we actually dove and i wasn't even with him when help had t. one of those couples that gets married underwater? >> no. probably because she wanted all of her family there. we are getting married in a building, not water. >> you planned this for six months, and the day you were going to propose they closed the porch? >> really bad weather, but when we showed up, he said what we're doing is highly illegal, but we know how much it means to you so we want to get this and do it right for you. >> what was your reaction when you surfaced? >> about the yelling, shaking,
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excitement, and she didn't actually start crying untilal she got into the boat and asked if i had asked her parents, if were-it-was okay? i said, yes, and then she started crying. >> why underwater? >> we've always loved the water, and i figured what better way to do it than underneath the water. i'd been planning to do that with someone signs was, like, 16. >> i usually laugh at youtube, when you freak out about robots, but this one's weird. >> okay tavian, we're in need of your assistance, please follow me to the supply room. >> okay. >> this is octavia. it's a robot created by the navy center for applied research in artificial intelligence, and it's designed to be a shoulder-to-shoulder robot for one of the biggest threats to ships in the navy. fire. this robot responds to verbal and hand commands to help put out fires, but the thing is, it's creepy looking. >> yeah. absolutely creepy, but if you've got to stand there and go like
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this -- to direct his robot where to go, why can't you just put the fire out yourselves? >> this is early technology. i think as it gets developed you're not going to have to sit there and flag thisdown. >> the fire is in the center on the floor. >> described by speech and gesture. >> no. instead of going -- the fire is in the center of the floor -- just take a fire extinguisher and -- just put it out i. agree with you there. again, i have to say, i think this saul very early testing phases. >> using two cameras octavia is able to localize the fire allowing her to target it and compress air and water in her backpack. >> moving super fas to t to that, too. e there, the ship will be burned down. >> mire found. moving to extinguished. >> interacting wit robots.
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>> fire extinguished. >> looks like he's spraying it with a spray bottle. hardly anything coming out of there. >> this is one robot i'm definitely not -- moves slow. squirts water at you like a watergun. >> this is for a few years. >> yeah. we've got the ultimate funny hop. >> doesn't a bunny hop mean like a little -- >> not this one. see the of a bunny leap, next. honey...? [ mom ] yes.
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honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price -- oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothin'. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so, call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪
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sampson is not a fan of the water -- at first. >> daddy's little baby. >> you can see, sampson is an english mastiff and not a small boy. >> i don't believe he's full grown. >> 7.5 months old, 120 pounds. he's got a ways to go. >> look how he's climbing all over his owner. >> sorry, but that's the cutest thing of. he is hugging on him like a little 2-year-old. >> eventually they get the paws off his shoulder. >> go ahead. come here. >> ah. >> oh! look at that. now he's drinking it. >> a drink along the way. >> he's like, wait a minute. this is a giant dog bowl. i want a drink and i want to swim. >> he swam right for the steps. he was like, i want out. >> and still drinking. >> i know. i'm worried about all the chlorine he's injechted. >> i know. >> he's not exactly gung ho
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about the water thing but eventually gives in. >> we all have been there. how many times have we seen a convenience store being robbed. >> stabbed me on the chest. >> he's got a solution and guess where? russia. they've put up some bars outside of this little looking like gas station mini mart, and you put your money in this little, you know, handy little tray. slide it down the platform there. tell them what you want. the person behind the counter gives you your door receipt oh water-o water-o water-o wat doritos, whatever they eat in russia and sends it back to you. >> oh, my. >> this place must have been robbed a bunch of times for this to be their solution. >> yeah. >> but also kind of sucks, because part of going to the convenience store is just to kind of look around. >> right. see how fresh the hot dogs on the rollers are.
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>> you're going into this store you've got to know what you want ahead of time. >> for the consumers, this could also be good, though, because sometimes you go a mini mart and the clerk is really chatty. >> yeah. >> the ones that talk to you, about all you're doing and you're just trying to buy your coffee. >> or you spent too much, because you looked around way too much? >> right. this eliminates that, you know, the conversation with the chatty clerk. >> i like that conversation with the chatty clerk. >> not always. >> just give me my gum and let me go. you guys know what a bunny hop is? on your bmx bike, a little -- boop. >> yeah, a little boop b. >> bunny hop. see this? doing a demonstration. oh! that's awesome. >> what? >> yeah. >> wait. show me that again. >> he leaps over two riders going right at him. >> that is really brave. >> it looks like he's going off
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ramps, but there's no ramp there. looks like he went off an invisible ramp. >> and then goes over two other riders. >> yes. i thb how he has to gauge his height and speed and when to take off? because they're coming at him. >> doesn't a bunny hop mean like a little -- this was pretty big. >> like a bunny leap. that's it for our show. thanks so much for joining us. we'll see you tomorrow, everybody. have a great rest of your day. -- captions by vitac --
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