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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 18, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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place it is tough to warm up too much, but my neighbor said, i can just feel it, we are getting that april sun. you can start to feel it and things can starting to warm up and then everything will start to go north and we'll see a pretty good warmup. temperatures today, 60s to low and mid-67 oz here is sal. good morning it is a nice liking drive in both directions, also westbound 24 traffic looks good, eastbound 24 approaching bart station, it is not causing a big delay but you should be aware it is there. traffic looks good on the downtown freeway, let's go to
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the desk. more ground and underwater searches are underway today for missing teen sierra lemar. joining us from the volunteer search quarters in morgan hill? >> reporter: yes, that's right they are going to resume their ground searches and the sheriff's department will include two more reserviors. now yesterday they scoured some ponds near sierra lemar's home. a video showed the coyotety creek area. sierra lemar's cell phone was discovered a few miles from her home. her electronic phone, with a pair of pants and one of those
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new items revealed some new leads in the case but they deadlined tell -- declined to tell us what it is. >> we are hoping it does result in something significant. >> investigators say she never made it. >> reporter: underwater searches came up empty but police are planning to send dives into another reservior and it is located five miles from sierra lemar's home. a fire in antioch is being investigated this morning which started last night at 'apartment complex flex on sierra drive. two people were taken to the hospital as a precaution but firefighters say nobody is
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seriously hurt. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. happening now people are gathering to mark the 106th anniversary of the great earthquake and fire that destroyed much of the city. they gather there every year to mark the anniversary and a sound will pass, there will be a moment of silence to remember the lives lost. there will are a golden savings throughout the area. they are dedicating a fire truck, there he is joining the celebration via skype and he also came, 106 within any hook
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and 107-year-old george. now the two attended the annual surveyor's a didn't -- agenda to mark this morning's rememberance. we have more about the quake, you can find it on our home page. k tv san francisco police department has rain launched a formal investigation, now 5 on board the low speed yacht never made it pack. they have jurisdiction over the fair lawns you because they are considered part of the city and two belonging to another man. in the meantime we have received new photos from the coast guard. take a look at that, it shows
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the boat stranded on the roxanne -- on the rocks and it is now up to the san francisco police to determine what is going on. >> our working is to determine if it is human error that caused this tragedy. >> the only people who know what happened were the people on the boat and the skipper on the boat. >> some boom are questioning why they decided to cancel the race. at least a dozen has dropped out. octavia spencer dropped out and she is reportedly in talks for a film called fruit bail.
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it will cover final accounts of what happened at the fruit bail. filming begins in july. kimberly conover had tried to get a rescraping order against her husband earlier this month but a judge was tee that i had. she was have iing her lawyer again to try again for that restraining order and that's when her husband kevin conover shot and killed himself. >> they are no place closer to an ordinance that would restrict the sales. they are trying sway the council's opinion. instead they sided with the
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police chief. >> i believe is it is good if we allow firearm sales to occur at residential neighborhoods. >> and hercules san pablo, they are joining in home gun banning sales before it becomes law. they say it is a dream come true. late last night after nasa city council approved her project a memorial to the then afghanistan and coming up, why some people object jock am what could bring changes for some writers and riders. they will trying allow children to ride muni for free. the 22 month pilot kicks off in august but some are arguing
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they should use it for maintenance and meating standards instead. they put an end to free meter packing on sunday and if it were approved it would start in january. a lot of people are not going to be happy, paying to park on sunday. businesses as well. >> they say well, sunday has always been free and now it is not going to be, we are upset. now traffic on interstate 880 in both directions and also at the westbound bay bridge, pretty light although it is on the colder it is unusual for it to be there. >> and getting up to highway 17, that traffic moves well.
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>> sal, when up talk to us it is free. >> for you pam every day, it is free but on the weekend i charge sal. getting ready to warm up here, lower 80s possible but today is that transition day. nights are longer and days are shorter but we have an increase in the fog. yet we it will had a decent income and i have not heard from crocket, she usually gives me a delta breeze and mainly 50s, santa rosa 40 and tie's highs, you can see that yellow starting to show up here and believe it or not we'll see some orange if not by thursday
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or friday, friday and saturday is looking solid. everything is looking north, it is almost a summertime pattern where you will find the temperatures away from the coast, it is starting to set up to be nice over the next couple of days. >> well if you are alike me, springs is pop us allergies -- people with seasonal allergies can expect symptoms to return and the pollen count is up. i can certainly feel it. 4:40 is the time and the deadline for filing taxes has come and gone. some people are relieved and
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some people have to run relief it. what some officials are trying to do to get it out. >> highway 4 looks good as you come to the willow pass grade, no major problems and i will tell you more about the morning commute and the bay area weather.
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. beginning of nato, finalizing plans forthwith city hall of foreign troops from afghanistan, now the combat mission is set to end 2015 and the jell is to -- goal is to shift combat missions by the middle of next year. they are intended to working on any concerns for next month. late last night after three hours of debate, nassau city council wants to create a rock for a months all the to -- monument to support veterans. this senior project, some people objected to the removal of a fish sculpture on third
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and main street to make room for the monument and she is thankful in the end to support her project. >> i want the community to come out and know who these people were and it means so much to me to see if will finally happen. >> high school has collected nearly $12,000 enough to pay for the veterans monument and relocating the fish sculpture. they will talk about what is next for the school, march plants spank records were ceased. afterwards they planned to give up ownership. amsterdam is the first marijuana trade school. mark leno wants to reduce the punishment for drug possession. he wants to introduce the bill
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to classify it as less than felony. law enforcement organizations disagree staying could then public safety. they are grilling witnesses about over spending at the general add manipulate stations. they shouted angry questions at current and former officials. they used other lavished trips to napa valley and a 17 day trip to the south pacific. a group of well-to-do bay area residents are demanding to pay more in taxes. member of the tacks group marked taxes group marked the
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deadline day. they say it is their turn to help a little and keep the country's finances in the black. >> we have been very fortunate and it's time to let the temporary bush tax cut laps. >> they say it will not resolve the u.s. deficit budget and tax us is the not only ones, and warren buffet is now focusing on healthcare after being diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer. he told share holders about his medical condition adding it is not a life-threatening. he says he feels great and plans on continuing his practice while under medical treatment. and a report on that
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infamous pepper spraying report. she said she takes full responsible. she is vowing to make sure such an incident never happens again. they blamed a communication breakdown between administrators and other areas that received worldwide attention. time now 47, they are relieved a group of requested aers were are living there for about a year now. they are trying to get the squatters removed and we got a look inside the home at the necessary the squatters left behind. >> these -- at the mess, the squatters left behind. >> they are pigs, they steel utilities, they steel from
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around the neighborhood... >> we are told five people lived in that home including some children. way point homes says the junk will be cleared out today. >> one supervisor is looking to clear out this truck. they say this truck has been here for about a month now and he said it has been marked outside a half block from the elementary school. a lot of people agree it is not the best place for that truck to park. >> to talk out your house and have to see that, i mean that is a little bit too much. >> too much. >> yeah, yeah. he has asked hustler and now he is working with the police to reach a permanent solution. so far they have not commented.
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joseph naso is preparing for his new trial. he reports joseph naso's second attorney in three weeks and the san francisco district attorney candidate will act as an adviser, he will not request witnesses or interact with jurors. joseph naso is accused of killing four women and if convicted he could face the death penalty. now the bill would strip teachers of their pensions and health benefits. the legislation says it needs some more working. now the bill was prompted by a modesto teacher who left his family for his former student. he was recently arrested for
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having relations with a student back in 1998. he is out on bail and back together with jordan powell. what would make you lineup overnight. right now they have approved they have the x factor and facebook is expanding its empire and why everyone does not like it.
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. they are now working at the new meadow park, 3,000 workers like it despite no official agreement, facebook has already promised to make payments up to $1 million a year, the mayor
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says the agreement is a good one, although not all of the residents of the nearby bell haven community agree. >> i think they need to hear from more of us from the bell haven community. >> the placed on the campus instead of the people cap on the campus, i think is a good way to go. >> meadow park is a good agreement in june. they are closer to giving up -- giving it up and they say it would strip the company to require basic landline service to a consumer. they say it will only land lock the current state policy. right now people are lining up for season two of the x
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factor. we will take you live, take a look at the crowd at the cow palace. at least 200 people are waiting for their shot at stardom. it is open for groups 12 and older. you can register for the fox show and then everybody gets a chance to sing and alex savage will be out there at 5:30 and hopefully you can get a few of those people to sing. >> well, maybe he can get them to sing, you never know. >> i think some of those people would sing at the drop of a what the. >> good morning -- drop of a hat, traffic is moving along well, if you are driving the commute on westbound 92, it looks good heading out to the high-rise, no major problems and also looking at interstate 880, that traffic is moving along nicely and if you are
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driving on the bay bridge approach, no problems on the truck that was there earlier has been moved. now, let's go to steve. everything seems to be tracking further to the north and temperatures are warming up, that means a westerly breeze, we will warmup. it doesn't take much. all signs point to lower member and the nice southwest breeze, mainly upper 40s to very low 50s and highs will be in the s in fact it is that aring to pack up and in santa clara count to you and -- santa clara county and contra coster.
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it is not as thick as it was yesterday. upper 60s to lower 70s and on the extended outlook, it is getting warmer thursday and yes, if you have your glasses on and you are drinking your coffee, those are lower 80s. friday saturday and sunday looks good. >> thank you steven, you know i like it. >> coming up, we are minutes away from opening away area disaster. it marked a great quake. plus the search for sierra lemar expands, we will have more on where they are focusing their attention today. we will be right back.
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. we are live in san francisco, and we will take you to the 1906 quake commemoration. complete


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