tv Right This Minute FOX April 19, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. r p hi, i'm hi, i'm beth troutman, and it'spit's time for right this minute. camerascameras catch it'spit's time for right this minute. camerascameras catch a guard handing a bagr bag tobag to anp bag to an bag to an bag to an inmate, inside the bag,bag, illegal contraband. waitp wait tillwait till you see the list that includesvincludest includesr includesincludes chick flicks. >>r p>> a woman runs into a hospital tor to getto get p to get help and look at the fromfrom frenzy to save her
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boyfriend's life. >>p >> we're>> we're boyfriend's life. >>p >> we're>> we're pretty sure this is a no parking zone. findp find outfind out how this house got a big wedgy. andr and mostp and mostand most humans would love to fly. > this guy can do it. seer see itp see it andsee it and > this guy can do it. seer see itp see it andsee it and weep, it's the latest soaringsoaring stunt from jetp >> i want you>> i want you guys to check out thisthisp thisthis surveillance video from the pinellaspinellas county jail in florida. p we see awe see a worker coming in the doordoor andp we see awe see a worker coming in the doordoor and carrying a bag. wewe seep we see himwe see him handing that bag to an inmate.p in that bagr in that bagp in that bag isr in that bag is illegal contraband. itp it is onion, bell peppers, seasoningsseasonings, and "twilight,"
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and p >> is this a mens>> is this a mens or womens prison? >> mens. >> she handed this bag to an inmate that she is having a romantic relationship with.p carol latercarol later admitted to bringing ther the peppers,the peppers, rthe peppers, spices, and skittles, she said he was a modelmodel p model inmatemodel inmate andrmodel inmate and she was rewardingrewarding him for his behavior. >>r >> why>> why isp >> why is it illegal to have those things? >> becausep >> because he's in jail you don'tr don't getdon't get luxuries. itp it came about because of two snitches. theytheyp they insist that she was also bringingp bringing in drugs and alcohol. inr in thatin thatp in thatin that skittles inr in thatin thatp in thatin that
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skittles bag was ecstasy pills. that'sp that's whatthat's what they say, but the sheriffp sheriff says they have no evidence whatsoever that would suggestsuggest that the alcohol and the drugsp drugs weredrugs were also smuggled into this place. > p >> really,r>> reallyp >> really, thisr>> really, this >> really, this>> really, thisp >> really, this is>> really, this is > p >> really,r>> reallyp >> really, thisr>> really, this >> really, this>> really, thisp >> really, this is>> really, this is bell peppers andand ions. >> then it couldthen it could be then it could be guns andp she was allowedshe was allowed to resign, she's notr notp not going tonot going to be notr notp not going tonot going to be prosecuted, she deniesdenies bringing in the drugs and alcohol,p alcohol, but workp >> if this happened at your house, i don't think the insurance company would believe youp you when you first told them
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what happened. this isthis is inp this is inthis is in this is in brazil, that car rammed into the second floor of a house. >> that's a car? >> police>> police sayp>> police say arr >> police say a man, 25-years-old was driving and slammed into the second floor of this house. >>r >> itp >> it had>> it had to hit that house just rightright to crash through and then get stuck. hehe mustp he must have been flying. >> police are still trying to assessp assess whatassess what speed >> police are still trying to assessp assess whatassess what speed he was going. her hep he escapedhe escaped with just p there arethere are conflicts reports about how many people were in ther the p the house, up to eight people, butr but no one was hurt. butbut thep but the car landed about three feetp feet fromfeet from where feet from where a baby was sleeping. >>p >> how>> how did feetp feet fromfeet from where feet from where a baby was sleeping. >>p >> how>> how did the driver get down. >>r >> you>> youp >> you asked how he got out? firefighters. >>r >> itp >> it>> it looks luke they went to thethe roofp the roof andthe roof and pulled him up. >>p >> if>> if you
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thethe roofp the roof andthe roof and pulled him up. >>p >> if>> if you brought him down, you couldp could bringcould bring the car on top of youp you and otheryou and other p >> i might be>> i might be willing to bet he was going too fast. >>r >> p >> look,>> look, this is where he camep >> so the building is below grade, but that's the second floorfloor and he gotp will theywill they list it has connected parking. >>p >> he>> he was driving without a license,license, so that's one charge he will be facing. lookp look at this surveillance video videovideo fromp video from a crazy smash and dash from florida.p we got this videowe got this video fromp we got this videowe got this video from wsvn in florida,florida, you see this car pull upp up intoup into an empty parking lot. thisthis happenedp this happened aboutthis happened about 3:00 a.m. on wednesdayp wednesday morning, and a man dressedp dressed fromdressed from head to toe in blue jumped out of thep >> he looked like>> he looked like a ninja, all youyou couldp you could see is his eyes.p he has a hammer in his hand. heherhe usedp he used it to go through the first,pfirst, and then he goes through thep the second, and it's bullet
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proof glass. >>p > normally when they see bullet proof proof, they normally go to anotherp another store, but the economy isr is is badp is bad, andis bad, and they will be able to do >> the suspect was able to get awaypaway with a few thousandp worth ofworth of merchandise, and the costp cost ofcost of the cost of the damage for the window. > ip >> i thought>> i thought >> i thought stores put that awayraway atp away at night, i thought they put it away. > ip >> i think they>> i think they normally do, but they theyp they feltthey felt protected because it was bullet proof glass. > spotp >> spot the>> spot the man head to toe in blue. p this surveillance video showsp shows howshows how life and death are in thethep the hands ofthe hands of these workers from thep thethe salem hospital in oregon. atp at theat the very thep thethe salem hospital in oregon. atp at theat the very beginning you see a woman run through the emergency room room room doorsp room doors,
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sheroom doors, she room doors, sheroom doors, she runs in to grab thethe staff because outside in her carcar is her car is her boyfriend, 61-year-old61-year-old john carcar is her car is her boyfriend, 61-year-old61-year-old john p he washe was he was complaining of heart pains,pains, sopains, so she rushed him to the hospital, but when they got therepthere in front of the emergency room roomp room room doors, his heart stopped beating. asp as youas you see room roomp room room doors, his heart stopped beating. asp as youas you see the staff came out to checkcheck outp check out what happens, once theythey realize checkcheck outp check out what happens, once theythey realize what's going on and thep thethe urgency theythey realize what's going on and thep thethe urgency of the situation, a tonr tonton ofp ton of themton of them come out to try to helpp one of theone of the nurses goes out and p starts performing starts performing cpr on john in thep the the car, while thep the the car, while performing vpr, theyp they managethey manage top the
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the stretcher, look at what it takes to do this. >>p >> even>> even after they put him on thethep the stretcher, the nurse jumps onp on theon the stretcher with john so sheshe doesn't stop onp on theon the stretcher with john so sheshe doesn't stop performing cpr, itp itit takes sheshe doesn't stop performing cpr, itp itit takes the hospital staff 465 minutesminutesp minutes trying top him to figurehim to figure out him to figure out he has a blockedblocked blockedblocked p blocked artery, but they are ablep able toable to clear johnjohn isp john is alive because of the quickp quick andquick and speedy action of these employees. >> my, r what arep what are these crazywhat are these crazy
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the kingston train strags, and they're -- train station, and their playing chicken. >> five of them jumped down on the track at one point and back up. the last kid waits until about the last ten seconds before he sees a train coming and jumps back up. not to mention, the third rail in the subway, this one here is electrified. if they were to trip and fall you will get electrocuted or shocked. luckily nobody got it hurt. >> it's not like a two step jump jumping down is easier than jumping up. >> some community members are sick and tired of seeing this activity on the tractks, so
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that's why they posted the video. >> it's so dirty down there throw your shoes up. >> afterwards, they got hot dogs and didn't wash their hands. >> this was video shot in 1989? >> just coming to the surface now. what you're looking at is an image of a soft robot. when we think of robots normally, we think of something
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like c 3 po this one is made of plastic. >> what can this moveable thing do? >> you're looking at an uncooked egg, and the gripper can pick it up. this one is made out of rubber, but it can be out of rubber or silicone. they tried this on a mouse and the mouse was uninjured. >> what's the application? >> they hope to put it as a glove on your hand modify what you're wearing or a keyboard to be used with other adaptations. eventually they would like to use it to where you're not using compressed air, they want to use liquids to do it. >> they could do it in oceans.
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>> the titanic? >> i think they should use it in the claw video game things. >> so you can actually grab something. >> forget military and medical uses, let's change the claw game. >> he could grab your neck and never let go. >> you'll never guess what this art is made of? >> that's nuts how does he? >> it will leave you speechless. >> and he was the 2011 world cup stacking champion and he defended his title and won again, he is here to tell us all about it and show off his
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he is back now -- >> with the title? >> he defended his tielt, he won again, joining us from arlington, virginia, 11-year-old william holly. so you're the champ again two times in a row, how does it feel? >> it feels great? >> how was the competition? >> it was complicated because there's so many countries involved. >> what did you win? did you get at title belt or something? >> a got a big trophy. >> what did you have to do. you grab the first cup, and then three, and you make a stack. and then you alternate hands and then you go back to the
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beginning, and right first left on the bottom take it down, and it's like this. >> that was awesome, that's great. >> how do you figure out you're good at this? >> when i was kindergarten, they had a set of cups and we all started making random stacks. i really liked it but i started getting into it. i wanted to get that -- >> how does that happen? >> a lot of practice? and all that support makes you go faster and gives you more confidence. >> if you're an electrical engineer, and you get bored, this is what you do.
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>> this is eric goodchild, and he is an electrical engineer student at arizona state university. and classes were not keeping him busy enough, so he made this electronic harp. and it is an original arrangement he is playing. it says this took him about three months to build, and he did it with parts laying around his apartment and parts that he got from e bay really cheap. the light shoots up and your hand reflecting the light, and it goes to a senator that goes to a synthesizer that is for each point of light. >> i like that he creates a
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musical instrument with parts he had laying around. >> the coolest thing we did in college was hook a cd player up in the bathroom. >> i like the song too. >> yeah. ♪ >> this is cool, i want one of these. >> it's jet man. yes it is and we have the story behind this flight and the answer to this question. >> how does he land? >> see how he flies, and
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>> let's see what he says. >> this is really fun, but i would hate to be the passengers because it would be a great way to get car sick. >> that just revealed my intro. >> check out these really cool black and white portraits, they are made out of -- >> it looks like it's made out of -- >> it's like a wire mesh. >> what do you think it looks like? >> if i had to say it was -- >> believe it or not, these portraits are made out of wire mesh.
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>> exactly. these portraits are the creation of a korean sculptor. he selects the phones he likes most, and at it with wire cutters against a canvas made of nothing but mesh. >> how in the world did he come up with this concept? >> he is a really well known sculptor, and this is his latest work for his fourth solo exposition. >> at the beginning of time man has wanted to fly like the birds, this guy can do it. he is known as jet man, and jet man has been working on this
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flight suit since 1993. he has gone through different it rations te terations. and you see this guy has total control overflight. >> this is awesome. >> he is not just falling and controlling his fall he's going up, down, barrel rolls, dives. he is a former swiss military pilot. he has a throttle in his hand, and the rest it controlled by his body. >> can you imagine if this is the new way to travel if you want today fly to napa valley. >> so to take off he has to be
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airborne already? >> yes. >> how does he land? >> he deploys a parachute and just gently comes down. >> he is accelerating at the same rate. >> it's pretty incredible. in 2008 he flu over the swiss alps and the english channel 99 years after humans took flight. -- captions by vitac -- -- captions by vitac --
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