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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 26, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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on the windshield wipers, we will start to see improving conditions. we have cloud cover now but the breeze will pick up and there is not a lot upstream so morning rain, it will be cooler and breezy, partly sunny and partly cloudy, a few upper 50s as we see more of a westerly breeze on the coast, here is sal. good morning, traffic is doing well this morning, looking at highway 4 it looks good but all it takes is just a little bit of rain and people are getting into crashes. just give yourself a few extra minutes and allow the other people. let's go back to the desk.
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we begin with a huge marijuana bust, ktvu channel 2 morning news was first on the scene and claudine wong joins us with details of the raid and the arrest, good morning. let me give you a look at the pair house mind us. >> reporter: police are calling it a major marijuana distribution center and patrol officers remain out here as well as investigators. they told us within the last few minutes they have confiscated more than 1,000 marijuana plants from inside that pulling, growing equipment, weapons, police confirm there have been 11 arrests, one was inside as he tried to leave the scene with a gun. into this morning we have been
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watching this developing scene, more than 30 officers are involved in an ongoing investigation and police officers are saying this is not something that happened on the spur of a moment. s.w.a.t. team came down here last night and went inside. no shots were fired all arrests happened without dea. >> they will continue to -- >> reporter: we don't know the backgrounds of the people who were arrested but police are calling this a major distribution center and they don't know that they had any permits to be here or do this and this is something they said will have a huge impact on the illegal drug industry. we will continue to be here and
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we do expect them to be kept updated here on the morning news. we are back on storm watch and they are warning drivers to be especially careful, still some drizzle out there and alex of a advantage is -- alex savage is joining us with more. >> reporter: what that means is when you look down here at the ground, a lot of wet roads and that's what you need to be careful for. we triggered several crashes and it happened around 2:00 this morning. it blocked all the lanes at washington avenue. the chp is calling this a hit- and-run accident of some kind. although no serious injuries are reported. it happened near 10th an l street, 5 people are injured
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and we don't have an update but certainly there was a lot of rain coming down when that accident happened in antioch this morning. obviously the lesson to learn, chp said even though there is not much rain coming down, there is standing water and that means you need to take it slow with your drive into working this morning. ktvu channel 2 morning news. well demolition on doyle drive with begin tomorrow night. it will add to the normal traffic volume, giants are playing at home and people are urged to use the golden gate bridge ferry but there is extra concern on traffic. >> reporter: highway 1, it just does not have the capacity, it
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cannot handle all the people on doyle. >> if all goes well, drivers will use. >> temporary bypass with a newly constructed tunnel. >> this section of jill drive closes five draw -- friday neat at 8:00. that means no access to the golden gate bridge from lumbard to marina boulevard instead they will need to access it from highway 1. just look for the doyle drive tab right on our front page. san francisco police are investigating two apparent hate crimes. they assaulted several people they thought were gay. the second happened near market and got.
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in each case, the men attacked them punching and yelling home phobic slurs. they are described as wide and latino. if you reb nice this map call san francisco police. david blackwell faces kidnapping and human traffic charges. he is accused of holding a 17- year-old girl at gunpoint at his home and offering her on an adult escort website. and scamming the elderly by selling them fake gold bars, investigators released this photo of the man dressed in hospital scrubs who they believe is behind the scam.
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he say he says he needs money to take care of a sick relative. the person is then taken to their bank, they withdraw the money and the person gets the cash, they get the gold bar, the gold bar is fake and worthless and the person is scammed out of that money. >> the same person is using the fake gold bars a in san mateo and other areas as well. we have an update, an autopsy will be performed on the body retrieved by sonoma cliff. it was spotted in the water and during yesterday's morning on
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2. he lifted out the body and they have not identified the cause of death and he is an older man and there is no indication he was one of the sailors swept to see around the fairlawn island. meanwhile they will not file any charges -- they will not file any charges, five people died on board the boat and self agree it was a tragic accident. a berkeley summer utah camp said they stole more than 1,000 kaiaks. the kaiaks were stolen between april 15th and 20th. if they don't get it the kids
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will likely miss out on one of their favorite outdoor activities. it is believed to be millions of years old, coming up, the significance to our space rock planet. yesterday hundreds of volunteers fanned out across a heavily wood area near gilroy searching for sierra lemar. investigators believe the 15- year-old was kidnapped on her way. they featured the story on america most -- america's most wanted for sierra lemar. >> we have had a great deal of success and we were instrumental in finding elizabeth smart. of course we are always
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interested in helping with these stories. >> the segment will air at 9:00 p.m. >> she is great full for the out are pouring of the local support. last night, the big debate, they will hold a debate for a new up street proposal, the plan has set off a real dog fight. >> we don't feel where the children play in the parks are the appropriate place to have dogs off leash. >> the reason i support this is because i want to know when the hours are and i want it strictly enforced. >> the plan will go before the los gatos city council.
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definitelily some drizzle overnight and i know you are checking on this. >> unfortunately pam you know this and i know it, we saw alex out there too. there are 15er benders, this is just a little bit of rain but that's all it takes. >> it looks like it is calm out there, but looking at the chp list, we have a new stalled vehicle east on 24, on the new off ramp, also the commute looks good, no trouble from oakland to san francisco. here is more. two systems this week and they pot started working.
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it finally gave in and the rain moved north and east, very mild air mass in place and now the coliseum front is moving in, just squeezing out with cooler and dryer as more as we go into the weekend and the rain is shooting out over a lot of it, it is very low-level stuff, if you have to drive through it or walk through it then it is and temperatures will come down a little bit and coming in from the north and south and after that upstream it is very quiet. there could be a lot upper 50s on the coast and after that
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everything looks like it is quieting down and after the weekend nothing is outrageous, thank you pam. the latest moment to remember on the campaign trail, a young woman gets a little too excited during her close encounter with the president. and grape growers are toasting for 2012. good morning, sunole grade looks terrific, we will have another check on your weather.
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. good morning lots of low clouds around even some light rain but it is not showing up on radar, partly sunny skies and cooler and breezy today. they are looking to catch an open gunman, that shooting happened about 7:00 last night. a manwareing a black hoodie, it happened right near interstate 880, he fired at least seven shots and ran away, the driver of the sedan was injured but his injuries are not life- threatening. los angeles police are looking for a man involved in a advice on board a public bus.
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they threw a man backwards hitting his head on the curb and he remains in critical condition and doctors say he could die. doctors say the fight started because one man stepped on the other man's foot. it happened at the federal up investigators and they are a accused foregoing through two check striking airports. we are learning about the in meteor that hit southern california. it hit the earth's atmosphere sunday morning and was heard from california to nevada. what happened was incredibly rare. what makes it so amazing is it did not burn the materials
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inside. >> this material still has the good stuff inside, the amino acids, all the stuff that helps to create life on our planet. >> now scientists are asking if anybody has pictures, let them know. michael gamut enlisted in the navy when he survived the attack. somebody stole the memorabilia from his pickup truck. somebody in the community has bought one of this is and will be presented to him tater -- later today. and they may up old the controversial immigration law.
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supporters and demonstrators supports outside. police officers check the immigration off officers. newt gingrich is getting directed to make an announcement. newt gingrich said he is working to prepare to make sure mitt romney takes the seat. they spoke with mitt romney yesterday. president barack obama will formally launch his palm paint -- campain next week. one in columbus ohio and the
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other in richmond virginia. he said it feels like the right time to put the president's record up against mitt romney's. now with the campaign season heating up, president barack obama can look forward to more moments like this. this was captured while a young woman spilled her yogurt on him. she apologized profusely and was very embarrassed and she now has a good story to tell. it looks like the octomom will not be coming soon. nadia suleman was set to appear at the lounge but her appearance was canceled after they saw poor living conditions
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for her 14 children. they had a complaint about her home but say they did not discover any mistreatment. grape growers in the napa valley are happy about the year ahead. they create more than 40,000 jobs but the past few years were rough because of the weak economist and bad weather. now restaurant customers are better so they are buying more wide. thanks to great whether or. >> you know being able to pick earlier enables us to pick the grapes when they are at their ripest which leads to a much higher quality product. >> they may increase with prices but not drastically.
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a horrible up involving a man, her son and now a dog named freeway. and 49erss gave more to andrew luck.
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. it was a horrible highway incident involving a mom, her son and a dog named freeway. last week angela porter and her 13-year-old son were driving down vallejo when they saw a dog dangling on a rope from the side of a pickup truck. after about a mile, the rope
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snapped. the dog broke free and snacked against the side of the freeway and the guy just kept going. >> what was the look of the dog's face. >> scared and hopeless, that he was probably going to die. >> freeway did loose a leg, the chp is still looking for the driver who could face animal cruelty charges. we understand that freeway will be sent to the humane society for adoption. they had the 40th pick in tonight's nfl draft and it will be in the third round. and they will pick andrew luck and he now has the first round and it will be very fun to face jim harbaugh. jim harbaugh gave him some advice about the draft. >> you know, again, he sort of
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said have fun with it as well and don't get emotional caught up with it. >> luck passed for more than 9,000 yards, 82 touchdowns in its three seasons at stanford. let's check in with sal for traffic? sal? we will have a lot of geeks. >> that's right. let's look at the commute, it is a nice looking drive, very light rain and steve will have your forecast in just a moment but for traffic purposes, any sort of weather on the road, it does mean more collisions. let's take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza and going to san francisco. if you are driving on the union
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city hayward area, let's move through. >> now we have a cold front going by and more of a cool front. there is some light rain drizzle out there and then we will turn more cloudy, partly cloudy, from there you can tell a difference, also some fog and our front washes out after some drizzle and rain we will start to see some improving conditions and sun and clouds, 60s on the temperatures. instead of that south wind giving us a much more muggy pattern, that is a cooler pattern and we are happy to say we go into your fabulous weekend . well overnight rain is making for a wet commute and
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steve paulson will tell us where the rain is and where it is headed next. and in oakland, at least ten people are under arrest after a marijuana bust and police are asking for help.
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