tv Right This Minute FOX May 16, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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i'm beth troutman. great videos are coming your way "right this minute." a massive explosion engulf u.s. soldiers. >> talk about a close call. >> see the frantic seconds after the blast to make sure there was no man left behind. america cheered when a marine saw his son walking for the first time. now they are talking about the big day. >> one of the most proud moments of my life. >> and hear the story behind another moment. >> what have you guys done since you've been back?
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>> just took a walk father and son. >> he plows a truck into a pawn shop. >> watch what happens after it enters. >> that part of the story may have you asking -- >> why. >> a bachelor party prank that may once again have you asking -- >> why? why? why? >> it's time to get our show started. nick has our first video. and of course he also has the story behind it. >> talk about a close call. check out this video. see that explosion right there? e camera snaps in and you see o got to that ied. the thing blows up, he dove off the side of the road to get away. remarkably that huge explosion killed no one. >> do they know what set it off? >> no, just one of those roadside ea roadsi roadside improvised. sometimes set off by a button.
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all i know, nobody was killed. they were on a dismounted patrol, checking things out in the middle of a dirt road in the middle of farmland and this thing explodes. you see a couple of guys retreat off to the side off screen. you see a couple of other guys run towards the bomb. imagine running towards an area that just exploded. the courage that takes, too. >> when the war started in iraq and afghanistan it was something you see in the news every day and you don't see it anymore. this is a reminder they are in harm's way and there are ieds out there that pose a danger to service people. a pawn shock in lakewood, colorado. >> wow, all the way through the store. >> that's a truck. >> that is a truck driving right through the front door of easy pawn shop. watch what happens after it enters easy pawn shop. >> the guy was trying to turn in
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the truck and get money. >> there were witnesses to the event that say they didn't take anything, just rammed the truck into it, got out of the car, and fled the scene. >> why? >> no one knows. >> was this an accident or are these definitely would be thieves. >> police say this guy stole the truck, the local station kgmh talked to the man and he didn't even know it was gone. >> there were tire marks where they had run over part of the alley and tore out of their quick. >> the cops come to his front door and say, hey, we just found your truck in a pawn shop. his garage door was open and there were tire marks there. he had no idea the truck was gone. >> the guys run out but they don't run out of the hole they created in the building. did they break out of a whole other door. >> ran out a side door. >> that's weird.
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>> could have been an accident. they stole this guy's truck. they were in a hurry to get away with a stolen truck, maybe lost control of the truck and crashed in by accident. >> this pawn shop is seven miles from the home where it was stolen. kmj got the aftermath. look at this truck in the pawn shop. >> the dodge rammed. >> rammed right through the door. >> yeah. nick identify this car. >> lamborghini. >> a $225,000 car and somebody was behind it in a chicago suburb when this happened. >> oh, no. >> now it's a lamborghini sandwich. >> wanted to juice it and be cool. these guys buy cars.
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they don't know how powerful they are. that blows my mind. if i would ever spend that much money, i would drive it like a grandma. >> at least go to a driving school with the car and learn how powerful it is. >> what do the people in the car do? can you hear their reaction to watching this guy? >> you can hear the whole thing. >> i got that on video. >> and then they turn car around to do a second pass to see the damage. >> oh, god. >> i'm going to turn around. >> no way. >> this is going on youtube. >> you know the weird part is, he almost made it. six inches on each side. lamborghinis are wide. >> nikkhah moment of silence for you because of this accident. >> it's a little sad. >> his pride. i don't know if that will ever be fixed. >> a little too much power for him. you guys remember this video?
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when marine staff sergeant jeremy cooney came home to greet his 6-year-old son who has cerebral palsy walking toward him for the very first time. >> this is such a beautiful video. it brought me to tears immediately. i think it brought everyone to america in tears who has seen it. >> we wanted to reach out to this family onto learn more about it. "right this minute" we have jeremy, michael and melissa via skype. >> jeremy, tell me what you were feeling walking into this gym and you realized your son was walking toward you. >> when i first walked into the gym i didn't know what was going on. they had him behind the screen. i saw him walking for the first time. it's a feeling you can't describe. only thing i can tell you, it was one of the most proud moments of my life to see him, knowing the pain he had to push
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through, the determination it took to make that happy, i was a very, very proud father. you can see in the back of the video gunnery sergeant from my command that led me into the building was actually telling me that i couldn't go to him. i had to stay put. i wanted to just run up there and grab him and congratulate him. it was very hard to stay put. >> melissa, was this a complete surprise? >> he had no idea we were working on him to walk by himself. i had to remind myself not to post videos on facebook because i wanted to update family members. it was harder when he would call and i'd want to say, hey, guess what your son is doing. i did what i needed to and kept it a secret. >> what have you done since you've been back, jeremy, with michael that you haven't done before. >> one moment that stood out. when i came home we took family pictures, had a photographer come out. we went out to this pond on
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base. michael at one point during this photo shoot decided he wanted to take a walk and he grabbed my hand. we walked along this pond bank along the trees there, just took a walk, father and son, for the first time. things like that that i couldn't have done with him before is great. i never thought this story would go so far. i never thought it would have such an impact on america the way it has. checking in with bu feed on a very buzz worthy topic. >> 24 things that don't make any sense. >> in all honesty, i feel like we need to start asking questions. >> km is exactly what we'll do next. >> why do we press harder on the remote when the batteries are dead. >> we have some kids in the trunk. wha spend time on.
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here is what made me laugh outed loud. 24 things that don't make sense. pizza, the box is square, pizza is round, piece is a rectangle. we have him from skype, new york city. 24 things that don't make sense. >> i didn't go to packaging school or anything like that but have you seen any square foods that come in round packaging. >> one of my favorite things about the list, the evolution of the school desk. >> when you're in elementary school the school desk a second home to us. i used to keep everything in there. i used to keep animals in there. each year it grew smaller and smaller. we watched this happen right before our eyes. we let it happen. >> it does make sense. when you're younger you're clumsy. when you're older you're supposed to be more put together. >> why do we press harder on the
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remote when the batteries are dead. >> as much as we wish a remote can last forever, they have to go to remote heaven someday. happened to me last night. i was watching hoarders and was trying to change the channel because it was getting depressing. nothing came from it. >> did you get up and change the channel manually? >> i never heard of that. what is that? these are things that happen in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. i stare at my ceiling, why? in all honesty we need to ask questions. there's an a, b, c, d, and f. what happened to e? what did e do to get kicked off the grading scale. it was at the top of an eye chart. maybe the other letters got jealous. >> why are chicken fingers called chicken fingers when chicken don't have funkers. >> i heard because they are
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finger food. i don't know about you but i've eaten big finger food. >> we love buzz feed. what can we expect coming up? >> a lot of those things that drive you insane. cat videos and all sorts of weirdness on the internet. you guys remember when we were kids, it was really fun to sit in the way back seat, way back in the station wagon. >> way back. >> these kids are having a blast in the way back seat. >> they are smiling ear to ear. they are all sitting there holding up the trunk lid. >> if you notice now the blingers, left-hand turn blinker is on. if you think this is dangerous? >> it is. >> watch how deadly this almost was. >> oh, my gosh. >> what the snap, are you kidding me? >> that was a tragedy about to happen. >> i don't know. maybe they couldn't see because
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the trunk lid was up and they had no idea that this massive semitruck was bearing down on them. basically this person turned left in front of the semitruck. >> shame on these parents for allowing the children to be in the trunk. shame on them for not being a more careful driver. with the trunk up, you can't see through your rearview mirror. >> i agree this is wrong but other countries don't have the same safety regulations we have. >> whether or not it's a rule or regulation, common sense is common sense. common sense is global. >> i'm not saying it's right, i'm not saying it's safe, but i do know what you're saying. in different countries things don't work like they work here. tell us what you think. leave us your comments on"right this minute." when it's a bachelor party weekend, oftentimes the bachelor is at the disposal of his buddies. in this video the buddies take the bachelor out blindfolded and
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they say i'm taking you bungee jumping. where do they actually have him? about two feet above what looks like a pond in the woods. >> they have the harness on him, facebook rope. that's funny. >> these guys are speaking french, but hilarious visuals nonetheless. >> he almost went for it. >> now ever bank suppressing their laughter. they start to pump him up. >> you can see at one point he's touching his mask. like come on. >> here comes the big payoff. >> whoa! [ laughter ] >> oh, my gosh. >> falls two feet into the pond. of course everybody has a good
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laugh. >> i'm impressed with this bachelor party. i haven't seen a single dancing girl. what's wrong with these french men? >> you don't put that on tape. it's a famous road known as -- >> the snake. >> well, on this joy ride, the snake gets the best of one motorcyclist. >> tell you exactly what happens. and this might be the scariest bathroom ever. >> basically the thing pretty much scares the poop out of you. >> what video is this one? we'll explain next. know yofor the best deals.
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that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now, arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. heinz ketchup is only $1.79. that's for the party size. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. get the new safeway app. it's free. and the easiest way to get the most savings.
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there's a section of mulholland drive called the snake. because very curvy and windy, so motorcycle riders love coming to this part of the road to go really fast. pretty cool stunt. third guy comes by. >> oh, boy. >> d'oh. >> come on. you've got to ruin it for everybody else. >> this isn't the first time this happened. there are tons of videos in the west on crashes. >> you can see the guardrail taking a couple of dings. >> this guy had been on the road
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before but didn't exactly memorize it. i guess he forgot how sharp the turn was. >> here is what happened. >> what happened? >> i learned this in mistake. couple of big mistakes. he's looking at where he's going instead of looking where you're going. you're supposed to look through the turn. the bike follows the head. he panics, going too fast, his foot comes down. he slams on the brake. see the back wheel chattering. he can't stop fast enough. >> had to turn on the sternum there, banged it off the guardrail. >> the guy suffered a sprained ankle. didn't go with the paramedics and did not get a citation. >> guys, i've got the new nonmedicinal cure for complications. check out these cures. this was built on the 15th floor of an elevator shaft. >> no. >> with a glass floor. >> so basically the thing pretty
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much scares the poop out of you. imagine sitting on the top of an elevator shaft to go to the bathroom. >> no way. >> created by an architect. >> the elevator not the service. >> the elevator. the elevator commissioned. >> that would be awkward. >> funny if the elevator came up and you were sitting] there. >> sorry, guys. >> i guess the elevator would have to have a glass roof, too. >> if anything maybe if it's like you're having a tough time in there. it's like encouragement. look at all this room down there. just go down and get out of here. >> i said this could be the cure for constipation. i think it could also work opposite. like if you're afraid of heights. >> it will be the cleanest toilet ever because it would never be used. didn't anyone ever tell these guys not to get that close to a llama?
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mr. monkey here seems to be playing with a piece of clothing. >> the girl here wants it back. >> i believe it was hers. apparently the girl in white dress is daughter of mother. what mom is trying to do is help the little girl. the monkey has it. >> now monkeys gets mom threat. >> the monkey is like i'm leaving without a shirt. >> now mom is without sweater. >> monkey calls in monkey friends for back-up. >> look, girl in white dress still hasn't gotten her sweater back because another monkey jumped in. >> they are like little monkey thieves. >> the greatest thing about going to the zoo is getting really close to the animals. even though sometimes they tell you don't get too close, most of us don't listen. this guy is hanging out with the
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llamas, making kissy faces at it. >> i'm a little nervous. >> and they have got really mushy tongues. >> how do you know? >> i have stuck my hands in a lot of mouths. >> these guys didn't know what you guys know about llamas. >> looks like this llama is working something up there. we knew it. >> square on the face. >> shocker. dude has a beard. >> this started with that. >> probably had beer breath. the llama is like i'm not having it. >> you're at the zoo. what are you going to do, wash it off in a zoo bathroom? >> i love llamas. it's hilarious. a petting zoo, get all covered in spit. i love it. i mean, shower after.
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ding ding ding. the fight is on. it's not where you think. look at this. it's a lacrosse match. not boxing. this is in british columbia, canada, at the frank crane arena. two teams. >> i know why they are fighting. >> because their names are so hard to pronounce? >> no, but that's close. they are fighting because of canada. in hockey they fight, so they think in all other sports you're supposed to fight, too. >> apparently this the story. in the second period the team was up 15-4. they had a player that was making its first game back after suffering a concussion. he was cross checked and teams retaliated. the bench is completely clear, as can you imagine after something like, this the game was canceled, called.
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look how many separate are called of the commissioner of the league handed out 15 spendings. he's been a commissioner for years. he said he's never had to hand out as many suspensions at this. for no reported injury aside from cuts and bruises. they definitely got some words from unhappy parents. >> that's not cool. >> i don't think lacrosse and canada a very popular sport. >> not hockey. >> maybe if they do more of this. maybe more people will show up. maybe this was a publicity stunt. >> that's it for "right this minute." thanks so much for joining us. we'll see you next time, everybody. have a great one. -- captions by vitac --
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