tv Right This Minute FOX May 21, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT
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i'm beth troutman. it is a brand-new week, we've got brand-new videos coming your way -- "right this minute." a trip to the laundromat turns very dangerous for a toddler. >> dad decided to pick him up -- >> no! >> see the machine lock on with the boy inside and the frantic efforts to get him out. a bank robber escapes on motorcycle but cops have other plans. >> oh! >> we've got the world's wildest police videos, and sheriff john
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to break it down. >> that's what happens to a motorcycle when it hits an immovable object. >> ramen noodles are on your kitchen shelf. >> they can sit on the shelf forever. what happens when it goes into your gut. >> you are about to see the stomach turning video. no, really, that's a stomach turning. parking near a puddle. bad idea number one. >> bad idea number two -- >> oh! a normal day of doing laundry at laundromat turned into a frightening ordeal. >> according to the poster of this video, some parents are standing here in front of the washing machine. pay close attention to what's in front of them. you see that there is a small little toddler -- hello -- it looks like he's really mesmerized by this washing machine. >> have you to be careful because they like to crawl into those things. >> well, i can only assume that this toddler was so excited about these washing machines that dad decided to pick him up and say, hey --
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>> no! >> he voluntarily put his kid in the washer? are you kidding me? >> well, he put him in the extra big one though. he didn't turn it on. right? >> well, watch what happens. >> he didn't close the door. please tell me he didn't close the door. >> oh, god, no. >> this is so bad. >> no! oh, jesus. >> they can't get it open. >> these washing machines have an auto lock system so when you shut the doors, they automatically lock you can see who we think are the mom and dad franticly pulling on the door trying to get it open to get to their child. >> you can see that the washer has started. and it's filling with water according to the poster of this video. >> oh, man. >> why would he do this? why? >> obviously he didn't know that the thing was going to turn on and lock. >> things get incredibly frantic quickly. >> oh, my god. the parents run for help. here comes the worker down the aisle. he gets into this like cabinet area where we can only assume
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there is a power source. but luckily at the end we see the door come open and the father grabbed the child in his arms. now the poster of the video did say that the child was fine after this incident, that he only had a few bumps and bruises. what was supposed to be a routine traffic stop for a suspected dui driver became extremely violent. driving this car is elijah knowles, he's 26 years old and he was swerving so this trooper attended to pull him over. >> you have beers? >> yeah, beers. i had a couple. >> she proceeds to perform a field sobriety test which he fails. and just as she was about to arrest him, he started attacking her and trying to fight her to get control of her taser. as you can see right here, there's a struggle right next to his car, but then he starts dragging her over to a ditch right off the side of the road
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where he continues to hit her on the head with the taser and also tried to get a hold of her gun. >> what? >> so stupid! doesn't this guy realize that by this time his license has already been called in, his license plate number's already been called in. you're caught, just give up. >> this confrontation lasted for about two minutes when another trooper came in to try to help her. but when that happened he got back into his car and led them on a car chase. speeds of over 100 miles an hour. eventually he ends up crashing his car and they're finally able to apprehend him. this happened in october of last year. a jury recently found him guilty of five felonies which is going to land him in prison for 44 months. >> 44 months? >> wow! >> he dragged a female police officer into like a ditch, tried to shoot her with a taser, and he's only getting 44 months? >> had he just stopped and gone through the original citation he
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would have spent probably 30 days in jail. look at this video captured by the ozark radio news from west plains, missouri. this is the ozarks treasures thrift store. you can see it is a fully involved fire. firefighters are attacking it. look at that. see that? >> that was big old flame. >> that was the wall, the back wall, collapsing. but there is also video from the west plains fire department from a helmet cam. >> you can see what they're doing here is they're taking orders to move the hoses away from the building because i think they're afraid that other walls are going to collapse and then be on top of their hoses, probably damage their hoses. >> but look at them. this is before the wall
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collapse, this is them going inside trying to figure out what's going on. >> more an more of these helmet cams they're putting on firefighters, it is just giving us all a greater appreciation for what these guys do. we get to see what it looks like to walk into a building on fire. >> hey! >> hey! back up! ramen noodles have long been a stand-by of the college student. but they also have pretty long shelf life. you ever wonder what does that mean when it goes into your stomach then? if it can sit on your shelf forever. what happens when it goes in your gut? we can actually see what it looks like in your stomach, thanks to something called a smart pill which basically is a camera the size of a multi-vitamin that you swallow during meal time. >> excuse me, who retrieves the camera? >> a scientist like a doctor from the massachusetts general hospital. he is looking into how the body digests something like ramen noodles because, of course, we
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know there are a lot of weird preservatives in ramen noodles. what we are seeing here is a stomach contracting back and forth, back and forth, as it is trying to grind up the ramen noodle. >> they also did a comparison with test subjects eating, say, fresh homemade ramen-like noodles. >> the most striking thing about our experiment, when you look at a time intervalue, one or two hours, we notice the processed ramen noodles were less broken down than homemade ramen noodles. >> it is brilliant though because it gives you an idea of what your body is doing whenever you eat all of these processed foods. >> here's the thing. doctor said -- >> just to be clear, the impact it has on the gi tract, we are not sure. many things are good in moderation. processed foods still need to be investigated further. >> they are delicious. boy, have we got a video for you. >> it's the world's steepest,
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welcome back to the show. but don't forget to check in at, great videos all day long. the humane society conducted an undercover investigation last year of the gw exotic animal park outside oklahoma city, oklahoma. the gw exotic animal park is a roadside zoo that has over 1,400 different animals and over 200 of those animals are exotic cats. but the humane society is concerned about animal safety. also concerned about the public
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safety. the owner of this exotic animal park is joe. according to the humane society, joe instructed workers to hit the animals on the nose or to even whip them if they weren't doing what you wanted them do. there are people interacting with a tiger. you'll see this tiger go after a small boy. >> if you're a customer of this place and you're comfortable putting your toddler in a cage with a tiger. i mean, thank you. that's irresponsible of the parents. >> that sound bite right there is terrifying for the people of the humane society to hear. if you remember back in october we had the story here on the show. man who owned exotic animals released the animals, then killed himself. as a result, 48 of those animals ended up dying because officials were scared for the public's safety. >> why does he have this zoo? >> according to joe, he says
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this animal park is the largest refuge for unwanted animals in the world. >> how do you defend some of the things that we saw in the video? >> three things in their entire video is actually true from my staff. you have to train a tiger to respect you as much as you respect it. no different than your child, except the tiger's going to grow up and kill you. the usda has already been in touch and they don't find that abusive either. the lady that's bent over in the small tapes that popped the tiger on the nose is definitely not abusive, especially when one bites you on the ass while you're trying to get out of the cage. the third thing, we have never had a child scratched with a baby tiger and they sent that child running across that cage for the sole purpose of being able to film something. we have nothing to hide here.
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it is amazing that the only people that ever have any bad pictures is inside the united states. >> steven, i'm about to make bethtroutman nauseated. >> wow. >> that is a nearly 2,000-foot drop. it's nearly 6,000 feet long. and they claim it gets to 160 kilometers per hour. that's roughly about 100 miles per hour. >> i would totally do this. of course, you have to go to nepal to do it, but that's all kinds of options. >> i was first sitting like this, [ bleep >> he would do like i would do. like the first few seconds i'd
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close my eyes then open them, like, okay, i haven't hit the ground yet. >> he said first 15 seconds. that's 15 seconds of terror. that feeling, that stomach tanking where your stomach ends up in your throat feeling? >> not your best. >> i told that you it would make me nauseated. i got sweaty. >> get her a napkin, somebody? >> tomorrow on "right this minute," last week we showed you the video of the swan versus the skier. >> i didn't see anything. it all happened so quickly. >> an update next time on "right this minute." these guys are armed and dangerous with chalk. chalk war is going down -- next. and, it's one of the world's wildest police videos. >> then one of his wheels isn't even working. >> but it doesn't end there. >> oh! >> the chase continues -- "right this minute."
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we're going to dream in technicolor. technology color. what if you could control your dreams? >> it would be very cool. >> it's called lucid dreaming. and people have been fascinated by this concept for centuries. >> i wish i could lucid dream! >> these two fellows have come up with a way for you to cheaply be able to control your own
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dreams. it's called the remi mask. it is a kick-starter project. >> inside what looks like a normal sleep mask is a microcontroller that waits until you are at the paefk rem sleep, then flashes a series of customizable light patterns. the lights aren't bright enough to wake you up but will appear as visual anomalies in your dream. recognizing these anomalies alerts the sleeper that they are dreaming and triggers lucidity. >> to explain this a little better, we'll bring in our lucid dreamer. >> maybe he can sell me on this because right now i'm a little skeptical. >> hey. i'm sold on this. but steven's not buying it. >> this is real. it is some incredible technology. so in order to start lucid dreaming, you have to realize that you're in a dream. that is what starts it all off. a lot of people have tried do this for years an years. normally what they do is incredibly hard and it takes tons and tons of time because you have to get yourself to realize that you are in a dream. are these available?
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people can buy these now? >> they are taking pre-orders right now. if you did not manage to get into their kick-starter, can you pre-order them on their website. >> for? >> $95. >> ooh. that is expensive. >> the $95 may seem expensive but for a lot of people it is incredibly cheap for what they are trying to do. lots of people tried doing this for years and years and they just can't get there yet. this could be the one thing that pushes them over and allows them to lucid dream. >> yeah. before i saw this next video i never realized that a simple school supply could be so dangerous. look at this. this video is by so crispy media. what do you see? two guys across the parking lot from another two guys. countdown in the middle of the parking lot. guys scramble behind the van and begin drawing wi inin ining wit. what are they drawing? they're drawing chalk weapons! the title of this video is
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"chalk warfare." check out these chalk bullets. this guy's making like a chalk m-16. >> this video's chalk-full of coolness! >> oh, that is cool. >> it's dry myself a chalk jet fighter. >> i'd draw myself a brand-new pair of christian leboutins. >> now watch this. guy thinks he's safe walking away with his pink chalk weapon until he got a blue chalk bullet to the back of the head, sniper rifle style. what happens next after this guy gets hit with a chalk bullet straight to the dome? you got to draw a chalk outline around him, i guess. these guys did some pretty cool visual effects with these chalk weapons. this is pretty cool. >> well done. >> this video was so crispy. >> so crispy!
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in this video, the shadows come to life. this is a video by joe posted on the video channel of predatory birds. literally it is all about the shadow. >> so they're shooting skateboarders but just the shadows. >> but just the shadow. and -- >> that's some crafty camera work. >> it just plays with your mind a little bit. it makes you kind of dizzy and kind of -- like the cement looks like the sky and you're drawn in by that. >> messing with my head a little bit. >> yeah, right? you get a little bit dizzy. >> i'm ready to see peter pan
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standing there. like this. >> funny that you say that because this video was in fact inspired by the symbolism in peter pan. >> that's a cool idea. >> isn't that cool? >> yeah, real cool. >> i think we've all been guilty of having our eyes glued to the screen when spike's world's wildest videos are on. we've got a sneak peek at tonight's show. joining us, the man with the legendary voice behind world's wildest police videos, sheriff john bunnell in the house. >> good to see you. the show is a wild ride. this one is no different. one piece is involved in a pharmacy hold up and another involved a stolen car in australia. the motorcycle one i call my favorite traffic stop ever. >> i think we are seeing one now. >> this guy goes in and is holding up the pharmacy around
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he's got some hostages and there is a long negotiation going on. he also says he has some explosives. he wants a get-away vehicle, either a car or motorcycle or something so he can flee the scene. watch what happens when he gets on the bike and what this officer does to make a traffic stop. >> oh! >> whoa! >> it looked like him and his bike both exploded. >> probably going 60 miles an hour. that's what happens to a motorcycle when it hits an immovable object. >> what happened to this guy? >> actually, he survived and he went to prison for about 20 years. >> the united states, is an officer allowed to use a vehicle like that to take down a suspect? spl depends on the nature of the crime. you don't do that to everybody but this guy allegedly had a bomb, he had guns. he had held people hostage. obviously they thought he was a risk and decided to take some affirmative action. >> so the second video involves a police chase with a porsche? >> yeah. this happens in australia. >> it looks like he hit the guardrail. then one of his wheels isn't even working. >> oh! >> then it just caught on fire.
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>> oh, my gosh -- somebody else hit the wheel when it fell off the car. >> what's the back story on this guy? >> he got caught. he wasn't injured and he went to prison. sometimes you make light of these situations but there is a great risk factor not only for the officer but for innocent civilians on the road. i'm a firm believer in chasing them until they drop. we'll see both cases on the show tonight. >> they can out these two awesome videos and of course a ton of other cool police chases tonight on spike's world's wildest police video. this video is just full of bad ideas. in a parking lot, you can see there are several different free parking spots but this girl decided to park in the spot that has a big old puddle right by the driver's side. >> that's so like something i would do. >> bad idea number one. bad idea number two -- >> oh. >> oh! >> she had it. >> she was so close. so close and yet so far!
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>> i like the effort. >> the question is, why? >> because if she did it, it would have been awesome. >> the poster of this video says she is the sister and say she parked her car purposely on top of this puddle. >> look at the look on her face. damn! it's on video, too. >> definitely could have went in the passenger side or just not park there. >> does this have wet consequences? >> in some scenarios. >> yep. yep. that's it for our show. thanks so much for joining us. have a great rest of your day and we'll see you next time.
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