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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  May 29, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've got great videos and the stories behind them -- "right this minute." a leopard wades into a deep reservoir, but he can't get out. >> and he's pissed. >> how the amazing rescue effort came to a surprising end. remember the woman who came unhinged on a sky diving trip? >> well, now new information has surfaced. >> so has the 81-year-old who survived the jump. >> i don't like at it that way. cops say this guy pulled off a bold theft. >> and what he was stealing really suction. >> see why it also fetches big money on the black market.
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and, a hamster with a flair for the dramatic. this is video from india. it captures the rescue of a leopard that became stuck inside a water reservoir. >> oh, man, that's got to be dirty down there, too. >> yeah, can you tell there is a lot of algae growing. he's covered in it but he can't get out. >> and he's pissed. >> yeah. >> cats don't particularly like water and to be stranded in that cesspool -- yuck. >> the community did come out to try and help rescue him. as you can see in the video, there is a lot of people trying to think together as a group to bring this cat out. >> poor thing's got to be exhausted, too. but it doesn't look like there's any place for him to rest. >> there's no place for him to rest. he's there and he can't even lay down because if he does, he's
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under water. you see people there lowering ropes, at one point they're lowering nets. they also do a ladder. eventually the cat was scared by the net that they were lowering that it ran away from it straight to the ladder. >> get there! get there! get there! >> and ended up climbing and rescuing himself. >> perfect. >> be funny if that's exactly how they drew it up, too. let's drop the net down, freak him out a little bit, but then have the ladder over there so he can find his way out on his own. >> there's a happy ending to this story because the cat was released into the wild. >> you think all those people standing around now realize, oh, yeah, he's free. oh, wait, he's free! some scary and tense moments on the streets of tempe, arizona. check out this video that one of our employees johnny ortiz shot. there is a man on the street
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with a knife in that blue shirt. he's threatening to harm himself. he's already cut himself a little bit. >> he's really gnawing at it, dude nap can't be real, bro. >> yet you can see, he's got a knife to his neck. >> he was actually making contact with the knife against his neck at that moment. >> tell us more about this video. here is the guy who shot the video, johnny ortiz, one of our cameramen here at "right this minute." >> we were actually down there shooting a short film and we see this guy pacing back and forth just really franticly and he had blood coming from his neck. as soon as we saw he had a knife in his hand, basically got to a safe area. that's why you see we were kind of far away. a couple of bouncers from the bars that are close by walked over and were trying to talk this guy out of it. >> i heard you say this can't be real, this can't be real. how did you realize that, yeah, this guy really did have a legitimate knife? >> we were just kind of thinking, look, there's no way this can be real because the guy
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literally had a knife on his knife and he was just sawing at way at it like really trying to take it off. we just thought this can't be right. as soon as we saw that the police started getting there and this guy was actually taking it farther, we thought, hey, maybe this is really real. >> how did this situation end? >> one officer got there on scene probably within about five minutes after the call was placed and at that point he drew his weapon. he told him, hey, put the knife downwn. threw the knife on the ground and then one of the security guards came over and kicked it away and then he just basically laid on the ground. another officer showed up and then they took him away. >> did he threaten anybody else? didn't look like he was trying to threaten anybody else. but then again, you never know. who's to say he couldn't have lunged at somebody else. >> i'm out here on interstate 10 headed eastbound. >> this guy's name is jeff and he's traveling on i-10 east in jacksonville, florida. in this video i guess he's trying to show that we have
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rights to record the police. >> i'm just going to flash my high beams, let people know slow down, try to slow people down a little bit. see what happens. >> he does point out the speed limit is 70 miles per hour. he's got his cruise control set at 70. he shows us that on his dash. he shows that he has his seatbelt on. and here's where you can really start to hear him clicking the high beams. as you can probably guess, officer comes and pulls him over. >> what's going on? >> i just want people to know cops slowing people down. >> that's it? >> yeah, that's all. >> i thought were you calling for help or something. >> no, no. i'm audio video recording. >> the officer takes his license, goes back to his cruiser an returns. they have this sort of exchange. >> hey, can you put that down for me, please? >> i'd rather not.
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i know it's my right to be able to record. am i being detained? >> you want to go, go ahead. i'll let you know what i was going to say as soon as you put it down. you tell me. i'm going to check one more thing. whenever you want to leave, just let me know. >> the officer keeps his cool and does let jeff leave, doesn't give jeff a ticket or anything. is this guy just trying to sort of push the buttons of these officers? >> absolutely. because he's flashing his high beams saying he's warning other drivers that there is an officer but he's doing it when the officer's right there. he's driving 70 miles an hour holding a phone in his hand putting himself and other people in danger if something goes wrong. >> that's what a lot of the commenters on youtube are saying, he did it on purpose to get pulled over to sort of have this conversation about filming the officer. >> all right, mr. gray. everything's in order. you flash the lights that many times, we're going to think you're calling for help. a pennsylvania man was caught on camera stealing. and what he was stealing really suction. we got the story from wpxi.
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see the guy walking out the automatic doors of this department store? he's carrying a vacuum cleaner. >> wow. it suction. i get it. >> this doesn't make any sense at all. it is a giant box, he can't hide it. why do you need to steal a vacuum cleaner? >> that's a good question and great point that you have raised. nowhis guy hit this kohl's department store in rock township according to reports five times in the last month. each time stealing high-dollar vacuum cleaners, along with two accomplices. a man and a woman act as a look-out as he stands in the back of the store, picks up the vacuum cleaner, and you're right, nick. he walks right out with the box on his shoulder and nobody seems to notice. this is a dyson vacuum cleaner. it is worth are around $700. and apparently there is a new black market for high-dollar vacuum cleaners like this. this was a shock to the police
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in rock township because they didn't realize that there was a black market for vacuum cleaners. and the sad part of all of this is that the honest consumer will end up paying the price for this because the more this happens, the cost of this ends up being transferred to the consumer. these guys are on a very long bike trip. and that dog right there -- >> how long have you been with them? >> see the epic story of the little dog. and we're kicking off summer in the oceans and in the streets. >> jump off a cliff. all your friends are doing it. >> see the stories behind a couple of summer start-up videos.
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a group of cyclists found an unlikely friend in that little pooch running right next to them. >> ah! >> we found this video. somewhere along their journey through the mountains of tibet they ran across this little homeless dog.
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they fed him a drum stick and since that moment this dog said, they're my buddies, i'm running to support them throughout their entire cycling journey. >> how long hayes been with them? >> he's been with them for 20 days and he's been running next to these cyclists about 50 to 60 kilometers per day. the little guy is a champion. he has gone over more than ten mountains that are over 400 meters high and two that are over 5,000 meters high. the journey was just over 1,000 miles. >> whoa! >> the group was so moved by this little puppy that they are going to keep him. >> that must have been a really darn good drumstick. >> he's a little dog though. i could see a bigger dog having the legs and stamina to keep up with cyclists, but going downhill, this tiny dog? i'm surprised he kept up. >> when you've got nothing to lose, you give it all you've
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got. we're going to take a little break in our show right now so that we can have a medicine moment. there is a new invention that's out there that's pretty darn cool. it was created by some researchers at m.i.t., of course. >> they're geniuses. >> this is actually a needleless way of getting medicine in to your body. it is jet injected medicine. >> we're developing a system that eliminates the use of needles and instead delivers drugs into tissue using a high-pressure stream right into the skin. >> wow. this would totally replace getting shots because people hate getting shots. >> right. this mechanism could change the way that we get medicine into patients's bodies. >> i kind of like getting shots. is that weird? >> that is weird. >> always thought it was kind of cool. >> it was cool or you like the feeling? >> i don't know. i think i have a problem maybe.
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i like it. well, to tell us more about this new process, we're going to bring in our science guy, zack. now jet injection is not a new thing but this is a new way do it. right? >> right. basically they have a very powerful magnet that's surrounded by a wire coil. they put an electric current through this wire coil. this makes a piston move and injects the drugs extremely fast into the skin. >> how do you not feel this? how does it not feel like a needle prick? is it so small it just goes right through a pore? >> it is really small. it is about the size of a mosquito nose. but they say they can move this system at near the speed of sound. it can be delivered straight into the eye or to the ears. >> what? >> steven would be sad though because he wouldn't have needles. memorial day is the unofficial kick-off to summer. these people are just a few, had
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a great weekend. this is in hawaii off the coast of kona. guys are out on a charter boat trip and wound up swimming with a bunch of dolphins. took the go pro divehousing down underneath the water. they swam with ten-foot oceanic shark. they kind gf up, they're above the water, they get down underneath the water. underneath the water it is littered with dolphins. can you have just as much state side, too. these people in fossil creek, arizona went for a little cliff dive, kicking off summer with the emerald green waters in arizona. >> how beautiful! where's that? >> about two hours outside of phoenix. >> wow! that's cool. >> i would have no idea water like that would be in arizona. >> you would think it would
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be -- >> there is water in arizona if you know where to look. beautiful way to kick off your weekend if you're not barbecuing and hanging out. just jump off a cliff. all your friends are doing it. she looked terrified in the sky diving video that went viral last week. >> we all thought at the time that the instructor had pushed her out of the plane. >> now the 81-year-old sets the record straight on what exactly went wrong with her jump. >> i didn't know anything. only to hold on. that's all. and a video -- >> redneck uses the car wash as a shower. >> and that's what we're going to show you later. >> i've always wanted to do this. i've always been curious as to what would happen.
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last week you guys had quite a reaction when i showed you this just insane video of the 80-year-old woman jumping out of a plane, going sky diving. huge mishap. she's hanged from her straps. at the time we didn't even know much about this woman or the video all together. well, now new information has surfaced. she's 81. her name is laverne everett, this was in fact for her 80th birthday. it happened back in may of 2011 but her sister recently uploaded it to youtube so friends and family from out of state could take a look at it. we all thought at the time that the instructor had pushed her out of of the plane.
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but laverne says, no. her knees actually locked up and that's what she was doing when she was holding on to the door of the plane. listen to her here in an interview with cbs 13 in sacramento. >> some people look at that video an think she's being forced out of that plane. >> no. no. i don't look at it that way. he knew how bad i wanted to jump. >> now laverne says that her upper harness slipped off and that's what led to this crazy scene. she also told cbs 13 in sacramento that she didn't exactly even know what was happening during the whole fall because her shirt was over her head. >> that's probably a good thing that she didn't know what was happening or couldn't see what was happening. >> i didn't know anything. only to hold on. >> it's great to see that she doesn't feel like she was wronged in this situation because i think that's part of the reason most of us were angry. >> somebody didn't do something right here. it would seem to me if you're pitting your life in that harness, it wouldn't just slip off.
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>> i don't want to end up hanging from it like it is a pair of monkey bars. >> the parachute center says nobody was hurt in this incident. laverne says her thrill seeking days aren't over just yet. >> i never have ridden in a race car. >> more than 100 years after the wright brothers took flight, the boundaries of human flight continue to be push. the latest is this. a solar powered airplane. on its way to make a world record flight. this solar impulse, as it is called, took off from switzerland and is heading to morocco. quick stop in madrid and it is flying with no fuel. just solar power. itm news talked with the crew about how this whole thing will go off. >> to be able to go to 9,000 meters and more energy we collect even in the batteries so that's very impressive, that's very different.
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>> the thing goes -- get this -- 44 miles per hour. >> that's it? 44 miles per hour? >> it's really pushing boundaries there! >> but look at the size of this plane. it's got a huge, huge wingspan. it's built outof composite. it is very, very lightweight. >> what i can't understand is how they get it off the ground without thrust and all that incredible speed that we are used to in a 737. >> let's say it is a leisurely flight. >> imagine though if somebody goes wrong and you're only going 44 miles per hour that high up, you got a lot of time to just glide down. this hamster has some mad acting skills. >> he reacted like slow motion. it's like he grabs himself, fell over. >> see why he deserves an academy award.
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this is video from a transit bus in santa fe, new mexico. watch closely. this is a camera on the outside of a bus. the bus is at a stoplight. it starts to take off. all of a sudden it clips a 75-year-old man. had he to be getting off the bus, right? they just let him out? >> he was crossing the street? >> i think he was trying to cross the street. >> how could he miss that? >> the man was not seriously injured. the man did have some minor injuries. he got back on his feet pretty
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quickly. they took him to the hospital where he was treated and released. the bus driver was cited for failing to exercise due caution. >> i'm agreeing with that one. >> the bus driver has been removed from duty while there is an investigation going on just to find out what happened. he doesn't have any record of any sort of incidents like this, so it can be just an accident. >> steven, are you ready for some hamster hill later? hilarity? it is time for the hilarious hamster clip of the day.ilarity? it is time for the hilarious hamster clip of the day. watch this little guy. you see the camera get close? this is what's going on in the background. watch the hamster react. >> did he just act like he got shot? >> yes. >> and fell over? >> yes. >> watch it again.
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>> do you think he taught him how to do that? so this guy's like a hamster trainer? >> he's like a hamster whisperer. >> part of me wants to wonder is it fake but i don't even know how you fake this. >> i so bad want it to be real in my heart of hearts. >> the acting skills of this hamster because he like krreact, like slow motion, grabs himself, fell over, played dead. >> we need the dramatic music with the whole death scene and stuff. >> yeah! >> how we going to start having a hilarious hamster clip of the day and start with this? they're never going to get more hilarious than this. >> let's all get just a little bit dumber for a little bit of time. this next video is called redneck uses the car wash as a
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shower. it is a redneck using the car wash as a shower. >> let's do it! >> we found this on jukin' video. with my detective-like skills, i figured out this is at a water wizard and i've found three water wizards in the macon, georgia area. his friends are telling him, wash under the arms. but i first thing i notice is this. [ bleep ]. >> this guy's done this before. >> i've us a wanted to do this. i've always been curious as to what would happen. you might change your tune after they hit the high pressure. >> that's so dumb! >> this is when the other jets kick in lehere, too, and i thin he is maybe really regretting his decision. but it is a group of dudes so
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surely there's some sort of jet involve. >> these jets are designed to scrape the dead bugs o of your car so i feel like he'ssk >> isn't that what you ladies call exfoliation? >> no, this is so far from it. >> i think he opted out of the hot wax option here which is probably a good move. >> did they do the undercarriage? >> he probably needed a coalenic. that's it for our show. thanks for spending time with us. see you tomorrow. have a fantastic rest of your day!
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