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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  May 30, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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hi, everybody. thanks so much for joining us. i'm beth troutman and we've got the best videos of the date "right this minute." cameras on the bus so the driver was a little distracted. >> she lights up a cigarette. >> inside the bus? the school bus? >> on a school bus. >> now see why a cigarette is being blamed for this. >> ah! >> shut up and you wait! i said wait! >> she told him to shut up and wait. what happened when one tough clerk tripe etried to put an ar robber in his place.
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and creating a huge mess. >> that's not the story. >> the owner cleaning up never saw this comin'. and a video for the very brave. >> shot her in the face. [ laughter ] >> that looked like mashed potatoes. it's time to get our show started. nick has our first video and the story behind it. >> many of us hold school bus drivers to a higher standard. well, the person driving this bus doesn't live up to that standard. you're seeing louisa, 48 years old. gets into her school bus, sits down, starts the bus, takes off. in this video from wistv she doesn't seem to be paying much attention. she lights up a cigarette. >> inside the bus? >> inside the bus. >> on a school bus. >> on a school bus. >> reaches for a drink. there she's fought a gridrink, cigarette in her hand at not
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wearing a seat belt. at times it appears in the video she takes both hands off the wheel. about a minute into this video she seems to have dropped something, and police say that she was looking for a cigarette. another cigarette that she had dropped. >> whoa! oh. awe! ah! >> oh, my gosh. [ screaming ] >> she collided with another car. that accident critically injured a woman and a teenaged boy. >> but it doesn't look like she was injured at all. >> doesn't appear she was seriously injured in this accident, but she does completely freak out. >> yeah. started freaking out, because she knows how much trouble she's in now. >> we students on this was she the only person in this buss at the time? >> thankfully, there were no students on this bus. she was the only person in the vehicle at the time. so no students were injured. >> i have a feeling she might not be driving kids around much
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longer. did they say she'd be suspended? >> happened in march. she was found guilty of reckless driving and driving without a seat belt. the puppy that you see here is dozier, and what do you notice about dozier? >> dozier -- >> has on socks. >> not socks. bandages put on him after little dozier was thrown from a moving suv at high speed and left for dead. >> why do people dom things like to? donate the dog. give it to somebody, if you don't want to take care of a dog. >> dozier survived. dozier is a fighter. >> after he was thrown from this suv, he walked over to the curb, bumt as you can see here, those marks, those are his footsteps marked in blood. >> he had basically rubbed the pads off the front feet. >> it just doesn't make sense. >> heartless.
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>> did anybody see this happen? >> cory jackson happens to be a dog lover sow this happen right in front of his mom's house. >> he was bleeding. got a towel. wrapped him up. he was so scared. >> minutes later, this guy runs up to cory and says the dog belonged to his brother and had been snatched. >> animal rights. >> and animal rescue decided to take him, then took him to this vet who helped healed him. he is now expected to be adopted. police arrested 21-year-old quincy mcdonnell and charged him with obstruction in this case. >> i'm glad this cory guy was around, too, and did something about it. good job, cory. i'm about to show you video from a dramatic robbery in mill walk ib at a george webb restaurant, but i also want you to listen to the audio as well. what you're looking at is a robbery suspect who comes in with a shotgun and is demanding money from the two ploem employ that are working there. >> open this -- >> and screaming at them.
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>> yes, he is subpoena but watch this. as the employee smarts back at him. >> shut up. and you wait. i said, wait. >> she told him to shut up and wait while she needed to enter a pass code to get the money out of the machine and kept going beyond that. >> ain't going to get nothing if you shoot me now. >> [ bleep ] -- [ bleep ]. >> sounds to me like she told her co-worker to go somewhere safe and was going to handle this. took it sbook her own hands to keep her co-worker safe. >> a tough mom. you listen to what i say. >> the sad thing, it wasn't a defensive mechanism for her. watch what happens next. >> oh! >> he ends up hitting her in the head with a gun and she had to end up getting stitches because of the gash that will left. >> did he get a away with any money? >> never said. he just got away. >> what a brave woman.
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this guy's got a shotgun and she's trying to follow his orders, in the meantime, trying to put this guy in his place and apartment the same time, protect her own life. >> ain't going to get nothing if you shoot me, now. a video going viral and you're about to be see why. this individual joe from a youtube channel the pet and a new show. where an animal communicator comes in to deal with animal problems. in this case, a corgi named yogi who loves to attack cleaning supplies. >> no. that's poison. >> watch whats in this video, because this shoot did not go as planned. >> oh! >> that is black sprap paint. >> yogi got ahold of the gray spray paint and his tooth punch chirped the can. it went everywhere including yogi's mouth and fur. that's not all of the story. >> no. >> oh! >> just imagine yogi's owner was pretty panicked about the paint being in yogi's mouth. didn't think about cleaning up any of the paint, which was
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flammable, and it ended up hitting the pilot light on her stove. >> yogi was still standing in the kitchen when that boem exploded he would have gone up in flames. >> we wanted to see what was going on with halle, with the crew while this was happening so we dug up behind-the-scenes video. she immediately took yogi to the bathroom and tried barnlging him trying to gelt the paint off his mouth and fur. that's where she was when the bomb exploded. >> no. >> firefighters arrive. they have to come sure, make sure everything is safe in the kitchen, and she, of course, is doing is remodeling now. >> since the fire, the changes i made is i don't keep cleaning supplies underneath my cabinet. >> halle did take yogi to a vet. he was fine. everybody's doing okay, just a little shaken up. ♪ a holdup at the happiest place on earth when the monorail gets halted by a squirrel. >> but, another friend from mother nature steps in to help. >> ah!
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>> find out who saved the day. and, it's paintballing to the max. >> there's quads. there's jeeps. there's paragliders. >> aththat's not all. >> why didn't somebody think of that before? >> we don't know that but you'll [ female announcer ] what do you share with your family? how do you keep in touch with friends on the go? stay connected to the people and things that matter most to you? with at&t's amazing u-verse services that let you build a personalized bundle
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disneyworld can be known to have seriously long lines. in this next video we see a bunch of people waiting for the monorail. >> take a look how slow that monorail is moving. is it stuck? >> it looks like it. >> something's got to be wrong. >> creeching along. you know why? there's a squirrel on the track and the driver didn't want to run the squirrel over. so just inching along as the squirrel -- >> oh, my gosh. >> goes down this portion of the rail. >> nudging the skirl down the
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monorail. he has no choice. you've got kids and families on this monorail. if he ran it over, oh, the drama. >> this is not the heaviest place on earth then! >> certainly not for squirrels! >> he's so cute! >> disney is a very well-oiled machine and they do everything by schedule. that. top tloep the whole day off, because of the squirrel. >> but another friend from mother nature steps in to help. >> ah! >> you almost see a bird come in and sort of scoop the squirrel along. say, come on. get out of here, man. you're holding up all these people. >> must have been a snow white bird. >> as you can tell, the squirrel's not having a good day. a little warn out. >> yeah! >> eventually, the squirrel marks it off the track. >> yeah, but there's another monorail on the other side. is he going to jump on the other track and slow that one down? >> the one thing i was thinking too, you figure these parents spent so much money to take
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their kids to disneyworld. you know when they went home they're probably talking about the squirrel. >> how often do you use the peephole at a hotel to see who's at your door? >> every single time. >> nobody ever knocks at my door. >> well, beware. >> a smartphone. anyone can spy on you through your front door. >> no! none w no way. >> even without a peephole. anyone who knocks on your doorp can know if you're home or not. when you look through or peephole or an intrumder or unwelcome gechlt will know you're home. >> every time i go sbup a peephole there is a little anxiety because i don't know who's on the other side. >> a guy named max has come up with an idea to change the way that he view our people. >> the simple upgrade here utilizes a mirrored lens to inhibit the interior light and diminish the shadow cast when they look in the door.
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>> it's on a website calmed indygogo. similar to kickstart. now trying to raise money and get pre-orders for this. it doesn't require real modifications. you just put it in the existing hole allowing to you look in pt peephole without casting that shadow. someone's at your door, knocking, they won't know you're looking in the peephole. >> the reverse? >> take cares of that problem, too. >> magnetically attaches protecting you against viewers. >> i'm willing to bet this will be the most time we've ever said peephole in one story in the history of the show. >> peephole. >> peephole. >> peephole. >> peephole. >> boom! ♪ playing paintball is full of adrenaline and excitement to begin with. how do you make it even more fun
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and exciting? do it in the dark. and golf! >> add motorcycles, car, monster trucks to make it look that much cooler. >> there's quads. there's jeeps. there's paragliders. there's -- desert racing trucks. it's just paintball times a million. >> yeah. >> i can't believe they're paragliding in paintball. why didn't somebody think of this before? >> awesome. filled with mud and dirt and -- dust. >> a paint can. >> it's like a paint bazooka. >> this guy is awesome. he's got two paintball guns with plastic shields that he can kind 6 hide behind and get protection from. >> you can just see the paint flying in little balls. >> yep. ed windshield of the jeeps. i hope there was a referee keeping score here. >> you don't want a referee. you want this to be like -- this is so much fun. this is -- >> a guy in a circus truck.
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midair, firing down upon people with a machine gun out the passenger window. it's just fantastic. >> well done, devon graham. come on, devon. >> invite us to participate. >> i want to shoot nick! this guy's one of the fastest in of the racing game, but wait until you see his story. >> wait. there's no hand over here. >> see how he controls his machine on this course one-handed. >> help! they're in the living room! >> the dogs looking at him like, you guys are in so much trouble. >> see the all he1
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welcome back to the show, but don't forget to check in at free videos all day long. do you guys remember, ran tv from -- >> i love it. >> put on another video from her farm. this time it's on her couch and it's two of her lambs. >> i know this isn't real. i feel like someone sleeping on that couch is counting sleep. >> no. this is real. this is edi and dasher, and they are loving this couch. they're jumping over it.
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they're jumping from it. they're jumping across t. the dog's looking at them like, you guys are in so much trouble. i'm not allowed on the couch. >> they did get in trouble with each other because therapy fightifigh they're fighting over this blanket. you can see at the very end, edi does a dirty move, in the butt and wins. >> am i -- thinking there's farm animals in the living room? >> all are happy. they're incredibly happy and now eemdy and dasher are happy, too. >> impressive how high they jump and how cute this is. little hurdlers, olympic runs's runners. >> you guys are going to have mad respect for this guy in this next video. this is a motocrosser one of the fast ef guys on the track. he's pretty incredible.
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you can tell me why. >> wait. there's no hand over here. right? >> you're right. he doesn't have a right arm -- hand. they call him the fastest man in motocross with one arm. >> whoa! >> does he have a prosthetic arm or something connected to the bike to control his shoulders? >> kind of both. >> so this -- comes from the side when i'm in trouble. >> ah. that was going to be my question. what in the world happens if he wrecks? looks like he's bolted in there. there's something to release. >> the prosthetic he's wearing is a combination of a prosthetic arm and mountain bike shock helping absorb impact when he's riding. >> that's hard core. >> like a bionic arm. >> able to keep up with the other riders? does this hinder him at all?
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>> they say he's one of the fastest guys on the track and frequently guys are following him. he lost his arm in a plomotorcy accident am few years ago while riding a street bike. >> incredible courage to loses his arm in a motorcycle accident and then to get back up on the bike and continue racing. >> the thing is, if he didn't, then he would be defeated. >> kudos to the people who worked to help figure out a way for him to keep riding. ♪ joshgs tomorrow on "right this minute" -- it's "right this minute" time for something like this. a really good proposal video. >> see how his singing won her heart. >> that's tomorrow on "right this minute." that dog on the desk is named for a melon, but that's not why sleaze a very bad dog. >> ah. bad move there.
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this guy is the best street salesman you've ever seen. >> he's a cotton candy maker, but he's got showmanship behind. he's got moves. check this out. he's dancing to michael jackson's "they don't care about us." ♪ >> like cotton candy wizardry. a cauldron of cotton candy, plus dance moves.
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so he's going to actually give this big, dense ball of cotton candy on a stick to somebody? that looks like the biggest serving of cotton candy you've ever seen. >> yeah, but it's not even just a ball of cotton candy. watch what he makes it into. >> finishes it off. looks like two little ears, like a little pig or puppy dog. >> or a mickey mouse or something. >> use your imagination. >> yeah, whatever. never seen anything like it. >> people are drawn to him like the cotton candy is to his stick. there are a lot of gross videos on the internet. i want you guys to bust out your own personal, like, gross-o-meters for this one. tell us on the-of-a scale of one to ten how gross is this video. huge cyst pops in girlfriend's face. >> oh, no. >> you don't really see much of a cyst here. right? doesn't look gigantic. we've got a girlfriend who looks like she's using a pin. moving it around and sticking it
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in. >> oh, no! >> oh, yuck! well, please, don't turn her back around. i'm going to show here. it gets worse. >> oh, god. >> oh, boy. >> projectile, shot her in the face. [ laughter ] >> oh -- >> cannon-like. >> that looked like mashed potatoes. >> oh, my -- >> it's pretty gross. this is gross, but you've got to account for all the gross things on the internet. rate this from one to ten. >> 12! >> i give it like a seven. ip was able to watch this front to back. i didn't have to turn away so i give it four to five. >> i give it 100. >> 100? >> the most shocking part of this individual joe that this guy had a girlfriend willing to do that. >> to do that, right. >> in the history of popable cysts, this once definitely took it. >> couldn't watch. computer is shut. if want to check out this entire video, head to our facebook page, and tell us your own gross oh meeter scale.
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how gross is this video? >> from once you -- ah! cantaloupe is a very bad dog. you leave the room for a minute and cantaloupe would have like, something off the desk in her mouth, and so this girl was like, let me find out what mip housemate's dog is doing, and how she's getting up on the desk. >> cantaloupe is jumping. she doesn't even look like she's close to getting on the desk and all of a sudden, boop, she's up on in. >> no handwash. no peanuts -- yep. >> cracks me, up jumps up and goes for the cactus. >> ah, bad move there, cantaloupe. >> and huh-uh. she will not be denied. an italian greyhound, she apparently can hop up and down. i don't know about cantaloupe. she's like i will not be denied.
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there's something on this table. i want it. >> no surprise. i do not love cantaloupe nap would drive me insane. >> crawl up on your desk, on your stuff and mess things up? >> she's a big cat, not a big, giant puppy dog. >> oh, it's okay if it's a cat? >> boo. i like cantaloupe. >> i'm on team cantaloupe too. that's our show, everybody. thanks for joining us. we'll see you for the next "right this minute." -- captions by vitac --
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