tv Right This Minute FOX June 1, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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i i'mbeth troutman. it's friday that means it's time for the countdown, "right this minute." folks are kirking back having beers in a bar, but watch what happens next. >> oh,y gosh. >> holy cow. >> the story of the crasher who broke up the party, big time. en. a duck. >> look how sneaky this alligator is. >> the bobcat -- how did he know? >> we'll hear from the guy who could not believe his eyes. >> i really believe that that cat was a goner. >> when this lead singer is
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onstage. >> he doesn't let anything stop him. >> see how he bust as gut and keeps on going. and no one is safe from the old train prank. >> he caused a stampede. >> i feel bad for laughing. >> it's funny every time. >> it is. let's get this thing started! first, our number ten video. >> surveillance video from gordy's place, a little neighborhood bar in little canada, minnesota, suburb of st. paul. looks like people are just relaxing, having a good time, but watch what happens next. >> oh, my gosh! >> holy cow. >> oh, my gosh. look at that guy at the corner of the bar. >> oh, wow. those people did not have a chance. >> oh. >> that is a truck crashing into the wall of gordy's place. apparently the driver was a
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51-year-old woman who had some sort of diabetic reaction and lot control of her vehicle, and all six people including the driver were transported to a hospital. two with serious injuries. now, jim who is the son of the bar owner, he happened to be in the parking lot doing some work with a bobcat when this whole thing went down. he saw the truck flip up through the wall, and he was actually able to help dig some of these people out. >> they didn't know what happened. dazed. my fiancee went up to the lady pinned to the bar, trying to help her and free the stuff away from her. >> one good thing is, emergency responders were very quick to the scene because it just so happened that two sheriffs' deputies were parked across the street from gordy's place when this whole thing went down. no report on the severity of injuries from the bar patron, but, i've got to imagine, broken ribs or something, because being pinned between the bar and this truck. wow. we're headed down number one
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on today's "rtm" top town countdown, but first, here's number nine. >> enjoying a cool afternoon in his backyard in tampa, florida, when suddenly he saw -- this -- in his backyard, a bobcat. ran and grabbed his camera to start taking pictures and then he suddenly noticed there was a predator. >> oh. >> lurking. look how sneaky this alligator is. >> the bobcat -- how does he not know? >> the bobcat has to know. >> he gets closer, closer. >> you've got to be kidding me. >> i don't believe this. >> and -- boom. >> oh, wow. okay. whew. >> finally, the bobcat realizes, the alligator is basically touching his little baboony, that, oh, i should probably move fop talk about this experience we have bryan peabody and his son nicholas via skype. this is your backyard? >> in my backyard. >> this is like a daily
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occurrence? >> seeing alligators is almost a weekly occurrence but seeing a bobcat is very rare. >> tell me how long this whole event took? >> came to a standstill, really. finding the bobcat alone was exciting. seeing the gator rear its head from the water was just incredible. it seemed like forever, but reality is, i would say three to four minutes. >> tell me what the alligator was actually doing so that this bobcat wouldn't know was there? >> it lifted its 300 to 400 pound body off the side of the pond so gently, so quietly, so methodically, and soon -- i really believe that that cat was a goner. >> did you think about yelling out to the bobcat, like -- you're in trouble, buddy! get out of there? >> i really had to consider whether it was my place to interfere or to draw attention to myself with two deadly predators. so i decided to let nature take
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its course. the cat got away. it really did turn out to be great for everyone. >> nicholas, you get nervous going into your backyard now? >> i go in the woods a lot. i never go that far, where there's that bad of, like, hogs or anything. >> don't let him fool you. he's not scared of anything. >> have you seen the cat anymore? >> you know, i've been in this house 14 years. i've never seen a bobcat. i imagine it will be another 14 years. >> i just want to say, when the lead singer of wake performs, he doesn't let anything stop him. not even illness. >> did you see that? >> oh, man. >> did you see that? >> ah. >> he's singing his guts out. ♪ >> ah! >> oh, yes. is this part of the show, like kiss, used to do the blood stuff. all part of the act? >> i don't think this is part of
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the wake act and you see here, basically singing his guts out. this was at the maryland death fest and he put on a performance of a lifetime there. >> sounds like he's puking when he's singing anyways. the music sounds terrible. sorry you deaf metal fans watches. no wonder he puked. >> you've got to give it to this guy. he hurls, but he keeps singing. he doesn't stop. ♪ we're just six videos away from our number one video of the day. right after number seven that is. take a look. >> every neighborhood has pets. magnolia, arkansas, has hogs. look at the size of this wild boar. >> oh. >> that george dixon and his son caught. this thing is estimated to be about 500 pounds. >> this is huge. >> yeah. >> this is the biggest hog we
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have ever caught with dogs. >> neighbors saw it in the neighborhood. they got a little nervous, because this thing's big enough to threaten humans. >> yes. >> you see the size of the tusk. you see the size of the guy in the red shirt and he's using his entire body weight to keep this thing on the ground. >> and not exactly a small guy either. >> no. >> i like how you call it a pest. pests are roaches, maybe a squirrel. >> police and county officials showed up first and took some shots at the boar. thought they hit it, but they didn't. then george came in, cornered it with some of his pit bulls in the thicket. was able to tranquilize the boar. got into the back of the truck, still fighting a bit. if you're an animal lover. don't worry, george has got a game farm where this huge boar will lve out his bleeding hear for all of these an ma'imals. are you sad they tried to shoot him with a tranquilize jer the dogs made him scared? >> no. i was bummed when i saw this. i thought they going to shoot him and slot ter knop.
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he's going to live. >> a lot of bacon. >> that would have been a lot of boar's head. [ laughter ] so good, all ridiculous on a rampage for a blizzard. >> oh, man. >> whoa. >> what? >> he's breaking in. >> now hear how dairy queen -- >> took something negative, something unfortunate that happened and turned it into something positive. people really do create blizzards. >> and then a little kayaking in the countdown with some dolphins. >> those are dolphins.
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>> oh. oh, no! [ laughter ] >> all these guys do, drive around, look for unsuspecting victims and just blast a train horn in their ear and inevitably, these people just jump. i think it's hysterical because that's the kind of humor i have. [ laughter ] >> do you think he rigged up his actual horn in his car to be a train horn? >> that's what it seems like, yeah. because they're driving all over the place and just blast people left and right. [ horn ] >> it's not just people, though, that are the -- targets. >> oh! >> they also target animals. this is -- still kind of funny. >> oh, man. >> that is so wrong. >> whoa! [ train whistle ] >> he caused a stampede. i feel bad for laughing. >> ah, yeah.
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>> i should not be laughing. >> it's kind of neat. watch the cat. [ horn ] >> the cat -- >> looks like the cat just got shot. >> oh, no. oh, no! [ laughter ] no! >> it's funny every time. >> it is. [ horn ] [ laughter ] >> that cat -- >> the cat's the best. have you guys ever craved a dairy queen blizzard? like krereally craved one? like this guy? >> oh, man. >> what? >> he's breaking in. >> somebody broke into the sioux city, iowa, dairy queen and tore the place up. >> is he pregnant? is that why he needs ice cream so bad he has to go in there? >> you know something, this looks like a surveillance video. >> dq is using this video to promote blizzards. >> yes. >> to prove this is a real
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video, that is the police officer coming in to check things out. >> he's marketing this. >> did he ever say whether that's why he was breaking in? because he wanted to make himself a blizzard? >> let's find out. to tell us all about what went down whip this incident and how it became an ad we have kelsey montain, director of marketing for this project for dairy queen t. is a real surveillance video from one of our local dairy queens here in sioux city. we k34actually aren't using it local advertising, want pd to put ton internet. he did get caught. he was actually trying to break in because he was hungry and want add blizzard. >> it's not like they just have the blizzards ready to go. he would have had to break in and then yupz the blizzard-making machine? >> yeah, he thought that. apparently he thought he was good enough to do something like that. >> got to love him. >> and the video up online and then you decided to have the ad or did you have the idea to create the ad and put it up?
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>> we actually had the idea to create it. took something negative, unfortunate that happened and the turned it into something positive. people really do crave blizzards, i guess. >> are the blizzards in sioux city, like, extra good? is that why this guy wanted to break in? >> they must be! it is summer, and the videos are starting to roll in. the latest one is from la jolla, california. a group of people are going out on their kayaks to enjoy the beautiful mother nature. now, this is one of the only full-service surfing, kayaking, snorkeling company out there. th'll provide evything that you need. dolphin experience. >> and they have all kinds of cool experiences. >> they look like sharks. >> those dolphins. >> in fact, they do say that on these ex-cushion excursion you
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encounter dolphins and turtles. great sea life. it's not a great white shark. they'd tell them not to, if it was deadly. >> i'm not getting in that water. no way. >> look at those -- >> you know what sharks eat? seals. fun weekend excursion. i was hoping to do it. next time i'm out there, i might consider it. >> i said i would do it. i'm just not going to jump in the water after seeing these sharks around. >> i'm a little jealous. >> you're going to spend your summer watching youtube videos. ♪ this is cool, even coming out of surgery. doesn't feel dizzy until -- >> dizzy. [ laughter ] >> and a proper celebration for the queen's diamond jubilee, until monkeys turn it into --
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i feel -- dizzy. >> this is little matt washging up from anesthesia, a little operation on his arm. doesn't feel dizzy, he feels -- >> dizz-a. hey, dizz-a. >> ah. >> hey, dad. >> what? >> what's up? [ laughter ] >> what's up, dad? >> he sounds like a new york wise guy. >> gets very tough, but now he ree realizes what is actually going on here. >> hey, what's this thing on my arm? it's heavy. up know? >> it's okay. it's okay. >> heavy, you know? >> this is the greatest worst
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examples of why videophones are a bad idea, because when this kid grows up, there's going to be video evidence of this. >> doesn't it remind you of the early 2000 beer commercial, the whassup? >> reminded me of that, dizz-a, whassup? >> it's runner-up time on our countdown. here's our number two video of the day. >> do you care about celebrating the queen's diamond jubilee, but no one is as excited as the residents of the safari and adventure park. as you can see, it's set up with food, fruits, cupcakes. >> looks like someone's graduation party. who gets to enjoy this? >> oh, lucy. >> oh, boy. >> there we go. >> they really are enjoying it. i mean, they're going after the food like it's the first time they've eaten in their lives. >> like the union jack on the fruit. >> just proud of his country.
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waving his flag. >> yeah. ♪ >> do you see how full that one monkey -- on the cupcake, jut chowing down. >> and why isn't anybody looking -- >> eventually got to the streamers and the tablecloths. ♪ >> holy cow. >> after a while, this went from the a diamond jubilee sell fwrisell celebration to a straight-up rockers' -- >> how did that happen? >> that's why they weren't invite inner. a treasure hunt. x marks the spot. your clues -- a beach -- a chest -- and pirates -- maybe. stick around, because number one
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about to make life easier and eliminate the pesky need to stir a boiling pot. >> this is the [ speaking in foreign language ] a japanese pot that serves, just by the design of the interior of the pot. see those little rifles marks inside of the pot? >> yeah. >> the water boils and for demonstration purposes they drop
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in some of these little peas. >> i didn't want to cook these. >> they don't taste very good. >> why not give us a demonstration with actual food. not beads. >> i can't help you on that one i. came here to bring you guys -- somehow i did. showing the cooking beads. i don't eat beads, nick. all right jt i don't know anybody who does. >> can you believe it? can you believe it? >> i was excited until i actually saw it. >> the beads turned me on. >> my god, my head hurts from this! >> we finally made it, everybody. it's time for our number one video of the day, and steven has it. in my mind the best kind of prank is an elaborate one. >> we're going to pull a huge prank. >> nick and his band of buddies came across this, looks like an old treasure chest. looks like something that maybe fell off a pirate ship. so what did they do?
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they took this thing to venice beach in the middle of the night and buried it in the sand. but not before filling it up with gold coins, chocolate gold coins. now, they dug this thing down deep. buried it. went back the next day way metal detector. and acted as though they made a big find. so they start to make a big scene on this beach. before you know it, the entire beach is in on it with these guys. digging this treasure chest out of the sand. >> [ bleep ]! >> at one point you hear people chanting -- "open it," "open
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it." >> we have nickbuddies joining us. before the big reveal looks like you almost got halted in your tracks. almost got kicked off the beach. >> stop. did you guys find this? you can't flant here. >> no. >> tell us what happened. >> pretend we couldn't get it open and i heard them say, hey, guys, stop. >> get out of the -- >> put it here -- >> we saw a little bit in there. >> so i -- >> doing her job. we respect her and we're glad she was good sport about it. >> just describe the hysteria going on on the beach as you guys are digging this thing out of the sand. >> i loved looking out of the hole. every time i looked up the number of people doubled. >> how did everybody react. [ cheers ] >> they were getting really into it. afterwards, a huge party with everybody eating chocolate.
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>> chocolate! >> did anybody suspect you guy was pranking them? >> one guy said, this better not be, like, a big hoax, because i'm going to get pissed. we just played it off as if we got punk'd. >> what's going to happen to the trunk? it was a beautiful trunk? >> actually, it's still there. after everybody, we have something just buried. >> was it worth it? >> yes. >> yeah, definitely. >> definitely. that's our show for today. thanks so much for spending time with us. thanks so much for spending time with us. have a great rest of your day. -- captions by vitac --
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