tv Right This Minute FOX June 5, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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hi, everyone. i'm beth troutman. let's watch some great video -- "right this minute." a 3-year-old bolts into the street, is hit by a car, and before you know it, the driver just takes off. >> you'll hear from the tough kid who survived a hit-and-run. a school superintendent is busted by some sexy e-mails. >> can i tell you, i love it when you spank me. >> ooh, boy! >> that's not all revealed in the racy talks. >> i just want to know what she's going to do with it. a guy wants to honor his dead cat. so he turns him into the orville
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copter. what's going on with these two? >> the flower girl and ring bearer just straight passed out. our first video -- >> this is going to be very difficult to watch especially if you are a parent. this is in pennsylvania and several kids are playing on the street, including 3-year-old. he is wearing the light colored t-shirt and he is about to run across the street. he is immediately struck by this car. you see his mother run up to him after seeing her child be hit by a car. you see the driver of that car pause for a few seconds, never gets out of the car, and before you know it, the driver just takes off dp.
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>> never even got out to ask what the little boy was doing. >> is this considered a hit and run? >> it is considered a hit and run. police say they do know who the driver is and will probably be making an arrest very soon. >> see, how stupid. like it was a minor accident. so if he would have just gotten out of the car, he'd be fine. now he's got the police looking for him. >> james' mom is not happy about that at all. >> personally, i'm pissed off that he didn't at least get out to ask how my son was before he drove off. >> was the child okay? >> he only suffered minor injuries. even james shares his take on what happened. >> my mom picked me up and gi to the doctor in a glance. ambulance. a big shiny ones. >> when you see a group of kids playing in the street, you have to proceed with extra caution. >> this could be a notice for parents to be extremely careful when their kids are playing out on the street.
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most of us know by now that your work e-mail is monitored. you all know this, right? this message did not make it through to a school superintendent of the des moines public school, dr. nancy sebring. see sent some racy e-mails using her school e-mail. >> when you say racy, what do you mean? >> let me just read you a few. i've become addicted to everything about you. your crazy colorful body, your kisses -- >> wait a minute. that's a weird thing to say. why would you call somebody's body crazy? >> or colorful? >> they start getting progressively more sexual. the next day she sends an e-mail that says i hope you can be open to a little experimentation. and did i tell you i love it when you spank me? >> ooh, boy! >> you can't say that. you cannot say that. everybody's going to freak. >> these e-mail exchanges were
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sent to an unidentified male friend and is marrishe's marrie someone who's not the recipient of these. we may need to purchase some toys. i'm working on a performance for you involving a folding chair and with some involvement in your part as well. >> i feel bad for this woman. there's nothing wrong with what she's doing. >> no, you're right. but you can't do that on your work e-mail. >> now the school district does have a policy that forbids the exchange of sexually explicit materials and personal correspondence. >> she resigned from the des moines public school six weeks before she was scheduled to resign. now she's also forced to resign from the omaha public school. >> after all, i just want to know what she's going to do with the folding chair. a folding chair? some places in russia are difficult to get to, they're re remote. watch this car cruising down the road. he pulls off to the side. a car passes him on the left.
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wait, what's that? >> that's an airplane. they used the road as a landing strip? >> oh, you bet. >> maybe it was an emergency landing. >> it is not an emergency landing. the people who were commenting about this video say the guy lives in a village just off the right-hand side of the road there and that's how he comes and goes. >> but the road is not blocked off. there's still cars going in both directions. this guy's just swoopg in right between two -- >> this is normal. suddenly a plane lands in front of you. >> i want to see if the car in front of him moves over. >> no. they don't care. >> don't they train for this in pilot school, when they get their pilot's license? you got to learn how to land a plane between two cars. like parallel parking a plane. >> if you're flying in and out of your home for the summer frequently enough, you've learned what part of the road is good. the funny thing is you don't see this plane coming from a distance. it all of a sudden is right there. i'm wondering if the guy just
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flies low enough to let people see that he's there and just itfor th rht time to down. there was a strange invasion that happened under the sea near melbourne, australia. what you're looking at is a natural phenomenon. this is the migration of spider crabs and a driver -- diver just happened to be there when this happened. this usually happens between april and july of each year. >> it is cool but it is kind of creeepy looking. >> it is believed to be a dating ritual. >> so this is kind of like being -- >> yeah. >> i love how this stingray who comes in. >> that was considerate of the stingr stingray. looks like they're all scattering.
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>> there's a lot of room on the floor. they don't really have to be piled all over each other. they could spread out a little. >> it is like an alien invasion. >> he did them a service. that's how they paid him. they sacrifice one of their friends. it is weird to have the mating time while the migrating time is also happening. why not have the mating, then the migrating, or the migrating, then the mating. they all migrate and come together, then it is sort of like a big old orgy. like i haven't seen you since last season, you want to get together? >> the stingray just happened to be in the area, he's like, ooh, buffet. it was free crab legs at the buffet that day. >> all you could eat. >> that's what it was. darth vader isn't having it when the police try to give him a parking ticket. >> it's not like you can park your death star anywhere you
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the toughest force in the universe is not darth vader. >> believe it or not, there is one tougher, and it is the nypd traffic enforcement department. this is darth vader arguing a ticket. >> it's not like you can park your death star anywhere you want. >> i also didn't know that darth vader had a brooklyn accent.
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>> in a case like this you just want darth to just use the -- toond get out of that ticket. but not even darth vad ker get out of a parking ticket. >> i i love this guy's mask has the voice microphone so it is distorting him a little bit but he still sounds like, hey, i had the ticket. >> hey, the ticket was on the dashboard. didn't you see the ticket? >> kind of like this is normal for me to be talking to darth vader. >> it is new york. there are some strange things out there. >> the cop doesn't put up with darth vader very long. just gives him the emperor's hand right there. i'm dying to see what kind of car darth was driving. in my mind, it is like an old toyota corolla. >> all these years i thought darth vader was the end-all/be-all of power. >> clearly the force is not strong with this one.
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. >> that was the lamest joke i ever saw. >> i didn't even know it was a joke. who knew this would be so fun? artist mark jan son lost his cat. after mourning for a little while, he turned him into the orville copter. >> this is this guy's dead cat that he made into a remote control helicopte thaguy he loved his cat. the cat was named orville after
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orville wright. he died and he thought, orville loved birds, why not turn him into a cat that can fly? >> i'm completely disturbed. >> to me it is no different than somebody stuffing a 12-point buck and putting it on the wall. >> i think it is great. think what the rats and mice in the neighbor think of it. >> it is creepy. >> he's an artist. he obviously thinks a little differently. >> we know some of you guys are going to be sensitive about this, but if you'd like to see the full video, just go to i've got a wild and crazy police chase to show you guys. you can pretty much guarantee it is the tiniest one you've ever seen. the video was put together by the theory -- using the world's smallest video projector. you see the guys walking along projecting this chase scene on the floor, on a desk, on the wall, sort of create this scene. it includes and escaped convict, a cop who's hot on the trail of
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a guy. it basically allows you to create a movie anywhere. that's really creative. pocket projectors are relatively new and to think of using it for something like this is really -- >> you know when it would be cool to use this? to freak out your cat or dog. >> if you had a party, what a great way to entertain your guests. >> you can do all different sorts of things with these projectors. the projectors in this particular video are from microvision. check out the end scene here. >> i'm having a bad day. >> so looks to me like the escaped convict gets away in this one. but just a cool idea. >> think about what they went through to do this. they had to create all these little scenes and sort of measure it out to where they thought it might play out in the building that they're in. putting all that together creatively is mind blowing. a video that will have you
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thmplts is chris pfeifer. he knows how to handle a stunt bike. he can practically dance on the thing. >> it's almost a little waltz. the motorcycle sl his female partner. >> chris knows what he's doing. he says i rye on pavement all the time and i'm getting a little bored with that. >> here in denmark, you find beautiful beaches and i really want to try to ride on sand with a street bike. >> now that will be a lot more difficult because the sand's going to give. he's probably going to move all over the place. >> the first few times he had a little trouble getting it up, shall we say. had a little trouble getting traction on the sand. he maimagines to get this thingp and rips all the same tricks he would normally do on sand which i think is really impressive.
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>> when he did his initials -- bp. dude knows what he's doing. corgi flop. if you guys are like most people, you probably have a way of keeping up with people in your phone. nicknames. well, a guy named jay diaz has made a little video. >> how you doing? >> how you doing? >> i had such a nice time with you. you know, i was texting you to
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call. >> oh, no. >> i think i have -- >> i'll put it in. >> this one is my favorite. she's getting ready for a date. obviously cute guy at the door. she's saying i can't talk on my phone -- would you mind calling it? >> fast as the guy can run. >> this video was set to "that's not my name." >> the casting did a great job. >> i'm going to agree with you. this guy with the roller blades? i am calling now so we are linked. >> i am so flattered. >> this is funny and all ww, bu what are they going to do if they don't remember the names of these girls? legs forever? >> that would be a compliment. >> you guys don't know how obvious it is when you don't
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know our names. >> this one is the absolutely best one. >> what are you doing tonight? >> this is a long video so you can't see the entire thing on the show. go to our website,, to see the entire video. this is the couple that tied the knot. and this is the reception. >> you know who is the most thankful about this thing right here? the parents. >> see why they're thankful -- and it's not what you think -- next.
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i'm going to put my camera on the train tracks of the canadian national railway to see what it is like when a train passes over you on the tracks. this pretty much looks like exactly what i thought it would look like putting a camera under a train. >> one thing i thought though -- i thought maybe there's some stuff like hanging down underneath like a chain or a cord or something. nothing happened. >> maybe he did a trial run with like a brick or something and put it under there to see if the brick got messed up. but that's a risky move putting your camera under the train. you never know, it can get
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smashed. >> this makes me think of the first movie ever made where they have the train coming at the audience. audience ran out because they got scared because they'd never seen a movie before. wedding season is in full swing and over the weekend this lovely couple that you're seeing here, asa and joanna tied the knot at the art museum in san antonio, texas. little sneak peek at their wedding reception looked like a lot of fun. look at this. ♪ >> people dancing. live band. >> cool projection on the wall. >> but when the camera pans, take a look at what you see. >> oh! >> the flower girl and ring bearer couldn't take it. >> the flower girl and the ring bearer just straight passed out in the middle of this party, head-to-head on some chairs. >> you know what happened? they were allowed to go to the bachelorette party and the
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bachelor party and they just couldn't hang. they had too much fun. >> this is little gavin and graceland bach, brother and sister. they're pretty tuckered out. but super cute. you see at the end the bride and groom took a picture with the little sleeping duo. that's a framer right there. angelic. >> you know who is the most thankful about this thing right here? the parents. >> now we don't have to watch them, they're sleeping right there. got our eye on them. made for a great pcture. g it's world record time, you guys. this time, shoe nice is the star. >> hey, everyone, shoe nice again. >> oh, man! now is this a shoe nice world record or is it official world record? >> no, it is another one of those shoe nice world records. >> i don't think guinness was involved. maybe some beer. >> it wasn't guinness but he sure is drinking something. >> slam a bottle of elmer's
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glue. >> are you kidding me? >> do not try any of my stunts at home. i am a professional idiot with the case of experience i ate a pack of cigarettes when i was 2 years old. i'm 43 now. that's 41 years of experience. >> the origin of shoe nice. we never knew he got his start at 2 years old. good for him. >> shoe nice. >> oh, god. oh, god. >> what happens if you ingest that much glue?
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it took him about a minute to get the bulk of this glue out. most of it. but he's drinking all of it until it stops dripping from the bottle. so he's got a ways to go still. zblm >> he's super weird. >> that's going do it for us here at "right this minute." we'll see you tomorrow, everybody. have a great rest of your day.
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