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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 11, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT

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hi, everyone. we have great videos and the stories behind them right this minute. a seal becomes tangled in thick netting. when rescuers try to help him -- >> this seal isn't happy about that they're doing. >> see how some determined folks pull off a delicate operation. surveillance cameras prove it. people steal some weird stuff. ever wonder how cars get off
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a freight hauler? >> this guy has skills like i've never seen. nch t >> the video that will make you embarrassed you still can't parallel park. we asked our viewers to send in their video attempts. >> you'll see them. no rookie moves here. >> oh! >> wow. i'm taking you to oregon to see a seal rescue that will tug on your heart. those people you're looking at are keith chandler and tiffany booth. they are with the oregon marine mammal stranding network. some park rangers saw this little guy stranded with this net around his neck. so they called the network, and they came in to help out. this seal isn't exactly happy about what they're doing, so you see they've got gloves on. they've got these big cutters to cut through that netting. >> poor little guy. i hate to see this happen because you wonder how many of
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these seals, how many of these animals don't get rescued because of human carelessness. >> he says, you know what, this was actually a treat for us. >> usually when we find them, you know, they're really sick. this is a very healthy animal. >> after cutting through all that and holding it down and saving their fingers from getting snipped at, there he goes. >> he looks tired. >> he looks exhausted. he's been swimming around with that net around his neck for god knows how long. >> he's had quite the ordeal. if you see him, just give him some distance. he's kind of tuckered out. >> oh, i just want to hug him and say, i'm so sorry. people steal the strangest stuff. this is surveillance footage from fusion foods in chelsea, massachusetts. notice the woman in the middle of your screen. she's just walking down the street in broad daylight. look what she does. >> what is she doing? >> stealing a plant?
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>> yes! she is stealing the potted plant out of their outdoor plant containers. >> wait, wait, wait. is she stealing a little stem of the plant? because i've seen people do that because they replant it and try to grow it. >> she takes the whole plant. she puts the plant in the little bag that she's carrying, keeps on walng, checking out other larger plants. the strange thing is, this isn't the only tim this hasapned fsi. this was the most recent event. i think the more comical event happened back in april. >> they must have some really nice plants out there. >> evidently. this particular plant, steve, is -- >> on a scooter? >> yeah, apparently on a scooter. >> are these plants decorative plants out front of the market? are these plants for sale? >> it's part of their decor. >> fusion foods obviously knows how it pick good plants. they should be a food/plant shop. >> obviously, they have security
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footage. according to reports, no one has been taken into custody or anything over these plant thefts. take a look at this video that we found on wpxi. surveillance video from the carnegie towers in pennsylvania. look at the man wearing this red and black striped jump suit. look what he does as the car starts backing out. >> he opened up round after round after round into that car. >> that is rashad watson. he shot into the car basically at point-blank range. >> the driver of the this carry, 19-year-old william bosley, ended up being shot in the stomach. his passenger was also shot. in the backseat was his 1-month-old daughter who was shot in the leg. they did all survive. the other suspects in this case appeared in court last week, but they're still looking for rashad. he is at large, and people are hoping that someone knows where he is because he is charged with attempted homicide. >> the people who were standing
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behind the suspect, they didn't run away as if they were scared that something was going to happen to them too. >> one of the other people arrested and charged was james edmonds. he's 20 years old. his attorney is arguing that he is the man that once the shooting starts going down runs away. edmonds and the other man that was arrested are charged with conspiracy to commit aggravated assault and reckless endangerment. this happened last april, but the reason we're talking about it now is because the people arrested in this case appeared in court last week. we've seen a lot of skilled drivers on the show, guys that can do amazing tricks and stunts. this guy has got skills like i've never seen. he backs his little car up. >> oh, no! >> look at how close to the edge of this platform he's on. you can tell he's up in the air because you saw the traffic go by. >> is he doing like a
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three-point platform turn? >> yeah, these cars are loaded up on to a car transporter. they're parked kind of perpendicular to the transport truck to fit as many cars on as they could. so now this guy has to do this like daredevil driving on this teensy top of the truck. >> that is so dumb. if he doesn't drive this thing right, they're losing thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. >> think about it. maybe they loaded them the same way. >> this is giving me, seriously, cold sweats. this is scary. >> ready for the real kicker? he does a couple little back and forth. here's how he finishes his move off. >> oh! >> he just like spun out on this platform. he would have just flown right out head first. >> you can see he's done it before. look at that skid mark. >> he doesn't even have anyone
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in front of him or behind him saying a little more, a little more. >> skills. flat out skills. a big hill, some crazy guys, and you fknow what they say. >> the stinkier the cheese, the better. >> and to the fastest goes the stinkiest. see why next. and a video message from these guys. >> it pays to turn your phone sideways. >> come on. the least you can do is see what they have to say.
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licking. we have some of our favorites. first one i want to show you is from james. >> come on, james. >> oh! what? he made is look easy. >> wait, wait. see, that's the problem with this challenge. it's a pretty gray area. like, is this your elelbow, or >> areou kidding get anywhere the vicinity of the elbow. >> we were licki inin ining our. >> we have franky's attempt. >> oh, yes. franky. valiant. >> one of our favorite videos, i think one of the best attempts was from amy grace sullivan. take a look at this. >> oh! >> wow. that is legit right there.
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legit. >> do we think that maybe on the table it makes it easier? >> to separate your shoulder, maybe. >> let's see. >> got to get the hair out of the way. >> how is that working out for you guys? >> are we doing this again? >> it doesn't work. >> hold on. >> i will try this. nope. >> well, thank you to everybody who uploaded videos. keep them coming. go to our facebook page. that's a big rock there. that's a man standing there kind of tied down to something. we're going to do a little rock rolling. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. >> was that guy still on that rock? >> i thought so, so i went back and watched it.
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there shhe is. he was filming from another area. >> i don't understand what they were trying to do. was that supposed to happen? >> he's got a hydraulic jack, like something you'd use to jack up a car. he's got the jack in between the gap there, pushing the rock away. >> it didn't look like they were expecting the response they got from this rock. >> you know what? it's one thing to be, you know, using the hydraulic lift to move it. it's another thing to feel the full force of mother nature when the rock starts rolling. that's a lot of power they saw. look how big that is. >> maybe he just didn't expect it to go so quickly. >> yeah. >> and that's why he was shocked. there it goes. >> gravity hits you hard, bro. our producer jessica ward,
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aka cheese, should not see this video. because if she does, she will quit and go do this. this is in the u.k. this is the coopers hill cheese rolling 2012 edition. >> i love those videos where they take the big block of cheese, the wheel of cheese down the hill. it's so dangerous. >> it's awesome. this one happened on june 4th. there they go. they let go of the cheese and run after it on this very steep hill. >> oh, my gosh. >> what's the point of the roll? is it the first guy down gets the wheel of cheese? what happens? >> the first guy to cross the finish line basically gets to keep the cheese he chased after. >> okay. >> and this cheese is very traditional for this race. it's called double glauster cheese. it's seven to eight pounds. >> these guys are hitting the deck and tumbling down. any injuries? >> sprained ankles.
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some of them get shot afterwards because their injuries are just as severe. >> i would gladly roll down that hill for a wheel of cheese. >> look at this guy. >> he got airborne after he hit ground and rolled. >> do that again. >> this is a tradition for how long? >> more than 200 years. >> more than 200 years people have been chasing this wheel of cheese. well, not this specific one. >> they keep bringing it back. they find the previous winner. >> it's a good aged cheese. >> the stinkier the cheese, the better. up, up, and away. >> oh! >> oh, my god! >> the landing that will make you say ouch. then, why not kick it on your couch outside of a building. >> no one in their right mind would do this and feel -- >> actually, no one in their right mind would do this. fi 0
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it's monday. that means it's time to check in with our purveyor of internet sustenance. >> here it is. >> i like that you're in your screen in the background. it's like i'm seeing two of you. >> i can play this on the next one. then it's like an infinite loop. >> like a mirror within a mirror
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within a mirror. >> inception. >> let's hop into today's videos. motorcycle stunt fail. >> oh! >> oh, my god! >> straight up missed the water. >> and he was on fire. >> something tells me they didn't really do the whole calculation on this thing. the pond looks more like a puddle. even if he did land in the water, i'm not sure how much that would have helped. >> i believe this is real. >> i didn't consider whether it was real or fake. i was so intrigued. i'm going real. >> real. i don't know how you fake that. >> matt? >> the dust coming up at end makes this clip seem real. >> great video. i hope the guy is okay. >> real. >> real. >> real. >> the next video, woman sitting outside here 23-story window. >> huh-uh. no. >> this is some green screen work right here. i doubt this is real. >> yeah, because where is the camera? >> she's wearing heels. no one in their right mind would
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do this in heels. what if she got stuck? she'd go over. >> i say this is fake. >> i thought it was real before you guys mentioned where the camera guy is. i still say it's real. i think they have some kind of contraption built inside of the apartment where you sit down in this chair and then it slides you out there. >> i'm tempted to side with you, but her reaction, the little fake yawn thing, i'm going to say fake. >> i'll give this one to you guys. you got me. i think i'm going to do some research and come back next week and let you know whether this is actually real or fake. >> i want you to find the chair, and i wanted video of you sitting in it. >> no way. >> huh-uh. >> fake. >> fake. >> fake. >> last video of the day. russian reporter falls into fountain. >> all the elements are there. reporter going a stand-up fail. totally real. >> that's awesome. real. >> mack?
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>> a lot of these news reporter fails make such better clips than what they were originally going for. >> that's awesome. real. >> mack, as always, you impress us. >> hope we can do it again sometime. >> maybe next week. >> you're on. this video impressed me because it's just something that i don't tend to think about right now in june in america. it's wintertime in new zealand. it's snowing. how else do you clear the train track than to send a couple of locomotives down the rail with a giant snowplow on the front? it was fascinating to me. i thought it was pretty video, fascinating to see how they clear the rail. it's beautiful, first of all. second of all, it's kind of impressive to see this monster machine rolling through the snow having no trouble pushing it all out of the way. >> how much fun would it be to be the engineer on this train to watch the snow just spread out in front of your face. you can barely see the top of the train over the front of that snowplow. >> it looks like they're pushing out probably about two feet of
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snow. at one point here, the snow is all the way up to the top of the locomotive, which is probably around 13 feet high. >> looks like a giant ocean wave. like it's going through dry smoke, dry ice. >> you're right. fog on a stage that this thing is driving through. >> how cool. >> very pretty. >> i love the fact that june is a winter month for new zealanders. >> hard to think about. that means their christmas time is very warm. >> that's the best time to go to new zealand. ever wonder how ski resort chair lifts are put together and taken care of? >> next time i'm on a chair lift, i'm going to appreciate it a lot more. >> see what it takes to upkeep those
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the summer olympics are happening this summer where? >> london! >> they have been getting ready for the games since 2003. in this time lapse video, we get to see the amazing development that has happened. >> how cool that they thought in advance to put up this camera. >> i was thinking the same thing. that's really neat. >> these arrows guide you and tell you where things are going to be like the olympic village, the olympic stadium. right about now is when you really start seeing the buildings go up. >> the olympics just truly transform a city. all the different buildings that go up. it takes over. it's such a windfall for the city that the olympics get into.
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it's amazing. >> imagine all the jobs created by this. how many people have been working since 2003? it's so great. >> 100,000, to be exact. >> wow. that's fascinating. >> spectacular. look at this. ski season is over. it takes a lot of skill and time and hard work to keep all the lifts and stuff running in the summer season. one of the guys that's hired to work on these huge ski lift towers is tim norton. he's a helicopter pilot. he's the guy that comes in to dismantle these large lift towers in vail, colorado. check out the helicopter he's flying. >> what? >> does that look like any helicopter you've ever seen? >> no, it looks like it has two sets of propellers. >> this is a k-1200. it's built by command industries out of connecticut. built in 1994. came up with the idea of it.
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they call it the aerial truck. it's a workhorse. it's slow, but it was designed to lift. it does do that. >> the workers on the ground disassemble the tower until there's only about two bolts holding it together. tim flies in the big hook. the guys grab on to the rope, click it together. the guys undo the final two bolts, and up it goes. it's really pretty neat. it's something you don't see people doing every day. >> it's really amazing to see because you don't even consider it. you don't think about how this would even happen. to see it in action, like, wow. so that's how they do it. next time i'm on a chair lift, i'm going to appreciate that chair lift a lot more. chris young, last week you brought us a video about vvs. explain what that is. >> vertical video syndromsyndron people shoot vertically instead
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of horizontally. >> today's the day. first test of my homemade jet pack. >> homemade jet pack. of course we love video of that, right? well, it doesn't seem like this guy gets it. >> i should be filming this. >> first of all, he didn't have his phone ready. now he gets his phone out and watch. >> you're using a smart phone to take this video. >> what do you mean? >> when you use a smart phone to shoot video, remember to turn the camera sideways. >> they make it very easy for people to understand. >> when you turn your phone sideways, you get the full wide screen experience. >> they are tired of getting all these videos they have to edit into our pieces and they're all vertical. it drives them bonkers. >> if our camera was turned sideways right now, you wouldn't
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even know gail was sitting next to me because it would be vertical. all you'd see is me. >> or all you'd see is me. >> it pays to turn your phone sideways. >> that's a great saying. it pays to turn your phone sideways. >> the guy with the jet pack, our editor matt. and the web guy, that's konrad. >> we have to give a shoutout to todd and canadas and doug. they also worked on it too. >> i can really see the difference. so will everyone else. >> i have a feeling something like that is never going to happen again. tell me you got it. >> oh, man. that's going to do it for this edition of "right this minute. "have great rest of your day. see you tomorrow. -- captions by vitac --
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