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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 9, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT

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troutman. it is time for the best videos of the day "right this minute." a sand and surf fight with the crowd -- >> dumping beer on the officer, even hitting the officers with whiffle ball bats. >> one guy was off hitting like three cops in the face. >> see what turned a beach into a mob scene. the light rail train and the suv. >> can you guess what's going to happen? >> not again. >> yep. see what happens -- again. the king of the jungle is making history in the hospital. >> they've never seen anything like this on a lion. >> how modern medicine is saving
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the beast. and -- skiing on a door. are you thinking -- >> this is stupid. this is never going to work. >> door skiing -- "right this minute." our first video, with the story behind it. >> this is a new video but it is a scene we have seen before. this is a camera on a light rail in charlotte, north carolina. can you guess what's going to happen? >> not again. what, what, what? this is exactly the same thing we saw six weeks ago. >> this is exactly the same thing. >> it is a different intersection, but basically the driver of this vehicle trying to beat the light rail -- and you got it. there were about 19 people in the train. four were taken to the hospital as a precautionary measure but everybody seemed to be okay. >> it is very obvious through this video that the driver of that suv saw the gates go down and tried to go around them.
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big mistake because the car ended up getting smashed and thrown against that fence. and, yeah, this is a video we saw back in june of a 36-year-old woman who was basically doing the exact same thing just down the street. if that isn't unbelievable enough, get this -- that suv is actually out on the test drive from a nearby dealership. >> what are you thinking? >> see how much this car's got. you're going to love the pick-up. oh, wait -- not fast enough to get past this train. do they get a discount on this car? >> they get it as-is. they have to buy it like that. i have a video of some people doing something really remarkable. we got this story from the knoxville news sentinel. this lion is being wheeled into the university of tennessee college of veterinary medicine in knoxville. the lion has a cancerous
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melanoma on its face, and in this video, what we're seeing is the veterinarians and specialist performing radiation procedures on this lion in order to shrink the size of this melanoma tumor. >> i wouldn't imagine an animal that comes from a region where there's sunshine all the time would be susceptible to a skin cancer. >> that's why it's so rare. they've never seen anything like this on a lion. so this is going to be a part of a case study now. they'll publish about this because they've not seen it on a lion before. when they brought him down, the lion was laying down. was it because he was sedated? >> they do sedate him in order to transport him and to get him into the veterinary center. and that actually takes longer than the radiation procedure itself. but, the good news is, because of the treatment that they are giving this lion, they've seen the tumor shrink in size. it is almost half the size that it was when they first did the biopsy. >> there is a really cool story behind this.
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this was actually a rescue lion, rescued by a place called tiger haven which is sanctuary for large cats. when tiger haven rescued the lion, he was just a little curb. now they want to make sure that they continue taking care of him, so they are accepting donations. you can go on their website,, and you can contribute to help him get healthy. it is beach season. that means fun. supposed to mean soaking up the sun, relaxing. not supposed to mean this. at least in my opinion. >> usa! usa! usa! >> what? >> this is in south carolina. this video was obtained, while police are trying to arrest one man for disorderly conduct. police surround the police, are chanting "usa," eventually according to authorities, they start swearing at the police, dumping beer on the officers, even hitting the officers with
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whiffle ball bats. >> one guy ended up hitting like three cops in the face. >> pretty much everyone threw their beer on the cops. >> that's so weird and disturbing that they're chanting "usa," then assaulting these officers that are protecting us. >> this is all during a fourth of july sort of party that was going on at the beach. something like 4,000 people were on hand at the beach. only like 15 or so officers there to keep people in check. eventually with the help of some other deputies they did arrest a group of guys, men, ages ranging from 19 to 25, charges ranging from inciting a riot to disorderly conduct. in all, five officersere >> there wring this whole mess. one of them got tasered, the other guy got taken down by three cops. >> fists were flying, people were hitting the ground. a lot of people were highly intoxicated. >> we're seeing video of just one event but it sounds like the entire day was just a complete disaster at the beach. you're supposed to be having
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fun. >> usa! usa! the birds in massachusetts are just voracious. >> this family set up a camera and what they discovered, it wasn't birds emptying their bird feeder. it was a bear taller than six feet. tearing this bird feeder down. >> didn't it break them? >> last november they noticed one of their bird feeders was broken but they weren't sure what it is. now they know. this bear's got to hit up a bunch of birdhouses to fill himself up. there's just bird seed in there. he must be going all around town getting like a dozen of them. the population of bears in massachusetts has exploded. back in the '70s there was only about 100 bears. now there's about 4,000 bears roaming the woods of massachusetts. >> you're saying a lot of bears were getting busy, is what you're saying. >> in massachusetts. >> that, and also some new restrictions on hunting. that's also helping their
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numbers grow. officials say keep your yards clear of food and trash because bears are hungry. >> he looks happy. >> the birds are pissed. what are they going to do? a crazy cool adventure. literally. >> 1,500 miles on frozen river in the siberian wilderness. >> gear up for the ice run "right this minute." and, it's a show where this guy turns awesome hot rods into electric vehicles that have muscle! >> i like this idea. >> the man behind the machines is breaking it down.
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are you ready for another edition of "the best of rtm"? this is where we tell but bonus videos you can find on our website. >> this one is geren feuaranteet
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stuck in your head all day long. "count" is a music, she got done with a video shoot in l.a. she performed whitney houston's "i want to dance with somebody." it is an awesome street performance. ♪ oh i want to dance with somebody ♪ ♪ i want to feel the heat with somebody ♪ >> it is an acoustic version. check it out. head over to our website, -- >> and click best of rtm. it is called the ice run. this is about as hard of a task as you can get. 1,500 miles on frozen rivers through the siberian wilderness. sounds like a lot of fun. riding old-school euro motorcycles. >> of all the extreme adventures we see on this show, this is my least favorite, the one i'm least compelled to try. >> it's too cold. what if something goes wrong? motorcycle breaks down? >> all kinds of things go wrong.
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that's the point of these adventures. there's always people to help you out. watch what happens when one gets stuck in a snowdrift in the side of the road. >> what? >> you're trying to tell me there just happened to be a tank? >> they're in siberia. people have tanks. >> i did not know that. >> pulled him out. >> then they dance with ladies in red hats. >> i'm thinking maybe a lot of vodka might be involved in this. >> i love these big giant adventures but i hate cold weather. i'm not sure i would sign up for this one. the money that they raise for doing this rally goes to charity. >> nick, i think you'll need a napkin for this next video because you're going to start drooling. >> a new web series is about to come out which i think is made for guys like you. >> >> no, this is the other kind of thing that makes you drool. >> oh, cars.
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>> fast cars. this is about a new generation of speed. this new show is called high voltage hot rods. >> hi. we're going to take you inside the world of electric car conversion. >> he owns a garage that turns awesome hot rods into electric vehicles that have muscle. it sounds like the electric car but it's got the power of like a v-8 engine. >> i like this idea. >> do you compromise anything by making it electric? >> you know what? we should probably ask the guy who turns these hot rods lectric. we have andrete all right, andrew. can electric cars really be as cool as hot rods? >> actually, you can make them even faster. electric motor generates a huge amount of torque. as much torch on turn one as they do in turn 5,000. they're just wicked fast. >> what is the electric bill after charging one of these? >> actually, it is not that bad.
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it cost me about $3 to charge my car overnight. that gives me about 100 miles of range. >> $3? >> yes. it works out to about 3 cents a mile. try doing that with gas. >> andrew, what do you say to the real gearheads like our nick here that like speeds that roar -- >> you know what? that roar, you equate with speed because that's what you've been used to. that roar is no longer equated with speed. that high-pitched whine that sounds almost like a quiet jet engine, that's where the real speed is. >> you say these cars are quick. compare it. the original is like 0 to 60 in 2 1/2 second. >> right now my car does 0 to 60 in about four second. i'm only running the speed control at about 50% of its capacity. >> the first episode of your series is going to be about rebuilding or making a '55 t-bird electric? >> a '55 t-bird. it looks just like a '55 t-bird.
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we're going to take it to a new level. >> this series premiers when? >> talking late september. this dude is using a door as a wakeboard. it is either -- >> dumb, really resourceful -- or just plain impressive. >> you'll see which it is when you see how his ride turns out. and we've all been there trying to operate a smartphone. we'll explain the new technology to help
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at "right this minute" we love a good prank. >> dude, what the [ muted ]? >> this prank is called the wig from my own hair prank. this was performed by a guy named josh. josh cuts off his long curly locks. >> he gave himself a mullet along the way. >> he did the weird part -- he made a wig by gluing his own hair into the wig base to make it look like the hair he used to have. the beginning of this video is set to a song called "alf." >> doesn't look too bad. hopefully just looks like i had a haircut. >> texit looks like his hair. >> it is his hair. the prank was he was going to go around to all of his family and friend ant just take off his hair. he tells all of his family and
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friends, they are part of a video project. this part of the video is set to a song called "game boy tune." people are laughing about it. one lady actually gets a little freaked out. >> oh, my god! >> after he surprises everyone, he tells everybody, yeah, this is actually my real hair, which grosses everybody out. >> creep me out! >> but then strangely, everyone puts it on. this part of the video is set to a song called "triumph." >> what's cool is if he ever does lose his hair, he's got this wig. he just pops that thing on if he loses hair in like 30 years. >> that's a good point. if he gets a receding hairline, he can always remember his younger hairline. >> why don't we all do that just make wigs out of our own hair for now if we lose our hair? >> that's a brilliant idea!
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how do you make downhill mountain biking a little bit more extreme? do it on one wheel. >> a unicycle? >> that's right. one of the best unicyclers in the world, this is some pretty amazing athleticism. to ride down this terrain on one goofy little wheel -- and in those plaid shirts -- that's quite a mix when you are talking about an extreme sport. >> i want to say this is really cool, it takes a lot of skill to do this but it doesn't look as ol as moug.'t have the aggressie stance offer the handlebars. he can't do flips an stuff. he can going down the same trail though that they would on a downhill mountain bike. >> instead of going on the bridge, he went on the 2x4. >> his balance is unbelievable. >> it may even be more difficult than mountain biking but you are right, beth, it just doesn't
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look as cool. >> you think it looks as cool as a dude on a mountain bike? >> i don't think it looks uncool because he's doing all these incredible stunts with one wheel and no hand. >> he's hoping this video will help him get more sponsors so he can go to a conference of downhill unicyclists. i can't figure out if this next video is dumb, really resourceful, or just plain impressive. guy's going water skiing but dude is using what looks like a door from like his house. now at first you're like, this is stupid, this is never going to work. >> this is kind of like a wakeboard. >> i don't see any like straps for his feet or anything. >> but if you wakeboard you don't have feet straps either. >> that's a wakeboard. >> there's wakeboarding and wake skating. >> i've done it -- he doesn't have any feet straps. >> beth troutman, wake skater.
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>> anyway, back to the video, the boat starts moving and the guy gets up and his door/watercraft is working. working so much, he's even got time to fix his shorts. then look, he drops the cord, then he just kind of surfs on the wake here created by the boat. >> i think this is one of those guys who's just a really great skier. >> really great skiers sometimes see what else they can ski on. chairs, logs. >> looks like he chose to fall into the water. he could probably be skiing on this door forever. >> ooh -- yeah! a traffic stop for this little guy. >> aw -- bird crossing! >> a pigeon. >> yep. it's the little pedestrian pigeon that sparked a big debate. >> he was obeying the r
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we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now, peaches grown right here in california are just 77 cents a pound. get a super low price on tide. $10.99 for 100 ounces. yoplait yogurt is just 50 cents. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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in my mind, i just love what these guys can do. this video is some of the best moves i think i've seen. the guys are in london, in the uk. this guy is doing backflips uphill. walking downhill on his hand. guy's climbing walls, doing the old -- i think they call it the gorilla jump when they kind of leap over stuff. look at that, over a fence. the thing that impresses me a little bit more about this video is that it was all shot on nokia cell phones. yep. entire video was using two nokia
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lumia 900 phones, all part of a competition to give away a few of these phones. cool. i would say this constitutes as hard core park core. get your thumbs out. because it's time for -- what to do with your fat thumbs technology! have you ever had that experience where you're trying to use your smartphone while you're carrying a whole bumpkncf other stuff, your fat thumb gets in the way? >> you want to type something, you a though correct makes it something else. >> there's new technology that can help with that -- called fat thumb interaction technology. with this fat thumb technology, you can control your phone with the one hand just using your thumb. >> i would like to know how to get this and how the heck it works. >> we should bring in our fat
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thumb expert. hey! explain how this works. >> they can sense how much contact size your thumb is taking up on the screen. depending on what the size is, it can do different actions. if you're only using a small portion of your thumb, you can use it to drag a map around. if you put your whole thumb pad on the screen, you can zoom in or out. if you have an andre the giant thumb and your thumb covers the entire screen, you're pretty much screwed. >> that might help you out because have you more surface areto changesizes. >> is it something you donld? his is a research stat the univ. it is not actually an app out for sale yet. it is really cool, and the technology could be implemented in a variety of phones and apps. >> we give this a thumbs up. >> cool. there are all kinds of things that cause traffic disruptions in russia.
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check out the latest one. >> aw, bird crossing. >> a pigeon. >> he's got wings. he knows how to fly. >> but he's at a cross walk. >> he was obeying the rules and he was a pedestrian, so it was the duty of the driver of this car to slow down, and he did. and got a kick out of it. listen. >> smart bird. >> stupid bird! it can fly! why is it walking on the street? >> maybe it has injured wings. >> or maybe its wings were just tired. he's been flying all day. >> maybe he just flew in from las vegas, and boy, are his arms tired. not the most exciting video coming from russia that we're used to, but definitely
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different. >> leave jay walking for the blue jays. >> it is a well known fact pigeons and blue jays do not get along. that's it for our show, everybody. we do have one more video for you. even though fourth of july has come and gone, videos are still pouring in. this is a look at some fireworks from a different vantage point. enjoy it and we'll see you tomorrow. have a great rest of your monday. -- captions by vitac --
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